HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-2-28, Page 7giutuAity 28 1800
ltfsT YFRY LATR"nT PROM A.LL.,'1'll4
interesting Items About Vur Own Cgyntry,
Great Britain, the United Staten, an4
Au Partn of the (lube, C4adensed and
Assorted for Easy Reading,
CA.14 ADA.
During the past year Brantford%
total, loss by fire 'wee only 03;438,
The hoard of Directors of Grimsby
Perk have decided to keep tbe par
open on. Sundays.. '
William Adair of Strathroy has been
setatenood to three year's in penitentiary
for assaulting Mrs, Baker,
The iron run at the I3amilton smelt-
ing ivories has been .tested and found
to be perfectly satisfactory.
i¥ztss Lottta McClung, in ;I:ho employ
of Mr. J. Moodie, Hamilton, suddenly,
oxpured while preparing dinner.
llfasara. T. S, Vipond r& Co„ fruit
'merchants Montreal, have assigned with
liabilities of about 14250,009. t
Mr, Jelin W. Loud, of Detroit, bas
been named for the position of Gen-
eral Fraight Agent of the G. T. R.
Mr. Arthur Piss, of JiTontreel, has
Isom appointed Suier'intendent of the
Canadian Pacific roes of eteamebip.
Ice in the Niagara 'liver baa so block-
ed the flow of water that people can
almost walk from the 'American side
to Goat Island dryshod.
There is considerable feeling in Mont-
real over the action of the French-
speakiag members of the council in
dominating all the important commit-
The licenses to be issued this year to
fishing vessels of the United States will
contain a new clause, so as to prevent a
repetition of fraud in securing bait and
The cunt of Notre Dame de Granby,
v b c, has been committed to prison
y agistrate for contempt of court
in refusing, to disclose secrets heard in
the cenfessionaL
Mr. F. N. McGuigan, formerly of
the Wabash Railway, has been ap-
pointed General Superintendent of the
Grand Trunk Railway in ,succession to
Mr. James Stephenson.
Mr. Wainwright, Assistant General
Manager of the Grand. Trunk, announc-
es that his office is to be abolished short-
Jy, but he expects to remain with the
road in some other capacity,
Etienne Chatelaine died near Curran
at the age of 109 years. He leaves a
widow over 90 years old.. They had
been married. over 70 years, and there
are 275 descendants en the marriage.
A French-Canadian named Auriele
Gagnon, who was returning from the
lumber camps, committed suicide on Sat-
urday in a, hotel in Ornliia, by shooting
himself through the head with a revel -
A deputation from tbe Provincial
Land Surveyors waited upon the Com-
missioner ot Grown Leans the other
day and pointed out the nee—entity of
an ordnance survey of the pro-
:the Brotherhood of Railroad Train-
men has appealed to the Minister of
Justice to remit the $211 fine imposed
upon its officers by Police Magistrate
Jolts at Hamilton for a violation of
the insurance act.
1f the Prince of Wales cannot preside
at the meeting of the British Associa-
tion in Canada next year, the presidency
will be offered to the Duke of York, and,
failing him, to either Air. Balfour or
Mr. Chamberlain.
During January the deposits in the
Dominion Government Savings Banks
aggregated 0280,254, and the x-ithdraw-
als e218,354. The balance at the end of
the month to the credit of the depositors
was e17,253,835.
Mr. Montague who has been to Now
York to consult a specialist has re-
turned to Ottawa. It is absolutely im-
perative to regain his health that be
should take an absolute rest from the
duties of his office.
A colored convict from Woodstock at-
tacked Guard Kerrigan ac. the King-
ston Penitentiary and a general revolt
was feared. Twenty-five convicts are
undergoing punishment for taking part
in the disturbanoe.
The Canadian Pacific Railway Com-
thrnoleted ltnnnenswith nearly
Buffalo railway, the Canada Southern,
the Michigan Central, and the New
York Sentra! for an interchange' of
A deputation of Mennonites from
Emerson applied to the Manitoba Gov-
ernment for relief from taxation for
Public Sch000ls, as they had a school
of their ow -n. The Government repli-
ed that the Manitoba school act made
such a concession impossible.
