HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-2-21, Page 5FEB. 21, : 1890 •]ti str01,4'01.17ci, Gym. Brydon, of Morrie, is spending few days at Clee. McDonald's,, A. pfolierohor weigh a broad smile tbie week all beeanee it le a boy, Wm. MoPonaid spent a few days in the vicinity of Jamestown last week, Wm, Johnston intends making maple syrup and sugar in Ball's woos next Spring, Will, Mines and Geo,, Forsythe, of Teeswitter, spent Sunday at Hugh .Pat. rio 's Mr, anti Airs. B. Hislop spent Sunday at John Savage's on the 3rd son; of Grey. The proprietore of the Wroxeter easy.- hill have purchased eighty tine trees from John Grainger for the sum of $450. What might have been a serious oataatropho happened at ]tfr. Ball's, of O line, Howiolt, one evening last week. A lamp wee about to explode and Wm. Johnstone proceeded to throw it outside, but it exploded in hie hand and but for Jae, Hall's timely assistance he would have been badly burned, Ora' 11 I rook. A. wedding on the tapir, Assessor Reymann has already made a start and will Boon nail os you.'• Mies Jennie Ritchie, of Morris, epont a few days visiting Min Simmer' last week.. A number from Oranbrook will in all probability,witnees the skating rases in Brnesele on Friday evening. Robt. Ohalntere and wife, of Paisley, and Alex. Chalmers and wife, of Moult.. ton, were visiting R. 1t. MoDonald last week. There was no League meeting in the Methodist ohurob on Tneeday evening on account of the lecture by Rev. Dr. Gif- ford. The leoture in the Methodist church on Tuesday evening by Bev. Dr. Gifford was very interesting and instructive, bob on account of the heavy roads and severe cold, few were able to attend from a dis- tance, thus there was only a small aud- ience. Ohas. Blecitert's auction sale on Tuve• day was well attended and everything offered was sold to good advantage. Out- siders also availed themselves of the op• porbunity of selling stook. The general reason for selling being a scarcity of feed.. V. S. Scott was the auctioneer. 111E a'vn Mise Frazer, of Stratford, has been visiting her fatherf•'tre for the past few weeks. John H. Hodge has leased the 60 acre farm of kiss Minnie Campbell for the ensuing year. Mies Eliza Gimblett, of Mount forest, spent laat tweak with Mrs. Annett, her sister, and her brother John. Miss Annie Cogblin, of Atwood, was the guest of her aunt and grandfather, Mies and Mr. Campbell last week. The Methodiete of Ilenfryn purpose bolding a tea meeting towards the end of this month. Particulars later. Hiram Crowell and eon, of Harriston, are apendiug a few days nth the former's mother, Mre. T. Shannon. Miss Martha Engler, daughter of John Engler, 10th non., Grey, was united in wedlock on Thuredaytlorenoon, 6th inst., to a Holmeeville gentleman. The brides- maid was Mies 0. Engler, and the best man was Carl 'angler, sister and brother of the bride. 'The young couple left on the noon train at Heofryn for an extend- ed wedding trip East. The happy twain carry with them the best wishes of their friends for their future prosperity. iBe'1n•ravaa. CONDOLENCE.—Belgrave L. 0. L., No. 462, at its regular ,meeting, passed the following resolution : To Mfrs. William A c(7ill : DEAR Menu,—On behalf of the-olfioers and members of L. 0. L., No. 462, Bel• grave, we beg to tender you our warmest and heartfelt sympathy in the affliction through wbioh you have recently passed in the removal by death, of your af- fectionate husband, for some years master pt this lodge, and for nineteen years county 'treasurer. You have in- deed lost a kind partner, and our lodge a reepeoted member ; and while it has pleased Almighty God in His divine wisdom to call him home from his sphere of usefulness here, doubtless reusing many a heartache to his loved one, yet WG must humbly submit to the will of Him that death all things well, believing that He who bath promised to be the widow's friend and a father to the father - lose will still proteot and comfort you in this your hour of trial. Again assuring you of our sincere regards, we remain very respectfully your friends. Signed on behalf of the lodge