HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-3-20, Page 8Keepp l30 0Alla 0f live stook wt)ra shipped
the Boys at Homo from Bru4Bo1s 11t the poet year,
In order to 110 this you must
make home attractive, morn at.
tractive f;Jlnll WO say thanelse-
where.' One .Way of doing so is
to provide suitable and innocent
games for recreation and pleas-
ure during the long evenings.
Theeeaiddiing game just now is
ORO 9@Y9OgE.
We have two binds to select from,
complete with men. Good read-
ing and
ead-ingand good works are also es-
sential to a good home. We have
or can get you anything you
want in this line,
Druggists, Opticians and Booksellers.
READ the poetry oR page 8 of this lune.
There's many an interesting item ea the
inside pages of TfIn i.'osx,
Maui 11111011, Moons bas resumed her
work OA mantle maker and:nay he found
in rooms aver ]0..0, Dmlferd'atailor ebep.
DON'T forget ebe 0001io0 Bale of Morrie
farm property at the Queoh's pool,.
Brhs9el0, next Wednesday afterneo0 at 1
Tait aftornoou mail missed poonneotion
With the train on Tllnooday tib Palmer.
ton through the train from Guelph
running off the track.
le the Hem last"week referring bo Conn -
chlor Loatherdaie's Crokinole board the
type eaid there were 140 pieces of wood.
It should time read 1400.
Tux town Band has maintainedo fair-
ly regular praotioe all Whiter and will
aeon he able to resume their weekly open
stir co ncerts on the opening of Spring,
Miss RxngcoA /Imams wee waited upon
last Tuesday evening by her Sabbath
school Wass and presented- with an ad-
dress and a large photo. of her sobolere,
A suitable reply was made,
Tun Clinton Neve -Record nye :—Mies
Ainley, of Brnesels, has accepted a posi-
tion with Odv. 10werson and will have
charge of the music department of Ilia
store during the coming season,
GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. AIMANagueNTe are being made for a
few nation„1 concerts for the benefit of
800TRERN xxxessI011 W. a. & B. the Publio Library, The program will
consist of the best literary and mueicttl
seleotions bearing on the country repre•
64.Ws made to out fast and easy. ,Soo.
and hand saws bought and sold, Point-
ers given on saw filing and the oaro and
management of saws, on Queen street
East, by 0'. McGregor, of Brnesels, Ont„
Master of Bowe.
Wu. TAYLOR, senior member of the late
firm of Taylor & Smillie, has now corn
)'rains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows :
Goma Snows, GOING Neal a.
Hail 9150 8,4n. Mixed 9:45
11:59 ...... 3:13
a,m• Man
((teed ,,.,... 9:00 p,rt, Express ,,,,, 9;48 p.m,
'aZ 1 netos tons
A ohiel a amang ye Lakin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
READ the acpplemsnt this week.
Worolr out for millinery openings.
SEveut, advbe• came to band too bate
to be °banged this week.
EAST Heron Liberal Convention, in
Brussels, on Good Friday.
MotoTnLY Horse Fair on Thursday,
April 2nd. Keep the date in mind.
OVER 1500 cords of cordwood aro now
piled in the yard of the Enterprise Salt
Works, Brussels.
moved his office back to his former quart..
ere in the Graham block.
SEvonoi: townspeople attended the
numerous weddings 00 the program in
Grey township this week and report a
good time.
Annnaw 0rn1uE intends putting up a
bridk smoke house for the purpose of
elnoking hams, &o„ in conne0tion with
his butoberiog business.
TRE Canadian Order of Foresters who
"demonstrated” at Walkerton last Sum•
mer are arranging for a big celebration
at Port Elgin on Dominion Day.
was in town ou Thursday looking over
the ground in response to the request of
the town council for increased shipping
fa;ilitiee for otookmen.
Messes. WILTON & TOnNRULo bad a
oatohy diepley of maple sugar making
nteneils arranged fn one their shop
windows this week coneistlog of part of a
maple tree with spites, sap patio, boiling
kettle, &c.
