HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-2-28, Page 4New Advertisements,
Local --S. 13. Smale.
Local—Marsden Smith.
Il'or Sale—H, L. Jackson,
Auction sale. -S, Diekaon.
Bargain Hunters --J. G. Skene,
Dtyes tested—Deadman & &oOoil.
T9ervcue headache --Dr. WWiame,
Speolat Settlors' Trains—G. T. Be
Giving up,Business—Wm, Downs.
Just Received—Smith & McLaren.
Boadymade Olothing—A, J. Davie,
EargaIos•—Toronto Bankrupt Stook Oo.
The Secret of Growing -Ferguson
FRrl)AY, FEB. 28, 1896.
,Holy Communion in Trinity ohuroh on
Sunday morning next.
Lawyer H. J. D. Cooke, of Guderiob,
has been in town for the past low days.
Through the heavy snow storm our
citizens were deprived of their mails
same days last week,
On Wednesday last about 20 members
of the 0. 0. F, of this town attended the
funeral of their late Bro. Nelson Pringle,
of Lortilesboro,
Mise M. Bell and Miss Hebkirk left
here on Tuesday morning to attend the
millinery openings, which are being
held in London this week.
On Monday the regular sittings of the
12th Division Court were held in Industry
hall, Judge Doyle presiding. Several
cases were brought before his Honor and
disposed of.
On Friday evening a benefit concert is
to be held in Industry hall. As the case
is a deserving one there is no doubt but
the hall will be crowded to the doors. A
large program has been provided for the
On Monday, station agent, E. Hato.
mond and wife attended the funeral in
Wingham of the late Alex. Livingetone,
who was killed whilst on the railway at
Flensall on Saturday evening. The de.
ceased was a brother to Mrs. Hammond.
The bereaved onus have the sympathy of
the community. The deceased was well
known here,
Lisa to w e 1.
Christ church services were held on
Sunday last in the parish room adjoining
the rectory, which has been fitted up for
holding services in until a new ohuroh is
A good farmer of Wallace got his man
up betimes and had a load of outs cleaned
up, loaded on his sleigh, and had proceed•
ed on his way to market as far as
Gowanstown when one of his neighbors
drew his attention to the fact that it
happened to be Sunday morning. Tbe
error war no doubt owing to the farmer
being a widower and having no one to
keep track of the calendar for him.
The people of Christ church, whotte
building was destroyed by fire, have de.
aided to rebuild next Summer, and will
have all details settled in time to corn.
anemia operation when the season opens
The church will be built on their lot,
corner of Main and Baglan streets, one
of the most desirable sites in town for the
purpose. It is probable that the new edi-
fice will be constructed of stone and cost
about 0.1500, though es yet these partici'.
fare are not settled upon. A snug and
well designed building will at least be put
np which will be an ornament to our
principal street. The ineurance on the
burned church has been adjusted, The
policy stood at 0050 on church, 0850 on
contents, end 0100 on organ. The first
two items have been paid in fu11 and 015
allowed on the latter, making in all
Bobt. Struthers had his faoe badly
frozen while driving from Teeswater to
Dr. Tamlyn and John W. Walker at-
tended the meeting of the Grand Lodge
A. 0. II. W. in Toronto.
Workmen have been busy raising and
repairing the bridge at Carr's mill, under
the eupervieioo of John Foister.
At a meeting of the Citizen's Bnnd it
was decided that they would hold a mam-
moth celebration here on the 25th of
Dan. McKenzie bas purchased the $or•
mann House and will take possession on
the first of October. Tbe consideration
is in the neighborhood of 55,000.
The gentleman who first surveyed this
town came from Wingham, England,
and was permitted to name the new town
after his old home across the sea.
Mr, Garrow presented at the Legiela•
tore the petition from this town asking
permission to extend the time for re-
payment of the 58,000 loan to the 'Onion
Johu Carr & Son and the Wingbatn
Eleatic Light Co. have been at variance
with retard to water power, Carr & Son
claiming that the Light Co. had backed
the water up too far on them. They re-
cent.y employed a surveyor to get at the
facts, and he reported that instead of go-
ing beyond their limit the Light Co. bad
not gone within seven inches of it.
One result of the recent heavy falls of
snow was to lead to the instantaneous
and horrible death of brakeman Alex.
