HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-2-21, Page 7NEWS IN. !IHTSHELL Mg VERY LATEST FROM ALL TEE WORLD OVER, ,Aitereeting Items About Oar Own eeentry' Great Britain, the tinned states, and An Parts of 'the Genie, Condensed and Assorted feeeasy Resiling. Titodeadloolc in the London City Council rentaiiis unbroken, D2r. H. Wright was yesterdayelect- ed President of the Guelph FaStock ,Club. Miss Ama .da Hutchinson, of Chat- ln�ham lighting a ,was fatally iiurneyl in Mr. F. W. Mathewson has been elected President of the Winnipeg Board of Trade, Mrs Cynthia Bell of Ottawa, is charg- ed with horrible cruelty to two of her grandchildren named ;Shortt, Tho odd drill shed let Kingston, the property of Queen's Univerity, col- lapsed' from the weight of anoW on the roof. Mr, James Stephenson, General Su- perintendent of the Grand Trunk, is retiring after 40 years' of active ser- vice. Hon, Dr, Montague, 'Minister of Agriculture, is in very poor health, and intends going to New York to consult a specialist. Hon. Wilfred Laurier has accepted an invitation to be present and address the St, Jean Baptiste 'Society of De- troit on Jane 24. At the Witm ppeegg Board of Trade ban- lyat on the freight ratespcbarke gedno Northwest produce. At the annual dinner of the Thir- teen Regiment and Hamilton Field Bat- tery a purse of gold was presented to 'Ferrate FlayhursleiG.M. The. Ontario Education De•artment has arranged for /the establisi "eat of a. training school for French and Eng- lish teachers in Ottawa. 'The first aim of metal at' the iron and steel .Works at Hamilton took place on Saturday before a large concourse of Toronto and Hamilton citizens. The annual returns of the London Chief of Police show that the detec- tive department in 1895 recovered stol- en property to the value of 82,838. Dr. Swale of Toronto University,- hibited'several fine :photographs by R.ontgen'sray at a meeting of the Canadian 4nstituteon Saturday evening. Reductions have commenced in the To- ronto municipal departments. In the City Bugbear's department a saving, of 817,000 a year has already been effect- ed. A despatch from Ottawa says that it is practically settled that Col. M. Ayl- mer will ho Adjutant -General. Lieut.- Colonel ieut:Colonel Otter, of Toronto, is to be made a full colonel. Sir Joseph Trutoh, ex -Governor of British Columbia, sailed on Saturday for Europe. He stated that the salmon can- t three million dollars ta year.n exceeds The inquest into the death of Alice Allingham of Hamilton, whose death was supposed to have been caused by a blow from a snowball, resulted in a verdict of death from pneumonia. The sergeants of the Berkshire Regi- ment stationed at Halifax, N,S., at a sleigh -ride on Saturday, drove through the city carryinga number of flags. the largest of whiwas a United States flag. Spotters have been at work oa the Hamilton street cars, and, as a re- sult, a number of conductors have been lectured by the management • forac- cepting overdue transfers and limited tickets out of hours. The H., G. & B. directors have se- cured from the Lincoln County Coun- cil the right to construct and operate for twenty -years an electric railway line between Grimsby and Beamsville on the Queenston road. Mr. Laxity Shannon Lundy, of Lundy:s Lane. the last surviving member of the family of Mr. Thomas Lundy, a son of Mr. Wm. Lundy, a United Empire Loy - named, died • after onShich atturday, he r'in laneh was 77th Year. John Nanliville shot Wm. Smith,his companion, while they were preparing to rob a house near Winnipeg. Smith will probably die. Both men are ex - convicts, and Smith's knowledge of an attempted murder by Nankiville was the cause of the shooting. Russell Kitchen, a fireman employed in a factory at Galt, Ont., while oiling some of the machinery, had his clothes caught in the belting.He was hurled with great force against the beams above, his neck, both legs, and arms, being broken. The deceased was 22 pews of age. The Bankers' section ot the Montreal Board of \Trade are about to issue acir- ealar to the several Boards of Trade and leading banks of the Dominion, with the object of securing, if possible, information regarding the amount of United States silver, as well as of sil- ver certificates in Canada. le despatch from Niagara Falls, N. Y., says that the Massey -Harris Com- pany will remove from