HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-2-21, Page 8HEAfa, MY HgAp. . Many, sine the Jaye of Elieha when the Shtlnneenits'a tin cried out "My bead, my head," and bad to be Carried to his mother, bave Putfered rime or less from head troubles. Selene and reeenroh have dune Mitch since thee, and have re. vealed the fact that there are many bead troebioe that are due' neither to the etomaoh nor the, brain. There is so much to learn, however, that we need nob be durprisodthat so few are aware that the majority of head troubles, 11ea:lacheB, shall we say, are paused by imperfeot vision. In studying the eye and the len. ses required to restore impaired or poor vision the optician has learned that on. talo forms of defective sight ie the prime nese of many headaobes of tbo present day, Only a day or so ago a lady who bad purohased a pair of our epsota0lee, fitted according ho the latest improved methods, remarked : "I have had no headaches eines wearing the epeetaelee and before that they were a daily occur rence." This lady isnot the first one that has toed us the same. The beauty of it is the glasses which relieves your achfug bead also gives you the best vision obtainable. But remember, however, that only the right gine will do, and there is no way of knowing this but by having your eyes properly tested. We claim to do this. come trod see. Deadman & McCall, Optioiane, Druggiste, &o, BRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 80008030 000030ION W. G. &' 0. Trains leave Brussels Station, Nortb and South, as folio+vs: Goose Soo'rE, GoxNa NORTE. Vail - 0:50 a.m. l Alined 0:45 a.m. Fixnrese......11:60 a.m. Emil 8:15 p.m, rimed 0:00 p.m.Express 8:48 p.m. '.oral Ettus cJ±efts, A obiePs amang ye talon' notes, An' faith he'll Arent it. Woman Division Court next Wednes- day. Lew Friday night the "cooler" shelter. ed four tramps. D. D. G. M. WALstea y will pay Brus. eels Free Masons an official visit next Tuesday. Mies McLEAN's lectures on Baking bave given quite a stimulus to home cookery in Brussels in the meantime. LARGE quantities of square timber are being hauled to Brussels station yard for shipment, per G T.R., next Spring. A. .3, McColl, of Simcoe, is the buyer. TSE cold of Monday and Tuesday was about as intense as at any time during this Winter. Thermometers ere oredi•ed with registering from 15 to 25 below zero. Owxno to having t0 devote so much time to the Janitorsbip of the Public School H. James bas resigned his position as sexton of St. Jobn'e numb. Mrs. R. Kerr bas been appointed in his stead. THE stock Of A. McGowan & Co. has been sold to Mr. Davie, of Watford, who is now busy stock taking preparatory to opening out on Saturday. Mr. Davis wf11 be pleased to make the acquaintance of the public. Lau Friday's noon train steak in the snow between Ethel. and Listowel until about 5 o'clock. The afternoon mail train had to weft at Listowel until the road was opened. arriving here shortly after 6 p, m. SNEak thieving is becoming altogether too common in Bruesele. Corti, wood, bay, nate, &o., appear to be on the bill of fare. Suspicion rests upon a few individ• uses who may be asked to explain Certain tbinge, if nothing more. Tut Wallaeeburg News is one of the )meet joernaliatio claimants. W. Col. svell, brother in-law to Mrs. Jae. Grower, of Brussels, is the proprietor, The Editor promises to take a lively interest in the affairs of the town, and judging by the two issues of the News be is mak. ing an effort to do hie pert. SHIPPING has been livening up at the G. MR. 25 ears of wheat are being shipped by Messrs. Stewart and Graham ; salt is moving out from the Enterprise Works ; D. A. Lowry bee brought in a oar of brick from Drew ; Metiers. Bather & tianetoue bave received a Car of Manitoba e flour and looai freights are increasing. o The passenger tratiiro has been good, j el BRUSSELS Curling Club was unable to i v go to St. Marys this week to take pert in b the Western Tankard competition. The to result of the contest was as follows :— se Tuesday forenoon Bright defeated Forest 7, City and London walloped Detroit. S1. to Marys had the bye. In the afternoon, a Bright was defeated.by St. Marys. Wed• si nesday morning London and 81. Marys a bud a setto for the holding of the tault• 11 era, the latter winning by 20 shote. RsU$u ZIA POST Mies Lower, minister, intends replaya lug to Toronto &hie week having deoided l to o1mte up her boniness fu 13rueeele, I Tor ss eonto Bankrupt Stools 00. have purohased the Irwin dt Go. stook in. Droo- 1 eels, anti W. R. amnion fs IOW le charge preparing to open op in white [lays. Lela MQuday the Reotory as Exeter wa8 gladdened by the arrival of a little Meaner, Our Congratulations are ex- tended to Rev. E. W. Bunt and wife, WeeNEonnx evening a load of Brueeel- itee Started for Wroxeter to attend a enema. After an upset a miteout of town they returned. The oonoort was postponed for a week, Tllav thee Ice 0f the Editor ere returned to three who have remitted their eub-oris• tione since last issue. Hove would a newspaper prosper if every subscriber paid the way y011 do 7 A NVn Olt of Brussels Conservatives will likely go to Wingham on Friday evening to hear W. Gray, President of the rang Men's Qoneervative Asaoele. tarn, London, and Major. Beattie, of the same city. A young man asked his sweetheart's age, She thus replied b grave and sags— "Six times seven and seven times three Add to my age and the sum .will be As much above seven nines and four As twice my age exceeds tt score." DnED,—Last Sebbath Mrs. Jno, Me- Croskie, of West Wawanoeh, died after a brief flinen of only 4 or 6 days from in. 0ammatioe. Deceased was an elderly lady and was an aunt to Mrs. Jas. Fox, uf Brussels. Mr, Fox attended the fun- eral on Tuesday, going to Labknow on Monday night. NA'rlog , CAnerven —Maitland Rink looked quite gay on Thursday evening of last week when, despite the inolemenoy of the weather, the carnival announced was held. The fudges, A. Ross, G. Halliday and Jno. McRae, awarded the prize as follows :—Best representation of an Irish lady, Miss Mary Beattie ; beet American lady, Mies Dolly Baeker ; beet Dutch lady, Mille Ida Zilliax ; best Scotoll lady, Miss Aggie McAlpine; best English lady, Mies Maggie Meadows ; -beat Irish gent, James Driver; best Dutch gent, Will. Boeker. Half mile rape for lady and gent, lot, Mies Belle Irwin and Bert. Gerry; 2nd, Miss Hazel Johnston and N. F. Gerry. The ice was iu good shape. A Came •Meant.—Wroxeter curlers mane over' last Monday afternoon and played a friendly match with two rinks of Brueeels club. The play wee Close all the way through and the last shot by the vi-itore gave them the victory. Score was as followe :— Mee 110. 1, nnns5008. W80011[l;lt. R. Roark, J. Cowan, P. Scott, R. Black, D. 0. Boss, A. Paulin, A. Currie, skip ..16 Ed. Black,elcip..22 rime N0. 2, FTHewitt, G: Paulin, . S. Scott, R. Ross, W. Thomson, J. Sanderson, J. T. Russ, skip ..27 T. Rae, skip ....22 Totals 43 44 GRANT TA.NEAEn—Since last issue the etane and besom have been kept moving in the local competition for the J. R. Grant silver tankard. F. 8. Scott's rink defeated A. Currie's and W. Thomson's was too lively for J. T. Ross', the scores being as follows :— las. Fox, Dr. Davidson, J. MoBain, W M. Sinclair, J. Hewitt, W. h'. Scutt, F. S. Scott, skip1]. A. Currie, skip.. 7 W. J. Stewart, G. F. Blair, Dr. Warwick, A. 0. Dames, A. Cousi, y, R. Roach, W. Thomson, ship 13 J. T. Ross, skip,.. 