HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-1-24, Page 8Who will it be 9 Yoa would Oat lob a. physiolon shoe year horse nor expoot a bleak- ewith to doctor Mir family, For the sates reason do not wear NM, taoee unless year eyoo have been properly tested and the glaaaea sop• plied by those yvho have roods o study of them, The aerllor rnember of our Arm is a graauato of the Op. tioalInetitute of Canada, and the Ontario. Optical Institute ; and the junioo member etas the degree of Master of Optics and Diploma front the Ophthalmic Collage and Hospital, Chicago, the as in the U, S. We at Spectacles aolentifioally and supply theta for loon than is fro. quently obarged for those that may be an injury to the eye. Call and see our outfit for'tpetdng the eight, ;Deadman & lef?cCall, Optioians, D ruggiste, GRANDTRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. e/& it. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows't GOING Somer. GOING NgRoo. trail 0:50 a.m. Mixed thee a.m. (express 11:00 a.m.- Mail ............ 0:18 p,m. ,1T1x0d. 0;00 p.1 -.I Express .,.,-, 0:48p .m, Prat .etvs fans. A ohiel's amangye takfn' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. BRUSSELS Monthly Fair on Thursday, February 6111. THERE ie an epidemio of Bore throats o the go in this locality, COUNTY Council convenes next Tues. day afternoon at Goderioh. Ammon change, or perhaps two, in the business men in $russele is mooted, Miss LowRY intends going out of mil- linery and is running a sale for 30 days. LARGE quantities of logs are being hauled to Ament Brox.' saw mill in this place. To is said Sam. Beattie may become a resident of Oollingwood, as he talks of purchasing a hotel there. LARGE quantities of baled straw are be. ing hauled from Seaforth and locality Northward. $7.00 a ton appears to be about the average price. Dog's forget the publio debate in the Town Hall on Friday evening of next week. The proceeds will go into the treasury of the Publics Library. Mao. F. C. 'ROGERS has moved her millinery and mantle stock from the uld stand to the Dr. Graham blook, and may now be found in tbo store recently vacat. ed by Jas. Smillie, grocer. Fear,. 1100RACEEN and Edward Grim• oldby intend going into house painting and paper hanging and will open up bo'i- neae in a abort time. They are both steady, industrious young men. THE officers of the Brussels Curling Club for this season are :—President, J. A. Stewart ; Vice•Pres., D. C. Rose ; Seo., John Iewitt, Committee, W. P• Scott, W. Thomson, J. T. Ross and J. TI: Cameron. Brussels curlers can hold 4 air own with the best of them. A rpm mile skating ram is expected to take place on Maitland Skating and Curling Rink, Brussels, on Thursday evening of next week. The race will be open to all and it is expected with Gallo. way, of Listowel, Burneides, of Kincar- dine, and other fast skaters that a lively time will be afforded. There will ales be a 3 mile and 1 -mile races. THE Young People's Chapter of St.. Jobn'e Guild will bold a social in the school room of the church on Thursday evening of next week. A choioe program is being prepared in which the Misses Sage, of Walton, Prof. Hawkins, Miss Smith and others will contribute. A pleasant evening may be looked for. ALL kinds of saws cleaned, gummed hammered, jointed, set, filed and oiled at Queen St., East, by saw filer, T. Mo. Gregor. Brussels. Saws may bb left and arrangements made at Mn$sy ds Co's. hardware store, Brussels, Ont. Charges reasonable. Anyone not knowing the work that is to be done on their saw, and wishes to stay and see the work done, the price will be left to themselves to pay what they choose. Understand that *here are high wages paid to practised hands to wok at saws. TO THE 'LADIES OF Bno88EL5 nein VmIN- riY.