The Brussels Post, 1896-1-24, Page 1"i.
Vol. 28. No. 28.
Joh 0
well What !
"Well I went the other day and
took my percnte to BRUS-
SELS and while there We
strolled up to
K. R. Breor'g
nano STUDIO,
and had our Pictures taken,
and my parents are so delight-
ed that they had the luck to go
least that "Grim Monster,
Death" should Come along and
gather them in. Opportunities
once lost can never be recalled.
Always Welcome at the 01d Reliable
Photograph Studio.
Gird o[ Tilanis
I wish to acknowledge, with
my best thanks, the Liberal Pat-
ronage received durin08951 from
the people of Brussels and sur-
rounding country. I need hard-
ly say that we value your , busi-
ness and will endeavor to cater
to your wants in this new year
by placing first-class Dry Goods,
Groceries, &c., before you at close
prices. We are not given to
blowing but guarantee satisfac-
tion to our Customers.
Agent for Parker's Dye Works.
Tran. Trun
If you mottle Travel
G. T. R. Agent, Brussels.
13 LEY,
Real Estate
Agent, - E russets.
Money to Loan ou Farm Socur-
ity at tine Lowest Bate
o Interegt.
Mone Loaned On Notes
good Notes D i and
D scoliutod. Sale
Notes a Spoeialty.
fire le & Life Insurance f n e Wf itter7.
Special Attention given to
O O U L,
O.lflco aver Deadinau & McCall's Store,
West Huron Returns,
Following are the completed returns
for West Huron election
Asnt',zeo— Cam, Weis,
1 Dungannou 58 09
2 Findlay's 45 69
3 Webster's 84 80
4 1 ingebridga 00 51
5 Amberley . . . ....... . . 74 22
6 Lochalsh • 120 20
392 811
Majority 81
7 Bsnmiller 67 18
8 Saltford 85
9 Carlow 56 36
30 Leeburn 55 29
213 136
11 St, Andrew's 72 55
12 Sb. James' 92 42
13 St. John's..,,,.: .. 77 62
14 St. George's 65 5a8
290 217
Majority 70.
15 Ourwin's' 42 77
16 Hamilton's ....... 89 '' 70.
17 Hanley's 28 86
18 Crooks' 43. 50
19. Holrnesville 89 89
189 - 322
Majority 188
4G 65
49 50
50 50
50 32
46 42 '
09 61
85 80
20' Thompeon's
21 Videen'e
22 Town Hall
23 Bates'
24 Walton's
25 Brophey's
26 Hays'
W. WAw.lNosn-
27 Dungannon 42
28 Fowler's 56
29 -Town Hall 44
30 St. Helen's 69
2- 1- 1
Majority ...... .. .....
D, WAwANoen-
31 Westfield 69
32 Scott's 77
33 Deacon's 07
84 Loishman's 48
Majority 74
845 880
Total votes 1902 1712
Majority for Cameron 190
There were 33 -rejected votes, and .five
spoiled ballots.
Five Conservatives -Rua Three Indeecn.
dents in n house or Forty.
"No Coercion" wasthe verdict at the
polls in Manitoba when Premier Green -
way's Liberal. Government was returned
to power by a sweeping majority.
endeavors were made by the Opposi-
tionto side track the school issue, but
the people would not have it, and Mani-
toba vigorously declared against inter-
ference by the Dominion with her
educational privileges and, righbe. In
constituencies where a close fight was
expected Opposition candidates dared not
oppose the Government on the school
policy, but declared themselves in favor
of the national system, the exceptions
being in some French Catholic constitu-
encies where the Government' expected.
defeat. In Winnipeg the only contest
was between T. O. McIntyre, Govern-
ment, mad T. W. Taylor, Opposition.
Although Me. Taylor was a strong can-
didate personally he was defeated by 240
majority. There was great rejoicing in
the Government ranks, and the greatest
excitement prevailed. Although the
early news indicated the return of
Premier Greenway's Government to
power, crowds surrounded the halle in
innipeg up to a late hour, and speeches
were made at the Lyceum by members of
the Government and the successful can-
didates. Returns indicate. that the
members of the next [louse will be as
follows :
Avondale—Didtle, Government, elect.
ed by 80 majority over Hartney, Opposi-
bion, end Hughes, Independent.
