The Brussels Post, 1896-2-14, Page 8A PQo1 •PAN*•• '1'bo alum frame le tea wide, Tills frame does not sot prop erly on the 11000 Why do gentlemen employ abettor to make their elotiims or iodine a dressmaker? Is it not that theiy shall have them At properly 1 perehaneeytllet/llavP esta no beernl�edioatnrul that way, There is a grimedtnorenae aside tram the looks ieg spectacle, A ill-fitting note properly fitted (wo won't say mutating about dresses now) will net likely weaken any particular newels or organ of the body, whereas a epo0- taale that is too wide or too Rarrow,ton high or too low, does do this, We are not only careful to supply Me pBroper .glass but we all- se meas r5 the heightandof kerma required and 009513, g Y, Deadman & McCall, Opbioians, Druggiete, &o. SHAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. 6. & R. Trains leave Brussels Station, Forth and South, as follo,vs: Gorse Sown. GOING-NoUgn. Mail 6:50 eau, 'Mixed -0:45 a,m. express 1100 a.m. Mall 8:18 p,m, limed......,.. 000 p.m. Express 0:40 p.m. local News l'R n 4 L chiel's among ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. To it's news you're after you should take TRE Pose. Bananas School Board will meet this {Friday) evening. THE Irwin stook will be offered for sale next Wednesday at Toronto. A LaIIGE number have renewed their subeotiption to Ton Pose since our last lessee. Have you ? INsrnoeoR Bonn made an ofloial visit to the various Departments of Brussels. Public school this week. Tom Seaforth and Wroxeter stages were storm stayed , here last Tuesday, the roads being found to be impassible. Tan blizzard of Monday night and Tuesday was a knook-out to business on Tuesday. Several jot the trains were cancelled. A Nutrene of horses were bought at the Monthly Horse Fair in Brussels on Thursday of last week. There was a large number of buyers in attendance. Gee your auction sale bills printed at TEE PoeT. Dates arranged for auction- eer. The free notice given of every sale is worth a good deal as THE Pose is widely read. LnsT week Watson Ainley sold hie resi- dence, John street, to Dennis Howard, of Grey township, who intends becoming a resident of Brussels. Mr. Aiatey intends converting the former Knox church into, dwelling 'houses. 1866— 1896.—The Editor of Twn Pose acknowledges, with thanks, the receipt of an invitation to attend the Anniversary Celebration of the Volunteers df 1865 at the Point Farm, Goderich, on Monday, March 9th. An interesting program will bt presented. Ride out to Farm and bank with luncheon, &o., only 00E48 61.00. A big time is expected. Tun Herald don't like it because all the job work is not passed over into his hands. The same "public body", be talks about gave bim one job when a dollar or more could have been caved had it been done at THE Pose, owing to the same hatter being already in type, and the "public body" knew it too: SALE c,1' PROPERTY.—B. G. Wilson has, disposed .of bis comfortable reeidenoe on Mill street to Gomer Green, who recently porohaeed Jas. Belle pump business. Mr. Wilson bas removed to the residence owned by W. G. Musgrove, Flora street, recently vacated by W. J. 'Olimie. Mr. Wilsonintends erecting n fine brick house next. Summer on bis lot on Mill street West, so it is said.: WESTERN TANRAn1.—The final a mpeti• tips for the Western :Tankard will be played' at St. Marys on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. There are 8 clubs in the fight, among the number being Detroit, London, St. Thomas, Brus- sels and Bright. Two rinks will likely go from town as our curlers were the vic- tors in this District.. We wish our lads guid luck if they go. 101 Yenta OLD.