The Brussels Post, 1896-1-31, Page 3JAN. 31, 189(1
Town ,Directory.
MwLvm o 011vllolt,m—Sabbath Serviette
at 11 a m and 7100 p, m. Sunday Sehool
at 2730 p in, INV. ,john Boge, 13 A,
8T. donls'8 Ounuon,—Sabbath Servioes
at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday School
at 200 p, m. Bev, A, K. Griffin, lnenm•
Mertonlez• Onvncg,--Sabbath Services
at 10:00 a m .and 7:00 p in. Sunday
School at 2;30 p m, Rev. G. 13, Qobble.
died, M A, B D, pastor,
;ontAN OA'rnOLlo Quenon.—Sabbath
Services third Sunday in every month, at
10:00 a m, Rev Joseph Kennedy,
SAnvAwxol Ansn:.—Ser`vioe at 7 and 11
a m and 3 and s p m on Sunday and
every evening in the week at 5 o'olook, at
the Wreaks,
Our FEDLows' Lome every Thursday
evening, in Grahame blaok.
MAeooic LOn=B Tuesday at or before
/ell mop, in Oartield block.
A 0 U W Lonen On the Ord
Friday evening of each month, in Blam
hill's block.
0 0 F Loons 2nd end last Monday
evenings of each month, in Blasbill's
I 0 F, 2nd and last Friday in Odd
Fellows' Hall.
L 0 L let Monday in every, month
in Orange. Hall.
Sons or SooTLAND, let and Srd Tues-
days of earth month, in Odd Fellows'
K. 0. T. M, Lenon, 2nd and 4th Tues.
days of each monfih, in Odd Fellow's Hall.
HoMB Oxao»E, 2nd and 4th Friday even-
ings in Blaehill's Hall,
PosT Ori•Ioa.—Offioe hours from 8 a.
m. to 6:80,,p. m.
Macn,oxos' IkerzTums.—Library in
Holmes' block, will be open from 6 to 8
o'clock p. m. Wednesdays and 8:80 to 6
and 6 to 8 Setnrdays. Miss Minnie Mo -
Naughton, Librarian.
Town Oounam.—W. H, Kerr, Reeve ;
W. H. MOOraoken, Robert Graham, R.
Leatherdale and B. Gerry, Councillors ;
le. S. Brett, Clerk; Thomas Kelly,
Treasurer ; D. Stewart, Atomiser and J.
T. Roes, Oolleotor. Board meets the 1st
Monday in each month.
Bottom Bonn.—Rev. Ross, (chairman)
Dr. McKelvey, Dr. Graham, A. Reid, A.
Hunter and 3. N. Kendall ; Seo.-Treas.,
H. Rose. Isteetinge 2nd- Friday evening
in each month.
Pun= sOEooL TEAonsns.-3. II. Oam•
eron, Principal, Miss Braden, Mies
Downey and Miss Cooper.
BoAnn or HE.wrn.-Reeve Kerr, Clerk
Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and 3. N.
Kendall. Dr. MoNaughton, Medical
Health Offioer.
Pause, Christian pilgrim, journeying on
Through life'elong day of toil and pain ;
Here is a etaff to lean upon,
And rest thy trembling, wearied frame;
'Twill prove thy comfort, thy delight—
"At evening time it shall be light."
Thy morning may be o'eroast ;
Clouds may obscure the brightest sky;
The gathering etprm may buret at last;
But, oh I take courage, God is nigh,
His promise puts alt fears to flight—
"At evening time it shall be light."
No mid day sun may gild thy path,
To cheer thea in thy journeying borne,
Yet still rely on precious faith—
In Jesus Christ, and Him alone.
Then is His promise thy delight—
"At evening time it shall be light."
Now thou art near thy journey's end-;.
A few more hours thy labor's done ;
Oh. tarry not, ere long thou'lt find
The battle fought, the victory won.
Christian, thy prospeots then are bright—
"At evening time is shall be light."