—I will be with you for two weeks only, this will be an opportunity you have been looking Inc. Tho -e in need of hair work will do well to come and inspect the latest mods of Hair Dressing such as switches without that bulky string, each switch done up in lthrea strands ; bangs without netting ; the latest style of puffs, ./vine and all head covering, at the very lowest prices.. Alt shades of hair match- ed in its natural color. ' Old work done A70,, the muoiolixal odlsess for 1090 will do duty iH 1800. plant may Ise operatt ed t dli4 Droseeltebini the near future, FSwor'a Toronto papers report a legal note of itlterest to Brueeelitee in 11onald vs. Perham, Deoieion reserved., MESSES. Qoongn & DADIE8 ebipped a stir Df prime hogs from Brussels and another: from Belgrave durlug the past wools. They handle a lot of stook, Rouen Wonu.—Mme, John Lott le pre- pared to attend to all binds of house work In a satisfactory manner and at moderate pffrfoesdesired, ,Rolerenoee can he furnished Bitussnse soared their Bret point In the Dietrigt Curling oompetition on Wednes- day by Klncardine club defaulting. They were to have met our knights of the stone at Wiugham, NEST Monday is the date of the East Huron Farmers' Institute meeting in Breese's, There will be three seesions— at 10 a. m„ 1:30 and 7:80 p, m, Ah in• teresting program et oaoh meeting. LAsy Friday afternoon the fire engine was taken from the Town Hall to the mill dam and book to test the working of the sleigh runners under the wheels in the deep snow. They did not wprk any too satiefaotorily, and certain necessary alterations will be made. FOR FLOxL,A,—If everything goes well Wm. Bright, who bas been ill for several months, will leave for Florida next Mon day where the doctors hope the warm• elimabe will heal' and strengthen his lungs and aid in restoring him to his wonted health and strength. Mrs, Brig)it'.and Rod, MoKay will in all prob- abilitya000mpany him. We hsps the change of air and scene will do for Mr. Bright as it has done for many others and send bim back fully restored. Ton POST wishes the trio a safe journey and the realization of their brightest expect- ations, Tax annual meeting of Brussels Driv• ing Park Association was held at the American Hotel on Wednesday evening, P. Sbott, President, in the ohair. The Annual report, properly audited, was presented and adopted by the meeting. Officers were chosen as follows :—Dr. Warwiok, President ; F. S. Soott, Socre- tory ; A. Koenig, Treasurer ; P. Soott, Dr. Warwick, A. Ecenig, R. Graham, Wm.I3laahill, V. F. Gerry and S. Wilton Directors. The sum of $900 was paid out last year for raoes, improvements to the park,&o. A program of races will be planned for the early Summer. 11tPonTANT NOTICE,—To the people. of Brussels and the farming community in particular, An opportunity is again of- fered to you to have that sewing machine of yours put in first-olaes condition. H. S. Earl, the well known repairer, of To- ronto, is with us once more to do general repair work on all kinds and makes of sewing machines. Mr. Earl has been paying Brussels a yearly call and hle former work here speaks' for itself. In his repairs on one hundred and fifty- seven sewing machines there bas been but one maobine.returned. His sewing maohiue repairs are warranted for a specified time. Parts to all machines kept in stock, shuttles, springs, bobbins, &o. Ere will be at the Queen's Hotel for 1 week only. Give him a call. If the machine cannot be repaired he will tell you so. You have all to gain, nothing to lose. Farmers, bring in the head of your maohiue only. AT Hous.