The Brussels Post, 1896-1-24, Page 66 fr,bt pcusgtts dost 417BB,y FItIAA MORNIN$ fin thaw for thefearly make at tv7.'lie Post" Steeljl P.ubliebing Reline, Tvlilvrriinarx e7!„ Onnes0P8, O$0. Tena OW 0nasolnra¢ox,—One donor a euraiseelpt on is iiaidi8 `denoted byithe�date on the address label. AAvionTIOSO SAi010. —T110 following rates will be 0harged to diose who advertise by the year;- - PA0n l Rn i 0 MO, i -3 etc One7oolumii... 80000 $85.00 900.00 Half " 0G 00 20.00 1200 quarter 20.00 10.00 8.00 Eighth : ' ,. ,., 1200 .8,00 5.00 lllgOO nun per Rueter arst Insertion, and three cents her line for each subseslueut in.. 880010n, All advertisements measured as Nonpareil -18 lines to the inoh. BushnessCards, eight linos and under, so per annum. Advertisements without epoohfledirec- tigne, will be inserted until forbid, and charged accordingly. instructions to ebange or discentt:me au advertisement must be left at the counting of each week PThbnle imperative. ve. Tuesday W. T-1. nERR,v Niter. and Proprietor. izstritt 'Daus, Mxeter, J. P. Ross and brother returned home from Winnipeg. The rink is being largely patronized and is a source of nautili enjoyment to the young just now. A. Q. Bobier bad the index finger of his right hand badly crushed in the machinery at the creamery. Miss Edith White, who lives with lir. Hazlewood, fell down sailer with a churn on her arm and sustained severe injuries. The annual Sabbath School Conven• tion of the Methodist church, Exeter District, will be held in the Centralia Methodist church on Wednesday, Feb. 5th, 1896, when a lengthy program by prominent members will be carried out. Ayoung man named Henry Hern ap• peered before Magistrate Snell the other day, charged with stealing a horse from rhos. Elston, of the Loudon Road, North, and was committed for trial at Goderich. It will be remembered that Hera was hired with Mr. Elston, and on the lest day of Jane, 1895, after ransacking hie hoose, hitched up one of his horses and drove away. He got as far as Middle - mise, and there tried to trade the entire rig with one NatbaniallCampbell, but Dir. Campbell mistrusting all was not right refused to trade, whereupon he waited till Mr. Campbell had returned to the fields to work, and then hitched up ova of his horses and again started out. He was, however, captured before going far, and taken to St. Thomas where he was sentenced to six months in the Central Prison, Toronto. Tuesday he was re- leased, but was immediately re -arrested by Chief Gill and brought here for trial on a similar abarge as was preferred against him in the former instance. 'ore wieh. The annual meeting of the County Lodge O. Y. B. of the united counties of Wellington, Huron and Bruce was held in the Britons' Hall, Harrieton, on Mon. day, Jan. 13th. The attendance was good. After the general business was finished the following officers were elect- ed for the ensuing year :—W. Pd., Wm, Mabee ; D. AIL, Wm. Craigmill ; Chap., W. Evans ; Rea. Seo., John Young ; F. S. & Trees , J..13. Rogers ; D. of 0., S. Artt ; Lect., G. Tulle ; Dep. Leet., Wm. Spotton and B. Dickson. Wm. Melcee and Wm. Oraigmill were elected dells. gates to Grand Lodge which meets in Smith's Falls next June. The semi•an nnal meeting will be held in Orange Hill and the next annual meeting will meet in Harrieton. The annual meeting of Howiok Die - trice, L. O. L. was held in the Orange ball, Fordwioh, on Tuesday afternoon, 14th inst., District Master, John Donaghy in the chair. The meeting was without doubt one of the best ever held in the district. It was decided by a unanimous vote of all present to celebrate the tom• ing 12th of July in the village of Gorrie- After other routine business was trans- acted County Master, John Dane was cal- led to the chair and the following officers were elected, ell by acclamation :—W. D. M., John Donaghy, Fordwiah, re-eleot- ed ; D. D. M. W. G. Strong, Gorrie, re- elected • D. R. S., Adam Graham, Or. angst Hill, re.elected ; D. F. S., W. J. Greer, Gerrie, re•eleoted ; D. Treas., Jas. Faille, Newbridge, re-elected ; D. Chap., Jas. Spence, Newbridge ; D. D. of O., B, D. Wallace, Newbridge, re elected ; D. Lente., Messrs. Scott, Gorrie, and Dick- son, Lakelat. i=:e aio rth. W. D. Bright was elected chairman for the current year, Wm. Ballantyne was re-eleoted secretary