HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-4-17, Page 60V0Fd882n•-
lin time for th8loaxiy =sae) at
`a'15h0 lost," Sten Pllbilelling IleNee
Tunemate2 ST„ Bauseuoa, OUT.
Trains or BOFnaOnrrTI°N.-Ono dollar's
yew:, in advance. T teetlate to whi0h eveeY
et ecr pauses ps alis denoted by the data
ADVAIITIUND BAT118.*•-T40 foil owing rales
mal bo 011200ed to 111088 10)10 advertise by
the years-
alA014 1 E 8n, g ins• a'n"
Ous Column -.. p8R,00:88500 820.00
,,,,.,,. , 85,00 80,00 22.00
Quartan " 20,00 20.00 8.00
FaiBlibh a 12,1)2 8.00 0.02
Eight motto pet line for arse insertion, and
throe ones per 11.0 for each subsequent in.
gotten. All advertisements measured as
Nonpareil -.12 lines to the inch,
Business Dards, eight limes end under, 00
per annum,
Advertisements without spo01110 diroo.
done, will he tn0erted until forbid, and
charged seeordingll.
Instructions to obao1e or discontinue an
vAr,lsement intuit be left at the counting
room of Tan Poem not later Wan Tuesday
of eeeh weak Th.10 ie imperative.
V4r- y[i. Y ERR,
Editor sad Proprietor.
C>Dole in oh.
The net receipts of the benefit 00'10821
was 882.10.
St. George's church was prettily de-
corated on Easter Day.
The law library in the county building
is assuming a oomtorlable appearance.
Hilton Holmes, of2ioutreal, was spend.
ins a holiday term at the family resid-
ence, Colborne at.
Our old townsman, A. MoD. AIian,
bought out the hardware busiuese carried
on by Jas. Yates..
A. D, McLeod and H. Campbell, who
had been spending the Winter in town,
returned to Ashtabula to fit out a dredge.
Huron Lodge No. 62, I. 0. 0. T., will
celebrate the anniversary by attending
divine service on the 2311a inst., in North
int ohuroh.
aur__. It is surmised that before June ends
the Huron Bioyole Club of Godericb will
parade around the Square over e, hundred
strong, and the ladies will appear in very
large numbers.
A. J. Moore, of the Collegiate staff, had
a pretty close call. It appears that the
gentleman was reading in a closed room
while resting on a sofa, and that gas
escaped from the stove an such volume
as to render the reader insensible. For-
tunately the mishap was disoovered and
a doctor sent for. The Dl. D., who soon
had his patient on the mend, stated that
another hour with the gas would certain•
ly have meant death.
Recently a resident in St. George's
ward made the anwe100MS discovery that
a colony of skunks were domiciled be-
neath the dwelling. Almost as soon as
the discovery was made a dog was eeot
under the building to drive out the in.
tenders, but the result of the canine's
visit could not be ascertained beyond the
fact that a perceptible odor was felt and
smelled everywhere within forty rods.
Another attempt to drive the visitors oat
proving unsuccessful, a gun was utilized
and all that could be found killed. It is
supposed that the animals have been
some months ander the hoose.
A SS 0'2011 LAD'S FAITH.
I like the positive faith of that sailor
boy that Captain Judkins, of the steam-
ship Scotia, picked up in a burioane. "Go
aloft 1" said Captain Judkins, to his mate
"and look out for wreoke." Before the
mate bad gone far up the ratlines he
shouted, "A wreak, e. wreck I"
"Where away ?" raid Captain Judkins.
"Off the port bow," was the answer.
Life boats were lowered and forty men
volnuteered to put out across the angry
sea to the wreak. They Dame back with a
• dozen ebipwreoked men, and among them
a boy of twelve years.
"Who are you 8" said Captain ladling.
The answer Wes, "I am a Scotch boy.
My father and mother are dead and I am
on my way to America."
"What have you here?" said Captain
Judkins, as be opened the boy's jacket
and took hold of a rape around the boy's
"It is a rope," said the boy.
"But what is that tied by this rope an -
der your arm ?"
"That, eir, is my mother's Bible. She
told me never to lose that."
"Could you not have saved something
"Not and save that."
"Did you expect to go down ?"
"Yee, sir, but I meant to take my
m other's Bible down with me."
"Bravo I" said Judkins, "I will take
Dare of you."
A. camel can travel a hundred miles a
Diamonds have been discovered in fall.
en meteors.
There are nine kilted regiments in the
British army.
Every able bodied male in Norway has
to serve in the army.
