HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-1-24, Page 5,J JAN 24, 11316 fix$fri t C� , • S7arKen"Pr oolc. ABfble So9 p4y maetape will be held here shorty. A. Reymann was eemtnoned to Detroit last week, owing to the asriens illoose of hie father, who ie Weil adve;peed in life, Next Sabbath Bev, T, Weeley Oosens, of Fordwicb, is expeoted tp preach in the Methodist shureh here. F7e'e .a fine preacher, Last Monday Rev. D. 13, McRae at, tended the induotten eerviee of Rev, Mr, McLeod at Luoknow, and ales was ab the Presbytery meeting in Wingham on Tuesday. Wta,ltoai. George Diokeon has been on the sick list, p Miss E, Roadhouse ie 'visiting at the \residence of Dr. Armstrong, Mr. Hamilton, teacher, paid a ffainp, visit to his borne, near 13elmore, an l8aturday, Thomas and Mise Hestia Rioh{e, from near Belmore, paid a flying visit to town on Wednesday, Mise Eliza Mollibbon, of Toronto, is epending a few weeks with her parents and other friends in this violoity, Wm. Dickson, MoKiliop, has 67 bead of steers, feeding for May export. He le becoming quite a etookman, and has a fine stable for the purpose. The Walton Public school intend hold- ing a concert on the last Friday in February. The committee is already at work, and an A 1 program may be expeoted. Quite a lively chase book place on Tuesday afternoon after a fine Reynard. J. Johnstone hound started a fox out of Mr. MoDonald's bush and ran it south towards w R. Pollak barn, Will Pollard's attention was drawhen when to it and gave abase with his faithful dog, It was soon overtaken by that gentleman while heading into Wm: Pollard's bush, and quickly diepatobad with a olub. Walton may boast of quite an inventor, in the person of Jas. Mowbray, son of John Mowbray. He bag constructed a complete miniature steam engine of one. tenth horse power, which works to per- fection. He has devoted a good deal of time to the study of eleotrio engineering in. Stratford, and®ran the eleotrio lights of Exeter last year. He bide fair to be. come afirst.clase electrician. W ing'lattm. A new cooking school was opened in the town ball on Tuesday. Word has been received here of the serious illness of J. Vanetone, Ohicago, brother of our esteemed townsmen, Rich. and Walter Vanstone. His mother left for Chicagolast week. Walter Vnnstone't horse, driven by W. Wylie, made a bad smash on Josephine street. Becoming unmanageable, it dashed acioss the street, completely de. =tithing the large window in the front of D. Rush's restaurant. The annual meeting of Turnberry District L. 0. L. was held in the Orange Hall here on Tuesday afternoon of last week. The regular routine business was satisfactorily accomplished. Following are the otltoere nominated and installed for the year 1496 :—W. M., J. W. Shoe - bottom D. M., J. Johnston ; Chap., W. J. Stewart ; Rec.'Secy., R. J. Lee ; Fin, Seo., J. Hunter ; Treas., T. Abraham ; Led., W. Robb ; D. of 0., G. Haney, The annual meeting of the W. F. M. S. of the Presbyterian church, was held on Wednesday afternoon, Jan. 8th. There was a good attendance of ladies. The annual report showed an increase over last year, in membership, and also financially. The total receipts of the year were $133.80, of this amount $48 was received as a Thank offering. The following officers were elected for the `ensuing year :—Mrs. Perris, President • Mrs. McIntyre, Mre. P. Linklater and Mies Little, Vico•Presidents ; .Mien Mo - Donald, Treasurer ; Mre. J. H. Oarruth, Corresponding Seoy. ; Miss Annie Stew- art, Recording Secy ; Mre. Cline and Mrs. Dickson, Auditors. All the municipal office bearers of 1898 have been re -appointed. Mre. James Dudley, of Graham's Sur- vey, is ur.vey,is bothered more or less these days with rheumatism. Quit" a number of our sons of Scotland attended the Scotch' concert in Brussels last Friday evening, If the patbmaeters in some beats world see that the terrible' pitch holes were looked after they would earn the hearty thanks of the publio generally. Tub Poe» oiroulation is growing tip• top. If you want a good looal paper you should subscribe for it. 48 columns every week for the email coma of $1.00 saw. Thomas and Joseph Lambei and the eon and daughter