3 Monday forenoon F. S. Scott's and \V Tbomson's rinks played off and victory rested with the former whose rink will now decide the individual merit for held. ingthe silver tankard fora year. The score was Jae, Fox, W. J. Stewart, J. MuHain, A. Cousley, 3. Hewitt, Dr. Warwick, F. S. Soots, skip, 17 W. Thomson, skip, 7 The bonspiel has been a very enjoyable one and entered upon and parried through with more then ordinary zest. The E. B. Barb silver medal now held by A. Cousley will also likely moue in for competition and perhaps a bronze medal belonging to She 'club if the ice on the rink holds good. INSPECTOR Ronn reports to the county Council as follows :—Brussels built an xcellent Fix -roomed brick school house, meting $8,500. The building le of egant design, well heated, lighted and entilated: It is not excelled by any eliding of similar dimensions in On- rio. A very handsome two'rooteed hotel house was erected in section No, Grey, at Cranb000k. It le Anished in= rnelly with polished and varnished ash nd elm. It contains a basement con• sting of two apartments, one for coal nd wood, and the other a play room for to nmall childteu during cold, wet or stormy weather, It Coat about 83,000, and is a credit to the village, and speaks well for the enterprise uf the trustees and the liberality of the ratepayers. In sec- tion No. G a neat and commodious eohool house was built, ooetnlg about $1000. It aleo 0001ain8 a basement of ttvo apart. .menta, one for furnace and fire, and one for playroom. In eeetion No, 4, Grey,. the building was thoroughly repaired by having a new roof put on and the walls veneered with brink, the interior finished in dressed oak, and a basement excavat- ed, containing epaoe for a furnace and fuel, and alsoa separate apartment for a play room. The trustee's of No. 11, Mor- ris, also repaired their school house in a, very eatisfaotory manner, and No, 5, Hallett, was likewise put in excellent Condition. Many others spent from $80 to $90 in improving their schoolpremisee. The erection of two new wheel houses ie 1896 will leave the school buiidinge in this inspectorate in a very eatiefautory condition. Enbranee and public school examinations ;—At these examinations 474 wrote and 819 passed. But of those who wrote at the public school leaving, 00 obtained only entrance standing+. The lowing table shows the standing ob. ned by those who wrote at the several amination centres : ENTRANCE 7,1S.10100 ENTRANOE web pas'd Wet' pas'd etanding Clinton 07 55 29 18 7 Wingham 48 20 32 16 12 Blyth 25 113 10 10 0 Seaforth 46 29 41 1 27 Bennis 43 23 20 19 0 Wroxeter 82 17 10 10 0 Fordwioh 20 12 0 7 2 SKATING Races.—Friday evening of Ibis week a series of races are announced to take place. A 8 mile race far a silver cup, in whin Baldwin, of Seafortb ; Gai• loway and MoGutoheon, of Listowel ; Buresides, of Kincardine ; Elliott Bros., al Wingham ; and Forrest and Ross, of London,Rtre expeoted to take part. There will also be a 2 mile open rape ; a mile race for boys under 16 years ; and a half mile race for the "Sons of Rest." In the latter 8 meet start or no race. Races called at 8 o'clock. TENNYso r.—The Epworth League held tbeir weekly gathering on Tuesday in- stead of Monday evening this week. Rev. G. H. Oobblediak presided. "An Even. mg with Tennyson" was the topic and the program, which was tie follows, prov- ed very interesting:—Solo, "Diamonds in the rough," Woe Killough ; reading, "heath of 110 old year," Beg. Fletcher ; reading, "Dare," Mies Ethei Creighton duets, "Faintly and low," Misses Moore ; reading, "Charge of the Light Brigade," Miss Minnie McKet.. hten ' essay, "Sketch of Lord Tennye n's Life," G. D, Lamont, in which w,.rc interapereed fol some of the poet's contributions "Break! Break I Break I" was read by Miss Lie- tat ton, "Edward Gray" by Mies Lizzie Fee- ex .gegen, and "The Revenge" by Reg, I"letoher. The essay was a splendid one and.greatly enjoyed. Violin solo by K. Jaokeon ; reading, "Lady Clare," Mies Norton ; favorite eeleotiOne from Tenoy' On afforded a dozen en opportunity to give expression to their Oil0I0e ; sole, Home they brought her warrior dead," W. H. Kerr, The Doxology and Bene. diction brought the program to a close. STt tXD4iiD .134XEC OF WIX4D,/l, HEAP) QFF1OE, - TORONTO. 