Dread not the valley thou must pass
Fear not, the conflict soon is o'er ;
Tenet Him, He's faithful to the last,
He'll lead thee to the happy shore,
And thou shall find, oh, welcome
"At evening evening time it shall be light."
Christian, now thy race is rnn—
Thy Heavenly Father's oall'd thee home;
There thou shalt shine, fair as the sun,
In the presence of the Unarsated One.
No morning cloud, or sable night,;
"But dwell in everlasting light."
There is a store in Monmouth town,
Men call it Jones' saloon ;
Jones sells the queerest articles,
Eaoh morn, and night, and noon.
Ile has the windows( painted brown,
To shut out beaeen's light ;
I wonder if the storeman thinks
His business is not right.
He often lights the gas inside,
And shuts the shutters tight;
For ninny of bis customers
Prefer to buy at night.
I never see the women go
Aehopping there at all ;
Jones never Bells their line of goods,
And so they never gall.
Sometimes the men who go there buy
Some things' they do not need
They often puroheee eyes so blaok
They cannot gee to read.
And, frequently, they buy a nose ,
That's large and very red;
They bought it probably at night
To light them home to bed.
Some patrons buy old, ragged clothes,
Ana hats withottt a orown ;
They buy the meanest kind of goods, -
The vilest in the town.
And, strange to say, yet menoftimes,
While visiting this store,
Will gat a weakness in their knees
• ,And fall upon the floor..
Sometimes most stent i ng sounds are heard
Harsh words, and cries, end groans,
And men rush forth with bleeding face,,
And some have broken bones.
The men who buy at Jones' saloon,
Buy articles too dear ;
For nothing ooste go muoh, on earth,
As whisky, wine and beer,
Mao nay their money, all they have,
Their besiege, and their lote,
Their feed and alothae, and' !louaphoid
For drinks that make them vote,
Men sell their obildren'e happiness
Their love for hone and wife,.
Tho drunkard breaks the heart of her
lie vowed to love through life,
lie sells his noble oharaoter,
His manliness as well
lis sella hie hope, his life, his soul,
To buy the right to hell,
Gaily I olomb the path of life
When sunlight made it clear ;
But slowly trailed' my lagging feet
When darkness made it drear.
And trembling Fadoy said to Faith,
Ae one gray form drew nigh :
"It ie the enemy of souls 1"
My Lord said: "It is I."
Bravely I toiled the livelong hours
When buoyant health was oxine;
But idly fell my nerveless arms
When sickness made me pine,
And troubled Consoienoe said to Faith;
"01 whither shall I fly ? '
Tbie is the punishment of sin!"
My Lord acid : "It is I,"
Merrily life went speeding peat
With all my dear ones round
But Sorrow shrouded life in black
When loved ones were not fonnd..
My sullen heart cried out the Faith
The strioken, tearlass cry ;
'Tie Fate that tramples over all 1"
My Lord said : "It is I."
Gaily P olomb the path of life
When Youth was by my side.;
But slowly trailed my lagging feet,
With Age to be my guide
And trembling Panay said to Faith
Aa the dark form drew nigh :
"'Tie Death, my terror andmy foe I"
My Lord said : "It is I.":
A Broad blinded Divine.
A Scholarly Christian hutsl a Beloved
Pastor Who Believes lit Training- the
Body as Well as the blind.
The bwentyninth day of April ie a
notable day in the history of May Mem-
orial cliurel in Syracuse, as it is the an-
niversary of the installation of the Rev.
Samuel R. Calthrop, D. D1, the eminent
divine who so loug has ministered to
them spiritually as pastor of the church.
Dr. Calthrop was born in England and
received his preparatory scholastic train-
ing at St. Paul's Sahotel, Loudon. Enter.
ing Trinity College, Cambridge, he soon
beoame a bright figure in that brilliant
coterie of soholars, literary men and wits
that followed in the traditlons of Macau.
layand his aseooiatee at the he university.
