HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-4-3, Page 3.A,rztIL 3, 3,$9ii eine aten:ellneldr tl rMinea tfelineennintl awrtvre r steenn,uttmrmv etren armee. Town ikrecto . Mune/Met 01,1000.—Sabbath Sorvioee at 11 a en and 7;00 p, m, Sunday Sobered at 2180 p m. Rev, Jobe Bees, B eta B. 3011n"3 0sunelz,—Sabbath Servide at 11 a In and 7 p m. ' Sunday Sohoo at 2.30 p. en. Bev. ..1S, Griffin, inoum, bent, Unethelese 0utlneu.—Sabbath Servioes at 10;80 a m and 7;00 p m, Sunday 040o1 at 2;30 p rn, Rev. G, Ii, Cobble, dick, M A, I3 D, pastor, Routh OA'rnOLte 0111711011,—Sabbath Service third Sunday in every month, ab 10;80 a M. Bev Joseph Kennedy, priest. Senvemlbi Anon. --Service at 7 and 11 a m and '3and 8 p rn on Sunday and every evening in the week at 8 o'olook, at the barraoke, ODD Fermows' Lams every Thursday evening, in Graham's block. Memo Dooms Tuesday at or before full moon, in Gariield,blonk. A 0 iJ W Donets en the 3rd Friday evening of each month, in Bina - hill's block. O 0 I' Loves „end and last Monday evenioge of each month, in Blaebill's Moth. I 0 1', 2nd and last Friday in Odd Fellows' Hall.. L 0 L 1st Monday in every month in Orange Hall. SONO or SCOTLAND, iet and 8rd Tea - days of each month, in Odd Fellowe' Hall, K, 0. T. M. Lopan, 2nd and 4th Tea - days of each month, in Odd Fellow's Hall. Home Oman, 2nd and 4th Friday even. Jago in Blaehill'e Hall. POST Osnl0e.—Of8oa house from 8 a. m. to 0:30 p. m, Mumma' Ins vvnTA.—Library in Retina' block, will be open from 6 to 8 o'clock p. m. Wednesdays and 8:80 to 6 and 6 to 8 Saturdays. Mies Miuoie 114o. Naughton, Librarian. Tome Couraoxn,—W. H. Kerr, Reeve ; Geo. Beaker, Robert Graham, B. Lea. therdale and 11. G. Wilson, Councillors ; I'. S. Scott, Clerk ; Thomas Kelly, Treasurer ; D. Stewart, Assessor and J. T. Roes, Collector. Board meets the let Monday in enoh month. Soma BOARD.—Rev. Rose, (obairman,) D. 0. Bose, Dr. Graham, A. Reid, A. Koenig and H. Dennis; Seo. -Trona., 1i,. Ross. Meetings 2nd Friday evening in eaob month. PuDL10 SCHOOL TEACHERS. -7. $. Oam• eron, Principal, Miss Linton, bliss Downey and Miss Ritchie. Boum os L zn: Reeve Kerr, Clerk Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and J. N. Kendall. Dr. McNaugbtou, Media,tl Health Officer. "Becalm I'm weals," she made reply ; ,"8hoeld you insist 0n kissing me, rill ours that I Could not Mast." An hitt 'fentlisler'e Maxims. a Ae driving a horse ie something that almost everyone has to do, even in this day of elaotriaity and steam and bieyelee, says )oetb (ompanion; the proper way tie drive e, horse le a matter of euivereal interest, and the fotlowingmaxime, whish aro the worn of the old driver, will be found ueeful for mon as well al for the auimale • The more whip, the Jose boraemanehip. Bad tempered driver—bad tempered team. Axle -grease modifies the grain bill. There are more balky drivers than balky horses. The golden rule applies to horses as mash as it does to men. Whips, like emetine, are to be used very Beldom, A horse's power ie proportionate to his food, Five cents invested in sugar is better than a dollar invested in whips. He who cannot govern himself cannot govern heroes, A HORROR. As silent as the shades of night That steals across the plain, He cones ; all careless in his flight Of lima') joy or pain. And, though you deftly choose your way, Your course he's sure to strike— This fearfni creature of diemey, The wobbler on a bike. Than in the crash, what eloquence Exhausts its phrases terse ; When you have checked your worde in- tense, To think of something worse, A shook more florae than all the rest Your senses sets awbirl— Tbe wobbler whom you thus addressed Turns out to be a girl. MAN AND HIS SHOES. How math a man is like his shoes For instance both a soul may lose. Both have been tanned ; both are made tight By cobblers ; bath get left and right. Both need a nate to be complete, They both need beating ; oft are Bold