48S131T'ti, (Seven Million Dollars) CAPITAL (Authorised) Agencies s 27; all principal )obnta in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United States d' Pmgiaml, A General Banking Business Traneacbed. Farmers' Notes Discounted, Drafts Issued and Collections made on ell•points, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and upwards Prom dat of depoele to date of withdrawal and compounded half yearly, SPEOIAL ATTENTION COEN To THE COLLECTION OF FARDIERIS' BALD NOTES, Every faoiliby afforded Customers living at a dishanoe, J. A. STEWART MANAGER, $7,000,000 $2,000,000 T. A. HAwxrea w111 remove hie musical studio bo the rooms over J. T, Ross' gro- cery whiell will be fibbed up for that put. pose. Ennui) INTO REer.—After a trying and 0.1 times a very painful illness, all of which was borne with Christian fortitude and resignation, the spirit of Mrn. 3, M. O'Connor took its flight on Saturday night. Her maiden name was Sarah Jane Little, her home being in London, Ont. In 1859 deceased was united in marriage to her now bereft partner and a large part mf their life was spent in Mitchell, moving to Sunnis 10 or 11 years ago. Mre. O'Connor's death was the result of a tumor from which she had Buffeted for the past five months. Lash Fall she went to London to under- go an operation, but the physician thought she was not able to ,tach it. In addition to her husband, three children eurvive, viz. :—Mrs. (Rev.) E. W. Runt, of Exeter ; Leslie O'Oonnor, of Durham, and Miss O'Connor, Brussels. Deaeaned ewes a height, intelligent woman anis was moat highly esteemed, The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon to'Bru-sele cemetery after a brief, yet appropriate service in St. John'e thumb by Rev. A. K. Gridfio, of whose ohurob Mrs. O'Con• nor was a oonsiatent member, The be reeved family ban the sympathy of the community. Business Locals. ufiloe. ora. I. G. mpe at re- ducede'nvewnnd at Mo3raekan'a. Caeca cod eller n at McCraeken's. Menti fee vet 'e. Apply at this DWELL/NO to rent over my st Richards. SxoyOi s'An1 and Hanging La prices. N. & N. Gerry. IF you want robes or blankets call on H. Dennis, MEN'S heavy rubbers and teaks at oost. I. 0. Richards. Strom band heating stoves cheap at N. & N. Gerry',. Leant stook of light harness sold et low prioee. H. Dennis. OOu horse °oilers are all warranted. H. Dennis. Clam for hides and sheep skins at A. Currie's butcher shop, Brussels. BARGAINS in arose out news and axe9 at A. M. McKay & Cos., Bruesele. GANGING lamps sold at a big reduction at A. M. MoNay & Cos., Brussels. You can get two machine needles of any kind for 6c., at N. & N. Gerry's, Fenn hand crayon enlarging dune up A 1 at Brewer's gallery, Smith block. MEAT•ouOPPEns, BEGS, Pews, carpet sweepers and skates. N. & N. Gerry.. 001 set eingie and one set teem 'mooed hand harness for sale cheap. I. 0. Riot• ards. HIGHEST oast, price paid for bides. ,beep skins and lure at A. M. McKay & Oos, Glare BACs.