HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-2-21, Page 3I'm 21, 1890
Town Zhrootory.
Neiman cutiseir,.--tiabbaitlt Servioes
at 11 a m and 7:00,p,m, Sunday School
at 2;30 p zn.. Bev, ;An Noes. B A,
fix, ,Tom's Onelnolz,—Sabbath Services
at 11 a In and 7 p m, Sunday Sohoal
et 2:80 p, M. Rev, A. K. Griffin, Mown
MNmnonze'r Ouuzlou„—Sabbath Services
at 10:80 a m and 7:00 p m. Sunday
School at 2:80 p rn. Rev, G. H. Cobble.
digit, 11 A, 13 Ei, pastor.
Roman ammo C: u1QR,--,-sabbath
Service third Sunday in every month, .at
10;80 a m. Bev Joeeph Kennedy,
Senve'rzou Antra—Service at 7 and 11
a m and 8 and B p m on Sunday and
every evening in the weak at 8 O'olook, at
the barracks.
ODD FNLLowe' Lonazt every Thursday
evening, in Graham'e•bloek.
MASONro Lonol1 Tuesday at or before
full moon, in Garfield blook.
A 0 U W I+ooau on, the 3rd
Friday evening of each month, in Blae•
bill's block.
0 0 F Lonna 2nd and last Monday
evenings of emelt month, in Blaehill's
I 0 F, 2nd and' last Friday in Odd
Fellows' Hall. •
L 0 L let Hondas in every month
in Orange Hall.
Sons of SooTLANo, let and 8rd Tues-
days of each month, in Odd Fellows'
K. 0. T. M. Lonna, 2nd and 4th Tues.
daye of eaeh month, is Odd Fellow's Hall.
Aceta Canaria, 2nd and 4bh Friday even.
Inge in Hlaehill'e Hall.
Porro Clinton,—Office hours from 8 a.
m. to 8:80 p. m.
Mno1ANms' Insxzmutra.—Library in
Holmes' blook, will be open from 6 to 8
o'clock p. m. Wednesdays and 8:80 to 5
and 6 to 8 Saturdays. Mise Minnie Alm,
Naughton, Librarian.:
Town Contorn.—W. H. Kerr, Reeve
Geo, Banker, Robert Graham, B. Lea-
tberdale and R. G. Wilson, Councillors ;
F. S. Scott, Clerk ; Thomas Selly,
Treasurer ; D. Stewart, Aeseseor and J.
T. Rose, Oolleotor. Board meets the let
Monday in eaeh month.
Samoa BOARD.—Rev. Bose, (chairman,)
D, 0. Roes, Dr. Graham, A. Reid, A.
Koenig and H. Dennie ; . Sem-Treas.,
Ross. Meetings 2nd Friday evening
in each month.
Planta SOnooL TEAoOans.—J'. H. Clam.
eron, Principal, Min Linton; Mise
Downey and Mies Bitable.
BOARD OR Hztwmn.—Reeve Kerr, Clerk
Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and J. N.
Kendall Dr. McNaughton, Medical
Health Officer.
Dear old saint our fathers worshipped,
Whom wo disregard of late,
You forget that times are changing,
Bows and arrows out of date.
Your poor emissary, Cupid,
Hae' to travel on the wing ;
\Vhy not give him a bicycle,
Tricycle or some such thing.
Why not get him a revolver,
Rifle or a getting gun ?
With these latter.day improvements
There would be just twine the fun.
Is it that our hearts are smaller
That he misses oft the spot ?
In these days the mighty dollar
Seems to be a better shot.
Well, Farmer Smith has lost his wheat,
hie diode and mammoth barn ;
Hie little, boy with ono small match,
burntup the whole concern ;
I tell you wife, he'll feel it sore, a man
on money bent,
Can't stand up under snob a load, when
not insured a cent.
I don't know as I pity him ; I call it a
great sin
To board the harvest of three years in
spacious barn and bin,
I can't feel pity for a mac who double
Tooke hie door,
And stop. hie sere to all the cries that.
come up from the poor.
