HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-1-31, Page 6Vat ° ,a lt$l e1S
___. a rAIIi(le$ED
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suhseriptlon is paid is "denoted by this date
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ADven1TeING Wilma -The following =tee
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the year.•-
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sertlou, 0.11 advertisements measured as
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Instructions to change or discontinue an
advertisement roue tbelett at.the countiag
room- of Tun Pow not later than Tuesday
of oath -week This is imperative.
VT. i3. X. ERTi„
Editor and'roprletor,
There was no school in the Junior De-
partment of our school the former part
of last week, on account of the teaober
being siok.
The saw logs are coming in in large
quantities at present, and our mill men
will soon have to begin sawing to make
room for them.
Dr. Herbert E. Wallace has left Ford.
wioh and gone home to Port Elgin. He
intends to begin practice again in the
near future, but we have not learned
where he will locate.
Rev. Mr. Coeene received a telegram on
Wednesday morning of last week that his
father was dying. Mr. and tire. Coeone
left in the afternoon for Trowbridge,
where be resides.
TILE I4tl4t'.:",.41 B R T? 17 Jr ,k+l' aa1 POST
the grim rnonster for a time, fie return.
ed 100081e during the Summon in a low
eeadition, hut•oinoe that time: appeared
to have regained etgongtll and vigor and
Wee almostdaily seen Upon our streets,
While driving en Friday he cantraeted 10
severe cold, and a violent atte,010 of hem.
cordage ensuing, he sucoutubed On Mon,
day morning, "Jack," as be was fami,
!laxly called, was a boy whom everybody
loved. Hie free, open manner and jovial
disposition won him friends on all eidoa
In atUletio sports lee took a prominent
part and lox a number of years was a
membes Of the lduron football team,
He was appointed on the [staff of the
Bank of Commerce, in whims service he
remained until 0omp911ed by ill health to
relinquish hie duties, The funeral on
Wedneeday afternoon was very largely
attended. Out of respect to a departed
soboelmate the Collegiate Institute ern.
dente marohed in a body.
Three tramps were given lodgings in
the lock-up here on Mooday night of last
Samuel Sweet le having the material
drawn for the erection of his new resi-
dence tDavis'
Aatherng of yoStreet,
ngpeople presented
themselves at the residence of Miss Clara
Vosper, Huron street, and presented her
with a handsome Bible as a token of re-
spect towards her as their Sunday School
The many friends of Ed. and Mre.
Bissett, of Forest, formerly of Exeter,
will sympathize with them in the sad
lose of their youngest son, who died on
Saturday, 18th inst., at the age of 5
years, 10 months and 18 days. The
little fellow was in his usual good health
three days before his death and attended
school on the previo0s Wednesday, but
complained that evening after school of a
sore throat. Medical aid was summoned
when it was ascertained that be was
suffering from a severe attack of diph-
theria, and after three days of intense
enffering suconmbed to its fatal effects.
His remains were brought here and were
interred in the Exeter oemetery.
Goa erials.
Gordon Henderson, the ticket agent at
the G. T. R. for some years past, has
been promoted to a similar position at
1896 has started well for the building
trade, both carpenters and masons having
already commenced on the two new
stores in the Albion block.
At an informal meeting in commotion
with the proposed saw mill it was stated
that a large number of logs now on the
Bruce Peninsula. had been secured by the
Norman A. Bailie, a former pupil of
the Goderich Collegiate Institute, has
paned a very creditable examination in
'the Los Angelee University, taking eighty
three per cent. on the whole, and in some
subjects as high as ninety.eight per cent.
The Kidd estate near
the G. T
R. eta -
tion has passed into the hands of Geo.
Acheson. It is understood that the sum
paid therefor was in the neighborhood of
two thousand, and that our large real
estate owner is holding the block for a
company that is expected to materialize
in a few days.
A beautiful cantata is being prepared
for presentation by the vooal class, under
Mr. Olnff, about the middle of February.
Jones end Murray have opened out the
rink in'the old drill shed, which is being
Gor.R ie.
Hammond Bros.' saw mill: hag com-
menced operations.
W. D. Hammond has moved into his
handsome new residenoe tvhieh he greet•
ed this Summer.
Wm. G. Musgrove is at present spend-
ing a few days with his sister, Mre, W. A.
Edgar, of Culloden.
e D, Sandereon, who bee been in business.
in Gorrio for over ten years, has decided
to dispose of his hardware business and
embark in some other locality.
