The Brussels Post, 1896-3-20, Page 311.44. 20, 1890 aMt THE B1tU88 L8 POSTTown DireCtory. Minereee CloweI-.taabbeth Servioee ae 11 a m and 7.00 p, m, ldundey School at 2;30 p nr, Rev. John Rose, B 4, pastor. at 11 a Qrn andH71l in. S Sunday SSchool at 2:80 p. m. Rev. A. K. Griffin, income.' bent. Meenenne Ceueat ,--Sabbath Services at .10:30 a m and 7:00 p m, Sunday School at 2:30 p m, Rev. G. II, Cobble. dick, ef 4, B D, pastor, ROMAN CATHOLIC Cllpn011..-Sabbath Service third Sunday in every month, at 10:80 a In. Rev Joeeple Kennedy, priest. &Imam ABMS,-Serhio9 at 7 and 11 a m and 8 and 8 p m on Sunday and every evening in the week at 8 o'elook, at the barraoke, One FELLgwe' Lopes every Thursday evening, in Graham'e block, Meaux° LODGE Tuesday at or before full moon, in Garfield block, A 0 0 W Luau on the Ord Friday edening of eaoh month, in Bias. hill's block. 0 0 F Downs 2nd end last Monday evenings of oath month, in Blaehill's block. 0 F, 2nd and last Friday in Odd Fellows' Hall. Lt)L let Monday in every mon bh In Orange Hall. Bone OF BoOTLAND, lob and 8rd Tues. days of each mouth, in Odd Fellows' Hall. K. 0, T. M. LODGE, 2nd and '4th Tues. daya of emelt month, in Odd Fellow's Hall, Holm Chime, 2nd and 4th Friday even. lugs in Blaebill'e Hall. POST Or'F1oo.-0ffiee hours from 8' a. m. to 0:30 p, m. MECHANICS' INSTITUTE. -Library in Holmes'•blook, will be open from 6 to 8 o'clock p. m. Wednesdays and 8:80 to 5 and 6 to 8 Saturdays. Miss Minnie Mo• Naughton, Librarian. Tows; OouxomL.-W. H. Kerr, Reeve ; Geo. Baeker, Robert Graham, It, Lea- therdalo and 1;. G. Wilson, Douucillers ; F. S. Scott, clerk ; Thomas ]felly, Treasurer ; D. Stewart, Assessor and J. T, Ross, Collector. Board meets the let Monday in eaoh month. SCHOOL BOAIID,-Rev. Rose, (Chairman,) D. 0. Ross, Dr. Graham, A. Heid, A. Koenig and H. Dennis ; Seo. -Traria., It. Rose. Meetings 2nd Friday evening in each mouth. PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS, -J. H. Cam• eron, Principal, Mite Linton, Miss Downey and Mies Ritchie. BOABD OF EA -t HLan. T sous Herr, Clerk Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and J. N. Kendall. Dr. McNaughton, Medical Health Officer. WITH A PROVISO. I am resolved in ninety-six To swear off cigarettes, And on the track, as I bave done, I'll snake no racing bete. 'Wits: poker chips I'll play no more, I've had en0ugb of that. Pll take no girl to see the play Who wears too large a hat. I shall not look upon the wino When in its deeply red, But quite persistently Pll take My Adam's ale iuetead. In ufnety.eix I am resolved To save a goodly enre, when it comes to 000d hard work I'm going to make things hunt. Bat these resolves for ninety.six Are made conditionally, And that is that the girl I love Does sot go bark on me. ANOTHER REPUTATION RUINED. A hush falls on the crowded pond, The skaters all stand still. Each feels pulsating through his veins A momentary thrill. And now with interest and with pride, The small bay's inert dilates, For now at last he's going to see His honored pa on skates. He's often heard the old man tell Of what he used to do When he was young -the "figure eight," And the ".preadeagle," too, The "grapevine" and the "outside edge," The "Virginia rail fence," And he knows what he's going to see Is going to be immense. And pa strikes bravely out et last, Hie heart quite free from fears, Although he hasn't put on skates Before o for thirty years, He strikes so bravely out, in fact He cute too wide a dash -- One foot goes tight -one foot gotta lel And down he goon -Iter -smash 1 He doesn't really break the fee - It is ten inches tbi°h- But jest the thoutiht of skating now Males him estremely He limps ashore -alae, alone 1 The small boy didn't wait. He'll sneer when pa !ells stories now Of bow he used to skate. A BAD "SPELL." There was a young man in the Tweuty- fleet corps, Who thought he'denlist for myear or two mores. He did not fear danger. He'd met it be. • feeler, But