Ta G. T. R. will issue single fare re. e
turn tickets'during the Easter holidays,
gond going from April 2ud to 6,11, and
returning April 7th. Teachers and stud.,
00088re offered return paste beards at a e
fare and a third from March 19t13 to
April 13011, , 1
TRK comet that was due to strike the
earth on March 14th is shearing off and
will not hit us this time. As it won't
/come this way again for 15,000,000 years,
the' e:is still time for a few delinquent
subscribers to pay up -before this terres-
tial sphere is annihilated.
E. C. DoNronn has had the interior of
1110 store greatly improved by the paper
hanger and painter. The partitioa
dividing the shop has been removed and
the whole space devoted to showing his
stock of clothe, gents' furnishings, &c.
The worksbip has been removed upstairs.
Anvenxlsxoo Paxe.—A gentleman came
all the way from Clifford to purchase
oats, the advertisement of whioh he read
in THE Poox. The apeetaeles found and
advertised were claimed at TRE Pax a
Pubiiabing House on Friday. Abusiness I 0
man in 'Brussels informed us that hie t
advertisement in TBS POST brought him e
one customer direot who purchased 918.00 a
w,orth of goods at one time. If yoaTlave a
bargatne let the people know it. m
"Was Clarke Wallaoe justifiable in a
resigning hie portfolio in the Dominion 11
Cabinet 0" teas the question debated by A
the Conservative Club last Tuesday t
evening and decision arrivedat that he 1a
was. The speakers were 13. Gerry, M. e
H. Moore and See. Bowman in defend. e
ing the lion. gentleman, and W. F. Van- 0
'stone, W. R. Mooney and W. a• 010eIny m
opposed. Jas. Irwin occupied the chair. It
A. I. McCall gave a short addreae.
3fu8ioal selectionswere roedered by T. E
A. Hawkins, Jae. Bowman and P. Mc- e
Martin, R
'fIcyc'LEo.—A. Conaley sold three Brant- a
ford bicycles last week. One went to a
Mrs, Cobblediuk, one to Wm. Armstrong e
and another to a person whose name is t
unknown to us.—T. Fletcher has per- le,
phased Principal Cameron's wheel. The e.
latter does not intend superannuating as o
he is the moot enthusiastic wheelman in m
town but will invest in new outfit.— a
Jas. Bailantyuo has taken the agency for w
an American bicycle called after theuame eh
of the town in which it is manufactured
--Dayton.—Tho tubing on many of the
1890 wheels is larger than in those man-
nfaclnred last year. By the appearance
of things the eileut steed will be more
popular than ever this year.
En1TOns AND NEWSOAPgn0,-3as. Bryan,
editor and proprietor of the Luoknow
Sentinel, has been appoit•ted License In.
P98030r for South' Bruce n place of Mr.
Stewart deceased. Bro. 1 ryas will make
a No. 1 man for the positwn.—Editor 11.
P. Moore, of Acton, has let the contract
for a fine residence. It will he built on
the most modern linea.—Bro. Fluty, of
Palmerston, offers his stove to the "poor
miserable wretch" who stole his wood.—
Rumor Bays that the Fordwioh Telephone
hoe ceased to "Hello l" ---Tho Georgetown
Herald is making rapid strides in the for.
ward march of journalism.—A few weeke
ago the Palmerston Reporter got out a
:penial edition illustrated with the photos
of leading eitzena, pubifc buildings, reg-
idoncee, &c, It ought to help the town.
pletely wound up the business of the said
firm and although Mr. Taylor lost
heavily by the partnership he has paid
every claim against the firm in full for
which be certainly deserves credit,
LAST Saterdoy afternoon the magazines
received at the Public Library last year
were sold by emotion, F. 8. Scott wielding
the hammer. Those subscribed for 1806
were also disposed of to he had eaoh
month after being read. The 50 cent
membership fee should cause a large in-
crease in the membership.
Tug interior improvements at Jas.
Fox's drug more are about completed.
The ceiling and walls were newly papered
and a neat stencil border put on ; the
shelving painted white and drawers,
counter, &c„ nicely grained, and the
upper portion .f the show window frost•
ed. Jno, Ritchie, assisted by D. Stewart,
did the worn end did it well•
John D. Mason, of Saugeen, Indian
village, is camping near Brussels. Mr.