The following is it list of the oflioere for
the ensuing year in Maitland Lodge, 216,
A,O.C.W.:-P. M. W., T. H. MoLangh'
lin; M. W., A. Doan ; F., Robb, Blow ;
0., G. 2. Nash ; 1. W., W. D,11arnmond ;
0. W„ W. Massey ; Rea, R. Toung ;
Fin., R. Rose ; Rea., W. Dane ; G., J.
Bowyer ; Trustees, H. Perkins, T. John-
ston and J. Cooper ; Representative to
Grand Lodge. R. Match.
The following officers have been ap.
pointed for 1806 in Howiak tow0el»p at
the former salaries :-Mre. Lizzie Dane,
Township Clerk ; Jae. Perking, Treasur-
er ; Geo. Padfield, Assessor ; R. Russell,
caretaker of Hall : P. Hsppinetall, Audi-
tor ; Jae. Roe be a member of the Board
of health for one year; Arthur Spotton
be a member of the Board of Health for
two years and that Thos. Aikens be a
member for three years. The appoint-
ment of collectors being left over until
the September meeting.
Wm. Davies, barber, intends moving
into the premises formerly oocupied by
W Begley, in the Mason block in a few
advantageolle peeltien, and oetabliall' .a
landfill refit fend, Progreso h as alae been
made in other wave, I' or'111staneo, there
have peon 496 polielee leaned during the
year, and there 0.80 POW 4;1 mere ie aper -
anon than there were hist year. '.Ihe
amount of iuenranco taken in 1896 was
le the premiumore m notesleen:sloetn for t�le
year woe proportionately large, Tlhe,
150ees9ment0 Collected for the year
amounted 90 $7,077.
Some. party took a 10 pound turkey
frnm in front of Fitzsimons betoher
shop, at half -past six, the evening of the
A. M. Campbell, of Souris, Mau., who
was elected by aoelamation for the legis-
lature; i8 a brother-in-law of Horace
Foster. This is Mr, Campbell's fourth
A number of ladies of the Ontario S .
church have organized a eooioty tie be
known as the women's "Ohrietlan As-
" 'n in
sooiation, for the purpose of aiding
the furtherance of ohur
oli work,
Mr. Harland was re.eleoted chairman
of the School Board and the different
committees for the year were eelected.
It was deoided that one member from
each ward ehoold visit the sohool some
time each week.
While a carnival was in progress a
large lamp was knocked over and set fire
to the boards of the gallery. Althoughrit
made considerable blaze, it was quickly
extinguished by Mr. Chant tbrowing hie
fur coat over it.
The Collegiate hal a narrow escape
from what might have been a eerioue fire.
The stove in the gymuasioni is an up.
right, and a etiok bad been placed in it,
which, it is supposed, fell over and
knooked the door open, allowing a per.
tion of a burning Wok to fall on the
floor. It had burned a good-sized hole
Olean through the floor, but went out
itself. As the incident was not discover-
ed until the next day, it can easily he
seen how barrow an escape the building
This week we record the death of Mrs.
McMurohie, widow of the late Reeve Mc -
Murchie, which occurred, on Wednesday
afternoon of last week. Since her hus-
band's death last May, she has never
been thee:line person in health, and al-
though there were no special manifesta-
tionsof illness until. about a fortnight
since, her intimate friends noticed of late
a very marked change, as she bore her
ilei at i o on her con-
sorrow in ei , b -t told
stitution. While attending to some ,
household duty two weeks ago, she sus -1
'Emigh and bride, of Rook, tailed a stroke of paralysis, from which Le free -from the Injurious coloring.
she never recovered. , The more you' use of it the better
Island, are spending their honeymoon - you like it.
with the gentleman's parents av the Cor- SIRS. GRUNDY SITS ) :x40 GEO. E. rVCKETT & SON co., r TD.
menial. -^-
W. Begley, shoemaker, has removed That modern women sometimes stoop , HAMILTON,.ONT.
's ascan seta ori n
'WOOTk'8, nof3'b?']Cl<'ODJ iJ0.
'1'lra Great xen8'11nit 9Iemedro
,50wPuck9pc0 tit4ar44t4tepd to
b G P;-
promptly, end gerta099ntly
sere all tonne of 700090us
YPcgt sze,,itzf tscrz,Sparm.