And both in time will turn to mould. With shoes the last ie Arat, with men The drat shall be the last, and when The shoes wear out—they're mended new, When men -wear out—they're men dead too 1 They both are trod upon, and both— Will tread on othere, nothing loth— Both have their ties and both incline When polished, in the world to shine ; And both peg out, now would yon choose To be a Ulan or be his eines ? TRUE PHILOSOPHY. When the sun was blazin' and blisterin' down He'd crass Ia legs say • — "Ifiere'e what I hold ;—If the weather was cold We wouldn't be makin' hay." When it rained three weeks, with never a stop, An' folks for the sun went wiahin', Re'd sorter smile, and say, "Arter awhile They'll be powerful lots o' itahin'." When the engine jumped an' the train was ditched, An' the folks by the wreck surrounded, He nays, says he, "If we'd been at sea Reckon we'd all got drowued. An' when they told him the jig was up An' he'd,die some time or other, He says, says he, "Mighty glad ft'e me, For it might er been Molly or mother." A GENTLE HINT. Within the parlor eat the pair, Just after tea ; He ooatipied the realm; °hair, The sofa she. The light upon the mantle burned With cheerful glow ; The lover was not the one who turned The lamp down low. He eat and tnnsed; with furtive glaooe The maiden eyed The silent, bauble! youth askance And softly sighed, At length she spoke, while to her brow. The color flew "Pd feel relieved if I were now As big as you." "You would nob look so steeod," said ho, "'But tell me why You'd feel relieved if yon 001116 he An big as I." KERNELS. Milk is the mostvalnable of all liquid diets, In a mile of railway there are about 2,112 sleepers. Italy exported 480,000,000 dozen of eggs last year. There are in England and Walee 14, 900 football olnbe. Nearly 60 per cent. of the property of England is insured. The London people are computed to spend £1,200,000 daily. In Italy thirty persone out of 10,000 die by the assassin's knife. For every inch of stature a healthy Briton should weigh 2,301 Ib. Postage stamps are gummed with a sterol) paste made from potatoes. In proportion to their size spiders are 08v80 times stronger than lions. Of the twentyaieveo (Royal families of Europe, two-tbirdeare of German origin. A simple remedy for hiccough is a lump of sugar saturated with vluegisr.. Fifteen rays }were required for the first serew-eteamer to oroee the Atlantic. The sound of a syllable moves through the atmosphere 1,110 feet a second. It used to he s,superstition that °oral became pule when those who wore it were ill• At a recent water drinking contest in Paris, the winner drank no leas them twelve quarts! The "newest thing out" in Loudon's world of "ewelldom" is a "hand -painted ebirt front. To keep a racehorse in even moderate condition, with proper attendants, costs £320 a year. It is a groan breach of etiquette for a Chinaman to wear eye glasses or epeote. Dies in company. The ordinary Indian native is not a monied indivi al do Two pomade is his average annual income. The brain of an idiot anteing much less phosphorus than that of a person of avenue mental powers. The Queen's favorite English composer is Sir Arthur Sullivan and her favorite song is "The Lost Chord." Ninety thousand boys and men are solely engaged in the occupation of fishing round the comets of Great Brttxie. It is computed that no lees thea £16, 000,000 are annually spent on Sunday drinking alone in the United Kingdom. Patmiste state that people with long palma are amiable and good-natured, hav- ing little taste for oontradietion or oriti- oism. It is estimated that fully two-thirds of the whole amount of public money held by the London banks does not bear in- terest. The speaking watch invented by a Gen- eve. oloukmalrer, ie an application of the phonograph to the old-fashioned repeet00. No two birds fly in the same manner, the style of the flight depending upon the texture and