Mason eonver•.es in English and listened
to Rev. Mr. ltosa' sermon on the Fifth
Commandment last Sabbath with great
interest. He takes great interest in
church and educational wort(; plays
several iestruments and is one of the
number who gave a concert in Brussels
some years ago. He and his family are
deserving of great praise.
Walter J. Wake has accepted a situa-
tion as paper hanger and house painter
with a firm in Penetanguieheue and will
leave for that town on Saturday of this
week. Mr. Wake has found the confine-
ment of the shop telling on his health
and will try a season on the above men-
tioned lines. He is a first-class painter.
ldis removal from Brussels will be felt in
he churoh choir and orchestra of the
Methodist Sabbath school. In the latter
be played the olarionetfor several years
with great acceptance. We wia11 biro
vary 0000050.
SILVER WEDDING.—Tuesday evening of
est week William Blaehill and wife oele•
brated the 25th anniversary of their
marriage at their residence, 1:1i11 street,
on which occasion a large number of
Brneselitee and persons from the adjoin•
ing locality assembled. An elegant sup.
per was served proving the undoubted
ability of the hostess to cater to this very
important department of household ,of.
faire. The gifts •of silverware were of a
fine character, the water tilting pitcher
and large cruet being especially nntioe•
able. A moat enjoyable time Was spent
by all and before departing for their re-
spective homes the guests wished Mr.
and Mrs. lilashill long years of happiness
and prosperity,
TILE Review of Reviews for February
ontains an article whioh, in the campaae
f two pages, rnakee perhaps the most
elling and effective exposure of the re-
ent Turkish mat:mores that has yet b'e❑
(tempted in the English language. The
Miele is based upon full aocounta of the
assaores, written on the ground by good
ntbority and intelligent persons—Eng-
sh, French, American, 'Turk, Kurd and
rineniau—who were eye Witnesses of
be terrible ecenea. The articles estim•
tee the number of killed in the massa•
res thus far as 00,000, the property de.
trnyed at 840,0)10,000 and the number of
tarring survivors at 300,000. The
agmina may be found at the Brnesels
ending Room.
R4.Lenow TEA.—Mo,day evening the
pwart11 League held a.very eucoeseful
ntertainment under the caption of a
=bow Tea. The design was pretty
nd nicely carried out, seven tables being
rranged in the shape of the rainbow,
aoh representing one of the colors and
he 8th table in the centre in white. The
dy and gentlemen waiters wore cape
nd rosettes to correspond with the color
f their respective table. After refresh,
eats had been partaken of a musical
nd literary program of rare exultance
as presented as follows : — Opening
otos, by the League; prayer by Rev.
Mr. Norton ; solo, "So the folks say,"
Mu Belle Smith ; recitations, "Patio
}excelsior" and Tennyson's "Revenge,"
G. D'. Lamont; quartette, "Sailor's Glee,"
Misses Norton and Moore and A, Rose
and W. H. Kerr; Harmonica Band and'
encore ; reading, "Do you know 1" Eli
Smith ; duet(, 'Como with lute to the
fountain," G. D. Lamont and A. Ross ;
re0itat1on, "Fire Alarm," Miss Linton ;
quartette, "The old bell," Mies Sample,
Mrs. Downs, G. D. Lamont and N. B.
Gerry ; solo, "The broken pitcher," Mies
Lottie Hill ; Harmonica Band ; a few
re0180118 by Rev. Mr.Oobblediok ; address
on the Rainbow by Prinoipal Oameron ;
duet(, "What are the wild waves saying,"
lktre. Downs and Reginald Fletcher ;
quartette, "The merry mountaineers," by
the persons composing the two other
quartettes. Eeoh number was heartily
received and enjoyed. Proaeede over
81700, W. H, Kerr wan the chairman.
The League is to be congratulated on
their 000cesn.
AST4X111D4JW 114XTC OF C41N4•)
flex',03=17-4 a z sae 0470.
ASRBTk3,'• (Seven Millon Dollars
0API'L'AI4 (Autharized) r - ) • 85,000,000
• 85,000,000
lipsnoie5 in all prGnofyai points in Ontario,. Qtesbea, lllanitoino, United ,States tO,Nn GINd,
nJ dd'P't5°aS°EAW Relaxer.