Wrl.Lfhnr JOHNSTON, W. M. LANCELOT NETHEBY, P. C. M. ROBERT MoMunnAr,P. M. RICHARD LEtsunraN, D. M. i 1f a Willop. Wm, Haokwell and Mies 'Bella are away on a protraoted_visit to friends in Palmerston. Arthur Leybourne, who was visiting friends around here for about 10 days, has gone borne. Ino. MoPherson has purchased a hi• oyole from John Howlett. Does Jack propose to go an the traok next Sum• mer ? If the boys do as they have said there will be a good few ride wheels this year. At the residence of Anthony Boyd, on Wednesday of last week, Rev. - W. M. Pomeroy, of Walton, tied the matrimoni- al knot between Edward Godkin, of Drayton, North Dakota, and Miss Dorothy Boyd. cThey will leave shortly for their Western home, beginning mar- ried life with the hearty good wishes of a large oirola of friends, SanooL REPORT.—The following is the standing of pupils in S. 5, No. 9, Math. lop, based on proficiency, regularity of attendance and good oonduot, for the month of January :—So. 4th—Aggie Wiltsio, Maud Davidson, Ephraim Deo. niS; Jr.4t11—Maggie Davidson, Walter Davidson, Zebula Forbes, Etta Petrie ; Sr. 3rd—Manetta Forbes, Janet Ida Davidson, olara Crawford, Maggie Ross Jr. 3rd—Rose Smith, Thos. Haokwell, Aggie Oatnpboll, Sylvester Stitt ; 2nd olass—Emerson Dennis, Harvey Young, Annie Belle , Petrie, ethane Hellom Part 2nd—•Ilarvey Wilbsie, David Hall, Lloyd Dennie, Addis Hall ; 1st class— Milton Young, Thos, Leeming. Juo. Ree, Teacher, 11. e sra zwv4ac w r aaarnats Chas, Cuss hoe beau engaged to do the frame work of Mr, iiae'a barn. Wm. Somers has the etpne week, Two better men 00011 not easily be seoufod, Soleman J. Shannon, treasurer for iifp• Xillop for a number of pare, has tient inom his resignation on aoeit of failing health, and he considered the time and treubls worth mere than ,the remunet ation, On Thursday, Oth lost„ a large number of Invited guests spent the evening at J. J, Irvine'a, Mrs. Irvine had everything prspared•for their repeptipn in a manner that suited all present. About 8 in the morning all left for homefeeling w e ll sari 0 d with tenieht out' wsItinsMr, and Mrs,Irvinmany happy day. iu their new reeidpnee, a•J 171eI.' Tire Pos'r gives the news, 4olde and sere throats are very Dam• mon just now. 11, F. 1VfnAllister received a carload of sugar this week, Mrs. Wm, McAllister, of Berlin, spent a part of last week in this village. P. and Mrs, Tysrman, of Ripley, have movedinto the house lately vacated by John McAllem, A platform has been raised in the Presbyterian church for the accommoda. tion of the choir. Rev. A. X. Griffin, of Brasses%s, will %ddre,e a meeting here in the interests of the Upper Canada, Billie Soolety short- ly. S. Xleineohroth has moved into a house on Imlay street. He will now be better prepared to attend to the cleaning and oiling of baruese. Ths cont,aot for Wrn. Ball's now reed - dense has been let to It. G. Wilson, of Brush's. A. McDonald will do the mason work. It will be a brink veneer.. Thos. Siemmon hae•awarded the non• treat for his new brick residence to R. G. Wilson, of Brueeele. The- work will be pushed along as soon as the Spring sensou opens. TtXo10 worth. Dome Rumor reports a wedding in the village next week. dirt. G. Spenoe is visiting for father, Mr. Irwin, of Wingham. Mrs. Lynn, of Gowanstown, is visiting her daughter, airs. H. R. Spence. C. Bonnet has returned from Wing- ham, where he was visiting his sister. Miss M. Anderson, milliner, of Ford- %viols, returned to her home on Saturday. Mrs. Jas ,Menzies is quite ill at pres. rant, butewe hope scam to see her around again. D. H. Campbell, who was reported as. oidentally hurt, is able to .be around again, A. M. Patterson, merchant, a000mpani- ed by his mother, was visiting friends in the vicinity of Blyth last week. We are sorry to say that the engine need in the chopping mil' bas given out and the mill is closed. Someone should take hold of it. - This week we have to report the std nava of the death of Mrs. Ridley, of the 4th con. of Grey, who passed away after a lingering illness of several years. Much sympathy is felt for the bereaysd husband and children. 