ere the first year of his 5eevfoe was 01.1)5, He met a huge lion whites came to his dorpe, And springing upon him, resistlessly be•pe The galiailt young grenadier down bo the florets, Then standing above bin with terrible rorps, The animal ruthlessly mangled and toren Ilia body as well as the °lather' that lie worpe. Antl niter the tearing and wounding him soL,pe, He timidly left hitt all wolt'ring in gores, With blood freely oozing Prem every parpe. passages. Painless and delightful 'to Ie the, sad condition he thought of the use, it relieves instantly, and permanent• lorps sly eines Catarrah„ Hay Fever, Colds, He acquired at his echosl le the sweet I Hsadaoh 5, Sore Throat, Tonsilitis and days 01 yorpe, 111 Matrons 60 gents' at G. A. Deadman's, And loud, in hie pain, he was beard to deplorps ''be day that 1w went with the Twenty. Ares eorpe. KEEP 4GOIN', • If you strike a thorn 08 rose, neap 530i1)' 1 If it belle or if it snows, Heap agoin' 1 'Taint no use to Bit and whine When the fish ain't on your line ; Bait your hook and keep on tryin'- Keep agoin' 1 When the weather 111115 your crop, Keep egoin'1 When you tumble from the top, Keep agoin' 'Speer' you're out of every dime ? Gestin' broke ain't any crime ; Tell the world you're testi,,' prime ! Keep agree' 1 ' When it loops like all is up, Keep agoin' 1 Drain the sweetness from the cup, Keep agoin I See the wild birds on the wing 1 Hear the bells that sweetly ring ! When you feel like eingin'-sing 1 / Keep agoin'I rum t v u r flrtT Wultns< Belote are the nine longest words in the English language at the present writing, and they are orthographioal monsters, too. Mere they are ; takeoff your coat, and engage them for a round or two : S uticonetibatiottalist. Lloomprehensibility- Philoproge itiveness, 'Honorificib:Iitudiuity. An tbropopbage n,•rian. Disproportionableneee. Velooi pedestrian ieticai. Proenti tioneu betation set. Transit betan t iationableness. La Grippe's Victims. A SCII UI111 P •200111; 'Ti) BE DREADED 'NUN Pf,N'17GENO L. The story or a Novo S0otia Lady Who A1111531 ]Gast IIor 3.11'5 , hreugh the Ravages of This Trouble -unable to Need Herself and Ifad to be Carried 10 nod Prole Reef. Troni the Acadian, Wolfetelle, N. S. In the spring Iof 1 804 the many Mrs. Mary reemen, WolvlIe 8., very gladly welcomed her return home after a long absence from her native town, but it was with the deepest grief thee they beheld in her the prey of a dieeaee of almost incredible severity. rt appeared to all that the brightest future in store for her was but a few mouths of suffering existence. Nob long after het: return. however; the people of nr x4.'4.014-110 wres The Ladies Aid Soelety of the MOW - dist ehuroh gave 0 married ladles eoneerton Mare's 19th, In the burning of a hotel and stables in Ornoefield ex.00unciller MoQQaeig Wet a valuable horse and rig. be glad to beer ngus eh8 soapedythet effeeirte off the esploelen in _Johannesburg, South Africa. Rev. E. A., Molfenete, the popular pastor of Geneva church, ()Insley, and formerly of Luokt5ow, bas been granted absence an a month's leave of e d left Mon.day for Mpee, Mont oGi1l Coll real, where Graduate u he will take a Poet ourse until the olose of the Collage berm at the end 18111 write of March when he to °for 111e degree of B. D. Gp The horse fair 00 f feet week proved a grand snows. We ere sorry bo be death of Mies Nay, who died morning of Ianb week at leer residence. Thiele the second the family who have died withi months. The tenders for the of the school house in S. S. a awarded as fd1lows :-The Oto o Richard Grabens ; the briok t m. Artdell ; and the carpenter workScott. D. Sanderson, hardwareerohant of this place, has die bueineee and stook to Thos. of Sandy Edgar, 203 con., H r. Edgar bas been engaged in t Goode beef. nese with. Mr. PattersMolesworth, for the past two years his experience and abilityshould make a success of the business. The creditors of Keine estate at their