HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-3-27, Page 4New Advertisements,
Ls9al-Mrs, ITlndes,
Local --I. 0. Rickards.
ITat DPeniag-A. Strachan.
Mortgage eale-R, S. Hays.
Lester e7.olltetoue-G T. R.
Cedar poets --R, T eatherdele
Clothing -Smith d McLaren
Flax seed --J. & J, Livingeton,
Tenders Wanted --Alex, Stewart.
Millinery opening --Mise Roddiolt.
ArllHusry opening -Mrs. 3. Rogers.
Boar for service --Hartwell Spelran,
The laud of Evangeline -Dr. Williams.
Were you promoted-Doadnian & Mc..
0,13e 3tiztsstis Vast
FI Z IDA Y., NAB. 27, 1896.
. The East Huron Liberal Convention
announced to be held in the Town Hall,
Brussels, on Saturday of tine week has
been postponed until Good Friday, April
• 3rd, owing to the inability of Dr. MODon-
aid and other speakers to leave Ottawa on
the first date. Addresses are expeoted
from the well known D. C. Fraser, M. P,,
bf Nova Scotia ; A. Campbell, M. P., of
Sent Co. ; Jas. McMullen, M. P., Wel
lingtou, and the members of the Riding,
Dr. McDonald and T. Gibson. There
will likely be an evening meeting as well
as one iu the afternoon. There should
be a large attendance.
IT is stated that the Local Legislature
will likely conclude its work for this
session on Thursday of next week. They
have had a busy time.
Panmir t GRANT, in the Globe, says to
settle the Manitoba school question re•
gard must he paid :-1. To form and
spirit of the constitution, remembering
that the di3ioulty springs from a pecul-
iar of our oonatitotion, which is both
federal and parliamentary. 2 To pro-
vinoial self.respect, which cannot be
wounded in the least province without
the greatest being also wounded sooner or
later. 3. To religious sentiment, for
though the wate is dis root from religions
organiz•tioUs, it cannot disobarge its own
functions aright if it antagonizes the
re'igious sentiment of even ill -instructed
portions of the community. Now that
the question has heoome complioated the
ordinary methods of party government
are too rough for its-olution. Delay, in
order to ingaire, conference, and mutual
conoeeion,attvs.Haste may
involve the greatest perils. 'Ve are face
to face with a question which is world
wide to its i nitioanoe. If, through hay.
ing men who value the country more than
party, we settle itwisely, great shall be
our credit and our gain.
Tnl: government at Ottawa, after foto-
ing the House to sit continuously for
thirty-nine ho Ire, secured a division on
the second reading of the Remedial Bill
at six o'Olook on Friday morning last,
As was expeot.•d the government was
sustainer. On the Opposition leader's
six months' hoist amendment there was
a majority of 24, a little more than half
the government's normal majority.
Eighteen Conservatives, all from Ontario,
except Dr. Wsldun, votsd against the
government, while s••ven Liberals voted
with the government. All the Manitoba
and Northwest members, except one, Mr.
Martin, who is a Liberal, voted with the
government. As parliament will expire
on the 24th of April, it is almost certain
that those opposed to oommitting the
outrage against Manitoba can be prevent-
ed from pushing the bill through. Old
Mr. Tupper says that he will force par.
Moment to sit night and day, without in-
terruption, rather than ba baulked in
carrying the measure. It is rather re.
markable, in analysing the position of
the bowie on the second rending of the
Remedial Bill, that the motion was (tar-
ried by the outlaying provinces. The
vote by provinces on the second reading
was as follows :
Ontario F86• Aga�fueE.
Quebec - 38 20
Nava Scotia ..16 5
/few Brunswick 18 3
'Manitoba 4 1
Friona Edward Island 2 4
British Columbia 6 0
Northwest Territories 4 0
Tot LI 114 96
Fran the above it will be seen that
Quebec gave a majority of four in favor
of the bill, while Ontario went against
the measure by a preponderance of
eight, en. The other members of the
Confederation oast 59 votes, of which 43
were for the bill, thus coming to the
asaistanoe of, the government with a
majority of 32. In blanitoba four mem-
bers out of 'Ivo voted for the bill. In the
getter :1 provincial elections held a few
mouth+ ago the people of Manitoba tip.
proved of Mr. Greenway's policy by an
overwhelming majority, Throughout
the went, from Lake Superior to the
Paoifio, public sentiment is strongly in
favor of a nondenominational system,
yet fourteen members voted for the es.
tablishment of a separate wheel system
by the federal authority, and only one
vote is recorded against the measure.