Ia the middle of the century he visited
Syracuse and received his 'first impres-
sions of theyoungcity that nearly asoore
of years later he was to choose as hie
home and in which his labors have been
so long and effective. The masterly
pulpit addresses of Dr. Calihrophave bad
their fundfinentals drawn from the deep.
est research. His peoplehave been in-
structed by him, not only in things spirit-
ual, but in the elements of the broadest
culture, in literature, in art and in science.
His young men have been taught a mus-
cular system of morality. Iu these and
many other ways he has endeared him-
self to his congregation which is one of
the most highly cultured and wealthy in
the oity.
REV. DR. oanxnaOP, SYRACUSE, N. Y.
Dr. erminop has a striking personality.
Tothe eye he is a most piotureequefigure.
His bead and face, framed in luxuriant
masses of silky, snow white hair and
beard, are of the type of Bryant and
Longfellow. Although over 70 years old
bis rather spare figure is firm and erect
and every movement is active and grace-
ful. Hie whole life long he has been an
ardent admirer and promoter of athletic
sports, and even at his advanced . age,
plays tennis with all the vigor and skill
of a young man. To Syraoasana, per-
haps, thie remarkably versatile man is
most widely known, apart from his pro-
fession, as a scientist.
On a bright. April morning a tepoxtei
followed' the winding driveway thatourv-
ing around the hill leads to Calthrop
Lodge, an old-fashioned red brick man-
sion, eurrounded by a grove of oaks and
ohesbnuts. Wearing a black skull cap,
and a black goat with semi-olerioal out,
the master of Calthrop Lodge graoiouely
received the reporter, who called to in'
quire about hie health, for thong man-
fully repressing all possible evidence of
his suffering, Dr.Oalthrup'for many years.
had been the vielim of a diebressing af-
fliction, until by fortunate chance he wag
lead to take the remedy which has ef-
fectually cured him,
During more than half of his pastorate
in Syracuse, Dr, Calthrop has been trou-
bled with rheumatism, and at intervale
be Buffered exornoiating agony from it.
At times the pain was so great es to.
prevent him from walking, Many rents.
died were tried without theme and be
and his friends had given up hope of a
permanent cure rte of more than tempor-
ary relief when he tools the preparation
that drove the 'disease completely from
his syttom.
In a letter Written to the editor' of the
Evening News, of Syrsouae teat year, Dr,
Oalthrop told of hie affliction and iia
cure. This is Dr. Calthtop's letter
612x"•�v+"1r'2."'f'r,...XC"r&',:�:.,�..,'t, S,r
To the editor of ilia Evening New, --
Dear Sir I. --More than 86 years ago 1
wrenobod my left knee, throwing It al -
Weir from its sooket. Great swelling
followed, and the synovia1 juice kept
lealsing from the joint.
Phis made me laws for years, and
from time to time the weak Imee would
give out entirely and the ssvelling world
gammenee, 'Phis Wee always ooeasionecl
by some strain like a sudden stop. The
knee gradually recovered, but always wee
weaker than the other, ,
About 10 years ago the ewelling re-
commenced, this time without any
wrench at all, and before long 1 realized
that th/le was rheumatism settling in the
weakest part of the body. The trouble
game so often that I Was obliged to oerry
an opiate in my pooket everywhere 1
went.' 1 had generally a packet in my
waistcoat pocket, but in going to a eon-
ferenoe at Buffalo, I forgot it, and as the
oar was danxp and cold, before I got to
Buffalo, my knee was ewollen to twioe,ite
natural aims;
I had seen the good effeote that Pink
•Pips were having in such eaeee, and I
tried them myself with the result that 3
have never had a twinge nor a swelling
since, Tbie was effected by taking
seven or eight boxes.
I need not etty that I am thankful for
my recovered independeooe, but I will
add that my knee is far stronger than it
has been for 86 years
I took one pill at my male three times
a day,
I gladly give you this statement.
Yours, - S. R, CALTunoP.
