HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-2-21, Page 6T Fa 1NnIguis ot -x9 aUlta01710$--..^ 'EVERY FRIDAY MORNING On time for the:early mails) et "The Pegg" Steen) PUbliff tfag J%ouo0a Togeezenx See, $EVeenne, tlNe`. Teutefe oar eossou rrreree-One 4411ttr a Year, in Ovalle4. Tbo;,date to whish every eubserlptlon lel'Oid is denetod ,by.tho date on the addrees label. Anv0na'asrxc 13Ar1a—Tho following rates y g by will he charged to th000 who edgier lee Wm year f sit, 1 iJ too.• i a me Quof Oolumn $00,00 Scene MORD 0.000 $0,00 12A0 uar0yr i 20 0•12.00 lgb 1 $ dpo. 1100 Algia mots per line for first insertion, and three gents per line tor meta ubsetiuentlu. sermon, All advertisements measured 0.e 100z10010-1211ues to VI s lush. Oneness Oardo, oigbt ilnes and sudor, 8O per annum. Advertisements without speckle direo. tions, will lie iusortod until .forbid, and enlarged acoordiugly. Instructions to ohmage or diseontinne an advertisement must be left at the oountiug room of TnE lasrrot later than Tuesday of each weer Tale is itnperatav0. LI i0, Editor and Proprietor. tstritt C�17S, Lock elauirty. J. G. Anderson has finished re•paoking his apples, teed during the 'last three weeks he hoe abipped to Liverpool 10 cars. The "Social Boxers" of the village of Luoknow purpose giving one of their en- tertainments on the evening of Thursday, Feb. 20th. A number of Luulmow Odd Fellows went to Kiooardiue on Wednesday even. ing of last week to meet Grand Master Tints, Winn/pat, who is instituting a Lodge of Odd Fellows at Bervio. Go the evening of friday, 31st ult., the members of the Wbiteoburoh and Langeido congregations, to the number , of one hundred, gathered at the manse and presented their pastor, ltev. A. Mo - Nab, and wife, with an address and a valuable set of furs. The rev. gentleman and wife were entirely taken by surprise, but were soon at ease when they saw the • hearty good humor and cheerfulness of the people assembled. Genies, music, vocal and instrumental, were then engag- ed in, after which the ladies of the con- gregations served lunch from the well filled baskets brought by thorn. 1!:xeter. Special revival meetings are being held in the James St. Methodist church. B. Mulfenzie is having building ma• Gariel drawn for the ereotlon of a large brink block on the carnet of Main abd James streets. Detective 1S'entcott left for Toronto, where he has secured a lucrative position in the Legislative Assembly as sessional writer. His duties will last about three mon the. An exceedingly large congregation was in attendance at the Trivitt Memorial church on Sunday evening, Feb. 1)111, the occasion being the inception of the sur• pinned choir. The choir on the whole presented a very imposing appearance and did remarkably well. A. Q. Bobier received word on Satur- day that his sister, Mrs, Dontrld DleKell. er, of Chatham, was lying at the point of death. He took the train the same even- ing, but on Sunday evening she died after an illness of a little More than a week. The Board for the 'Osborne and Hib- bert Insurance Co., as couetitnted for 1800 is : President, J. Essery, Exeter ; Vice-Preeident, J. Jaoksou, Mitobell ; Directors, W. H. Passmore, Farquhar ; D. McLachlan, Cromarty • T. Ryan, Dublin ; R. H. Bain, Fullerton ; Sen.• Trews., Thos. Cameron, Farquhar. The Postmaster Geueral's report, for the year ending 30th June, 1805, shows the groes postal revenue of the Exeter postoffoe to be $1933 21 ; number of money orders issued, 1054 • amount of money orders issued, 614,646.40 • Com- mission received from publics, 811302 ; amount of money orders paid, $8009.11. A Local Board of the Equitable Sav- ings Loan and Building Association has been organized in town with the following officers :—Dr. Roil;oe, President ; Frank Knight, 1st Vice•President ; N. D. Hurd. on, 2nd Vice -President ; Capt. Kemp, Seo. -trees. ; L. H. Dickson, Sohn Farmer, Valuators ; Chas. Snell, jr., U. 11. Sand• ere, John Knight, T. W. Hawkshaw and Dr. Lutz, Directors. G-oileriCll- Robt. IleLean is having plate glass put in 113e two stores next Sharman's. The sashed, however, are not square but in. aline iuwnrds to the door, a feature en- tirely new to Godericb. Frank Ilenderaon, while working at a bon saw in the organ factory, had the rniefortnne to injure two of the fingers on his