HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-1-17, Page 8°Kgtlle Children of the 16 Schools in ;P#rb9Rele and Vioipity we offer the following 64 reign at the fleet 'romatlon Lixaminetione 1 The pupil who takae the highest number of marks in promotion to Taut 1>Itrond__tt 2nd part let book free ; The one who takes the highest in 2evmotion to Seeond reader- s 2nd ender free ; The pupil who tapes tate bigheet he £amnMedea to Third reader -ti, Ord render ee ; The one who takes the bigheet in "emotion 90 Fourth reader-e4th render free. To be had by palling at our Drug and Nee Store with a n"te:from their teacher authorizing them to doeye°. [Deadman & McCall, Druggiete, deo, ifi•.11_-Pleaee take nobble that the nom., Betition ie not school against school, but siek'rize is given to all eleeaee mentioned Ea moll school. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. O. & n. Tains leave Brussels Station, North guel South, as follows; Go/110900TH, GOING NORTH. 11U1 6:60 a.m.Mixed 9:45 a m, ".1Ypreie 11:55 a.m. I Mail 8:18 P,,u. ;Hued ..,d..., 9:00 p.r1. Express 9:40p.m. x zaI Retvs ltttlt ', A ohiel'e amang ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prenb it. ' jIlOAP Year. How's your diary ? How girls -go for them. F000 years more to 1900. Nowis the time to•advertise. &7n, you swear off, and if so are you off ? A oan of sugar was received this week ;i1j George Thomson. Da, Gluing will be Chairman of Bruin eels School Board for 1800. Finesse. STEWART & GRAHAM shipped a ;mr of barley to the Eastern markets this mak. Ten Enterprise Salt Works are hest - Sag business. They shipped three oars tt4salt on Thursday. ,STREET INSPECTOR WRIGHT was levelling tSe,Southern pnrtion of Turnberry street litie week by filling in the pitch holes. MEASLES are the latest thing on the sx'iildren'a program in Brussels. This 'tarn is np to date in oatohing on to all Hint io going. Tun Poe. was the only paper in the + lnnby that attempted to give the full mtnrne of the municipal elections in .heron Monday of last week. All local Municipal Councils will meet H'tiorganization at 11 s. m. on Monday, .elate. 20th. The County Council will nyeet at 2 p. m. on Tuesday Jan. 28th. Ten bueineee men should see that timanow is promptly cleaned from the *ant of their respective places of heal. wase and thereby add to the pleasure and. oamfort of customers and the public generally. Iifenaer Jas. Fox's young setter re- =ieed a dose of , poison and crossed the Urea from whence no dog returns. The file owner will keep It in remembrance eke a pair of mitts made from the skin. 'Ilbe dog poisoner deserves to get a dope. ehbieown medioine. Quire a number of Bruseelitee went weer to Wingham last Friday evening to Icer Sir Richard Cartwright speak on ieb-epolitioal questions of the day. Sir .19 Oard appears to have lost none of hie cid time vigor. The meeting was held in ;71e•interests of M. C. Cameron, now M. De -for West Huron. THURSDAY afternoon of last week ,kothur MoGnire was working at a ma- pe'in Ament Bros. faotory, when the tOteve of hie shirt caught in the machine wee Oak as a flash s deep and ugly gash rode inflicted on hie right arm. A. phy •aiaian was promptly called and dressed erewounded member and Mr. McGuire *begetting along as well as could be ex - seated. p ronxsn Coaturesroxsne.-His Honor 9beLieutenant-Governor has been pleae- a3to appoint the following gentlemen dtenee commissioners under the pro. -minions of the Liquor License Act (R. S. 13,.1887, oap. 194) in and for the three eletriete of Huron County, as follows -- Waren East -Thomas Gibson, George ,',?salsas, George Murdie. Huron South --Robert Spicer, Peter Douglas, David toughs Wilson. Huron Weet-Samuel ;Roan, James Stevens, Hugh MoQuarrie. DEBATE. -A public debate, under the • reepioee of Brussels Public Library, is npapeeted to take place in the Town Hall hoe Friday, 31st inst., commencing at 7:90 uellock. The subject will be The Mani - :bit, Sabool Question, and will likely be itvsfded.as follows :-Postmaster Farrow, jeleCarthay phase of the subject ; Bar- .Fir3ter Blair, Semler Schools ; Barrister 'nylor, Remedial Bill ; Principal Cam - wen, Ho interference policy. An ad• •.toeission fee of 10 menta will be obarged, Ness proceeds to go to the Publio Library i'S0asnry. A. program of music will also 3legiven.. Ase&utT.