HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-3-20, Page 6THE BRUSSELS OST NAB, 20, ]_,$9 Czit Nntgacis tint -be ?U8nfenni .--- J VEEY FRIDAY MORNING fin time ter the,.car1Y mails) at “Tho Post" Steam PlibII3laing Munroe, '.1'ognerennz ST., Bna8ens, Cher, Tames on Suneenxr'rlo3..-sato dollar a uuaioorlpe ori 1 8 0 01 3110 -denoted byltheodatoo oA the address label. M VQ aT:— ISIN toth, a bofolio vloGg rates s the year will h ged these who ed e ty aPAot • i l Sn. 1. 1f am. I a mo One column 800.0 885.05 320,00 20q012 50.00 20.00 12.60 rattier �i ...19.80 6.00 20.00 13.00 I. - Ji 8.00 5.00 Eight ciente p er line for first insertion, and three vents per line !or cath subsequent in. serbi00. All advertisements measured as NDnpare11._12lines to thetnch. Bub ase cards, eight linea and under, g6 tier dverbisements without appoint, direct - tions, will be inserted until forbid, and charged accordingly, instructions to change or di8eontinue an advertisement roust he lett at the counting room of 'Pun Pow not later than Tuesday of each week Vile is imperative, W. ISI... TiEYBII, Editor andl'ooprietor. Ontario Legislature. THE EDUCATION 1E1'ODT, The report of the Minister of Educe tion for 1895 open's with a• summary o the statistics for 1894. From theee i appears that there were then 5,64 Public Schools, an iuorease of 8 ; 32 Boman Catholic Separate Schools, an increase of 10, and ten Protestant Separ ate Schools, besides 90 kindergartens with 184 teachers, and 25 night schools with 54 leachers, The amount expended in 189-1 for Public School houses, sites and buildings, was $373,482; for Public Schools teaohere' salaries $2,725,286, and for other purposes, $812,050, making a total expenditure of $3,910,824, an in- crease of $130,093. The estimated value of Public School property is $310,599,• 439. There were 603,840 persona between the ages of 5 and 21 fn the Province, and the number of registered Public School pupa of all ages was 443441, an in- crease of 440 while the average attend. an0e was 245,000. an inter ase of 7,413, Io the Roman Nihon° Separate Schools there were 39,762 pupils enrolled, an in. crease of 1,0955, and the average attend- ance was 28,328, ao iecrea<e of 1,465. The percentage of average attendance to total at.endanne was 56, an increase of 2 per cent. The teachers in the Public Schee s numbered 8,110, of whom 2,0112 were men, and 5,448 women. The aver- age salary paid to male teachers was 3421, a decrease of $2, and the average salary of female teachers was $300. The schools were kept open on an average of 208 days, and inspection cost $90,610. The etatistiee for secondary schools show 129 High Schools and Collegiate Ineti. tutee, with 5854 ;teachers, an increase of 16, and 23,523 pupils, an increase of 488, For High School teachers' salaries, $507,- 441 was paid ; for eohoolhouses, $48,- 100, and for other purposes, 3102 931, making a total expenditure of 0688,532. The value of High School property ie $1,702,620. la the' report the Minister States that several raceme in sanitation • 9 8 point of shipment, 11. Tinsley, the ()big Warden, reports that sixty shooting li. ne12001 were issued to foreign sportsmen during the year, the same nutnbee as during 1$3i$. Ho suggests "that the game kwe be so amended that severe Penalties be initiated fon.ebootibg deer in thewater. The work of the oommiseion would be far mora effective if the chief warden and wardens had the same power conferred on them as these conferred on liquor license inapeotore, enabling the wardens to inspect euspeoted eslablioh^ for the monte without procuring search war. good. 1'13038. /111110 500000 10 not practicable, One wise thought 18 worth a thousand right hands, 1:10315 OA` THOURi1T< The worst have heavenly possibilities, Ile who is it1 love with himself has no tryst, The greatest of 1aul0e is to beeonsolous of neve. Ile who fears to undertake is already defeated. Not what I have, but what I do, ie my ltingdgm, There fa always a good time coining then game dealers should bo licensed be, ford being allowed to deal in game, thus bringing them under the direot Govern. meat supervision, It has been found necessary to do this in England, While we are far in advanoe of our . Amerman neighbors in the question of Spring ehoot. ing, we are lagging far behind theta in the barbarous system of bounding neer. Many of the States have made it unlaw. fel to hound deer, and all the4merioan papers devoted to field sports are agitate ing in favor of abolishing this barbarous and gruel practice." A Huronite in Argentina. B13e1108 Aires 1s a good business place. So is any modernized town in Argentina. A 130883ess man in almost any line, who has some little capital to start on, back. ed up by energy and industry, will nob only do well here but will stand a good chance of getting rich. There are not many millionaires in Argentina drat I ever heard of, but I think it would be herd to fin.] the world over