The Brussels Post, 1896-3-27, Page 3MAR. 27, 1890
Town Directory.
aleaymea Chontots,—Sehbath Sereittee
at 11 a nt and 7;00 pint, Sunday Behoof
at 2:80 Is ni, Rea, John ROSS,
Jone's Oitunen,—Sabbath Sr/rakes
at 11 a m and 7 p.n. Sunday School
at 2:80 p. m. Rev. A, 11, Griffiu, ineem•
bent- •
Maxocentre Cameen.—Sebbealt Servioeft
at 10;89 a m and 7:00 9 m. Sunday
School ab 2:511 p In. Rev. G, Cobble,
diok 31 .A,.13 D, pastor,
Reno 04vrnoraa Cuenca—Sabbath
Service third Sunday in every month, at
10:80 a ni, Bov Joseph 'Kennedy,
SimvPriett Antrx.—filervioe at 7 and 11
a m and and 8 p ni on Sunday and
every evening in the week at 8 o'olook, at
the barraelle.
ODD roLhows' Lenon every Thursday
evening, in Grehain'e h1094.
MABoNIO Lon m Tuesday at or before
full twain, in Garfield block.
A 0 1J W Lonon on the tird
Friday evening of each month, in BIM.
hill's block,
O 0 F Lowe 2nd end Iamb Monday
evenings of oaoh •month, in Blashill's
I 0 I', end and last Friday in Odd
L 0 L let Monday in every month
in Orange Hall.
Sons or SCOTLAND, let and 8rd Time -
days of each month, in Odd Fellows'
K. 0. T. M. Lomita 2n8 and 4th Tues.
daya of each month, in Odd Fellow's Hall.
Home OracLE, 2nd and 4th Friday even.
ings in Blashill'e
Post hours from 8 a.
m. to 6:30 p. m.
Mean/aims' Lesx-mume.—Library in
Holmes' block, will be open from 8 to 8
o'olook p. m. Wednesdays; and 8:80 to 5
and 8 to 8 Saturdays. Miss Minnie Mo.
Naughton, Librarian.
Town Ocnoa..—W. H. Kerr, Reeve;
Geo. Baeker, Robert Graham, R. Lea-
therdale and R. G. Wilson, Councillors ;
P. S. Scott, Clerk ; Thomas Kelly,
Treasurer ; D. Stewart, Assessor and J.
T. Rose, Collector. Board meets the lot
Monday in each month.
SCHOOL BOADD.—Re v. Ross, (ohairman,)
D. 0. Boss, Dr, Graham, A. Reid, A.
Koenig and 11. Dennis ; Seo.-Treas.,
11. Ross. Meetings 2nd Friday evening
in each month.
PUBLIC Scnooi. TEAmizits,—J. H. Cam.
eron, Principal, Miss Linton, Miss
Downey and Mise Ritchie.
Dome flEALTTI.—Iteeve Kerr, Clerk
Soot t, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and J. N.
Kendall, Dr. MeNaughton, Medical
Health Offieer,
Airlies Dream mad What
Came of it.
Dear Maister POST,—
This le mair in the way o' a narrateeve
than a letter, so bele' such 1,11 ioot begin
an' permed :
"Huebie," says my wife to me as day,
"whet for d'ye no write a novel 7 .A.
novel by Melt Airlie would sell like
etoor. It's no but what ye have the gift.
I'm sure I've heard ye lay aff ye're tongue
in ae nicht enough to fill twit ree novels."
"Ay," says I—for of 000rse I oouldnn
hat see the justice o' her remarks,—
"writin' a novel is naethinp, a proper
flea bite ; even ministers can do that
noo a days, seein' folks gettin' tired o'
preuchin . It's no the writhe, it's gettin'
a anbjeck, a brand new idea that's never
yet flashed athort the human brain.
Mony a subjects an' mony an' idea hae
flashed on me in the still nicht watches,
but they were like abootin' store—awn
again afore I could up an' get a grip o't."