meeting, app assignee in the person of T. H. lin, who is one of the heaviest the ma. jority favoring hie app in prefer. enbs to that of Flea rson, to whom Mr. Koine maassignment. Mt, Sanderson, nob,bei creditor, was not considered an a proper person to hold the pop signee of the estate by thefored hays the re.appnintmenb. The ill, it is expected, pay about 5 o e $. r1'iite. Tuesday o ase. bear of the on Monday member of nafetv remodelling 4 were atone 1 work to W toB. m pored of his Edgar, son owialt. M he dry on, of and considering lte tlpe� appointed an McLaughlin, ointment Fleury Sande de an ng a creel eligible nor rh position of ae hors who estate w sura on th HeAHT DISEASE RELIEVED rN 30 M UTEe.f-An casae of organic or eympath heart dieeaee relieved in 30 minutes gaiokly cured, by Dr. Agnew's Cure the Heart. One dose convinces. S by G A. Deadman, The County of Perth Veterinary M icat Association at its recent ant meeting in St. Marye eleoted the folio ing officers : President, Dr, Gibb, Marys ; Vico President, Dr, Hutohi Mitchell ; Secretary -Treasurer, Dr. Master, Stratford, TETRA ABTONteHINO.-MISS Annette Moen, Fountain Minn., says :-_'Aye Cherry Peotoral has had a wonderf effect in During my brother's ohildr of a severe and dangerous cold. It dlfville were surprised to bear that truly aetonielling bow speedily th after usinga few boxes of Dr. Williams' found relief after taking this prep Pink Pillshe bad become almost nom. atfon. pletely well. Anxious to hear the truth LURES TATE "NOTICE" and separate t lettere N-O=P-I.O=E Ir of this surprising report, our reporter all words them onp ei le make as math small words ae po opport ni Mrs. Freemhe at the earliest Bible. It is said that twenty-five Ivor opportunity. From bar he received a -- full account of ber painful nines.; and remarkable recovery. In January of 1880, Mrs. Freeman, who was then liv- ing in Foxbury, Mees., was severely at- tacked by la grippe. She bad partly re- covered when a relapse followed, and while recovering from its effects, abe was seized by aoute rheumatism and neu• raigia. The combined sickness resulted in completely breaking down her coned. tutioo. Upon recovering from neuralgia, she one day noticed a little pimple on her left ankle which became exceedingly painful. It grew rapidly, soon becoming as large as a gold dollar and breaking into a running sore. Others immediately followed, and soon the whole body was covered, the limbs becoming terribly swollen. The most eminent physioitns of Boston were appealed to, but beyond informing her that the ailment was due to,a completely rundown system, they rendered her no assistance. In the spring of 1894 she Deme to Nova Sonde., hoping that a change of climate would effect a cure, bet to no purpose. Bone ulcera, greatly exceeding in painfulness the sores which first appealed, manifest- ed themselves. She soon lost the use of. her limbs, became unable to feed her -elf, and was compelled to be carried to and from her bed. Her eyes became weak, and she was thus denied the enjoyment of reading, After many remedies I,ad been tried and prove useless, Dr, Williams' Pink Pills were finally appealed to. Scarcely six boxes had been consumed when the ulcers showed symptoms (.1 healing, the appetite grew better and her general health greatly improved, Sines that time her condition has steadily improved, and her health is now far better e to 1 th0.n it previous e vl r e Dna o her serious p nous illne's. Save a slight stiffness of the limbs, she shows no eines of the terrible 'merge she 11115 passed through, Mrs, Freeman is not unmindful of the great obligation she is under to this remarkable medioine, and ahs is anxious that the wonderful core which it has effected should be generally knows. The sxperienoe of years has proved that there is abeolutely no disea'e due to a vitiated condition of the blood or shattered nerves, that Dr, Williams' Pink Pills will nob promptly ogre, and those