Toronto to Ni- agara Falls. This is not correct, but the story has foundation in the fact that the Massey -Harris Company are negotiating for a site in Niagara Falls, N.Y., to establish a branch, fromwhich they can supply the -United States mar- ket. Cent Rhodos is to niter's alinast ban Menlately to Rbedcaie, to vesture .,hie iv -ark 0U Jennie of the Chartered Coen patty. Lady Jana Francesca Sea Wilde, Widow of Sir 1trAlliarn Obert Wills, Wilde, AMD„ eurgeen-oculist to her Jee leafy In Ireland, and mother of Clear Wilde, is dead. The coming British /navalrmm enrae will cost 49,500,00Q with which will be constructed four battleships, feet' Wan class cruisers, four third-olese oruieore and sixty torpedo destroyers, Right Hon. Arthur J, Balfour, in a aeon at Bristol, announced 'that the GGoovcrnwent wound hitrc dueo a bill 'in the House of Commons to incrcaaethe aid given to sectarian schools. The nondition of the tin werkera in Wales is described as wretolied, Scarcely One of the works has been running regu- larly, and at present there are nearly one hundred'and seventy mills idle, Mr. Balfour, replying to an a rioul- tural deputation on Friday, said that he believed the present agricultural de- pressiQn was largely caused by the un- certain condition of the currency, Much interest as been aroused in London military circles by an editorial in the St. James' Gazette, Ministerial organ, strongly urging that Imperial as- sistanee be given to Canada in the shape of a loan, to perfeot the defences of the country. The owners of the Britiyli steeiner Cratbie bave appealed against the judg- ment of the Court of Rotterdam, which found that steamer to blame for the sinking by collision in January of last year of the North German. Lloyd steam- er Elbe. It is stated in London political circles that the difference of opinion between Lord Salisbury and Mr. Chamberlain is. growing so accentuated that the latter may be forced to retire from the Caine net. If he should retire, it is suggested us a possibility that ho may lead the Liberals. - A very influential deputation waited on Lord Salisbury on Friday, to ask for the passage of a bill restricting the number of publle-houses. The Premier said the subject did not attract the Government after the experience of the past. He. did not hold out any hope thatdealt with ha the subject would be during the coming season. rt is understood that upon thg re- assembling of the Imperial Parliament the Liberals will challenge the Govern. inept on the abandonment of the Ar- menians. At a later period, on a mo- tion to adjourn, they will arraign the Government for refusing to submit the Venezuelan question to arbitration. GREAT BRITAIN. Mr. Cocil Rhodes has arrived in Eng- land. Gen. Sir Charles Patton -Keys, G,C.B., is dead. He had been in military service ago. The berries are m excellent con- in Indra for many years. • anion and the prospects are cod for a Seidlitz powders must not be made too p 'g strong in England. A druggist has just large crop. been fined for over -dosing the people of The Washington correspondent of the Brantford. London Times reaffirms that there is a Mr. Chamberlain bas . invited Paeai- sincere desire for a friendly settlement dont Kr • to visit England for the of the Venezuelan dis use at the White puta �g in the House, and that Grew Britain's accept - Transvaal, of discussing reforms ance of arbitration would be followed Transvaal, by an explosion of delight in America. The London newspapers publish and A despatch from Butte, Montana, says generally aponoM , the speeches in complaints come from the settlers in ,Parliament on Mr, McNeill's loyalty Telon and Chateau counties, alleging. resolution. Telon and Choteau gountie0i alleging Ca, S despatches has announces that of the boundary bare been lhrgely de- Lord Salisbury has pat the scion-. eluded ot timber by Canadians, and that dispute a settlement of the boundary millions of dollars worth of lumb- er bas beau taken during the past few :The ohdirmanship of the Irish party, yearn. UNITED STATES. A woman life insurance agent is do- ing a thriving business in and about Nebo, Ky. Areat coal trust rias been formed in New York and prices advanced 85 cents a ton. A bald eagle, with a big steel trap banging to 0115 of its legs, flew over. Licking, Ky., a few days ago. Seventythousandtons of the stern and rook -bound