A General Banking Business Transaoted, 11'armere' Notes Disoounted,
Drafts leaned and Collections made on ail points.
Interest allowed on deposits of 81.00 and upwards from Oat of deposit to date of
withdrawal and ootnpoanded half yearly. .
Stec 40 APri^.NTocn own TO, TRIC QOLxaoxxoN or1'An0 058' S4n11 NOTES, .
Every facility afforded Customers living at a dietanoe,
J. A, STI5WART 5511x4.02)1.
Business L,,Qeals.
CLoveu seed oheap at 10Ta0raoken's.
DwELLINn to rent over my 0to:e. I. C.
Essen bulk field and garden seeds at
pLov5a and timothy seed for sale.
Baeker 0 Vanebone,
WE repair boots and shoes and rub-
bers neat and oheap, '"-I. 0. Richards.
S0LVEnwann and Hanging Lamps at re•
duped prates. N. & N. Gerry,
Ir you tvantrobes or blankets call on
H. Dennie,
TUMMY and clover seed for Bale at JAS.
SE000n hand heating stoves cheap at
N. & N. Gerry's,
Egress on harness and collars prompt.
ly attended to. I. 0. Richards.
LAngx stock of light harness sold at low
prions. H. Dennis.
,Wo warrant all our collars and eatis.
faction guaranteed. I. 0. ll4etarde.
0011 horse oollare are all warrauted,
H. Dennis.
CAsu for hides and sheep akine at A.
Currie's butcher shop, Brussels.
800 Bosoms of potatoes at 13 cents,
Also Goose wheat for Beed, price 75o. a
bo. MansnnN Stara, Lot 4, Oon. 7, Grey.
Yon can get two machine needles of
any kind for 5o., at N. & N. Gerry'e.
Faze hand crayon enlarging done up
A 1 at Brewer's gallery, Smith block,
MEAT- CNOPPEi16, axes, Hews, carpet
sweenere and skates. N. & N. Gerry.
A an'•c ."k'pf tru„ks and valises ou
baud aim e.."1 clone w cost.
I. 0. Riobards.
50 empty barrels and 00 packing cases
for sale cheap. The Toronto Bankrupt
Stook Co.
MAPLE sugar time will soon be here.
Get sap pails, pans and spites •at Wilton
& Turnbull's.
Carver.—For firet•olase carpet weaving
go to Mrs. T. MoOrae, Satisfaction
guaranteed. Produce taken.
SEE our single harness at ;610.00, and
our nickel silver at 812.0 0, beet value in
the County. I. C. Richards,
MaNIT.on09our leads the world. Just
received two oar loads. If you Want a
bag Call at Baeker & Vanetone's, Brus-
WANTED. -1,000 cords of basswood
heading bolts, 40 inches long. Must be
good size and quality, for which highest
price Will be paid. J. & P. Ameut, Brus•
eels, Ont.
tinecon'8 Cure, the great dough and
croup cure, is in great demand. Pocket
size contains twenty-five doses ; only 25
cents. Children love it. Sold by Jas.
Fox, druggist, Brussels.
Bente along your worn out rubbers,
overshoes, rags, scrap copper, brass, cast
or wrought iron, fore, tallow, sheep
skins, bides and calf skint, horse hides,
as we pay the highest prides. N. & N.
Beam's Clover Root will purify your
blood, clear your complexion, regulate
your bowels and matte your head clear as
a bell. 25 ate., 60 ots. and 0100. Sold
by Jas. Pox, druggist, Brussels
0Ae1,r2N Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego,
Cal., Bays :—"Shiloh'e Catarrh Remedy
is the first medicine I have ever found
that would do me any good." Price 50
cents. Sold by Jae. Fox. druggist, Brus.
laths, T. S. HAw1t107e, Chattanooga,
Tend., says, "Shiloh's Vitalizer "saved
my life." I consider it the best remedy
for a debilitaed system I ever weed."
For dyspepsia, liver or kidney trouble it
excels. Price 75 ore. Sold by Jae. Fox,
Druggist, Bruesela.
Birt has all the necessary machinery for
digging and drilling wells and is prepar.
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
in a way that will insure satisfaction.