—There died at the Houle of Refuge, Clinton, last Saturday, Robert Gardner, aged 101 years and 8 months. The cause of death was dia- betesand old. age. The deceased was a native of England and had lived in the County of Huron for over half a century, latterly in the township of Stephen, where the body was conveyed for inter. menti. In religion the deceased was an Episcopalian. TUESDAY evening the boyo in Mise Minnie Moore's Sabbath school class in the Methodist church, presented her with a nicely framed. photo. g000np of the class. The following is a copy of an address read 1— A Om load of live hb1 wee shipped Eitetward fern Brueaele en M enday by A1eriere, Clegg & I>amee, Brnesele, Wolin will beam at the Argent feotery. ae they have tt big oentraot for heading with Eastern Grins, 'Ament fires. are eta he as tide beeineae, '0uE population of Graham's .IdgrYoy ie inore,tsleg fast. Tltere. are .iii psr8Of2: pow living on the evithani 2V2CO2,. Old Mid young, and 8 or, Balton avenue, Grimes Salim shipped twQ ears .Qf fine horses from /anemia on Thprsday oe this weolc. They were destined for co Landon, Mr. Parker acgompenied the animals. Tun Baking Schoel in the OOun011 Chamber this we under the ettperin- bendenoy of 6?is2 M,Lean, ben been fairly well atteuded ooneideeing the stormy weather, San. BEasieni ]lee gone to Paisley, where he intends making hie borne. The Beattie livery business in Brttse012 will be managed by Johu Beattie, who ie well acquainted with it. lx New Hamburg, on February let, Mr. Spicer, a cousin to 13, Gerry, Brussels, died after a somewhat lengthened illness. Mrs; Spicer is alse ill. The funeral took pinoe on Tuesday, 4th inst. Recno.—.J, G. Slime, merchant, hoe a relic in the shape of a visiting card writ. ten by the Earl of Fife 70 years ego. Mfr, Skene's father was gardener for the Earl for 20 years at Duff House, Banff, Scotland. The present Earl of Fife is a grand nephew of the gentlemen referred to es the writer of the oard, Gremlins for the Oonservative Club are as follows :—Postmaster Farrow, Hon. Pres. ; J. Irwin, Pros. ; D. A. Lowry, Jas. Bowman, and J. J. Bell, Vice -Pres. ; Alex. MoOall, Sea.•Treas. ; H. Dennis, W. P. Vanetone J. J. Gilpin, M. B. Moore, R. L. Taylor, R. Leatberdele, R. Wooleey,T. A, Rawkins and W. R. Mooney, Committee. A time jolly time was enjoyed by a sleigh load of young people from town who visited the home of Postmaster Mo - Nair, Cranbrook, on Thursday evening of last week. It is said one bachelor was nearly smothered in an upset by a bevy of Brussels damsels, but he appears to have suffered no.,serious consequences from his temporary interment in a snow bank. Tun Winghttm Times says :—"It ie said that one day this week a farmer from the other side of Brussels drove in- to town with two loads of hay, and after a good deal of trouble suooeeded in get-. ting nearly as much for his loads as be had been offered in Brussels in the morn. ing. The people here have not yet Com- mended to pay South African prices." Brueseis market takes no second place, Mr. Times, and the sooner the farmers find this fact rot the better for them. selves. Nox or To CONCERT Prrca.-J. G. Speed, in the October. Forum, makes a. bitter attack upon our dietriet sobool system, in whiah he says its ineffieienOy le responsible for the increasing ignor- ance of the children in the rural districts.• Re save : "In country •dietriote the clergymen, the physicians and the law- yers Mould be asked to serve en the School Board, as men of these professions havepresurnabiy some education, but the noisy and dieputioas village busybodies are usually those ohoeen." He thinks the State should, for a while at least, take the saboole under control. KNIGHTS or THE 'STANEs.