HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-2-28, Page 8porginkozva
Te6ted. Free
Of Charge
and Spectac-
les Fitted
Properly by
Madman& Mall
Druggiets, Opticians and
1221Z2321S591612233 ifeelleeelee2=3
soueueme EXTENSION W. G. & Z.
Trains leave Brueeels Station, North
and South, as follows:
90001Saunas 11:50 a.m. Rail
diked as() am. Mixed
9:00 p.m. Express . 9:43 p,m.
8:13 p.m,
9'16 'Tux Directors of the Grey Branch
Agrionitural Society will meet at the
Council Chember, Brussels, on Thursday
of next week, 60h inet., to arrange about
yam. sews gtorts. improvements at Fair ground, inc and other business of the Society.
P. S. Exesneseroes.-The Promotion
Examinations in the Public: schools of
the County of Heron will he held on the
26th and 27th of March, and teachers are
hereby requested to send to the wider -
signed for the requisite number of ex•
amination paperfor their respective
schools. D. Rens, I. P. S.
POSTPONED RACES.--Tlie Skating races
on Maitland rink, announced for last Fri.
day evening, did not (tome off owing to
bad weather, but will be held on Friday
evening of this week. Among the fliers
expeoted are : -Messrs. Baldwin, of Sea -
forth ; Galloway and 111°Clutcheon, of
Listowel ; Burnsides, of Kincardine •,
Elliott Bros., of Wineham ; Forrest and
Black, of Fergus. There are three races
on the progrs viz., a three mile ; two
mile ; 009 1011, and a belt mile,
Comene.-Itepresen tatives of Brussels
Curling (Rub wont to Wroxeter on Tuee•
day and enjoyed a match with the stone
twistets of that village. The home eight
were victorious by 13 shots, score being
as follows :-
Diressers Florae Fait` Thursday of next
Week, 19T4N,D.4.8.D A/1XE OF 04,7V4.001,
0.041.,,, lo taking its inninge thie
Wleter, -
Qrtrell a flambee of ebildren are had up
with asettelee 113 lhaesele this month.
POTATOnti are very low in priee. 13
eente a'bushel le considered about tbe
rnerke0 Ve. Re,
Bemuses% Beam attended Division
Court at Blyth last Monday where be
`conduoted several tweets
Moms: sale bills printed on ehort
notiee. Owing to ou e large ()Repletion
an advt. of the gale reaches hundreds.
Messes BARKER ce VANSTONE eloeighter.
ed a lot of hoge this week, ehoosing
rather to hold the pork then feed the
hogs, owing to a deoline in the market.
Lase Friday the East Huron License
Board met at the Central Hotel, Brussels,
end organized for the year. nos, Gib-
son was re•eleeted Chairman and. le.
51350000 Miller Secretary. •
J. 0. Tom has over 100 aords of wood
piled 013 a 0000110 lot on Turn berry greet,
belonging to X. Hargreaves, Toronto,
Mr. Took be not his full stook delivered
yet, awing to the bad roads, •
Gongs LEAYE.-W. Downs, photo.
graiier, has deoided to gm up business
in Bruseele, and during the balance of
his dine here will give spaniel bargains
in photos., pietures, frames, &o.
THE wedding party agoompamying
Arohie MoIntesh and bride, .of Grey, to
Brussels, to take the noon train en route
to Portage -la -Prairie, Mn,, caused a
ripple of ex.:element on Wednesday.
TUENDAV NOON. -We would rein ind
boeinees men of the strict necessity of
having all changes for advertisements in
Ti, Poev by Tuesday noon of each week.
This is the only way to ensure the work
being done,
A chiel's amang ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
AIICTION ealee are lively this week.
EASTER Sunday nomas on April 5013.
FOURTH Division Court last Wednesday.
MoNTELT Horse Fair Thursday of next
BRUSSELS Council meeting next Monday
Titus was good skating on the river
this week.
MESSRS. Baeker & Vanstone shipped a
car of dressed hogs on Thursday.
Masses. CLEGG & Dense shipped a oar
of cattle and hogs from Bruseele on
THE POST gives the news. Read the
Dietriot items A. 0. U. W. report, &o.,
on Ole inside pages.