form of the wings, feathers and tail. Three thousand girls were taught to swim during last year in the London school which have made this pastime a branch of education. It is stated by the attendants at the London Zoological Gardens that no ape will sleep flat on its back, as adult man often does. Underpronnd London has 8,000 miles of sewers, 84,000 miles of telegraph wlree, 3,200 miles of gas pipes, and 4,500 miles of water mains. Acc•)rding to the Commander-in-obiof of India, 50,000 out of 70,000 men com- posing the Army have been sent to the hospitals within two yeara. This season big salaries will be paid to M. Jean de Reezk Md me. and Mme . Melba, the former receiving £300, and the Ane• tralien songstress £260 a year. The most curious paperweight in the world is said to belong to the Prince of Wales. It is the,mummifled hand of one of the daughters of Pharoah. A French woman who had logit her lip as had another one supplied by an ex - at Burgeon, who book the needed pleas f flesh from the arm of his patient. An authority states in a medical jonr- nal that the height of a very tall British woman was, fifty yeare ago, five feet seven, while now the height averages five feet cis to five feet ten. The hippotamus has nothing to corn - lain of with respect to Nature having mated him stingily in the way of thick. eee of akin. Certain parts of his bide train a thickness of two inches, Dramatists in France get 13 per cent. f the gross receipts of earth play, and are llowed tioltate to the value of 100 femme for every performance of spall plays as they have written. Vivo and one-half tons of diamonds, allied at from £80,000,000 to 110,000, 00, have been taken from the famous imberley, death Africa, diamond mina the their discovery in 1871, There are doors in soma ,old houses in olland whish were, in former days, ever used except for weddings and fun - mem After the bride and grain bad nosed, the door was nailed up to await the next thermion, h p 0 0 K sf H e p RHNonreTlent 0171teD IN A Der.—South Antedate .Rhouneatio Cure for Mumma, tithe and Neuralgia radically puree in 1 to 8 days. Ito notion upon the system is remarkable and mysterious, 16 re. moves at once the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Warranted by G. A. Deadman. TEE URUSSRLS InnOWZMT A GAMS OP N0NSIMSE, I ane going to deeot'iho a game that cap• Heated my youthful heart 1008 wllioh I have rooallo6 with smiles many and many 10 time. I never have metwith lb 011 the game pallor of our toy shops; hence I aryl led to think it has"gone out," and the only way to present it la td write a new set of garde essential to the playing of it. I have dotal thio and here offer, if not a new genie, Qertainly it new version Of this "harsh game" or whatever one may eali it, Following you will find live Bete of worde and groups of words, numbered oonesoutively, Get a peekage of oarda-- blank visiting Dards to be had of the alationere will enema well—and write all the phrases and words eadh on a separate card, Then arrange them to correspond with the lista here shown, making five packs of 12 cards each. Inscribe No. 1 op the hooka of the first set No.2 on the second, eto„ for future identification, This done the game pr0oeeds as follows Hold the live sobs of dards, and beginning with No. 1 the oarda are laid upon the table in their order, until the five have played. Then one reads aloud the sem tenoee produced by the line of earths—and nonsense indeed ft usually is 1 Ofoouree the oar* in each set are shuttled about to alter the order of their appearance, after each game, and the oombinatiou eeeme endless, providing an evening's amusement of which I used never to tire,. Different worde and phrases may be in. troduoed and even better or worse com- binations arrived at. By way of Matra. tion 1 will try a few and reword the reed. ing of the lines as they appear : A red-headed billy goat papered with the deeperatebutter keg. A