Livingstone, of the G. T. Ii., Saturday
night about 0:80 o'olook. Livingstone
was one of the London, Huron & Bruce
way freight orew, and met his death
while on duty in the rafiway yards at
Heneall, The accident ocourred through
Livingstone mistaking, in the insufficient
light, a cattle guard peeked with enow as
e pert of the solid roadbed, He was as-
sisting in the shunting of oars, end the
work was being hurried, as the crew
were a day late because of the heavy
enow storms. A car bad to be "kicked"
into the Heneall siding, in the railway -
mans parlance, and Livingstone was in
the act of drawing a coupling pin from
between two oars while the whole train
was being slowly shunted, Lie had to
move along while pulling the pin, when
he suddenly sank in the deep snow in the
aattle.guard. In au instant the fatal
oar following had done its Werk. The
body was badly mangled. Grief-stricken
comrades of the dead man tenderly
gathered up the remains, and they were
carried into the caboose, and tbenoe tak-
en to Wingham, and to the home of the
young man's father. Deemed was un.
married, and about 28 yoare of age, Ile
lived with his father and mother, who
not long since had removed to Wingham,
on his amount, tie connection with the
(a, T', A. dates book for a nutuber Of
years, and prontotion would shortly ;have
dome his way, lb was exceedingly
Pinder among his comrades, and when
he left London with his train at 4:80 the
same afternoon his good nature was again
remarked among the men in the local
yards, Livingstone wee a member Of
Council Ile, 75, C. 0. C, P., and of Lodge
No. 240, Brotherhood of TZailway Train.
men. A large number of representatives
of these orders attended the funeral at
At the last meeting of bbe Elma Coon -
MI the Public Library wee given a grant
of 010.
Miss Joan Hamilton returned to her
home from 50. Cloud, Minn., where she
has been spending the past Rummer with
her sieter, 1YIre. John Clark.
The Bee says —Mere or less anxiety ie
fait by the Directors of the Ontario
Permete' Flex Co. because of their in.
ability thus far to find a market for their
Sax. The American buyers don't want
our Canadian flax thea year it appears,
owing poeeibly to the fast that the fibre
is inferior to that of other years, and es
the great bulk of Canadian Sax is bought
and manufactured in the States, the
effect here is keenly felt. Tbe Living•
stone Bros., of Baden, requested a sample
of the Atwood flax some sveeks ago, pre.
sumubly to forward to the Qmerioan buy.
ers to judge of its quality, but since then
the Directors have received no intelti.
gentle. The mill will run three or four
weeks longer, when it is expeoted all the
raw flex will be manufactured into the
marketable artiole, To do this the Com.
pany will have drawn about 51,000 on
their credit to pay the hands and other
incidental expenees, Last year the Co.
got something like 8 oents per pound for
their flax, but no snob price nen reason-
ably be expeoted this year, judging of the
outlook at this writing. Two or three
mills have sold this Winter at a reduced
price. It is to be hoped that the farmere
will realize 810 per ton for their flax this
year, which almost exeeeds our expeota.
lt1ol ees-'writ.
Tax Poem gives the news,
The lalieses Buchanan, of Hansell, are
visiting 11. McAllister.
Mrs. Lynn returned to her home near
Gowanstown Saturday. °
Mies Minnie Martin is hone from To.
ronto visiting her father.
Mies 13. Lougbeed leaves on Monday to
return to her duties in Toronto,
The Misses Irwin, of Wingham, at'e
visiting relatives in this vicinity. •
Mrs. Jas. Menzies, who has been quite
ill for some time, is mnoh improved.
Geo. McDonald and wifeof Bioevale,
spent Sunday with friends in this vicin•
Mies S. Terry has gone on an extended
visit to Harriston, Mitchell and other
Jas. Brown was absent this week at.
tending the funeral of his uncle, who
lived near Drumbo.
Miss E. A. McNeil, formerly teacher
here, paid us a flying visit before leaving
for Aseiniboia, where she has secured a
The trustees of Molesworth school have
decided to erect a woodshed. The con•
tract wits let by tender, J. Savage seour-
ing the job.
A Fertuey and family have gone to
Chicago to reside. Andrew owned a farm
here but sold it, thinking some other line
of work would be more pleasant and
A quiet wedding took place at the
borne of S. Lougbeed on Wednesday
evening of last week, when Mise Maggie,
second daughter of Mr. Lougheed, was
united in the holy bonds of matrimony
with G. Welch, of,Toronto. The young
couple intend taking up their abode in
the Queen oily.
There will be a Liberal meeting at
Durham on Feb, 20th, to be addressed by
Dr. Landerkio, M. P., Wm. ftIulook, M.
P., Wm. Gibson, M. P., and D.C. Fraser,
M. P., of Nova Scotia.
The Supreme Court has given jodg•
ment for Mr. St. Louis against the
Government for over 580,000, the balance
of his claim on the Montreal bridge con-
tract. The appeal of Neelon against To-
ronto, arising out of the court house eon -
tract, was decided in favor of the city.
Oil Cake Meal
A quantity of first-class Oil
Cake Meal will be kept on hand
at the
Livingston Fax I1i11.
The following low prices will be
given :—
In Ton Lots, - 118.00
Half Ton Lots, 9.25
100 Pounds, 1.00
1'The above prices aro for cash.
Bright., J. & J. Livingston,
Manager. Proprietor.
Real Estate 86 Loan
Agent, - Brussels.
Money to Loan on Farm Seem-
ity at the Lowest state
of Interest.
Money Loaned on Notes and
good Notes Discounted. Sale
Notes a Specialty.
