HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-1-31, Page 7THENEWSINA NUTSHELL
,interesting Items About Our Own Country,
Great Briton*, the thence States, and
Ml Parts of the Globe, Condensed and
Assorted for Easy Reeding.
Chathamas naiad a bridge after
Lor Aberdeen.
A Govornanent deteetive is in Cllat
.,ham investigating a case of infanticide,
Ea -Mayor Stewart of Hamilton ane
nounses that his public and polttical
life is ended..
Mr F. R. Linglasan, one of the men
arrested at Joliavnosberg, is a citi-
zen of Belleville.
The Aldermen and civic officials of
London were given a dinner by Mayor
Little at the Tecumseh House.
The Dominion notes outstanding in
December were 622,413,4688,8a7reduetion
during the month of $
The deposits in the Dominion Govern-
ment sayings banks during December'
were $272,009, and withdrawals $286,-
oil was struck in Yarmouth ..Town-
. Ship,, near St. Thomas, by a fanner
digging a well. Test wells will be
Mr. E. Farquhar, of Toronto, has
received the contract for the comple
tion of the Ottawa & Parry Sound
The Metropolitan of Canada will issue
an appeal to the church for aid to the
Armenians and prayers for their de-
The exports from Canada during last
.-inentli exclusive of caro andbullion, A man who gave his name as D, V.
rose from $0,739,128 to $8,932,934 of which Esmond, who arrived in Utica on Fri -
•$2,108,892 was in goods the produce of day morning from Montreal, and at -
Canada. . tempted to get a, check cashed, was ar-
john Seaton, of Straihroy, Ont., is in rested, as he is wantedby the Montreal
the county gaol under the charge of police on a charge of bunooing a man
conspiring to set fire to his own pro- out of eighteen hundred dollars.
party. Seaton is 75 years of age, and At the opening of the United States
totally blind. House of Representatives on Friday, Mr.
Mr. Rufus .Stevenson, son of Mr. Condon, the blind chaplain, prayed fer-
James Stevenson, M.P., bas been ap- vently for struggling Cuba, and the sue -
pointed Collector of Customs, at Peter- cess of her battle for independence. The
borough. The salary is twelve hundred sentiments he . expressed were greeted
t.k A.,/ S S r-Ini
Mr Morse pioposedaresolution in the The Perls Fi are says that France
Utilted States klouse of Representatives, will not depart from the position wbloh
the expressed intention of wlltclt was has made her alone the silent orbit()
to '" wipe the Turkish nation off the of the pease of the world. ld She will na
face of the earthy interfere between Germany and Bilge
dahn Cork, who liar been making be -tis land,
at the Archer lodging -house in Buffalo It la generally adinittod inHavana that
for hiesears past, is the presumptive Captain -General de Campos lies failed in
heir to a•: fortune of forty thousand dal- his attempt to put down the Cuban Zn-
iaas, derived from, all estate in 1ingisnd, surrection, end his bnmediate recall is
The United St tes Senate Committee urgentlypressed upon .the Spaniel Gov
en horeigti Relations has ;adopted a re- ernmon.
solution which is a more forcible on- According to the offieial figures just
uncials= of the Monroe doctrine, and published, French imports for thepast
will exceed the elaims made by Presse year decreased one hundred, end fifty -
dent Cleveland hr his message, two million francs, and exports inereas-
Peter 1Toughaard,a Dane, killed him- ed throe hundred and ten ;pillion francs,
self, his wife, and five children, in Obi- as compared with the previous year.
sago, on Sunday night. 1de waited un- It is now known that the Queen of
til the family were aslee , and then, Corea, who was supposed to have been
turning on all the gas jets, he calmly murdered and cremated, with her maids
lay down and awaited his own death. of honor, escap d and remained in
Superintendent Craig, of the Duluth hiding in an out house while the palace
Gas and Water Company, has been M. Was being sacked,
dieted by the grand jury for man- The Porte has decided to prohibit the
slaughter in the aecond degree for sup- distribution among the destitute Arm-
pling the city with impurewater, scans of the+funds collected in foreign
Which caused the death of a citizen by countries for their benefit, and says
typhoid fever, that the alleviation of their distress is
Timothy B. Blackstone hes given a the function of the Turkish Govern -
$600,000 library to his native place, the mend.