Beautiful Plains—Sirrib, Patron, by 75
Over Devieon, Opposition.
Birtle—Miokle, Government, by ace
Brandon' City—Adams, Government,
by 90 over Felly, Opposition.
Carillon—Marion, Opposition, by 38
over Jerome, Independent Governmenb.
Oypress—Doig, Government, by 89 over
Andrews, Opposition, and Davidson,
o g, Government, by 183
over Drew, Opposition,
Dennis—Crosby, Patron, elected over
Frame, ,Opposition, and Roundly, Gov.
ern ment.
Lmereon—Mentdden, Opposition, by
20 over Christie, Liberal, and Boss,
Kilslonan—Sutherland, Opposition, by
29 over Bird, Government. -
Killarney — Speaker Young, Govern.
mous, by 114 over Clarke,
Lakeside ---Rutherford, Government, by
Lansdowne -Norris,. Government, by
915 over Todd, Opposition,
Lorne—Riddell, Government, by 11
over O'Malley, Opposibion.
Manibon—Molntosh, Government, by
78 over Cruthers, Opposition, and Swan-
son, Patron, •
Minnoclosa--• Myers, Government, by
Morden—Duncan, Government, by '35
over Borthwick, Patron,.
Morris-- Mulvey, GoVernnieet, loads,
Martin, Independent, by 58.
Mountain—Greenehty, Government, by
Norfold—Rogers, Government, by 166
ever Lyons ; a Government gain.
North Brandon—Abborney.General Sif.
ton, by 70 over Sargent, Opposition,
Portage la Prairie --ITCH, Robb, Wabsoti,
by 11 over Cooper, Opposition.
Rhineland—Winkler, Government, by
7.47 over Bowman, Opposition,
Rookwood—Jackson, Government, by
511 over Toombs, Opposition,
Raeeoll—Risher, Independent, by . 22
aver Almaek, Government,
S6. Andrew'e—Capt. Jonassou, Govern.
menti, large mejority over Baldwinson,.
St.73onifaoe—Hon, J. E, P. Prouder.
gest, Independent, elected over Lauzon,
Oppoeibio n.
Saeltabohewan - McNaught, Govern.
mens b
54 over Ferguson, 061430
and Shanks PatroOpp u,
Souris—Campbell, Government, by no.
South Brandon--Grehern, Government,
by 315 over Nichol, Oppoeibion,
Springfield — Smith, Government, by
Turtle Mountain--Hobtle, Goverurnsnb,
small majority over Miller, Opposition.
Westbourne—Morton, Government, by
Winnipeg Centre—McMillan, Govern-
ment, by acclamation,
Winnipeg North—Malntyre, Govern.
ment, by 288 over. Taylor, Opposition.
Winnipeg South — Cameron, Govern.
melt, by acclamation,
Woodlands—Roblin, Opposition, by 100
over Main, Government,
John Bryson, M. P. for Pontiac Coun-
ty,is dead.
Mouth Wentworth and West Welling.
ton Provincial elections take place on
Friday of this week.
M. Cameron,C.'
M. P. for West Huron, n
gnes tr Ottawa next Monday. His offi-
majority was 190.
The Liberals of Colchester, N. S., have
nominated Firman McClure, of Truro, as
their candidate to the Commons.
The Manitoba Opposition might as well
have made it unanimous and saved the
Province the turmoil of -a contest.
Dominion Cabinet oouncils will have to
beheld in two sections, as several of the
Ministers arenot on speaking terms.
It is stated that Peter Ryan, of Toron-
to, the well known Irish Canadian, may
enter the ensuing Dominion contest as a
Al present there are 5 vacancies in the.
Commons, viz., Seureges, Charlevoix,
Missisquoi,' Pontiac, Northumberland and
Cape Breton.
It is now generally conceded that the.
life of this Parliament expires on April
25th, though a few high tax advocates
contend that it can legally run along un•
til June.
.Mr, Mnlook will again press his meas.
are prohibiting a member of Parliament
from receiving mileage if he travels to or
from Ottawa at a less rate than ordinarily
charged to the general public.
