HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-4-3, Page 64Y'
6matoods 'goo
*Xs 1LTAAXd1;A0—
an time ler tbeicarly marls) at
"'file Post,! Stettin Pub11311in1 ltau0o,
rI,'. AR1inAnitY B ,, Paila0EL0, Oivo
TEENS Or &ODsnnrresen,—One dollar a
Year, in advance Theedete to which every
eubsortption is paid fa denoted by the date
On the address label.
Anvxwvxsxt;a TtO''As.—Tho following rata!
will be charged to these who adverein% by
erAOE 1 1 Ea, 1 B mo. I B 410
One 00lu010 900,00 500.00 620.00
Tttalt 00.00 20.00 12.00
Quarter " 20,00 12.00 8.00
Blghtli " 10.00 8,90 0.00
Eight cents per line for 5retinsertion, and
three omits per line for eaoh subsequeutin-
eertlon, All advertisements measured as
Nonpareil-121ines to tb a inch.
Business Cards, eight lines and under, 00
par annum.
Advertisements without speeifo diree-
ttons, will be inserted untilforbid, and
charged accordingly,
Instructions to change or discontinua an
advertisement must be left at the counting
room of Tim PORT net cater than Tuesday
of eaoh week Thle is imperative.
w_ 1<3. KERB,
Editor and Proprietor.
A Huronite in Argentina.
One fine morning towards the latter end
of June, that is well on towards the mid-
dle of winter here, I found myself on
board a river steamer bound for the
Province of Entre Bios. The steamer
was advertised to leave from a pertain
part of the city where I had never been,
and when Icame to go there I found some
difficulty in getting the right tram one,
on account of the dense stupidity of the
polios and my faulty pronunciation of
Spanish. However, after much reckless
waste of my usually serene temper and a
good deal more needless hurrying about
with a heavy parcel in my hand, I arriv-
ed at the landing stage some time after
the advertised time of leaving and a good
while before my luggage arrived by ex-
press wagon. Bait as the vessel did not
start for a couple of hours after I reaobed
it all my hurry and worry were for
All things come to those who watt and
finally we did get started. A friend in
the oity who knew the agent got me the
best deck berth on the boat and I must
say that 1 never was more comfortable
away from home even in a hotel. The
vessel was one of the Platense flotilla,
built on the Clyde and owned by an Eng-
lish company. I must say before going
farther that the accommodation could not
well be surpassed, everything considered.
Well we were started at last and soon
found ourselves steadily plowing out
across the broad bosom of the Plate end
Leaving Buenos Aires, looking its best in
the sunshine, behind us. Just near the
outlet from the docks we passed a vessel
which bad oome to grief the day before
through a collision, and a few minutes
afterwards we passed close to an Argen-
tine despatch boat Doming in. The day
wee bright and sunshiny and there was a
delightfully fresh breeze blowing over the
water that made one's blood dance. Un-
der these ciroumstan0es the Plate looked
almost like its Dame, which generally it
sadly belies.
I had been introduced before starting
to a young Argentina commercial travel-
ler who also was bound up the Uruenay.
He spoke a very little English, I spoke a
very little Spanish and we both under.
stood a little French, so we got along
At dinner I made the acquaintance of
the other passengers of whom there were
very few. The captain, a companionable
litt'e Englishman, sat at the head of the
table. Opposite me was a young Ger-
man who looked• jet like the pictures
you see in the magezin05 of Germanarmy
officers. He spoke English very well,
played the piano and could tell a good
story. Beside him on the same side was
a jolly fab old ealadero owner from up the
river, with his two little girls, and at the
other end of the table wore some people I
didn't get acquainted with and who got
off the same evening.