coast of Maine were shipped from two quarries alone last year. The key of Libby prison and the flag which floated over the nrison are Pre- served in the Soldiers' Memorial ball at Rutlard, Vt. Louis Allard, a French-Canadian, died at his home in Cohoes county, N.Y., on Saturday, at the age ot one hundred and nine years. Two stale nonagenarians, Mr. and Mrs. Moulder of Honey Creek, Ind., celebrat- ed the sixty-ninth anniversary of their marriage last weak. The British steamer Laurestina, sail- ing from Baltimore on Dec. 0, for Sli- go, has been given up for lost. She had a crow of 25 men. Orange -growing in Arizona is declar- ed to have passed the experimental stage, and will become an importantin- dustry is the territory. Father John M. Fitzgerald, of Roch- ester, N.Y., was convicted on Wednes- day of arson in the second degree. The sentence was deferred. A fifty -foot granite shaft, the longest piece ofgranite ever taken out of a quarry an Vermont, was quarried at Barre a few days ago. The Rev, 'John Fitzgerald, of Roches- ter, N.Y., was sentenced on Saturday to ten years' imprisonment, he having been found guilty of arson. Last year 25,115,903 fewer oigars were made in the United States than in 1894, and 8,358,380 more pounds of smoking, tobacco was manufactured. "In honour of a young lady visiting the town," a very successful dog fight was given in Swampdale, Ky., the other day, according to a local paper. A Woman's Rights Club has been or- 'anized in St. Joseph, Mo., and arrange- ments have been made for putting in a billiard table and a woman barber. The Washington authorities bave in- structed the Collector of Customs at Gloucester, Mass., to assess duty on all cargoes of frozen herrings if actually caught in part by Canadians. The Chesapeake oyster beds are rapid- ly diminishing in productiveness. Fif- teen years ago they furnished about 10,000,000 bushels of oysters. The pro- duct this year will not. be more than 5,000,000 bushels. sill talked Of. There bas been na rr�r +. aliauge Jn naffing The indications fax j' jPOLK4 the betto are impravod bank eieerin�gs, i'irinoA•,prriCA$ !n several staple Wen, and z an Improved deAnand in stein and Iran, SI.IAEIIS, WASPS AND S4DIRRR,te- GENERAL, We would like to tell new aspidei re- Gensrel Campos bas arrival at Made cantly provided fogs his conlfert on the• rift nun .Cuba, road. The insect eannat be stlspslated•pf 'The Sultan has Melted the powers tp having tato., a hint from madman/ but declare their views en the demands of It seems as though some ingeniQun per= Part of Dahomey, is to be colonized $on might contrive to apply the ePldoee with Alsatians and l,,orrainers who been Plan in the lessening .of human fatigue aerved In the Fronth army. while Malting Jong journeys. The 'Linea intimates that the situs- A professional friend, Dr.de- tion in the Transvaal is much mora sired to send a fine specimen of tbespid- seripus than ib appeuix to be on the surface, er tribe to a medical acguaintanee who "JaokntlleeRipter" is the subject ot a was eneeediegly curioue in the study of . ons, music and wards by an Italian nam- tranelt, he Inclosed it in a common weed* 4e Zeitounlis, new opera n bon to be produced at Ver- such matters, ea the readiestmenu pf ed GAorna, en box and despatched the tiny travel - A despatch from Constantinopio says nr by express, 'The,bpx, however, was the Turkish officials continue to impede the relief of the Armenians, The off/- too roomy fog the spider's Wants dais want. all the money entrusted to and he seoms to have disliked the jolt- them,ing incident to travelling, es he bad re - Sixty Anarchists have been arrested in nourse . to a very ingenious 'remedy. Libson in connection with the recent bomb -throwing, The Government hes the box reached its destination and, the 'determined anon, strong anti -Anarchist consignee opened it, he was equally sur- measrirea. prised. and delighted to find that his Advices received in London from insect charge had spun for himself a Blantime say that the Stubs' under? nit- superb hammock, pecu_ely hung from ish officers have gained tiva brilliant the four corners of his prison houses in victories over the shave raiders of Brit- which hey had crouched, m sailor faair.n, ish Central Africa, es softly es he does in hie native lair, l;ut cunning as the spider bas shown The Government of Saxony has