a more generally proeperous set of people than the English speaking residents of this republic. But it is nob n good country for clerks or other young men wbo have had a bug. nees training in one branch or other and have no capital. At least that is what old residents of the country tell me and my own observation corroborates their evidence. wages in general are low, but, as in every new country, wages toepecial• rets are high. In other words, the aver- age young man, if he is without capital, can do very much better in Oaneda or the United States. Engineers, skilled mechanics, really oompehent accountants and such like, however, when they can get work are generally pafdt high wages. Indeed they can generally make a three or four yearn' contract almost at their own price, because when they are needed at all they are needed badly. The stores of Buenos Aires, as well as all the other business places, do nob make as good a display as those of a oily of similar size in the States, on account of the poorer class of buildings. The stores are too small in most cases so that the stook cannot be dieplayed t0 advantage though some immensely valuable stooks are carried. There are some exceptions of oourse, but I am speaking of the oily in general. Gcooery stores and drug stores seem to be especially proeperous The special purpose of riolies is to be generouel,y diepereed. Pity and forbearance should character- ize all sots of juetioe. Men are apt to prier a prosperous error before an affiioted truth. That which we acquire with most cliff, onity, weretain the longest. Ta understand one thing well is better than many things by halves. The saddest failings in life eoree from the not putting forth the power to sue. cited, 0 Act well al the moment, and you have performed a good action to all eternity. Life is passed in,,dosiriug wbat one has not, and regretting what one has no longer. Be not afraid of enthusiasm ; you need it ; you can do nothing effectually with- out it. Aotiviby is liable to commit some in. juries ; bat indoleuoe is sure to do no good. Enthueinsm is the genius of sincerity, and truth accomplishes no victories with- out it. All other knowledge is hurtful to vim who has nob the science of honesty and goodness. Those who come bo you to balk about othere are the ones wile go to others to talk about you. Ib is a 1915e lean who knows bis `own business ; and it is a wiser man who thoroughly attends to it. The manner of saying or doing any thing goes a great way towards the value of the thing itself. The measure of one's real oharaoter is what he would do if he knew it would never be found out. It is a good thing to be rioh, and a good thing to be strong, but it is a better thing to he beloved of many friends, To be happy a persou must be cheerful and giy, not gloomy and melancholy. A propensity to hope and joy is real riches ; one to fear and sorrow, real poverty, What The Papers Say And Don't Eriy. !'He died in the prime of life," and his entire inoome died with him. "He leaves a widow and several obild- rein to mourn his lose." The loss is to- tal ! there was no insurance. "The bereaved family have the syiepa. thy of the entire community." The ebb and flow of sympathy at and after a Indeed I am told that the drug bu-inose funeral are well known. is the best paying iu the country. One He was a bind, thoughtful husband," and left hie widow without a dollar of thing I noticed was the beautiful photo, galleries. No where else have I seen the insurance protection, at'empt at advantageous display that is "Ile was a loving, indulgent father," made in that line hare. The leadin whose orphans his widow will have a photogrnphere have open galleries, the bard struggle in supporting. wails of which are Tined with hotogrn he "He was a careful, upright business p p man" ; hs the absence of insurance his of an sizes and kinds, some beautifully colored. There are sometimes also beautiful flowers and plants and even statuary and paintings. I used to spend a good many idle half hours in these are necessary. The average age of the places. One of the largest galleries be. teaohere is 25 years, and the average 1100138 to a North American, and a couple years of experience 4 9;5 years. The 1 of others to Englishmen. loss of time from theses d .ea not exceedI said before that druggists do well 1 here, sn•do dentists. To be a really good dentist here le to leaver: small gold mine fu y0ar possession. The same may be said of other towns and cities not only in Argentina but in all parts of South America. English doctors also do well, though their field ie better filled than that of the dentists. The newspaper business is also a good one hare, but the field is rapidly filling. However, journey- man printers are in demand, I am told, though wages are not very. high. I did not look into this matter et all but simp- ly heard it stated by a newspaper man. Thera are several line job printing and