Wild birds do not sing more than eight
or ten weeks in the year.
Presto acid is the most rapid pollen in
affecting the human system.
The division of the oloek dial into sixty
minutes originated in Babylon.
About 1000 servants are attached to the
Royal household of Great Britain.
Il ie estimated that at least 2,000,000
lbs. of rubber are aunually used for vole
The value of the British ships and oar.
gees lost every year at sea is about C20, -
Over fourteen millions aro annually
spent on tobacco and pipes in the Unit-
ed Hingdnm.
Eleetricity is used by the Queen's ser.
Tante for 000111ng dolieate dishes at Os-
The National Life Boat Institution hag
saved over 45,000 lives eines its establish.
meet in 1824.
Tho total cordage required for a first.
rate man-of-war weighs about eighty
tons, and exceeds .68,000 in veins.
Thirty thousand women spend their
lives in driving and steering the canal
boats in southern and midland England.
Eighty-one thousand passengers creased
the English Channel during September -
an increase of 18,000 over Raceme month
last year.
According to etatl0tloe jnet oolnpieted,
there are 0,786etealnereilyfng the British
flag , 810 the German, 510 the Norwelgian
and 503 the French.
Aatbgrities say that a fatalfall from a
mind at haute tvery rapidly for time, then
Anooeset0ilen002 engage..
The oast of a 2renell soldier hi stated
to ba Ander 420 a. year. Out of this emu
he reoelves about dry 1n the shape of pay,
and a little over t28 for rations,
"It i8 an ascertained foot," writes a
prison obaplain, "that there is 02araely a
habitual o intnalin the voA t1V who
not been imprisoned as a (Mild."
Over seventy million of sewing noodles
are made weakly in the town of Redditob,
where the most extensive needle maim•
fa0t0180 in the world are eitnat0d.
Salentine reeear01l ebowo bunt meats,
Ash, mills and other animal foods wet
three times more then flour, meal, and
other staple vegetable foods to get the
Sams 00tt'itf000 result,
The late Duke of Somerset devoted his
whole life praotioally to driving. At Due
time be used to drive a stage oath from
London to Oxford, dile at the Mille, and
then drive the night mail back to Lon-
Statistios of Stratford Presbytery,
Rev, W. M. Mcliibbou, of Millbank,
has gleaned a few foots from reports pre.
Dented at the last meeting of Stratford
Presbytery. He Saye :-There are 31
Sabbath Schools reporting within the
bounds of the Presbytery. In these
there are 354 oflioere and teaobere and
3,302 scholars enrolled. OE these schools
24 continued their work throughout the
year ; one was open eight months out of
the year ; one wee open seven months
four were open 0 months, and one was
open only 6 months out of the twelve.
Out of the whole number of 1)013000 e,
1,489 ate reported learning the shorter
catechism, and of these 110 committed
land recited) the whole catechism. There
is an aggregate average attendance of
about 1,000 scholars, in the diets of
public worship ; and there are 283 01 the
Sabbath scholars communicants. Forty.
seven elders assist in the work of the
Sabbath schools. The 31 schools 'raised
the sum of 81,312 during the year. Con-
gregations oontribnted for their respect-
ive schools an average of 8230. About
31,000 was expended for purposes eon.
neoted with the work of the achoole, and
about 8900 was cootribnted by the
schools to the schemes of the church.
There are ninoteea pastoral charges in
the Presbytery, in which there are 81
churches, Oue of these charges is with-
out a pastor at present -North Eastbope
and Hampstead. In the 81 charades of
the Presbytery there are sittings for
2,400 families under the care of the
Presbytery. The entire number under
pastoral oversight is about 12,000. Of
these about 5,000 are members in full
communion. The number of ruling
elders is 134. The sum of 317,500 was
paid daring 1805 in salaries of minister's.
About 83,400 was expended on churches
and manses -repairs and running seven.
see -and n little less than 810,000 for
other "incidental and congregational"
expenses. Between 35,000 and 80,000
were paid for the schemes of the church
and other benevolent purposes. Io all,
the payments for all purposes, (those
noted and others), amounted to a little
more than 833,000 during the year."
Tile Wise 'Ilan.
Gnnvooauns'r, Feb. 20, 1808.
2. M. McLeod, Goderiob.
Doan Sm. -After suffering for over a
year with pains in the stomach which
eventually passed over and down my
right aide, I consulted two doctors. I
was told that nothing could be done for
me, and to go to the Toronto hospital at
once, that I had an ulcer on the bowels.