Pre- itself to be, this insect is not a match pared a hill changing the election sys- for its adroit enemy, the wasp. The tem,' and virtuallydisfranchising the subterfuges resorted to by animals in working classes, the object being to ex- searchof food have beenregardedby the elude Socialists frond, the Diet, general reader as 'the ,trust interesting President Kruger, of the Transvaal, and instructive portion of the works of bits accepted the invitation extended to naturalists. An incident illustrative of him by Colonial Secretary. Chamberlain the remarkable sagacity ,of the wasp to visit England, accompanied by.some came under our own observation not members oftheTransvaal Executive to long since. A blue wasp known as the act as a commission. solitary wasp, because it lives alone in The intention of introducing a navy its little clay nest, burled itself one hill at the present session of the morningin our rambles upon the strong German Reichstag has been abandoned, wheel;shaped web of a .large spider. but the idea has not been relinquish- mere it sot up a loud buzzing, like that ed, and a bill will be drafted in readi- 01 a fly when accidentally entangled in ness for the next session. asimilar web, The spider, watching at Prof. Borchgreviihck, the Norwegian the door of his silken domicile, stole cau- exploror, who recently visited the Ant- tiously forth. His advance was slow, for arctic, says the Antarctic continent is he evidently felt that he was appreeoh- ing no common enemy. The apparent - about four million square miles in ex- 1 desperate, yet fruitless efforts of the tent, He says the country is habitable, wasp nto free (himself encouraged the but he does not think anyone is. living spider and lured him forward. But there. when within some three inches of his The correspondent of, the African intended victim, the wasp suddenly freed Critic, at Johannesburg cables that he himselffrom his mock entanglement, has collected damning evidence of the and darting upon the poor spider, in a refined torture of a captain and a troop - moment, as it were/pierced him with his er of Dr. Jnmegon's force by the Boers, deadly. sting in a hundred places. The whose commander afterwards ordered waspthen bore his ill-gotten spoil to his the two prisoners to be shot. lowlhome. g A despatch from Kingston Jamaica, One of the most interesting sights we says that four British warships are an- ever beheld came under our notice in a shored at' Port Royal, ab the entrance Western town, It was an emigration of to Kingston Harbor, and that no for- ajrrels on a certain day on the bank eign warship is allowed into the har- bor. It is probable that the British are of Ten Mile creek, when the number of moving was unusually large, course a system of mines, and of Among the squirrels was one that ex - nonit is important to keep their pori= hibited such motherly care and affec- tion a secret. tion for her two little ones as to prove The resolution of belligerency of the a most touching spectacle. She reached Cuban insurgents of the United States the bank of the creek where a. crossing Senate haasq created a great sensation in was to be made. The little squirrels Spain. Tife Madrid Epoca says Presi- were quite timid about going near to dent Cleveland surely cannot forget the the water, but the mother coaxed them traditions of American policy. The Con- until they seemed to be satisfied to do federates during the late war were not as she wished. She ran along the shore, recognized as belligerents,nor were the and finding a piece of bark about a Chiltan insurgents to 'their last war, foot long and six inches wide, dragged The Federal Council of Switzerland it to the water's edge and pushed it in has authorized the President of the the water, so that only a small part of Republic to accept the proposal ten- one end of the bark was resting on the dered by the Governments of Great shore. She then induced her little ones Britain and the United States, that in to get on the bark, and they at once the event of a disagreement as to the cuddled closely together, when the old choice of an arbitrator for the Canadian squirrel pushed the bark and its load 'sealers' claims the President bf Switz- into the stream, and taking one end of erland shall designate an arbitrator, the bark in her teeth, gushed it ahead' General Count von Schouvalott, the of