After a chat in the cabin and a turn
about the deck we turned in and when 8
awoke in the morning my commercial
friend was gone, having got off at Frey
Bentos, where is situated the great Seled-
ero at which Liebig's extraot of beef is
I spent a rather idle day for there is
not much to see, but I was much inter.
ested in comparing the appearance of the
two different Republics. The Banda
Oriental is rolling, and the river banks
are generally high and stesp, It feat it
is a very pleasant oeuntry to look at, but
the Argentina biters, as far as the eye can
reach, is fiat. The shore line; itself can
namely be distinguished on account of Here, for about two years, he followed
the numerous swampy islands wbioh line his trade with comparatively little sloe -
it and the great marshes in some places neon, wben be suffered a sesere attaok
which are half water and half land, not which left him, until a few months ago,
in any seise of the term "terra firma." a martyr to that kaleidoscopic disease.
The River Uruguay is a magnificent Mr. Robbins recovered somewhat after
one, broad and deep until you get up as weeks of idleness and went back to the
far as Salta, where the navigation be. types, but again and again he was laid
comes difficult and dangerous. It sap. up, wonting only about six days a month.
ports quite a traffic, as there are no rail. Gradually be grew worse, and atmost dis-
ways whish compete with the river route oouraged entered the Sisters hospital.
for the through raffia in freight, and be- After spending many went}, months
sides revered lines of good steamers, large within its walls be woos discharged with
number of schooners and even square the awful verdict "incurable.', Mee
rigged vessels constantly ply upon it. from a same of duty than hope be tried
There are several good towns on its other hospitals in the city but with the
banks, the principal ones being Uruguay same resale and resigned to his fate be
and Concordia on the Argentine shore, left for his old loom', where Ire arrived in
and Paysandu and Salto on the Oriental 1803, a crippled tesemblanceof bis former
aide. At Paysandu there is a fine broad se.f, and was passed unrecognized by his
stretch of coater, in whiah a large number former friends, Rete in the leu -e of his
of vessels were at anchor. Uruguay was abhor, James W. Bobbins, he Ives bed -
at one time the capital of the Province ridden until the anmmer, and titondnriing
of Bntrs Rios, but the seat of the Provin- the warm days was able to walk about
oat government is now at Parana on the with the aid of a spiked cane for a few
Parana river. However, Urogaay is still minutes at a time. When the cold wees
a thriving town and has the beet mole on they appreaubod, however, bo was again
the river, a fine iron structure, but a confined to the house. Pine Pills were
schooner Bailed through it one day and frequently recommended to Mr. Robbins,
at the time I was there, a considerable and in Deoember la•t he started to take
while after the mishap, it was not yet them. The first box was uono,ia•able
fixed. Near this town the great Hebrew but the seamed produced a slight change
philanthropist has an agricultural colony for the better. More were then taken
which is said to be in a very flourishing and the improvement was deify hailed
condition these Jews, contrary to the with joy by his friends. The rheumatism
popular belief, making voter good and slowly but emelt, left and has not since
thrifty farmers. We had a number of rebureed. In Marsh last Mr, Robbins
them on the steamer from Buenos Aires was once more at work and has mgt lost a
to Uruguay, BB second aloes passengers. day slime ; the sane has long since been
They were dirty but well dressed and ap. discarded and"Ed." is one of the heeltb-
perentiy comfortably off. fest and jolliest employees in the office.
Some distance farther up we came up- Mr. Robbins is well known in the county
on a couple of ideally eitnabed homes, oil and indeed throughout the whole district,
thgt baXtk et the river: I doubt ;if Metal i and although, as he says, he hoe not got
the liereelee yet, Bink ,Lille have given
bine for a br1Oing coat the relief be spent
hendreee of dolls in vein trying to ewer°,
Ile considers the disease aontpletoiy out
out of hie eystem and Can eat and Bleep well
two edeentiat pelma to good health. 11;'`r.