1510 k Morris township will get about 8600 clear out of the law suit with the County when all the costs—which amount up to thousands—are paid. Council met last Monday and transact- ed oonsidorable business. The year's printing was awarded to the Brussels Herald for $31.50 as against $90.00 last year to the same office. Contracts for two new bridges and the appointment of pathmasters will be made at the next meeting to be held on Marsh 0th. HYn1ENEAL.—Thr residence of Richard Sanderson, Hallett, was the scene of a joyous gathering on Wednesday, 12th inst., when about 130 guests assembled to witness the marriage ceremony of the boat's fair daughter, Miss Lizzie, to Albert Howlett, a well-known young man of the 7th line, Morris. The nuptial bow was tied by Rev. Geo. Buggin, of Blyth, at 4 p. m Miss Reid was the bridesmaid and Richard Sanderson the groomsman. The ladies wore very be- coming costumes of brown silk trimmed with satin. An elegant slipper was par- taken of and a very pleasant evening enjoyed by all. The wedding gifts be- spoke the popularity of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Howlett will begin housekeeping on their own account with the good wishes of a large circle of relatives and friends. Mr, Howlett sr., purposes removing to Brussels where he has purchased a fine residence on Queen street. . Toweeuir Or MOanrs ve. 0om fro o8 HURON.—Judgment on appeal by defend• ante from judgment of Meredith, C.J. (20 0 I. 680), in favor of plaintiffs hold- ing them entitled to reoovsr from defend- ant 40 per cent. of the amount expended by them in the maiutenanoe of certain of their bridges, up to the day on which the act 57 Via. oh. 50, sec. 14, took effect, founded on an award, and holding that the caving provisions of seo. 14 of the municipal amendment act, 57 Vic. oh. 50, do not operate so as by implication nec• eesary to exclude the applioation of the interpretation ant, R.S.O. oh. 1, sec. 8, sub -sec. 43, and that the plaintiff's were, notwithetandiug.the repeal of see. 533a of the consolidated municipal act, 1802, by seo.1.4 of 57 Vis., oh. 60, entitled to recover the amount expended up to the date of the passing of the latter aot ; eross•appeal by plaintiff's front the same judgment seeking to reoovsr the full amount awarded- Held, that the right of aetion.whioh the plaintiffs had against defendants by virtue of sub-seo. 3 of see. 6838. at the time of the coming into force of seo.14 was nob thereby affected. It was contended that this was the case of en "arbitration pending" within the meaning of ego. 14 by reason of an appeal from the award which was pending at the time the section came into Lorne, Held, that when the award was made, the arbitration ceased to be pentlinit, the arbitrators being fuuoti officio, It was also contended bbab, as set. 14 provided that such repeal ebottld nob affect any °entreat or agreement theretofore made, it was intended to effsot an award there - torero made. Habitthatupon the fair reading of seo. 14 with seo. 8, sub -secs, 40 and 48, of the interpretation act, the right of notion of plaintiffs was not at, footed or the award done away with, for plaintiffs' right of notion was really grounded upon subsea. 3 of sea. 688a, although the award Was a necessary inoidenb to the existence of such right of action. Judgment for plaintiffs against defendants for 40 per cent. of the wet of the oonstruation and maintenance of the Jss brldgsg menblpned inthe aweed, paid or agreed to he paid by plaintiffs prior to May Alt, 0804, sad oommenein8with an rl ineleding .the time from the Manitowoc meat bf the year 1800 to that date, with a rsferenoe to csoerbain the amount, No 50505 Of appeal sr sroea.appeal, Ayiea- worth, Q. 0„ for plaintiffs, Gartow, Q. 0., for defendaotg, Thum: A OENn'AItLtN.