00Orrl.A0, 210 1 9101095 40,01 art44
410'entA nfAti499 w'F000000s,
„ 0anatul W:'Arrw, 0009001808140 H A
Ne oreancdA Ger, y0taoc4,O009.81 04t¢mu• "�9' Iii t y
,� Ianta,.tvht04so0n19a4iioln. 1 ^ '"�'d F} F�' O
Are*ft yr fuses 19, G'0110044ipt6 04 and au carfy,08(4004, A 0 al,
=niconpreseribed'over 09 years fa thonaoads of O in £a
Gases; le the efav BOON and Kone00 0(10ii0hw I C
known. 401128ustdatfe9'Woad'@0rlioophodlneptf t� i/1
bgolreresemo worthless taed10109 in place. et'tbls, /�
laolo0o pr1I01a letter, and w9 Will send by return
,pail. Price, 908 9090009, 811 elx, 85. One wgr
Tease, Ata 4440 euro, I'emphtote trot) Many addree0.
'rho Wo04� 0erap,tenY,
\i'ladpor, Oat., Canada.
Bold 00
Bressele by
1:, A, 11Ii,tL11L011, IDpotggfet.
SH1�. l;S
OE eta,50 ots. an
one oast a 11000.
It is sold 010 a guarantee by all druggleta
It. curse I001pient 0008ump9000 and ie the
heat Cough and Oroup pure. --.
Z ''(1 �!
a 064 1
SON bs' J,18. VAX, Itrasalet, 11raa0010..
Know What You Chew
from Mason bl I d t I p r o of exceedingly low to conquer.
Carter & MoKenzia's harness shop where That it ie better to he a good cook or
waitress than a poor typewriter.
That New York women on the street
Watson's block is having his large stook forget the dismal fate of Lot wife.
he will carry ou his business.
Mr. Kramer, dry goods merchant in
of dry goods and groceries disposed of by That society men add to their popular.
auction every afternoon and evening. ity by being deferential to old ladies.
'The anniversary services of the Presby- That some debutantes appear to know
terian church was held in this village on everything at their first appearance.
Sunday. Rev. 4. G. Stewart, B. A., of That a match -making mamma,thwart- I
Knox ohurmb, London, preached at 11 a. ed in ber plane, always geta her revenge. i
m., and 6:80 p. m. The following even- That books that poison the mind and
ing a,tea meeting was held in the base• corrupt morals were never so numerous. ji
mentof the ohuroh, after which a lecture That matrimonial triumphs of gentle. J
was given, entitled "Rambles through women.iu trade cause more to go into it.
Wonderland," by Rev. S. S. Henderson, That some noblemen and their Amari -
of Heneall. Addressee were also deliver- can wives' money are soon aleniated.
ed by Rev. J. G. Stuart, B.A., Revue. W. That days of rapidly.aconmuiating for -
T. Hall, R. Henderson, D. Forest and tunes on speculation are rapidly gliding 1
resident ministers. by. •
On Monday forenoon our newlyap- That affinity is not sufficiently consid-
pointed council-ReevetW'ilford, oonnell. ed nowadays in the matter of marriage- 1
lore McNally, Ashbury, Sime and Howe That the adoration of the horses and
met in Industry Hall and took the oath, dogs will never bring one "peace at the
a000rding to law, and proceeded to bust- last.'
nese. After having appointed T. W.
Scott their olerk for the ensuing year at
a salary of $50, they adjourned to meet
in the evening at the appointed hour.
They were all present and in their places.
John McGill was appointed assessor for
1896 at a salary of $40. Constable
Davies was appointed at the same salary,
$115, for 1896, as well as Health Inspect.
or, &c. Other matters were brought for.
ward and disposed of.
Hugh Ross has rented the farm former-
ly ,occupied by Henry Horley, ou the
Leadbury line.
Council" met in Jones' hotel, Leadbury,
on Monday, 20th inst. Wm. Archibald
was elected Deputy u
t Reeve. All the old
officials were re -appointed to office at
previous year's salary. Cheques were
issued to pay costs of election; Collector's
salary, Clerk's salary for half year and
half year's printing, all amounting to
9812. McKillop has two in the Hoose of
Refuge now, and is sending another. The
Council will pass a by-law at next meet-
ing prohibiting stook running on high-
ways, in
igh-ways,in accordance with wish of rate-
payers as shown by vote. Next meeting
will be held in Jones' hotel, Leadbury, on
Monday, Feb. 24th, at two o'olook p. m.,
when Auditors'. report will be received.
largely patronized by hockeyiets and TuE McRralor Duman=E Cmn'AtY.-
skaters. The annual meeting of the MoKilfop
Dr. Campbell left on Monday of last Mutual Fire Insurance Company was
week for his new home in Brooklyn, N.X. held in the Town Hall, Seaforth, on
Mre. Campbell and eon, Wm., will follow Friday, 17th inst. George Watt, the
the doctor in a couple of weeks. President of the Company, presided.