"Can ye no dream ane 7" says she.
"Dream ane 7.! says L
"Deed ay ; what for no ? Didn 1 Rob.
ert Louis dream Dr. Jackal! in the deevil's
hide ? Au' whaur wee this I eaw iu the
papers the ither day aboot Barin•Gould
dreamin' the story o' en auld bootie, an'
made it the foondation o' a soreed 080010
fifty or a bender chanters or sae ? Enab-
le, my man, row up the cloak, bar the
door, tak a drink o' wetter au' awe to
your bed to dream a grand new novel."
"On a drink o' wetter I" says I, "Na 1
na I no me! If I'm gaup to dream I
maim hae eomethin' to dream on. If
you'll wait till the mort's nicht an' set a
Viselike supper doon afore me, something
that'll colitis to my ribs comfortable like,
P11 do what I baith in the way o' satin'
and dreamin'."
"Bet to expect a man to dream on
could watter—na l na I"
/moodinely, after gien Mrs. Airlie twa-
res hints ae to the kind o' things likely to
hae an effeck on the story. 1 gangs net
the next day an' wanders doon by the
side o' a (marry bole, an' juiet sort 0'
photygraphs the place in my mind's e'e,
as a capital place for a murder, an' utter
Mein' the boontlariee, an' the depth 01,
an' the pool o' etinkin' wetter at the bod-
dom, an' had it a' in my baid like a horn.
I Weise my tae o'e an' ties nty pocket--
neepyiii' roond it so as to keep the image
o'i on the retina ea, to belp my dream,
30 880. 8lo, Airlie thooht I was killed
when I earn' in wi' the thing tied roond
nly beid, but after I explained it wits sae
reasonable, ole thooht 'mob. dy but a
genius like myeeP could hae lboont o' Mo. ua
a thii•g. An' mind ye, 77,s. Airlie's
demendit the lowein' 0' my Mt buttons,
nal the weietband o' my brooks1, in lack,
was that solid that I really bad to get
OUP 0' coffee to elaolren things, SO we
geld a oup o' eoffee lin' a beautiful far) o'
shortbread wi' "God bless our home"
printed in sweeties on tbe tap—a proper
treat to eeo.
"Noo," saye I, "I'm awa ' to my bed,
an' see ye keep a' thing huslitie-hushtio.
whiebtio till I fa' ower, an' if I dinna
dream after SIC a euppet' it'll no be my
awa to my bed I goer', an' ye may
be sure, as sune as my head was doon my
loose wag thaokit. I fell own: SO quiolo
that I hae nae reoolleetion o't yet, but the
first thing 8 keiAI wee rebeersire the
most magnificent murder ever disgriteed
your columns. I mw the bail! 818000 88
plain AB porriteh, 1111 it ottin to the donor'.
metol, but when I eaw the heavy villain
grippin, my hero in big mime to pitch
him doon into that awfu' quarry.hole, I
got that workit up that I fairly broke
lows°, an' forgettln' that 8 was only
dreamin' ea the plot o' a novel, I oot wi'
a yell au' nein at the ramondrel's throat
like a mastiff on the ohain.
An' wi' that the most terrible skreiehe
ever ye heard got up an' 0100 a Auntie'
an' hainmerin' ea the door, an' tearie' the
bell 901 by the roote—ye would think the
trump o' Gabriel had blawn, an' I wag
bein' summoned to gie an atimoont o' the
deeds dune in the body. At the same
time I . became onpleasantly aware o'
what seemed to me to be ,t hander oats
eharpenin, their claws on my fan, an'
teltrin' oot my beard, an' last, but not
least, M. Airlie's voice ehontin, "Mar -
der 1 Murder I" as loud ae she could roar.
'In a' the face o' the earth I what's
this o't ?" I cries, lettin' go the throat o'
rny uovel-villain an' openin' my eyes.
An' sic an' openin'. Tho noose was o'
the neebors, an' twa policemen wereolap.
pin' on the handouffe on me.