I knew that there was a growth of soma
sort there. I swelled out like a barrel.
I could not eat, as I suffered intense pain
if I did. I understood my ease was one
for the knife, and expected nothing bat
the worst. Well, I was told something
will be done for you anyway. I left
home with the intention of going to the
hospital, but changed my mind when I
remembered Mrs. K. Morrison'e ease, and
that you cured her, and I went to Gode•
rich now two yrre ago next Mareb. I
had not eaten anything for 48 hours
when I got there, and I was weak and
exbaueted,could not go up the doorsteps
without asaistanoe. I remained five days
in Godericb. I did not believe I could Ise
aur,d. I took two large bottles of your
System Renovator and used two bottles
of E. A. MaLennan's Liniment. I could
eat and rest well before T left Godericb.
I was at my work es usual in two weeks
and since then enjoyed the best of bealth.
I have not been ao well for years, My
case was a surprise to all.
I am, Sir, yours truly,
S old by .las. Cox, Druggist, Brasseis•
f:',artrults00 Newla.
Lump•jaw is reported in the cattle of
Essex County.
Embro is working hard to secure a tele-
phone conneetion.
A baby -was born in Enlbro on Febru-
ary 20th last, that will not have a birth-
day for 8 years,
Burglars stole a full barrel of whiskey
from the store of Sam English of Ridge -
town the other night.
The towns of Essex, Amherreburg and
Harrow will be supplied with natural gas
from the South Essex gas fields.
The Dominion Artillery Association
met at Montreal and oonsiderod a pion
for sending a team to compete at Shoe.
Judge Andrews, of Quebec, has given
judgment for 8100,000, in favor of the
Provincial Governmeut against Ernest
u xas.-8111 cases of organic or sympathetic
heart disease relieved in 80 minutes and
gainkly Oared, by Dr. Agnew'° Cure for
the Heart. One dose uonvinoee. Sold
by G. A. Deadman.
At the OntarioEduoational Aeoociatlon
the other day John Dearness, Publio
School Inepootor of East Middlesex, was
elected President, It W, Doane and W.
2. Hendry being elected reapeetively Sec.
rotary and Treasurer.
No email objection which young folke
had to the old-time spring medicines was
their nauee0usness. In our day this
objection fa removed and Ayer's Same,
patilla, the moat powerful and popular of
!! all blood•purifiers, is as pleasant to the
palate me n cordial.
The Mayor of Galtllasoffered a reward
Of 000 for the gonvietion ,of a parson who
le omitting young ladles in the to10,
At Windsor Adolph 131neette was eon'
tonged 00 five years iu ltingeton Ponitou-
tlary for forging tbo name of William
Sweatt -pan to a Mortgage,
In gathering eggs tbo other night, Wm,
, Wilson, of Dereltam, eeanred one Which
weaeurod fn oiroumlerenoo 0 *heti by
7* inohes and weighed ball a pound.
The Government of Canada gabled to
Mr, Chamberlain offering a militia regi -
Ment for eervi0e in the Soudafi The
offer oro. to good ' on b l
g ()rooted atin ressi but mil.
not probably bauoeptod.
Superintendent Whyte of the10, 1,. It„
estimates that 0,000,000 bushels of wheat
is in Manitoba and western elevators
awaiting the opening of navigation, A
good deal of ft is still held by the farm-
OATA1t13An ou r,oeven IN 10 To 60 tummies, -
One short puff of the breath through the
Blower, supplied with each bottle of Dr,
Agnew'e Catarrah Powder, diffuses this
Powder over the surface of the nasal
passages. Painless and delightful to
use, it relieves instantly, and permanent.
ly °urea Catarrah, Hay Fever,'Oolds,
Headaoh 0, Sore Throat, Toneilitis and
Deafnese 00 Dente at G. A. Headman's,
The engine and Ave curs of the To.
route express were ditched on Saturday
morning near Perth and eight passengers
injured. Train wreakers were respon-
sible, a1) investigation showed that bolts
and fieh•plates hail been removed and one
of the rails broken at the end.
RELIEr ni Sax donna. -Distressing
noy and bladder diseases relieved in six
hours by the "Great South American
Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a
great surprise and delight on account of
its exoeecling promptness in relieving
pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and
every part of the urinary passages in
male or female. It relieves retention of
water and pain in passing it almost im-
mediately. If you want guiok relief and
OAre this 18 your rII.ody. Sold by G. A.