Premier Greenway,of Manitoba, will
shortly make a foral demand ' upon
the Dominion Government for the $253,-
000 which the Manitoba Government
claims is due to the province, and which
amount has been held back for years
es a subject of dispute between the Do-
minion and the province.
Lord Rosebery is said to be one of the
most c6ntented men in England.
A lodging house in Soho, London,
was destroyed by :fire and eight per-
sons were killed.
Mr. I•Ierbert Spencer will issue the
third and concluding volume of his work
en Sociology in laay.
The London Standard announees that
Sir John Millais will succeed the late
Lord Leighton as president of the Roy -
el Academy.
The ,Queen hes issued a. message
thanking the nation far iia expreseion
of sympathy at the time of Prince
Henry's death.
Natural ice rinks have become quite
the fad itt London, and there are daily
gatherings of the smart set at these
popular resorts.
The British blue book just published
shows that Russia has throughout been
steadily opposed to coercive measures on
behalf of Armenia.
A cable front London says that the
Grand Trunk traffic statement shows a
debit balance on the whole system for
the half year of £33,100.
Government publications containing
the official correspondence in the
Transvaal disturbance have been. is-
sued. in London and Berlin.
As an instance of the anti -German
sentiment In Englund it is stated that
the orders for Germain lager beer have
fallen off seventy-five per cent,
Tiro house in London which Jolm
Dickens, the father of the novelist,
milled in order that his wife might
start a young ladies' school has bean
pulled down.
Princess Beatrice and her children ar-
rived at Nice on. Friday,. She will visit
the ex -Empress Eugenie at Cape Mar-
tin, and will take a short cruise on the
The Ottawa Trades and Labour Conn- sat
ell has decided to send a deputation to
1Jae Otekettelon Government to eek that
e1'nightnnehont ursworbe lr.ea, day's work 941 all Goy-'
The Glaegew herald learns that Mr.
Qg11adstano ,s ggreatly inclined to eland
able opportunityin for la odet r to ssupp port
the At'metnait cause,
Sit' William Ifcu'court stated in the
Dr'itiob Commune that nothing bad cc-
cnrred to alter the belie rule polies
of the Opposition. and they continued
to adhere thereto as they bed recent-
ly'The elristenhig en the second soil of
the Duke of 'York woe celebrated on
Monday et Sandringham, The fent wee
surrontrded with white heather for good
luck, and the infant wee aPrinkled with
water from the River Jordaaa,
The Dritieb and foreign Arbitration
AssoolatiOn hoe delegated one of its
vice-presidents to viten the United
States in order to Obtain matter for a
rePerrt to the association upon the Ven-
ezan boundary dispute and its out -
Mr, Michael Davitt is freely men-
tioned as a compromise for the nomin-
ation to succeed Mr, Justin McCarthy
as chairman of the Irish National
League, but it is thought that another
trial of strength will take place between
the Dillonites and the FIeslyites•
Mr. Banbury, the Financial Secretary
of the Treasury, stated on Thursday in
the British House of Commons, in re-
ply to Mr, J. Henniker -Heaton, that the
Government was eonsidering the ques-
tion of establishinga parcel post be-
tween Great Britain and the United
The Transvaal question is again as-
suming an ugly t, and it is learned
from all official source that the British
War Office, noting under orders from
the Government, Mee made every pre-
paration to sen an army corps of
twenty thoneend men to South, Af-
In the Imperial House of s
on Thursday,Mr. Dillon's a t
to the replto the speech e
throne censuring the (rover r
not proposing sell-governmen -
land was rejeotod by a vote of
Bred and seventy-six to one d
and sixty. •
A British blue book on a
shows that Russia from the t
refused to co-operate with t s
in behalf of the Armen'
that thereby she would ass' e
establishment of am independent
Ar -
monies which she would never
from th
Government fo
t for Ire
two hun-
very fire
he power
Armenians, fearing in' th
a rela-
tive $18,000
, will
a nomin
has con
Edwin F
Vag OVel
House Yes-
terday and
o, has ap-
pointed aof a
use of
sled, and
d of Edu-
Seas so
of his
while he
he choked
d hunch-
back, ears. She
dist per-
any Olney
urnish tbe
1l the in-
formation the
States Seor�e-
Mr. during
es Consul
affair ba
Mr. Smith, in the United States Senate
the other day, said that he was opposed
to any further action at present in con-
nection with Venezuela. The. Monroe
doctrine had been proclaimed with no
uncertain sound, a commission bad been
appointed, and that, he thought, was as
far as Congress should go at present.