Wells cleaned out and put in proper
share. Terms reasonable, Residence
edo0nd door north of the bridge, west
aide of Turnborry et., Brussels. 14-tf
ALL kinds of saws cleaned, gummed,
hammered, jointed, set, filed and oiled
at Queen St., East, by saw filer, T. Mo.
Gregor. Brussels. Saws may be left and
arrangements made at McKay & Co'e.
hardware store, Brussels, Ont. Charges
reasonable. Anyone not knowing the
work that is to be done on their saw, and
wishes to stay and see the work done,
the pries will be left to themselves to pay
what they choose. Understand that
there are high wages paid to practised
hande to wont at saws.
The Western Fair will be held at
London Sept. 10th to 16tH.
Barry Bribe has signified his willing-
ness to accept ,the nomination of the
Prohibition party in South Waterloo for
the Commons.
Ae a result of a church quarrel Rov.
J. 0. Madill, pastor of Zion Congrega-
tional church, Sarnia, wap aesaulted by
Win, McLaren and received a etab.in the
face and a broken nose.
ISARO Mayville, of Anderdoo, was
struck by an express train at Walker.
ville Junction and may die. Ae be was
crossing the traok the shafts of his buggy
became detaohed, and before he could
alight the express etrudk him.
Tho editor of the Luoknow Sentinel
entered' suit agaivet a delinquent sub.
scriber at the last session of the Division
Court in that village. The etibaoriber
Wae nine year0 fn arrears. 01 mmeree
the editor won.
A man etatted from Mitchell to drive
westward. He was smoking a oigar, the
lighted part of which fell inside of hie
fur goat, and before he was aware of it a
hole wag burned through all hie olotbes
and hie wallet was singed and, some
valuable papers almost ruched,
The Grand Orange Lodge of Ontario
East met at Norwood,
Sae, W. Rapley, sr., member 'of the
firm of T. W, liapley & Co, private
bankers, Kincardine• died Wednesday
morning at 5 o'clock after an illness of a
week's duration. Mr. Rapley was .00n -
fined to the house in the early part of
last week withwhat was thought to bean
ordinary cold,but which rapidly develop-
ed into pneumonia, with complications,
Mr. Rapley was the eldest eon of Wm.
Rapley, of Strathroy, and oame to Kin
oa'dine in 1878, and started the business
with whioh he had over since been con.
neoted, Ile Was a'eo engaged in the
grain business. He was a man of
eterliug qualities, of ppright Life and con•
dub, too favorite with everyone, and the
news of his death, doming in the early
morning'hour, was 8 shook to all. Mr.
Replay wee a prominent member of the
Ch arch of England, having been warden
for several years, a member of the Board
of Education and of the Masonic body,
of whioh institution he was First Pried.
pal of Havelock Chanter. He leaves a
wife, daughter and three eons to mourn
his lose.
$ RN-
DENNIS.—In McKillop, on Martin 7011, the
wife of '1•lr. John Dennis of Cason,
SuoLDion.—In Wnit',e, on March 411h,
the wife of Mr Wm. Sboldiee of a
son, (still born,)
REID.—In MnKillop, on Feb, 18th, the
wife of Mr. A. Lteid of a son.
Ron1Nso0—LEgtt0N0,—&t the parsonage,
Walton, on Marob 18th, by Rev. W.
114. Pomeroy, Mr. Riohard Robinson
to Miss MaryAnn Leeming, both of
Mobil lop.
Musenovz—Woon,—Ab the manse, Wing -
barn, ou Wednesday, 11111 inst., by
Rev. D. Perris, Mr. John Musgrove
to Miss Agnes Wood, all of Turn -
HITCH'S —BALLANx0NE,—In Grey, on Wed.
needey, March 18th, by Rev. John
Rose, B. A., Mr. David Ritchie to
Miss Bella Ballantyne, both of Grey.
Fox—DaxceveoN,—At the home of the
bride, Grey, on Marob. 1800, by Rev,
D.13, MORar,iMr. Ed ward Fox to Miss
flora Dunoaneon, bath of Grey.
$HAW—MoDoNALn.—In Grey, on March
18011, by Rev D. B, McRae, Mr. Jos.