The Ontario Court of Appeal has de..
cided that the Province has a right to
exact a license fee from every brewer,
distiller or other person already licensed
by the Dominion Government.
There was %g eat falling off in Ohin•
see r immi ti
a onn 1stear, as compared
with the previous three years. The col-
lections on accounb of the poll tax,
amounted to $166,502 in 1892. Last
year it was only 973,475.
Hon. Mr. Angers, who left the Doinin
ion Government last summer, now, states
that he has no more sympathy for the
Premier, and he holds that Sir Macken-
zie Rowell should have formed a new
Cabinet and left the conspirators out in
the cold.
Ottawa society is all agog over the
grand fansy dress bail to be given by
their Excellencies in the Senate Chamber
on Feb. 17th. A series of eight dances,
emblematic of leading periods of Canadian
history, is being arranged and promises
to be a great attraction.
A,convention of Liberals of Pictou, N.
S.. will be held at Now Glasgow ou Jan.
80th. Owing to the appointment of John
D. McLeod as Judge of Probate it is
necessary to nominate another candidate
as running mate far James W. Car-
Premier Greenway has returned to
Winnipeg from his farm. He said that
the new Legislature of Manitoba would
probably be called for the dispatch of
business on Thursday, Feb. 6th. The
Premier expressed great satisfaction at
the result of the elections. He said that
it would be the earnest endeavor of his
Government daring their next four years
of office to promote in every way possible,'
measures and means conductive to the
best interests of Manitoba as an agricul-
tural country.
The Toronto Mail says :—Tho •Rev.
Father Lacombe, the aged North-West
missionary, is enthusiastic over the Now•
Year's gift which he has received from
Premier Bowell in the shape of a grant of
laud 150 miles east of Edmonton, tobe
laid apart as it Metis reservation. This
has been a favorite scheme of Father
Lacombe for many years past, and it has
received the approval of the hierarchy in
the Nei -tie -West. The new settlement is
to be under ,lbs control of a syndicate,
composed of the Archbishop of St. Boni-
face, the Bishops of St. Albert and Prince
Albert, J, A. Oeimet, Mc. Burgess, of the
Department of the Interior, and the Rev.
Father Lacombe. Steam mw and flour
mills aro to be erected as soon les possible
and the land is to bedivided tip in lots
and rented to the Motis, who are now iu
a most miserable coudbtion. Many of
them are worse off than the Indians who
aro under Government patronage. They
have lost their lands and aro' reduced to
abject poverty. They are estimated at
$10,000, scattered throughout the North
West and Manitoba. There aro more
than 600 families in Dakota and Montana,
end the misery ie said to be vory great.
A.0 attempt is to be maize bo have them
return to the North-West and settle in
this reserve, where they can have all the
epiritnal and material petulance 0, which
they aro so great,y iu want. Tlie loss of
the buffalo has boort a great hardship ou
all these people, and. ib is thought now
that agrioulbure ie their only Chanes of
Bsusbiele Coilxacil.
The new Coaneil, eonelebing of W. H.
Kerr, Reeve, and 13,, Graham, R, Leath.
erdale, Geo. Baeller and B. G, Wilson,
Councillors, met, as per statute, last
Monday at 11 o'clock and were duly
sworn in.
Minutes of last meeting read and eon
J. Y. S, Kirk wee nominated auditor
by the Reeve • and on motion of R. Lea•
tberdele.end R. Graham, A, Oonsley
wao appointed auditor, the fee to
be 94.00
for each,
Moved by Geo. Beaker that D. A.
Lowry be assessor for 1890 ab 940,
Moved in amendment by R. Graham,
seconded by R. G. Wilson that D, Stewerb
be re -appointed. Amendment carried.
It is understood that the Board will ad
vise .bhe assessor as bo certain desired
changes in the asseeemeht.
Last year's Board of Health, consisting
of Postmaster Farrow, 5. N. Kendall, A..
Stewart and the Reeve and Clerk, was
re•appoinbed. Dr. J. A. MoNaugbton,
Medical Health Officer.
Harry James, pound.keeper.