obielren.breasted hyena jumped over the long-hniredrolling pin. A reckless bean•pot sauteed a gentle monkey -wrench. LIST 1, UST 2. A rooklese bean -pot A pretty home -obese ut A strong-minded baboon A red-headed hyena An irritable ebiaken-coop A warm-hearted mince -pie An old.faahioned wash -tub A sensitive ooal.hod A left-handed ironing -board A quarrelsome pumpkin A chicken -breasted billygoat A nervous cow LIST 3. LIST 4. jumped over chased ran around flew at capered with wept Over ran away with tinkled embraceu laughed at made merry with belabored a gentle minded the deeperete the bungry the beautiful an irrepressible the lone hatred the fragranb the corpulent the deceptive the kindhearted a long-tailed a bold 0I00 5, kitten eat rolling -pin mousetrap loafof o& bread butter -keg crab rat dining -table porou ine bunch of radishes monkey -wrench When the older reader gets mind -weary with the serious work of life, let him pause a little while and try my remedy for it, play this game of nominee. ]Exeter, W. II. Dearing has provided himself with a handsome new milk wagon letter- ed on either side with gold bronze with the inecription'Pure Milk." A number of youths in town are mak- ing a practice of visiting the hennery° in town and purloining the egga and dis- posing of the same to merchants. Ernest MoTnggart, son of Peter Mc- Taggart, of Ueborne, while playing at school unfortunately bad his leg broken. Some person or persons stole Fred. Knight's thoroughbred imported collie. The revival meetings closed on Sun- day night in the Main Street Methodist church. These meetings have been very helpful to the congregations. A large number (about 110) went forward, sought and found salvation during the past seven weeks. One of the most disgusting eoeuee, which would cause the blush of shame to rise to the cheek of any of the fair sex, was witneeeed on our streets Sunday. A certain woman of Stephen township, who we believe, makes a practice of indulging in a superabundance of lire water, drove into town just as the people were going home from ohurab and by ber unseemly oonduat attracted emelt attention. She visited several public plaoee, and not be- ing able 10 get her wants fulfilled, start. ed out to make her presence known on the beak streets, where she rambled aronud and by her oarelese driving was upset several times out of the cutter and had to be helped back again by the enriou8 crowd which by this time had assembled, Eventually she started for ber home and bee not been heard from since. Snell unbecoming conduct by ode of the weak- er sex is ridiculous and a disgrace to any civilized oommurtity. The rapidity wibh which croup develops aalle for instant treatment ; and yet few households are prepared for its visits. An admirable remedy for this disease is Ayer's Chary Pectoral. It has saved hundreds of lives and should be in every home whore there are young children. IU' NOTICE OF OVAL Having purchased a shop on Thomas St., 0 1posito'the Queen's Hotel stables, 7 wish to notify my old customers and as massy new ones as may favor me with their patronage that ! have removed to my new stand. Soliciting a shale of business from the public, guaranteeing satisfaction, J remain, Sy T. num, General Blacksmith & Horseshoer Inik lamas 0 -"1 Best for ' asIa Day —_ Z'or quick and easy work Por cleanest, sweetest and whitest clothes Stogies h best` rest for Every Day For every use about the thouse Surprise works _ best and cheapest, - 510 for yourself. igathaMiiimmem D/IcLO D'S System Ilen.ovator ANI) 0TJIP.n TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, palpate• tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur. algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con- sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. 'Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De. bility. LABORATORY CODERWCH, ONT, J. M. MOLE OD, Prop. and Manufacturer, Sold by JAMES FOX, Drn gist Brussels. -9 NONE/ TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 6i Per Cent., Yearly.. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when. required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Clovmt Clerk, Brussels, Fall I have a fine, new and well selected stock of 01.1E MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY 9011 MAN OR BEAST. Certain in ire effects and never Misters. Head proofs below: KENCALL'S SPAVIN CURE. 30021,_oaraoeo llondersoO00.,04,,lo1,20,'88. Dr. D. J. liblam t Co. Dear Mrs -Please send me one or your Horeo Iton,,1iaii°sS amaCurewithdgood.00(000ssl ityisa )ronderfnl medfalnb. 1 once Lada mare 10011,0 an Ocean, Spavin and ave bottles cured Ler. 1 keep a bottle on Land all the time, Yours truly, 00As. PowPJ,L, KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. 02t0Tae, bio., Apr. t, •a:, Dr. n, 0, Heaaatn 00, Dear Slrs-I 11.00 used several battles of your Koadall's Spavin Ouro" waif much 0000000, I think it the best ISnimont I ever tined.2)0000.rtoeed0ne 0„rb, one Maned recommended and Aitto Hoo Rene },twin,. Have recommended it to 00900N 00 my friend0 wife are union pleased will, and keep it, IlespeotfWlI., B. H. nAr, 0.0. Doane. For Sale by all Do'ugg10 s, or address Dr. D. ,T. K.D147DL X.10 CoarPAYS 080satinc0 FALLS, Vr. horse Blankets, Light and F cavy Har- ness, Collars, &c, Trunks s and Bags at Low Prices, DENIS VTIllyicee,t'1 n 1048 t :, 'wow. mom,cRe 1712 .80800 alannTe IN r0On 09,1 00. PI0080 P9088 all Nervone aid .ser. el ne:14u. nese: 3leslnp blom007, Niabny Ifmr>e o),r ,.i,e. ;. (0(001 010; Im0Omnoy, 01 ,, 0enred by 30111 8t1003:. e)vo0 01900 and size r0 LOST 14),07,000 gena c'. quickly buta08ol0oaot0 endyou dor r )1 dry one, U0n 70008 000000 win plain , and seve again, (1801by mailer ati.n wrar>' and severely 00010u0.0 om obeei'yo0ua. Ya. carried 10 Vent 00otet Pi(00, 11 a peolta o 1. " tor80. SendmoneyIn00(0. 8001101 nr ate 00106180, 44008,0 ell btp)m 10 S. A, 0'012'? 010 aloe W000310011, O:er., AVIA, 0011%.01/ 0)0100 of Canada. iI r u 06' r Pio Other : edichle 5O TH O(OUC!1 AS Sarsa' pari11a Statement of n Well Iainosvn Doctor "No other blond medicine !hitt S havo neer used anti I have 114ed them nil, is so thorough ht its aetlon, and efTeets u) many permanent cures as Ayer's Sarsapurtlla."— llr, H. N. 1Ii11H1n000, ,Augusta, Die, Ayer'sP;Sarsaparilla Admitted at World's Fair._ 4oe)"s Pins for 618,eh^ r, 0td bowels. SIM LES British t`olunibiOE Real ()edlar Shingles AND. — North Shore Pine and Cedar FOR SALE AT T71: Brussels Planing Kills Also Doors and Sash of ail Pat terns on hated or made to order at Short Notice. Estimates Furnished for ell kinds of Buildings. Worknian- ehip and Material Guaranteed. . & P. AMENT, IS COIN WB0Is. Our Spring or- der is to hand in iron and wooden axled wagons with or without bent rails. Toy Carts that any "kid” can easily draw. Velocipedes for boys at low prices. Shoo Fly Book- ing Horses, the do - light of every child, Sold Away Down. 4,(3and $ ball sets of that popu- lar gable called "Krokay" are here and ready for the Spring Opening of your lawn. The prices are within reach of all. Cro- quet is one of the Cheapest Outfits any family can in- vest 1n for the amount of pleas- ure to be taken out of 1t. Try I Set, clown -tight' Dioxides, Crows and the travelling "Hurdy-gurdy" aro three sore evidences of Spring. We have thous. ands of "dabs" and a good supply of "dandy shooters." Every boy should have his pockets toll. Base Balls, Hard and Soft Rubber Balls, Bate and Cricket Sete to band. Low Prices to suit the hard times. Also Children's Garden Tools, including spade, hoe and rake. The very thiug. people often ask for. We haven't room to tell yon ahont Sailing Beate, Little Broome, Dolls. Dishes and hundreds ,o other things. This Cola inn is for boys and girls only. No parent is anppooed to read it. The Post Bookstore WILL MAKE IT PAY YOU TO TRADE HERE.