—The young gentlemen of the Epworth League gave an At Home in the Sunday School room of the Metho• dist church last Monday evening which was attended by a largenumber of young people and a good sprinkling of those further along the journey of life. A great deal of trouble bad been taken in decorating the room, lace curtains, fanny tables, pictures, stuffed animals and birds, &o., &o., being drafted in to suit the tastes of the various members of the committee. Shortly after 8 the audience was oalled to order and after devotional exercises the following entertaining pro- gram was presented :—Chairman's ad- dress, W. H. Kerr ; solo, Jos. Killongh ; recitation, "The Battle of Agincourt," A. R, Smith •, violin solo, H. L. Jaokson ; address, 13. Gerry ; selection by Harmon- ica Band, An intermission of five min- utes afforded an opportunity for social ohit•chat and the second part of the program carne in the following order Solo, Walter Wake ; address by W. H. McCracken; reading, 1611 Smith ; solo, W. J. McCracken ; instrumental, T. A.. Hawkins ; address, Mr. Lamont ; broom stick solo, H. L. Jackson ; selection by Harmonica Band ; National Anthem, The various numbers were well rendered and very heartily received and enjoyed. Mr. Hawkins kindly officiated as accom- panist. The young men may well fee) proud of their At Home. F.sn:in ns' Iifer/rmrs.--Meetings of the East Huron Farmers' Institute, for the discussion of agricultural subjects, will be held as follows :—At Bruesele, on Mn,,. T BIttY.S8 0 ST4XD4. , .3e XIC 0)! 04X4DJ.L• HEAP OFFICE, o TORONTO. ASE bl °AIT TA (Authorized)' (SevauMillion Do!lare) 82,909,000 •" - 82,909,000 Alpetlpieein all ltrinsfpaalpoints in Ontario, Qu000, 3 arl4to9g, U7tited States td'.Bnplantd' Vdt"vem2v, ° gi'ot?dlr'tU. A General Banking Business Traneaoted. Partnere, Nobes Discounted, Drafts Issued and Collections made On all pointe, SAVINGS HANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and upwards from dot of deposit to date of - withdrawal and compounded half yearly. Broom Aaronson GryEN TO THE COLLECTION OF Fen0IEae SALE NOTES. Every facility affarded Customers livitlg at a distance.• . 3. A. STEWART MANAGER. WE are eorry to ,hear' that Tae, Ilio. GRA}N 13A48, --Large size, full 10 oz., Alpine has been oompolled to maize an only 01,90 per dozen, at Smith & Ms' assignment for the benefit of his credit- Laren's, ors, F. S. Scott ie the assignee. A limn. your rubbers, boots and shote to meeting of the creditors will be held in us for repairs, We do them cheap and G. F. Blair's oMoe on Friday, 31st Inst„ good, I. 0, Richards. at 8 p. m, A mom working boy, 14 years of age, G, 51. Blaiiriss r, of We�village, died etthedo ohorants ee and Ian go to schoor two or ol or othehree rwise. home of her older, Mrs. R: Blair, Gode- Apply at Ton PoeT, rich, on Thursday of last week, The de• ALL fruit growers end gardeners should ceased was a cativo of Perthshire, Scot- join the Ontario Fruit Growers' Anode. land, and name to this country in the tion, if only to obtain that valuable early thirties and settled in the Oonnty monthly magazine, uThe Canadian of Lanark, afterward removing to Parry Horticulturist,' which is published for Sound and then to Goderioh. The cause the purpose of warning against humbugs, of death was enlargement of the heart, advising the beet methods of fruitmil- from whioh she suffered intensely as the turn, the beat varieties to plant, eta,, eto. end drew near. The funeral took place It is full of illuetrations and prootioal on Friday. - hints. Besides this, oaoh member re• MArairoonsL.—Thnraday evening of ceivee it bound dopy of the report of the this week Fred. McCracken, eldest son of dlsouseions on the culture of fruits and W. 1I. McCracken, an old 'and well known flowers—a volume of over 300 pages, resident of Brussels, and Mise . Faunie, A eample copy of the journalwill be ascend daughter of John Gardiner, of .mailed free by the Seoretary on applioa. Bluevale, were united in the holy estate tion to L. Woolverton, Grimsby, Ont. of matrimony at the residonoe of the IRureATroN in Dakota is causing that bride's parents, by Rev. W. H. Mose. muob maligned seotion of the Western The bride was attended by Miss Kate country to blossom like the rose. ; Quot. Richardson, of Teeewater,':and Will. J. ing from a published artiole on the sub - McCracken, brother of the groom,- was jest, it is stated that "Men wbo are so - groomsman. Mr. Ms0raoken and bride customed to farming in nonirrigated commence married life with the beat districts are slow to believe the reports wishes of a large circle of friends, THE of enormous yields of all kinds of farm Posy being in the number. After a short products in those sections of the country. wedding tour through Bruoe county they where irrigation is praotioed." An irri- will settle down in Brussels. .gated 404aore farmproduces greater and better results than a 640 -acre farm oalti• B2kpilllC'c1S Locals.voted -in the ordinary way. In a few weeks we hope to be able to publish various items from different individuals giving their personal experience in irri• gation farming. ,In the meantime send for a fres copy of an illustrated pamphlet in refereuoe to Irrigation in Dakota, published by the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y Co, Address—A. J. Tay- lor, Canadian Pass. Agent, Toronto, Dor etovewood at MoCraoken's. Mmrr for sale. Apply at this ot'noe. SrnvnnwAoE and Hanging Lampe at re- duced prioee. N. & N. Gerry. Is you want robes or blankets call on H. Dennis. Simeon hand heating stoves cheap at N. & 13: Gerry's. LARGE stook of light harnees sold at low prices. H. Dennis. One horse Dollars are all warranted. H. Dennis, BOOTS and shoes cheap and good. I. 0. Richards. CALM for hides and sheep skins at A. Onrrie'e butcher shop, Brussels. Flinn band crayon enlarging done up Ail at Brewer's gallery, Smith block. You can get two machine needles of any kind fpr 5o., at N. & N. Gerry's. Smarm harness cheap, and a good stock always on band. I. 0. Richards. BARGAINS 1n cross out saws and axes at A. M. Molloy & Cos., Brussels. ROBES, blankets and bells very cheap. I. C. Rioharde. flaimise (amps sold ata big reduction at A. M. McKay & Coe., Brussels. MEAT-OHOFPERB, axes, Pews, carpet sweepers and skates. N. & N. Gerry. FARtmEus oall at D. Ewan'e b locksmith shop if you want a bargain in bobsleighs Go to D. Ewan to buy your bobsleighs. Beat finished and cheapest sleighs in town. Saloon's Care, the great Dough and oroup cure, is in great demand. Pocket size contains twenty.five doses ; only 25 cents. Children lova it. Sold by Jas. Fox, druggist, Brussels. KARL's Clover Root will purify your blood, clear your complexion, regulate your bowels and make your bend clear as a bell. 25 ars., 80 ots. and! 9100. Sold by Jas. Fox, druggist, Brcese'ls. CAPTAIN Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego, Cal., says :—"Shiloh'e Oatarrh Remedy is the first medicine I have ever found that would do me any good." Prioe 60 cents. Sold by Jas. Fox. druggist, Brus- sels. Saws made to opt fast and easy. Seo. and -hand saws bought and sold. Point- ers given on saw filing and the care and management of saws, on Queen street East, by T. McGregor, of Brussels, Ont., Master of Saws. Balxo along your worn out rubbers day, Jan- 27th ; Gorrie, Tuesday, Jan. overshoes, rage, scrap copper, brass, east 28th ; Bluevale, Wednesday, Jan. 29th, or wrought iron, furs, tallow, sheep The Brussels meeting will be addressed skins, hides and calf shins, horse hides, by the following well known authorities as we pay the highest prices. N. & N. R. 11. Fortune, V. S., Wroxeter, "Tuber. Garry. mitosis" ; Alex, Gardner, Leadbury, Read Ayer'e Almanac, which your "Breeding and Management of Pigs" ; druggist will gladly hand you, and note the wonderful aures of catarrh, rheum,. tism, scrofula, dyspepsia, eczema, debili- ty, humors and totes, by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the only Sarsaparilla ad• milted at the World's Fair, WELL -DIGGING AND DRILLING.