town of Branford, Conn.,which will be It is told of the great Russian states-
comMpletel a few monts, Mr. Black- man Gortsohakoff that in the transae-
stone is to present his choice collection tion of public business he systematieally
of books to the library, and will also refuses to do anything in a hurry. He
liberally endow it. used sealing wax instead of gummed
The number of immigrants who ar- envelopes, sand instead of blotting paper,
rived in the United States during De- and preferred not to receive news by
camber, 1895, was 18,104, and during De- tologralob. that needed long explanation
cember, 1894, 14,777. During the twelve by mail.
months ended December 31, 1895, the Mr. Cecil Rhodes, previous to leaving
arrivals numbered 324542, and during Cape Town for London, said in an in -
the preceding year 248,988. terview that he did not intend resign -
It is recalled now that Napoleon, on ing his seat in Parliament, and that he
the completion of the Louisiana pur- tvould be present at the meeting of the
chase, said: 'This accession of terri- Chartered Company in London, when he
tory strengthens forever the power of will address the shareholders on recent
the United States, and. I have given to events.
England a maritime rival that will THE MONROE RESOLUTION,
sooner or later humble her pride."
with a round. of applause.
It is stated that Mayor Tuckett of Senator Sewell of New Jersey offer -
Hamilton tti•ili present the Young t10,-
Wo- ed a resolution In the United States
men's Christian Association with d th ,' Senate declaring that the Monroe 'cloc-
he will present a music hall to the city. in the manner proposed by President and interests of the `United States are
Mr. B. Reeve, tion waspremature and monportune in involved that the American conti-
view of the financial condition of the nests, by the free and independent
country. condition whish they have assumed
John O. Eastland, of Danville. By, and maintained, were thenceforth.not
xord as a Sunday
THE e `h r p
e th sliphos a i
. n tis a o f d th £rat
e r
nl closes n lest la ciiouit--a fine
tiny bell at the ti ore end sounds he
. wire running algngside the line-�-an a
Footwear. .alarm, A. small storage battery la part
Few ,people In buying shoes got them of the ogntpment, as a matter of mine,
long enough, A, sinalt feet le a pretty TIIE ASHANTI EXPEDITION.
thing, but what beauty in there in a
toot, the length .of which exoeeda the Otllelnl Announcement er the Oacnpntiea
width by a few imohes only? The toot of oennutsete—niers Wes Nli ilobastauee
of the times is what the artists term --d. nrilhid Palaver..
the graeful model -.-the long, narrow ono. A desp�1ateli from London says; --It
k. shoe to beco idered well £ttting was offkiaily, an. ounced ou Monday
.that Cooinasislie, the ca i�al Ili Ahftnti,
must be long and narrow and still look £ Y d b
comfortable. In buying shoes procure was ,taco u aaaupie n e r li
oxpaOitiona,ry forces at one o'clock in
them a size longer and a last narrow- the afternoon of friday last ,January
er. Such a oboe has been deemed by 17th•
people who baps worn it much more Tho Governor of Cape Coast Colony
has cabled that he intends to bring
comfortable than the bornely, broad, Ding Prempeti and some of his near-
short one. It has been stated that if est relatives from Coomassie to Cape
mothers would commence buying long, Q oC[nd eenniii,ending
n whgioh hee�r settlement
ett a Britain
m n as a o
Full Test of the Resolution Recently in-
troduced Into the United Steles Senate.
A.' despatch from Washington says:—.
Senator Davis,' on the Senate Com-
mittee on Foreign Relations, on Mon-
day reported. favorably the resolution
enunciating the Monroe doctrine.
The following is the full text:—
Resolved by the Senate, the House
of Representatives concurring, that as
President Monroe, in his message to
Congress of December 2nd, Anne
Domini 1823, deemed it proper to as -
000 building, and it is also' rumor° a trine was never intended to be aonhed serf as a principle in which the rights
GeorgeB R e 'Traffic Man -
agar of the Chicago & Grand Trunk, -
has -been appointed General Traffic
Manager of the entire Grand Trunk
system with headquarters at Mont-
real sac a remar _.,...