—rhe local bonispiel forthe bolding of the J. R. Grant tankard has caused no small amoout of sport on Maitland Rink dur. ing the past week. - There are seven rinks in the competition, 1'. S. Soott's drawing the bye. The result up to date is a fol- lows :— W. J. Stewart, G. F. Blair, • A. Oooeley, W. F. Venetone, Dr. Warwick, H. Dennis, W. Thomson, skip, 15 P. Soott, skip .. 3 QST ,82.14r7V'D.4RD •f••M4.l'-t�1,, OF C4tlV'('!•4V4 xls';r'.4'1.J4x,xsx zlsa g•G'T n, HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO, Asemees, (Sevgn Million Dollars) $7,000,000 CAPITAL (Authorized) . $2,0.00,000 Aiieaaies Gs all pringtpat points in Ontario, Quebeo,M'anitaba, TTwfted State, 4 T9nykand•. Ril'' �S ,,0%41 $iRi.' d11+ S. A General Baokinf; Dustmen{ Txaneaoted. Dormers' Notes' Dieoounted. Draf a Tamed and Colleotione made on all points, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT.' Internet allowed ou deposits of 51.00 and upwards from dab of deposit to date of withdrawal and compounded half yearly. 88,00IAL ATTENTION OURS WO 0410 0051118001=N ON FORMES' SARE'NoMns. E4sry faoillby afforded Ountonl8re living at a dietitian. J, A. ,STEWART MANAOiin. Dien,—We ars sorry to learn of the assume of Mary, beloved wife of W. A. Ducker, Winnipeg, Man., which sad event o0ourred on Thursday of this week.. Deaensed was the third daughter of Mal- onlin Lamont, Grey township, and was a most eetimable person. Mrs. Ducker went to Winnipeg about 8 .years ego, where she was united in marriage to her now bereft partner, Two little daughters are left motherless. D1011.—J. T. Lau,- for eighteen years proprietor and editor of the Palmerston Telegraph,. died in Guelph on Sunday morning. Mr. Lacy came to this ooun try twsntyroue'yeare ago from the Mid- land counties, England, and settled in Palmerston, where he, founded the Tele. graph, Three years ago he bad a stroke of paralysis, from which be never reoo0-. ered, and he.wae forced to sell out hie paper. He leaves a widow and two daughters, who married • two brothers, Florence and Fred, Waters, of Guelph and Stratford. Mr, and Mrs: Lacy had been married. for 47 years. • Mr, Lacy was the mentor of the press in this die - Griot, never failing to cull hie exchange(' to amount for bad English, inaorreot his- toriosl references, eco. He was an Ting- Nehmen of bluff, direot address, sod never scrupled to speak out bis mind or . to show up a fault when he saw one. Business Locals. Dr. Davidson, R. Leatherdale, W. M. Sinolair, J. If. Cameron, W. P. Scott, Jas. O'Leary, A. Currie, skip ..15 D. C. Boss, skip, 14 Dr. McNaughton, G. F. Blair, N. F. Gerry, A. C. Dames,. Jas. McAlpine, R. Roach, J. A. Stewart,skip, 3 J'. T. Ross, skip, 14 FAST Hunow autunite' INeTITuTES.—The Executive of this Assooiatiou have ar- ranged an interesting program for meet. Ings at Constance add Leudbury, Thurs- day and Friday of this w.eek. Three sessions each day are outlined and the speakers and subjeots will be as follows : Conetanae—"Breed ing and Feeding Hogs," A. Gardiner ; 'Feeding Steers," G. Murdie ; Dairying," J. 0. Morrison ; "Corn and Ensilage," R. Scott ; "Butter Making in the Home Dairy," J. B. Muir, Brum Co. ; "Clover Culture "David Me- Orae, fo-Orae, Guelph. Leadbury-!'Glover Oat - tare," R. McMillan • "Breeding and Feeding Hogs,"T. E. Hays ;,"Corn and. Ensilage," J. D. alinohley • "Under. draining," J.B. Muir, Bruce 00. ; "Cat- tle Feeding," David Mo0rae, Guelph. In the evening of each day there will be an entertainment, at which addresses will be delivered by the day speakers and others. The above meetings will com- mence at 10 a. m„ 1 and 7:30 p. m. BROTHER Quxx DRIVEes.—Bon. W. D. Balfour, M. P., and -Miter of the -Am- herseburg Eoho, bas been re•eleoted'Pres- ident of the Great' Southiveatern Fair, Essex 0o.—Mesers. Sears & Knowles. of Preston, have purohased the Galt Re- porter from the executors of the late George Jaffray.