New York District Attorney Fellows
on Monday, endorsed the papers which,
when signed by Justice Smyth, of the
Criminal Branch of the Supreme Caere
will dismiss the indictment upon which
Brutus Wiman was held and convicted
of having forged the signature of E.
W. Bellinger to a 'Moque for five thou-
sand dollars.
Lincoln's birthday was celebrated
throughout the United States for the
first time as a legal holiday. In many
cities banquets were held, notably in
Now York, where Mr. Chauncey M.
Depew delivered the principal address,
and in Chicago, where Major McKinley
at the dinner of the Marquette Club
spoke on Lincoln.
Mien leafs Walsh of Cape V'
received through the death of
at Washington a legaciy
Senator Quay, Pennsyrvania
a candidate for the Republica
Mien for President of the
The United States Senate
firmed the nomination of
till of Michigan to be Am
The United States Senate free
substituto for the bond bill z
whalmingly defeated in the H
sty a vote of two hundred
fifteen to ninety.
Tho Victoria Club, of Chicag
pointed a Committee to support
ment looking to the holding
cago day at the Montreal Exposition,
which will be opened next
The new non-aeetarian Bible
by a Chicago committee for the
Public schools has bean comp!
will be submitted to the Boar
cation to pass judgment upon
The Rev. J. H. Huaricutt, a
minister of Moorellton, Ark.,
much annoyed by the crying
housekeeper's year old baby
was preparing a sermon, that
it to death.
"Biddy" Carroll, a dements
back, died in the Oakland, Mie
ty poorhouse last week at the
ly authenticated ago of 110 y
was long believed to be the of
son in the State.
Tho Government of Venezuela
notified United States Secret
that it will at an early date f
Venezuelan Commission with a
formation in its possession touching
location of the boundary line.
Tho Mikado of Japan has sent
valuable presents to Mrs.
widow of the late United Stat
taey of State, in recognition of
Gres -
ham's courtesy and impartiality
the war between China and
Ambassador Eustis has beonin
by the United States Government
cept the offer of the French
ment to release ex -United Stat
Waller on condition that the
thereby terminated, and that no
be made on behalf of t1;he p
United States'Settator Pettigrew lois
prepared a bill authorizing President
Cleveland to have all the seals on the
Pribyloff islands killed unless the Euro -
Penn Governments agree to tate terms of
the United States for the preservation
of seals. It the United States cannot
have all the golden eggs for herself, site
is determined to kill the goose that lays
There is no change of a satisfactory
nature to report in the business situa-
tion throughout the United States, as
presented in the reports from the two
principal mercantile agencies of New
York. Trade is reported as "not up to
anticipations," and as a rule antieitta-
tions wore not large. In a few eines
Last and West there is a slight im-
provement, but this is more than offset
by the same tale of dullness told of
other districts. Only in a few minor
staples aro prices quotably higher. Bad
weather and bad rends held account-
able for much of the prevalent depres-
sion. The total bank clearings are
smaller, and rates for money continue
high. Lower prices are recorded for
articles of general censwnption, sue% as
corn, hweat, and live stook generally;
cotton, steel, and iron ate also weaker,
Tho Sultan has invited the powers to
reeognize Prince Ferdinand et Bulgaria,
Theta is a clothing strike in Ger-
many which has thrown fifty thou, -
id mon out o employment.
Mlles Clara Barton and nor colleagues' noyo ERE �1 [j p p Q
on the Aneriean Red Cross Society I, T rOy S J.' �RE ,LI,Ql►,,1 OR,
have arrived at Coustantleople.
President itatrre, of Frame, has given
permission to the citicens of a, town in
the New I;Iobrldes to call the place by
hie name.
The insurrection against Japanese rile
In the _Leland of F'orwoaa is sreeding.