The City of London has abandoned school scholar. He has only missed at- to be considered as subjects for fu -
its elatm of 328,000 against the Grand' tending school one Sunday in seven ture colonization by any European
' Trunk Railway Company for deteriora- Years, and but two Sundays in nine power.
tion of the London & Port Stanley years. This is the more notable as he tVhereas, President Monroe further
Railway during its lease to the Grand lives five miles distant in the country.
James R. McDonald, who was convict -
and declared r tt b ea ars the
a d me e d din. that a that
n has had to brave so y massa
p g
get to school.
weather 'at times to United States u ran at-
vo would consider y
ed of flimflamming in Ottawa,, and son- Miss Ella Wilcox is the highly effici- tempt to the allied powers of Europa
;tented to five years in the penitentiary, ant janitor and sexton of the Church to •extend their system to any portion
• committed suicide in the Ottawa gaol of the United Brethren in Marcellus, of this hemisphere as dangerous to
on Saturday evening by hanging him- Mich. She has full care of the church, our peace and safety; that- with the
keeps it in order, rings the bell on Sun- existinguties colonies and dependencies of
Thomas Cowan'; of Paris, Ont.,was odfya,saexx on attends
ineveall way other tterdthan any European power we have not in -
cutting `wood on Friday night, his six y teat with
and should not interfere; but
year-old son slipped and fell under the any male janitor, ever has,-' the church- that with the Governments who have
deseending est, which struck h'im on the goers say. She is good-looking, as well declared their independence and main -
head, making n dee wound, cutting as accomplished, doubtless le janitors.
gained it, whose independence we
k . of superiority over the male janitors. have on great consideration and on
through the skull and injuring the mem-
brane of the brain. The lad may pos-
.sibly recover.
The anti -German spirit in London and
the anti-British feeling in Berlin con-
tinue. very bitter:
The London Standard says Great Bri-
ritain can bold her own against five or
six of the great powers.
The Queen has sent an autograph let-
ter to the Sultan, which is believed to
contain an appeal on behalf of the Ar=
The flying squadron recently put in
commission has left Portsmouth under
sealed orders. It is surmised its destine,
tion is Bermuda.
The British Admiralty Department in
London makes the statement that the
flying squadron is not going to Bermuda
or anywhere in American waters.
Canon Grey, who died the other day,
was rector of Roughton-le,Eng-
land. for forty-eight years. His prede-
cessor was -rector for fifty-six years.
The Westminster Gazette says that if
its information is correct the Marquis
•of Salisbury's desire to be better friends
with France has already brought forth
IL is understood that Lord Salisbury is
preparing a full statement on the Vene-
zuelaa question which will be submit-
ted to Parliament soon after it meet
on. February llth.
Mr. McNeill has given notice of a
narrow shoes for their babies a pleas- demands from 'Anti result f
ing shape could be secured for the little sending ,the British expedition to the
ones' feet. capital of that country,
The stylish shoo for street wear has- a the Br' hvwee re the in the employ
rather heavy sole, Is quite sharply point- massae. They met with no opposition.
ed, and has a low, common-sense heel, Kin Prempeh was ordered to meet
The best walking shoe is invariably the Sir Francis Scott, in command of the
laced boot, although buttons are in great British expeditionary force, this after -
favor. The tan and russet shoes for noon.
both men and women, so popular dui- The Governor of Goomassie arrived at
lag the summer, are worn by many midday, and was met outside the capital
people all winter. It appears, probably by Sir Francis Scott, his, staff, and the
on account of their light color, that they British troops. The artillery fired a
should be, and are, more appropriate Royal salute, and arrangements were
for summer wear, atom
the rain, snow made for holding a grand , palaver I
and mud make them quite ugly, in the afternoon. Sir Francis Scott,
The patent leather shoe is still pope- commander of the British expedition,
lar. There is a neatness and style and his staff were seated 1n a semi -circle
Is li a health and ba pines, if it is pure,}
riohend fall of vitality, If impure it vitt
pause eetarrb, rbeuraatiem, eerofula, nen-
mutinies and other troubles, All may be
wperfectly cured by purifying the blood
ith kla d's Sarsapari la, r ori a r
I have used hood s Sa sap li tP
eight or nine years 50 a tonic. and blood
purifier. Before I began its use I was
weak and had no appetite. After taking
one bottie my appetite was Improved anal
I could work like a beaver." Mics, Orme-
10/4 Bieneris, Great Barrington, Mass,
00 S
for r$G.