—George Birt has all the neoeesary machinery for digging and drilling wells and is proper - over. Combings and out hair made to C; 0. Odeon, Cratghurst, Ont., "Best your satisfaction in any style. Call at varieties of Orchard Fruits and How to tbe.Qaeen'e Hotel parlor, Brussels, at the Grow them" Tho., MuMbben, e ; following hours : 9 to 10 a. m., 1 to 2.30 Gso, it nFoe, Se Corn and the one ; e m. and 5 to 0 p. m, Mss. ADEL mu., Cleo. Mnrdie, Seaforth, n11'inteliu for the London. and Swishing them on grass for the British Market" ; Simpson Rennie, ffowrctt FAnalnns' MDTa.w Fax INecn Milleliou, Ont., "Underdrainiug,". Gor. anon Co.—The twenty-third anneal meet- ria meeting :—Christopher Mollie, Sun. ad to attend to all work entrusted to him ing of the members of this company was shine,'' Growing Fodder Corn for fall in a way that will insure satisfaction. bell in Gorrie On Friday last. There '(Ise" ; Dr. Armstrong, V- S., Gorrie, Wells cleaned out and put in proper %vas s large attendenre. From the Dir. "Points of interest to Stook Breeders" ; shape. Terms reasonable. Residenoe sobers' report and Auditors report the Alex. Gardner, Leadbury, "Management second door north of the bribe, wast following etatieties may be taken :—Dur- of Pf e" ' G mg the past year 880 policies wore issued g C• Caston, Craigburab, "Best varieties of Small Fruits and And the number in force at the end of the the Modes of Cultivation" ; Simpson ear was 2,752. The amount of ineerauae R.•nne, Milliken, ''Destruction of written was 31.,300,030, and the amount Weeds" ; Thos. McMillan, Constance hi force at the end of the your was 31,- "Fodder Corn and the Silo," 13lnevale 112,105. The lo.see euetaiwed during the meeting :--Alex. Gardner, LoadburY, year amount to 55,139.40. 'Total amount "Breeding and Management of Pigs, „f assets over liabiliti ,',, 9188,700.09. Thos. McMillan, Constance, "Rotation '811'+ Directors would ore .1pon the mem- of Crape" ; Jae. kIinohley, Iiullett, "Bee - liars the importance of r 'g only lanterns Beeping" ; Christopher. Michie, Sun- nf-the boot and safest c ,struotion, and. shins, "Growing Fodder Corn for Tall to exercise great care i handling them 11bunt barns and stabled. The losses from this source in 1805 amount to 32,728 00, The Doarrl of Dirt otore for the year 1K6 are —Jas, Edgar, llawiok, President ; Won. Douglas, Tarnberry, Vice•Pre.ident ; Robt. 9eott,Minto; Ed. Bryan, Gray ; \Von.' Mcltnroher, Howick; 91•:1 John R. Miller, Morris, Directors W. 8. MoKorcher, Sec,.Treas. The Co. is well officered and the business attended 00 in: a moot satiefaotory manner. The Bowick Mutual is a firet•clase organize - Use " ; G. C. Gaston, Craighuret, "Tho best varieties of Orchard Fruits mid How nn the world, to Grow Them" ; Simpson Ronnie, Milli IT Seven min Omr,D.—"My little dough. ken, "Buying and Tending Cattle for the ter, three and a half years • old, suffered British Markets," The above meetings three years with eczema. IIer little will 0?mmenee at 10 o'clock a. m. and at body -was covered' with the itching rash, 1 o'clock p. in. In the evening of each and dootors did no good. Four boxes of day there will be nn entertainment, coo- Chase's Ointment have entirely cured maiming at 7:00, at which addresses will and saved our child. Her skin is clear he delivered by the day speakers and and not a sign of raah is to be seen." others, interspersed by musigalselections. Andrew Alton, Hartland, N. 13. Mr. All are welcome, !.reserved seats will be Alton is one of thoneande benefitted Is provided for the ladies at the evening,this unfailing euro Cor Biles and akin die meetings. casae. side of Turnberry et., Emends. 3l-11 CHASE'S KmNEY-LIVER PILLS,—Cbaso's POB have gained popularity booauee they are the spocifio for the uric acid condition prevent Bright's diseage, cure rheunla. tism and all catarrhal conditions of the kidneys and bladder: They do this be. cause they possess remarkable alterative, tonic and diuretic properties, exerting a wonderfully soothing influence on irritat- od or itdlamed muooce membranes of the kidneys or bladder. One pill a dose. 25 cents a belt. The cheapest medicine • 80RS7 DEADsIAre.