Ten thow "lid robots are eepoited to be
in the field.
The Britleb Consul at Archangel
telegraphs conflrniine the rel{ort that
Dr. ltlansen is safe, and rotten/mg from
the North Pole,
Considerable comment has been cane -
eel by the appointment of Li -Hung -
Chang to represent China at the cor-
onation of the Cear,
General Weylor has revoked the order
allowing eorrespoudonte of Havana
newepapers to aoeompaaty the coitus -me
of troops while in. the field,
A report comes from the Society Is-
lands by way of Safi Francisco that a
French ironclad in endeavoring to
cheek a native uprising fired on the
British flag,
The young King of Spain is said to
have grown hysterical over the Cuban
siteatton, and weeps and wails over the
Prospect that he will become the Span-
ish George III,
Prins Boris, the eldest son of Prince
Ferdinand, of Bulgaria, was baptised in
Sofia yesterllay morning with great
ceremony, according to the rites of the
Orthodox Russian Church.
A despatch from Antananarivo, Mada-
gascar, Kays that a great conspiracy was
discovered there, Four thousand Heves
attaoked the French, but were repulsed
with the loss of three thousand killed.
The rebels in Corea have killed a small
party of Japanese who were engaged in
protecting the telegraph, The Rue-
atans have landed one hundred man and
a gen at Chemulpo, and trouble Is im-
Despatches from Seoul, Corea, say a
revolt tooklace tete during which
the Prime Minister and seven other of-
ficials were murdered. The ging and
the Crown Prince were compelledto
take refuge in the Russian Legation,
The Frenoh Chamber of Deputies on
Wednesday by a vote of three hundred
and twenty-six to forty-three, adopted
a vote of confidence m the Government.
This averts tho oriels which was threat-
ened by the adverse vote in the Senate
on Tuesday.
A rumour that the British troops
would evacuate Egypt gave rise to des -
quietude amounting almost to a pante
m Cairo on Wedneaday, until Lord
Cromer, the British Minister, gave posi-
tive assurance that there was no such
intention on the part of the Govern-
Renewed activity has been noticed
among the Young Turk party, and the
Constantinople polios are taking strin-
gent measures to prevent disorder:
Many of the Young Turks are dissatis-
fied with the rapprochement recently
arrived at between Turkey and Rus-
The Vulcan Mine of Nvwea,Ola.
tfrreked With nib' .!yen I'neiergroeeul
—Probably .UI Killed.
A despatch from Newcastle, Col.,
says: The Vulcan coal mind located just
below here, was completely wrecked and
set entire to- a terrific etcplosioo short-
ly after 11 o'clock on Tuesday. About
fifty men, itioluding firemen and coal
operators, were in the several rooms
along the slope when the explosion oc-
curred, and so great was the detonation
that not a single man could have sur-
vived the shock, to say nothing of the
gas or the fire which immediately en-
sued. With the exception of e. few
bosses the killed are Italians, but in the
confusion and excitement it is impos-
sible et this time to ebtsin a complete
list of names of the unfortunates. The
Town of Newcastle was shaken as if by
an earthquake by the explosion, and a
dense black cloud obscured the site of
the Vulcan mine and workings, indi-
cating plainly what had occurred. ' The
entire population rushed to the scene
to behold the surface workmen in the
midst of a think cloud of dust trying
to rescue their unfortunate fellow-
laborers nihil ' the 'mine The earth
had settled perceptibly near the hill-
side, and the black smoke issuing from
crevices in the earth gave evidence
that the coal vein had been set on
fire by the explosion. Women and
children rushed shrieking to the scene
adding to the confusion. The mine
owned by the Colorado Fuel & Iron
Company, two and a half !riles away,
was promptly closed down, and all
bands hastened to assist Superintend-
ent Herrick of the Vulcan in the work
of rescue, but it was quickly seen that
little could be done. Herrick with
several men had torn away the broken
timbering at the landing, and rushed
into the slope soon after the explos-
ion, only to be driven back again by
tbe deadly fumes. A special train was
sent to the mine by the Colorado Mid-
land Rahway Company with medical
aid, prepared to assist in caring for the
wounded, if aay were rescued, but
night came on before an opening could
be made. The force of the explosion
was tremendous. The buildings and
trestle at the mouth of the slope were
completely wrecked, a hole 100 fee
ametre was carved out of the hillside
at the mouth et the inline, while tim-
bers two 1:eet square were blown into
the Grand River, which was 100 feet
away. One miner was on his way
down the slope when the explosion
occurred, and his mangled remains
were subsequently round several hun-
dred feet away from the mouth of the
slope. There were 140 men employed
in and about the mina at the time, and
about 50 were at work underground
this morning.