--Obarlee Davis died at the residsnne of his von ,Tobe, Oh line, on Tuesday afternoon of this Week, after a brief illneet paving attain - 04 the patriarchal age of 02 years, 0. Months and '2 weeks, He was born. in. Belfast, Ireland, and oame to Canada al with hie w8 areola when months old, lw t l locating in the Bay. of Quinbe sen - tion and afterward moving to Co Via. poria where deceased lived for about 35 years, The old couple same to Morrie Mat Fall. Mrs, Davis, who survives liar husband, end is now about 78 years of age, was a Mies Dorinda Donahus, 01 Belleville, and.their married life extend. ed over 57 years, Three daughters (Mrs, Cheater, of Campbellford ; ;Mrs. (Rev.) Butler, of Washington Territory ; and one deceased) and '7 sons-(pavid, of Grand Rapids, Mioh. ; George, of Vir• ginja ; Robert, Wit heard of in Chloe• go ; William, of Toronto; John, of. Mor- rie township, and 2 deceased) ware born to them. Mr; Davis was a hearty, able. bodied man; 0 feet 2 inoties in height, and weighing over 200 pounds, The canes of his, death iu addition to extreme old age, was an attack of diarrhoea. Be was not confined to bed until lashFriday. The funeral took plaae on Thursday afternoon, Rev. A. X. Griffin oonduoting the service. Mrs, Davis and other mem• here of the family are deeply sympathized with. W Ltrti M►a m. John Hanna is in Toronto. The oper. ation of removing a cataract from his eye was [succeed ul. La grippe is on its annual rampage, and many Winghamitee are fueling them- gelves iu lbs clutches, The total number on roll of our public school is 455 and the average 308. There are eight departments. Mr. Fessant, of the firm of Button & Fessant, is around again after the in- juries received in the factory. Mrs. (Dr.) Horsey and her daughter, Miss Amy, left for Toronto on Thursday of last week where they will reside until Spring. The Barrie Examiner announces the death of Dr. Armstrong, of that town. Tee Doctor was an uncle to Principal Mnegrove. W, F. Brookenehire, Grand (Thief Templar of the T. 0. G. T, was in Rip. ley last week where be re -organized a lodge with a fair membership. At the Quarterly Oficial Board busi- ness meeting of the Methodist church an invitation was extended to the pastor, Rev. Dr. Gifford, to remain in the pastor. ate for a third year. Button & Fessant continue to do a rushing business iu logs, over 1,000,000 feet of maple having been placed in their yards, and up to let. let theyhad paid out over $6,000 for logs. IN rat creel. Don't forget the concert hers on Friday evening, 28th inst. The funeral of the late G. Crozier, who died in Dakota of pneumouia, passed through here on Tuesday from his moth- er's residence in MalIillop to Brussels cemetery. There ie to be a parlor social at 'Mr, Smillie'e on Friday evening. Tea will be served and a program rendered. A collection will be taken up in aid of the S: S. library of Doffs church. SatiooL CoNOEBT.--A concert will be held is the sohool house, Walton, on Friday, Feb. 28th. The following will be the program :—Chairman's address, H. Allen ; instrumental, Mise E. Ryan ; recitation, T. MnFadzean ; instrumental on violins, Best Bros. ; song, Misa Bar- rie ; dialogue, "A Ono of Tea" ; song, G. L. Mousy ; iustrumeatal quartette, Misses and Mr. Ritobie ; song and dance, W. Grimoldby ; dialogue, "Leap year in the Village" ; instrumental on mouth organs, Messrs, Shobrook & Morrison ; reading, Mr. Stewart ; 'meg, G. L. Money; instrumental, Yirkby family; song, Mrs. T. Jones.; dialogue, ''Profes- sor and Pupil" ; insbrumeutal on violins, Watt Bros. ; song, G. L. Money ; reci- tation, Miss Barrie ; instrumental. • quar- tette, Misses and Mr. Ritchie ; song, Vera McDonald ; dialogue, t'/ay to Windham" ; instrumental, Best Bros.'; song, G. L. Money ; instrumental, Watt Bros. ; tableau, .The snow birds" ; God Save the Queen."' Doors open at 7 p. m., concert to commence at 7:80. G.rev. Miss Lottie Hill was away last week at Seaforth assisting in -a concert. ivliss Maggie McNair has returned from visitiug friends tn McKillop, Miss Edmunds, of Hawkesville, who %vas visitiug her sister, Mrs. Fowler, has returned home. Peter MoNabb, one of the popular young men of the 14th con., has gone to work in Hallett township. He expects to be away for nine mouths. Mise Emyline MaQearrie is visiting her brother, who ie attending the Ools isolate Institute in Clinton, on her way to Detroit, where she will rename her posi- t bion as stenographer. J. J. Coates and family will remove to Shoshone, Idaho, where Mr. Coates has a situation ori a large sheep ranch. Owing to their removal they will dispose of their household furniture ou • Saturday afternoon of this weep. STILL LotEn.