left band, the Beall befog badly • torn from one of them. Joseph Brennan, who had previously pleaded guilty to chargee of horse stealing and larceny, was brought before Sedge Dole for sentence. After giving the prIoneer same very good advice, Ills Honor sent the prisoner to Kingston for a term of three years. Just as soon and as fast as the weather wiI permit the work of completing the 1 Albion block will be go .1104, Plans for a ' handsome modern hotel to ince on South Weer, and the Square have been prepar- ed, and he indications are the travelling public well have something better than here. The Lttw Association of this county is 1, ,* havi the grand jury roam of the Court Renee fitted up as a law. library, and the arrangements promise a valuable nod 1 convenient addition to the facilities of the fraternity. A new window is being part in width will give an abundance of light, a td shelving and seating will be of I the beat. The valuable library of the late Judge Tome ban been purchased, and will form the nuolens for n large and complete repository of legal information. A pleasing inoidentof the annual meet- ing of Knox church w'wog.as a deserved 'wog. nitian of the lung and efficient services of . R. L Sbrtng, as Secretary of the Board Of Managers. This was shown by the presentation of a handsome gold watch and obain, suitably engraved, Rev. Dr. lire doing the honors in a manner that ' has heretofore been available 1 took away the breath of the Teeiplent, ;'.te inkling w culla had net the al tab e t ill fps of hat cues Doming, Mr. Strang managed to reply, and naturally appreolete3 thobeau. diel glf1 very highly, !G><f xlttatco.. I 'J.'he odiifellows propose to hint the eleptrio light into their hall, The New Bra advocates the purobaee Of a otono crasher for the oottoty. J'oa, Oopp has been given the °entreat of making dome improvements and re. pairs to the Town Hall, V. Cottle is pnebing forward hitt build. ing for the spevial cultivation of route, 00 an exneX Go bio green Douse. Pour•foot green wood 10 being supplied to the town at 00.74 per cord, This is the lowest pries it bas been supplied at for a good while. Harvey Callander started. on Monday of laet week oro 100 mile drive to Nut. gars Palls, tatting in eOvoral .places not in the direct line of his trip, On Wednesday evening of last week e large crowd of Independent Foresters went over to Bayfield to pat'tioipate in lodge exeroi0es with the brethren of that plane. Bovet of REPOSE Notts.—We are re. a Int of quested seut f and other oho celiteretre,kindly sent to ,the House by P. Holmstead, of Seafor'bh ; shriller donations will be very eooeptable.--It has been necessary on a couple of occasions to use the loch -up for some refractory inmates, but on the whole all are orderly And well-behaved. —One of the most interesting inmatee'is an orphan girl of thirteen, pretty and very tidy. It was never contemplated to take inmates of this nature, but until 0 home can be provided far her, she is likely to remain, ad she is a general feu- orite. !veal 0 rtlt. Dr, Burrows has been appointed Grand Trend Railway surgeon, in lieu of Dr. Campbell, who recently removed from. this part. J. le. Clark, who bas conducted busi- ness in town for over a year, hes decided to wind up the Seaf0rth business And return to his old home in Port Hope. Mrs. Jordan and Mise Mabel Jordan, wife and daughter of 'Phomas Jordan, left last,week for Pasadena, Oal., where Mr. Jordan is looaled, and where the parents of Mrs. Jordan reside. Dr. McTavish, formerly of Sealorth, but who has been practicing in Brum- field during the pest couple of years, has removed to Hawkatone, near Barrie, where he will practice his profession. Charlea Jones, eldest eon of Robert Jones, tailor, of this town, died in Inger. Boll on Monday night of last week, of ooneumption, after a lingering illness. Deceased was about fifty years of age. The bankrupt stook of A. E. Pentecost was sold in Toronto last week by Henry Barber 1k Co., at the rate of 00 cents on the dollar, Wm. Pickard, Seatnrtb's en- terprising dry goods me1ehant being the purehnser. Geo. Lowe, from near Buffalo, who lived in McKillop about thirty years ago, is on a visit to old time friends in this section. He naturally finds many changes in Huron after an abeenoe of so many years. For years