Were the publie opinion of the West al-
lowed to express itself the ohange so
effected would alone have destroyed the
majority by whish the second reading
was carried. In the maritime provinces,
the government was able, with the ex.
oeption of Dr. Weldon, to rally their
whole party strength,
i1x a meetittll al the Domlajon Cabinet
on Friday night it was decided to sofa.
mission POI Diolfey, Minister of Jeetioe,
and Mr. Aeejardins, Minister of Militia,
to praoesd to Winnipeg to negotiate with
tite Manitoba Government with a view to
a settlement they were aoeompauied
by Sir Douaid Smith, Though pretending
that they want to negotiate a oompromiae
the lifiulateis have resolved to push for.
ward the ooeroion bill now before Parlia.
meat. Mr. Greenway will have It short.
hand reporter as a witooss at every con.
Mit. T1Aan's 13111 for redacting the
number of County Oonneillora has paaeed
US Anal reading in the Local Legislature
and will Dome into .forge next January.
The new County Conuoil will not be corn,.
posed of members of the township mains
ells, but will be elected by popular vote.
Huron will be divided into right districts
two oounoillors will be eleoted from eaoh
district, and each voter will have two
votes. The ohange will effeob n consider•
able saving. The following Judges were
appointed a o.,mmiseion for division of
counties into districts :-Messrs. Benson,
of Northumberland.; Dean, of Viotoria ;
Wilkinson, of Lennox ; Senkler, of Lan-
ark ; Creasor, of Gray; Jones, of Brant;
Horne, of Essex ; Bell, of Kent; O'Brien,
of Prescott ; Valhi, of Nipissing ; Mao.
kenzis, of Lambton, and Senkler, of
Thos. Bird left for the Portage, Man.,
on Wednesday last,
Miss Brown, of Oarmunnook visited
Mi.s Raytheon this week.
Miss Paterson, of the 14th non. vi•ited
friends in Ornnbrook this week.
The Flax mill al"ees op•rnbions this
week after a successful season'e work.
Iiiae Annie Anderson, of Elma, was
the guest of Miss Clara Mitchell last
Joseph Ennis left for Nsepawa in com-
pany with Henry Cox on Tuesday. Joe
will he mush missed by his many friends
A meeting-af the Conservatives of this
district was held in the hall on Tuesday
evening. The ball held the audience
without much crowding.
Henry Cox left for Neepawa, Man., on
Tuesday last. He took a car load of
stock with him which he will dispose of
in the Weet, We wish Henry suooess.
Communion services were held in Knox
church on Sabbath last. Rev. Mr. Hall,
of Belgrave, delivered preparatory ser-
mons on Friday evening and Saturday
The ball held in the Foresters' Ball on
Friday evening last has been declared by
all present to be "rhe event of the season."
This was not altogether a leap year ball
although a few of our village bachelors
dealers that their ohanoes are pretty fair
for this year roli,.ving them of their
bachelorhood. May success attend then
in their rfforts.
The Land of Evangeline.
ONE 01t '1911! 310.''' ROMANTIC
'41'0'1;, IN CANIDA.
But it is No Moro Free Froin lite Ills to
Which Flesh 1s Heir than Less Favor.
ell L,ocat MCS -An Account of a Strange
Malady Front Which a Casperenox
Farmer Sulrered.
From the Acadian, Wolfville, N. S.
Perhaps there is no more beautiful or
picturesque spot in Nova Scotia than the
valley of Gaspereaux, in the "Land of
Evangeline." Winding its way through
the centre of the valley is a beautiful
tiv er, while nestled at the foot of
the mountains whish rise on either aide
to the beigbbh of hundreds of feet, is the
romantic looking little village of Gaepere.
aux. About two and a half miles from
the village resides Fred. J Fielding, one
of the most thrifty farmers in this seotion
of the oomltry. Your correspondent cal.
led upon him and found a very genial,
intelligent' and apparently healthy look.
ing man. In reply to our question, Mr.