Shaw, youngest son of Mr. Angus
Shaw, to Miss Minnie McDonald,
both of Grey,
GLAsstea.—I , Grey, on Saturday, Morrill
14th, John Glassier, aged 76 years,
1 month and 16 days.
MONDAY, MAIOn 230»•---Ferm stock, im-
plements, &o., at Lot 28, Oon. 8, Grey.
Sale oommeneee at 1 o'olock• David
Milne, prop., F. 8. Beast, aunt.
01013nenA1, March 25th —Farm stook,
implements, &o. Lot 10, Oon. 0, Grey.
Sale unreserved, at 1 p. In. Wm. Poll-
ard and D. Tyerman, Propts., F. S.
Soots, Auo.
FRIDAY, MARCH 270-I.—Farm stock,
implements &c. Lot 80, eon. 8, Morris,
Sale unreserved, at 1 o'clock, p. m.
Wm, A. Ashton and Jno. Ashton, props.,
Goo. Kirkby, an0.
MENTS, SmMFf , Auctioneer, has
boon instructed by the undersigned to sell
by public auction at Loh 19, Con. 0, Grey, on
Thursday. March 261h, 78911, commencing
at vis.1-1 mare10 8 years olds, 1 am areo8 yea rstold
in foal, 1 blood horse rising 4 year's sired by
Old Gold Duet,' 1 mere 11 years old. 2 newly
ealred cows, 0 CMS auppoaed in calf t0 a
there' -bred belt, 9 hollers rteing 9 Veal's 2
supposed in calf, 8 steer's ruing 2 years, 3
heifers rising 2. years, 11 good owes in lamb,
1 Leicester ram 8 roars old, 2 pair of bob
sleighs, 1 pair of light sleighs, 1. double bug-
gy, 1 new Chatham wagon, 1 new Maxwell
mower 0 foot out, 1 new Maxwell burse rape,
1 new Tecswater plow, 1 hay fork, Tepee and
pulleys, 1 ll'rnet & Wood plow, 1 p000 hole
spoon, 1 Leader churn large size, 1 cutting
box, 1 Whiteman pea harvester. TERM.—
All sums of $9.00 and under cash ; over that
amouah 8 months credit will be given on
furnishing approved joint notes. 0 percent.
Per annum off for cash on credit amounts.
Proprietors; F, S, SCOTT, Auctlonoor,
on newand. or TH000MAUNDERa S, growss
90- Lot 90, Con. 8, Morrie.
Timothy Seed for sale, Apply to
Lot 10, Oon, 0, Morrie.
MAKER has again resumed wort and
may he loud la rooms over E. 0. Dunford'a
tailor shop, 30
in Morrie, 2 mils North of Brus-
sels, Fireb•oiaae property with ex)ea good
water privileges. For prion, tonneau() obit.
er particulars apply to
00tt A.00USI,EY, Drench;
Blank Stallion, "Dexter Revenge."
Stands lob bands blab and Weight 1800. Sired
by "Royal Revenge "out of "Old Clear Grit,"
6nre foal getter. For full particulars apply
to 1.017I6 R0LLPNGE1t,Lot 9, Oon. 40, Grey,
Brussels P, 0. 89.4
acre Parra at Morriebanti, owned by the
undersigned, will be rented, Therein a eom=
fortahle house, good bank barn two or-
charde, plenty of water, &e. Poe nation
could begiven at enact. For farther infor-
mation as to rent, terms, &e., apply on the
property, or if byy letter to
Jumostaw n P.O.
We haven't said :nuoh
about Writ,
ins lands lately but we bare theta all
the same and Cheaper than 'ever—all
prises. A nice one at 5o,, a very good one
at 100 and up ae high as 15u„ 200,, and
Tinted Paper in all ehedee with Bit.
velopoe to math.
13eautifnl Satin Twilled llapetorles
in the newest Shades at 500•
And 00 course we always have a -full
lino of Bohan Books, I3iblos, Slymo
poops, &o„ &o,
it"pe you'll always have plenty of
money to ea1'ry, I'Iore are the oar.
dors—We have them all Shapes and
Styles from 50, up to 81,25,
PHo7'o, AL -BUM$,
We 04111 have a few of those Bag-
ful artieles'left and are selling them off at
roomy lteduoi•d Priarm, We have them
in Celluloid from 50o, to 82,50,
Of course we d0 not wish you to
lose sight of the )'loot that we give special
attention to Ibis Department of Icor BIM,
Remember we Guarantee our Syrup of White Pine and
Tar for Coughs and Colds to give Satisfaction or
Money Cheerfully Refunded.