of the latter, all of Barrie, are visiting Thomas Davidson and friends. They drove over, the dis- tance being istance.being 118 miles. Friday of this week, at 2 p. m,, the 100 -sore farm belonging to the estate of the late Thos. Smith will be offered Inc sale on thepremises, lot 11, con. 1, Grey, by F. S. Scott, auctioneer. Mrs. Walter Oliver has leased her farm to Daniel Meehan for a term of five years at an annual rental of 9200. Mrs. Oliver will continue to live in her present residence. She will have an emotion aale of farm stook, implements, rho. shortly. James McDonald was returning from Brussels on Friday evening when, in going through a pitch hole, the horse and cutter dissolved. partnership. The animal was captured after a short run, and by the'kind assietanoe of Jobb Robb a set of harness was loaned that took Mr. McDonald safely home.. 1'Axtts Isavo to Com;. -Lively times Were experienced by Bailiff Scott last Tuesday when he went to Peter Erh'e to oolleob the mnnioipal taxes due, •Ib seems Mr, Erb had left 914,80 on the table at the Town Hall on Monday, but declined to pay the balance, Township Cleric .Spence returned the money, per registered letter, to Trowbridge poet- oflloe. When Mr, Scott, W. F. Scott and S. McGeorge, the tax collootor, went to Mr. •Erh'e they found' the plane barri-. ended, and no evidence of life - about. On close obaervabion it was noticed that a window blind was pulled aside, and the "garrison" was reconnoitering. Ingress was made to the stable, and: shortly after the inhabitants of the house made their appearance. A wordy war ensued, coupled with a little ooereion. In the: "entertainment" the house dogset upon the Bailiff, who promptly dispatched the ounine with a bullet from his revolver, The neoeseary ameunt of money, .mads ep by :mode at home and the registered letter ak Trowbridge, was obtained, and the oflloiala left for their respective homes. 4 law suit ie talked of Iv the Erin, wbo, it is said, were in Bruesels on Wednesday consulting a lawyer. Any. body who thinks that Grey bownehbp ie is 'dull place to live in is badly misbakeu, as We are a very lively people, fleury Stott, who left here several year. ago to try his leek in the West, writes from beiohen, 19, W. T,; We have been batty putting up ahead on the sheep ranehes. The .cattle ran out all Winter, even with the temperature 80 degrees below zero. A paw coal mine is being worked at Crowfoot Creek, and is drawing quite a number of men. $2.00 a ton is paid for all taken out, and as there 10 a 0•foot seam running out tq the (reek a large output is counted ou. The Brit. .ish. Columbia mines are alas a magnetic) locality just now. Cattle numbing is done here on n big scale, Movers, Gor- don ca Ironeidee have 2,009 head of 2.year Olds 15 miles from hero. They will keep them until they are four years old and then ship to the Old Country markets. Some Debark) cattle have been sent up hers, bot they ' don't compare with our range etook, as a 4•year.old steer here will ()flan dress 1,090 pounds, The out. look here is favorable, and the future, no doubt, will show marked progress in thie new land. . lEthel. Commit meeting here kat Monday; The telephone line between the G. T, R, and the poetoffiee is in working order. again.' Don't forget the Telnperanoe entertain. ment here on Friday evening, A very 'interesting program is prepared for the socasion. There was no school here on Tuesday afternoon, as our teaohers and many of the pupils attended Mabel Eckmier's funeral, Interment was made at Brpa- sebe cemetery. Next Wednesday H. F. McAllister will have an auction sale of thoro'-bred and grade cattle, horses, agricultural imple• menta, conveyances, rte. Sale at one o'olook. F. S. Scott, Brussels, will be the auctioneer. SUDDEN DEA»n OL'. MABEL FOAMIER,- A great gloom has been' oast over the village of Ethel and the vicinity by lbs death of Mabel, only daughter of Chris• Man Eokmier, on the morning of Sunday, 10th inst,, at the early age of thirteen ysara. She was ill less than a week with a serious affection of the throat, which from the beginning gave very little hope of recovery. Three skilled physicians were in attendance upon her, and