,,i, - p 8.`,14,1:=72r.::11:.
017 Co coy, 8017 to u,ko
F"p00 S PAIS' oa1ytaopa(Nte.26ceat8:
United States Senator Davis, of the just principle acknowledged, we could
Committee on Foreign Relations, refer- not view any interposition for the pur-
ring to the Alaskian boundary,says there pose of oppressing or controlling them
is nothing to arbitrate between the in any other light than as the mann
United States and Great Britain.The festation of an unfriendly disposition
claims of the former country are right, towards the United States, and f ur-
and those of Great Britain are wrong ther reiterated in that message that
and no matter how much England and it is impossible that allied powers
Canada may desire to obtain millions
of acres of tillable land and a naval sta-
tion, the United States must maintain
her rights.
The tone of commercial summaries as
to the condition and outlook of trade in
the United States is none too encour-
aging. The present position is depress-
ing, and the immediate future doubtful.
The financial muddle increases distrust
in commercial circles, and strongly" ac-
scentuates the prevalent indisposition
should extend their poll -heal system
to any portion of either continent
without endangering our .peace and
happmess ; and,
hereas, the doctrine and policy so
proclaimed by President Monroe have
since been repeatedly asserted by the
United States by executive declaration
and action upon occasions and exigen-
cies similar to the particular occasion
and exigency which caused ,them to
be first announced, and have been
among business men to do more than ever since their promulgation, and
just hold on in a tentative way. Hence now are, the rightful policy of the
there is little or no speculative move- United States.
ment in trade ,and merchants aro all- Therefore be it resolded that the
parentiy indulging in the negative con.. United States of America reaffirms and
solation of being thankfulthat matters confirms the doctrines and principles
are no worse Some serious commercial Promulgated by President hionroe in
about that hard, shiny leather which in the town uara which was lined
't . T e Ashanti chiefs then
brush or polish, thus sparing the wearer Paraded, and Bing Prempeh descended
Francis. The Bing was informed that
cannot be secured m any other kind. with troops
It lication of
never requres the app
time and trouble. Dull, undressed kid from his stool and shook hands with Sir
or suede is gaining favor for women's he must clean the streets and keep the
slippers, the only trouble with it being populace quiet. King Prempeh and his
that the skirt braids soon rub it into chiefs then retired, and the Queen
shabbiness. Dainty little Turkish slip- Mother arrived and saluted Sir Francis
pers of embroidered kid, with pointed, Scott. The people were quiet.
turned -up toes, can be procured in every; It has developed that King Prempeh
color to harmonize with pretty house was stupefied with drugged food dur-
gowns.' They are very pliable and light ing the palaver. Evidently he is only
on the feet, and quite inexpensive. I a puppet in the hands of his advisers.
The troops have destroyed the sac -
Uses of. Cheese Ciotti. rifieial groves, which were found to
bo full of bones and skulls of human
The popularity of cheese cloth as a beings.
household article increases rather than ' The Ashantis are in a truculent mood,
diminishes, From trimming windows,ani remain around the palace, but there
is no disorder. The artillery which has
stands and in bag form for holding been stationed in the chief squares over -
soiled linen, it stretches itself upon my awes them. The town is only a calico -
lady's lapas an apron, while she works tion of huts: The troops are arranging
P fora cricket match.
Good for Rheumatism.
Winks -_z forgot all about my rheu-
matism last evening. I went to the
minstrels, and laughed straight along.
Didn't feel a twinge. Funniest endman
I ever saw, only he was awfully hoarse.
Minks—Hoarse chestnuts are good for
A Sad Fate
Maud—Whistling girls and crowing
hens always come to soma bad end. Do
you remember how Clara De Vere used.
to whistle at school0
Edith -Yes, indeed. Poor child 1
What has happened to her?