The Street Committee will be the
Reeve and Counoillors Graham and
Backer. Finance and Property Commit.
tee, the Reeve and Messrs. Leatherdele
and Wilson.
R. Woolsey applied for the printing for
Council then, ' adjourned to meet on
Monday evening, February 3rd, at 7.30
People We Talk About.
Mies Rilla Hunter is on the sink list.
W. J. Olinda and wife S nda ed at
a Y
Mrs. S. T. Plum has been laid up with
Fred. Loath has returned to hie 'sit' at
Il. C. Danford's.
Mrs. N. F. Gerry was visiting in Sea.
forth this week.
Mrs. J. M. O'Connor has been very ill
during this week.
S. Beattie and Miss Maggie were in
Clinton last Sunday.
Mrs. Dutton, of Stratford, is visiting
Mrs. G. A. Deadman.
Miss Kate ➢7oKeroher, of Wroxeter,
spent Sunday in town.
Harold Bakens, of Toronto, is holiday-
olidaying at J. A. Stewart's.
Mee. Lowe, of Toronto, ie visiting Mrs.
Dennis and Mrs. Kirk.
Miss Dora Nott was visiting at Oran -
brook during the past week.
J. D. Ronald was considerably shaken
up from a fall ab his residence.
Wm. Crowe, of Paisley, was visiting
at W. H. Mo0raoken's this week.
Mrs. T. Fletcher has been on the' sick
list with inflammation of the throat.
Jno. McInnis left for Detroit last week
where be expects to take a situation.
Miss Fannie McConnell, of Milton, is
visiting relatives and old friends in town.
Mies Eva Turnbull, of THE POST staff,
has been on the sink list during the past
Jae. Danford, wife and Children, of
Clinton, were visiting in Brussels and
Foreman Watt, of the Ronald Fire
Engine Works, has gone East on a busi-
ness trip.
Mrs. John D.Ronald, of town, and Mrs.
W. T. Chaff, of Fenton, Mich„ are visit-
ing at Chicago.
Mrs. W. J. Brown'b, of. Ingersoll, is
visiting her sister, Mrs, G. A. Deadman,
Frederick street.
Miss Addie Vanstone, milliner, is mak-
ing a holiday visit with relatives and
friends in town.
Mise Lizzie Boss is ill with la grippe,
but we hope she will soon be folly re.
stored to health.
Miss Edith Inman retnrne to her
position in Williamson's big dry goods
store, Guelph, on Friday.
Will. McCracken Bed Miss Amanda
MoOraoken have gone to Hanover for a
short visit with relatives.
Dr. J. W. Shaw, Clinton, was eleoted
President of the Huron Medical Media-
tion for the coming term.
P. Sinolair and sister, of North East.
hope, were visiting friends in Brussels
and vicinity during the past week.
Mrs. Ford and son, of Guelph, are the
guests of Mrs. John McKenzie, Brussels.
Mrs. Ford i9 Mrs. MoKen zie's mother,
Thos. Stewart has returned to Shakes-
peare after spending an enjoyable visit
with friends at Listowel, Molesworth and
J. L. Sturdy, formerly of Brindle, bas
disposed of the Queen's Hotel, Harridan,
to John Gerbig, possession to be given
on 10th of February.
• Dr. Graham attended the meeting of
Hurou Medical Association in Seaforth
on Tuesday of last week. The report
of the meeting may bo read elsewhere in
fumes 11foLauolilin of Wingbam, am. lyes
renewing old acgnaletWanmes in totve Inst
Friday. Be wore a big Tam o' Shunter
in honor of the Sone of Sootland gather-
ing, here. `
W. G. Snaith, of London, was in town
last weak visiting 13. Ward and other
relatives. lIr. Smith bolds a busy and
important position in connection with
the G. T, R, at London.
Miss Maud Abraham, who is teaching
ab Windsor, has been dangerously ill
since New Years. Miss Mand taugbb
successfully the Primary Department of
Brussels Public Scheel a few years age,
The Seaforth Expositor says : "We
understand that 3, P, Brine, I-Iuren's
veteran auctioneer, who for over thirty
years has wielded the auctioneer's ham -
met, and who, in his day, wee considered
one of the best salesmen of farm stock
in Western. Ontario, and whom serviette
were in active demand from Ho wick, on
the north, to McGillivray, on the south,
has sledded, on toeonnt of inarcasing•
years, to retire from the business, and
will not take out a .license this year."