THE junior rinks of Wroxeter may
come to Brunie on Friday of next week
to try oonolusione with our seeend eight.
A good match is expeoted.
Sous 75 new books have been added to
the excellent list already in Broesele
Public Library. 91.00 pays the mem-
bership fee for a whole year.
F. S. SCOTT captured the Grant Silver
Tankard in the play off in his rink. He
and Jas. Fox defeated J. Hewitt and J.
McBain after a close game, by 10 to 0,
and Mr. Scott beat Mr. Fox by 5 shots,
the eoore being 8 to 3.
T. A. Ilswents, G. F. Blair, G. D.
Lamont, W. H. Kerr and tin:Brussels
orobeetra took part in a ooncert in the
Pavilion at Wroxeter Wednesday even-
ing. Barring an upset near Jamestown Goss Hons.-The people of Brussels
their trip was an enjoyable one. could hardly oredit the sad intelligence on
ACOIDENT.-Wm, Hewitt met with an Thursday morning that Mrs. William
accident 00 Ament Broe. factory a few Thomson had passed away from earth at
weeke ago which has laid him aside from 0 o'olock but the sad news proved only
work up to the present. He was walking too true. The deceased had only been
into the engine room when he fell, strik• serieuely ill einoe Tuesday. and on Wed-
ing his side on a block of wood and badly nesday noon litp..ed into all 0500ns01001
injuring a number of ribs. Mr. Hewitt's condition out of which she never came.
side has been very sore, but he is improv- Heart trouble is said to have been the
ing nicely we are pleased to hear. cause of death. Mrs. Thomson, whose
PRESENTATION. -Wednesday evening maiden name was Agnes People, was
Mrs. Farrow and Mrs. Denafs waited up born in Kiritoudbrightshire Scotland
She was united in marriage to her late
husband in June, 1854 and a good portion
of their time was spent in See.forth. Mr.
Thomson died 22 years ago. About 15
sears ago Mre. Thomson and family be-
came residents of Brussels •and have re-
sided here sinoe. The eubjeet of this
notice was a kind neighbor, a loving
mother end was very highly esteemed by
all who had the pleasure of her aCollainb•
W. M. Sinclair, R. Bleak,
J. Hewitt, T. Miller,
W. Thomson, A. Paulin,
J. T. Ross, skip -19 E. Blank, skip -21
RINE No, 2.
J. O'Leary, Geo. Paulin,
W. F. Scott, R. Ross,
D. 0. Ross, 3. Sandereon,
A. Currie, skip -13 T. Bee, skip..24
Totals 32 46
on Mrs. B. Driver, who was removing to
Rochester, at the residence of Mrs.
Hill,, and presented her with a suns of
money as a parting gift from theLad
Guild of St, John's Chureb, of which
Mrs Driver was an active worker. The
recipient acknowledged the giit in ap-
propriate terms and wished her sister
, workers great success in their labor of
Foos 28ni YEAR -Bev. John Rosa news She was a consistent member of
received a telegram from Elora on Wed- the Presbyterian church for many years.
nesday evening apprising him of the de- The surviving members of the family
cease of Alexander Watt, Mrs. Ross' are :-61re. M. McLennan, of London ;
&thee, at the advanced age of nearly 98 Mrs. Black, of Wroxeter ; Jno., of New.
Years. Mr. Watb was one of the oldest ark, N. 3. Wm., Robt. and James,
residents of that locality. He wee a man of Brussels:. Mrs. Thomson was 61
of sterling integrity enjoying the highest years and 7 months old. The funeral
esteem of the community. Mrs. Watt will leave her late residence, John etreet,
died about 2 years ago. Rev. and Mrs. on Sunday morning et 9:20 for Egmond-
ROSS will attend the funeral on Saturday. ville cemetery, where Mr. Thomeou is
The many friends of the bereaved will buried. Service at 9, a m. The com•
deeply sympathize with them. munity sympathize with the eons and
daughtera in their greet bereavement.
THE Mare): number of the Delineator is
called "The Great Spring Number," and
is especially valuable and interesting be.
cause 01 0140 early forecast it contains of
Spring and Summer styles and materials
Inv ladiee, misses and children. The
first of a genies of artioles on current
events of interest to women by fdre.