he farmed, but is now living railed. Jas. Archibald, the well known horse buyer of this town, accompanied by Wm. Cudmo,e, of Tuokersmith, left for the old country. They took with them two car loads of horses. Mr. Archibald expects to be absent about two months, and will visit France and Belgium before his re- turn. Cst,uttdiran. Nee�-N. Embro wants an electric railway. The new fire hall at Ayvis completed. Arnprior's new waterworks will oost $3,000. There is not one vacant house in Wood- bridee. Music will be taught in the Woodstock schools. Walter Grey, of Oro, was burned to death in hie bare. Last year the police of Repartee shelter- ed 521 tramps. The oburob of England at Listowel WAS destroyed by fire. J. Sinclair, of Ospinge pinked a pimple' on his forehead and died of blood poison• ing. No third-class teacher is allowed to teach in the Bracebridge and Huntsville schools. Gee. Gehe, a yardsmau at a Kingston hotel, has fallen heir to a fortune in Germany. Samuel Pew, SS years of age, of Stam- ford, iied as a result of being kicked by I one of his horses. • Prof. Cox, of Montreal, was elide to I photograph a bullet in a man's leg with the *1003 system. Mrs. Synthia Ball, of Ottawa, is SS; A P. P. A, oanrontiOo lo in pragroee in Kingston. Siharle0 Tapper woe banqueted at Halifax and Ottawa, 33, Wright wee elodtod President of the Guelph b'ut Stook Olub. F, W, liiathoweon hoe heel oleoted President of the Winnipeg iBoiotd of Trade. TCnox eburoh, Guelph, bee deoidod en a Dail to Bev, Reit NePberson, of Petrone.. The heavy enewetnrm woe general throughout the Province and traffic 00 all Riede wee interrupted. Mese Ttottie 111e lultg,in the employ of J. Moodie, Homiltoe, euddenly expired while preparing dinner, Dr. W. R. Wade, of Dunohureh, the Conservative nominee tegaicot Col. 0', Brien, 74, P. is dead, Bishop O'Connor, of Teterboro' re. turned from Rome last week and was given a publio reception. John Douglas, of Woodstook, ie dead. ne was for 88 years President of the North Oxford Reform. Association. Messrs, Searos & Knowles, of Preeton, have purchased the Galt Reporter from the executors of the late Geo. Jaffray: Mre, Russell, of elylmor, dropped dead while dressing on Sunday morning, Her death was not known until the following day. Zion Wilfrid Laurier has accepted 00 invitation to be present and address the St. Jean Baptiste Sooiety of Detroit on June 24113. John Corrigan was killed with an axe by James Healey. Moth were young married laborers living in the east end, Toronto. The Toronto Granites won the On. tario Tankard on Thareday of last week, defeating St. Mary's by 4 shote in the final match. At the Winnipeg Board of Trade banquet Hoe( Mr. Greenway spoke strongly on the freight rates oliarged on Northwest produce. Toe in the Niagara River so blocked the flow of water that people could al- most walk from the American side to Goat Island dryahod. Mies Roes, Belleville, is suing Thos. McNider, a wealthy farmer, claiming 05,000 for breach of promise. They have kept company for ten years. A frn,lohiee has been given to the Belleville Electric Company to construct and operate eleotrio railways between Belleville and outlying villages. The two Woodetook ladies who were instrumental in convicting Herbert Babcock, Woodstook's Jack the Hugger, were voteda reward of $50 by the uouo. ail. Rnnornrrau Ctheo IN A Des..—South Amerioan Rhoumatio Cure for Rheuma- tism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its motion upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. 1t re- moves at once the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 Dents. Warranted by G. d. Deadinan. During the season of 1895 there was rafted from the Georgian Bay district, Oanude, to lOIiobigau sawmills a total of 270,219,740 feet of logs. The average value of these logs is not far from $11 a thousand. blauy million feet destined for Michigan mills were bung up in Georgian Bay streams last season and did not Dome out in time to be rafted. It is estimated that the quantity to go to Michigan mills next season from Gen• ada will approximate 300,000,000 feet. Of the 3434 ships that posse through 1430 Suez Oanal last year only four were Amerioan. The Cuban insurgents lost SO killed in an engagement with the Simulate troops on Saturday. 