—In Brussels, . on January 20th, the wife of Mr. G. A. Deadman, druggist, of a daughter. McOBACKEN—GARDINER.—At the resi- dence of the bride's parents, Blue - vale, on Jan. 28rd, by Rev. W. H. Moes, Mr. Fred, MoOraokon, of Brussels, to Miss Fannie, second daughter of 111r. John Ga1'diuer, of Bluevale. • !;Mise, Eci1HER,—In Ethel, on Sunday, January 19th, Mabel, only daughter of Chris - Wan Eokmier, aged 18. years. 8•U-CTIOnen- WEDNESDAY, JAN. 29.—Registered Short Horn and grade stock, implements, &o., at Lots 27 & 28, Con. 7, Grey. Sale to commence at 1 o'olook. F. S. Sooit, ago. Coiner ; H. F. McAllister, Proprietor. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. 5 ROOMED COTTAGE ON Turnberiy Street for sale or to rent. Apply to THOS. :BALLANTYNE,Brussels. PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN.— Firstmortga e, farm seourlty. Apply at THE POST Publishing Hones, Brussels. BESIRABLE RESIDENCE Fon $ALE: Lots 220 and 221, Queen st. Terme reasonable to a cash. purchaser, Ap- ply on u8 a premises or to W. IL. SINCLAIR. CARD OF THANKS. Wm, hose wishes to thank the nubile for their generous support during hie business career in Brussels. Having now retired X would ask those who have book accounts with me to call andBattle promptly, WM.11OBS, Brussels. HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The Connell of the Corporation of the County of Heron will Meet in tbs Court theBoom m28th the Town of the Present Months o 8.O'elook 1'. at, W. LANE, Clerk. ,Gated January 18th, 1800. JOI*1 WHEELER, CON. 4, Morrie,informs us that he 00,112 not read 20 minutes before his eyes would ache and would have to stop and rub them,: but since wearing the Spectacles fitted by us he has: no further trouble and can read for hours. HEADMAN Or M00ALL, Opticians,Druggists, R0. Notice to Contractors. -- TENDERS YOU !DWELLING 20011ISIt. Sealed Lenders will he received vp to the 26th day of January, 1806, for the emotion of abrtuit dwelling house on Lot 48, gon.l, Township of lurnbelly. Separatetenders Inc brink and carpenter wort. Plane and apecilleatione may be Nen at D.II Moi5att's,. Lot 48, Con. 1, Terobor,'y, up to the above Mato. The lowest or any tender not neees- sarily a00epted.. DAVID l01. MOFFATT 1';•9 _ - Jamoatowo 11, O. REAL ESTATE. g.('tAItMS FOR SALE. -=THE' UN- DERSIGNED has several goad Forma 10 sale and to rout, easy terms,; In Townehipe of. Morris and Gm. T S. SCOTT,Bruasele ;spur ANITOBA. LAND FOE SALE: —160 aurae ofo g od n peg, is o at S lforg0old, 8 miles prloa, Winnipeg, tV la offer - 0,1 for sale at alone prion, Tho-prOporty le North East 1 Seo,10; Torn. 11, Range 4, Hast; There is a hoose on the premises and anon blanking done, Poi' full partieularn as to prloe, title, &o„ write or apply to BLA1R or W, II. HERR, 20.11 Brussels, Ont. JAN, 24, 18 6 Pleasant Evenings Wily not wake the long Winter evenings pleasant by getting one of the numerous Gashes wo are soiling. H RE's'' A FEW OF THEM LOST HEIR, NATIONS, MESSENGER BOY, PARCHEESI, OLD MAID, TIDDLI7DYWIN1iS, 130m0 TENNIS, IIALMA, ADTI30RS, 0H150KE105, FORT, „ Noaita�E; Long,LOGOMAQ1:I3', And than we are selling a Beautiful line of Crgkinole Boards at 81,25, IThie is one of the latest and most Popular Gamea. • See thorn, OrrOfitiPDX'S DRUG G STORE QnnEN'9 HOTEL. ARM FOR SALE —TIDE UN- 1)EnsrONEn offora his valuable 00 001.0 farin for sale being lot 28, 6th lino, Morrie. The farm ie in good condition, With comfor- table house, baro, youngorchard, fences, &o., and is only a half mile rom Brussels, Pos- sosoiou given pril , pWeera9t 00x05 of Fall 1YhbueatAln, Forlstricehando forerme apply to A. ADAMS, Proprietor 22.4 Bruseols li, O. BOAR FOR SERVICE,—THE undersigned will keep for service on Lot 6, Con, 12, Gray a thorn' bred Yorkshire White boar, Pedigree may be seen on ap• pileation. Terms 81.00 to be paid ab time of. service with privilege ofreturniug if neues- nary, ROBERT SHIED, 21-21n Proprietor, BOAR FOR SERVIOE.