her until the opposite bank was reach - Governor General of Russian Poland, ed, where the young squirrels quickly 'has decided to submit to the Czar a scampered up the bank df the creek, liberal programme for the government where the mother rested for a few min - of that country, end if It is rejectedUtes when the .journey was resumed. he will tender his resignation. Thus it is clearly shown that even the A' now Russian transport humblest of God's creatures are not de - Po ;tom an P y ficient in artifice and address. under the direction of a Russian ad- miral, will begin trading in the Black -- Sea forthwith, and will extend its -op- RUNNING AN OCEAN GREYHOIIND. erations abroad. when the fleet is large enough. Seven steamers ordered from The captain is the chief officer of the England will be built to serve as trans ship. He is more than that. From the trans- ports or cruisers in time of war, and totime she leaves. ort until she enters provide a large addition to the Russian P navy. r port he is master of the life and liberty THE INTENSE HEAT CAUSES of every person aboard the ship, as well as of all the property in it. He is an HEART FAILURE: autocrat. The head of each department Aon Wisely by: Keeping Dr. Agnew's Cure is responsible for all that goes on in it. fur the Heart Always Near by. The first officer is et the head of the The beauty of Dr. Agnew's Cure for Crew, or navigating department. The diately. The testimony of thousands netted with thethe Heart is that it gives relief imme- chief engineer directs everything con - the engines. The chief who have used the remedy is that where steward has full control of all that has even death was feared, within half an to do with the comfort of the passengers hour after using the medicine, the clan- and crew. Each of these chiefs make a ger had passed away, and it was only a written report at noon every day. Thus short time before the natural compos- the captainis-kept informed in every- ure of the patient returned. The great thing pertaining to the ship's welfare. risk with many who are troubled with Every one of the senior officers of the heart disease is that they trifle with ship is a duly qualified master, capable the disease, either by using medicines of taking her around the world if need that are perfectly useless, or delaying be. The day is divided into 'watches,' treatment altogether. Dr. Agnew s or tours of duty, of four hours each. One Cure for the heart always gives ease, junior officer is on the bridge with one and in many desperate eases it has et- senior officer on duty. The senior off in an entire cure. er directs the ship's course. He never Sold le a. A. headman. i leaves the bridge while he is on watch. Should he do so he would be dismissed He Had Heard. at once. There is no excuse possible. It would be just as if he had died suddenly. That new baby of Youn father's in His friends would all feel sorry, but a remarkably wale -awake child. nothing could bo done to help him. Two So I've heard. We live next door to seamen are always on watch in the bow it. 1 ' • • , 5 1 ; of the ship, and two more in the fore- top. Twice as many are on the look- out in thick weather. Observations are The new popular bond issue of the United States Governmentwasa great success, the loan having been subscribed for five times over, and at prices,con- siderably higher than even the most sanguine had expeated. Starfish have caused immense damage among• the Connecticut oyster hods thus season. One grower has spent 88,000' in the last few menthe in an effort to check the ravages of the st'artisb, but with no perceutrble results. Strawberries are ripe, and being pick- ed for shipment in Hillsborough, Fla. The first crate of this season's strawber- ries left that place three or four days 1,TXMWS QF A ROMAN C.011r1- LIP 7sRIOS'�', .Rev: R, 0, Lihmann, of St, /Mary's R, 0, Ohuroh, gammon, .pat„ 'rips or the Geed Iiervlooe el Pre Agnew's paters - hal Powder, head,isorocaiarrliaal©(Intimate, is the known. in the summer season, Many are suffering to -day, and' in Same cases the diseaeo• taken' ince saeli c• of Siby Inver, Pr, Agnew's Catarrhal E'awder is a moat effective remedy in all such eases. Readers of this paper knave of the nanny promiuont clergymen of all denominations, who have felt it their duty to recomme d this remedy, Add- ed to the recomfnendation of the