"What's the meanie' o' a' this bueinees
in my bootie at sic an' 'oar?" 1 demo -edit,
wi' as meekle dignity es the eironmeten-
oes o' a torn [tient serk an' a' saartit fade
bluidin' at every pore west la aloe.
"Sure, an' isn't it the woife av yer
bottom yere ofiloer ()bookie', ye meaner -
in' villain, ye ?" says the polioemen, a
burly Hibernian.
"Me ?" says I, fairly dumb foundered.
"Yis, you I" says he. An' I begins to
look roon me, an' the hail thing flashed
on me like lichtnin'.
I had been stranglin' alre. Airlie in my
eleap, thinkin' she was the villain o' my
story, But if she hadnit baoltit inc in my
explanatim, whaur would I have been
the day? An' even yet folls'll no believe
that I was only dreamin' oot it novel.
Na, ria! Nao mem novels for me.
Your eairly enartit oorrespomient,
• Hums Ammo.
Velvinsitle, Glasgow, Sootland.
The Youngster Ileum! Prom.
Boys has measles an' man has politics.
I'd rather take it bath than wear a new
pair o' pants 1' ••chool.
Pa says amines., is a crime, but nut
builds th' kitchen fire.
Boys gets most o' their sickness 'fore
school calls in Inctmornin'.
When I want pa t' say "yens" I get mu
to say ''no."
It's wicked to work on Sundays ; so
folks pet putter rotted an' do little jobs.
Ma played whist all one weenie' lea'
week, an' she don't know what trumps is
Pa says rm jest at the smart age ; but
I don't have no pain, only pimples on ind
Pa says t' never get excited ; but when
our obimney burnt out be scraped a lot o'
skin off his leg tryin' t' get on th' roof
'thout a ladder.
I went 't party 't other night, an when
I got borne ma eat me what they had 1'
eat, an' I told bar I didn't know, 'cause
they didn't play no kissin' games.
Folks don't believe things in th' news-
papers they don't want t'.
Berlin ranks as the wealthiest city in
the world.
Parisian cabmen are not allowed to
smoke pipes while driving.
A. ton of pure ooal is said to yield about
8,000 feet of purified gas.
Forty•eight English pennies weigh as
nearly as possible a pound.
Half of the world's prodnet of quinine
is heed it the United States.
The feeding exnenses of the animals in
London Zoo are 05110 weekly.
The world's population increases at the
rate of 1 per cent per annum.
A few grains of borax put into milk
will prevent it from becoming sour.
Fifteen of the 45 pensioners of the war
of 1812 are over a hundred years old.
The field of 'Waterloo ie covered with a
crop of crimson poppies every year.
A. lady in Ateheson has a pooale dog
that has been fitted with a glass eye.
According to Maria Tespest the finest
opera house iu the world is at Duluth.
About two thcentand soldiers are dis•
°barged yearly from the British army for
bad condilob.
Scientists prediot Hatt in It eentury's
time there will bo no disease that is nob
o urable.
The engines of express trainee consume
gale of waver for every mile that they
cal is dearer in South Africa than in
other part of the world ; it is oheap•
in China.
he Meet national flag in the world is
t of Denmark, which hes been is use
oe 1210.
woman o great dimernment as rogaivde
any indieations 0' genius in um or the
!addle. I think daily contents wi' s. sti.