I like to see economy, I like to see men
And lay up something for their kin
when they. are iu the grave,
But you and I know very well, from what
we bothbave seen,
There'18 a line which when 'tie crossed,
a man gets to be mean. ,
When wheat was sixteen shillings, a price.
that paid tut well,
Smith salt,, "I'11 wait for twenty, I vow,
before I'll sell,"
Then, when it reached that figure, he
said to me' one noon, "Lost, a collie dog by a man on Satur•
"I guess I'll hold it longer, twill be three day answering to Jim with a brass collar
dollars soon."round his neck and a muzzle."
God hies, the farmare of Orland 1 They
are not all like him,
Who walke around that emoulitering pile
POW in the twilight dim ;
Living on God'a bread aoroe, their souls
expend and grow,
Their sate are ever open to tales oR want
and woe.
God blase the mon, wbere'er ,they be in
country 9C in telYne
Who do not think A life's, great work to
orgwd their neighbgr'e down ;
Tbie world would be the better, thin lire
would pleasure give
If every man who bolls no ;Iva would let
his brother live,
We are building every day
In a good or evil way,
And the etruoture es it grows,
Will, our inmost self dieoloee-.,
Till in every arch and line
All odr Faults and Falange shine ;
it may grow a matte grand,
Or a wreak upon the sand,'
Do you oak, what 'building thle,
That can show both pain and bliss,
That eon show both dark and fair ?
Lo 1 its name is character:
Build ft well, whste'er you do ;
Build it straight, and strong, and
Build it olean, and high, and broad ;
Build it for the eye of God,
,A girl should learn to make a bed,
To bake good biscuit, cake and bread ;
To handle deftly brush and broom,
And neatly tidy up a room.
A girl should learn'to darn and mend ;
To care the sick, the baby tend ;
To have enough of style and taste
To trim a hat or fit a waist.
A girl should learn to value time ,'
A picture hang, a ladder climb ;
And not to almost raise the house
At sight of a little harmless mouse.
A girl should learn to dress with speed,
To hold tieht.laoing'gainst her creed
To boy her shoes to fit her feet,
In fact, above all vain deceit.
A girl should learn to keep her word,
To spread no further gossip heard,
Home and abroad to be at ease,
And try her best to cheer and please.
A girl should learn to sympathize,
To be rel)¢nt, strong and wise ;
To every Patient gentle be
Aud always` truly womanly.
A girl should learn to fondly hold
True worth of value more tban gold ;
Accomplished thus, with bender mein,
Reign, crowned with love, home's cher-
ished queen.
AMER neat \'{ EIN,REnu,hi'E7n CHILLI.
I6 -N.
Be prompt at every meal honr.
Shut every door after you, and without
slamming it.
Let your first, last and only oonfident
be your mother.
Don't make a practice of shouting,
jumping or running in the house.
Carefully Olean the mud or snow off
your boots before entering the house.
Never interrupt any conversation, but
wait patiently your turn to speak,
Tell of your own faults end misdoings,
not those of your brothers and sisters.
Never sit down at the table or in the'
sitting room with dirty hands or tumbled
Never reserve year good manners for
company; but be equally polite at home
and abroad. "
Always speak kindly and politely .to
everybody,; if you would have them do
the same to you,
When told to do or not to do a thing by
either parent, never ask why you should
or should not do it.
Nevercall to persons upstairs or in the
next room ;`if you wish to speak to them
go quietly to where they are.
Curiously worded advertisements, which
are fenny without intent, are common in
the London papers, it would seem. An
English periodical offered a price the
other day for the best collection of snob
announcements, and the following is the
result :
"Annual sale now on. Don't go else.
where to be cheated—oome in here."
"A lady wants to sell her piano, as she
1e going abroad, in a strong, iron frame."
• "Wanted, experienced nurse for bottled
!Furnished apartments suitable for
gentleman with folding doors."