gin Doubt, Use South Amreican Kidney
Tho average man or woman cannot
trifle with that slight pain in the back,
that may be thought only a result of
cold. More than likely it is the warn-
irg note that kidney trouble has taken
mold of the system. IL• is simply amaz-
ing the extent to which kidney disecae
is common in Canada. The wise man
will take time by the forelock, and in
using South American Kidney Cure
drive the disease from the system in
its incipient stagges, Fortunately, if it
is too late to do this, this remedy is
strong enough to battle with the worst
ease of kidney disease. It is another in-
stance o doing only one thing, but do-
ing ib well. Snaith American Kidney
Cutra is a kidney cure. It dogs not stake
any other claims, bolt no other remedy
can moot it on its own ground.
Sold lee ti A Bondman
letemene itiu'iie'd 111 elenele-sheens or #escape.
oa,-Vreetir strut•giro or ilio nen.
econn °a1'eniea--euteietng Frew the
Winnows -Alai by Ar'gui'ng a1'alle.
A despatch from Troy, N. Y,, 00181—
There is mourning in the homes of Troy
collar girls. An unthnely and 'fearful
death overtook anany of thein late on
Monday afternoon. Working girls
whose day's labor was almost over were
out down almost without warzung by
fire, Three girls jumped to their death
from a burning building. DLstracted
plethora waited for the return el their
daughters at night, and they waited in
vain, Young girls who had left their
homes in. the morning full of life and
health and spirit never lived to tell
the tale of agony, torture a,nd death
Their charred bodies are now resting
under the tonin and tolls of red hot
embers, stones and brick, Identity even
when found wilL probably be impos-
sible. The scene was one that Trojans
will never forget, It is a black page
M. the eity's history, unparalleled in
its century of existence.
The fire 'which ends so disastrously
started in the fifth storey In the part
occupied by Stetheimer & Co. About
5.30 o'eleek on Monday afterhoon a
little boy attempted to light the gas in
what is known as the cutting depart-
ment, This is where the goods of which
the shirt waists are made are cut. He
climbed upon the cutting table and
lighted the gas. Then he threw the
match, which was stili burning, to the
floor, and it ignited a pilo of scrap cam-
bric. In an instant there was a crackl-
lag of fierce and uncontrollable flames
and the room was filled with smoke.
'M'ine Lillie (Kreiger, a girl, realized the
imminence. of the perilS and at the risk
of her own life rushed through the dif-
ferent departments of the building and
warned the employees of the danger.
Nothing but. the bravery of a. volun-
teer fireman saved her from death.
When the employees in the fifth storey
realized that the fire we beyond con-
trol and was likely to prove Ones-
trous a scene of great panic immediate-
ly ensued. The girls !rushed about the
roam. Soma of them found their way
down the stairway. Others suc-
cumbed to the dense smoke and
sank to the floor, and some jumped
from the dizzy height of the Rivers
street windows to the pavement below.
About half of the girls who were em-
ployed on the top floor did think of the
fire escape, and found their way to the
ground in safety. m ,
For twenty minutes after the fire
started the scene was the most excit-
ing ever witnessed in Troy. During
this time there was a continuous panic,
and in the •tush for a place of safety
many were injured. The crush on the
stairway was something frightful.