and also trustee of Collegiate Institute. Grand organizer, Wm, Milne, was present at the regular meeting of the Ancient Order of United Workmen on Tuesday evening, 14th inst., and installed the followiug officers for 1896 :—P. M. W., H. Gibb ; M. W., Jas. Irvine ; fore- man, Hugh Stevens; overseer, 3. S. Welsh guide, R. Haxby ; receiver, D. McIntyre ; financier, H. J. Pnnohard ; recorder, Geo. Patterson ; inside wateb• man, 3. G. Wilson ; outside watchman, W. Henderson. At the firemen's regular meeting on Jan. 700, the following officers were elect. ed for 1890 in connection with the Fire Brigade :—Chief, J. Stewart; foreman, 7.. Robertson ; assistant foreman, W. Ireland ; secretary, R. Haxby ; trams, neer, Geo. A. Sills ; brauobmen—Geo. Murry, W. Cline. G. Smitbere, W. McDougall, P. Freeman, F. Dorsey ; hydrant man, R. Haxby ; Shut-off man, J. Ball ; call boy, D. Murray; accident policy, London Guarantee and Accident Company, of Toronto. Dr. M. 0. Dewar has purchased the medical practice of Dr. Campbell, of Seaforth, and hen loaned the doctor's reeidenoe and office, and is coming to lo. nate amongst ns, Dr. Dewar its a nephew of the late Archibald Dewar, public school Inspeotor for East. Huron and a once highly respected resident of this town. He has praoticed in Chippewa fore eeven yeare, Dr. Campbell, we understand, has pnrolisee4 a medioal praoti9e in Brooklyn, Ii9ow 'Voris, and will $portly remove there, Tho doctor is the oldobb medioal Practitioners la Seaforth and 900 of the oldest in the oountys 109 hoe re. sided in this vicinity from boyhood and has practiced in Seaforth for nearly .30 years, The family of S. Piokson, poet master, 4f 9018 town, were awakened about two o'olocic on Saturday morning, by some person walking around through the 1141180, Mr. Molts= got up as soon ae possible, and canoe down etafrs, This, no doubt, alarmed the intruder, for he made hie exit in Buell baste that he knocked over several chairs on }lie way out. Mr, Dickson got down just io time to see a man getting out of a bank window, He followed after him, bat oould get no far. tiler trace of him, .4. subsequent exam• inatlgn of tin premises showed that the man got in by the window in the dining room, which bad not been faetened the previous evening. He had taken Mr, Piekson's aver0oat from where it had been hanging in the hall, and planed it on a chair near the open window, where be could get it easily on his way oat, but he took hie departure so hurriedly that he evidently forgot 10. The reseal wan, 1:10 doubt, 1n search of money, for he bad raneaoked the sideboard and several other place0,and passed oversome silver spoons and other valuable artiolee. Noth- ing was miesed. L,uekatovv. The treasurer of the Sepoy football club intends giving an oyster supper with the surplus funds left over from last year. A ball and supper will be held in the Caledonian hall, on Thursday evening, January 80th, under the auspioes of the young people of the village. At the annual meeting on the. 2nd. Jan., the congregation granted Rev. Mr. Itlao- Lennan permission to visit Scotland next summer, and expressed their willingness to defray the expense of pulpit supply daring his absence. A pleasant feature of the Epworth League entertainment and one that was heartily enjoyed by all, was the present. tation to Miss Edith Smith, the popular organist of the church, of a beautiful gold watob, for her long and faithful services in that position by the congregation. The address was read by Miss Sadie Johnston and the presentation made by Miss Sarah Greer. In the summer of 1891, a young man, while working on his father's farm, lot 2, con. 12, (Eastern Division) of Ashileld, met with an accident, that for all time left him incapable of doing manual labor. Hs was driving a mower when the team became unmanageable, and in running away James McDonald, jr., lost the use of one hand. Like one of Aehfleld's young stalwarts, Jim was not to be daunt- ed, and when allowed by his medical ad- viser t0 be out, he went at the first thing to make a living that oame along. He began as a lamb buyer, and dealt in hogs, cattle, etc. This year he struck a new line and began to buy oowe for shipment, and this week shipped one oar from Luok- now and one car from Ripley. Borrie. Joseph Tuck and daughter, Maggie, of