"Wanted, a room by two gentlemen
about thirty feat long and twenty feet
He held it, and he ran in debt for thin"Wanted, by a respectable girl, lien pas -
to wear and eat, ge Sega to New York ; willing to take caro
of children and a gond sailor."
When meroltante dunned him he would "Reepedtable widow wants washing fur
say, "Wait till I sell my wheat," Tuesday." -
Soon that old tune got fiddled out, and "For Bale—A pianoforte, the property
men began to sue, of a =shim with carved lege," '
And he began to borrow to pay amounts "Mr. Brown, furrier, beg'. to annouooe
long duo, ]bat he will makeup gowns, anpes, etc.,
When Smith •goes off to boy a thing he for ladies Ont of their awn akin."
spins around the town, A boy wanted who can Open oysters
And tries with all his might and main with reference."
the price to banter down, Bulldog for sale ; will eat anything ;
When he has anything to sell 'tie pricevery fond of children:'
less in his eyes, Wanted—An organist, and a boy to
And he must have the highest mark— blow the same."
the lowest when he buys. Wanted—A boy to be partly outside
and partly behind the oounter,"
"Live and let live" are golden words, this •
other 00110, too— Much of lifo'e misery is due to indigast-
"Do unto othere as you'd wish that they ion dor who can be happy with a pain
would do to you," in his stomach. As a corrective and
If Smith had done as they oomtnand, he strengthener of the ailmentary organs,.
would not have, to -day, Ayer', Pills are invaluable, their use be -
The ashes of three harvests to load and ing alwltys attended with marked benefit.
draw away. OAIannAII nn00avxn iv 10 To 00 atzvuTtte,—'
One short puff of the breath through the,
Wife if you take a berry and dry it in );dower, supplied with each bottleof Da.
the sun, Agnew's Oatarrah Powder, diffuses this
'Twill shrivel up till it takes two to make Powder over the surface of the nasal
the size of one, passagee., Painless and delightful to
So Inay a man graspinggrain so shrivel nee, it.relieves instantly, and permanent=
• up bio eoul, ly' cures Oatarrah, Hay Fever, Clnlds
That it will near expand again while
life's yearso'er him roll.
Headaoh e, Sore Throat, Tonsillitis and
Deafness 60 cents at tJ. A. Deadman'., ]SLAOKsMiTB, BRUSSELS.
They WOO tell $hue0Ia1 evs,
Sir Oloudesly Shovel, the ngted Boll"
hell admiral,
Ebenezer Sibley, English Fhyeietan
anti astrologer,
X ebert Morrison, English inieeienary
and orientaliet,
William Sturgeon, Euglieh electrician
and inventor,
George Fox, Englieh founder of the
Sooiety of Friends,
Hope Sacha, Gorman poet; J'aooti
Bohme, Germap myetlo,
James Woodhouse, 1 OOIIeb bookseller'
and miner poet, .
John Partridge, English astrologer and
J0obert Bloomfield, the woll.itnown
Dogfish pastoral poet.
Anthony Purver, English linguist end
Biblical translator,
Samuel Bradburn; Euglieh Wesleyan
Mebhodiet preaoher.
Henry Won, eighteenth aloe Preei•
dent of the United States.
Monoah Sibley, English orientalist and
Swedenborgian preacher.
Francesco Brizzi, Italian painter ;
Ludolf De Jong, 1!lemieh painter.
Noah Webster, lexicographer, and Sohn
Greenleaf Whittier, poet,
John Pounds, P;nglieb pbilauthropiet
and founder of ragged schools.
William Gifford, English journalist and
oritic, editor of Quarterly Review.
Rodger Sherman, statesman and ono of
the signers of the Declaration of Indepen-
James Laokinglon, English bookseller
and author of "Autobiography and Con.
fees; ions."
A lover, don't be too fond.
A husband, don't be miserly, nor . flirt
with liberty.
A. wife, don't be extravagaob, nor too
exacting, nor unkindly censorious.
„A mother, don't be too lenient.
A father, don't be too harsh,
A eon or daughter, don't be ashamed of
your parentage.