Frederick Rhinelander Jones appears in
this nunther. Mrs: Oliver Bell Bunco
contributes an instructive article on Per-
femes and other Toi'et Preparations ;
Lucia Gilbert Runkle bringe to the din.
cession of Literature as a Profession for
Women the authority of acknowledged
celebrity 08 9. writer, while Tillie Rooms
Littell has a bright and helpful descrip-
'tion of some new and pretty Luncheon
, and German Favors in silk and other
materials. "Mans' julie," an amusing
and pathetic dialect sketch of Southern
fife, introduces a new writer to readers of
thie magazine. In the domain of the
kitchen the number le freighted with
good things ; Mrs, A. 13. Loegetreet
writes upon the Chemistry of foods ;
Helen (Jambes belle eh/at an English
Leigh Tea and the dishes prepared for it,
and the regular artite on Seasonable
Cookery deals with the t haling Dish and
dishes to be prepared in it. Other
features include the second paper on the
Cared the Teeth, Edna 'Witherspoon's
Tea•Table Ohat, Sara Miller Kirby's
Kindetgarten paper, the usual noticea of
new books and the Novelties in Lace-.
Making, Knitting, Tatting, Crocheting,
eta. Subscription price of the Delineator,
91.00 per year, or 15 cents per single
copy. Leave your subsoription with the
focal Butterick pattern agency or address
the Delineator Publiehing Oo. of TorontOt
Limited, Toronto, Onto 38 Richmond St.
Lawns TAKE "Nonce" and separate the
letters N-0-T.I.C-E, transposing the rn SO
as to Make as manv emall words as pos-
sible. It is said that twenty -Ove words
can be made ; for example, note, tone,
°nee, got, it, on, etc:. If you are bright
enough to make fifteen or more you can
be gum of receiving an elegant reward.
Tho "Ladies' Every Saturday" will pay
$10.00 in gold to the person able to make
the best list of words f torn letters con-
tained in N•0•T I-G,E, 99.00 for the
second best, $8.00 for the 'third best,
$7.00 for the fourth best, a ledieze nickel
watch with fine Amerioau movement and
well worth 105.00 for each of the five next
best lists, and one hundred valuable re -
wade in order of merit for the next beat
one hundred lista (ghoul that number be
received.) Email person sending lint of
fifteen word or more is guaranteed e
beautiful present. Ag the above rewards
are given without ooneideration, simply
to attract attention to this mostcharming
sixteen page weekly for ladies and girls,
it is necessary for you to send eight Can-
adian three•eent stamps for trial sub.
seription (four numbers), containing par-
ticulars and lettere from those who have
already received visit:010 rewards. If
your letter enclosing trial subsoription ie
received promptly, yon will seonre free
in addition 00 all ot the above a oolleetion
of choice flower seeds, ten different rem
and beautiful varieties, ale° two beautiful
colored engravings entitled "The Doctor"
and its oompanion "The Bribe." Thong.
ands of dollars are being expended to in-
troduce this popular weekly. Ststiefeetion
is guaraeteed in every oaee or stamps re-
funded. Write to•day and address,
"Ladiee' Every Saturday," "C," 920
Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
eelsxseesnx..asXzes= aW7P.
ASSETS, " s (Seven l6illon D011are) . $7,000,000
0,A.PITAL (AethOrized) • s - 90,000,000
ilottoiec in all principal points in Ontario, Qudeo, linnitoba, United States te Rnaland.
NEW646° asewev.
.A. General Banking Realness Transaeted, Farmers' Noise Diseounted.
Drafts farmed and Colleotione made on all points.
Interest allowed on deposits of 91.00 and opwarde from dat of deposit to date of
withdrawal and compounded half yearly,
Every facility afforded Customers living at a diebancee
To Householders, Bruesels. Take
natio. That you are required to report
all cases of measles to the lewd Board of
Health. Any person neglegftitig to do se
will be proceeded against according to
law. Reporte to be left with Mr. Far.
rOW, Ohairman of the Board of Ilea Ith.
Jim, WRIGHT, Health Inspector.