,bobbing strongly reaommeide thie won,
derfui medicine to ether sufferers,
,pr, Williams' h?ink Tills strike at the
root of the dieoese, driving it from the
eyetem and roaring the peeled to health
and strength. In caws of paratysls,
spinal treueleslecometor ataxia,
rlPunzabiem,erysipelas,sprofu1 Detroi
les, eto., these are superior to all other.
treatment They are oleo a specific) for
the troubles which make the lives of so
many women a burden, and speedily re-
store the rich glow of health to Ballow
obeelas. Men broken down by overwork,
worry or excess, will find in Pink Pills a
oeetain Duro.
Sold by all dealoro or sent by mail,
poet paid, at 50 Dante at box, or six boxes
for 62.50, by addressing tlleDe. Williams'
Medicine Company, Brockville, Ont., or
Schenectady, N. Y. Beware of imita
lions and substitutes alleged to be "just
as good,"
General .News.
Robert Anderson, a wall -known capital-
ist of Montreal, is aeaa,
Judge Woods, of Obatham, delivered
sentence on the colored boy, Jas. Parker,
who was recently aonvioted on his own
admission, of stealing a horse from a
South Buxton farmer, Parker got four
years in the penitentiary.
uTEo.—All oases of organic or sympathetic,
heart disease relieved in 30 minutes and
goiokly aural, by Dr. Agnew's Cure for
the Reart. One dose convinces. Sold
by G. A, Deadman.
It may save you time and money to be
informed that, when you need a blood:
purifier, Ayer'e Sarsaparilla is the kind
most in favor with the mediae' profession.
iee the standard and, as snob, the only
blood -purifier admitted at the Chicago
World's Fair.
Nineteen hundred dollars was found
sewed up in the clothing of Margaret
McPhail, at Olearville, Kent County.
When her relatives took the money to
the bank it was found that 0225 of the
amount was of defunct banks of Oanada
She must have been saving her money
for 28 years.
OATAlma1I 10ELnOVJID IN 10 To 60 MN OTES.—
One short puff of the breath through the
Blower, supplied with eaoh bottle of Dr,
Agnew's Catarrah Powder, diffuses this
Powder over the surface of the nasal
passages. Painless and delightful to
use, it relieves instantly, ani permanent.
ly cures Catarrab, Hay Fever, Odds,
Reattach s, Sore Throat, Tonsilitie and
Deafness 60 cents at G. A. Deadman's.
As Mitchell Mountain, farmer, 3rd con.,
Biddulpb, was about to retire for the
night Thursday of last week, a seedy
looking tramp knoalced at the door for
admittance, and boldly asked to remain
all night. Mr. Mountain stepped out.
Bide to inform him that he was not in the
habit of keeping such customers, when
the tramp seized him, thinking, no doubt
to rob the man, but he was mistaken in
his man, being an Irishman and well up
to cellar and elbow. After a desperate
struggle he overpowered the tramp and
dumped him out several yards from the
door in snow drift, when he was glad to
make his escape towards Tesborne.
Rimer IN Sex Houno.—Distressing
ney and bladder diseases relieved in six
hours by the "Great South American
Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a
great surprise and delight on aoaount of
its exceeding promptness in relieving
pain in the bladder, kidueye, back and
every part of the urinary passages in
male or female. It relieves retention of
water and pais in passing it almost im-
mediately. If you want quick relief and
cure this is your remedy. Sold by G. A.
Deadman, druggist.
Four little girls, wearing tam o' shan-
ters, were before Judge Ernst, Roohester,
N. Y ., charged with being pickpockets.
They all attend No. 3 school. They all
confessed to having been in the business
for several months. Their plan was to
visit large stores, pick out richly dressed
women, locate her pocket, crowd about
her and extraat her purse. One of the
girls, to explain how they operated, used
the matron at the police station as a
subject, pinking a puree from her dress
skirt pocket before she eoaroely knew. A
detective said be suspected one of the girls
of stealing a purse in Fahey's store a
week ago, and book hold of the child,
whereupon a woman present said ib was
a shame to accuse the child, and let her
go, feeling cheap. Here one of the
youthful prisoners interrupted :—"Yes,
and Maggie bad two pooketboolte up her
sleeve at the time." All the children
said their parents had no knowledge of
their stealing. They were remanded to
the shelter for a hearing Friday.