parlor mind like mine has lm'en a great
deal to dee svP the development o' this
face ty o' • iseernment she hae. .An' I
01001 503 she showed great wisdom in the 11
seleesioe u' the Imam for my stalmer. oTs
Etna, there was i mind o' the best pope's. boa
o'e steak, at, •ixteen pence the pund— gni
(sir e I); that, an' chappit attire' oonsti- the
toted the first merge. Then oam' a beau• by
HMI Intents, steamin' right oot o' the pat,
an' tweet blobs o' sweat ehinin' like dew of e
on it's fut, aides wi' the richness sea The who
meenit X,,tualt my knife intilt, up fiew yea
the jniee lilt it water-spoot in the &Man- Sae
tie, Iroonits' ot the gas in the gaselier, pur
nn' flou.tioi the table claith, till there was Aye
naothing for't but to clap my moo to the II
hole an' let it rin in 0 Icahn -mite dire°, ney
Moe. 111 n, it wits grand I 1 felt there hou
was 0100 male, ial for a header novels
in'ti Kid
th.•ugh the way Mrs. Airlie hunt' an' gram
a.— 411 enaes of ovganio or st'iiipatbietia
rt disease relieved in 80 minutes and
okly oured, by Dr, Agnew's Cure for
Heart. One dose convincee. Sold
G 8.. Deacitnan.
St -moose is tho reward of merit," not
esumption, Popular iippreciation is
it tells in the long •ren. For fifty
re the peoph. have been using A..yer's
saparillit, and to -day it is the blood.
itlem most in favor with the public.
rie Samaparilla
ALIEN IN Sm Houhs.—Distreseing kid.
and bladder diseases relieved in six
rs by the "Great South Amerioen
ney Cure." This new remedy is a
t ent•prise and delight on account of
exceeding promptness in relieving
in the bladder, kidneye, hank and
y part of the urinary, passages in
e or female. It relieves retention of
er and pain in passing it almoet im-
iately. Hymn want quick relief and
tine ie your remedy. Sold by G. A.1
the !addle made awa' wi' that haggis ye its
would thooht it was then.), Do me, was pain
gm, to write the novel. Tile next worse ever
wee !ambit Armenian—eh--I mean mal
Turkey (eomeheii I aye get mixed top wi' wet
thee twit), an' proceeded to the partition mod
le et mo. cure
By this thno, though my dimensions Der,
dman, druggiet,
40 exchange gives these fignme Ile to
the nationalityof proems engaged in 10,
tailing liquor in Philadelphia
men, 2; Onwe, 23 Italiana, 18; Spaniards,
140 ; negtOeti 208; Weleh, 100 ; Freneb,
185 ; Scotch, 497 ; Fuglieb, 008 ; Ger.
mane, 2,851 Irish, 8,041 ; Americans,
205, Total,8,094, Of title n sunhat 7,588
are Roman Qatholloe, 8,0110 are wonien,
all foreigners but uno, anti all Roman
Catholics. We would not print this
showing to increase antipathy towards
foreigners of the Roman charoli, but as
1. feet 90 be of:moldered in aotion and in
logielation. We hope the time will some
when ligner.selling will be a bar to meat.
bersbip in that olluroh. It does not meet
its reeponsibility in suffering thousand
of its numbers to live in WrOng.doing—
pursuing a business that blights every
human interest, and allowing, these mem,
bars to suppose that the rhos of the
church will insure their salvation, "He
tint death righteoastiees is righteous."
They should be taught, "If ye live rater
flesh, ye shall die, rites or no rites,
church or no church. If the liquor busi-
Mate, which 10 at the bottom of many of
the perils of our cities and consequently
of our nation, is upheld so largely by
foreigners, is may beeome a matter of
self proCeetion to prohibit entirely or to
very closely reetriot immigration from
countries saturated in alcoholics liquors.
Um, Hugh Speakman, who has been a
long sufferer from rheumatism, left for
London to receive treatment ab the
The report has been generally current
that H. Dilling, while engaged iu tearing
down the old Murray house, on the
London Road, found a large sum • of
money secreted in the wall, but such is
entirely without feundation,
Jubu White, of the Exeter Times, met
with a pitintul, accident the other day
which will doubblesacionfilte him to the
home fur some time. He 1011.0 os hie way
home when Inc accidently slipped on tba
ice end in the fall dislocated hie hip joint.
While Master Harlie Senders, of
Stephen, was splitting wood hie little
brother Nelson came up behind bine
and the former, on raising the ex to
make a blow, caught the little fellow
under the jaw, lacerating the side of his
face in a most frightful manner. It re-
quired several stitches to close -up the
wound, bat the little fellow is doing as
well as could be expeated.
