The Brussels Post, 1896-1-24, Page 44 New Advertisements, I oeel.-•4, J, `l'at'ter, ltfollo 'arvwer. 10000l-Nre, Adel Sari. Lo0a1-I.... Woolverton- Pleasant evenings -Jae, Vox. 'Rodeo to creditors -0, S, Seat, Ifu f. r ealc,--W. Al Sinclair. 0 e s o stv Speeraelge Readmau & 1110001, An important case—Dr Wilhnme. Rl nigh onto deoth-Dr. Williams, Who will 1t be•--Readman $ tloCell, FRIDAY,, JAN. 24, 1896, Bnirreie soldiers once more occupy Comessie, Aebanti'scapital, the salve being surrendered without a fight, The King expressed his desire to yield to Britain's demands and the majority of, thewhite troops will be withdrawn.' It ie expected that the new turn of events will prove an impetus to trade and cow - =else and consequent progress. Lin week was a memorable' one in the great Empire of Germany on account of the celebration of the 26th anniversary of crowning Zing 'William of Prussia ns Emperor of the re•establisned German Empire. In an elaborate'speech the Em- peror sketohed the progress of the nation, complimented Prince Bismarck and grant- ed pardon to many prisoners. Germany is a go-ahead empire all right but she does not want to be rushed into a war by the unwise speech making of her leaders. THS inaugnration of the new City Council of Toronto turned out quite a high•flown and auspicious occasion. Even the Toronto World, that so bitterly assailed Mayor Fleming, turned a somer- sault and rather applauds his worship. The management and proper governing of a pity like Toronto is no small job and this year's Connoil will have 12 months hard work before them if they fulfil all the promises made to the ratepayers, Sm Caam as Turrzn states that be will hang on to his 710,000 a year sit as High Commissioner in England and also con- descend to be a Cabinet Minister in this Dominion. 782.00 a day is rather a tidy sum to be coming into a man's pocket these days with the Atlantic ocean be- tween him and his work, If Sir Charles has the nerve to think the electorate will look on this state of affiafrs with com- placency he should be slightly fooled in his calculations. It should be a sequel to the fable of the Dog and the Shadow. An Important Ciao. A VICTORIA Co., ONT. PEI)DLa1L BEFORE TES COURTS. Detected In Selling a Pink Colored Pill, Which 11e Represented to be or, Wil. limns' Pink fills --fin Court grants a Perpetual Injunction Itestratniag hlu. From Offering an. Imitation of This Great Medicine -Some Fuels the 1'ubllc WIll do Well to hear in .Mind. to the High Court of Justice yesterday morning, before Justice Meredith, the case of Follett v. MoGahey was heard. It consisted of a motion for an injunction to restrain. Fred. tioGahey from selling a pill which he claimed to be Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. Douglas E. Armour appeared fur aha plaintiffs and stated that the defendant had been ped. dling these goods about Victoria County claiming them to be Dr. Williams genu. foe Pink Pills. It was impossible, how• ever, on the face of it, that they could be genuine, as he sold them greatly below what they cost at wholesale price, The defendant bad given consent. Mr. Ar- mour said, that the motion should be changed to one of judgment againet him. No defence was offered, and hie Lordship gave an order for judgment restraining MoGabey from continuing to vend the article as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. The above paragraph, taken from the legal columns of the Toronto Globe of the 15th inst.,contains a warning which every person in Canada in need of a medicine will do well to heed, and shows the care and pains the Dr. Williams' Medioine Company takes to protect the pablio from imposition, and to preserve the reputation of their famous Pink Pills. It is only a medioine that possesses more than usual merit that is worth imi- tation. Ordinary medioinee are not sub- ject to that kind of treatment, as there is not sufficient demand for such medi- cine to make it worth while. 1)r. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peo• ple have achieved a reputation for eter• ling merit unparalleled in the history of medical science. In every part of the Dominion the remarkable ouree wrought by the 'use of this great medicine have given it a name and fame which has made the sale of Pink Pills simply won- derful. It is because of the great merit, and the consequent enormous demand for the medicine, that it ie being imitated by un- scrupulous persons in various parts of the country. The imitation is cheap, usually worthless, and is only pushed be. canes the imitator oan make much more money by its sale than be can by the sale of the genuine Pink Pills. Hence the pains be takes to sell the imitation. The Dr, Williams' Medicine Company annually spends thoueande of dollars en. deavoring to impress upon the publio that the genuine Pink Pills can only be purchased in one form -namely in pack. ages enclosed in a wrapper (or label;) wbieii bears the full trade mark, "Dr. Williams' Pink Piffle for Pale People." No one oan buy them in any other form, not even if they offered many times their weight in gold for them. And yet, in the face of these continuous warniege, there are people confiding enough to per- mit some uneerupnloas dealer to convince them that he eau supply them with the genuine Pink Pills in loose form, by the dozen, of hundred, or ounce, or in some other kind of a box. Any one who pre. Wade to be able to do thio le telling en untruth, Bear this In mind and refnee all pills that do not bear the full trade ,nark, no hatter if they are oglered pints, aad no matter what Om dealer Nye. Please bear in mind also that t118 formula fawn which Pr. Williams' Pink Pius is compounded is a *octet known t o a n ono onlya the o an and a h m a p Y, y claims he atm supply you with some other pi!! ".just as good" ie guilty of mis- representation, for he deer) not know tlia ingredients of the getmiue Pink Pills and 1e only trying to sell you some other pill, because be malice more money on its sale, The Dr. Williams Medicine Compooy is determined to spare no expense in pro. tooting both tho publio end themselves against these uneorupulous imitators, and will alwaysbe thankful to reoeive information nonoerning any one who of - fees to sell an imitation Pink Pill, put porting it to be Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, or "the some me" the genuine Piuk Pille. Snob gases will be investigated by the company's doteotive and tint name of the person giving the information will not be made public, while any expenee entailed in eending us the information will be promptly refunded. Ask for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People and take nothing else. They cure when all other medicines fail. Grey Council Meeting. • The Council electfor the Township of Grey met at the Township Hall January 20th, 1806, according to Statute. Thos, Strachan, Reeve ; Arehd. Hislop, First Deputy Reeve ; James Turnbull, Second Deputy Reeve, and William Brown and James Lindsay, Counoillore, severally made and subscribed the necessary de- clarations of qualification and of office, after which the Reeve took the obair,and the minutes of the last meeting for 1895 were read and confirmed. Moved by James Turnbull, seconded by James Lindsay that Wm. Spence, Clerk ; Alex, McNair, Treasurer, and A.. Raymann, Assessor, be all re -appointed for the year 1896 at the same salaries as last year. - Carried. Moved by Aroh. Hislop, sec- onded by James Turnbull that Alex. Stewart be Auditor. —Carried. The Reeve then appointed James Livingstone the other Auditor. Moved by Jas. Turn- bull, seconded by Wm. Brown that Adam Turnbull, John Cardiff and Wen.Mitohell be re -appointed members of the Board of Health for 1896, and that Dr. Fergu- 0012 be appointed Medical Health Officer. Carried. Moved by Wm Brown, sec- onded by James Turnbull that John Boger be appointed Township Engineer under the Ditches and Watercourses Act, 1894. -Carried. By-laws Nos. 75, 76, 77, 78 and 79 were read over three times and Snarly passed. Application of the True - tees of School Section No. 11 to have lots Nos. 18, in the 7th and Sth concessions, and the E if lot 17, con. 7, end the N lot 20 and lot 21, con. 10, and the N J lot 25, con. 9, detached from the several school sections to which they at present belong and added to School Section No. 11. Moved by A. Hislop, seconded by Wm. Brown that the Clerk be instructed to notify the Trustees of the eeveral school sections and all parties interested in the matter to attend the next meeting of Council.- Carried. Circulars were read from the Single Tax and Good Roads Associations. No notion was taken. The following accounts were presented, viz.: Duncan McDonald, Andrew Turnbull, James Mitchell, James McNair, John Ridley, A. Reymann and Wm, Spence, each 74.00, for services as Deputy Re- turning Officers at election ; Trustees S. S. Noe. 1, 2, 4, 5 and 9, each $3,00, for use of school house for election ; Chas. Beck, for use of hall for election, 78.00 ; Win. Spence, posting up financial state. meats, 75.00 ; Hart & Riddell, election blanks, $8.15 ; G. K. Matheson, cedar for culverts, 72.85 ; Wm, McKelvey, gravel, $1.62 ; Mr. Ward, gravelling on boundary Grey and Films, Grey share, 78.80 ; Jacob Krauter and Samuel Mc- George, each $40.00, salary'as Collectors ; John Forrest rag bolts, &c, for culverts, 76,05 ; Peter Sinclair, raising culvert, lot 18, con. 14, 74.00 ; Jacob Kreuter, Collec- tor's box, 71.25 ; Robert Dooket, gravel- ling at lot 21, con. 3, 71.80. Moved by Wm. Brown, seconded by Jas. Lindsay that the foregoing accounts be paid.