Mt. Forest, visited with Dr. Tuck last week. Rev. J. S. Fisher was in Arthur preeohing epeoial sermons. H. Irvine, of Arthur, tiled the Methodist pulpit here. We are glad to state that Wm. Doig,. of this village, is improving in health after being laid up with the fever for the last eight or nine weeks. Mre. Hutchinson, of the 900 con., Howiok, received a paralytic stroke and has since been laying very low. Little hopes are entertained of her 080008ry. On Sunday, Jan. 260h, the anniversary (services of the Methodist church, Gerrie, will be conducted by Rev. W. H. Harvey, B. A., of Clifford. On Monday evening, Jan 27, a public meeting will be held in the obureb at which addresses will be given by resident ministers and Rev. Mr. Harvey will deliver his popular lecture entitled "Here and There in the Eternal City." The anneal Missionary services in oonneotion with the church of England will be held in this parish ou Sunday, the 26th inet., as follows :r—Trinity church, Fordwiah, at 10.80' a. m. ; St. Stephen's: church, Gorrie, at 2.30 p. m.; and St. James ohuroh, Wroxeter, at 6.30 p. re. Rev. J. W. Hodgins, Rector of Seaforth and Rural Dean of the county of Huron, will be present and ooadaot the services. The following is the program of the Farmers' Institute meeting to be held here on Tuesday, Jan. 2800 :—Chris. Michie, Sunshine, "Growing fodder Dorn for Fall use ;" Dr. Armstrong, V. S., Gorrie, "Points of Merest for stook breeders ;" Alex. Gardiner, Leadbary, "Management of Pigs ;" G. C. Lateen, Craighurat, "Best varieties of small fruits and the modes of cultivation ;" Simpson Rennie, Milliken; "Destruction of weeds ;" Thomas McMillan, Constance, "Fodder corn and the silo." The annual meeting of the Howiok.&g- rioultural Society was held in Gorrie on Wednesday, 8th inst. The sooiety is in a flourishing condition having a balance of $107 on hand and all claims paid. The following are the officers and direr). tote for the coming year :—John 'Baine, Pres. ; John H. Johnston, vine Pres.., Peter IIepinetall, Sea.-Treas. Directors, Sam. W. Ferguson, Lakelat ; Edward Cousins, Harrieton ; B.D. Wallace, Wm. Evans and John Stewart, Gorrie ; Sam. Johnston, Redgrave ; Jas. Pell, Gorrie ; Robt. Harding, Fordwiah ; Alex. Robert- son, Moleeworth,Asetetant Directors, Jas. Perkins, Gor-rie ; D S. Cook, Ford- etch ; Robt. Edger, Gorrie ; lames Mo. Ewen, Clifford; David Sanderson, Gorrie. The semi-annual meeting is to be held in Fordwioh on the last Saturday in June at 4 o'olook p. m., and the annual Fall Show in Fordwich, on the first Saturday in October which, has been the time for holding it for several ysare. The Peoples' Oheeee and Butter Mfg. Co. held a meeting in Gorrie on Satur- day, the llth inst„ for the purpose of winding up the affairs of the Co. and tali- ing the necessary eteps to form a new company. The Directors of the, old con. patsy were instructed by resolution to sell the boiler and. other salvage from the burned [eatery, pay, all liabilities against the oompany, hand over the balance be it lase or more to the shareholdere, and sub- mit the account to the auditors of last year their oertifioete to be hold as a die - charge for the dirootors and dissolution of the oompany: After taking an expree- sion of the meeting a committee was ap' pointed consisting of W. H. Gregg, Wm. TRE /1 EU' lOvans, Arthur Spotton, Abraham Strong 'WQra7l 'El r1i8io1 x11 owniYv, and d4win Starling to take the !10009•, nary �0teps for forming a new bouopany, leo*up a site and report at a future meeting to bo nailed by them for the par. ri000. III Nig#* Utito Death., THE; K1(P171tiIINOE OJ 4 bikin Wi;id, KNOWN IN CQA'i'ICoOX, Stricken With XteGelPlies *'0110wed' Ly NHilIIIpoultl, fere Languished for Spiro Time rt Yuar--Dir \Y2l larva' Pluh Piile Saved !ler When 011ier MedlVllt0e Y'a1I0Q. From 7a'.Ntoile,.de 1'91st, Coatioaok, Que. The town of Averill, vb„ is situated about eight miles from poatiaook, Qua,, H and is the home of Mrs. Ada Hartwell, el v I, who has many relatives, and uumeroue Wanda On the latter place. Mrs, Hart. well has gone through an experience which L'Otoile de l'hst thinke worthy of giving the widest peblioity ae many others may derive much benefit there. from. Mrs. Hartwell has ever been a woman enjoying a heartily oonstitation until about two years ago, when she, like hundreds of others in this vietnity, was stricken with influenza, er ae it is more generally termed la grippe, a disease which carried off many people in this town and vicinity, and in the ease of numerous others left behind wreaked con. etitutions. As often bappeus, pneumonia followed the fleet symptoms of la grippe and Mrs. Hartwell was sick, nigh unto 'Fitt?, prroftk English 9T,esnedys 4t0i+ae8s6as Cnaranteerl to promptly, bud rigraacutly ` .aura all tonus Rf A'errotd9. 