A pastor, don't be loo dighified, nor
too coldly reserved.
A church member, don't be'hypooritioal
081118 pulpib,
An1 employer, don't be 'afraid of over-
An employee, don't be afraid of over.
A dressmaker, don't delay your work.
A customer, don't delay your pay.
Asa salesman, dou'b overrate your
As a purchaser, don't underrate your
As a friend, don't be captious.
Ae a foe, don'tbe unmerciful -
A. a louder, be patient ; if a borrower,
be prompt.
If you are smart, don't be vain ; if
dull, don't talk inaeesantty.
If pour, don't be envious or suspicious ;
if rich, don't be heartless.
As a giver, don't parade ; as a recip-
ient, don't' be ungrateful.
As a teaouyr, avoid indifference ; if a
pupil, be obedient.
If a oritio, don't be unjust.
If anything, don't be hypocritical.
Bloats front the BMWs ]fora.
The Jews probably learned to drive
sharp bargains by first trying to do the
same thing with God.
Some preaohere are afraid to open the
Bible very wide for fear they will have to
die in the poor hoose.
The preaoher should pray that every
time be opens the Old Book in the pulpit
somebody will find it now.
Every church has just as many con-
versions in it as the spiritual condition
of its members will allow.
Anybody can talk about religion in au
entertaining way, but only those who
have it can make othere want it.
How many people there an who would
be splendid Christiane if God would al-,
ways keep them in a bight place.
It is the office of the Holy Spirit to
convince of sin,- but it is the preacher's
business to keep his ohurob awake.
Whenever the devil is called by hie
right name in church,some man on the
front seat altvaye gets his feelings hart.
Itis safe for the devil to sleep when he
goes to obaroh and sees that the preach-
ing is not keeping anybody awake.
There is mill a good deal of religion in
the world that consists in putting the
big eoand apples on the top of the basket,
Tbe-preaching that is not with author-
ity may tickle the ear, but it will not
strike deep enough to reach the heart.
Christ always reached to the sinners
that were in the house, uo matter whetb•
er they were rulers of the eynagogue or
The minister who would awaken his
people to their eternal good must open
the Bible wide enough to show them
what is in it.
The undereigned wishes bo intimate to
the public generally that he has,
leased tho
Blacksmith Shop
From Nr. 11no Wynn, Brussels,
and is now prepared to attend to Black-
smith work in all its branches in a
Workmanlike manner.
First-olass Horse Shoer '
Having worked in a number of
largo shops iif both the United States
and Canada.
The Public Invited to give mo a
call. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Prices to snit the times.
George Trimble,
',iasmac ,tgq
Isedeetlo pun psaq
sal.toin e.si,Id.lns esnotr
0t1} dnof o 0110 A4040 JOA
SO( 1004,8E
.F0J 150
t �-- peg sl espdos
SJt13o1a 311011116\ pee
' 380;0061s '1sa11?810 ,10;]'
)1aoAt dsOS p1113 >/,,��aualb ao,
SHU 6 i11
301 /1.50g
System P®novator
-AND 914B21—
For Impure, Weak and impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate -
tion of the Heart, Liver. Complaint, Neur-
elgia, Lose of ldeinory, Broachible, Con.
eumpbion, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney•
and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Doom,
Female Irregularities and General De.
3'. M. MoLFOD,
Prop. and Manufaoturer.
Sold by JAMES FOX,
Dru gistBrussels.
'•-a-....ao..a m0 -- —
Feather'bone Skirt Bone
Style and Shape
Ladies' Dresses,
A light, pliable, elastic bone made
from quills. It is soft and yielding,
conforming readily to folds, yet giving
proper shape to Skirt or Dress,
The only Skirt Boue that .may be
web without injury.
Toe Celebraled Fegtherbone'cor-
sets are corded -mot this ltlateiial.
10-21 For sale by leading Dry Goods Dealers.
a !''r., 09
I have a fine, new and
Well selected stock of
Certain In its 8000ts and never blisters.
