HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-2-28, Page 5FEB 28, 1.896
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4� iKai, rCK GO.
TIE. E3RtJ$$ 1, -Pi
FOR Mir � •de ON THE
And'for 3Q DAYS we will paralyze the Retail trade with Stupendous Bargains. Grasp this Golden op-
portunity of securing Dry Goods for one-half their Wholesale Value. We are noted from the At-
lantic to the Pacific as the Breakers of High Prices and,are the Largest Dealers
Piles of Dress Goods Piles of Staples ; Piles of Hosiery ; Piles of Gloves ; Piles
of Ribbons ; Piles of all kinds of Seasonable Dry Goods. But they will melt rapidly
away under that Powerful Lever ---LOW PRICES.
This Great Money Saving Sale Commenced on
Carrying everything before it lige the Great Niagara Falls.
Come ye one and all to this Grea Gest of Great Sales.
f/913 ^nmsii✓mziM rrO
About two o'clock Monday morning
fire started in the old Pinkney hotel
building, next door south of the post of-
fice, and recently oeenpled by It Husby
as a reetaurenl, barber shop and dwel.
ling, and this building, together with
James Gilleepie'a harness shop, adjoin-
ing, was almost totally destroyed. The
Pioknoy hotel building was owned by the
estate of T. T. Coleman, and was insured
in the Guardian for $8000. The lose is
$1,500. Gillespie's loss is $1,000, insured
for $700 in the London to Globe. The
origin of the 11re is supposed to have
been inoendiarfem.
Tire Posy gives the news.
loo is being stored away by several of
our villagere for the Summer's use.
Rev, A. K. Griffin is bolding service hi
St. George's church such Wednesday
evening doting Lent.
School entertaiomeat on Friday even-
ing of this week. The program is a
dandy and no one should miss it.
It is said thin the American Presby-
terian church in thie village may be
raised and brick veneered next season.
Mies Annie- Sage, who is an export
musician on the piano, eleighbelle,
Maiden and violin, will take a course of
lessons on the latter instrument from
Prof. Ducker, of Palmerston, a well
known violinist. We wish Miss Sage the
9010808 elle deserves.
I'or a eetviih e.
John McTavish has lost his valuable
hound "Jumbo,"
Mise Ellen Hislop is visiting at Mr.
Savage'e on the 8rd line of Grey.
Thos. Pope, who has been on the 8iek
list for the pest week, is recovering.
We are sorry to say that the health of
Mrs. John Sliarpin is nob improving.
Jas. Belden, who has been working in
Listowel, is spending a few days with
his parents here.
Robb, Ireland, of the 0:line, Umiak,
bas the material out for the erection of
a new barn next Summer.
John Finn, who is working for Geo.
McDonald, ran a nail into his foot a few
days ago but will soon be all right again.
Thos. Janlslin, who has had Mr,
Mines' farm on the 2nd non. of Grey rent.
ad, le to have an enation sale next week.
He is talking of going out West in the
Samuel Farrel, who has been vieitiug
friends in this vicinity, has returned to
bis home in Neepatva, Manitoba. We
nnd0rsta0(1 In has taken with him ma-
chinery for a stave factory.
Blue -vale.
A vernal general meeting Of the ehexe-
holders of the Bluevale Cheese and But-
ter Company, limited, will be held in the
Forostore' Hit11, Bluevale, on friday,
Marble Gtb, at 1:80 O'olomk p. no. The
bueineee to come before the meeting will
be the Consideration of a By-law foe the
increase of the depftal stook of the Com-
pany and the 1e8u0 of now Meares, the
sale of the incoming season's make of
whey and the transaction of any other
Willem that may be brought before the
R000LIT10N of OoNDOLENos —To Rev,
A. Y. Bartley,--Si,--.We, the Clinton
branch of the. Independent Order of
Good Templare, desire to express to you
our deep regret at the .ad death of your
son, Fred., a member of this lodge.