7rxakosoo x ntenosw,bporah atarr1oa,.lapatvnevatld all olYoots 9l r10ue0 or Progee,, $rental ivory, owoeeslvo two 7Teforsand A*teai 4t to Ware/Qooa folIIs'J . flrnrtEg, I+sean(fu, Cenenssfgson mµYrra tarty grave, lipsboonspreserlbed over 0179009 in thousands of oases; 80 the 05010 Rattabre (pert TIOncgl Me41040 known, „lek4000510tfor Wood's Fhosphodlnealf lto olfors sone Worthless medlelne In place of 0019, inclose price fn letter, and we will send hY return mail. Price, one 5001,000, elf sr#, 90, One %Olay ,pt0aeo,60N will onra Pamphlets hoct0 any address, The WoOd Computers Windsor, Out, Ouuade. 8;4(1 In Brussels by /1. A, l►IIA11MAN, Prnggist. GIVES' FRESH- Ot f ) NES S , 1 M1-�"'" . A N D -.p-.' CLEAR 1 E ii. d 4 u [l 917§, -. R. •t: _ .e - ,. ,,•i,.,i.,. SKIN,• 'VIES CON'STIPATION INDIGESTION,DIZYINESS. ERlipTIONS.0$1 7' HE SKIN.' BEAUTIFIES �'COMPLEXI'ON.' .1! n' ACp5. WILL .NOS CU -e An Agreeable Laxative and NEktV,bl TONIC. hold by Druggiets or seat by Mail. 250., GOo.,. and $1,00 per package, Samples fres. KO 4O RqThohe TesOtse RIME Sold by JAS. Eel(, I8i'essIst, Brussels. Know What You Chew 5 Pia Able to glide Without Fatigue. death. The best of medioal.. aid was summoned, and Mrs. Hartwell was saved from what seemed to her friends immi- nent death. But when eonvaleseenoe came, she remained deprived of her ap- petite, extremely weak, and in constant danger of a relapse, and all her phy- sioiane could do could not bring about. her former' conditionof health. Numer- ous medicines were tried, but to no avail ; she was weak, dispirited and despaired of again enjoying her former vigor and health. 71'or a whole year after her at. tack of pneumonia she continued to languish in this state. At last one day her husband purchased a few boxes of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Hehad beard of the maty cures wrought by this wonderful medicine, but procured them, he says, for his wife in order to be able to say "we have tried all," rather than from strong faith in them. To please her husband Mfrs. Hartwell willingly consent. ed to take the Pink Pills, and great was her surprise and that of her husband, when, after using three boxes she was able to take a abort ride without feeling any fatigue. She wisely resolved to con• time the treatment, and before lonb found that she bad regained her old time strength, and she declared that she owes her recovery entirely to Dr. Wil. ]lams' Pink Pills. .Last winter Mrs. Hartwell felt a Blight recurrence of her former weakness and again resorted to Pink Pills, ainoe which time she has not had a day's illness. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have a more- potent influence on the blood and nerves than any other known medioine, and speedily restore Wm bloom of health to pallid obeeks. Pink Pills cure when all other medicines fail. r: Sold by all` dealers or sent by malt at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, by addreesiog the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont., or'Soheueotady, N. Y. Refuge all substi- tutes alleged to be 'just as good." C, rah n&H BELIEVED IN 10 TO 66ttmurue.— One short puff of the breath through the Blower, supplied with each bottle of Dr. Agnew's Catarrah Powder, diffuses this Powder over the surface of the nasal passages. Painless and delightful to use, it relieves instantly, and permanent. ly cures Catarrah, Hay Fever, Oclds, Headaoh s, Sore Throat, Tonsilitis and Deafness 60 cents at G. A. Deadman's. d. Lollar, D9SE SED LUNGS CURED BY TAKING Cherry li '!. ' Pectoral. T contracted a severe cold, which settled an my brgs, and r dtdwhat is often done i t .,..0 eases, neglected it, I. then consulted a , o0tor, who found, on examining mo that til upper part of the left lung woe badly effected. i. cted. The medicines 110 gave m0 did not a ,.nt todo any