Rev.. Fattier Hiucbey, of Hamilton, comes that of the Rev. R, 0, Libmann, of St. Mary's R, 0, Church, of tbs sante city, Ever deveted to the interests of his par- tebioners, this faithful priest feels that he is doing them a kindness Io telling how this remedy benefitted him in the case of catarrhal trouble. It never fails to benefit anyone, Sample Bottle and Blower sent on reeelpt of two 3 -cent stamps, 8, G. Detohon, 44 Church sb., Toronto, Sold by G. A. Deadman. rendersd 'vaosnt by the resignation of Mr, Justin -McCarthy, has been tender- Commercial telegrams from New evening/ Husband -Yes; but not to e to . Thomas Sexton. York, as to the condition of business speak to. Wife -What a story! They throughout the United States, indicate tell me you. were sittingwith her foe .the London Graphic says if the no decided changes yet. The success of mom • than two hours. usband-Tru;, P French mean business in their dispute the �ippular loan has not yet had time but it was the who did the talk,n+g. 01' Course. I met her in the moonlight; What could a fellow do? I kissed be rin the moonlight-- Now tell me, wouldn't You? A. Minister or the Gospel is Pleased to Tollorthe Wonderful Curative Powora of south American Kidney Cure, Rev. James Murdoch, of St. John, N. B, -"I have used South American kid- ney Cure with marked success.. 51 will do all the manufacturers claim for it. I felt much benefitted after taking the remedy but a couple of days. I have taken in all four bottles, and consider that I have received 8100 worth of good from each bottle." Sold by G. A. Deadman. DOCTORS AND FLY BLISTERS taken every two hours. In the good old PAIL, sailing -ship days the captain was con- tent to take the stn' at noon every But One Dose of south American Rhea. day. Tr the sky3 was cloudy for a day -- matte. Cure Believes and Half a Bot or two, it really didn't matter much, tle.Curos Robert E. Gibson, Pembroke's well- ifor he could jog along on dead reckon - But ou an ocean greyhound,rush- known merchant: -"I contracted rheu- ing over the course between this coun- matism in very severe form in 1380, and have suffered untold misery each try and Europe at the rateofmore than twenty miles an hour, it is highly tui- aprino- since I have repeatedly applied portsatt that the ship's position be known fly blisters with but little success, op- all the time. Fog may come down at .tors whom I consulted, likewise failed any moment, observations may not be to relieve, '1 was induced to try •South' abtaimome o, ten or twelve hours. The American Rheumatic Cure by Mr. W. ositions of mare than one hundred stars F, C. Bethel, of the Dickson Drug Com- urs known• By observing any one of puny. The first dose gave instant re- these the ship's' whereabouts can be m- ild, and half a bottle cured.' certabied in a few minutes. Of course As a sure for rheumatism this remedy the road becomes more or less familiar is certainly ppeerless, to a man who crossses the ocean along Sold by G. A. Deadmann.. • - the same route year after year, Yet Not Particular. -this familiarity never breeds contempt or any carelessness. No man knows all Tramp (at dentist's door) -1'd. likemy the influences that affect the currents teeth filled. of the ocean. Dentist -What ivith-gold or saver ? .Tramp (eagerly) -011, just plain broad. Ile Should Watch It, will do. Dreamy' Smith says he is afraid his A Social Chat. ~watch isn't what it ought to be for this money. He bought one that ran up into Wife= -You saw Mrs. Browner last the hundreds and he finds that it runs down as often as his old one did. A Revival Needed. Mrs.. Gabb-Satara 1 Satara l -where's that old broomstick lett in the ales - with Brazil, the American jingoes will to a feet business, but the consequences - --+— Ct 3 bave another chance for a war ware. in greater confidence and necessarily I "What is the trouble between Af leigb Satara-I dont know, ma; what do The British trade retttrns for Jane- greaer aeiavil:Y will probably he Donsicl- and his wife 3" '"Only a little family you want of i ary show an incresase of £1,780,000 in erable. :there is a perceptible improve- jar. He was saying that he would give Your Wicked pa. says he won't go to imports, and of£2,900,000 in exports, as moat in iron, and copper, is also higher. anything if he could have ti wheel, and ehurch with me, and.I want to see 12 cemparod with