This sudden stroke tame as a bolt out of
the clear sky, His Dun went down while
it was yet noon, yet we bow to God's in-
scrutable providence. Hoping that the
Holy Spirit, the Great Comforter, will
sustain you in this sore bereavement,
and assuring you of our deepest sym-
pathy. In behalf of the Clinton branch
of the I. 0. G. T. E. J. Harris.
Bel rave.
Geo. Venoamp, of Pembroke, is visiting
friends here at present.
F. A. Vannorman is getting in a sup•
ply of fee for next Summer's use.
Mr. Nivens and family intend moving
to Dakota aboct the drat of April.
The house and lot offered for sale by R.
MoOnmine by auotion was not sold.
Oharlee McClelland returned home on
Thursday from visiting friends in To.
'Mr. Livingstone shipped another oar
load of maple rollers last week to Liver.
pool, England.
Simon Vannorman, sr., intends moving
to the Brace Mites this Spring and will
make it his future home.
Vannorman & Spence intend making
the private sobool here it permanent
institution, it being highly successful so
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Halliday were at
home to a number of their young friends
on ]friday evening of last week. The
evening was spent in dancing and other
L. Mu.Aah has, we learn, purchased
the property owned by Itobt. Sterling
and at present occupied by himself and
will enlarge during the coming Summer.
A number of other properties are else
about changing hands which will be re-
ported in due time.
Tina Posx gives the news,
Mre. 12. Eckel -der spent Sunday in
Mrs. Sinlpeon is i11 very poor health
just now.
D. Sprint, ofBeigreve, epenb Tuesday
in this village.
Rev. W. J. Waddell was eiouciteotfng
services at Auburn last Sabbath,
0. Rapp, it brakeman on the M. C. R,
at St, Thomas, le home for a week's
Rev. D, B. McRae occupied the pulpit
of the Methodist church last Sabbath
Donald Kellner inbende trying his for.
tone in the West and will go to Alberta
early in March.
Robt. Nichol and wife, of Dakota, and
Miss Mand Nichol, of Gall, are vieitiug
at S. J. Nichols,
Owing to lack ofintereet taken in temp.
erance work, the Sone of Temperance So.
Met), have found it neoeegary to close up
their Division here.
Rev, A. K, Griffin, of Brussels, will
address a Meeting ill the Methodist
cherub nextMonday evening in the inter.
Date of the tipper danada Bible Sooioty,
Andrew 1P,okmier came home from
Fullerton this week. He returns again
on Monday, as 11e has engaged with a
farmer there for eight menthe. He will
be much missed here by "All."
11. 1RMSON
Mies MaKity, of Brussels was visiting
here this week.
Township Council will he held here on
Saturday of next week,
We are sorry to bear that Postmaster
Spence is on the efbk fiat with something
hike la grippe. We hope he will soon be
D. Milne has given up the Cober farm
and will retire from farming it is said.
Norman (lobar will have ohaego of his
father's form and will ere long secure for
himself a housekeeper.
The mill yard here ie not being stocked
this Winter as W. Milne is devoting his
time and energies to the Trout Creek
business. A stook of lumber, shingles
dao., is kept here as usual. It makes dell
times to have the mill olosed down.
Rev. Dr. Gifford delivered an excellent
teotnre on "The Mammoth Cave" in the
Methodist church, on Wednesday evening
of lest week. Those who failed to hear
the Dr's. lecture missed a rare treat, as
it was both entertaining and inetruotive.
Tam POST gives the news and bat the
Geo, W. Turvey spent a few days in
Blyth this week
Mies Susie Allison, of Belgrave, is
seriously ill this week.
Fodder for etock is going to be very
scarce before Spring opens.
Wm. Russell and bride left for their
new home in Duluth this week.
Wen. Wyllie, sr., and Thos. Russell
are both much improved in health.
Miss Olare Jowitt, of Brussels, is visit-
ing relatives and friends at Browntown.