—THE 'Undersigned will keep for service on. Lot20 Con. 6, Morris, the thorn' bred im- proved white Yorkshire Boar "Selected," bred from J. Brathour's 'sweepstakes sow at Chicago Fair, Terms, $1.00 to be paid at the time of service with privilege of re. turning if necessary. Pedigree may be seen on app)foation. ROST, manor,. QOAR FOE -SERVICE.-THE J-1 undersigned will keep for service on Lot 60. Con. 6, Morris, the there' -bred Large English Berkshire Boar, "Captain John." His mother is a full sister to the 1st prize sow at the World's Fair. Pedigree will be producedon application. Terme-81,00 to be fluid at time of cervico with privilege of. returning it necessary. 14.3n1 JAS..SrEIR, Proprietor. Notice to Creditors. IN THE HATTER 01' JASIES MCALPINE, OF THE VILLAGE OF B'wseioLS, IN TICE COUNTY or HERON AND PROVINCE OF ONTARIO, RESTAURANT KEEPEIs,' AN INSOLVENT DEBTOR. Notice is hereby given that the above debtor has made - an assignment to me in pursuance of the Revised Statutes of Ontar- io,1887, Chap. 120, and amending acts, of all his estate and effeote. A meeting of creditors for the appoint- ment of inspectors and giving directions for the disposal of the estate, will be held in the office of G. F.BLAIB, my Solicitor, over Gillies dr8mith's batik, in the Village of Brussels, on Friday, the 31st. Day otYdanu. cry, A.N. 2590, at the hour Of S o'olook in the afternoon. Oreditnrs are requested to Ale their claims against the estate, with me duly verified by affidavit, on or before that. dote. FINLAY S. SCOTT, Assignee, Brussels. Dated at Brussels, San. 22nd, 1680, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOHN LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, • SOlioiboraad Conveyancer. Collec- tionsmade. QEoo-Vanetone'sBlock, Brns-. sole. 21.801 AAT Alf. SINCLAIR•, y • 9o1i5itor Oonveyanoer,NotaryPub- tie, &c. Of ice—SVanstoue's B1ook,1 door north of Central Hotel, Private Funds' to Loan. MG. CAMERON, • (formerly of, Cameron, Holt & Oamerou,) Barrister and Solicitor, Goderigh, Ont. Office—Hamilton St., Opposite 001 - borne Hotel, CI_ F. ]3LAIR, BARRISTER, vt• 8olioitor, Rca. (late of Garro' & ProudfooL'e Office, Goderioh.) Olfee over Gillies & Smith's Bank, Bruseele, Money to Loan. 47 DENTAL. DR. DAVIDSON, Honor Graduate Toronto University, Licentiate Royal College Dental Surgeons. Crown and (Bridge work a apeclalb Moder- ate Fees.='SOtistaotton Aeeursd, O81oe over Barrett's barber shop, Turaborry. St., Brus- eele. VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, 0) • Tenor Grad415t0 of the Ontario Veterinary Collage, is prepared to treat all diseases of domesticated animals in a com- petent manner. Particular attention paid to veterinary • dentistry. Calls promptly at- tended to. Office and Infirmary Four doors north o1 bridge 'Purnberry at., Breese's. MEDICAL CARDS. J • A. MoNAUGIBTO.N M. D. O. M„ L. It. o. P., Edinburgh, M. C. P , s. Ont. Residence and office in Wilson's Block, corner of Moll and Turnberry Ste. J M. ARMSTRONG, M. D. GradPhysician, Surgeon, Acoonober, etc. uate of Toronto Onivoreit99 Medical Faculty. Member of College of Physicians, and Surgeons, Ont. OF.FIOE—Next door to McDonald & Co., Walton Ont. BUSINESS CARDS. W H. MoORAOKEN,. Insurer of Marriage lacensee. O91oe athis Grocery, Turnborry street, Bruseele• A 'N.BARRETT,SGrERENYAn , 1.NT,TLA IEECOODF\PYT}tEos HTD7NnGNaHjr , GEONF-.eolith McKay harg re store. .Tonsorial Artist" Shop—Next door LEDAN, DECEASED. Lad4ea'nnd chi/drone hair cutting a opsoielby RUSSELS POST, oFrlot; Notice is hereby giveurureuant to It, s. 0. 