those of January, 1895. The woollen. mills are keeping fair , she suggested, that he might take one of I can't knock a little Christianity in - The London Times announces that Mr.' active, ;though lessened production is those he had in his head." to huh." FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS. DUNN_. iS BAKING OW DER THECOOK'SBESTFRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. Tired but Sleepless, It a condition'which gradually'Weare away the strength. Lot the blood be•• purified and enriched by Flood's- Sar- separilla.and this condition will cease.. "Porten or three years I was aubleot to' 1 poor spells. I always felt tired, could not: I'I sleep at'night and the little I could ,eat ,4'' did not donne any good, 5 read about•.• Hoad'a Barsaparilia and decided to tryit:. Before I had finished two bottles I began, + to feet better and In a short time I fe1e, i all right and bad gained 21 pounds -lo•! weight: 5 am stronger and healthier than , I have ever been in my life.' JoHN•W. ' CouannzN, Wallaceburg, Ontario. ' Hood's Sarsaparilla: Is the Drily , True Blood Purifier' Prominently in the public eye today. Be, sure to get Hood's and only Hood's, Do, not be induced to buy and other. • Hood• cure all liver ills, bilious-. s Pills ness,headacbe. 20s. Young lawyer -"Thank heaven! At last T have a case -a young rascal who has at least half a dozen thefts on his conscience." Wife -"How kind of him: to choose you for his counsel. Don't you think we ought to invite him to din-, ner ?" Erna Ara EH'S OF TR ®n Swath Ameri- can Nervine. anyon:1 Doubt the Greatest Medical Discovery' of the Age. >'i1E 1 EVERY OTHER HELPER RAS FAILED IT CURE A Discovery, Based on Scie tific Principles. that. Renders Failure lipossible. J iii,/firl1Iikitav y,p %yam .1 r';r i u ii,o In the mcttcr of good health tempor- izing measures, while possibly 1,111cceS's- fu1 for the moment, can never be last- ing. Those. In poor health soon know whether the remedy they are using is simply a passing incldeilt in their ex- pertence, bracing them op for the day, or something that Is getting at the seat of the disease and Is surely and permanently restoring. The eyes of the world are literally axed on South American Nervine. 'They are not viewing it as a nine -days' won- der, but critical and experienced men have been studying this medicine for tsars, with the one result -they have found that Its claim of -perfect cure - Live qualities cannot be gainsaid. The great discoverer of this medicine was possessed of the knowledge that the seat of all disease Is the nerve centres, situated at the base at the brain.- 1n this belief he had the best sclentlsts and medical men of the world oocupying exactly the same Pre- mises. Indeed, the ordinary lay- man recognised, this principle brig ago. Everyone knows that let disease or injury affect this part of tlhe human system and death is almost certain, Injure the spinal cord. which Is the medium of these nerve cen- tres, and pnrntysie le sure to follow. Here is the first principle. The trou- ble with medical treatment usu. ally, and with nearly all medicines, is. that they aim simply to treat the organ that may be diseased. South American Nervine passes by the organs, and im- mediately applies Its curative powers. to the nerve centres, from which the,. organs 02 the body receive their supply, of nerve fluid. The nerve centres, healed, and of necessity the organ which has shown the outward evidence only of derangement is healed. Indi- gestion, nervousness, impoverished, blood, liver complaint, all owe their origin to a derangement of the nerve centres. Thousands bear testimony' that they have been cured of these troubles, even when they have become - so desperate as to baffle the skill ot( the most eminent physicians, because, South American Nervine has gone to. headquarters and cured there. The eyes of the world have not been disappointed In the inquiry into the sue-, cess of South American Nervine. Peo- ple marvel, it is true, at its wonderful. • medical qualities, but they know be-. yond ani question that it does every - 1 thing that is Manned for it. it stands alone as the one great Certain curing remedy Of the nineteenth century. Why, ehould anyone suffer distress anal sick- ness while this remedy is practically at their hands 5 A. DEADUAiv Wholesale and Retail Agent for I5lttssels.