after employing all the means known to Medi• cal soienoe it was decided that the only hope for her recovery lay in a surgical operation. The operation was swathes.. fully performed on Saturday afternoon, and great was the joy of her numerous relatives and friends at the prospeot of her restoration to health. But, alas, their hopes were soon dashed to the ground. for Sunday morning brought the sad intelligence that her spirit had taken its flight to that unknown land whence none wbo enter ever return. The funeral service on. Tuesday, afternoon was con• ducted by Rev. W. J. Waddell in the Methodist church, and made a deep im- pression upon the unusually large eon. course of people, who were assembled from far and near. Unaesuming in her manner, of an amiable disposition and endowed with intelligence and thought- fulness beyond her years, Mabel was a general favorite with old and young. and ib may safely be said that until the present generation shall have weed away the mention of her name, with the thought of her short life and sad death, will ever cause feelings of profound sor- row to all wbo knew her. She was an active member of the Methodist Sabbath School_ in this plane, and occupied the position of organist, having acted in that capacity just a week before her death. That her eternal happiness in a brighter and better world above is proportionate to the great grief experienced by those Who esteemed her so highly upon earth, is the consoling thought of A Soiotowxzo Famon. • Miss Walden, of Blyth, is visiting at Isaac Ferrand's. , Mies Cora South was visiting friends on the Boundary last week. Mise Janie Fraser, of the 1st, is visit. ing friends on the 3rd at present. Robert Shortreed, 9th con,, bas been ill with inflammation but is improving now. David Errington and wife spent a week with their daughter, Mrs. Merritt, of Kincardine. Quite a number from this township will attend the meetings of East Huron Farmers' Institute next week. Special religious servioee are being held in the Ebenezer church. Everyone le invited to attend the meetings. Thursday evening of last week a nom. party of young people spent a very pleasant time at the home of Wm. Mo- Cnll, '7th line, Fraser Tmbury and family have mov ed from the 4th line to the 2nd, and are now living in.a .house on George Turvey'e farm, south side of concession. A social surprise party was given at the residence of A. K. McAllister, and eon., on Friday evening, when a very pleasant time was enjoyed by all. One of our young men has acquired the art of dentistry. Ho is not very good at extracting, though. He takes the impression of front teeth on his faue. John Young is back from Alma, where he spent the past nine or ten months in the employ of Mr. Elliott, a big farmer and stoolcmau of that tonality, The work evidently agreed with Mr, Young. Govern Tars.—The 'Council for 1808 ae.umed ninth Inst Monday. The old -officers were re elected, There wore four epplicauts for the assessorehip bub John Watson was re -appointed, his salary be- ing reduced from 980 to 970. It de- cided to prepare .plans for new bridges at Ruttan's and Ards. The maaioipal. printing will be let by tender. Connell adjourned to meet an February 17th. Thee, hands, of Tripp, South Dakota, surprised his relatives and friends by dropping in on them last Saturday for a holiday visit,; ..Mr. Bands has been in the West for the past 11 or 10 years, and has been prospered to snob an extent that he is now the owner of a large tract(' of fine land. 'Phe Morrie young ladies should take advantage of their aoknowl• edged privileges in leap year and the that Mr. Rand's .bachelor days are ended. THE BRIJ SSB be boouught for 90,202 2on54ealine, sanmay Good grwin and grazing farm. 4ppiy on the premises to Robert Boort,' propnotor, or on V. S. 90055, Brussels. Tharan'em i 0 6 en in the Morris d slrlot mot at Blyth en Tuesday of last week and sleeted the following officers : W.M,, Matt, 4 ines,'Londeshort ; p, Howe, 13,tyth ; Chap., Wolin 114111,Blyth ; R, S., Wm, Sturdy, Auburn ; . S„ R. Leishman, Bslgrave ; Treas., R. Mo0omins, Blyth ; D. of 0„ James Gibson, Blyth ; Lecturers, Bros. Owens - and Meo,•ae. Wroze ter, A most enjoyable time was epsnt at the hoz septet held at Theo. Fiemphill'it on Tuesday evening, A good program was rendered. 