The Brussels Post, 1896-2-28, Page 3Fi03, 28, 1896 TRF B R iJ S .] Lra s• 1' Q SS T MatiaMesiansialatiameleaffaillailanalleintaillaMOMMOSIMMSRMO To Directory., Mnrvr>;lar7 CStana:.--•Sabbath Serviee3 at 11 It m and 7:00 p.m, 13nnday School at 2;30 p nl. Rev, Jobe Bose, B Pastor. So, JonN'a CHnnon.—Sabbath Services at 11 a in and 7 p M. Sunday School tat 2:30 p. m. Rev, A, K. Grille, incum. bent, MmTnou oo Cnvaon,—Sabbath Servloos tit 10:80 a m and 7:00 p m. Sunday Soheol at 2;30 p to, Rev. G. ll. Cobble. diok, kf A, 13 D, pastor, RonlaN Comm O1{ono).-.Sabbath Service third Sunday in every month, at 10:30 a m, Rev Joseph honnedy, prielab. 8ALyAttoN Atom-88000eI at 7 .and 11 a in and 8 and B p m on Sunday and every evening in the week at 8 o'clock, at the barraoks. ODD F1CLJAwe' 'LODGE every 'I'huraday evening, in Graham's block. MAeoNro 14on80 Tuesday at or before full moon, in Garfield blook, A 0 U W Luce on the era Friday evening of each month, in Blas. hill's block. O 0 F LonOE 2nd and last Monday evenings of eaoh month, in Blashill'e Moak. I O E, 2nd and last Friday in Odd Fellows' Hall. L 0 L let Monday in every month in Orange Hall, SONS of Soo'rccon, let and 9rd Tnee• days of eaoh mouth, in Odd Fellows' Hall. K. 0. T, M. LODGE, and and 4th Tues. days of each month, in Odd Fellow's Hall. Honer Ctneen, 2nd and 4th Friday even. ings in Blashilt's Hall, POST OFPioi.--office hours from 8 a, m. to 8;30 P. mi.. INSTITOTE.—Library in Holmes' blook, will be open from 6 to 8 o'olook p. m. Wednesdays and 3:80 to 6 and 6 to 8 Saturdays. Miss Minnie Mo. Nangliton, Librarian. 'J'owit Conxen,.—W. H. Kerr, Reeve ; Geo. Backer, Robert Graham, R. Lea. therdafe and R. G. Wilson, Oouncillore ; F. S. Scott, Clerk; Thomas Kelly-, Treasurer ; D:.Stewart, Assessor and J. T. Ross, Collector. Board meets the 1st Monday to each month. SCHOOL Bosun.—Rev. Rose, (chairman,) D. C. Ross, Dr. Graham, A. Reid, A. Koenig and 11. Dennis ; Seo..Treas., R. Rose. Meetings and Friday evening in each month. PUBLIC Scnom TrACHEns. J. H. Cam. eron, Principal, Miss Linton, Miss Downey and Mise Bit:Mitt, n Boman or FIEALTIi.=Reeve herr, Clerk Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and J, N. Kendall. Dr. McNaughton, Medical Health Officer; A QUEER BOY. He doesn't like study, it "weakens his eyes," But the right sort of book will insure a surprise, Let it be about Tediums, pirates, or bears, And be's lost for the day to all mun- dane affairs ; By sunlight or gaslight his vision is clear ; Now, isn't that queer ? At thought of an errand he's "tired as a hound," Very weary of life, and of tramping around ; But if there's a band or a aircas in sight. He will follow it gladly from morning till night, The showman will capture him, some day, I fear, Par h0 is s0 queer. If there's work in the garden his head "aches to split," And his back is so lame that he "can't dig a bit"; But mention baseball, olid he's cured very soon, And he'll dig for e. woodchuck the whole afternoon ; Do you think ho plays "poseam ?" He seems quite sincere ; But—isn't he queer'? A SONG OF SNOW.TI1•IE. Sing a song of avow -time • Now it's passing by, Million.little fleeoy flakes Fulling from the sky ; Whecythe ground is covered, And the hedge and trees, There will be a gay time For the Chickadees. Boys are in the school house, Drawing on their slates, Pictures of the coasting place, And thinking of their skates ; Girls are nodding knowingly, Smilingly about, Thinking of a gay time When the school is out. Three o'clock, four o'olook, Bnug 1 goes the bell ; Get your hate end cloaks and wraps, Hurry off, poll.mell I Bring along the coasters all, If you want some fun ; Up to the hill -top, Jump and elide and run I Steady now I Ready now I Each in his plane 1 Here we go, there we go, Down on a race I Sing a song of snow -time, When the flakes fall ; Coast time, skate time, Boat time of all 1 THE EAGLE AND THE LION. Said the Eagle to the Lion, "If et onoe you don't desist From grabbing South America, 1'11 give your tail a twist, I'm afraid I'll hurt your feelings if you are not more adroit" And the Lion answered slowly, "As you did Sam, at Detroit ?" Said the Eagle, "I can wallop all the na- tions of the earth, Thera never was a bird like me sines Coamos had its birtb. The Yankee nation's