About 200 men and girlsattempted to
make their escape by this exit at the
same time. Many were trampled un-
der foot, the ones who were m front
were knocked off their feet and thrown
to the landings, and some are said to
have been lett unconscious on the
stairway. • The majority o the em-
ployees finally reached the street, but
they were so overcome by excitement
that it was impossible to learn from
them how many of them had been left
in the building. Quite a number found
their way out by means of the fire es-
capes. The scene was a most exciting
one. Theiris fairly threw themseive,s
down the ladders to reach the ground
hand s Yfullnin carrying y e he had down
the ladders from terminus of the
escape. ' Probably the most heart-
rending scenes were those witnessed
on the streets. The mothers and oth-
er relatives of the girls who were at
work in the factory soon learned of
the disastrous fire and hurried to the
scene. They gathered round the burn-
ing building distracted with grief and
fear making anxious inquiries for their
loved ones. Some of them attempted
to rush up into the burning building
and the officers and bystanders found
it difficult to restrain them. A num-
ber of women were soon on their knees
on the ice -covered pavements amenia crying
piteously to heaven for assistance. The
spread of the flames was remarkable.
There was a strong wind blowing at the
time, and in less time than it takes to
tell it the building was afire from. top
to bottom. Twenty etresme of water
seemed to have no affect and there was
every indication early in the evening
that entire
block would be consumed.
The fire extended into the big struc-
ture north and gutted it. The Western
Union building was burned out, and it
was not until about four hours after
the fire started that it was tinder con-
trol, The loss will probably reach
$400,000. Tho three women who were
killed by jumping .from the windows
were almost unrecognizable when pick-
ed up, so fearfully were their heeds
crushed. Many of the injured were
those caught under falling walls.
These Three Ecclesiastics IJave Each
Spoken Cordial Words in Favor of
Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder.
One of the most cordial endorsements
of the curative powers on Dr, Agnew's
Cattarrhal Powder has come from the
Bishop of Toronto. But he has not
stood alone in bis praise of this medi-
cine. He was followed by men like the
Rev. John Langtry, and the Rev. W.
H. Wade, rector of the Church oa the
Ascension, Hamilton. Ont., and falling
into lino with the Rev. W, R. Wit -
Items, Mr, Langtry's popular curate,
tlso•Rev. H. B. Gwynne, assistant pastor
of St. Peter's Church, Hamilton, has
been of the latest to endorse this won-
derful remedy. It never fails, and Is so
quick, in case of cold in the ]read and ca-
tarrh, and is the current panacea for
Hay Fever. Sample bottle and blower
sent on receipt tin two 3 -cent stamps.
S.G. Detchon, 44 Churob St., Toronto.
Sold by G. A. Deadman.
Very Polite.
She—Oh, Mr. Sorney,I am so grate-
fulto you for your thughtfulness in
writing so promptly to tell me of poor
Harry's accident I
He—fray don't mention it; I was
very glad to have the opportunity of
doing it 1
Changed the Luck.
AChicago policeman bumped up
against a hump -banked woman, "rust to
change his luck," and succeeded in a
surprising way. One policeman held the
woman while the outer examined the
curious, movable lump, and found it to
be a package of stolen silks and linens,
4)Y1100WORJ gf I2IS ItilA.itT.
And Would ISave Aeon a Dead Man bu
for Dr. Agnew's (lure for the
The trend of present day livin
is in thehale direction of the grave. Where
our father's lived so that they Ought
prelung life, tho,ipeople of tate present
day live so that" they may shorten. it,
It "is all hurry -burry and the result le
that a large pereentage of tine men and
women an the stage of life to -day are
aver working what at any time, and Un-
der any circus stances, le the hardest
worked organ of the body—the bout,
50 lou as people will persist la this
method', the best thing they can de is to
keep a remedy like Dr. Agnew's Cure
for the heart, close by. This remedy
le a heart remedy only, but ie almost
mireouloas in its offocts. la all cases
of organic or synepatlietio heart disease
relief is secured within thirty minutes,
and there are scores and hundreds of
people in Canada who testify that had it
not been far the prompt use of this
medicine they would have been la their
graves today.
Sold by G. A. Deadman.
"Do you know Bilk 1" "Know the in-
fernal scoundrel! Why, be---" Ala,
I see, you do know him."
More About the Great Remedy Whioh
Relieves Rheumatism in a BMW
Rouz'sand Cures in One to
Three Days,
William McKenzie, Esq., of the G. T.