The gentleman referred to is Airs. P,
Seed's, father,
W.1-1. KERR, Prop.
Wm, Dodds, who line been in the em.
ploy di T. Boas for several ysare, has
gone to Dakota where he expecte to take
a situation. Will. James will Clark in
Mr. Ross' store until the Spring • season
at least,
Robert Wynn, jeweller and opbioian, of
Sand Beech, Mioh„ is visiting under the
parental roof and renewing old friend,
ships in town. Mr. Wynn came via
Detroit, where be visited his sister,
Mrs; Dr. Mo0ullough,
011U16I71I 0116161$,.
Rev. J. Roes at—beaded Maitland Pres-
bytery lash Tuesday at Wingham.
Bev. A. It, Griffin rifin Lias
a been botha r
with lumbago, but is oonsidsrably bettor
Friday evening of this week Melville
Church Sabbath School annual entertain-
ment will be held,
The regular quarterly Communion ser•
vies will be held in the Methodist
church a week from next Sabbath.
Spaniel meetings will be held in the 8,
A. Barracks Saturday, Sunday and
Monday, the 1st, and. and 8rd of Feb.,
lead by Ensign Dowell, of Palmerston.
The S. A. Gazette—The War Ory -
after Feb.. let; will be reduced in price
from five cents to two cents weekly
Yearly subscription one dollar, and for
the half year fifty cents.
Last Monday Rev. Samuel Jones cele-
brated his 88th birthday, and on Sabbath
and Monday received the congratulations
of his many. friends. The reverend
gentleman enjoys a fair share of good
health, considering hie increasing years,
and gobs to church almost every Sunday.
The sermons last Sabbath in the
Methodistchurch here by Rev. Joseph
Edge, of Goderich, were listened to with
a great deal of ' pleasure and a large
share of profit. "Open Thou mine eyes
that I may
bah wondrous old u out
s thin s f
of Thy law" was the foundation of the
morning discourse, and the well known
words of Isaiah, "Come now, let us
reason together, &o.,' was the topic fn
the evening Mr. Edge also addressed
the Sabbath School in the afternoon. He
will be heartily welcomed on. any future
The Acton Free Press says : "The
special evangelistic services which have
been in progress in the Methodist Church
the past ten days have been very largely
attended. The Sunday services were
especially interesting, and at the evening
service the church was taxed to accom-
modate the large congregabiou. The
evangelists, the Misses Hall, give most
acceptable service. Their -addresses, ex-
hortations and singing are very effective.
Much good has already been accomplish-
ed. The members of the church gen-
erally have been strengthened and bless-
ed, and a considerable number have been
induced to turn from lives of sin and
"Flee from the wrath to come." The
meetings will be continued for another
week at least."
W. F. M. S.—Melville church auxiliary
of the W. F. M. S. held its annual meet
ing on Thursday, Jan. 91h, when the
following officers were elected: President,
Mrs. (Rev.) Ross ; Vice -President, Mrs.
Barnhill; Secretary, Mrs. Neil Mc
Lauohlin ; Assistant Secretary, Miss N.
Ross ; Treasurer, Mrs. 11. G. Wilson ;
Leaflet Secretary, Mrs. I. C. Richards ;
Assistant; Mrs. Skene ; Organist, Mrs.
Graham ; Auditors—Mrs. N. Richardson
and Mrs. J. Ballantyne ; Manngers—
Mrs. Jas. Strachan, Mrs. D. C. Ross,
Mrs. A. Strachan, Mrs. J. Scott, ibtrs.
Graham and Miss McKay ; Committee
for visiting strangers—Mrs. Skene, Mrs.'
A. Strachan. Miss F. Pelton and Mies J.
MoLanahlin ; Committee for visiting the
siolt—Mrs. Barnhill, Mrs. R. G. Wilson,
Mrs. D. Ross sr., and Mrs. Martin.
Total amount contributed for all pdr-
poses by the Society for 1895, $143.78.