Miss J. Walker, 081.1 line, was the guest
of the Misses Halliday for a fewdaye last
Isaac Jewitt intends tekicg a trip to
i1fauit"ba in the Spring. He may matte
his residence there.
Albert Ashton, of the 7113 00n., has
rented his father's farm, near Bluevale,
for a term of 5 years.
Lot 5, 8th con., known as the Lindsay
farm, was sold ander mortgage at Blyth
on Saturday lash for $2,1011.
Robb. Blair, of the 6111 toe., Karl a
wood bee on Friday afternoon of last
week and got a large quantity of wood
Last Snbbatlt afternoon Rev. Mr. Cob-
blediok, of Brussels, delivered a very
practical IIiesiouary address in the Jack-
son ohureh.
Oar neighborhood was surprieed to
hear of the madden death of Jas. War-
wick, and line. Ito pressed away on Sat-
urday eveninu,
Master Leslie Robertson, accompanied
by his sisters, Fannie and Aggie, of Grey
townehip, are visiting at their insole's, A.
Halliday'%, this week.
Robert Miller, 5th lino, intends raising
hie barn and putting atone stabling
underneath, His brother William will
do the same with his barn.
Jae. Evane and wife, of the 7111 eon.,
who have been away on et two week's
visit in the township of Zorn), Co. of
Oxlord, among friends and relatives, ar-
rived home this week well pleased with
their 'Mit.
Gherkin Rozeil arrived in Breesels from
Paw Paw, \liohigan, en Saturday of last
week, bringing with him, a car load of
furniture, farm implements, team, &o,
He will move to the Jno. Currie farm,
9th line, next month, Mts. Resell and
family came on Wednesday,
Miss B. Kelly, 0th line, ie visiting her
Sister, Mrs. T. Armstrong, at White-
Mrs. Adam Soott, of Seaforth locality,
was visiting relatives in this township
last week.
S. Vannorman, of Belgrave, lost his
driving horse one night reuently by get-
ting strangled with the tie rope.
Miss 3. Humphries, of Walton, has
been spending a couple of weeks visiting
friends on the 5th and 6th lines,
Reeve Mooney was oalled to Goderiob
nu Wednesday of this week to attend a
meeting of the Warden's Committee, of
which he is a member. The prinoipal
business was the law snit over bridges
between the County and Morris township.
This week Will. Dryden left for Mani-
toba, the limit of his excursion ticket
having about expired. We expected be
would have gone bank a happy benediot,
but we were doomed to disappointment.
While there's life there's hope, however.
Hraroies8L.—Wednesday e,fternoon of
this week Miss Kate Meiklejobn, daugh-
ter of Mrs. Meiklejohn, 5.h line, and Mr.
Miller, of Dakota, were united in mar-
riage by Rev. Mr. Hall, of Belgrave.
The bride was the recipient of many
beautiful gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Miller will
make their home in the West, Many
good wishes are expressed for their future
O11rr.--The sad intelligence reached
here this week from Evansville, Minne-
sota, of the sudden decease of Robert J.
Mills, sou of Thos. Mills, of Bluevale,
and nephew to John Mills, Hullettbound-
ary. Mr, Mills went West ,about two
years ago and held a lneretive position in
an elevator. He was ill about three
weeks and passed away at the early age
of 23 years. Typhoid fever wail the cause
of death. The funeral took place last
Monday. Wm, Mills, a brother to the
deceased, of Sioux Falls, North Dakota,
was with him through his illness.
Robert was an indnetrions, trustworthy
young man, who enjoyed the esteem of
all who knew him. Better than all be
VMS aOhrletian and passed away from
time with the blessed aaeurenee of en-
joying a hone in his f'ather's house of
many mansions, The bereaved are deep-
ly sympathised with in their sadness.
dTrro.1` t4 08808 .
Rev. 0. 0, Keine, of Ethel 0110010, WW1
in town Tuesday.
Wroxeter curlers did Bt'useela up lest
Tttescley on our rink here,
Andrew Love and daughter, of Mark -
dale, were the guests of SVm. Montgom-
ery over Sunday.