She has married a titled foreigner.
the delicate doily for her cut -glass fin- --
ger bowl, or she maybe polishing these
very bits of glass to mirror brilliancy
with a coarser quality ,or rubbing sil- t R
ver, drying china, cleaning brasses,wip- i .Iii it , n I
in floors washing windows shining H ++
g g i l l Y 0 1
bronzes, dusting bric-a-brae, and so on ;�; � t� s1
throught the list, For use in the kitch-
en, one progressive housekeeper declares
that it has removed a life-long burden /^��
-the alwaysgreasy real dish -cloth. Grease
is quicklyrouted bythis beneficent ma-
ro to
terial. A' little bot waterand soap
sends it out of its fibers with celerity.
It is used for dish towels, scrub cloths,
bread cloths, dusters, strainers, coffee
bags, and even tea bags, when the tea
ball is out of order, or has not yet put
in appearance among the family silver.
Little bags with a thread run in to draw
up and wind round the neck are a sub-
stitute for the tea ball and make a clean-
ly method of making tea. Sash cur-
tains no less than longer drapery, prove
how a small expenditure may be_put
to good and durable purpose. Very
fine and smooth cheese cloth, without
the familiar black speck. can be paint-
ed in water color, large flowers, conven-
tionalized being easily accomplished
by stretching the stuff over a frame
without a back, and painting in air, so
to speak. Cabinet makers use it en-
tirely to oil furniture, providing three
cloths in every set—one to ru.b on the
oil, one to rub it off, and a third for pol-
ishing purposes. For baby's face it is
soft, and for towels and squares it is
recommended especially. The capacity
to hold. water makes cheese cloth or cot-
ton material leas irritating to chafing
skins than linen.
Amber Pudding.—Line a pie dishwith
good puff paste, and pour in a mixture
his message of December 12, 1823, and made in the following manner: Peel
failures have occurred during the weak his meant,
that it will assert and main -
7— and core eight apples, and stew them
in the United States. Manufacturerswith a quarter of a pound of moist sug-
ar and three ounces of butter. Squeeze
the juice of a lemon, and grate the rind.
and add, rubbing all through a sieve,
and adding the yolks of four eggs. Bake
for twenty-five minutes. Just before it
is done, beat the whites of the eggs to a
sovereignty or dominion in the same, froth, and spread on the top of the pud-
in any case or instance as to which the ding ; slit with sugar and brown in the
United States shall deem such attempt oven .
to be dangerous to its peace or safety Snow Eggs. --Six eggs, one quart of
milk, four tablespoonfuls of sugar, one
teaspoonful of lemon extract. Sepa-
rate the yolks carefully from the whites
and beat the latter to a stiff froth. Put
f 11 the milk in a saucepan over the fire,
are unusually dull, owing to a general tarn that doctrine and those prm-
slackness m demand; staples are little oiples, and will regard any infringe -
enquired for, though stooks in dealers' ment thereof, and particularly any at -
hands are believed to be low. Prices in tempt by any European power to take
various important lines continue to de- or .acquire any new territory on the
cline. Pig iron is firmer, though .the American continents or any in -
finished iron products are in nu great lands adjacent thereto, or any right of
resolution in Parliament expressing the A hundred Portuguese troops , were
loyalty of Canada to Great Britain and surprised and slaughtered by natives of
the willingness of the people to stand It H expected that Spain's reverses in
by the empire in any storm that map Cuba will cause a Cabinet crisis at Mad-
The British Foreign Office has reedy- The transport Victoria with 1,200
ed a note from Mr. Bayard, the 'United troops from Bombay . has arrived at
.States' Ambassador, saying that he has Tatty.
been instructed by his Government to E premier Floquet of France, who
tender thanks to Great Britain for her has been ill for several days with con -
vea• loffices to Americans in the irons- gestion of the lungs, is dying.
veal. An Imperial decree has been issued, possible in any form for the United main for two minutes longer, then take
The Manchester Guardian stopsts that announcing that the coronation of the States to regard with indifference. out with a skimmer and a,y in a glass
the Government are taking to end C will take Placa in Moscow next The report went to the calendar. Mr. dish. Remove the milk from the fire,
the Armenian horror, Theis will probe Gray announced that the report was not let cool off a little; beat up the six
bly4 be a land' invasion of Turkey by The latest reports from China say that unanimous.
yolks, add four tablespoonfuls of cold
Russia, and a naval demonstration on at LL HUII Chang, who is living in retire- A despatch from London says :—The milk and stir slowly into the hot milk.