--1leeere. Harvie & Me- Lauohlin, proprietors of the Brussels cheese factory, have decided to make cheese tide year at 2 cents pec pound as against 2}o, in 1895. They have nearly completed their canvas and expect a big make ducting the coming season. Wm. Blake has purchased the 50 more farm from Jolla kfitobsll, being S - lot 8, onn. 13. The priori paid was 81,7000, It is a good farm but will require some fix, ing up. There is no house but a good bank barn. 1MIr. Mitchell still owns 60 sores in this township on which he re - aides. ANwIVEnsAnc.—The anniversary servi- ces of Bethel Methodist °hutch, 16th oon„ will be held on Sabbath next, when Bev. W. Baugh, of Auburn, will preach at 10:30 a. m., and 0;80 and 8:50 p. m, One sermon may be preached by Rev. R. J. Hooking, of Nissodri. Collection at moll service. Monday evening the an. neal tea•.tneeting will be hold, Addressee by Revds, Messrs. Baugh, Hocking, Henderson Arid the resident ministers. Good monde will he provided. • u POST onderful How we Doit, but we Do RIP ! HIPI B U.RRAE ! One, Two, Three, Bang .g AWAY SHE GOES Siarls oil Salonliir 1111111111 22nd, 110 A.3. Davis Fa GHIP tTDoITaOmcGow an & Co.. .:. ., .,Rememb.er at a LOW Rate on the Dollar, All Goods must go, Heavy Winter Goods at Once and at Prices that will please you all. Bargains, Bargains, s B y g Bargains, For every one. This stook has been closely bought, carefully selected and well kept, $9000 Amou :, ti. g 900 And in addition we are placing in a choice lot of NEW GOODS, A chance of a life time awaits you. Come and see us, we try always to be happy and courteous. No trouble for us to Show Goods, we LIKE WORD. Give us a Call—all are Welcome. Tell us your Name —There is Power in a Name. If you trade with us yca will be Happy—Mind that. More to fol- low. Special Cut all along the line, but in Men's, Youths' and Boys' Over- coats and Suits we will put the knife in deep. Also Ladies Mantles. Our Clothing and Zilanties are new, crisp and clean. GARFIELD BLOCK, BRUSSELS. ,A.L tiKAYS THE CHEAPEST. Cle rin -,: is ! LI a Stock Taking is at hand. Finding out how rich or how poor we are. Making up the record of the year, Thes4 are the days when forgotten things come to light, cleaning up odds and ends, selling at a loss things we don't want to carry into next year. The extreme mild weather has left us with ample stocks of all goods that belong to Winter and the result is exceptionally Low Prices. It is going to be much colder and the prices we quote should turn your attention to such lines as these :- 2 pieces Fancy Dress Tweed, regular price GOe., Stock Taking price 40e. 3 pieces Fancy Dress Tweed, regular price 35c., Stock Taking price 25c. 10 pieces Plain Serge Dress Goods, sold elsewhere at 25e., our price 20c. 1 piece Black Nigger Head Mantling, regular price $1,85, Stock Taking price $1,00. 4 pieces Fine Beaver Mantling, the kind we sold at $1.25, our Stock Taking price $1.00. 15 pieces 32 inch Heavy Flannelette, the kind you pay 10c. for elsewbere,•our price is Sc. 1 piece 56 inch Satin Damask Table Linen, worth regular 350., our Stock Taking price 25 4 pieces Golf Cloth, regular price $1.25, Clearing price $1.00. 2 dozen Men's pure wool Shirts and Drawers, usually sold at•GOe., Stock Taking price 40 1 dozen only 1l.Ion's pure wool Cardigan Jackets, worth 85c.. clearing at 55c. 2 dozen Ladies' Wool Vests, the kind we have been selling at 75c., Stock Taking 11'ice 55c 10 Snit Lengths Scotch Tweed worth regular $1.50, clearing price $1.00 --All this soasoli's 1 Ladies' Astrachan Coat, regular price $33.00, Stock Taking price 827.50. • All Furs in Stock Reduced 213 per cent. 10 only Ladies' Gernlan Made Mantles at the following Reductions : $5.00 for $3.75 ; $8,,25 for $4.50 ; $S.00 for $5.75 ; $10.00 for $7.85. c. 0. goods. NEW PRINTS TO HAND. FERGUSON & H IDAY