'The relations between the Argentine Republio and 0131i ars daily becoming more strained, owing to the tone of the Chilled) newepapers. The city of Sydney, Austria, has im• posed a fine of R1 upon any person con- victed of spitting upon the floor of poblie buildings or upon the street. Buddhism' is making some headway in Germany, suolt men as George Ebers, Gabriel Max, Julius Stiade and F. Hart- mann giving their adherence to it. So strong has tbe cult become that it now has a monthly organ, The Sphinx, pub- lished at Brunswick. REL/EO ne Six Hoose.—Distressing kid- ney and bladder diseases relieved in six houre by the "Great South American Kidney Oure.'1 This new remedy is a great surprise and delight on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain 111 the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary passages in 1 male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost im- mediately. If you want quick relief and euro this is your remedy. Sold by G. A. Deadman, druggist. charged with horrible cruelty to two of i M --M~.— her grandchildren named Shortt. The old drill shed at Kingston, the property of Queen's University, col- I lapsed front the weight of snow on the i roof. 1 The County Council paused a by-law i abolishing toll gates in York County and 1 placing the roads in the hands of the 1 different municipalities. The election for the Commons in l Northumberland, N. B., resulted in the i return of J. J. il•'bin;on, Conservative. His opponent was Hon. Peter ,Mitchell. 1 The remains of Rev. Father Bloom, of 1 North Bay, wile died hi lfattawa Hospi-, tal from an amputation, cmisquent on a railroad accident, was buried in Peter- horo. HEART DISEASE RELIEVED Ix 30 Mt-• rras.—All cures of rgan;eor sympathetic ' heart disease relieved in 30 minutes and q„iekly cured, by Dr. Agnetv's Cure for the Heart. One dose convinces. Sold , by G A. Deadman. A man named Adrian Deechatelets who had just been dismissed from a 1 lumber shanty neer Papinenuc'ille, Que„ wanted to fight the cook, Didace Turp;u. After being knoelied down several times, Turpin drew a knife and stabbed his aa•c, 1 � �y'f3"�4 -�, 9 �c`a ..ase= "Bacteria do not man in the blood or9l'L! in tbe tisanes of a healthy liviug body, either of man or the lower animals." So 1 says the celebrated Dr. Iiotah. Other i dootters say that the beet medioiue to i render the blood perfectly pure and ; healthy is Ayer's Sarsaparilla. JohnNenkville shot Wm. Smith, 131131 companion, while they were preparing to rob a house near Winnipeg. Smith will probably die. Both men were exwon• viote, and Smith's knowledge of an et. tempted murder by Nanhvilie was the canto of the shooting. P08'1'. WOOD0$ ae'JI O$Sai' HOPZNE. 0u e Tho Groot 1:1u12'1ie11t J,law ily. Stro4'aokapce OOuranterd to premptie. And porteanontly Once 011 festa et ;femme lI'oabueeu, khntoetotu,S,perns.. aterrtwa, xanpeto,,ayar,d art ttp'eate of AAuee 4r F rOeotic, ar1l1ta6 wetv'p weennefve we .. , ' ,D'afore and,dfEon bore, t,I,*pO000s5leaPrtBmetr r $tpU0Jn of,robaora*n. jltvuftp, Jnaaaftg, Ceasuntptfoa and an nartp prawn, 110. 008D0011proscrlbed over OOyeura la thousands of cases; 10,1110 onatt Reliable and Jfoncet ,111.41 ohm O known. Qskdrannlstfur Wee,I'a.Plfooplwewln4110 100E0 1dgme worth100e I110010140 In glue of this, 111e14oe prise In letter; and w4 w111 seed lir return lean, life°, one pa0latge, 01* six, g0, One wilt zneasv, 10 1010 aura Pamphlets fro .to anyatldrosa, Who Wood Colnptuly, ' - 'Windsor, Qet., Outman.. Sold in 1tltssets by 0. A, DFIADDIAN, Druggist. r\\ Yv�:. GiVES' rRESM- c NESS.. es CLEAR C ,RE'S C(N$ T,IPA TOPT , 1N6iGEST10N niZ2tNESs pftl1PTIONS"oN TN,E.tI jfit,r TEAUTIFI85'a? ('..O 1,:k ItP} cerin An Agreeable Laxative and NERVE TONIO,' Sold 81.00 per Druggists saSamplesi Kati, o„ 60c.1 K,s'a /to Tlie favorite TOOTII P018'IEg H1 iorthe'1'Oath and l0raatb, 2110. 