1887,ebopter110,that -all cred100,s and all other persona having any claim or demand against theestate of the said John Stewart. demand, who died on or re required the 17th slay of the 81st DAY OFoJA�NUARY, 1800utn sbefore postprepaid, Or to deliver to G,1. Blair of the Villa a of Brueeal0, in the County orAn- ron, Solicitor for Mary Stewart, the adlnieis- tre.trix of the estate of the saki decoueed, their names and addresses and 000npations. with full partinaiare of their claimmid d. statements of their accounts and the nature of the securities (if any) held by thew. And. farther notice to hereby given tont after such last mentioned date, the said adumluls tratrix will proceed to distribute the aaeels of the said deceased among the parties en- titled thereto .haling regard only to the claims afores lid and notice said edmbinietrablix will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or parsons of whose claim notice shall not have been re- oeived'by her at tbe time of mob distribu- tion as aforesaid, G. D', BLAIR, Iolieitoof foVillage dmi latrutilx Dated at B resole, Jan. ebb, 1809 Executor's Sale }} BY PUBLIC A'COTIO N 1' OF Y ��A��l� �t��M �ROP1RN IN THE TOWNSHIP OF GREY. In the estate at Thomas Smith,gootloman, deooaaed, there rill be offered by Pab11c Auction, on FRIDAY, JANCSILY kith 7890, at 2 O'o)ook in the afternoon, by F. S. Booth auctioneer, on the premises, the following valuable facet property, namely :— Lot11,inthe lat,000, Of the Townehip et Grey and County of Huron containing 100 eared the greater part of which- isw claed, wall Ponos and in a good state of oultiva- ,tion, 'Opou rho promises there is a good frame barn 40x00 ; cow stable .15140 1. and horse stable 10x40, all in a.falr state of repair, The soil is it good slay loon well suited for grain growing and tumoral farming.- 7.'110. farm 1s situated 64 miles North of the Vil- lage of Bru54ols with a good gravel road nearly all the way. Throe Will be sold at the sane 411110 anti place a quantity 00halnb:ok and otbq,' 1001• bar now. on the pramtese. 'blame —Ton per cent, of the purchase money to be paid to the Vendor's •Nblscitoy. 011 riayuf0a1,andbalauoo0020 days there arter, Poseossioa will be glycol -attom,Oo, subject to iy1etso tm'mihatlug on htaroh lob,, 1800, and bi t, right of Il.)a-pseoent to mint to house ole: sheep 'until 1st May, 18116, Further iniormatien may be boa 00 ay. pilo0tion to I', B, 80131sT Aitetionoel•, Bras - eels, ea to G. P. S)04110 ,6lolicitor. fur THcatAs SMITH,' L �; xenut n* Dated at Bilitsels, Jan,13t11,1t80.),- Savings Bank takes Deposita from $1.00 to 81,000 and allows 21 i merest, T. 'FARBDW r Dent. 87-&0 Postmaster. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM- IN5URAN0E, FIRE AND. MARINE. GUELPH. , T. FLETCHER, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, OFFICE. AT JEWELRY STORE. 1 'No Witness Required. T. FLIITOHER, Brussels. / ISS O'00NNOR, R. T., Plano or Organ Will s is t Winghnw eTuee Tues- day and Wednesday of each weak. Resi- dence on Pr1110o0s Street, Brussels. WELLINGTON MUTUAL IN- spIIAZIOu Go, Iletabiishod 1840, In - enrolees effected on all Town and Fou Property at: very low rotas. S. A. OREIGHTON,- 11.3m Agent,. Bruasols, A LEX, HUNTER, Clerk of the Fourth. Divleion. Cour Co. Huron. Convey:moor,.Notary Public Land Loan and-Inemnnoe Agent. Fonds invested anti to loan, Collections mode Oliioe in Smal0'e Block, Brusaois -1B.OS, A. HATVR.IES, I Organist IB $t, John's Cli15 iDrug- will a, will give lessou1 to pupils either her on piano or organ, at his parlor in the Smith block,Brussole, Vocal Marione able give0, 'eau years experience 1n Mulling. Terms moderato,. 4 AUCTIONI;l=SRS. . EOIIG KIRKBY, �.�- Licensed auctioneer. Salo e flier orlon reaeonaforme. Forma andnsi farm sbpcltn ep0oialtyty. Orden left. at: Din posT PubH9hiug lIon Se,Bln8001e,or sentto Walton P. 0,, will receive prompt attention, S. SO0TT A.8 AN AUOTI . •.. Rnn win Ort w soil for mid to n ahargoe tiles 530 O, ae loss. timeandliaetRut'os. thaw any other Auctioneer in Loot Huron or he won't charge anything, Dates and ordors oats always be arranged at this oiltoe, or by personal application, .