There are 50 names on the membership
roll.' In addition to the above, two large
boxes, valued ab 984 and .3100 respect.
ively, containing Clothing, boots, shoos,
etc., were shipped to the Northwest.
This is the 12th annual report of the
W. F. M. S. in connection with Melville
church, Brussels
PtttTEl nEETffie nsoOLUTIoxs.
(OOsIPMEn Dr mac. DB, t. A. B. DICiisox.)
1. I will wake it a matter of coneof-
enoo to attend. "Not forsaking the as.
sembliug of yourselves together."
2, I will endeavor to bring others.
"Come thou with u3 and we will do thee
3. As I enter the room I wilt ask the
Saviour's presence. "We would see
4. F wilt not Moon a book seat.
"How pleasant it is for brethren to dwell
together in unity."
5. I will fix my attention upon ever•
ship and the word. "This people draw•
ebb nigh unto me with their mouth but
their Heart is far from me."
6. I will lead in prayer. "Ye also
belpiut together in prayer."
7. I wilt otherwise take part. "Teach-
ing and admonishing one saintlier."
B. Myravers and remarks shall
be brief. nt "For God is in heaven and
thou men earth, therefore let thy words.
be few-"
9. I will avoid oribioal thoughts of
others who take pert. "Judge not."
10, After the meeting I will greet as
mem it. i courteously can, "Salute one
11. As I return home I will maintain
a levant mind. "Contlnuing !natant in
12. I will not an swab myself as to peep
others from the name pew, "130 mar -
18. By Christ's armee dtvelling in me
T will daily live es .I pray. "Nat every-
very'one that math Tinto me Lord, toed, but
he that dooth the will of my Father."
Mrs. Ann Iioytl, anidow, vas nsnhv-
axiated by coal gas at Napetee on `.nits.
day night.
Geo. IT. ,llnrray waq nominated by the
Liberals of thipe Breton to oppose Sir
(Darker Tupper,,
A patienb at Ronkwood Asylum who
recently died, was found to 'have noodles
in her heart mud lungs.
Additional Local News,
Tum Curling club has entered into an
arrangement with T, Blggrnflold for the
nee of the ice on Maitland Rink for
out'ling. Praabioe has already coin.
nuanced, and we, expect to hear of as
gond work being dune as in pant seasons.
Exsnoett oa' OAPs.—Absohooithe other
day some boy, through mistake no doubt,
tools Earl Koenifee white Persian lamb
cap and left his, Mr. Koenig would like
the Cap returned, as the trade was un-
suitable, both as to sits and quality,
ALL persons liable to pay Poll baa are
melted to have the •same squared off with
Constable Wright
an or before Monday,
February 8rd, so as to enable him to
make his returns. This nodes is given
so that there will be no neoessity of doing
as the colieober bad to do in Clinton, viz.
Summons some of thexefusere before the
Mayor, where they paid the tax plus the
oasts of the court.
MEDICAL il1EETINO.—The regular quar-
terly meeting of the Huron Medical As-
sociation was held in the Town Hall,
Seaforth, on Tuesday, January 14th,
when a large representation of medical
men were present. Papers were read by
Drs. Wood, Shaw and Smith, which were
discussed thoroughly. Dr. Bethune pre-
sented an interesting Case, As Dr.
Campbell leaves the County of Huron,
be hewing sold out his practise to 'Dr.
Dewar, of Chippewa, the Huron Medical
Association took the opportunity of say-
ing farewell and presenting' him with an
engrossed address, wishing him suooess
in bis new home. Dr. Graham, of Brus-
sels, read the address, and Dr. Campbell
feelingly replied, thanking the meeting
and express -deg regrets at severing the
friendship so long kept up with the mem-
bare. Dr. Brown, of the Dominion
Medical Journal, was present, reporting
w done. The following were
elected officers for the ensuing year:
Pres., Dr. Shaw, Clinton ; Vice Dr. Mc.