Mise Fergus Campbell and Harold There was a good attendance of mem.
Clarkson, of Seaforth, were among the
honor graduates of Toronto Normal
School at the recent examination.
The Coattail met on ivfonday evening of
last week. Present -The Mayor and all
the Councillors. Wm, Elliott was am
pointed Clerk, and Wm. Somerville and
J. 0. Rose, auditors. The appointment
of John Stewart fie Chief of the Fire
Department was confirmed by the Coun-
cil. The Mayor, Reeve, Deputy -reeve
and Councillors Gillespie and Scott were
appointed to draft the standing commit-
tees for the year. The townofiioere were
elected -Wm. Ballantyne, assessor ; R.
S. Roberts, engineer ; E. Lusby, market
clerk and constable ; Wm. Gillespie,
police officer and collector. Tenders for
60 cords of wood were asked fur. Coun-
cillor hinters gave notice of motion at
next meeting of council to introduce a
bylaw regulating the Bale of meat,
tee, etc.
John W. Smith died on Monday of
last week. The youngest son, whose
twenty-four years proved him to be
worthy of the love that was bestowed
upon him, etrioken down in the bloom
of his youth and usefulness. The canoe
of death was oonsuinption,-from which
malady deoeaeed had been suffering dur-
ing the poet three years. During the
Spring of last year he went to Los Ango•
los,lCalifornia, where be sojourned for a,
few months in the hope of warding off
That those who envy the lives of rich
families do not know the shadows there.
That some women at receptions attack
the refreshments as if their fast were
That like or dislike of the clergyman
should not have anything to do with the
"Five years ago," says Anga A. Lewis,
Richard, N. Y., "I bad a constant cough,
night sweats, was greatly reduced in flesh
and had been given up by my physicians.
I began to take Ayer's Cherry' Pectoral,
and after using two bottles was oomplete-
ly oared."
One short puff of the breath through the
Blower, supplied with eaoh bottle of Dr.
Agnew's Catarrah Powder, diffuses this
Powder over the surface of the nasal
passages. Painless and delightful to
1188, it relieves instantly, and permanent-
ly cares Oatarrah, Hay Fever, Colds,
Headaoh s, Sore Throat, Tonsilitis and
Deafnese 60 cents at G. A. Deadman'e.
bete, and the proceedings throughout
were moat harmonious and pleasant.
The retiring directors this year were
George Watt and T. Garbut, Hallett,
aud G. Elliott, Goderich tp. Messrs.
Watt and Gitrbut were reelected, and
Geo. Dale takes the place of Mr, Elliott,
At a subsequent meeting of the directors
all the old officers were re -appointed, viz
George Watt, president ; Jas. llroadfoot,
vice.president ; W. J. Shannon, eeo'y-
treas., and M. Mardfe, inspector. The
financial statement, which was submitted
and adopted, is a highly satisfactory ono.
It shows the Company to be in a splendid
linanoial position ; to be gaining ground,
and to have been managed with care and
eoo0omy by the officers and directors.
Daring the past year the company has
paid losses unpaid from 1804, of $1,088 ;
losses for the year 1896, $8,877, and lie.
bilitiee carried forward from previous
years amounting to 98,400, besides all
working expenses', and oloses the year
with a balance of $701 in the treasury,
and has in addition assessments to the
amount of nearly six hundred dollars
still due. This le, certainly, a meat.
satisfactory showing. The assets of the
company amount to $78,529, and the
total liabilities to $262. The company
hoe been exceedingly fortunate for the
past year, the total losses: amounting to
only a little over $4,000. ' The oompanJy
should now take advantage of their
-.1 have taken Ayer'9 rills for many
years and always derived the best re.
sults trum their use.
For Stomach and Liver
troubles and for the cure of headaebe
-Yatnsed fly these derangements, Ayer's
Pills cannot be equaled. TUoy aro easy
to take, and
Are the Best
ail -round Welly medicine I have ever
1iVety ."-tlrs.AY Jon1aorl, 308 Rider
NeW York
Highest Awards at World's Fair.
dyer's'Sarsaparilla for the blood.
Bat One Sure Remedy -Obtain 2t for. 25
Cents, Blower Included, and bo Cured.
Catarrh is a disagreeable and:.of-
fensive disease. It usually results Irom
a cold and often ends in consumption
and death. The ono effective remedy
so far diseovored for it is Dr. Chase's'
Catarrh Can.