A load of Ep.vorth Leagoore attended
the "At Hem& given by the Bellmore
League on Tuesday. They report a most
enjoyable time,
A party of about thirty young people
spent a pleasant evening ett W. 0. He.ele-
weqod'e Monday lash. Parlor games, a
milei0al conundrum table, and a carie
aollootion added much to the enjoyment
of the ooupany.
A tee.meeting will be held iu the
Salem Methodist thumb on Thursday,
March 5th. The Teeswater choir will be
there and addressee by Rev. 37. A. Shaw,
Rev. W. J. Waddell, Dr, Gifford and
other talent,
0oNoeRT.--The to ndert given I11 the
Pavilion on Wednesday evening was
quite a euaoess, All the talent was on
band excepting A. W. Halliday, and
Prof, Itawkluo, of Brussels, kindly con-
sentee to supply his numbers, which he
did most acceptably, in addition to giv-
ing the selections coupled with his own
name. Among the attractive features of
the program, in addition to the above,
were line instrumental selections from
Brussels Orchestra and H. L. Jackson ;
recitations by MTS. S. II. Jackson and
'Messrs. Blair and Lenient, all well rend•
ered ; good solus from T. Gibson, jr. ;
sud several mete quartettes. The Ger-
man chorus, 'Licht put -share," in which
Mr. Goebel was the instructor, was most
amusing iudeed. Encores were heartily
given and cheerfully responded to, Alm.
W. E. Kerr rendered efficient service as
accompanist. W. H. Kerr, of Brns1010,
NM chairman. Proceeds, about $27.00.
The Brussels contingent and some of the
Wroxeter friends were hospitably enter-
tained at the Parsonage at the uloee of
the concert.
Sir William Van Borne has gone to
the Bahamas for hie health,
An illicit still was seized by London
revenue officers at Sparta, and J. Miner
and J, Durdie were arreetod for making
Andrew Boyd, of the late firm of Boyd,
Gillies & Co., has been arrested in Lon-
don, England, on ohargee of forgery and
arson. He will be brought to Canada.
The Government bas obtained jadg-
ment against Andre Senecal for $12,500,
paid him by contractors ss bribes while
he was superintendent of the Printing
The Nipissiog & James Bay Railway
Company was granted an extension of
time by the Parliamentary Railway
Committee, although the Mayor and
other gentlemen from Toronto opposed
the extension.
License District
East Riding of Murou.
7'o the Tcar^erla-Keepers and Shop-
. Keepers and Others whom, it
may C,once1vt.
NOTT011 is hereby given that
for the sale of Liquor in the
for the License year 1866.07, which commen-
ces 011 the let day of May next, will be re-
ceived by the undersigned from the present
date up to
Wednesday, April 1,1896
inclusive, Applicants must furnish the
names oftwr,ood and suOitient sureties as
bondsmen at the time of making application.
Auy applicant for a new license mast fur-
nish a certificate signed by a majority of the
electors Butt tied to vote at elections for the
Legislative Assembly in the tolling Sub -
Division in which the premises sought to be
licensed are situated, and the said majority
must include at least one,third of the said
electors, who are at the time of such appli-
cation residents within the said Polling Sub-
Jamestown, Feb. 10,1800.
®PEN]r eM .� zvv3s
:FOR sxF,R)ENG,, 18E316,
ON SATURDAY FEB. 234 and during the following weak
we bog to announce out Spring Opening of Boots and Shoos, when
we will make a special display of tho different lines We carry in
stock. Not having store room to make it continual display of our
whole stock we take this method of giving you a much better idea
of our complete tango of Boots and Shoes.
This idea Will be followed by our Spring Opening of
Hats 86 Caps, Priilfs, Dross Goods86o,
i �
of which duo notice will bo given.
Whether you wish to buy or llot'favor us with an inspection of
the Boot and Shoo display on SATURDAY, the 22nf2, and the fol-
lowing week.