—M. Y. McLean, Editor of the Seaforth Expositor, and M. P. P. for South Huron, moved the Address at the opening of the Local Legislature this week,—Mayor Hohnes, proprietor of the Clinton New Era. was elected Vioe•Pres- ident of the Canadian Press Association at the anneal meeting in Toronto last week. • Dan.. Meaillienddy, of the Grade. rich Signal, was chosen one of the Direo- tors.—It is said that James Irwin, of Brussels, may embark on the journalistic sea at Lucian and ran a weekly news. paper,—The publisher of the Ingersoll Sun offers "a liberal reward toany sub- scriber, not having paid up in advance, who lays before him a practicable and honorable scheme for continuing the pub•' lieation of his paper twice a week with- out receiving the subscription price, one dollar a year. We have not been able to solve the problem, but from the slowness of some of our snbsoribere we are inclined to believe they think we have discovered the secret of ruining a paper for their benefit at the expense of otbere,"-Mike Jean W. Barr will take her plane in the press gallery of the legislature at Toronto ae the representative of the Windsor Rea. ord. Mies Barr belongs to a literary family, being the sister of Robert Barr, jt., (Luke Sharp), and of James Barr (Angus Evan Abbott), well known Writer:. To Miss 111'. Moore DEAR FRIEND AEU TEaornin,—We, the members of your Sunday Sohool class, take this opportunity of expressing, to you our sincere thanks for your persist- ent and untiring efforts in our behalf.' Yon have tried faithfully to point and lead us to Jeeue and the way to Heaven and we can assure you that your efforts have not all been in vain and that we have been greatly hem lilted by your teaching and example. We ask you to accept of this large phots , of the class as a token of cur esteem fur • you, and as from time to time yon look at the faces of your soholars in this photo. may you be enoo'traged to go forward in the Master's work with ore muob or more zeal and patience in the future as you have displayed before us in the past, that when done with this life we may meet SS ane unbroken °lase in Heaven to be ever ,with the Lbrd, is the desire of your Bohol - 'Os, Signed on behalf o£ the elms, PETER MCMARTIN,. J010 HUNTER, blisa.ldtoore made an appropriate reply, Dur s(ovewood at MoOraeken'e. ('1,nven Feed cheap at McCracken's. M,u,:r f .'• gale, Apply at this. office. 1)wOLLlxu 10 Ten. ever fay store. I. 0. Richards. SILVERWARE and Har)ging Lampe at re• dueed prices. N. & N. Gerry. Ir you want robes or blankets call on H. Dennis, MEN'S heavy rubbers and socks at cost. L 0. Richards. SECOND baud heating stoves cheap at N. & N. Gerry's. LARGE stock of Tight harness @old at low prices. H. Dennis. Opti borne Collars are all warranted. H. Dennis. CASE for hides and sheep . skins at A. Currie's butcher shop, Brussels. BARGAINS in cross put saws and axes at A. M. McKay & Oos., Brussels. HANGING lamps sold at a big reduction at A. M. McKay & Cos., Brussels. Yon can get two machine needles of any kind for 6o., at N`. & N. Gerry's. Fenn hand crayon enlarging' done up A 1 at Brewer's gallery, Smil'h block. MnAT.OHOPPEns, axes, saws, carpet sweepers and skates. N. & N. Gerry. CNE set single and oneset teem emend hand harness for Bale cheap. I. 0. Rich- ards. HIGHEST cash price ' pald for hides. eheep skins and furs at A. M. MoHay & Oos. GnanN BAGEL—Large size, full 16 oz., only $1.90 per dozen, at Smith & Mo• Lareo's. ONE or two students to take up tele- graphing. . Can be a000mmodated. For particulars apply to T. Fletcher. Txnn balance of our felt boots and win- ter goods at and below cost ae we want the room fog spring goods. I. C. Richards. WANTED. -1,000 cords of basswood beading bolts, 40 inches long. Must be good size and quality, for which highest price will he paid. J. & P. Ament, Bens - eels, Ont. $HILOH's Cnre, thegreat oough and croup pure, is in great demand. Pocket. size contains twenty-five doses ; .only 25 mute. ' Children love it. Sold by Jas. Fox, druggist, Brussels. lenx's Clover Root will purify your blood, clear your complexion, regulate your bowels and make your head clear as a bell 25 ate., 50 ate. and $100. Sold by Jas. Fox, druggist, Brueseis• BRINGalong your worn out rubbers, overshoes, rags,sorap copper, brass, east or wrought iron, furs, tallow, sheep skins, hides and calf skins, horse hides, as we pay the highest prices. N. & N• Garry. Saws made 10 out fastand easy. Seo. ond•baud saws bought and Bold. Point- ers given on saw filing and the care and management of saws, on Queen street East, by T. McGregor, of Brussels, Ont., Master of Saws. OArraxo Sweeney, U. S. A., San. Diego, Cal., says.:—"Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine I have ever found that would do me any good." Price' 50 cents. Sold by Jas. Fox. druggist, lirne- RUnnINO IT eta—Never use a linatnent for rbeematiem, says a high medical authority. Don't rub it in -drive it cut. Take something that removes the acid poison from the blood—take something that will improve yogi digestion, and build up the body to the perfection of robust health, That "something". is Soott'e Sarsaparilla, a remedy that ob•. Mins the beet results in,aheehortest'time. $1 of all druggiels. Young Matthews, of Chatham, who wee eeriouely injured by being oanght in a shaft at Phillips' mill there, has enter- ed an action against Mr. Phillipe for $5,1. 000 damages, a0Mara - COLvnr.—ln. Brussels, on Feb, 81b, the wife of Mr. George Colvin of a eon. BANDo.--In Brussels, on Feb.. 121b, the wife of Me. William Rands of a daughter. ssarxax ia, BLAOx—RonnnTeoN.—In Morris, on Feb. 6th, at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. D. Perris, Mr. Robt, Black, of Turnberry, to Mies Elizabeth Robertson, daughter of Mr. John Robertson. ROnnntTeON—JONne.—On Friday, Jan. l7th, 1896, by Rev, A. E Drieoell, at her father's residence, Miss Jennie Jones, to Mr. James Robertson, both of Glenwood, Man. Ducoan.—In Winnipeg, Man., en Feb. 1811,, Mary, beloved wife of W. A. Dnoker, aged 84 years and 4 months. Ienes•-At North' Calder, Scotland, on January 22nd, Catharine Gunn, re - fiat of the late George Innes, ; and rpothie of Walter Innee, Morris township, aged $5 years. , FEB. 1' , 1800 HAVE TO BE HYP.NOTIZED ~4.r In order to see the very great difference in the A-T.70T201.T S.d.mons. TUF,enAY, Feb. 18th.Faem stock, Lot 18, Con. 12, Grey. Sale unreserved, at 1 o'clock. Chas. Bleckert, Prop., P. S. Sett, Ano. ' Minim, Feb. 21st. --Farm stook, imple menta, &o., Lot 9, non 6, Grey, Sale nn. reserved, at 1 oolook. Wm. Reid, Prop., Geo. Birkby, FnnAY, Feb. 28.—Farm . stook, imple- ments, &c. Lot 80, Con. 10, Grey. Sale unreserved, et 1 o'olook. Dennis How- ard, Prop., F. S. Scott, Ano. TUESDAY, Feb. 25.—Farm stook, imple- ments and household furniture. West d Lot 16, Con. 6, Grey. Sale at 1 o'olook, Robt. Wallace, Prep.,' F. S. Scott, Ana.. THURSDAY, Feb. 27th. -Lot 21, Con. 11, Grey. Farm stock, implements, Bao. Sale, unreserved, at 1 p. in. Wm. Mar- son,. -Prop., F. S. Scott, Ano. A Toivrz•TEon OLD GRIEVANCE, RE- tmvzD.-In Bath, Ont., Chase's Kidney- Liver idneyLiver Pills are a stundaed remedy. Joseph Gardner, of this town, suffered for 40 years with indigestion and its ever present accompaniments, oonetipation and headache. K. & L. Pills aro the only remedy that gave, him relief. 25 oente a box of all druggists.. One pill a dose, WELL -DIGGING AND DxIL5IN6.