Constantinople by Groat Britain and g fnilin in Globo during the course of an article Place the saucepan with the milk and
France: ment in Pekin, is rapidly g
George llr8lorftsk Watts, the ceicbrat- health. condemning the attitude of the United yolks again over the fire, stir constant-
ed English artist, whose eighty-second. ,
The heat in Sydney. \,S.W., is terra- States Senate Committee on Foreign Af-1y until just before the boiling point.
year will be tonlpletotl in liabruary is fie, • reaching the highest point on re- fairs, says:—"The - English people will �Remove, add the lemon extract and
spending the winter a 1:11o'United States. cord. Thane have been many deaths • bod s, anfldmtbesh more
gentlemen, fromhany-
dish, dusit t over
little. su s
Ile is still in excelleet heitith, and works from sunstroke. y g
with charaotoi•istio a,esltittby, According, to infotmation collected by oredit with no more exalted sentiment namon. Serve when cold. Vanilla may
The London Gra sit 0 a Ins to two Turney, three thous- than the wish to stand well with their be taken in place of lemon.
r s constituents, nen s, may very wetly in rc ponces u mg.— ne o
t t to On 10 report. : It srote „ eines vas eco 0 o tui a si ua' on ounces of rice • four ounces of
butter, peel of ono large lemon, three
.ounces of sugar, six eggs, three ounces
of fine bread crumbs. Wash well and
by or through force, purchase, cession,
occupation, pledge, colonization, protect-
orate, or by the control of the easement
in canal or any other means of transit
across the American isthmus, whether
on unfounded pretension of right in
oases o alleged boundary tenni es, or
under other unfounded pretensions, as add the sugar and let come' to a boil;
the .manifestation of an unfriendly die- drop in the snow a tablespoonful at a
position towards the United States, and •time. Cover the saucepan for two min -
an Interposition which it would be .m- utes, turn the snowballs around, let re-
11 the Embassies in ur ea. I i b t't t 1 find Ma h' P dd' O quart f
ata hori y deny Greet° ithat Great and Armenians were killed at Orfah on Ih 1 f t ma Ili it ti
Britain has offered money to Venezuela December 28th and 29th. that could only ba called appalling."
calk, four
for the latter's ac101)1an00 of the Warm- • Despatches received in Madrid state
burg. line as mincing the boiUtdai,v be- that the Cuban insurgents have cut off
'tween Venezuela and I3rithth Galatia.
Mr. Ceciii Rhodes, who line beets the
ruling spirit in South Afrltut anti who
is so rich that the Bank of England,
thinks nothing of ei'asbingif his 1111Ol1ue
for 81,000,000, saved his life by ping
south whom he was it boy, after he 11ati
lost one lung.
The Archbishop of Canterbury has d8
alined to prosocnto the Bishop of Lon-
don. for issuing a license for the Mar.
liege of divorced persons, on the t 1'0und
that the Bishop's ohetneellor bola that
such licensee are proper, and Ilia 1310101/
has a right to ant on the deoisiyn of hie
The report of the United 51atea Im-
migration Investigation Gamtnitleo re-
f emoms Congress
aami la f inn cheaptllehot i,s to
W. Resell Wilson, president of the
Belvidere railway In j'Onnllylvullia, Is
thio oldest rallwlty preeidalit it file
United Slates, IIc was 11dntl in 1811,
all means of communication between
Ilavana and the interior,
The citizens of Havana arereatly
afraid that the insurgents will destroy
the water works, whneh are situated
about five miles from the pity.
It has been finally settled that Dr.
,i11;01Os0141 and. his officers shall be con-
70y0tl my )ria0ners to England, where
they wilt in arraigned before the pro -
pee tri1annis.