SUDDEN Dwerie.-13fre. A. M. Taylor, of
Chicago, who is visiting her parents,
Wm. Watterworth and wife, DS Ingersoll,
received a ebook Tuesday morning on
hearing of the death of Mr, Taylor,
whisth sad event took piece Sunday at
Cripple Oreek, Colorado. The oireum•
stances in connection with his death are
extremely sad, and Mre, Taylor is
prostrated with grief. After she left
home, some three weeks; ago, her husband
was enjoying the best of health, and when
they parted it was with the anticipation
that he, too, ebould spend a few days
with her. Since her departure M. Tay -
her deoided to go to the gold diggings at
Cripple Creek. Here it was he was
seized with pneumonia, from which death
ensued, after a few days' illness, of which
none were aware, The late Mr. Taylor
Was well known here. Some years ago
he was principal of the Inuersoll Public
school, and during this period he was
married to Kiss Ettie Watterworth, who
alone survives biro. He was also a bar-
rister of Chicago, being of the firm of
Taylor & Collins. He was also president
of the MoKinley club of that city. Mr.
Taylor was born on a farm neer Brussels,
Ont., and atudied hie profession with
Hon. Eriwerd Blake, of Toronto.
Business Locals.
Dar etovewood at MoCraeken's.
CLOVER seed cheap et eloCracken's.
DWELLING to rent over my store. I. 0.
Stevenween and Hanging Lampe at re-
duced prioee. N. & N. Gerry.
Ie you want robes or blankets call on
H. Dennis.
MEN'S heavy rubbers and soaks at cost.
I. 0. Richards.
SECOND hand heating stoves ()heap at
N. & N. Gerry's.
Dame stook of light harness sold at low
prices. H. Dennis.
One horse collars are all warranted.
H. Dennie.
CASH for hides and sheep skins at A.
Ourrie'e butcher shop, Bruseele.
BARGAINS in arose cut saws and axes at
A. M. McKay & Cos., Bruesele.
300 masers of potatoes at 13 cents.
MARSDEN SMITE, Lot 4, Con. 7, Grey. •
Eowecwo lamps sold at a big reduction
at A. M. VIelfay & Coe., Brussels.
You can get two machine needles of
any kind for 5o., at N. & 10. Gerry's.
FREE hand crayon enlarging done up
4.1 at Brewer's gallery, Smith block.
MEAT•CITOPPERS, axes, Paws, carpet
sweepers and skates. N. & N. Gerry.
ONE set single and one set team emend
band harness for sale cheap, I. 0. Rich-
HIGHEST cash price paid for bidee.
sheep skins and furs at A. M. McKay &
Areees.-Now is the time to buy p.p.
ples. We have a few barrels left. JAS.
S. B. SAIALE offers hie residence on
Elizabeth St., Bruseele, for sale or to
rent. Immediate poesession.
Tun balance of one felt boots and win-
ter goods ab and below most aa we want
the room for spring goods. 1.0. Richards.
MANIT0331flour leads the world. Just
received two oar loads. If you want a
bag call at Baeker & Vanetone's, Brus-
WANTED. -1,000 oorde of basswood
heading bolts' 40 inobes long.. Must be
good size andquality, for which highest
price will be paid. 3. & P. A0:000, Bras.
sole, Ont.
Itsnres Clover Root, the great Blood.
Purifier gives freshness and clearness to
the complexion and ouree constipation.
26 els, 50 eta and $1.00. Sold by jamas
FO X, Druggist, Bruseele.
SIILLOII'S cure is sold on a guarantee.
It auras incipient conatimption. It ie
the beet cough oure. Only one cent a
dose. 25 ote., 50 cte. and $1.00. Sold by
James Fox, Druggist, Brumes.
Maim along your worn out rubbers,
overehoee, rags, scrap copper, brass, cast
or wrought iron, furs, tallow, sheep
skins, hides and calf skins, horse hidee,
RS we pay the highest prices, N. & N.
&We made to out fast and easy. Sects
ond•band saws bought and sold. Point-
ers given on saw filing and the oath and
management of saws, on Queen street
East, by T. MoGregor, of Bruseele, Ont.,
Master of SaWS.
Maw T. S. Hammes, Chattanooga,
Tenn., Faye, "Shiloh's Vitalizer ".saved
my life." I coneider it the beet remedy
tor a debilitaed system I ever used."