—George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drilling wells and is peeper. ed to attend to all work entrusted to hint in a way that will insure satisfnotion. We11s cleaned out and put in proper shape. (Terms reasonable. Residence emend door north of the bridge, weet side of Turnberry st., Brueeels, 34.tf ALL kinds of saws cleaned, gummed, hammered, jointed, set, filed and oiled at Queen\St., East, by saw filer, T. Mc. Gregor. Brussels. Soave may be left and arrangements made at McKay & Cos. hardware store, Brussels, Ont. Charges reasonable. Anyone not knowing the work that is to be done on thine saw, and wishee to stay and see the work done, the prioe will be left to themselves to pay what they choose. 1lnderstand that there are high wages paid to practised hands to work at Bawls, Quality of Drugs. WE AIM TO 2)1112 IN $`TOCK T17)5 VERY PUREST That can be bought and that's}vliy we aro kept so busy—Lit a1- Wltys time for one more, so drop in and See_ us, sue- rsm==,s xxarxe=mma Pall Wheat , -78 80 Spring Wheat 62 64 Barley.,,.... - 82 85 Peas :.............-4950 Oats 22 x'28 Butter, babe and rolls ,.. 13 14 Eggs per dozen 13 Flour per barrel.....,:4 00 4 60 Potatoes (uew)....... 13 16 Hay per ton12 00 15 .00 Hides trimmed 4} Hides xongh _ 2•25 00 Salt per -bbl., retail1 00 Sheep skins, each 50 90 Lamb skins each .16 40 Apples per bus1 00 Hoge, Live 3 00 5 50 Dressed Hogs 4 60. 4 75 Wool • 18 20 AT—v OPPOgrrs QUEEN'S ROT151 ---71116.-always GGeccZ to 'SeeYou 'FOX'S F .. ' STORE:. •� p OX DRUG TOl�,�. quoted outside at 280 to 235o and . mixed et 22e to 225e. Peae— arkot steady ; cables firm ; oars quoted at 51o, west. 480Buokwheot—.Market unchanged, being quoted outside at 32'o to 33e, Oatmeal —Business quiet ; prices unchanged at 52 90 to $3, and small tote at $8;26. Cornmeal steady ; Offerings outside apt 82ao. Rye—Market quiet ; oars worth • THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. 7p RIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN.— JL First morbgaggo, form security. Apply at THE POST Publlsbing House, Brussels. DESIRABLE RESIDENOE Fon SALE,—Lots 220 and 221, Queen elf Terme reasonable to, a cash purohaeer. Ap- ply on the prem''soe or to 28 W. r0• BINOLAI11, B.IOYOLES.—FIVE PNEUMA Tm Tire Bicycles for sale cheap, All ore good' as new. Come and see them. A, 00USL810, Over Deadman & MoUall'a Drug Store. CARD OF THANKS. Wm, Ross wishes to thank the public, for their generous eupport diming his business oereer in Brueeels, Having now retired would ask throw who have book accounts with 110.0. to call and settle promptly, . WM. BOSS, Brussels, GRAIN GRINDING.— 11have purchased a Joliet Grinder and will run it 011 Tuesday and Friday of each week, on Lot 10, Con. 10, Gres, Terms reasonable, Accommodation for horses and drivers in stormy weather. JOHN' 1315,01N, 20 • - Proprietor. r11HR FAVORITE. — DEAD— JL nue. Cough Balm is the 'Favorite Re- medyfor Coughs, 001ds,&a. We sell more of it than all other Cough Remedies com- bined. ThisISa fact worth remembering. Manuiaebuxed and for sale. only by DEADMAN.&. MOCALL, Druggists, Opticians, &o, REAL ESTATE. FARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN• BRRSIONED has several good Parma for sale and to rent, easy terms, in Townships of Morris and Grey. 2' S. SCOTT, Brussels LEGA). AND CONVEYANCING. 1-4 L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, ,e -•w• S•olieitor•end Conveys peer. Oollee- tions made. Ofl2oe—Vanstone's Bloat, Brue- sols. - 21=80 MANITOBA LAND FOR SALE. —180 acres of good farm land at Springfield, 8 miles from Winnipeg, is offer- ed for sale at alow price. The property is North blast 3 Ses.10, Twp. 11, Ranco 4, East. Therein a house on the premises and some breaking done. For full particulars as to Pries, title, &o., write or apply to G. F. BLAIR or 'W. H, Xltltk,. 