great in peace, and glorious when it fights." "Act, yes," replied the Lion, "Have you heard of Queenaton Heights ?" Said the Eagle, growing angry, "Front the Pole to the Equator I have been, am, and mill shall bo the greet and solo dictator, f One "Yank oan7iolt ten Englishmen and oount it only play." Said the Lion, "1e that quite aorroot? remember Qbateatguay." The Eagle tallied of blood and gore, and ail that kind of thing, dna I thought—God help the .Lion when they get into the ring; But an old ohomrver said to tee, with a slight satiric ono a, "Old Unole Sam don't want to fight, he tache too blooming much," CANADA. Where the etorm•king over the Arsiio sweeps, Where the 17aquimaux forth from the snow hut psalm. Where the white sails fleck the Atlantic ' waves, Where gold lights up the Pacific oaves ; Where anoieut mountains their vigile Beep O'er the silent plain and the distant deep, Where the lied men hunt the buffalo, O'er the tangled prairie of virgin snow, Where the eager gazes and smiles again At the golden ocean of ripening grain, Where the forest stretches its arms on high, And the bright leaves dance Meath the / deep blue sky, Where the stalwart sons of honest toil Have subdued the earth, and made harvest smile, Whore their blooming daughters do not disdain To mount the reaper and grasp the rein, Where the broad lake's bosom heaves to meet The mountain's kiss and the zephyr sweet, Where the numerous noble rivers flow And the iris bangs on the eataraet'a brow, Where the earth gives forth the flowing oil, Where flowers and fruits in abundance smile, And hidden wealth in thy bosom lies, Litre the spirit of love in a maiden's eyes 'Sweet Rome 1' Fair Oanada l The Free l May the smile of Jehovah still rest on thea I May the Blood of the Covenant wash thea olean From public vine and secret sin, Theo with Justice for bulwarks and God above ; With hearts united in holy love, No tyrant would threaten, no foe alarm ; None but thyself could do thee barna. May thy sone still extend a beneflsient band To the famishing poor in the Fatherland ; And invite' to a happy home in the West All those who by want or misrule are op- pressed. E. Harass:. Nervous Headache_ A Trouble That Renders The Life Of Many Women Miserable. A Sufferer tor Twelve Tears Whose Trou- ble was A. car,tvalell flyKidney 18ieease Tolls 111otw (0 Regale t[enitn nitd !Hap. jlllt050. From the Smith's Falls Record, Since the Record began to publish no- eounte of the ogres by the gee of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, its representatives have found that half the wonderful aures affected by thio medicine have not yet been given to the public. Women as well as men who have found relief are eager to let the foots be known for the benefit of other. sufferers. Among them is Mrs. James Ootnam, of the township of Wol ford. swFFERED 0`18011 SEVERE EFIATMOEE. The lady referred to was for twelve years a constant sufferer from nervous. nese, , headaohe and kidney trouble. Having read so mach about Dr. Wil. Hams' Pinit Pills she determined to give them a trial. Their use for a short time bro0ght a great improvement, and after taking them for about a month the nervous headache and kidney trouble left her. The degree of thankfulness felt by one who receives such benefits as the above can better be imagined than de- scribed. Here are BIM. Cotnam's words: "If you could only know or if I could bub tell of the intense suffering which I have endured and the many sleepless nights I have spent in mental and physical agony, you would not wonder at the de. gree of thankfulness I feel for my restor• alien to health" Her trouble was a con- tinua] dread to her, and for a long time prevented her from doing any work. Since using the pills she fs as wall as ever—or to use Ilei own words—"fully restored." In this household Pink Pills are now looked upon as one of the Imes - seri es. As is the case with every good cause Pink Pills have n10013 to contend with ; spurious articles have been planed on the market, and, though in appearance and Dolor they may resemble the genuine, they have an altogether different effect on the system. The writer was onoe in a store when Pink Pills were asked for by a customer. The dealer hadn't them but said that he had something "just as