For dyspepsia, liver or kidney trouble it
excels. Price 75 de. Sold by Jas. Fox,
Druggist, Bruesele.
Birt has all the neeessary machinery for
digging and drilling wells and is peeper.
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
in a way that will insure satisfaction.
Wells cleaned out and put in proper
share, Terme reasonable. Residence
second door north of the bridge, west
side of Turnberry et., Brugge:la. 84.00
Are, kinds of eawe cleaned, gummed,
hammered, jointed, set, filed and oiled
at Queen St., East, by saw filer, T. Mo.
Gregor, Brussels. Saws may be left and
arrangemente made et McKay & Ckes.
hardware store, Brussele, Ont. Oharges
reationable, Anyone not knowing the
work that is to be done On their saw, and
wiehee to stay and eee the work done,
the price will be left to theineelves to pay
what they aeon, Understand that
there are high wages paid to practised
hands to week at same
Constese-In Winghsen, on the 18th inst.,
the wife of Mr. John Oornyn, Editor
of the Advances, of a son.
Come -In Wingluem, on Feb, 12th, the
svife of Ms Chas. Cook, of the Park
House, of a daughter.
Moniusoss-In Zetland, on Feb. 13th, the
wife of Mr. John Morrison, of a Son.
ANDER90N.-In Beet Wawanosb, on Feb.
1401, the wife of Mr, Wm. M. And-
erson of a daughter.
Love. -In Elms, ou Feb. 17th, the wife
of Mr. John Love, jr., of a daughter.
Roterenin.-In Elma, on Feb. 1601, the
wife of Mr, Geo, Rowland, 14th cons
Elma, of a daughter.
MOBTANNUS-MollEnzin.-At the residence
of the bride's parents, Mildmay, cm
Feb. 19111, by Rev. J. H. MoBain,
Mr, John 3. MoMannue, of Wing'
13am, to Miss Rachel Euphemia Mo.
K13311-FALLIS.-At the reeitiPtIOG of the
bride's parents, on the 25th inst., by
Rev. T. Wesley Oosens, Mr. Thomas
S. Kidd, of Virden, Manitoba, to
Mies Margaret Jane, eldeet daughter
of Mr, jamas Faille, of Mato.
MOINTOSH-STEWART.-At the residence
of the bride's father, on Feb. 26th,
by Rev, D. B. MoRae, of Cranbrook,
M,, Archie McIntosh, of Portage la -
Prairie, Man., to Mists Rachel,
youngest daugliler of Mr. John
Stewart, Grey.
Love. -In Elma, on Feb. 1701, the in-
fant daughter of John Lose, jr.
Mmes. -At Evansville, Minnesota, on
Feb. 23rd, Robert 3. Mills, aged 23
WATT. -At the "The Cottage," Elora, on
Wednesday, Feb. 26th, Alexander
Watt, in the 98th year of his age.
Tnoteeme.-In Brussels, on February 27011,
Agnes Papple, relict of the late
William Thomson, aged 61 years and
7 months.
'07CT10343 .25.
FRIDAY, Feb. 28. -Farm Monk, imple-
ments, &o. Lot 80, Con. 10, Grey. Sale
unreserved, at 1 o'clock. Dennis How
ard, Prop., F. S. Scott, Ano.
TUESDAY'Mar. 3rd. -Farm stook,
implemente, &c. Lot 31, Con. 14, Grey
Salo unreserved, at 12 o'clock noon. Jae.
Oliver and Mrs. Walter Oliver Propts.,
F. S. Scott, Aue,
Fruner, March 6th. -Lot 17, Con. 9,
Grey. Farm stock and implements.
Sale at 1 o'clock. Marry Smalldon,
Prop., F. S. Scott, Aue.