who are suffering from et0Oh Tho undersigned wishes to intintato bo troubles would avoid much misery and ,the public generally that he has save money by promptly resorting to leased the this treatment. Get the genuine Pink Pills every time and do not be persuaded to take an imitation or some 'other remedy flbm a dealer, who, for the sake of the extta profit to binned, may say is "jnet as good," Dr. Williams' Pinlr Pills snake rich, red blood, 003 cure when other medicines fail, IN• etio and for old ed• ual w - St. ns Mc -1 r's ul CHI ae ey Ir. be so de be merle ; for example, note, ton once, got, it, on, etc.. If you are brig enough to make fifteen or more you ea makes clothes 8Weet, clean, syliite, with the least labor. A — u remark- able lasting — and cleansing propertiesmake SURPRISE MOS -j — economical and Bed Every Daly 112cLEO D'S $y'Stom +ei ov for 1.o0 OTHgn--- TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate. tion of the Heart, LiverComplaint, Neur- algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con. sumption, Gall Stones, Jeundioe, Kidney and Urinary Dise,teee, St. Vitus' Dance, Female lrregelaritiee and General De- bility, -LABORATORY GODERICH, ONT. J. ICI, McLEOD, Prop. and Manufaoburer. Sold by JAMES FOX, Dru glet Brussels. MONET TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 61 Per Cent., Yearly, Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. -Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels, an (r1►"ia nter I have a fine, neav and well selected stock of THE f MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY FOCertain iinRIts ef'ectss andBEAST. bters. Read proofs below, KENDALL'S SPAVIN CUM Box,: Carmen Henderson Co., I11:,Fob.rk, Ti. Dr. B. J. dere , bo. Dear Sire -Please send me ono er Tour Horse Docks and oblige. I have 005 agreat deal of- o,0' ]tendaths Spann Cure 50111. codeL(e e•it sen 5vonderrnl medieina I eneoo, d a mare dkut had keepp(11Occult 10 on bl and ave bottles oared LBP. I keep a bottle on Land all the time. Yours truly, Cals. Powtas. KENDALL'S SPAIN CONE. Dr. B. 3, 11Esoonr, co. CANTO.;, ,lin., Apr. 3, 'BP,: "Dsuda sapavlve0uind"saver enotleescoesao'I thielr a tbo boat Llnlment I ever used, Item re- moezdm,e Curb, One ltlood Spavin and Wird two none 6povlu . Have recommended 1t to jI e, (50:045! 0Y my friencie 011008040005. pleased lvisil brig , 1 0 5n kvop 1t. Des5Oetndlyy, 1!t S R HAY, P. 0. DOS 3ie. n i ror Snle Uy n11 Dc'usgiste, or address �Dr. P. J ZEE.55iLL d01tt':111 ENOSBteeH FALLS, VT• e ..are of reoeiving an elegant reward. The "Ladies' Every Saturday" will pay 210.00 in gold to the person able to make the best list of words from letters con• tained in N.0 -T I.0 -E, e9.00 for the second best, 28.00 for the third beet, 27.00 for the fourth best, a ladies' nickel watch with flue American movement and well worth 35.00 for each of the five next beet lists, and one hundred valuable re. wards in order of merit for the next best one hundred lists (shoal that number be received.) Bach person sending li.t of fifteen word or more is guaranteed a beautiful present. As the above rewards are given without consideration, simply to attract attention to this most charming sixteen page weekly for ladies and girls, it is neoeesary for you to seed eight Oen. adian tbreseeent stamps for trial sub. eoription (four numbers), containing par. tioulars and lettere from those wbo have already received valuable rewards. It your letter enolooieg trial subscription is received promptly, you will secure free in addition to all of the above a oolleotion of choice flower Seeds, ten different rare end beautiful varieties, also two beautiful oolorod engravings entitled "The Doctor" and its companion "The Bribe." Tboee- ands of dollars ars being expended to in- troduce this popular weekly. Satisfaction is guaranteed in every ease or stamps re- funded. Write to -day and address, "Ladies' Every Saturday' "0," 920 