—Large size, full 16 oz., only $1.90 pec dozen, at Smith & Mo- Laren'e. ONE or two students to take 0p tele. graphing. Can .be a000mmodated. For particulars apply to T, Fletoher, Tee balance of oar felt boots and win- ter goods at and below net as we want the room for spring goods. I. 0. Rioharde. Mennen flour leads 'the world. Just received two oar loads. If you want a bag call at 13 ether & Vanstone'e, Brus- sets: WANTED. -1,000 cords of basswood beading bolts, 40 inches long. Must be good size end quality, for which bighest price will be paid. J. & P. Anent, Brus• Bele, Ont. 16.1110'8 Clover Root wi11 purify your blood, clear your aomplexiou, regulate your bowels and melte your head clear as a bell. 25 ole., 60 oto. and $100. Sold by Jas. Fox, druggist, Brussels. Bien along your worn out rubbers, overshoes, rags, sortie copper, brass, oast or wrought iron, lure, tallow, sheep skins, bides and calf thine, horse hides, RS we soy the highest prioee, N. & N. 0 • Sews made to out feet and easy, See- ond•hand saws bought and sold. Point- ers given on saw filing and the care and management of saws, on Queen street East, by T. MoGregor, of Brussels, Ont., Blaster of Sawe. CAPTAIN Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego, Cal., says :—"Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine I bave ever found that would do me any good." Price 50 cents. Sold by Jas. Fox. druggist, Brim. sell. A Goon DEA[. 00 A FM WORDS --"I paid a 'Toronto specialist on catarrh a large sum of money but I got no benefit. I tried them all, but finally, almost in deeper, and aseuredly without any faith, I tried Chaee'S Catarrh One. It is all that it is recommended, which is saying a good deal in a few words. Joel Rogers, Clerk, Division Court, Beaton. Improved blower in each 25 Cont box. WELL -DIGGING AND DnmLnNo.—George Birt has all the necessary machinery foe digging and drilling wells and is prepay. ed to attend to 511 work entreated to him in a way that will insure satisfaction, Wells Cleaned out and put in proper shape. Terms reasonable. Residence second door north of She bridge, west aide of Turnberry et„ Brussels. 84.tf ALL kinds of saws Cleaned, gummed, hammered, jointed, set, filed and oiled ab Queen St., }cast, by gave filer, T. Mo. Gregor. BroesoIe, Saws may be ]eft and arrangements made at McKay & Co's, hardware store, 13rueeele, Ont. chargee reasonable, Anyone not knowing the work that ie to be dose on their taw, and wishes to stay and gee tb9 work done, the primo will be left 10 themselves to pay whet they ahem. tlnderetand that there are high* wages paid to practised hands to wok at saws. Areese,—Now is the time to buy sp. plea. We have a few barrels left. JAs. BALLANTYNE. lemou'e Core, the great bough and croup cure, is in great demand. Pocket Size contains twenty•five doses; only 26 cents, Children love it. Sold by Jae, Fox, druggist, Brussels, Wonn Gaenslen Gamma SEVEN TEARS,— Sohn Siron, meson, Aulteville, Ont., had salt rheum so severe that for seven years he wore greased gloves. He writes ;—"I used a quarter of a box of Ohasete (Una went. Tt cured me. No trace of salt rheum now." Obaee'e Ointment Duras every irritant disease of the skin, allays itching instantly, and ft a sterling remedy for piles. Avoid imitations. 00 Cents per box. eORC., „ HADDow.—In Elma, on Feb. 10th, the wife of Mr. Thos. Beddow, of a son. Ganao.—In Grey, on Feb. 17th, thewife of Mr. Jno. Grant of a son. OL1vsn.—In Grey, on Feb. 1611a, the wife of 41r. Jno. R. Oliver of sdaughter. QLAmc.—In MoIiillop, on Feb. 12th, the wife of Mr, A. Clark of a dangbter. REm,-10 Molfillop, on Feb. 15th, the wife of Mr. A. Reid of a son. L AR13TFJ2J. Gomm[—Bow,—On Feb. 1211), by Rev. W. M. Pomeroy, of Walton, at the residence of the bride'e father, Miss Dorothy, second daughter of Mr. Anthony Boyd, McKillop, to yr. James Edward Godkin, of Drayton, North Dakota. NOW0ETT—SANDERSON,—At the residence of the bride's parents, Hallett, on February 12th, by Rev. Geo. Buggin, Mr. Albert Howlett, of Morns, to Miss Lizzie, dauohter of Mr. Rich- ard Sanderson, of Hallett. alExl. CAMPBELL.