R„ Thamesville, Ont.; "About two years
ago 1 was completely Iend up with the
rheumatism and called in our family
elastin I secnredka
bottle of South American Rheumatic
Cure, and obtained relief in a few boors.
Two bottles enabled me to resume work.
It is the quickest acting remedy in the
market, as one dose convinces of its
great worth.
Sold by G. A. Deadman.
! . r1�4, •,
Catarrh in the lead
Is a dangerous diseaso beelines it is
liable to result in loss et hearing qg
smell, or develop into eeilali ription.
Tread the following:
"Hy wife hes been a anttorer from
catarrh for the past four years and the
disease bad gone so far that her eyesight
was afteeted so that for nearly a year
she was unable to read for more than Ave
minutes at a time, she suffered severe
pains in the head and at times was almost
districted. About Christmas, she com-
menced taking hood's Sarsaparilla, and
Mime that time has steadily improved.
She bee taken six bottles of Hood's Sar-
saparilla and is on the road to a complete
cure. I cannot speak too highly of Hood's
Sarsaparilla, and I cheerfully recommend
it." W. H, Funsien, Newmarket, Ontario.
ood's Sarsaparillas
is the Only
Truce Blood Purifier
Prominently in the public eye today.
Hood'sePllls cure habitual constipa-
tion. Prlco 260. per hoz.
French Red Tape.
A woman will be drafted for service
in, the French army next year, for the
reason that at her birth she was eron-
eously registered as a male child.
Though the officials are cognizant of the
blunder, red tape makes it essential for
her to present herself for military duty.
Nt''te'Stee 1 r
\se -fa%
'' 10
11111(j�i � atA� hfv
�i117N1(ll(Db -11 N N
R t
South American Nervine.
The Great Health Restorer of the
Rlcknes% Cuunot Cope With It.
Has Cured the Worst Cases on nee.
Cures at the Nerve Centres loud Thins
Cures Permanently.
A'Wo:ulerful Specific in All Cason of
Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sick IIeiadache,
Nervousness laid (leueral Debility.
Has No Equal as a Spring Medicine,
There is a great deal, of uncertainty
in the methods adopted to remove die.
ease. Doctor's are not free frons this
kind of thing themsetre's, The poor pa-
tient hos to put up with a good deal ot
experimenting. The discoverer oe South
A.mericttn Nervine takes too serious e.
view or life to play pranks of this kind,
He does not think that these humin
bodies of eters should be fooled with, He
has recognised that they are subject to
disease, but, by aeietttilio methods, he
has learned that just as the watch is to
be put in portent repair only when the
main -spring le kept in running order, so.
with the individual. be remains in per -
feet health only when the nerve centres
are kept healthful and strong,
What disease is more distressing than
indigestion or dyspepsia? Some simple
remedy may be given to cause relief ton
the moment. .Nervine is en indisputably
see send remedy for the worst cases of
indigestine, because it teaehee the source
of nll stomach troubles -the none, sen -
ties. Indigestion exists beeanse the
vital forces have become diseased and
are weakened. Nervine builds up the -
nerve centres, front which come these-
fortws, removes the causes of indiges-
tion, and then builds up the health com-
How many systems are run down
through nervousness. A stimulant may
give eine, but it will not cure nervous
troubles. Nervine las cured more des-
perate erases of nervousness tloan any
other medicine anywhere. And it does
so for the same reason that it cures in-
digestion. The nerve centres are de-
ranged, or there would be no victims of
nervousness, Nervine rebuilds and
strengthens the nerve tissues, and hence
its marvellous powers in diseases of this
tbe spring ot theear the strong-
est gather from general debility. The
blood, through neglect, has become im-
poverished, and the whole system gets.
out of order. We speak of it as a
spring medicine. Nervine restores the
exhausted vital forces that have led to
this tired, don't -care, played -out, miser-
able condition.. No one can take a bot-
tle, of Nervine at this season of the•'
Year without disease quickly giving war,
to abounding health.
The moral is plain, simple and readily
understood. if you would not trifle with
disease, teen you will take South Amer-
ican Nervine, which will not trifle with,
t. DE,1DITAN Wholesale and Retail !gent for Brusilsli.