Qunen'e HOTEL,
at T11 First
Mouse, 0Bresta)00
reaonitots yat2r
Weenie sale o 31 ugh. purrUe , Ap-
on the premises or
p Omits old for sale, I will 1e00 for
melee ou Lob 10, Con. 0, Grey, a thoro'-bred
Poland China boar. Pedigree May bo 0000
on application. Term0-81A0 to be paid at
timeof service with privilege of roturniug
if ue0800ary. JOHN LOWE,
34.2 Proprietor,
nrAN'o Cough Balm is the Favorite Be.
coed) fm• Coughs, oolde, &o• No soli more
of it than all other cough Remedies uom-
bined, This le a feat worth remembering.
Manufaoturod and for Dale only by
11EA1)li4AN & DloCALL,
Druggists, Opticians, &0,
plARMS 10013 SALE. '''HE UN-
D2neIONnD has several good Farms for
sale and to rani, easy terms, in ToWnehipe
of Morrie and. Grey, F 6, S00TT,5ras0efs
sores—Cousistiug of Lots 18 on the 7th
and 8411 Co neessione, Township of Grey, be-
ing 1 mile from the Village of Ethel and 6k
miles from Brussels, 40 acres of Fall wneai
sown and about 80 acres under grass; 90
acres cleared on eaoh. Perms of payment
eaoy. 91- A, McKELVEY, M. D.,
—100 acres of good farm land at
Springd e1d, 8 miles from Winnipeg, 1s offer.
ed for silo at a low price. The property is
North Haat Soe.10, Twp.1), Range 4, East,
There is a house ou the preurises and come
breaking done. For full particulars as to
price, title, &o„ write or apply to
20-tf Brussels, Out,
IIndereigned will keep for ster i lee on
Lot 20 Con. 0, Olorria, the there' bred im-
proved White Yorkshire Boar "Selected,"
bred from JAS. Bretbour's sweepstakes sow
at Chicago Fair. Tests, 51.00 to be paid
turning if ntimecessary. Pedigree ce imay be seen
on application.
I1013T. 01)OHOL,
undaraieued will keep for service on
Lot 30, Con. 0. Morris, the thoro'•bred Large'
English Berkshire Boar, Captain John,"
His mother Is a fall sister to the 1st prize
sow at the World's Fair• Pedigree will bo
produced on application. Terms '11.90 to
be paid at time of service with .privilege of
returning if necessary, ,.
14'8m , JAS. SPEIR, Proprietor.
--0 "—
Lender mid by virtue of the power of sale
0onteined in. a Oertoiu registered mortgage
whioh ,vial be produced at the Hoop a of sole
and upon which default in payment has you
made, there will be edema for sale by Dub.
lie auotlou at the 0U104/N'S HOTEL in the
VILLAGE 0I 1311 5SELS, iu the County of
Huron, on
Wednesday, March 25eby 1890,
at o'clock in the afternoon, the following
valuable lands and premises :—Tho North
half of Lot number Twouty-vino in tho
Eighth Couoeeatou of the Towushi p of Mor-
ris, in the County of 13urOo, containing one
hundred acres more or lees. This property
lips in a well settled district and has eructed
thereon a good log house and, stable. Soil is
a good clay loam, There is a largo Orchard
on the farmandthe property lies about two
nod a half moos frons the Village of Brns-
So1e. TEnnts.—Ten per cont. of the purohaoe
money to be pair) down at the time of sale.