—In Brussels, on Feb. 18th, Mark, infant on of Angus Campbell, aged 7 months and 11 days. Dmatnas.—In Palmerston, on Feb. 6th, Arthur, only eon of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Dulmage, aged 4 years, 2 months and 18 days. O'CoNNOR.—In Brussels, on Saturday, Feb. 150, Sarah F. Little, beloved wife of J. M. O'Connor, Painoess street, aged 54 years. AVeve•20N' BAY-ZMS.-- Fierier, Feb. 21st.—Farm stool[, imple• meets, &o., Lot 9, 0011 5, Grey, Sale un- reserved, of 1 °clock. Wm. Reid, Prop., Geo. Kirkby, An. Samoan; Feb. 22nd.—Household furniture, &c. At storehouse adjoining P. Scott's shop, Mill street, Bruesele. Sale at 1 p, m. J. J. Coates, Prop., F. S. Scott, Auo. Fhinnr, Feb. 28.—Farm stock, imple- ments, &o. Lot 30, Con. 10, Grey. Sale unreserved, at 1 o'clock. Dennis How- ard, Prop., F. S. Scott, Auc. TUESDAY, Feb. 25.-H'arm etook, imple- ments and household furniture. West 55 Lot 16, Con. 0, Grey. Sale at 1. o'olook. Robs. Wallace, Prop„ F.'S. Scott, Auc. Tenney, Feb, 27th.—Lot 21„ Con. 11, Grey. Farm Stock, implements, &o. Sale, unreserved, at 1 p. m. Wm. Mar- son, Prop., F. S. Scott, An. TUESDAY, Mar. 8rd.—Farm stook, implement's, cie. Lot 31, Con. 14, Grey. Sale unreserved, at 12 o'clock noon. Jae. Oliver and Mrs. Walter Oliver Propte., F. S. Soott,.Auc. FRIDAY, March 611,.—Lot 17, Oen. 9, Grey. Farm stock and implements. Sale at I o'otoak. Harry Smalldon, Prop., F. S Scott, Ane. fbR'CT5Bm2+B n12A13e=eermB, Fall Wheat • 78 Spring W11eao 76 Barley........ 30 Peas 49 Date 22 Butter, tubs and rolls ... 13 Egge per dozen ......... 13 Flour per barrel......... 4 00 Potatoes (new) 13 Hay per ton12 00 Hides trimmed 4 Hides rough 2 Salt per bbl., retail1 00 Sheep skins, each 50 Lamb eking each15 Apples per bus 1 00 Hoge, Live 8 75 Dressed Hogs 4 75 Wool 18 77 77 35 60 28 4 'fi0 15 15 00 4- 2, FiuA, 21, 196 YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE HYPNOTIZED In order to see the very gTeftti difference 111 the Quality`' r ¢. WE AI1b TO KEEP IN STOCK THE VERY PUREST That can be bought and that's why we are kept so buoy -But al- ways tuno for one more, so drop in and see us. T------emear - Orrosirs 'Queue's HOTEL. .- .fie►-all,,ways Glad to See You FOX 'S DRUG. STORE. i..J 1 . Ton0'0 , Feb. 18, -The Cattle market was dull again to -day, Receipts were 80 oars. 73utober's Cattle were steady at 35o per pound for boat, 2$o for medium and 2e to 25o for common. Export cattle were dull ; a few bulls were taken at 21e 'to 2550 per pound. Stockers and feeders were inactive, at 20 to Be per pound,' Sheep steady at 2?)o per pound. Lambe were firmer al $3.50 to $4.50 per cwt, Calves nominal, at $4 to $6 for choice Milch cows and springers steady, at $15 to $40 each. Hogs weak, at 4e for beet bacon hogs, and $3.80 to $4 per owt. 'for stores. TORONTO, Feb, A.B.--Market quiet. Flour—Market cbuiet and steady, with straight rollers quoted at $8.00 to $3.76, Toronto freight. Bran—Cars of bran firm, at $11.50, west, and shorts at $18 to $14. Wheat—Feeling somewhat ir- regular ; red winter solei at 78o, west, and white quoted at 79c to 80o ; No, 2 fall is 82o bid. f. o, o., and No. 8, fall 750. 