13ilborn rk MoTe.vieb, of Baden and Seaforth respectively, have taken posses, sion of the ebors,in the Hemphill block and are opening up their stook. Mies Lang bae closed her millinery establishment for this season, and re. turned to her home in Harrieton. It is her intention to return in March next and reopen with a still fuller stook. At the annual meeting of the Belmore Methodist Sabbath School, held last week, John I, Abraham was elected Superintendent. The meet of the of- ficers of Mat year were re -installed. One peculiar feature in the Secretary's re. port was that the boys had reoitad three times as many verses as the girls during the year. On Friday last the bright little son of Ralph llletcalf, of the 10th of Tnrnberry, passed to his eternal home. The little fellow had suffered scarcely a week e'er death same to end the struggle. The parents have the sympathy of the com- munity. The burial was on Saturday in the Wingham aemetery. We record this week, with deeregret, the death of Mre. David deep Marshall, of bbe 10th oonceeeion of Turnberry. For over six months she had been gradually sink- ing beneath : the ravages of consumption. On Saturday last the struggle ceased and the weary soul was at rest. The funeral service was oondeutsd Tuesday to Gerrie cemetery. The bereaved friends have the fullest sympathy of the w bole nom• munityin their many deep bereavements. H1uevale. Mise Eva McDonald little daughter of Mr. MoDooald, of the Chesley Eater' prize, is ill at the residence of her grand- father, Rev. Mr. Mose. She was unable to return home after Christmas, OUR. BOYS.—Edwin Bailey is teaching. in a school in Waterloo county, near New Homburg, at a salary of 9885.— Fred. Hartley has a school in Gnderioh township, and Louie B. Duff is teaching in East Wawanosb. Wm. Lindsay, of Emerson, 1MIanitoba, was vieiting at It. N. Duff's. Mr. Lind- say harvested over 12,000 bushels of grain this summer and has prospered very well in the prairie province. He sailed for Ireland on the nth inst., to visit his parents at Balluamallard. Mr. Lindsay was a000mpanied to the Old Country by his sister, Mrs. Wm. Wier, of Howick. Wedneedayof next week a meeting of East Huron Farmer's Institute will be held here, sessions at 10 a. m., 1 and 7 p. m. The following will be the program : —Alex- Gardiner, Leadbury, 'Manage- ment of Pigs." Thos. McMillan, Con- stance, "Rotation of Crops." James Hincbley, Hallett, "Beekeeping." Christopher Michie, Senehine, "Growing Fodder corn for fall use," G. C. Dotson, Oraigharst, "The beet varieties of orchard fruits, and how to grow them." Simp- sonRennie, Milliken, "Buying and feed- ing cattle for the British market." The following is the report of the Sec- retary of the Bluevale Cheese and Butter Company. for 1895 :—Total number of pounds of milk received, 2486157. Total number pounds cheese made, 220299. Average pounds milk to pound of ohease, 10 98/100. Cost of drawing milk, $1747.- 85. Average cost of drawing milk per gallon of 10 pounds, 7 8/100 mills, Aver- age price per pound of cheese Bold, 8 67/100 cents. Coat of making cheese per 100 pounds, 40 cents. Average cost of making cheese for season, iaoluding all expenses, viz.: Milk drawing, insurance, eateries cheese boxes, wood, factory sup- plies, renewals and,repairs, and all inot-. dentaj.expenoes, 1 88400 cents per pound. Nova Scotia Provincial G3vernmint has a surplus of 94,225. A.large portion of the main street of Neworatle was burned Tuesday morning. The loss is $50,000 with less than 925,• 000 insurance. Thos. Noonan, a former 0. P. R. employee, whose dismissal so depressed him that he became insane, committed suicide at the Hospital for the Insane at Brookville Tuesday. Ballawhaok, a small settlement a short distance back of Tamworth, is ina state of excitement over the fatal ending of an alleged joke. On. Jan. llth, Frank, the adopted son of John Tyner, of lialawbaok, died after a short illness. The symptoms of the twee were such that they led the at. tendant phyaioian, Dr. Clark, to the non. elusion that the young man had been