PLEMENTS.-Mr, George Kirkby has been
inetruoted by Mr. 8. Dickson, to sell by
public auction on Lot 6. Con. 12, Grey, on
THIIRSDAY„ MARCH 12TH, at 12 o'clock,
noon, sharp, the following valuable prope•IY,
via aged mare in foal to,"Manner" ; 1
aged horse ; 1 mare 0 years old by "Clear
Grit" ; 1 mare 0 years old by "Carlisle. ; 1
horse 5 years old by "Oarliale" ; 1 borse 3
Years old by "Manner" ; 1 horse colt coining
2 years ; 2 ilinrot.breil cows with mires at
foot ; 1 thore'.bred bull rising 11 years ; 1
tharo'-bred yearling heifer ; 2 grade cows
supposed to be in calf; 7 steers riaing
years; 3 heifers rising 2 years ; 3 steers
rising 2 years 1 1 grade bell tou months oIll;
2 steer naives; well•ered ewes ilea:ester
ram ; One pair trucks ; 1 set bob -sleighs ; 1
cutter ; 1 Illaesey hinder ; 1 Massey inower ;
1 boree rake ; 1 NMI roller ; 1 huge cutting
box; 1 mover ; 1 sea platform scales, 2,500
lbs ; 1 bay fork with ropes, pulleys and
allege oomplete ; 1 fanning mill ; 1 sulky
plow, nearl y new ; 3 gomral purpose plows ;
1 gaudier ; 1 hay rake ; 1 wheelbarrow 12 set
iron barrows; 1 blacksmith's vise 1 2 sots
doubleharness ; 1 sickle grinder; a quantity
of bay will also be sold for cash 1 also forks,
rakes, shovels and other articles too numer-
out to mention. Everything will be sold
without j,EIRGITO, as the proprietor lies Tent -
ad his farm TR/OM-All sums of $5 and
under cash ; over that amount 0 months
credit on approved notee. A Ointment of 5
cents on che dollar will be allowed for atoll
022 0331 ,010 emeunts. FL DICKSON, proprietor.
GB0, HIRE SY, Auctioneer.
Fall Wheat 77 78
Spring Wheat 77 78
Barley... — BO 35
Peas 40 60
Oats .. 23
Butter, tilbe and rolle - , 13 15
Eggs per dozen ..• 12 •
Flour per barrel 4 00 4 50
Potatoes (new) 18 15
Hay per ton. ....... ...„ 13 00 14 00
Hides trimmed 4 41
Hides rough .. . . .... 2 2,
Salt per bbl., retail 1 00 00
Sheep skins, each 50 76
Lamb skins each 15 40
Apples per bus 1 00
Hoge, Live 3 50 4 75
Dressed Hogs 4 75 4 80
Wool 18 20
Tarmacs Feb. 25th. -The live stook
market was quiet to•day ; buying fairly
active ; prices no better. Seven loads
were taken for Montreal at 32.90 to 93
per cwt. Butchers' cattle selling at 3c
to 800c per lb ; good to choice, 2o to 2000;
common to medium good cattle wanted;
no export trade, except in a, few bulls, at
2000 to 30 per pound. Light stockers
quiet, :all 2000 per pound ; good feed -
ore in demand at 2000 to 300o per lb. Sheep
not wanted ; nominal 2000 to 3c per Ib.
Lambs barely steady at 33c to eic per
lb ; some unsold, Hogs steady; offer,
lugs heavier; good bacons, and stores,
4c per lb ; sows, 8000 to no per lb ; other
kinds down to* per 111. Offerings of
all stuff, 46 oar loada.
We haven't said moth eboitt Writs
ing Fade lately but we have:hens all
the Parise and ()beeper than ever -ell
prieee, 2. eh:win-to at 50,30 very good one
at 10e, and up as high ea ifiee 20e., and
Tinted Paper in all shades with lSn.rolopoe to metal.
Beautiful Satin Twilled Papeteries
in the newest Shades at 500.
And of purse we always have a full
line of Subool Boolce, Bibles Hymn
Books, dzo„ &o.
FEB. 28, 1896
Ilitpe you'll alwaya have plenty of
money to carry, Hero are the oar.
niers.-We have thee] alt Shapee and
Styles from 50, up 1p31,25,
We etill have n few 01 01090
In 1 nrtiolee left and aro selling them off at
reatly Red nowt Prime, We have them
in Celluloid from 50e. o e2.50,
01 course wedo not wish you to
lose eight 00 0110 foot that We give epeoial
000511030I3000511030I3to this 'Department of our 331M-
,Remember we Guarantee our Syrup of White Pine and
Tar for Coughs and Colds to give Satisfaction or
Money Cheerfully Refunded.