Kay, Seaforth Seo., Dr, Turnbull,
Cenervare—The first carnival this sea-
son was held in Maitland Skating Rink,
Brussels, on Thursday evening of last
week, There were very few persons in
costume although the attendance was
large and the roe good. Joe. Ballantyne,
5. T, Rose and A. Ross wore the judges
and awarded the first prize for best' dres.
sed lady to Miss Tillie Gofton, of Wrox-
eter ; and the prize for beet dressed gent
to D. Edgar, of the same village. The
skating races were warmly contested.
In the three mile dash the Elliott Bros.,
of Wingham ; Burnsides, of Kincardine ;
and Galloway, of Listowel, faced .the
starter. It only took 12s• minutes to
Cover the distance, the Listowel man
winning first money ; Burnside 2nd, and
S. Elliott 3rd. It was a closely contest.
ed race. For the mile rase there were
five entries :—Bert Gerry, Brussels ; Mc-
Cutebeon, Baker, and Fisher, Listowel ;
and S. Elliott, Wingham. Mo0utoheon
was an easy winner, with Elliott and
Baker and and 3rd respectively. Time
4 minutes. The frame at the olose was
not creditable to those engaged in it and
is one of the best ways possible to kill off
the attendance of spectators at the rink.
A repetition of such scenes will be sore
to bring the offenders before a magistrate
to answer to a obarge of profanity and
BEx Lonown.-The members of the
Sons of Scotland Camp, Brussels, held
their annual public gathering in the
Town hall last Friday evening. A fair
sized audience heartily enjoyed the
musical and literary bill of fare. Dr.
Graham, Chief, 000upied the chair and
after a few introduotory remarks pre-
sented the following nicely balanoed pro-
gram :—Solo, "Charming Flowers," Mies
Melissa Ames ; quartette, "Annie Lau-
rie," W. J. Wake, A. Strachan, A. Ross
and J. H. Cameron ; address, Lawyer
McCallum, of Paisley ; recitation, "Bowl
About," F. Lambie ; solo, "Land o' the
Lada" Mise Annie Stewart; sone in
character, "Caller Herrin," Miss Rate
Barrie ; address, "Songs of Barns," Dr.
Campbell ; solo, 'Good bye to the Leaves,"
Miss Melissa Ames ; recitation, "Exam -
tion of Montrose," F. Lambie; Bolo, "The
E;iahlapdmau's Toast," Miss Annie Ste-
wart ; "Auld Lang Syne" and the Nat•
ional Anthem. The ladies taking part
in the program sang their solos in fleet -
class style with very great aooeptauae to
the audience, The hearty encores were
cbeerfully responded to. Mr. Lambie
rather surprised the audience in his elo-
cutionary ability and his responses, "To
a Haggis" and "A Tragedy," were greet•
ed with loud applaaee. Mr. McCallum
stated stat one of the principal objects
of'the S. 0. S. Society was to keep before
its members the history, literature and
traditions of the land of their forofnthers,
and insteneed ate fact that the history of
Sootland and its literature have ex'ted
a powerful infinouos on the mantel., rte
people, and the Empire of whiob it
a part. He also drew attention to the
fact that those who cherish a faithful
and fond remembrance 'nf the land of
their birth, are the most likely to prove
good Citizens in the land of uncle adop-
tion ; and that in nearly every Dasa those
who leave their onnntry for their etan-
try's good, are the people miring whotn
anarchy and misrule lift their hydra -
heads, when they find shelter in a foreign
land. i\1r, McCallum is a forcible and
powerful speaker and has a fund of gm.
sial intelligence and oonvereeticaal abil-
ity rarely mot with. 17r. Campbell's ad-
dress allowed oarefal preps atirn and a
comprehension of the life and labs of
Scotland's bard. • lifoi pororsliov was
very fine. Nisi jean MCLaltohlin ao
pitmist performed her part in her nsmtl
pro/Jaime manner. A vote of thanks
was mOvsd to -these taking part in the
program by J. D. Ronald and sewn led by
J. H. Cameron, Proceeds amonuted to t.
nhont. $25,00 which will be enfli)iontto
liquidate the nesessat,v . expenses. The
object of the gathering was to give an
enjoyable evening and at the sttm9 time
present the claims of the Sone or
Sootland,, We must not forget be state
that Piper liallanbync warned np the
edibles of more than one Scobchmett's
heart by the stirring strains of the bag-