Fielding said, "Yes, I was near to death's
door at one time, but thank' God I am a
new man to -day. You see, be went on,
that pump in the kitohen, beneath is a
well about 20 feet deep, which was the
cause, I think of all my illness. I went
down last fall (1804) in it to clean it out
and was only a short time at the bottom
when I took a severe pain at the bank of
my head and a burning sensation in my
throat and lungs, such as is caused by
the inhalation of brimstone. A sorb of
stupor was also gradually coming over
me when by a hugs effort, I succeeded
in regaining the kitchen once more. A
lighted lamp let down became extinguish-
ed, thus showing that the aooumulatioa
of gas had caused the trouble. The pain
in the back of my head dontinued to
trouble me and ono day while working in
a back field I suddenly lost the use of my
left eye, right arm and left leg. At
times I could not speak, but towards
evening 1 began elo,vly to grow better.
The next day at about the acme time I'
was seized again in the same manner.
I now called in our family physician who
told mo that a blood vessel had burst in
the bask of nay head, He left me midi
cine. The pain in the back of my head
never left ins and I continued to feel
miserable. About two months after this
second attack while eittiug in the post
office of the village I was suddenly seized
again and getting out my horses and
wagon started for home. I had not gone
far when the lines dropped out of my
right band and I again found myself
blind in my left eye and the right arm
and left leg paralyzed. The horses now
carried mo home but passed the house
in the direction of the barn. My wife
thinking I had gone on to the barn paid
no attention for perhaps 15 minutes,
when she sent out one of the children to
see what was keeping me. At this time
I was unable to speak and had to be as.
sisted into the house. Before bed time I
began to recover somewhat and felt fairly
well the next morning, but was again
seized during the clay in the acme man•
ner and the report reached the village
that I was dead. Neighbors came flock.
ing out, expecting that it was true, As
the medicine 1 bad tried seemed to do me
no good, I now thought I would try Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills, and by the time I
had used six boxes the pain had left my
Mrs, E. Rogers
Begs. to announce to the Ladies of Brussels
and surrounding country that her Mil-
linery Opening will take place on
Thursday &Saturday,
Aprii2&4 4
When she hopes to have the pleasure of see-
ing every lady in Brussels and else-
where to visit her very nice stock
comprising all the
Newest and Most Fashion-
able Styles
For,the Corning Season.
Please Remember the place,
Next door to Fox's Drug Store, and directly Opposite
Queen's Hotel, Brussels.
head and I felt as good as new. I now
ceased using them for about a month
when I thought I felt a recurrence of the
pain at the back of my head. I sent
again and got three more boxes and used
them. It is now about five months since
I used the last pill, and I have never bad
a recurrence of the attack, besides I fuel
myself a new man, I am now 39 years
of age, and have always worked on a
farm, and never enjoyed work better
than last summer and autumn and am
positive that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
cured me. I now always keep them in
my house and when my wife or children
have any sickness our resort is to this
medicine and always with the very best
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are offered
with a confidence that they are the only
perfeob and unfailing blood builder and
nerve restorer and when given n fair trial
disease and suffering must vanish. Sold
by all dealers or sent by mail on receipt
of 50 Dents a box or $2.50 for 0 boxes, by
addressing Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont., or Schenectady, N. Y.
Beware of imitations and refuse trashy
substitutes alleged to be "just as good."
Drenthe merchants will adopt the cash
system in April.
The Berlin Board of Trade asks the G.
T. R. to build a new station there.
Guelph will have to add a new wing to
the hospital in order to accomodate ap-
plicants for admission.
Hon. W. S Fielding, Premier of Nova
Scotia, will address three meetings in
Pictou County this week in behalf of the
Liberal candidates for the Commons.
�js�v�>>;.��..• cry
License District
01 THE
East .Riding of Huron.
To the Tavern -Keepers and Rhop.
Keepers owzd Others whom it
71161y t1030003 t.
NOTIOE is Sorsby given that
for the sale of Liquor in tbo
for the Linens" year 1808.07, wbloh common.
cos on the 1st day of May next, will be re-
ceived by the uudersighod from the meant
date up to
Wednesday, April 1,1896
inoluaivo, Applicants must furnish the
names of two good and audloieut euroties as
bondsmen at the time of malting application.