2. o. c.; No. 1, Manitoba hard solid at 800, and 790 to arrive, North Bay, and 5 care of No. 2 bard at 75ee to arrive, North Bay ; No. 1 frosted sold at 67o, Ndrth Bay. Barley—Market quiet, with No. 1 quoted at 45c, and extra at 470 ; No. 2 at 300, and feed at 30c. Oats—Trade quiet and prices unchanged ; white sold outside, on Northern at 28eo, and mixed quoted at 2240 ; ears of white on track quoted at 26o. Peas—Market very dull and prices nominal, at 50o to 5055o, north' and west. Buckwheat—Market quiet and prices steady, at 82o outside. Oatmeal—Bnsi- nese quiet ; prices unchanged, at $2.90 to $3 on track, and small lots at $8 25. Corn—Market unchanged at 82e outside for mixed, and at 32he for yellow. Rye —Market steady, quotations at. 48o, out- side. • THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN, PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN.— 01Sumortgage, 0EPOTPblsbt�oaeBrusse , DESIRABLE RESIDENCE FOR BALn.—Lots 220 and 221, Queen 80. Terme reasonable to a cash nonlinear. Ap- ply on t6 a promises or to W. Al. SIx0LAI'B. BIOYCLES.—FIVE PNEUMA. TIO Tire Bioyelos for sale cheap. All as good as new. Oonle and see them. A. COUSL1OY, OvorDeaem u & McCa11's Drug Store, CARD OF THANKS. Wm, Ross wishes to thank the public for their generous support during his buetnees 0areel• in BBrussele. Having now retired I would ask these who Lave bunk accounts with me to sail and settle promptly. _ WM,ltOSS, Brussels. • GRAI 1V GRINDING.— 1 have purchased a :toilet Grinder and wilt run it on Tuesday and Friday of e4011 weak, on Lot10, Oen, 10, Grey. !Terms reasonable, Accommodation for hones and drivers iu Stor2n01y w eater. JOHN 131101�N, Proprietor, f"ti1HE FAVORITE. — DEAD— .L MMAN's cough Balm Is the Favorite Re- inedy for coughs, colas, &e. We sell more of it than all other cough Remedies com- bined. This is a fact worth remewberiug. Al auufaotured and for sale only by D15A1)MAN & MoCAt L , Druggiste,Optloiaus, Sec, REAL ESTATE. TIARMS FOR SALE.—'THE UN - sale ando tont, eashas y termverals, good Townships of !Scarfs end Gray. F' 8. SSCTT, Brussels ANITOBA LAND FOR SALE ]00 .acres of good farm land at Springfield, 8 nliles.from Winnipeg, 1s offer- ed for Bale at slow price. The property is Northhaat i See. i0, Twp 11 Range 4 East 00 bl Caking douo. L'or full particulars as to 75 puion, title, &0„ write or app ly to 40 G. E.BLAIlt or N,H.ICE1ia, 20-tf- BroesoIe, Out. [ARM FOR SALE —THE UN- DE11000NEn offers his valuable 50 acre 20 farm for sale, being lot 28, 501 lino, Morris. The farm is in good condition, with ooinier- table house, barn youu orobard, fences, &c„ and is only a hal;! tulle from Bromide, Pos. session given '00 April 1st, There are di; scree. of Fall wheat at. For trice and terms apply 108 A. ADAMS, proprietor, Brussels P. 0. There is house on the promisee and some Tavennoor,, Fob. 18.—Cheese quiet; demand moderate ; finest American white, 45s ; finest American colored 45a. Batter—Finest U. S., 955 ; good 60s. New York.—Butter firmer ; Mate dairy, Oo to 170 ; do. °mammry held at l8o to 17o ; western dairy, pec to 1.3e ; do. creamery, 180 to 195o ; do. [notary, 81e to 120 ; ]3lgine, Iflae. Cheese unchanged. LAST BUFFA00, l eb. 18.—Cattlo—Mar• kat slow. Hogs—Receipts 40 cars ; mar- ket slow and 10c to 15e lower ; Yorkers, fair to ohoiee, $4.45 to $4.50 ; roughs, common to good, $8.75 to $4 ; pigs, comm mon to good, $4.50 to 34.56. Sheep and lambs—R000ipte, 92 oars ; market slow lambs, choice to prime, 34.45 to $4.05 ; mulls and common, $8.85 to 33.76 ; Omen choice to selected export wothers, $3.40 to $3.50 ; culls and common, $2 to $2.75. Cattle closed dull and weak, with a foe unsold. Bogs cloned firmer for Yorkers, and light grades at $4.60 ; generally slow for mediums and heavy, With a few un. sold. Sheep and lambe closed eteady at opening deolfnm, with a fair trade late in the day, and the bulk wore gold ; about 10 loads of lambs, mostly heavy, held 0001 ; sheep, all sold ; arm. BOAR FOR SERVICE.