Terme for payment of balmier: wilt be made
known hime tlrForfurter ge leoas apply to REID,
OWENS & WOOD, Vaulters' Solicitors, Free-
hold Loan Building, Toronto, 0nt,
Under and by virtue of the power of Halo
contained in a cortaiu regietored mortgage
whioh will be produced at the tltno of sale
made, theon re tell/ be 0ofto0t in
dpfornsale bybu 11
Ile auction at the ARLINGTON HOTEL, in
the VILLAGE 00' FORDWICB,. in the
County of Huron, on
Tuesday, March 24th, 1890,
at 2.80 O'olook l0 the afternoon, the following
valuable lands and premises, viz. :—The
Weet Seventyacresof Lot number Twenty-
nine oin 0110 lweifth Ooncoeslon 02 rho Towu-
ehip prellevloh, in rho well
sett' of Huro0,
This p00900071i0e In a woil eettlad district,
distant about three and one half ethe
OBfford Stailod, There aro erectedted onn ern
property a frame dwelling,large frame barn
and other mit-handbags. Soil ie a clay loam,
TEnnce•—Ton per 0eat, of 1115 p00011 0o 01013-
033 to bo Raid down at tho time of sale,
forme for payment 0f balance win be made
known at the timed/ eau).
Por further particulars apply to ILRIC,
OW10N8 & WOOD, Vendors' Sotioitora reap -
hold Loan Building, Toronto, Ont,
Soliottor and Conveyancer. Collec-
tions elide. 011100—Vanetoun's BJOak, Bras -
eels. 01-8m
, Ooolleiitor Oonveyanoer,NotaryPub-
lip, &e
o Yanetobe'8 Block, 1 door
north of Central Hotel, Private Funds to
(Formerly of CameronBoit &
Cameron 1 Barrister and Soiio1lorGodor1011,
Out, Oflleo—klamilt, on S0„ Opposite Col-
borne Hotel.
6olioitor, &o. (late of Garrow &
Proudfoot's Ofltoe, 0oderieh,) Mee over
Gillies & Smith's Bank,Brueseis,
Money. to Loan. 47
Honer Graduate Toronto University,
Licentiate Royal College Dental Surgeons,
Crown and Bridge work a specialty. Moder-
13arte r tta barber shop,iTurnberry St.t., laruel
CY Honor' Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all
diseases of dom00tioated animals In a com-
petent manner. Particular attention paid
to v01.0rhrary dentistry. Calls promptly at-
Office Infiy rmary—Four use a doors ofbrigolurberBrs
S. Ont. MRa ideeoe and Edemo in \Nilson e
Block, corner of Mill and Turnborry Ste,
Graduate Physician,
t g Uofverelty Medical
Faculty, Alembee of Oollege of Pbyeloisne
and Surgeons, Ont. 012.roo—Next door to
McDonald & Co., Walton Out,
IaeuxorofttarriageLioenaea, 081oe
at hfe Grocey, Pnruiserry street. 13)080010.
• Tonsorial Artist' Shop—Next door
south of A. M• MoKay & Co's hardware store,
Ladie s' andoblldreae hair cutting a epeotalty
Savings Bank tahee Deposita from
81,00 to )1,C00 and allows 31per cent.
intere0t. T, FARROW,
=87.3m _• ._.._.-`—_... Postmaster,
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
l''No Witness Required.
T. FLETCHER, Brussels.
ltirISS O'CONNOR, R. T.,
ofOgilleibinaiPiano or an viWghTwat-.
day and Wednesday of earth week. Resi-
dence on Prin0ess Street, Brussels.
e11ANO0 Oo. 30otablishod 1810, In.
suruncss effected on all Town and Farm
Property at very low rotes,
18.301 Agent, B1•useele..
Co, Huron. Ck of onveyancer, Notary Cour
Land, Lean and In0urnnee Agent, Funds
invested and to loan, Collootlone made
Office in Graham's B1oolt, Brus0ale
Organist in St, John's Church, Erne'
eels, will give lessons to pupils either on
pptaut or organ, at his parlor in the Smith
block, Bruesele, Vocal lassoes alsoive n.
Ton years exporioeInteaching. femme
Lioonsed Anotionser. 5atee oondaot
odon reasonable terms. Farms and farm
stook a specialty. Orders left at Tuts Poo
P ubnshiug llouse,Brueeole, or gent to Walton
P. 0.09111 reeolvo prompt attention,
-IL 110)0, will 0811 for bettor prions, to
better men, in o se Ulna and lees chargee
than any Other Auctioneer. in East 5500000
Or 110 won't charge anything, Dates and
ordure ban always bo arranged at this olllee
er by polytonal application,