good, and I determined to ley Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. After taking a Tow doses my trouble was relieved, and be- fore t bad finished the bottle 1 was cured." Lnu7.AIt, watchmaker, Orangeville, Out, Ayer 'S Cherry Pectoral Highest Awards' at World's Fair.. ,i ,cr's Pitts Cure builgestioltt. is free from the injurious coloring. The more you use of it the better you like it. THE GEO. E. TUCKETT 2t SON CO., LTD.. HAMILTON, ONT. SKIN DISEASES! Ono Remedy WVbich has Never Pilled— Tried and Tested Ointment. Because other alleged remedies for piles, scrofula, casemate eruptions, scald bead, chafing, black heads, salt rheum and skin diseases generally have proved useless, don't condemn Dr. Chase's Ointment. It has never been known to fail. For instance, Nelson Simmons, ilfeyersbumg; Ont., 'writes : ' I used Dr. Chase's Ointment for Itching Piles, and cm recommend it highly. Since 'tieing it I have bad perfect freedom from the disease." Peter Vane/len, L'Amable, Que., liad the eczema for three years. Ile tried three doctors, butt received no benefit. One box of Dr- Chase's Ointment and three boxes of Dr. Chase's Pills cured hint completely Large settee covered his lege and body, but the Ointment Boon removed them- He will swear to these facts. Chase's Ointment may be had from any dealer or from the manufacturers Edmanson, Bates & Co., 45 Lombard street, Toronto. Prize 60 cents. Mother's greatest remedy for coughs, colds, bronelticiml and lung affections is Dr. Chase's Syrup of Lbneeed and Tur- pentine. The medicinal taste is wholly, Civilised masking it pleasant to take, Large bottle 25 cents. TI -1E LONDON EEKLY RE PNESS FARM AND HOME Sixteen Pages, 96 Columns, of Attractive Family Read- ing Every Week. QOTII PIIPFP8Del696efFOR SI The WE'EIRLR FREE PRESS and PATanf AND Holm, combined in one issue, uniform in size and appear- ance, is offered to subscribers from now until the 31st December, 1800, for ONE DOLLAR! The FRnn Pause is the Leading Liberal-Oonsorvative Journal of West; ern Ontario. It contains each week a complete summary of the news and comment of the times. Tho Commercial pages of the WDDItyw PRES PRESS are up to elate, and ample for the country merchant, farmer and dairyman, The FARM AND HOME contains each week able articles on Agricultural subjects and Live Stock. The farmer and cattle and horse breeder will find in its pages abundant topics of special interest. A Serial Tale of absorbing interest will be an interesting featurct of the WEEKLY FRIED Panes. Both Papers combined for $1 from Now Until December Slot, 1898. Agents wanted everywhere. Address all communications to the FREE PRESS PRINTING CO. LONDON, - ONTARIO. I JAN, .240 1896 y r, orzfoa4:leration, Liif€ of Toronto; m FO 00 o co Ek rm care 0 O'N 0 A :1 l is , asryr lr: 1ut 0 y 0m o 0o The Policy Contract issued by this Association is perfection itself, UNCONDITIONAL, ACCUMULATIVE, t AND AUTOMATICALLY NON= FORFEITABLE. It leaves nothing further to be. desired. Rates and full infor- mation furnished on application. E 0R9 Agent, Brussels. WILTON & TURNBULL, 3RUSSL'LS Sr ov7- JVEB N , Are to the Front with a large stock of Stoves. Having a thorough knowledge of what is required by the people of Brussels and vicinity, we have selected our stock with a great deal of care, and are prepared to offer the best lines of Stoves man- ufactured in the Dominion. iN COOK TO Vie. We handle the superior line manufactured by the Doherty Manufacturing Co., also Buck's Celebrated Cook and. Par- lor Stoves. The Garland line by. Bowes, Jamieson & Co., always in stock. IN HEATING STOVES____We have the Lyndon Heater, by the new process, manufactured by the Doherty Manufacturing Company, called the Ferris Steel. In Coal Stoves we have the well-known "Favorite." $ ea'All our stook will be sold at Greatly Reduced Priees' to suit the times. Lamps and Lamp Goods in great variety. WILTON et TURNBULL. Having been advertising our fine line of Stoves and Rarigles for some time, we now call your attention to our fine assortment of Hanging, Vase AND Hand Lamps, the best assortment ever shown in town and at Prices that everyone can afford. We also keep a full line of CUTLERY - cf every Description. of' all kinds and a awmfull line of Hardware and Tinwave. Big Bargains. N. & N: GERRY LRZTSSELS. II