What might have resulted in tt serious
conflagvetion happened at the Trivitt
Memorial Church, Exeter, the other
evening. It se•.ms the sextoe, James
Dennis, was charging the gasoline tank,
and in ito doing split a portion of gasoline
on top of the tank and on approaching it
with a lamp the ignitable fluid took fire,
and it was with considerable dideoulty the
flames were extinguished. Lueltily the
cap used for covering the bole 01100 00 at
the time, or without a doubt a terrible
explosion wonld have been the result, and
the church reduced to ashes.
It is said that there will be no more
hookey matchee this season.
The two stares now building in the
Albion block are already rented.
Bicycles were pedalled about town last
week, thus malting an Early starb for 1890.
Justice Faloonbridge opened the
ohaneery sittings for Huron oounty,
Monday, the 23rd inst.
Harry Hart, who bad been ill for over
two years, died at the British Exobange
Tuesday morning of last week.
Between closing on Tuesday evening
and Wednesday noon. W. Acheson & Son
put a new hardwood flour in their dry
goods store.
The Albion hotel, the two Albion stores,
the furniture factory, the sawmill, 711.
Downing's dwelling, Geo. Price's dwel.
ling, and some four frame dwellings will
give our mechanics a good start this sea-
The Bank of Commerce will shortly be
removed to the corner store now occupied
by George Price. The premises will be
completely rerendelled and made to ac-
commodate the new business with every
attention to the public convenience.
Fishing through the ice is very produc-
tive just now, and trout and herring are
quite plentiful. Some of the fo•rner of-
fered for sale are splendid samples, run.
ning from 20 to 80 pounds weight. The
price on the street is 8 cents per pound.
A. recent issue of the Gazette no'ed the
promotion of Hon. Captain and Quarter
Master Joseph Book, to Hon. Major. Ex -
warden Beck is to be eoegratulated on
winning field officer's- standing in the
Canadian Militia, a position woe by 30
years faithful service.
A petition was circulated last week and
signed 'by one hundred of our leading
oitizens, asking the Bank .of Vontreal
directorate to re.00nsider the rerno"iiig of
manager H. Lockwood froln Goderiob.
The reason assigned for asking the favor
is, that the present manager has so fully
identified hbmoebf with the interests of the
town of Goderich that it world be in its
interests if he remained Marc,
Some 29 tenders for erecting the Albion
were opened by Mauager Lockwood of
the Bank of Montreal. An examination
of the several oontraets showed that the
Bochatianct & Hynes, of town had pat in
the lowest, and the contreot was accord.
fuggy awarded to them. The contractors
having been notified that their tender
had been accepted, at once pnb on a num.
ber of mon and started on their big job.
Having purchased a, shop on
Thomas S. opposite the Queen's
Hotel stables, I wish to notify my
old customers and as many new
ones as may favor me with their
patronage that 1 have removed
to my new stand.
Soliciting a shale of business
from the public, guaranteeing;
1 remain,
S. T. Plum,
Gmieral Blacksmith & Horseshoer
, ,
System Renovator Any Amount of Money to Loan
For ImpurS, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepoia Sleeplessness, Palpate,
tion of the Heart, Complaint, Neur-
algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con-
sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney
and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance,
Female irregularities and General Dia•
Prop. and Manufacturer.
Sold by JAMES FOX,
Dru gist Brussels,
on Farm or lalletge Pro-
perty at
6 & 6i Per Cent., Yearly.
of TOTS' 1
80 wedlIy!saa7
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brussels.
Fall .
I have a fine, neiV and
well selected stock of
T Pi E
Certain in its effects and never blisters.
Read proofs below
Dr. 311:1...i, ....4mal.lenderaori. Co., 111., Feb. 01,01,
Dear Sirs -Please eend we one of your Horse
RognalaAdsrMg.cluitratedg great deal of your
wonderful medicine. I orteolial affigigtha tail
VeZetiglotteliY2VI%Tintigobttir cured hu' 1
Yours truly, dues. Pownm.