—THE Lot 20, Con 8,0Morrie1lthe t for bred Emu. proved White Yorkshire Boar "Selected" bred from 3, H. Blot bour'e sweepstaltte 0010 at Chicago Nair, Terme 51.00 to be paid at t trml gtime ifm ecessary Bereave Terme, o Seen on application. B0137. NICHOTL, BOAR FOR SERVIOE --TBE BOAR will keep for ehrvlee eh Lot 00, Con. O, Morrie, the thorn' -bred Largo English Berkshire Boar, captain Jelin," Hie (11011381 in a 1tt11 Meter to the 1Strize sow at the World's Pair. Pedigree will be hlrodueod on application, Tornle_W.00 to o pail at time of service with privilege of returning if neoeusary. 14•51va LAS, SPit1IR, Proprietor. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor and Oen veyaneer, Cann - tions made; Ofice—Vaastene'sisl0ok, Brue. eels. 21.85 TU. M. SINOLAIR, • Solicitor Conveyancer ,NotaryPub- 11a, &c, Cltice-'anston Ws Block, 1 door north of Central Hotel, Private Fun5e to Loan, M. C . OAMERON, (Formerly of Cameron, Holt & Cameron,) Barrister and Sodcitor, Gedericlr, Out. Oi11oe—Hamilton 8t., Opposite Col- borne Hotel. 'm GF, BLAIR; BARRISTER; Proud -footle MSoae, Oodelfah,) f011lioe over Gillies Cr Smith's Bank, Brussels. "Mousy to Loan. 47 DENTAL. I—, DAVIDSON, iyldlgoetSurgeons. Licentiiate loaOoleDlal Orolvn and Bridge work a specialty. Mader Satisfactionun'8�Baretts barbersurbeyt., Brua- eels. VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, 5J • Honor .Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Is prepared to treat all diseases of dnmeetieated animals In a com- petent manner. Particular attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Calle promptly at- tended to. Office cud Infirmary -.Four doors north of bridge pu1•nberry et., Brunets, -- MEDICAL CARDS. J A. koNAUGIjTON, M. D, 0.0f., L. R. 0.p., D' dinburgh, M, 0, P. S. Ont. Residence and °Sloe In Wilson's Block, ooruer of Mill and Turnbsrry Ste. Jr M. ARNISTRONO, 112. D. Graduate y00 ToronSurgeon, og Universityyy Medical Faculty. Member of College of Phyeioinne and Surgeons, Out. Omen—Next door to McDonald & Co., Walton Out. BUSINESS CARDS. fV�] H. MoORAOKEN, issuer• begsetleatlas Groaa, unrryte,Br»ssle. N. BARRETT, R Tonsorial Artist. Shop—Next door south of d. LT. !Ungar & C o's hardware store. Ladiea'and °Widn ,e hair outtiug a spoolalty BRUSSELS POST OFFICE SavingBeektakes Deposita from 51.00 to 51,000. and allows 8b per emit. interest, T. FARROW, 07.3m Postmaster. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM 108UDd10E, EIRE AND MARINE.. GUELPH. T. FLETCHER, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, OFFiOE' AT•311107,111/ STOUR. P=ado Witness Required, T. FLETCHER, Brussels. ISS O'CONNOR,R. T., Teacher of instrumental music on _LTA Teacher or Organ. Will visit Wfugbam Tues- day and Weduesd--- - donne on Princess Street, Broosele.a. Reel• 'j TELLINGTON MUTUAL IN- BURANo5 00, hietabllsLod .1840, Iu- 8uranees effected en all Town aid Farm Property at very low ru les, 1.8 -em Agent, A. 01tneeiBTON, Agent, Bfttasels. ALEX. HUNTER, Clerk of the Fourth Disunion Cour 00, Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public Land, Loan and Iunuren ° Agent. Fund, invested and to loan. Collections made Odlee in 8male's Block, Bru00els THOS. A. HAW16TNS, 1 organist in St. John's (Thumb, Bras. ppiano eels, will stye lessons thisoppupils pupflelor In. either Ota or orSith bleak,Brusset ls,' a Vocal 1 eaeone alsoo given. Tau years experience in teaching, T.sx38s moderato. AiCTIONEERS. 1EORGE KIRKBY, Lieeneed Auctioneer. Woo oonduot odon reasonable tonne, Farms tied farm PablfolilsgBouese, Orders OrtantteWalton P, 0., will hymen p0Omptattontlon, .y PS. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION - . S1 1,, will Sell for abater I obao5,a bettor mon or tete once and lens auras tlian won'1 of arAuctioneer tan ything, lent tessmid orders on always bo arranged at this oiltob' er by poreoual appiloation.