Any y applicant Inc a new license 'mast fur•
nig a 'certificate signed by a majority of the
Bloaters entitled to vete at eloobions for the
Legislative Aysombly in the Polling Bub -
Division in whloli the pramisos sought to be
licensed aro situated, and the said majority
meethtolado et least one-third of the said
electors, who aro ab the time of suoh alrpli•
cation reaidenba wibbiu the said Polling Bub.
i Jau000bown, Feb, 1%1890.
I wish to inform the people of Brussels
and surrounding district that I have pur-
chased the Pinup Business of JAMES
BELL and will be found ready to attend
to all wants in either new work or repairs
at moderate prices.
No better Pump ih the market.
Order left at my shop or residence or
at P. SCOTT'S shop will be promptly
looked after.
I 'Orders tartan for the Digging of
Wells and Cisterns.
Gomer Green
Claimed by those who have grown corn for
15 to 20 years to be the best varieties in the
order mentioned, for feeding purposes. in
cultivation to -day, t'or information with
to gard to the above, price and terms, apply
Neil S. McLauchlin,
P. 8. -The bast yield of fodder at the Eaper-
imentalPerm was frnot the White Mint
variety, producing 211; tone per acre, 31.8
House Painting,
Paper Hanging,
Kalsomining, 86c,
Tho undersigned have formed
a co -partnership to carry ou bus-
iness in and around Brussels in
House Painting, Papor,Hanging,
Xalsomining, Decorating, &c.
All work dons in a workman-
like manner at a moderato charge.
Orders left at the stores of W.
i1. 1VIeoracken or Wilton & Turn-
bull will receive prompt atten-
Tho patronage of the public
solicited. Lstimatos cheerfully
• HlDOR60K i .& OflI LaB?
1114u1... 27, 1590
Through all the years Clothing has been the leading
interest and this season finds us with a larger stock and
greater variety than ever before. Beyond question this is
the store for Clothing of every sort, If you have a
thought of buying Clothing of any kind
We can Save You luny Dollars.
Men's Blue Serge Suits, strong linings, perfect fitting, sizes 86 to
44, worth $5.00 for $3.55.
Youths' All Wool Tweed Suits, with long pants, sizes 31 to 35, a
bargain at $5.00 for $3.55.
Men's All Wool Tweed Suits, well finished, good patterns, well
worth $7.00 for $4.75.
Special line in Men's All Wool Tweed Suits, four patterns, well fin-
ished, perfect fitting, worth $10.00 for $7.25
Men's Odd Pants, strong union tweed, the $1.00 kind for 870.
Youths' All Wool fialifax Tweed Pants, job line worth $1.50 for 75e.
Boys' Serge IK;nicker Pants, age 4 to 12 years, worth 65a. for 40c.
Children's Two Piece Suits, all wool twtlecis, for boys from 4 to 10
years, worth $2 50 for $1.90.
Cass after case of new Spring Hats for Men and Boys in stock.
Men's Black and Brown Fedoras, silk linings and silk band, worth
$1.00 for 84c.
Men's Black and Brown Fedoras, worth $1.75 for $1.34.
Men's Best Fur Fedoras, 4 colors, silk lined and best silk trim-
mings, worth $12''25 for $1.74.
Men's New Shape Varsity Caps for 24o.
Men's Navy Caps with Military braid and trimming for 240.
Full stook of New Boots & Shoes
to hand at Bottom Prices.
We ire Up aiia Do!llg!
In fact we have been actively engaged for
same time with the many details involved in the
selection and choice of a complete line of
If our Competitors make any showing this Season they
will have to do some very clever work to duplicate the
magnificent collection of materials that we have gathered
together for our own and our Customers profit. We have
many exclusive and
Inimitable Styles.
We have been forced to inspect many lines of samples
and to bring a great Ileal of experience to hear to make
our choice properly, but we hope we have succeeded as in
previous seasons and we promise you
in every class of Goods we carry. To get the Bight
Styles at the Right Time and at the Bight Price is some-
thing. that all Buyers appreciate whether in
Color, Pattern or Price.
We know that we have the Largest Stock of Dross
Goods and Prints to select from. Yon can prove our state-
ments by inspection.
60 pieces °rums' Best Prints, Bright, New Patterns, at
100 worth 12lc.