poisoned. He communicated his sus- pioion to others, and as a result Coroner Carseallen decided to bold an inquest. A jury was empanelled on Saturday, but adjourned until Monday to allow a post- mortem examination of the romaine. The boy's death is due, it is said, to the effects of a glass of whisky, which con- tained a condition powder intended for horse. It wits given him by way of a joke at a party. Young Tyner was fink. en ill shorbly afterwards, and never ral- lied. A young man named Oookling ad- mits that he gave Tyner the mixburs, bat says there were others implicated in it. 0 IL G. Richardson. Is prepared to do all kinds of work in his lino. Good Workmanship and Good Fits Guaranteed. LATEST STYLES. Suits made for ;$4 and upwards. ta'Shop over Mc0owtude Store.' osT otice TO THE The undersigned wishes to 'intimate to the publio generally that he lass leased the 1nlonl,ith'Shop him Ilia Inc, Wynn, Brussalsl and ie Dow prepared to attend to Black- smith work in all its branobee 1p a Workmanlike manner. First -Glass .Horse Shoes '1Taviug worked in.a number 'of large shops in both the United States and Canada, Tho Public Invited to give mo a call, Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices to suit the times. George Trimble, BLACKSMITH, - BRUSSELS, AINTINC The undersigned is prepared to attend to all work intrusted td him in a prompt and work- manlike manner in Carriage Painting, Sign Writing, House Painting and Decorating. All work : under my personal supervision :and (satisfaction as- sured. s-sured COESNAMIEEESEUEZEIWWEIMMIEntIOtnornntw Now is the time to -get your buggy or cart repainted for next Spring, • PRICES MODERATE. W. J. WAKE, Paint Shop on King et., Brussels. atrusaurtta u F 19D The Brussels Roller Mill, liftwag recently been greatly improved by repairs and additions to the equip- ment, we etre now manufacturing a Superior Grade of Family ghoul Which we are offering for sale or 10 Exchange. for Good Wheat. O, • s IN THE CHOPPING LINE We are in a position to do work promptlyand in n the Very Best manner at Popular Prise, MILL FEED Of all kinds for sale and delivered to any part of the town Froo of Charge. We solicit atrial Order or Grist and Guarantee Satisfaction in every particular. .C31 LhJ L) C L I.LV..LI j, MILLB BRUSSELS. r. r1►' is /f�''�1,/� tl V c V IVs s 4 NXTE find it very satisfactory and thank our numerous friends for their support in assisting us to carry it on. Cash `elle Every Time J We have still a largo stock of Winter Goods to dispose of, and dur- ing January, will cut prices away down beyond reach of com- petition. During this month we will make a GRAND CLEAR- ING SALE in all linos of Dry Goods, Furs, Overcoats, Mantle Goods, &o,, Boots and Shoes, from 10 to 25 per cent. less than usual prices. A full line of Groceries, Fresh and Clean. Try our 25e. Tea—No better in the market for 85e. We ask an inspection of our stock. We can make it to your inter- est to buy from us. We handle targe quantities of Produce for which we pay the highest market price in exchange for Goods, or for Cash. Agent for the Standard Patterns and Publications. FEBRUARY Fashion Sheets to hand—Call and gat one FREE. A. The. Cheapest Cash Store in the County. ar has been eclared. The edict has gone forth, and. our immense stock of Winter Goods must march out at the Battle Ct'y of our Great C Baring;,: ale During janu yo The experience of the past goes to show that the coldest part of the winter is yet to come, and we offer our entire stock at prices that cannot be beaten. We have not room to quote prices, but suffice to say that we will make this sale of Winter Goods so interesting to the people of' Brus- sels and the surrounding country that it will be your loss if you don't avail yourself of this opportunity to procure the goods you want at;prices that were never heard of before. Be sure and call and see for yourself the Great Bargains we are giving. THESE GOO l ;lS MUST UO OUT In order to snake room for Spring Stock. Bring along your Butter, Eggs, Poultry and Dried. Apples and we will give you the highest prices for them, and sell you the goods you want the same as cash. c WIT GARFIELD BLOOK, 3RUSSE LS.,,..,_,