CAI:wok, Aro., Apr. 0,10,
1 trwivocB.ono Spaey.—ing-. l
R• ave rt
it t
osoral of my fiendwho aromen 1,100000 withandkeep i. Respectfully,hit. EAT, P0. Bekaa
For Salo by all Druggtss,oraddressDr. D. .T. IiDITDALL OOMPANT,
kNoseURGH TALLs, V7.Dr.1an=CO.Dour S1re-1 kayo used several bottles of youritiiBtrfilir'Pr:rt0gtabissg; eayr1..movecotie
Curb, one lt0tte1 Spark! 000Allied
Horse Blankets,
Light and Heavy Har-
ness, Collars, &c,
Trunks and Bags
at Low Prices,
Cost FinInnere TEM APO=
arauere re }von wurme.
PIOOST cum ail 14 ervon, DlbeberR, Siorpinob
noes, Failing Memory, Nightly stnibbions,sp...b.
torrboba; linpoteney, ate., °awed by wet minus,:
fylraii vigor and etre to ehrankon oart,, atul
qulekJy;r0b,Indim 00110 r.141,14
:i210h0atty aftl. bloat by 001110 pial,i verbbrbr
and erouroly Haled . from obsorwalon, E
lytarried to
yea peenat. ;:100, an „
tor P?eTtVti tigtii114f.TazaitAtr. z,2nfi.-0- 0—,0
Jell R'l 15 `4
r- fils'*
av p ,C2
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trpl o
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III *I t'
. Cl2 Z
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iD 4
tZt tt•
ce 7)0
A.ITER90 Cherry
.. 0 Pectoral.
" ----id:noted a severe cold, width settled
a.•es. anti I did what is often done
upideated. IL I then consulted
h no found, on examining me, that
pqrt 000 the left lung 01108 badly
11,00. lite medicines he gave one did not
ney Hoori, and 1 determined to
..'n'o Cherry Pectoral. Atter taking a
1,00 my trouble was relieved, and bee
; • lrel finished the bottle I was mired..
--• a 1 watalimaker, Orangeville, Out.
Cherry Pectoral
7..Spatest Awards at World's Fair.
ease.-• asee-aears. seeiasasessasea.
Icentsees'Pats Curc Zsidigestimaa,
- •
Brid Columbia,
Red Cedar Shingles
AND• —^
North Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing lYliuis
Also Dome and Sion of all Pat
terns on hand or made to order
at Short Noble°,
Estimates Furnished for all
kinds of Buildings. Workman•
• ship and Material Giviranteed.
J'. & P. AMENT,
Our Spring or-
der is to hand in
iron and wooden
axled wagons wi th
or without bent
Toy Carts that
any "kid" can easily
Velocipedes for
boys at low prices,
Shoo Fly Rock-
ing Horses, the de-
light of every child,
Sold Away Down.
4, 6 and 8 ball
sets of that popu-
lar game called
"Krokay" are here
and ready for the
Spring Opening of
vow.' lawn. The
prices are within
reach of all. Cro-
quet is one of the
Cheapest Outfits
any II:tinily can in.
vest in for the
tunount of pleas-
ure to be taken
out of it.
Warbles, Crows and the
travelling "Hurtlyaguray"
are three sure evidencee of
Spring. We have thong.
ands of "dabs" and a good
supply of "dandy shooters."
Every boy should have bis
pockets full,
Base Bells, Hard and
Solt Robber Balls, Bate
e nd Criehot Sots to band.
Low Priues to suit the
hard times.
Also Children's Gat dots
Tools, including spade, hoe
0,11 mite. The very thing
people often ask for.
We haven't room l0
tell you about Sailing
13oats, Lithe Brooms, Dolls,
D ienes and hundreds of
other things.
This Column is for boys
and girle only. No paten
is supposed to read R.
The Post Bookstore