Since writing this letter Dr. Calthrop •
has not bad any visits from hie old enemy
and is even more cordial now in his re•
oommendation of Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills than he was then. To the reporter
be said :—
"I I am continually recommending Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills to acquaintances
and those I chance to meet] whet are
troubled with rheumatism or i000motor
"Pink PII1s" oontinued Dr, Oalthrop,
"are the best thing of the kind I know of.
They are infinitely superior to most
medicines that are put up foe sale. I
know pretty well what the pills contain
and I consider it an exoellent prescript
ion. It is snob a prescription as I might.,
get from my doctor but be • would nob
glue it in, auoh a compact form and ae oon-
venient to take,
"I recommend the pills highly to all.
who are troubled with rheumatism, loco•
motor ataxia or any impoverishment of
the blood."
The biggest mistake I ever knew a
merohanb to make, said the lounger, was
when one one of my friends concluded to
spend 070 to have illustrated signs paint•
ed on fences and barns in the country.
The pictures were all numerous and in
colors, to be painted on .a white` bask-
ground. One was a bullfrog reaching out
after a beg ; another a -dog satobiag a
fellow by the seat of the pante, and an-
other a snake and a bird, a sort of a take.
off on "the early bird catches the first
worm," Well, the painter used white-
wash aodcheap colors. After the first
rain, says a writer in Farm Maohinery,
the bullfrog pioture and the words of the
advertisement got wonderfully blended to.
gather and the bulldog was made to phew
the advertiser's name instead of abs other
fellow's trousers ; at least that is the
way the blur made it appear. After the
second rain there was only a vague sort
of an indication of an advertisement, the
water having washed out some words and
letters and leaving others untouched.
For instance in the line "Purchase your
Buggies," on the sign appeared as "Chase
our Bug."
uTEs.—All oases of organic or sympathetic
heart disease relieved in 30 minutes and
quickly oared, by Dr. Agnew's Cure for
the Heart. One dose convinces. Sold
by G. A. Deadman.
One man -in Chester, England, has
been before the police justices 130 times
for drunkenness or assaults ; his father
was up 85 times ; one sister 67, and
another 49. The post of prosecuting the
family and keeping it in prison has been
over $10,000.
Don't worry. Don't run- in debt.
Don't trifle with your health. ,Don't try
experiments with medioines. Don't
waste , time and money on worthless
compounds. Dont be persuaded to take
a substitute for Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It
ie the best of blood -purifiers.
American Rhenmatic Duro for Rheuma-
tism and Neuralgia radically oures in 1
to 8 days. Its notion upon the system
is remarkable and mysterious. 10 re-
moves ab once the Douse and the disease
immediately disappears. The first dose
greatly benefits. 75 cents. Warranted
by G. A: Deadman.
RELIEF IN Six Houne.—Distressing kid•
nay and bladder diseases relieved in six
hours by the "Great South American
Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a
great surprise and delight on account of
its exceeding promptness in relieving
pain in the bladder, kidneys, baok and
every part of the urinary passages in
male or female. It relieves retention of
water and pain in, passing it almost im-
mediately. Ii you want quick relief and
enre this ie your remedy. Sold by G. A.
Deadman, druggist.
British Coi>.aanbia
Red Cedar Shingles
Ann• —
Nortlt Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing Hills
Also Doors and Sash of all Pat
terns on hand or made to order
at Short Betioe.
Estimates Furnished for all
kinds of Buildings, Workman-
ship and Material Guaranteed.
Je Sc P. A.M`E NT,
System tiiei ovaator
—Arlo oTnnn—
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
73lood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate-
tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur-
algia, Loos of Memory, Bronchitis, Con.
surnption, Gall Stones, Saundioe, Kidney
and 'Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance
Female Irregularities and General. De.
Prop, and Manufacturer.
Sold by JAMES FOX,
Den guff Brussels.
Featherbone Skirt Bone
Style and Shape
Ladies' d s Dresses.
A light, pliable, elastic bone made
from geflle, It is soft and yielding,
conforming readily to folds,•• yet giving
proper shape to Skirt or Dress.