altosr places for a residence could be found
even on the beantifni nucleon, than one
qr two 1 saw on the Qriental side of the
Uruguay. though to be sure the South
American river lacks the mquntain scan'
cry, One of thgee pieces was an old
white house surrounded by Ane tress, sit.
noted on a high mutt overlooking a shin.
ing expanse of the rivet', 'while at one side
was a beautiful little natural port or nova,
with a nine beach. '.,his plaas,the cap-
tain told me, is owned by a young Sootoh.
o t
man who tri 50 000 id for the
w dg 4
F ,. g F
u o land.
i =sling 1 of party, which c,4 is P 4f a league
This would be at the rate of about 68.00
per more, a high price in South America,
Land across the river in Argentina brings
only about a.third of that or a little mare.
I don't know why there should be thie
difference except that land in the Banda
Orientalis held principally by wealthy
families so that it very seldom gets on the
market at all. Consequently only those
who can afford to pay a high price for
pleasant and picturesque surroundings
and good eosicty buy there.
We had expeated to get into Concordia
that night, but when we got near it the
pilot did • not oars to take the responsibii'
ity of running through a dangerous place,
as there is there, up to the town, and the
anchor wee dropped for the night. There
were only the captain, the young German
and myself left et dinner time, but we
managed to put in a nosy and pleasant
evening with mesio, story telling, eto.
Very early in the morning I was arous-
ed up bo go ashore. It was raining a
little and not very pleasant. My fellow
passenger had already gone over bo Salto,
on the other side of the river. I bade the
jolly little captain good-bye, and stepped
into a shore boat, my baggage being
handed in after me. There was nothing
of Ooneordia to be seen except a muddy
looking' beano" or levee, and a hill on
which was perched the custom house.
The landing stage was a very primitive
affair, consisting of a couple of planks.
But notwithstanding these rather unpre-
possessing signs, the river was full of
craft, and there seamed to be a thriving
trade. As I landed I was besieged by
cab men, and my baggage rues taken for-
cible possession of by an old porter, but I
finally got safe into a haok, which took
me and my baggage to the "Hotel Cor-
ona, a hostelry kegb by a Scotch widow
lady, with a Spanish Americanized fans•
ily, most of whom could talk L`aglish,
but much preferred Spanish. However,
the "Vinda" Patterson cuss very good to
me, and after I had breakfasted sent one
of bee boys out to find my employer's
agent, so that I might report my ar-
A. 'Typo's Release
The Case of E. F. Robbins, of OTeliaml—A
Sufferer for Seventeen Years—Ills Case
Resisted the Treatment of the Best
Hospitals and he had beeomo a 1'hysl•
end Wed.—Ells Wonderful Release,
Frain the Welland Telegraph.
The world to -day is both commercially
and scientifically inoliued towards system,
and news like everything else, is gathered
systematically. Every newspaper has its
staff of reporters to observe and collect
the news of its particular locality or dis-
trict. For some time past a reporter of
the Welland Telegraph bas been watch-
ing the development of a treatment for a
serious case of rheumatism on one of the
employees of that institution. About
eighteen years age, Mr. E. P. Robbins,
while at work in the Telegraph printing
office, was suddenly seized with sharp
pains alt over the body, accompanied by
extreme swellings. He reached home
but a short distance from the office. with
difficulty, and on the doctor being oalled
he pronounced it inflammatory rheums.
Giem. For seven weeks be laid in bed
under oars of the gest physician, and at
the end of that time be was again able to
resume his duties. During the next few
years he was subject to frequent slight
attacks, and finally thought a change of
location might be benefioial. With this
idea Mr. Robbins visited the different
American cities, sometimes in good health
and again unable to get out of bed, until
in 1888 be finally settled in New York.