'Che tweluty-fiCth anniversary of the
00wtvrib)(I of King William of Prussia
lit Volvittilles lis 1imporor of Germany
runs e0lebtaled with inueh pomp ,in Ber-
1141 on Sattusiay.
11, id reported front the British Eni-
l4118sy in Oollrltaa)thlople that about fifty
thnueestil lieends will be required to
slave the Armenians of Anatolia from
starvation until epl'ing.
As 8 Milli; of his gastrin with the
German llntperor, Prince-FredorickLe-
(void of Prussia has resigned his posi-
tion In the army and taken his wife
away to seutheral Europe,
It Pays.
It pays to wear a smiling face
And laughour troubles down,
For all our little trials wait
Our laughter or our frown.
Beneath the magic) of a smile
Our doubts will fade away
As melts the frost in early spring
Beneath the sunny ray.
It pays to make a worthy cause,
By helping it, our own ;
To give the ourreut of our lives
A true and noble tone. •
It pays to comfort heavy hearts,
Oppressed with dull despair,
And.lenve in sorrow -darkened lives
A gleam of brigbtnecv there,
It pays to give a helping hand
To eager, earnest youth,
To note, with all their waywardneae,
Their courage and their truth;
To strive. with sympathy, and love
Their confidence to win!
It pays to open wide the heart
And .let the sunshine in.
drain the four ounces of rice •, put into
the pan with the quart of milk and the
lemon peel cut very thin, Let the rice
swell slowly for three-quarters of an
hour, then take out the lemon peel and
stir into the butter and three ounces of
sugar (powdered)), the yolks of the eggs
well beaten. Butter a pudding mold
and sprinkle it with bread crumbs, then
pour in the rice and bake the pudding
one hour in a slow oven. Turn it out
and garnish with orange marmalade
Serve with cream.
For Night Flailing.
An electric genius has come to the
aid of night fishermen. Men who catch
eels and other fresh -water fish for the
market sometimes set as many as a
dozen lines, These must be taken up
from time to time for examination, lfbe
nowdevice is an arrangement by which
s• gallWriting to tint? Mayr)F ,
I;t9i►t±.,l.?,��..,.� it, by ;�'�
Postmaster, any Minister or Citizen 6a
ilartfCird City, Indiana.
iflamrsosa (QTY, Blackford County,
Indiana. Jane 8111, 1808.
South American Medicine Co.
Gentlemen : I received a letter
from you May 27111, stating that you
had heard of my wonderful recov-
ery from a spell of sickness of six
years duration, tIreugh the use of
Sourn AMmtntICAN NERVINE, and asking
for my testimonial. I was near
thirty.five years old when I took
down with nervous prostration. Our
gamily physician treated me, but with-
out beneiitliug me in the least. My
nervous system seemed to be entirely
shattered, and I constantly had very.
severe shakier, sp.Ils. In addition
to this I would lune vomiting spells.
During the years I lay sick, my folks
bad an eminent physician from Day-
ton, Ohio, and two from Columbus,
Ohio, to crime and examine me.
They all said I could not live. I
got to having spells like spasms, and
would lit cold and st.ff for a time
after each. At last I lost the use of
ury body—onnld not ipso from my bed
or walk a step, end had to be liftei7
like a child. Part of the time I
could read a little, and one day saw
an advertisement of your medicine
and concluded to try one bottle. By
the time I had taken one and or --
half bottles I could rise up and ti 21.
a step or two by being helped, an''i
after I had taken five bottles in
felt real well. The shaking we••'
away gradually, and I could eat and
sleep good, and my friends could
scarcely believe it was I. I am sure
this medicine is the best In the world.
I belivo it saved my life. I give my
name and address, so that if anyone
doubts my statement they can write
me, orour postmaster or any citizen,
as all are acquainted with my case.
I am now forty-one years of age,
and expect to live as long as the
Lord has use for me and do all the
good K Gan in helping the suffering.
Will a remedy which can effect
such a marvellous ours as the skits*
cure yon?
A. DF"tD1 &N Wha105.110 an,1 Metall ,l';oat fo: Ur1! S;