The only Skirt Boue that may be
wet without injury.
'1'110 Celebrated Fentherbono Cot'
sets are corded with this Llgtellal.
10-21 For sale by leading Dry Goods Dealers.
Ihave afine, ne'vand
well selected stock of
Certain in its effects and never blisters.
Read proofs below:
B0st2 Gorman lradergon 0o., 1R., Feb.24,'95.
Dm D.J. irs-Plea 60,
Dear Sirs—Please hand me one or door Ilona
Books oblige. Ibave used agreat deal 003 000
wonderful edicinos with good success it fad
wonderful mediolna. I once I d a more tlmt had
an Occult Spavin and ave betties cured her. 1
!cool' a battle Yours 1zu betmCams. POWELL.
OAnneS, Mo.,.Apr. S, '93.
Dr. 13. J. EE05,10» CO.
Dear se's—I have used several bottles of your
'TteudaIrsepavin Ou00".with much success. I
think it the best Liniment ever used. Naos re-
moved ono Curb o„ 1110a
o S e grin and bated
two Bone Barn Wand. nava recommended soseit to
sc Oral of 5. 4�Ree who aro much Pleased wltlt
and keep It. RsepeobPR. Ry,
S. R. RAY, F. O. Dos M.
For Sale by all Drnggiste, or address
Dr. ,13, J. K.I7ND1i8L 001tr1'423T' '
Dr. n. P•. 11la005U.
No Other Medicine
kl ' Sarsia;
'ifi f d parill�
Statement of a well Known Doctor
"No`other blood medicine 111:it 1 have
ever used and I have tried them ell Isso
thorough in its action, and effects so ninny
permanent cures- se Ayer's Saraaparlbla."—
Dr. 11. F. MERRILL, Augusta, Me.
Ayer's cry- Sarsaparilla
Admitted at the World's .Bair.
Averse Eilba or ££vor eaattl. Dowels.
33rd Year
$sit a,A '2"ouxse'
®---^—I rem Enos. _ .
The best and brightest Weekly Paper I
published iu any of the cities
of Canada.
Sixteen Pages Every Week
Only $1 NTotil Jan. 1, 197
Special Rates to Clubs.
Good Inducements to Canvassers.
Address all comhnuni0attoas—
Western Advertiser,
Horse B1an1 ate,
Tright and Heavy gar
neSS, Collars, 86c,
Trunks and Bags
at Low Prices,
Will neake
a Well, rn&F!,
of you
Most rnosucco Tnn Anov2
nne0LT0 ar noonwoeaa.
PIOOBI cares an Nervous Diseases Sleepless,
noes, Falling memory, Nightly Ennaa:one, Noma,
toerhaea, Impotoany, eta., oanead by pact n 0800;
gives vigor and oUa to shrunken organs, ane
quickly but sur PEa00xw Maxwell uMarnoon "etr iso
naA happy 000.15. cant by oaii bh plain .0x5530'
and eoaarois coaled. from observation. Ifeelly
carried fa vest Oahe. Price, Si a pauhago his
50r30. r Sand money In either 081!80.03" kg;
Drugad totter. Ad000,0 alt l t re to gent 7 ,I I:,
minion w000eroctt, O. -r., agent for the ho
minion of Canada.
Auy Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
6 & 6 Per Cent., Yearly,
Straight Loans With privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brussels.
12 dozen new School
Scribblers to hand.
Only 5 cents each. •
A Bankrupt Stock of
Photo, Albums that will be sold at a
Low Price.
Writing Pads from. 50. up.
Stafford's Celebrated Inks.
School Books and Supplies.
Special Values in Bibles.
Shaving Sets, Comb and Brush Cases and
Writing Desks at cost to clear out stock.
Winter Gaines, Children's Btaildi.ra�
and 4lolutTiet Mocks.
Boy's Veloe•ipede at a Bargain.
Only a few Ilancl-sleighs left and they will
be sold. at Cost to clear.