White Star Line.
ROYAL MAIL STeinsair8.
Between New York and Liverpool, via
QUeenstown, every Wednesday.
As the steamers of this Lino carry only a
strictly limited lumber in the 11110511 and
eEootm 0.tmN accommodations, intending
passengers ars reminded that au early an -
'dictation for' berths is necessary at this sea -
on. For plans, rates, els., ap ply to
W. I—I. Kerr,
Agent, Brussels.
t . Rioliardson
Is prepared to do all kinds
work in his line.
Good Workmanship and
Good Fits Guaranteed.
Suits made for $4 and upwards.
Shop oyot• IliclIervdn's Store.
Charles .1 Hatching/,
Bice Headache
Ay es ills
'I was troubled a longtime with siolr
headache, 1 -tried a good many remedies
reeonimoatled for this complaint; but 11
was not 011th -I
Began taking Ayer's Pills
that I received permanent benefit. A
single box of these pills freed me from
headaches, and I am now a well man."
—C. 11. If uTciiixas, East Auburn, Me.
Avvardod Modal at World's.Fair
4rte,•'s ,10 t 1 "*.a in the .feat.
••I t.
t.�' e atm" 'r slKllg ,+.
(� ;ju5.
Co s,-r'1P ',rld1'
`t.INDIGES'TION;DtxZ 0.1E SS.rr.it• Erlup:TioN's
BEAUTtFiEiS`�'� Cijlvlif?'THIELiE.tl�i7'.Nt',;
YT-0tFolr"acAS- t5WILL NOT cuaE j,
An Agreeable Laxative and N1011YE TONIC.
Sold by Druggists or sent by Mail. 25e., lOo.,
and 81.00 per package. Samples free.
for the Teeth and Breath, 218.
0eld by .DAB. 0016, Dniester, It 1'Ii551:1.K.
Know k
Wliat You Chew
Lo free from the Injurious coloring.
The more you use of it the better
you like it.
Well What f
"Well I went the other day and
took my parents to BRUS-
SDLS and while there we
strolled up to
R. R. Brover's
and bad our Pictures taken,
and my parents are so delight.
ed that they had the luck to go
least that "Grim Monster,
Death" should come along and
gather them in. [Opportunities
once lost eon never be recalled.
Always Welcome at the Old Boilable
Photograph Studio.
H. R. BP11E Y EB
Real hstate & Lan
Agent, - Brussels.
Money to Loan on Farm Secur-
ity at the Lowest. Bate
of Interest.
Money Loaned on Notes and
good Notes Discounted. Sale
Notes a Specialty.
Fire d Life Insuranoe Written.
Special Attention given to
Oleo over Deadman & MoOali's Store,
II 14Vil,
Arun 8, 1890
And will Bring with it the
Soar IaUni Seasollg!
We are prepared for it with a full supply of
Sap Buckets and Spites
A. Limited Dumber of Spray Pumps for Spraying apple
trees and small fruits.
Call and Seo Goods and Got Prices.
In order to clear out what Fall and Win-
ter Goods we have in stock, we intend to
O l-1 11' AT COST,
So now is your Chance for a Snap in
Ordered Clothing.
Suits that Sold for
18.00, now
We can make you up a First-class
all Wool Suit for $ 10.00.
Every thi: .g
Away Down. in Price.
We do not intend to carry over
one yard of Winter Cloth if low prices will
sell them. Call and see that we mean
just what we Advertise,
no.c + •f aim,
Established 18
Pc gEtG
1 .0 �, {f1
oar. Oo m
0a o
P 000
�,tt,, O O
PafC�Ltn.5 O O
0 0
The Policy Contract issued by this Association is perfection itself,
It leaves nothing further to be desired, Bates and full infer -
=Hon furnished on application.
W. II. 10ER i►, Agent, Brus$els.
„k„ .a
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