00.11 Brussels, Ont.. I'ARNI FOR SALE —THE UN DERetei i offers his valuable 60 Dare farm for sale being lot 28 50h lino, Morrie, The fermis 4n good condition, with comfor- table house, barn, young orebard, fences, &o., and is only a half mile from Brussels, Pos• session given Mn April 1st. There are 44 acres of Fall wheat in. Par erica and tonne apply to A, ADAMS, Proprietor, 25-8 Brussels. P. 0. LIvERroon, Feb. 11.—Cheese • quiet ; demand poor ; finest American white, 45s ; finest American colored, 45s. But- ter -Finest D. S., 950 , good, 60e. New York -Butter firm ; stale dairy) 90 to 19e ; do., oreamery, 13o to 1650 ; western dairy, 100 to 14e ; do,, creamery;' 18o to 190 ; do., factory,' 9c to 1250; Eigins, 19o. Cheese unchanged. Tonoxeo, Feb. 11.—The Toronto cattle market was dull and. easy .to•day. Re- ceipts were fair„ being 44 oars and 10 oars were left unsold at the close. But. ehors' cattle wore dull, and prices were easy ; good to choice sold at 250 to 85o ; common at 2o to 25o per pound. Bulls were taken for export at 25o' to 25e; etonkers and feeders quiet, at 150 for light ; 25o for better class, and 8o for good feeders. Lambs were little better, selling at 35e to 45o per pound. Sheep. were dull, at 25o per pound. Hogs were weaker ; there were 700 offered, and prices were $4 per cwt. for choice bacon hogs and 85o for stores and light. East Borssmo, N. 2., Feb. 11.—Sheep and lambs—Beoeipas, 60 oars ; market slow ; lambs, choice to prime, $4.90 to $5.10.' Canada lambs, fair to prime, 54.- 76 to $5. Sheep, choice to s:looted ex- port wsthers, $8.85 to $8.60 ; culls and common eheep, 52 to 52.50, Cattle closed steady ; all sold. Sheep and lambe filmed easy, at file opening decline, with quite a number uneold. Toucan°, Feb. 11.—Marltot quiet end steady. Flour—Market quiet, bat feel- ing continua firm and . strong ; baker flour„ $3.75, Toronto freights. Bran— Cars of brans firm at 511.60 to $11.75, West, and shortie, $13 to 514. Wheat— Manket unchanged, but general tone firm ; white sold in the west at 830, and red 82o ; No. 1 hard gold ab 770, and 2 840, grinding in transit, Sarnia; No. hard sold at 74o ; No. 1 frosted q'uo'ted at 88c, North Bay. Barley quiet with No: 1 piloted at 45c, and extra 41c ; No. 2 at 400, and feed at 290 to 800, Oats— Trade quiet ; prices unchanged ; white '(]�T M. SINCLAIR, Y 1' • Boileau,Oonvoyanes ,Notary Pub - Iia, cke. Office—anstone's Block, 1y door north of Central Hotel, Private Funde to Loan. AG. OAIy'IERON, • (Forcedly of - Cameron, Molt & Oameron,) Barrister and Solicitor, Goderich, Ont, .Oftioe—Hamilton St„ Opposite 0o1 - borne. Hotel. F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, N_A• . Solicitor, &O. (lato of Garrow & Prom -Mot's Oifoe, Goderich.) 011loe over Gillies & Smith's Bank, Brussels, Money to Loan, 47 BOAR FOR SERVICE. -THE< undersigned will keep for service on Lot 0, Oen,12,.Grey, a thorn' bred 'Yorkshire White boar. Pedigree may be seen on up. plication. Terms 51.00 to be paid ab Uwe of servicewith privilege of returning it ne00e-, nary.. 1110BART SHIN.p, 21.2re Proprietor. DEtITAL. T'B. DAVID SON, ,11 Honor Graduate Toronto University, Licentiate Royal College Dental Surgeons, Crown and. Bridge work a specialty, Affteer- ate Foos. Satisfaction Assured. biiioe over Barrett's barber shop, Tnruberry"St,, Brus- se18. BOAR. FOR SERVIOE.-TUE Undersigned will keep for service on Lot Se Con. 0, Morrie, the thorn' bred im- proved White Yorltebire Boar "Selected," bred Prem J.10. Brethour'i .eweopetakes sow at Chicago Fair. Terms, $1.00 to be paid at the time of 0orvioo with privilege of re- turning if necessary. Pedigree may be seen on application. R0BTrN10HOL. ROAR FOR SERVIOE.--THE JLJ undersigned will beep forr service on Lot 80, Con. 0, Morris, the tboto •broil. Large English Berkshire Boar, Captain Jahn," Hie mother is a full sister to the lsb price sow at the World's Fair. Pedigree will be Produced on application, Terme—SLOG to be paid at time of service with privilege of returning. 