Read proofs 0010,':
nDT t{os 5.8 Carman bo. 13ondoreon Oar/11,801.24, lit'eem lea
Dear Sirs -Please beaae 9504 me one 08 7001' Horse
nook, and oblige, i havonsed ogre" 4001001our
suchll s apavm Ours with8004000000011112
weode1fel 0511011]8, I one 1104 0 mala that has
pn Oeenbt Fpovl,, and ave bootee cured her. 1
10505 n Oottlo 0n hand all Olio tbne,
Yourstrul7, 0000. Powarm.
Dr, D, 7. I{nrr. co. a..., Mo,, Apr, 8,'o2.
Dear Sire.../ have used severalbattles of 7010'
'8ondall'e spavin Ouro"with numb success. ./
think It the best Liniment 8 ever used. %ram re-
t,avrr o,le Onre, tone Blood spavh, cud kaki
wO Reno 8 d
pn •Inename M, uolA pIoaoo it to
I e„-ara10Y my YHende who aro macs ploesod with
1 ondkoop it. n5apeotruN ,
`{ s. n ivtAr, P. O. noesis,
For Sale by all Droplets, or address
8NOSBU RON 8811.8, VT. 00171P
.0, Zofar,
/ 9 Pec$ res .
• , ',ted a severe cold, which settled
aengdneI tdoid iw. aItthis nccftondd
,tui fou, on
examining me, that
the timerp'a't of the left lung wile badly
1,1.'a ;e i The m„dlcines be gave me did not
eloin to do any good, and 1 determined to
S,?, , s Cherry Pectoral, !After taking a
^A.il„epa my trouble was relieved, and lai-
r ' f 111u1 finished the bottle 1 was cured."
1 ti LAu, watchmaker, Oraugevllle, Out.
A -.ti's Cherry Pectoral
I`:it nest A_wesda at World's 3'siz-
v ow0
A0s 3'ii?s aeaon ifntafgost'imas.
British Colombia
lied Cellae' Shingles
Nor tit
NorLit Shore
Pule and Cedar'
Brussels Planing Mills
Also Doors and Sash of all Pat
terns on hand or made to order
at Short Notice.
Estimates Furnished for all
kinds of Buildinge. Workman-
ship and Material Guaranteed.
Morse Blankets,
Light and Heavy Har-
ness, Collars, 860,
Trunks and Bags
at Low Prices,
Incest 000ra000 Tea ABORT,
101881.410 FOUR 000000.
040095 Corsa all Nervm o Dl�o. Or, aErrVe
a0,0,traT80e gHomer!',te.,cay 8001,10,, COOrma- •
given oo, or Mai 08, etc., ea8004 by 0001 ober,/ •
quick vigor and Olde 10 ehreakon 00100, ami '-
qamtay but Onrelrrearo_-en 0055oL000iooh 10 000
0r 70008. Una $aaob'i and yen wlil cru-' 001308
ov 1,a5py aaaln. aunt by m is ht 01110 m 500100
cad Oeonraly scaled irom obserranon Eoci;y
carried fn vest po5§e. PrerO, at a 0aufc,8e, 010
for $t, aced money to either 0418 or 0801'lOWr• _;
ed lotto.
r co eTOolr, 001 Addrose WI lettere ago.]. 000 111 0 310: '1
mlelon of Oanada
awed' man
o1: TOO; f �'
Any Amount of lifoney to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
6 c Per Cent., 37etnly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying Nthen required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brussels.
12 dozen new School
Scribblers to hand.
Only 5 cents each.
A Bankrupt Stook of
Photo, Albums that will be sold at a
Low Price.
Writing Pads from bo, up,
Stafford's Celebrated Inks,
SGllool Books au Supplies.
Special Values m Bibles,
Shaving Seto, Comb and Brush Cases and
Writing Desks at cost to clear out stock.
Winter Gaines, CIZi,Tdrert's Building
and tIllphab.et Blocks.
Boy's Velocipede at a Bargain.
Only a few Hand -sleighs left and they will
be sold at Cost to clear.