Fire cc Life Moreno Written,
Special Attention given to
Offlee over Deadman & McCal1's Store,
When goods are years behind the age,
Like some old fashioned clock,
That stands forgotten on the shelf—
'Tis then called Bankrupt Stook.
Moth eaten furs and shoddy shoes,
And caps that give a shock,
With other similar refuse,
Comprises Bankrupt Stock„
Our Goods are new, their value real,
From neck tie to a Sock,
We hold them not from year to year
As that makes Bankrupt Stock.
Fresh goods will always take the lead
Ahead of Bankrupt Stock,
Our prices never go to seed
Their doivzi to solid rock.
Smith McLaren,
V ,R j.)- 1
New Dress Goods,
! New Flannelettes,
New Cottons, Cottonades,
New Boots and Shoes,
Now Clothing,
New Spring Hats.
FBB. 28, 1896
Growing business is that every day we got
nearer and nearer to the Customer's wants.
The immense quantities we buy and sell, cut
Profits smaller and smaller and every item
saved means less prico.to our Customers.
The Ladies
No longer doubt the goodness of our
DRESS SERGE S in all shades
and black at 20o. and 35c, They have
found it, true that we are not selling for
as much as others.
They buy and 'send neighbors and friends, It
has enabled us to sell the Bright, New Goods
at the same price as others are asking for
Ola, Out -of Dato Goode.
Bri�hl, �e:ti, Spriug
Prints, Shirtings, Flan-
nelettes, Salisbury Flannelettes, Cottonades,
Sheetin ,s. Factory Cottons, White Cottons,
Corsets and hosiery.
The largest stock we have Prices Always the Lowest.
ever shown.
Ilighezt Price for Produce.
Smith & McLaren.
USSE;4 S]�'(7' ry\
PVIll1 •r"'' 0RKA1.
I wish to inform the people of Brussels
and surrounding district that I have putt.
obased the Pump Business of JAMES
BELL and will be found ready to attend
to all wants in either new work or repairs
at moderate prices.
No better Pump in the mar,lset.
Order left at my shop or residence or
at P. SCOTT'S shop will be promptly
looked after.
I 'Orders taken for the Digging of
Wells and Cisterns.
Gomez. Grier,
A great many people are prejudiced against Readymade Clothing. They have got it into their
heads that they are ill-fitting, untidy, look cheap and trashy, and in most cases they -are right. Ow:
Clothing is manufactured out of WHOLE CLOTH of the Latest Patterns and Designs, is cut by the
latest scientifically approved machinery, and made by skilled work people, and we have not a poor
garment in the store. They are
Made on Honor, Sold on Merit,
and for Style, Pit and Quality cannot be beaten and seldom equalled. We are selling them and that
lively too at prices that cannot be duplicated in this County. This stock will not last long and all are
! earnestly invited to call ere the Size and Pattern they might select is
claimed by those who have grown corn for
15 to 20 years to be the best varieties in the
order mentioned, for feeding purposes. in
cultivation today, 1'or Information with
regard to the above, price and terms, apply
Neil S. McLauchlin,
P, S.—The best yield of fodder at the Exper-
imental Farm was from the White Flint
variety, producing 218,tons per acre. 91.8
The undersigned is preparedto attend to all work intrusted
to him in a prompt and work-
manlike manner in
Carriage Painting,
Sign Writing,
House Painting -and
All work under my personal
supervision and satisfaction as-
Now is the time to get your
buggy or cart repainted for next
Paint Shop on Bing st., Bruseeler
Dress Good
Our stock is Large,•Varied and Carefully Selected, and contains, as well as a choice
selection of High Grade Goods, an extensive range of Lower Priced Goocis in all the
Latest Shades and Patterns, and is being sold at prices that will soon clear the entire
stock. All kinds of Linings and Trimmings to match.
We Compare with Mr.
Mr. McGowan's price $12.00 our price 96.00
7.00 .r 4.00
A. few Cheaper lines proportionately Iced
those who are quick enough.
McGowan as Follows :
IVIr. McGowan's price $10.00 our price $5.00
ascii. • These are extraordinary Bargains for
en's Tong Boots, Women's and Chldzlen's Shoes.
In Men's Long Boots we can't be beat and have all Sizes and Qualities. An un-
limited variety of Women's feud Children's Sloes and all being sold at Reduced Prices to
clear the whole lot ant, In this department we aro showing sone Genuine Bargains.
'We have just passed into stock, iaew Shirtings, Cottonades, Denims, Cottons,
• Flannelettes, Carpet l,Varps, Prints, etc,, all going at unusually Close .Prices.
We are offering Special Bargains in Lace and Chenille Curtains, Curtain Net, Carpets and Rugs.
Our stock of GROCERIES is Complete, Fresh and Reliable.
We want aII the good Meat, Butter, Lard, Eggs, Dried Apples, Tallow, etc., for all of which we
will allow the Highest Price in Trade.
MI Jai