- Carried. Moved by Jas. Turnbull, sec. coded by Wm. Brown that the Reeve be authorized to ask for tenders and let the contract for printing for 1896. Car. ried, The Council then adjdurned to meet again at the Township Hall on Sat- urday, the 7th day of March next, when Pathmastere, &o. will be appointed. War. Srsxen, Clerk. Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Barley 80 Peas 48 Oats 22 Butter, tubs and rolls 13 14 Eggs per dozen 14 Flour per barrel 4 00 4'50 Potatoes (new) 18 15 Flay per ton 12 00 15 00 Hides trimmed 4 4i Hides rough 2 ,Salt per bbl„ retail1 00 Sheep skins, each 50 Lomb skins each....:15 Apples per bus 1 00 Hogs, Live 8 00 8 50 Dressed Hogs 4 40 4 50 Wool 18 20 66 67 62 64 88 49 00 90 40 Tonowro, Jan. 22. -Market firm, Flour -Market quint ; prices firm ; straight rollers quoted at 73.25 j 78 85 ; Mani- toba patents firm, at 73.70 `n, 74, and strong bakers, 78.60. Bran -Cars of bran firm, at $11 4 $11.50 west, and shorts, 712.50 ,Ce 713. Wheat - Ontario con- tinues firm ; No. 2 fall is 78e hid, on track, and 70e bid east, C. P. R. ; white, worth 715 on Northern and red, 790 west ; Manitoba No, 1 hard offers at 77o, North Bay, with 74c hicl, and a car of No. 2 sold at 72c, North Bay. Peas- lvlarket firm, with sales outside at 5070 51c. Buckwheat -Market quiet and prices easy, at 810 @l 82c. Barley -No. 1 offered at 46o, east, with 420 bid, and No. 8 offers at 35c. outside. Oats -Cars offer at 257c to arrive, Toronto ; white offers at 25c outside, with 227o bid. Oat. meal-Busines quiet, with prices un changed, at 72.00 $8 on track, and small lots at $8.25. Corn -Market quiet; offerings outside at 820, and 3218 bid. Rye -Market firm, with limited offer. ings ; cars sell at Glc outside. THE IlIli$SELiS 1)aso±lut'raro, Jon, 21.- Cattlo.� Re- oeipts, four oars atld about (lavmn.oars Re - held aver ; market 81844y. Hogs -)70' 0oipts, ten oars ; market about steady ; 700000, 74.80 t 74.07 ; pigs; 7410 707, Sheep and loube-Beeeipts, six Cara ; Inarliet easy ; lambs, theme to prime, 7G b 75,20 ; Canadian lambs, 70 0 70.20sheep, choice to svlvotcd x p ort werhora � 875oit s and cam. se lead, n72 c Cattle lased G mom3 Gt Flogs lose7 strong for light gradoe, but easy for heavy lets -all sold. Sheep and lambs closed 0asy for lambs ; Canadas, $5 @, 75,15 ; closed firm for sheep, with about all sold. Tonon'ro, Jan, 21. -The Toronto cattle market to -day was very dull for every thing but liege. Receipts were 47 .oars, 'including 458 sheep and Jambe, 1,000 hogs and 25 calves. Butchers' cattle were slow. There were not many good cattle offered, Ruling prices were 20, to 2km per pound, and few ohoice brought 30. Emir cars were taken for Montreal, Ex• port cattle were quiet. The price was nominal, at 40. per pound. Ballo were plentiful ; as low as 23o. per pound wits paid for a few for export, but ruling prices were 20 to 3o per pound. Stook - ars and feeders quiet • lower, selling at $o to 0 e per pound -a, drop of lie. Mob cows and springers, 716 to 734 each, Hoge were in good demand, and the market . was firm. From '$8.65. to $3.877 per cwt. was paid for best bacon hogs. Prospeots are for higher prices. Heavy and light hogs brought 78.70, and stores, 73 50 to 78 60 ; sows, 73, and stage, 72 per cwt. Lrvnsroon, Jan. 4. -Business, at pies. eat writing, has commenced again after the holidays, but, as usual, there is only a very limited demand to begin with. I hear the same old tale about slow 'trade in the retail shops, the competition of the game and poultry dealer, and the unfair trading of the universal supply stores, who entice customere to look al Christ. mar) cards and then book orders for. ,beef, mutton or pork. All this is, of course, in the nature of things, and now that the first burst of peace and good -will and Christmas charity is over, the grumbling. malice and' uncharitableness gets worked off, and John Bull becomes himself again. At present advice there is nothing talked of except Dr. Jameson's escapade, which has come like a bolt from the blue, to the great joy of the press and the otter despair of South African shareholders. At Birkenhead lairages business bat been interfered with very mush on account of the holidays, while the abnormally mild weather has prevented anything in the shape of speculative operations. The range of prices has been rattier lower, and for very good bodies not the tops - only 477 (0 e) has been current. Medium carcases, and oow and bull beef quotations are diftioult to express with any exact- ness, some useful sorts making one day only 87 (Gc) per pound, and next morning the same killing was sold without trouble at 3}d to 877 (6.7c and G7c). In the mut- ton business there is also • the same irregularity, prices ranging from 47 (Be) to 5 (100), while the last of the Cana- dian lambs made up to Sd.