Deadman, druggist,
TWINS BOWE 10 a Sbzurgn.-Last Thurs-
day night, while the 0. P. R. Toronto
express was passing Havelock a Mrs.
Allen, a passenger, gave birth to twins, a
boy and a girl. A telegram was Thawed.
lately sent to Peterboro' instructing the
station agent to have a doctor in real'.
nese on, the arrival of the train at that
point. Dr, Bell woe on hand and report-
ed to Mr. Alien that hie wife and child-
ren were both doing well. The father
states that the little girl will bo called
Winnie in remembrance of the car in
which she was born, and the boy will be
christened Havelock.
IL G. Richardson
Is prepared to do all kinds of
work in his line.
Good Workmanship and
Good Fits Guaranteed.
Suits made for $4 and upwards.
i 'Sliop over 1icbloiran's Store.
The East Huron License Com-
missioners will meet ab the
Friday, April 17th, '96
At 1 O'clock p. an.
To take into consideration the
Applications for Tavern
Licenses for 1896.97.
The number of Hotel Licenses
granted last year in the Biding
was 21.
The number of Applications
this year is 21.
JeuosrowN, April 2nd, 1805.
Dress Goods.
We have Pine Linea to select from. In
Staple Dry Goode, Ribbons, Logos,
dm., we take no back soar eith-
er for Quality or Price.
Oar G scary' Department
Always contains a ohoioo end well kept
etook of the necessaries for the household.
For good Teas, Coffees nod Spices we
lead. Some people may blow herder but
We out -wind them when it acmes to
Your Patronage Solicited,
Agent for Parker's Dye Works.
Ta»tos L^. 220 /,otaon.
gy Sarna•.'
"I consulted doctors who pprescribed for
me, but to no purpose. I angered in spay
seven las, yearn, lrlu:tily,.I began wan
Ayees 8arsapafilla.' In a'week 01' two 1,
n0t100d a deckled hnproyemeet Amour--
ered, until
h thisso the a begaohel, a,
oiler using the Sarsaparilla for six maths,
the Last trace of the (fencer dleappoared!'-
JAlins 10. NSOaor,sou, );'loro.cOville, 0., B.
Mars only vosiballtllia
Admitted at the Worlri'e Bair.
4.1'.61'8 1�'ams1r+,.LB Regtause tip Botteas.
,4I?ItXI, 17, 1890
.dpe,.__And will Bring with it the
Sugar 1aKillg Seasoul
We are prepttrfed for it with a full supply of
Sap Buckets and Spires
A. Limited number of Spray Pumps for Spraying a y le
trees and small fruits, l i?
Call and Sas Ms and Cot Prions.
An Agreeable Laxative and NI911V03 TONIC,
Sold by Druggists or sant by Dfail, 200., 00o,
and 8100 per package, Samples free, j
Tho PavorIto TOOTH PROM 1
for the Tooth and Breath. 250.
Sold by JAS. SOX, Inrnsslst, Brussels.
Know What Yon Chew
4Is free from the Injurious coloring.
The more you use of it the better
you like It.
Well What 9
"Well I went the other day and
took my parents to BRUS-
SELS and while there we
strolled up to
R. R. IirclAer's
and had our Pictures taken,
and my parents are se delight-
ed that they had the luck to go
least that "Grim Monster,
Death" should come along and
gather them in. !Opportunities
once lost 0011 never be recalled.
Always Welcome at the Old Reliable
Photograph Studio.
Real Estate & Loan
Agent, - Brussels.
Money to Loan on Farm Secur-
ity at the Lowest Rate
of Interest.
Money Loaned on Notes and
good Notes Discounted. Sale
Notes a Specialty.
Fired Life Insurance Written.
Special Attention given to
°glee over Deadman ,• M C 11'sSStore,
In order to clear out what Fall and Win-
ter Goods we have in stock, we intend to
Bo now io your Chan,oe .'oz a Snap in
Ordered, Clothing.
Suits that Sold for $18.00, now $16.00.
We can make you up• -a First-class
all Wool Suit for ;'10.00.
Away Down in Price.
We do not intend to carry over
one yard of Winter Cloth if low prices will
sell them. Call and see that we mean
just what we Advertise.
ern°. cBain
of Toronto,
Established 1871
ON'1-�'y `•r•
•0 0 a
0 0 .
0 0
pe m
The Policy Contract issued by this Association is perfection itself,
It leaves nothing further to be desired. Rates and full infor-
mation furnished on application,
BRUMES. 1 YT n. IC11111, Agent; Brussels.