EAST Bureaus 17. Y., -Feb. 25,--Oattle
-,1I'hore were no fresh arrivals of sale cat
tie to -day, and nothing but a few odd lots
and not mealy of these, held over from
yesterday's trade. Hogs -Receipts, 8
cars ; nusrliet :slow and lower ; Yorkers,
fair to Ohoiee, $4 65 to 04.40 ; rough,
common to good, 94.60 to 93 75 ; pigs,
common to fair, $4.15 to $4,30. Sheep
and Ismbe-Receipts, 62 cars.; market a
trifle more active ; lambs, ohome to prime,
$4,130 to $4.75 ; sheep, choice to selected
export wethers, $3 90 to $4 • culls and
common sheep, $2.50 to Kit). Cattle
closed with a firm feeling. Hogs dosed
steady to firm, with ahoutalleold. Sheep
and lambs closed Arm, with the bulk
sold. A few extra buoy heavy lambs of
115 pounds, brought $4.75, but heavy
lambs of over 90 pounds, as a rule, were
the hardest to sell. Ploavy =dock ex-
port sheep 58 60 to 333 75.
Townie°, Feb. 25. -Market quiet.
Flour -Trade quiet; straight rollers
quoted at $8 to 63.70, Toronto freights.
Bran -Oars of bran nominal, at $11.60,
west, and shorts at 913 to 14, Wheat -
Market firmer ' • white sold on northern
at 800, and redquiet at 79c, outside ;
No 1 Manitoba hard offered at 83o, N.
33., with 82o bid. and No 2 hard is 77e
bid, IT, B. ; No. 1 offered at 75c, Mid-
land ; a car of No. 1 frosted sold ab 650,
North Bay, and No. 2 frosted is 57c ma.
Barley -Market dull ; no sales ; No. 1
quoted at 45o, and extra, at 47o ; No 2 at
80c, and feed at 80o. Oats -Trade quiet
an5 prices nrethanged ; white sold out•
side, west, at 23000 and mixed at 22000,
west ; cars of white on track quoted at
2640. Peas -Market very dull ; buyers
at -50c, and selleas nt 51o, outside. Buck
wheat -Market quiet , and prices mini -
nal at 32c, outside. Oatmeal -Business
quiet; prices unchanged, at $2.90 to $3
on traok, and small lots ab $3 25. Corn
-Market steady, with 32ie bid outside,
and sellers at 380; yellow offered outside
at 850, May delivery with 34e ba Rye -
Market steady; quotations at 470 to 48o
• Solicitor and Convoyaneer. Collett -
Hone made, Oillee-Vanstone's Moos, Brus-
sels. el -Om
• Solielter, Conveyaneer ,No bury Pub-
lic, &o. Oillee-Vaue tore's Block, 1 door
north of Central Hotel, Private Funds to
M • (Formerly of Cameron, Rolt &
Cameron Barrister and Boticifor, lacderlob,
Ont. Oilloo-HamlIton 84„ Opposite Col-
borne Hotel.
. Solicitor, dm. (late of Garrow &
Proudfoot'sGederich.) °Moe over
Gillian & Smith's Bank, Brussels.
Money to Loan. 47
Honor Graduate Toronto University,
Licentiate Royal College Dental Burgeons.
Crown and Bridge work a specialty. Moder-
ate Feee. Satisfaction Aasured. Oftlee over
Barrett's barber shop, Turnberry St., Brus-
• Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary College, is prepared to trees all
diseasea of domesticated animals in a 00121 -
potent manner. Particular attention paid
to veterinary dentistry. Calle promptly at-
tended to, °Moe and Iniirmaty-Four doors
north of bridge Turnberry st., Breuer&
T A. 111oNAUGEITON,. M. D.
TIE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. 1 BVi o 1r ae 11' ben ue rb e Y Ste,14l3
First mortgege, farm temerity. Apply
at THE POST Publishing Howie, Brunel&
1' Horse-shoe Tie Pin with. 19 Genuine
Diarnouda. A. bargain.
311,, 14.0130004, Jeweler,
1-/ Ser..n.-Lots 220 and 221, Queen st
Terms reasonable to a cash purchaser. Ap-
ply ou the premises or to
28 • W. Ht. SINCLAIR.