good." The public are warned against "the just as good" eoheme, which is too often resorted to by some store keepers. It should be borne in mind that Dr, `Williams' Pink Pills are a speoifla for all .diseases arising from an impoverished oondition of the blood ora shattered con. dition of the nervous foroes, such as St Vitus dance, locomotor ataxia, rheum - ablate, paralysis, soiatioa, the after effects of In grippe, loss of appetite, headache, dizzinese, ehroeio erysipelas, sorofula, oto. They are also a °attain euro far the troubles peculiar to the female system, correlating irregularities, suppresslont'and, all forms of female weeknees, building`. BLACKSMITH, anew the blood and restoring the glow 01 health to pale and Satiety oheeke, In the mai of loon they afoot a radioal mare- in all eaede arising from mental worry, over'• work or eu0oseee of any nature, Sold only in boxes bearing the firm's trade Mark and wrapper ( rioted in red inti) and may he had of ail druggists or direct by mail from Dr. Williams' Medielne 1 Company, Brookville, Ont., or 801100e0- tady, N. Y., at 60 eente a boa, or eix box• ps for • OAA, (ZUI GIl, OUR10116. In Prance it is illegal to eapbure frogs at night, Tramps are practically unknown in New Zealand, The present dynasty in Japan has held away since 600 1. O. The deepeet running stream in the world is said to be the Niagara River, just under the suspension bridge. A Chinese doctor in setting a bone wraps a ohioken head among the band• ages tp insure rapid healing, Nearly One. fifth of the human rags die from consumption or some other form of pulmonary disease. Blindness is very COM MOD in Finland and other districts of the extreme North. It is attributed to smoky huts. The largest electric locomotive in the world (2000 horse power) was built in Zurich, Switzerland, in 1802. It is estimated that in Japan, out of a population of 37,000 people, there are less than 10,000 paupers, The peacock is found in a wild state in , India, Ceylon, Madagascar, and many other .parts of Asia and Africa. Swallows have been met with ab sea over 1000 miles from land. They were probably driven seaward by storms. In Corfu, sheets of paper pass for money. One sheet buys one quart of rice, or twenty eheets a piece of hemp °loth, The robin is always the,last bird to go to bed in the evening. Its eyes are large, and it can see Well by a dim light. Japanese workman bathe the whole of the body once a day, and some of them twice. Public baths are provided on every street. Two Chinese astronomers have been put to death by the Emperor for getting drunk on the might when an eclipse was due, The NatalTim~ abates that the South African Republic will proclaim its in. depandecoe on February 27t1t, the fifteenth anniversary of the defeat of British forces by the Boers. Tee entering wedge of a fatal com- plaint is often a alight cold, whiob a dose or two of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral might have oured at the commencement. Therefore, it is advisable to have this prompt and sure remedy always at hand to meet an emergency. BnsoaoATIs11 °HIND TN A DAY. --South Amerinan Rheumatic Cure for Rbeurea- tiem and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 bo 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious, 18 re- moves at once the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The first doss greatly benefits. Iii cents. Warranted by G. A. Deadman. George N. Curzou, replying to a ques- tion by Sir Charles Dilke in the British Commons, stated that Great Britain and France had agreed to renew for the ap• preaching season the modes vivendi re. lating to lobster fieberies in Newfound. land waters established in 1890. In con sequence of this agreement, be said, the negotiations between Great Britain and France in regard to the general question of treaty rights would not now be pro- ceeded with. NOTICE OF REMOVAL Having purchased a shop.ou Thomas St., opposite the Queen's Hotel stables, I with to notify my old customers and as many new ones as may favor me with their patronage that I have removed to my new stand. Soliciting a shale of business from the public, guaranteeing satisfltcttion, I remain, S. T. Plum, Generall3.lacksniith & Horseshoer face TO THE lab 11c The undersigned wishes to intimate to the public generally that he has; leased the Blacksmith Shop • From art dial Wynn, Brussels, and is now prepared to attend to Black. smith work in all its branches in a Workmanlike manner. First-class Norse Sheer Raving worked in a number of large shops in both the United States and Canada, The Public Invited to give mo a call. Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices to suit the times, George Trimble, - BRUSSELS. lalleillrialeiffliaMaareeras Best for Wash Day makes clothes sweet, clean, white, with the least - == labor. Its remark- able lasting and cleansing properties make SURPRISE most economical and • Best for.—...6. Every Day McLEOD'S System Itenovator --'AND 01'01115 TESTED REyIEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate - tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur- algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con- sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female lrregularitiee and General De- bility. LABORATORY COOERICH, ONT. J'. M. 11TcLEOD, Prop. and Manufaoturer, Sold by JAMES FOS, Drn gtst Brussels. MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY FOR MAN OR BEAST. Certain in its effects and never blisters. Rend proofs below! K it ALL'S SPAVIN CURE. Box OA Carman HendersonCo., 111,0b.32,'95. Dr. D. 0. 1tav0Anr, ho. Dear Sire—Pleoso send mo one oryonr ];orae nepke and obligge. I havense good ?aro your wonderful Spavin nerd win, cod enooves • It Is e wonderful modleine. I one b d a mare thea ked gee It Bpavb, and live bottles cured her. 1 keep n bottle on hoed all the limo. Tours truly, GaAs. Powffiy. KEM'@DALL'S SPAVIN CURE. Dr. II. S. 0500ALL Co. CMxoi, No., Apr.3,'92. Lear Sbs-1 have used several bottles et your "Kendall's Spavin 0000" with meek success. I tldnlc 11 the best Liniment I ever used. Sam re- moved cue euro, flue mpod Gomm, and Wad e 1 o Bone Seni Iw,. Have recommended. sefural of co mended 1U to Who much pleased with and keep la b• Respectfully, S. R. Kir, P. 0. Eox115. For Sale by all Druggists, or address 1 Do. D. er. ICL,2VDei1T. OoOCP.Al.r, e"0SSUOGS FALLS, VT. AYER'S flair VIGOR Restores natural color to the hair, and also prevents it falling out Mrs. H. W, Fenwick, of Digby, N. S., says: "A little more than two years ago my hair 1i .be an r' to turn and fail out. Af- ter the use of one bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor my flair `vas restored to its original color and ceased falling out. .An occasional -application has since kept the hair in good condition."—Mrs. II, F. 1 ERIVICrr, Digby, \T. S. "I have used .Ayer's Bair Vtgnr for throe years, 1001(1 it has restored Bair, which was fust becoming gray, back to its natural color."—II. W. IIASELllorF, Paterson, N. J. YES HAIR VIGOR 1000.102111) 1330 DR, J. 0. AYER & 00., LOWELL, MASS., U .S. A. Aver's Pills cure Sick Fleadaelte. SHINGLES British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles AND. --- North Shore Paine and Cedar FOR SALE AT TH10 Brussels Planing 1Glills Also Doors and Sash of all Pat terns on hand or made to order at Short Notice. Estimates Furnished for all kinds of Buildings. Workman. ship and Material Guaranteed. J. & P. AMENT, NONE/ TO LOAN. Amy Amount of ibloney to Loan on Farm 01' Village Pro- perty at 6 & 62 Per Cent,, Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to 4. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. Fall and Winter® I have a f lie, new and well selected stook of Robes Morse Blankets, Light and Heavy Har- ness, Collars, 868r Trunks and Bags at Low Prices, H. DENNIS G �? b SHR c+ .,t111 00 — 0 IN I In'' Cr' m o � m o 0 �/ • ▪ Y C7 o ion 4 �' o • h-3 W0 TN al bo W• O0' ton r aq _' 0 r, re al 0jcr.m CO ,^?r la * tc 1. C2 ,✓ ✓ 1 r. iD G r C.1 OW. 0 H t'r ''a o `r Q Scribblers 0) r• � o •o Cd 00 O land 12 dozen new School Scribblers to band. Only 5 cents each. AL A Bankrupt Stook of Photo, Albums that will be sold itt a Low Price. Writing Pads from 5e, 111)8 Stafford's Celebrated Inks. School Books and Supplies. Special Values in Bibles. Shaving Sete, Comb and Brash Cases and Writing Desks at cost to clear ottt stock. Winter Gaines, Children's Biatldi,z and ,Alphabet Blocks. Asa• ----- Boy's Velocipede at a Bargain. Only a few Hand -sleighs left and they will be sold at Cost to clear. POST BOOKSTORE