Physicians failed to cure Geo. Belfrsy,
toll -gate keeper, Holland Landing road.
Chase's Catarrh Cure diad it.
One box cured William Kneeshaw and
two boxes James T. Stoddard, both of
West Gwillimbury.
DivielOn Court Clerk 4001 Rogers, Rob-
ert J. Hoover and Geo. Taylor, all of
Beeton, voluntarily certify to the elIl-
cacy of Chase's Catarrh Cure.
J. W. Jennison, of Gifford, spent nearly,
$800 oa doctors, but found no permanent
relief until he tried a 25 -cent box of
Miss Dwyer, of Alliston, got rid of a.
cold in the bead' in 12 home.
Henry R. Nicholls, 176 Rectory street,
London, tried a box with excellent ef-
Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure la for Bale by
any dealer, or . by Edmanson, Bates &
Co-, Toronto. Pries 25 cents including.
Coughs, colds and bronchial troubles
renodity cured by the latest discovery,
Chase's Linseed and frrrpentine..P:cas-
ant and easy to take. 25 cents:
Sixteen Pages, 96 Columns, of
Attractive Family Read-
ing Every Week.
110111 Del 9t,er FOR $1
The undersigned is prepared
to attend to all work intrusted.
to 13im in a prompt and work-
manlike manner in
Carriage Painting,
Sign Writing,
House Painting and;
All Work under lily personal
supervision and satisfaetiou as-
Now is the time to got your
buggy or cart repainted for lipid
Spr ung.
Paint Shop on King et., Brussels.
Cash Business
a Success!
-�7 { find it very satisfactory and thank our numerous friends
1v/��' for their support in assisting us to carry it on.
Ca ell Tells Every Time Y
We have still a large stock of Winter Goods to dispose of, and dur-
ing January, will cut prices away 'down beyond reach of com-
petition; During this month we will make a GRAND CLEAR-
ING SALE in all lines of Dry Goods, Furs, Overcoats, Mantle
Goods, c,, Boots and Shoes, from 10 to 25 per cent. less than
usual prices.
A full line of Groceries, Fresh and Clean. Try our 25c. Tea -No
better in the market for 85c.
We ask an inspection of our stock. We can make it to your inter-
est to buy from us.
We handle large quantities of Produce forwhich we pay the highest
inarlfet pries in exchange for. Goods, or for Cash:
Agent for the Standard Patterns and Publications.
FEBRUARY Fashion Shoots to hand -Call and get ono FREE.
The Wins=LY Ron PRnss and
FARM Atte 'Bona, combined in ono
issue, uniform in size and appear-
ance, is offered to subscribers from
now until the 31st December, 1890, for
The FREE Piens is the Leading
Liberal -Conservative Tournay of West-
ern Ontario. It contains each week
a complete summary of the news
and couunent of the times,
Tho Commercial pages of the
WEEKLY' FREE PRESS are up to date,
and ample for the country' merchant,
fanner and dairyman.
The 20nnm' AND Holm contains each
week able articles on Agricultural
subjects and Live Stook. The farmer
and cattle and horse breeder will find
in its pages abundant topics of special
A Serial Tale of absorbing interest
will bo an interesting feature of the
WEEKLY Fran Iyinis,.
Roth Papers Combined for $t.: from
Now MALI December 81st 0896.
Agents wanted everywhere, Address
all communications to the
1 ®Q
Life, of Toronto.
The Policy Contract, issued by this Association is perfection itself,
It leaves nothing further to -be desired. Rates and full infor-
mation furnished on application.
W. IL •KERET, Agent, Brussels.
131:2>.U'SS L1S SrEO-V-E
Are to the Front 'with a large stock of Stoves.
Having a'thorough knowledge of what is required by the people
of Brussels and vicinity, we have selected our stock with a great
deal of care, and are prepared to offer the best lines of Stoves man-
ufactured in the Dominion. ,
IN 000K STOVESd .,
We Handle the superior line manufactured by the
Doherty Manufacturing Co., also Buck's Celebrated Cook and Par-
lor Stoves. The Garland line by Bowes, Jamieson tic Co., always
in stook.
We have the Lyndon Heater, by the new process,
manufactured by the Doherty Manufacturing Company,called the
Ferris Steel. In Coal Stoves we'have the well-known "Favorite."
E i"A11 our stook will be sold at Greatly Reduced Prices to suit the times.
Lamps and Lamp Goods in great variety.