11 neeossar 14.Om _ JA'Sr SP17IIt, Proprietor. VETERINARY. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Sotiae la hereby given - pertinentt to 1887; obey, 110, that all persona having any 9Ha112,late of the Townshipfof Grezy,, in Uo County of Huron, Widow, who died on or about thol7tb day ofDecember, 1805, are required on or betere the 2001. Day of Feb- ruary, 1886, to send or deliver their claims to the undersigned, one of the Executors 01 said estate, with full partieulars of enah claim and me nature of the 98Ourity (it any) held by them, and latter the said last men- tioned date the Executors of said estate will proceed to distribute the assets of said es- tate amongst these entitled thereto bating regard only to ,the claims of which they shall thein have had notice, and said IIxeen- tors will not be liable for said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim notice shall not have been received ore afore- said, at the Limo of such distribution oro aforesaid, ANDREW SHARP, t IODe of the Itxeoubors, 00.2 Ethel Y. 0, Dated February 502,1800. T D. WARWIOK, tl . Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all diseases of dnmestfoated animal's in a com- petent manner. Particular attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Calls promptly at- tended to. O81oo and infirmaryFour doors north of bridge i'nrnberry et., Brueseis, MEDICAL CARDS. T A. MONAUGHTON, M. D. tJ • (7. M., L. R. O.P., Edinburgh, M. O. P B. Out. Residence and office in Wlleon'e Blook, earner of MillandTurnberry Ste. T M. ARMSTRONG, M. D. tit • Phyelalan, Surgeon Acoouober, eta. Graduate of Toronto University Medical Faculty. Member of College of : Physioiane and Surgeons, Out. OowxnE—Next door to AleDonald & Co„ Walton Ont. • BUSINESS CARDS. VV "H. iSiaCRACKEN, • 'seater ofAlarriageLleenses• Office mine Grooery, Turuberry street, Brussels. 1110 N. BARRETT, • Tonsorial Artist, Shop—Next door south o3 A. M. Alellay & Co's hardware store. Ladiee'andohlldrens hair cutting a specialty BRUSSELS POST' OFFICE Savings Bank 'takes Deposita from 01.00 to 51,000 and allows 84 percent. i Merest. T. P,AR11OW, 07-8ne Postmaster. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM- INSURANCE, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH• T. FLETCHER, Issuer Marriage of . MLicenses, a� _ - Ooeaoz AT JEWELRY STORE.. r.No Witness .Required. T. FLETCEfDR, Brussels. MISS O'OONNOR, R. T., Teacher of instrumental mueie on Piano or Organ. Will visit Wingbani Tues- day and Wednesday of each week. - Resi- dence on Priueess Street, Brussels. N� ELLINGTON MUTUAL IN - r e1RAxom Oo, ! Established 1840, In- surances effected on all Town and Farm Property at very low rates, J,. A, 01011GHT0N, 15.Dm Agent, Brussels. A HUNTER, Clerk of the Fourth Division Cour Co, Huron.'. Convoyaneer, Notary Pubiio Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds invested and to loan. Collections made OMee in Smale's Block, Brussels ri1HOS. A. HAWKINS, 11 Organistin Bt. John's Cburoh, Brus- sels, wilgive lessons to pupils either on piano or organ, at his parlorin the: Smith Ulook,Bruesele, Vocal lessons also given. Ten years sxperionee in teaching, 7erma moderato. AUCTIONEERS. (1E011013KIRKBY, Lioeneed Auotiouaer. Sales oondaot ed on reasonable terms. Farms andfarm stooka epeaialby, Orders loft at Tun Poen Publishing House,Brnssels,or eentto Walton P. 0„ will reoedve pronnpt attention, TO T S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION. . EER, will salt forbetters°haages Heater moo, other leas once and loastBuron than any otter Auctionoor in Enetl3uron or he Won't charge anytbing, Dittos and or ordboyrepersonal apcan always boplloation, arranged at title ollioo