((12o). No improvement in trade is looked for here, seeing there are eloso on 5,500 cattle due next week, including about 1,500 head now alive. A big lot of -sheep are also advised -nearly 15,000 -but, strange to say, the commission men are less uneasy about these than the cattle. DI', NS, OF BUFFALO, N.Y. Pliolouaplier. Late Manager of C,0. Cochrane's Brantford Studio. Also Fifteen Sears with Farmer Bros., Hamilton, Would annonuoe to the people of Brus- sels and surrounding country that he has opened a Studio in Stretton's Block, over the Standard Bank, where he is prepared to do the very best Photographic work. Photographs Copied and Enlarged in Crayon, Water Colors or Pastel hi the highest style of the Art. ra-PRICES REASONABLE. Finest Work and Satis- faction Guaranteed. Ashare of your Patronage is solicited. Come early and have your Photo. taken for Christmas. W. DOWNS, Artist. a It (0 y'J' H 7-4N '--'0 ~i p K-40 CD N p P.,0h a d Ci9 CD COb 9 re co m f3 y m W fv CDa cm1 • P fie• 0 O `4 m U4 0 S T ILETOHER Jeweler, Has just opened for Xmas 1 rad e a Beautiful Now Stook of Choice China aid rangy Goods, Suitable for either Xmas, Wed- ding or Birthday Presents. 'e Always Keep A very Largo Stook of GOLD, GOLD FILLED and SILVER WATCHES, all Makes and Grades, which we Guarantee to be the best, and a Full Line of Wedding Rings, Gem Rings, Engagement Rings, Bar Pins, Broaches, Vest Chains, Long Chains, Cuff Buttons and Linke, Bracelets, Gold Spectacles. Large Assortment of SILVERWARE, Spoons, Knives, Darks,' Batter Coolers, Fruit Dishes, Water. Pitchers, Pickle Cruets, Celery Dishes, Spoon Holders, Children's Mugs, Carving Setts, Cake Baskets, Shaving Setts, Gents' Smoking Setts, Ladies' Comb and Brush Setts, Manicure Setts,. • Metal Picture Frames, Onyx Tables, Crumb Trays, &c. Fancy Baskets, Violins and Violin Sundries. Our Goods are New and up to date in Design, which we offer AT LOW PRICES. 1 No Trouble to Show Goods. Watches, Clocks and Jewellery of all kinds carefully Repaired. Thos® Fistollor, Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Oil Cake Meal FOR. SALE. A quantity of first-class Oil Cake Meal will be .kept on hand at the Livingston Flax mill. The following low prices will be given :— It Ton Lots, - $18.00 Half' Ton Lots, 9.25 100 Pounds, 1.00 1 'The above prices are for cash. W. Bright, J. & J. Livingston, Manager. Proprietor. NOTICE OF REMOVAL Having purchased a shop on Thomas St., opposite the Queen's Hotel stables, I wish to notify my old customers and as many new ones as may favor me with their patronage that I have removed to my new stand. Soliciting a share of business from the public, guaranteeing satisfaction, I remain, S. T. Plum., General Blacksmith Horseshoer ARLIE (BY 15 MINUTES) WEEKLY TOURIST CAR TO Pacific Coast LEAVES TORONTO AT .--S i„T9 FRIDAY NOON. T. FARROW, AGENT, BRUSSELS, 24, $66 JalluarY Sale! '95 Largatns Out Bargained. The time of big business has come and gone, but we .can't stand idle. If price • Cutting ever brought Cus- tomers we will have a rush to 'our store this Month. We have made reductions before but not with such recklessness as now. You may expect Big Re- ductions in Overcoats, Suits, and Wool Under- clothing for Men & Boys, Wool Blankets, Flannels, Wool Hosiery, Gloves for Ladies and Gentlemen, Shawls, Winter Boots and Shoes, Heavy Tweeds', Wool Knitted & Fur Caps, 8 Ladies Fur Muffs at half price. We must clear the stock of Winter Goods on hand at what they will bring before Stock -taking. SMITH MoLAREAL ANEW 6111111011111111110111116 INTE YOU ? ST In order to clear out what Fall and Win- ter Goods we have in stock, we intend to RUN THEM OFF AT COST. So now is your Chace for a Shap in Ordered Clothing. Suits that sold for $18.00, now $15.00. We can make you up a First-class all Wool Suit for $10.00, Every thing Away Down in Price. We do not intend to carry over one yard of Winter Cloth if low prices will sell them, Call and see that we mean just what we Advertise, Zino. IVIG ain, MERCHANT TAILOR, - BRUSSELS.