lithographing establishments, but I fancy the field in this lino is as full at present as the trade will stand, and it is nob vary remunerative I am told, because of a variety of reasons. I am only speaking from hearsay, however, or rather s000nd hand conjecture, for the business is most- ly in the hands of foreigners—Germane, Frenrh and Italians. A field that is rapidly opening up is that of experts in and handlers of agri- nulttfral products and' export animals. The lumber business should also pay im• men8ely if tome smart person could solve the problem of transport. There is splendid wood of many kinds in Argen• tlna and more in Paraguay, yet building lumber even, is to a large extent import- ed. I Have en acquaintance who deals largely in fence poste and out of these alone he makes a splendid thing. There are only a few things chat have happened to come under my own °beerv- atiou in one way or another, or about which I have inquired, but Argentina it one day per teacher. Progress in sent- tation and hygiene is reported, only 490 schoolhouses being reported as furnishing inadequate breathing space for the pupils in attendance. Better facilities for ventilation and heating are needed in many cases. The statistics show that the number of pupils in that fourth and fifth forms is steadily increasing, and there is a gratifying inereaa0 in tl,e tine]. ber studying history and geography and composition, while there were in 1894 nearly five times es many studying temperance and hygiene as in 1892. In the High Scheele a steady increase in the proportion of pupils taking commercial subjects and decrease in those taking classics is reported. Tile GAVE CONIUS0I03. The report of the fish and Game Com- missioners for 1805 contains the follow. ing :— Although the enforcement of the game laws bas had an undoubted effect in pre.-erving the game during the last three or four years, the Act might be made ninth more protective by restricting the number of birds to be taken or killed by any person in a day 0year, for instance in the case of duck, if it were enacted tbat not more than 20 should be taken in a day or 300 in a season it would have a good effect. Tile same plan might be adopted with reference to the other game birds, quail, snipe, woodcock and par- tridge. With respect to deer, the commission- ers regret having to report that although the epee season was last pear shortened by ten days, yet, owing to the insatiable a rapidly gr0wfn3 and developing cm: - craze of bunters to take part in the sport try. A great part is nob yet explored of hutting this animal before it is filially even in a cursory way, and though, like exterminated, greater numbers than ever every other country, it has itedrawbacks, have been killed during the late open there is certainly here a splendid field season. It is estimated by the wardens, for enterprising, energetic) men who have who had charge of Muskoka and neigh- the stamina to resist the temptation to bouring dietriots, that fully 3,000 deer fall into the lazy ways of the country. were killed there during the fifteen days The first thing, however, that must be open season. The chief factor in this un. auconxpliehed before any progress can be reasonable s•aughter is the nee of hounds, made, is to learn Spauiell and anyone which to the number of abort 800 were who should think of trying hie luck let loose upon the deer this seas0n. The would do well to study that language at following amendments to the Gann Act least before he comee and if poesible to were deemed absolutely neeeseory :-- speak it. Anyone who cannot learn a That the following sentence bo added to foreign language paosahly well at home Sec. 4 : No pereon obeli use any fleeting is not likely to do well here. There ie a battery, ekeg, monitor, or other device great temptation, especially in Buenos whereby the gunner is ooneeaied for the Aires, not to learn Spanish, for there is purpose of killing any of the above water. plenty of English society and one can get fowl, or shoot out of any each floating along comfortably enough without it, but battery, machine, or device at any wild 1118 ones who expect to get ahead meet goose, brae t, or dock in any of the waters have a thorough ltoowfedge and mastery of this province, or use any deooy or of it. Tire WANDERER. construct any bough house or blind at a greater distance than fifty yardefrom the shore or natural point of rushes conned - ed with the shore for the purpose of shooting at or killing any such birds ; that every person about to bunt deer shall take ant a Harlem for the season at a nominal fee, to which two coupons are attached ; that each person shall ab• teeth one coupon to each deer or part of deerebipped by him, and said coupon than be signed and detached by the per. son to whom the Iloenee is tamed in the presence of the shipping agent at the elegant home will just about cover his debts and the mortgage, "He was very determined, very self- reliant," absolutely refusing to talk or be talked to on life ineuranoe. He could invest his own money. "The firm of Smith, Debt & Co. is this day dissolved," The fent is the senior member died uninsured, and the junior member, therefore, became sole propri- etor. "The widow Smith wishes a few board- ers. No. 19, Factory Row." Late of No. 7, Highland Place and Grand Avenue, "Death notices, not exceeding two lines, publiehed free," Two lines may announce a death and a funeral, while a whole newspaper oould not record the battle with poverty and want waged by the widow of the uninsured. RBE00IATIatt CURED IN A DAY.