I have pun:Mood a Joliet Grinder and will
run it on Tuesday and Friday of each week,
ou Lot le, Con. an, Grey. Terme reaernable.
Accommodation for Borsee and drivers iu
stormy 'weather. JOHN BROWN,
29 Proprietor.
J. Cough Balm is the Favorite Re-
medy for Coughs, Colds, &o. We sell more
of it than all other Cough Remedies com-
bined. This la a fact worth remembering.
Manufactured and for sale only by
Druggists, Opticians, &e.
DEReIGNED has several good Farms for
sato and to rent, easy tonne, in Townships
of Morris and Grey. 19 S. SNOTTaltuesels
-100 lime of good farm land at
SpringlIeld, 8 miles from Winnipeg, is offer.
od for sale at aloe, price. The property in
North Bust 3 See.10,Twp. 11, Range 4, East,
Therein a house on the premises and Immo
breaklug done. For full particulars as to
price, title, Se., write or apply to
el, P. BLAIR or WH.13801013,
20.00 13russels, Out,
A_ DInteIGNED Often bis valuable 50 acre
farm for sale, being lot 28, 5th lino, Morris,
Wile farm is in good condition, ran comfor-
table house, barn, young orchard, (00005 &c,,
and le only a half mile from Brussels. V034.
Session even :on April let. There are 46
00065 01 Fall wheat in. For price and tonna
applytoA., 4.1>4.015, Proprietor,
Brussels P. 0.
Undersigned will koop for service on
110000, Oen. 0, Morrie, the thoro' bred im-
proved White Yorkshire Boar "Relented,»
bred front 0.10. Brotheur's sweepstakes sow
at Chicago Fair, Terme, 000.00 to be paid
at the time of service with privilege of re-
turning if neceesary, Pedigree may be seen
on application,
100137. NICHOL,
undersigned will koop for tioryloo on
Lot 80 Chan. 6, Morrie, the thorre-hred Large
English Berkshire Boar, .0aptain John."
His mother le a full Water to the let Drib.)
sow itt the World's Fair, Pedigree will be
prOdeeed on application, teems -81M to
be paid at time of sertiee with privilege of
returning it neeeenary,
14'Om JAB, 911SIR, Proprietor,
• Ph ysialan, Surgeon, Aecoucher, etc,
Graduate of Toronto 'University Vedloal
Faculty. Membe r of College of Physicians
and Surgeons, Out, OFFICE -Next door to
MoDoutdd & Co., Walton Out.
. Usurer ofMarriageLicenses. 'Office
abide Grooery, Purnbotry street. Brussels.
..s_u• Tonsorial Artist, Shop -Next door
south of A. M. McKay & Co's hardware atore.
Ladies'and ohildrens hair matting a specialty
Serino Bank takes Deposita from
51.00 to 81,000 and allows 30 por cont.
37-3m Poettnaster.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
No Witness Required.
T. FLETCHER, Brussels.
1.1.1. Teacher of instrumental musio on
Piano or Organ. Will visit Wiugham Tues-
day and Wodneeclay of each week. Rost -
donee on Princess Street, Brueeels,
.a.A,0B0matnbwbdl840;surauces efected on all Ton an01Farn
Property at very low rates.
15.3m Agent, Brussels,
CIL Clerk of the Fourth Divieion Cour
Co. Hunosi 0 Conveyanoor, Notary Public
Land, Loan and Insurance Agent, Funds
invested and to leas, Collections made
office In Smale's B look, Brussels
.L Organist in 80. Jelm'a Chureh, Brits -
sole, Will give Mesons to molls either on
Plano or organ, at his parlor in the Snitth
Bruseele, Venal IeseOns also give o.
Ten years experience in teaolting. Terme
l_sI Litioneed Auctioneer. Salim conduct
edon reasonable terms. Farms and fat=
stock a specialty. Orders lof t at Tan
Publiehinglloune,Bruesels,or sent to Walton
P.O., will receive prompt attention,
FS. SCOTT 4.8 4.17 A.UOTION-
• •
BIM, will Sell for better priees,to
better mon, 111 leas time and loss °bargee
than any other Auctioneer in 15aet Huron
or he won't charge anything. Dates and
orders can always be arranged tt this Mace
or by porta:nal syndostion.