11) fao p a 1-x1114 • m 0 gP. M ce a,rt t'l N 1-+ 1 y Hs' es ce etj 0 p 0 0. , 4p'cp CD y I• 'll dillb 10' PS 04 ,D rig ~' to e p n N-S.O ed .. p rfjo tad ren 04 Ait) Sold by .1.05. EON, DrnselaI,Itrusyels. Know What You thew is tree from the injurious coloring. The more you use of it the better you like it. T10E GEO. E. TUCKETT & SON CO., LTG HAMILTON, ONT. IT STRIKES ROUE ! Chase's Ointment Cures .111 Sk{n Irrita tions. Of the many skin diseases, eczema is ono of the worst and most common. The one effective remedy so far dis- covered for it be Dr. ,-, Chase's Ointment. It o1 has never been known to fail. 11r. esaorEArroN.' Andrew Afton, of `o.rtland, N.B., says: "Iffy little daughter, Greco Ella, aged three and a half, tees a dreadful suf- ferer from eczema for three years. We tried a number of alleged Cares and sev- eral doctors, bust all without effect. Ear's was indeed a bad case. Her little body was entirely covered with rash. One day our lecal druggist, 1Ir. Wm. E. Thistle, recommended me to try Dr. Chase's Ointment. I did so, and four boxes effected a complete cure and saved our child." Dr Clioee's Ointment is jest as effec- tive for piles, salt rheum and sores of all descriptions. For sale lift all dealers and Edmansou, Bates & Co., manufactur- ers, Toronto ; price 60 cents. There is nothing to a zal Chase's Lin- seed and Turpentine for severe colds and lung troubles.. Large bottle 25 Bests. White Stan Line. itOYAL NAIL KTE4MMSl111'r. Between New York and Llveo'weol. ;s Qaeeasbown,erery t'eunealas-, As the stcamera of leis 1ss+; crr. r strictly limited nnre1rr :... 0.•:,5 rrWit. ' EECOND 0101n' aoe_'n1C Sat::.nE. passengers areremtn'de t 4. e.: L i- - plication for bertha ie 9 rszrg a s0 t,- • on. For plans,ra tea e.t.n Iiia. W. H. Kerr, >:-".lone`iss. RUE (BY 1.1 MINUTES; Dr. S. F. No Other Meilen SO THOROUGH AS gallant so that he died par -ilia Statement of a Well Known Doctor No other.. blood medicine that 7 have 1t'voerouineneohlav, termnnant naYedd etflfae•clets n>nit mi,ms,oy cures 00 Ayer s Sarseperllla "— Ul, Il. F. II0,nn1LL, Augusta, Ito. Ayer's only Sarsaparilla .Admitted at the :World's Fair..: Aye,'s Fills for liner aftd.bowcls. WEEKLY LY 1 TOURIST CAR TO THE Pacific Coast LEAVES TORONTO AT Cas a 1 0146M eask FE/3. 21, 1896 AINTING 1 The undersi lad is prepared to attend to all wont intrusted to llhn in a prompt and work, manlike manner in Carriage Painting, Sign Wrting,`_ Howse Painting and Decorating. All work under my 'personal e niJ Bion .and satisfaction as - Now is the time to get your buggy or dirt repainted for next Spring. . l PRiCES MODER,4TE. W. J. WAKE, Paint Shop on King et., Brussels. ': 4 ess uccess (4 VTE find it very satisfactory and thank our numerous friends for their support in assisting us to carry it on. Cash Tells E7ery Time We Lave still a large stock of Winter Goods to dispose of, and dur- ing January, will cut prices away down ,beyond reach of com- petition. During this month We will make a GRANT) °L1 A:R- ING SALE in all lines of Dry Goods, Furs, Overcoats, Mantle Goods, &c., Boots and Shoes, from 10 to 25 per cent. less than usual prices. A full line of Groceries, Fresh and Clean. Try our 25o. Tea—No bettor in the market for 85o. Wil ask an inspection of our stock. We can make it to your inter- est to buy from ne. We handle large quantities of Produce for which we pay the highest market price in exchange for Goods, or for Cash. Agent for the Standard Patterns and Publications.. FEBRUARY Fashion Sheets to hand—Call and get one FREE. EN! es clo a me os c Established C G ' uo Fa � � hF ,4�ii's. ; 1.,. O a in o o e r m O Ors 0 0 O , O O o The Policy Contract issued by this Association is perfection itself, UNCONDITIONAL, ACCUMULATIVE, AND AUTOMATICALLY NON -FORFEITABLE, It loaves nothing further to be desired. Rates and full infor- ma1on furniohed on application. W. . ZE11l11f, Agent, Brussels. WILTON TUNBULL, PRt7-sSMLS Sr.110V EJ Are to the Front with a large stook of Stoves. Having a thorough knowledge of what is required by the people of Brussels and vicinity, we have selected our stook with a great deal of care, and are prepared to offer the'best linos of Stoves man- ufactured in the Dominion. IN000K STOVES -=- We handle tbo superior line manufactured by the Doherty Manufacturing Co., also 13tick's Celebrated Cook aucl Par- lor Stoves. The Garland lino by Bowes, Jamieson LC Co., always in stock. IN HEATING STOVES We have the Lyndon Heater, by the new process, manufactured by the Doherty Manufacturing`Company,called the Ferris Steel. In Coal Stoves we have the well-known "Favorite." F R 1 D A.Y NOON. I t 'A.11 our stock will be sold at Greatly Reduced Prices to suit the times. Lamps and Lamp Goods in great variety. • T. FARROW, 1 AGENT, Bil'OSI3ELS, ( WILTON ca TURNSULL.