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Notice TO THE ublic Stratford's assessed value le 23,008,730. G. T. R, property is amend for over $600,000. The sooner you begin to fight the fire, the more easily it may be extinguished. The sooner you begin to bake flyer's Sarsaparilla for your blood-diseatie the easier will be the ours. In both oases delay is dangeroes, if not fatal : Be sure yen got Ayer's and no other. CATANUAll BELIEVED IN 10 TO 60 sum: ES. - One short puff el the breath through the Blower, supplied with eaoh bottle of Dr. Agnew's Oatarrah Powder, diffuses this Powder over the. eurfaoe of the nasal Blacksmith Shop Brom Mrs :no, Wynn, kn000lo., and is now prope.rad to attend to math - mull work in all its breaches in a Workmanlike manner. First-class Horse Shaer Having worked in a number of largo shops iu both the United States and Canada. The Public Invited to give me s call. Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices to suit the times. George Trimble, BLAOICSMITH, BRUSSELS, Horse Blankets, Light an Heavy Har- ness, Collars, &o, Trunks and Bags at Low Prices, ENNIS P10051 FROeSCse 'Pan einem imam 18 8058 w•EEMS. PI00 Sl tires..? q n Nernooq Dlgnnsew Bleq ,n. •. noes, os, I'o olenuyr,Nig5 0 i5 8 0 a a,, ,e : give, e0. s, 0toner•s 00 onuoodby year 4 o glue vbut el Otto ce hrnnk0a 05;04, no,f 507005 , 3,5 Pyt0000OgINarti.e-r}YJOO et chi ory C app Use 4.900Iband 4 you 5 e gratin q'r '- imdhappyo3 50 5Oat o, meaec ptnlu wEools•" a50 s! itrves sealed f -Om Prke, 8 0. 08 S. 01 fertSS. it, vest monpagey la h,r 69 A B six for tit. Elope money ll ell, er o 1nAf0 , 1) terror. !,'drosson In DCngqxat 1nnudn.P0:1 mtAlon of Cnnndn, r: r Ho5"- • R +•-• o•`ps re F▪ ;' m � M/ o' y m O c1R . r cs o C cs Cr;w ^r' LD N CS 0 —. -3 peg 0 o • 0 0 • U? a ,3',j5,36' o " !p for..r. •. .155for r ,, CURED BY TAKING seSarsa - paarrilla "1 was a0lietod for eight years with Salt R11e110. During tint tion°,1 unit 'tercet many medicines which wean highly rec- ommended, but none 10(310 me relief. I 1535 at IIt51 a)VIGCl to try Aycr's 05rsa- 1+ni!t•b end before I had finished the h,urtlt Fettle, my hands 5:ere as Pince from Eruptions is ever they WIT. My business, which, 1,dl.4t of ;i d,t driver, requires me to ! out I" void and wet weather, often without gloves, hilt the trouble has macer rel.urnet6"- TLIOAIA0 A, Jonas, 8.ra,fu34, Ont. Ayr a er°s :aril a Admitted at the e %Thin Fair.g 4ydeeee .3'ites (.11.1:ct2247e tau).owals. 8WULES British Columbia It(td,iledltl• Shingles AND. —• Ninth Shore Pile 11.11(1 Cedar FOR SALE AT x1.11 IS COMING Our Spring or- der is to hand in iron unci wooden axled wagons with or without bent rails. Toy Carts that any "kid" can easily draw. Ire loCipoil es for boys at low prices. Shoq Fly Rock- ing )Horses, the de- light of every child, ...Brussels Planing Mills So/d Away Down. Also Doors and Sash of all Pet terns on hand or made to order at Short Notice, Estimates Furnished for all kinds of Buildings. Workman• ship end 0100931al Guaranteed. J. & P. AMENT, Croqnet, 4, ands ball sets of that popu- lar game called ttICrolray" are here and ready for the Spring Opening of your lawn The prices are ivitliin reach of all. Cro- quet is one of' the Oheapest Outfits any family can in. Vest in for the amount of pleas- ure to be taken out of it. Try a Sail ' n .ckle- aW a -flight' Marbles, Crows and the travelling "Hurdy.gurdy" are three sure evidences of Spring. We bave thous. ands of "dabs" and a ;food supply of "dandy shooters." Every boy elould have hie pockets full. Baso Balls, Hard and Soft Rubber Balls, Bats and Cricket Sete to bend. Low Prines to snit the hard times. Ain Children's Gallen Tools, including spade, hoe awl rake. The very tlifng people often ask for. We haven't room to tell you about Sailing Boats, Little Brooms, ]lolls, Dishes and hundreds of other things. This Column is for boys and girls only. No parent is supposed to read it. The Post Bookstore WILL MAKE IT PAY YOU TO TRADE HERE.