—South American Rheumatic Cure for Rheums• tiem and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and rilyeterioue. It re- moves et ones the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The fireb dose greatly benefits. 76 cents. Warranted by G, A. i)eadman. rAILORINO! M. G. Richardson Is prepared to do all kinds work iii his line. Good Workmanship and Good fits ,Guaran!eed. LATEST STYLES. Suits made for S4 and upwards. Lw'shop OyoI• illellowan'e Moro. of NOTICE OF RE OVAL Having purchased a shop on Thomas•St., opposite the Queen's Rotel stables, L wish to notify lay old bustomers and as many new ones as may favor nee with their RELIEF IN Sze IIouss.-•--Dietreesing kid• patronage that I have removed goy and bladder diseases relieved in six fO m now stand. hours by the "Groat South American �; .Sidney Care." nig new remedy is a So1ioiting a share of business reat surprre8 and delight on' tf accoun o from the public guaranteein to exceeding promptness in relieving ' � 3 pain in the bladder, kidneys, bank and satisfaction, •every part of the urinary passages in I remain, male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost fm- P� f num! Deadman, drugtat. mediately. If you want quiok relief and . ti w ,L N g eneralBIacksmith & Horseshoer aura this is your remedy. Sold by G. A. (x AYER'S air ViOI Reetoree natural color to Oa hair, and also prevents it ialllno out, 7rlrs. Il'enwiclr, of Digby, Id, A,, says: "A little more than two years ago rny hair began to turn gray and out. ter the ... of one bottle of Ayers Ilair'Viug'osre my Bair wits restored to its original color and ceased falling out. An occasional application has since kept the hair in' good condition,"—Dire. 111. F. 130 WrCK, Dighy, N. S. "I hate used Ayer's *Hair Vigor for three year's, and it has restored hair, which was fast henonung grits, back to its natural color. LT. Vtr. HAsELlrorr, Paterson, 237. J. .440.14,4.411.1 PRINT' OPENINCx On Saturday, Marc. 7th, and following week, we matte a Special Display of our New, Large and Beautiful Stock of Spring Prints for 1896. ISIS Season we have a full line of the Celebrated Crum's Prints Every piece guaranteed fast colors and of the best quality. No matter if you do not wishpto buy, come and see them. pl YER' �,�_�,• EVERYBODY INVITED. ' ALL WELCOME. rltul•AnEn Ez A ■ TRA H A DR.J, 0. AVER & DD,, LDWELL,MASS., U,S. A. t %yet s .Piles mere Sick Xtoradaohe.MONOINOMMOSIMINESSOMIKR CLEAND' ;17:„.,.-1 +CONlA7'lON INDIGEST'ION DIZ,Z,NE 55 0,U,1T10N5`oN T1IE .SKIN. SEA"117'IFIE5a4�'COMA'�'"EXT Ot�.;' t,„ An Agreeable Laxative and NI:RV20 TONIIC, Nord by Druggists or sent by Mail. 80e., 301., I and - $1.00 per package. Samples free. 1�O NO forthe310051 and llrosth,4ba Sold by .5.18. SOX, Itruss5 1, ttruISeels. Know What You Chew 5 Is free from the injurious coloring. The more you use of it the better you Tike it. TOE GEO. E. 'I'UCKETT & SOK CO., LTD. HAMILTOAl., ONT. Hello :• chi n ! Well What ! "Well I went the other day and took my parents to BRUS- SELS and while there we afro! ed up to R. Brew2i's PHOTOGRAPH STUDIO, and had our Pictures taken, and my parents are so delight. ed that tbey had the luck to go least that "Grim Monster, Death" should come along and gather them in. (Opportunities 01108 lost can never be recalled: Always weloomo at the Old Reliable Photograph Studio. H. R. BREWER SMITII BLOCK, R Lo (BY 15 'MINUTE'S) WEEKLY TOURIST CAR TO THE Pacific Coast LEAVES TORONTO AT X'.,05 FRIDAY NOON. T, FARROW, senrs I In order to clear out what Fall and Win- ter Goods we have in stock, we intend to RUN THEM OFF AT COST, $o now is your Chaste for a Snap in Othored Clothing. Suits that Sold for 518.00, now S15r00, We can make you up a First-class all Wool Suit for $ 10.00, Everything Away Down in Price. We do not intend to carry over one yard of Winter Cloth If low prices will sell them. Cai_l and see that we mean just what we Advertise: ono. McBain 4 MERCHANT TAILOR, - BRUSSELS. Established 1871. fextil' rRt ��[i of Toronto. 00 G CD CD 00 00 D a+ 0J) m 04 oa o oo� C o o o The Policy Contract issued by this Association is perfection itself, UNCONDITIONAL, ACCUMULATIVE, AND AUTOMATICALLY NON -FORFEITABLE. It leaves nothing further to be desired. Rates and full infor- mation furnished on application. 'W'. n. 10EDE,, Agent, Brussels.