--R. Johnston had 9, Beattie Before a.Magietrate'e Court last Friday iter assault committed on the Tuesday previous,' in which the oomplainant was =anther roughly handled, The case was ;tavrd by A., Hunter, Ino. McCrae, J. P„ ax:- the Reeve, aid lasted nearly all day. ift1a result of it was Bee ttie was fined X18,00 and costs, about, 620.00 in all, "Se same defendant plus 1 guilty on Sat- ; loyal.), to an assault on Alex. Bird and Ara%asseted 62.00 and costs. A counter , Marge, Beattie against Johnston,. was ,,nenhdrawn. The first cause of the • eeable appeared to be the lose of it. baif- inbx,robe from one of the livery sleighs an erletsbion day, the defendant affirming that 'Femme in tbe sleigh when it went away, stool the plaintiff denying. Mr. Brad - thaw found the much talked of robe on ,!xsnberry street, North of the railway, eNa. Monday, and clamed it to: the Reeve SWI13 Saturday evening, from whose hands eit wee nagged on to Mr. Beattie. TUN Pidty gives the Dow6. Tiltl,IIOX mill reneetled work last Fri, day. N. Wlr,eoot shipped a ear of outtle 511 Thursday of bide week, A mmll,of stook wee shipped Bastward by hissers, Clegg a Dames op Tbareday.. A Ma of lambs waa ebipped by Wleere. Qlogg &Dames on Tuesday of bilis wools. READ the Distriot news on the inside pages, ti•oderiab, Clinton, Seefortb, Gor. &o, gotten Fair on Thursday, February 6th, in Brusaele. A large number of bayere are expected to be present, JAMES TnwIN, - general lrlerohatlt, ie closing out bit stock here, As to his future oourse,we have not learned. Farms: evening the new o0lsers of the A. Q. If, W. am to be installed, The list was published in Tull POST three weeks ago. THE early train from Kinoatdine was cancelled last Monday owing to the heavy condition of the track from the storm on Sunday. TEE School Board pay 61,40 per cord for 70 erode of two foot hard wood this year. • Samuel Love, of Morris, was awarded the oontraot, Tan fife and drum band is hard at work praotising twice a week at the Orange Hall. There are ten fifes, it nate, four drums, triangle, and drum major. H. L. Jaokeon is instructor, MIS. F, O. 1/001158 hoe leased the store in Dr, Graham's blook, recently vacated by Jae. Smillie, groper, and will move bet stook of millinery, mumbles, deo., to Lhie plane in the course of a few days. SPEAxxxo about sunoeseful lodges, No. 6, A, O. U, W., Detroit, takes the oake. The other evening they initiated 660 members. They have over 2,000 on their membership roll. A braes band and all the modern accompaniments are to the front there. A xnw regulation bas Dome into effect under the new rules of the Grand Trunk, whereby freight rates from cartage points, such as London, Toronto or Hamilton, will be increased on small parcels from 85 to 45 mote. The 10 mote rise represents the carriage from the warehouse to the freight shed of the G. T. R. Sooxe WHA' HAE.-On Friday evening of this week the Sons of Sootlend, Brae - eels, give their annual entertainment in the Town Hall The following excellent program will be preeeuted:-Vocal eeleo• tions by Mies M. Ames, Mies Kate Bar- rie, and Mies Annie Stewart ; recitation by F. Lamby ; addressee by Barrister McCallum, of aisley, and Dr, Campbell, of Seaforth. A male quartette will be rendered by Messrs. Strachan, Wake, Rose and Cameron. Mies Jennie Mo. Lauoblin will be the pianist. Program will commence at 8 o'clock. A large at- tendanoe is expected ae an A 1 program with a ldw s„miesion fee appears to be very popular these days. MAcoABEEe,-Brussels Tent of the K. 0. T. M. installed its new officers on Tuesday evening as follows :- Past Com., W. F. Vanetone ; Oram., R. G. Wilson ; Lieut. Oom„ H. L. Jaokeon ; Record Keeper, M. H. Moore ; Finanoe Keeper, Geo. Beaker ; Chaplain, Adam Somers ; Physician, Dr. MoNeughton ; Sergeant, Peter McQuarrie. • Maeter•at-Arms, Alfred Backer; let M. of G., John Wright ; 2nd M. of G., Geo. Colvin ; Sentinel, Bobt. Anderson ; Picket, J. J. Gilpin. There are 60 members on the roll and the attendance in fairly good. GREY DISTRICT ORANGE LODGE. -The annual meetiug of Grey Distriot Orange Lodge met in Brussels on Tuesday after- noon of this week. H. Mooney, Distriot Master, in the chair. After the financial report was presented, showing a satiefao- tory state of affairs, the election of office bearers was proceeded with resulting as follows District Master -Jae. Bowman, 774; Dep -Die. Master -Chao. Case, 252; Ohaplain-Robt. Barr, 651 ; Secretary -B. Gerry, 774 ; Treasurer-Jno. Oakley, 252 ; Fin: Seeretary-Jno, Mooney, 774; Auditors -Matt. Morrison and W. M. Smith, 262 ; Dir. of Ceremoniee-•M.H. Moore, 774. he foregoing were duly installed by le Past District Master. The County odge will meet in Wingham on the first uesday in February. An interesting dress was given by Mark Hamilton, o. Master, of Manitoba, who is here on visit to relatives and who in this Way. Mr, Hamilton ie a son of Henry amiltan, Walton. A strong effort will meds at the County Lodge to secure e 12th of July celebration for Brussels. is year. FARMERS' INSTITOTE.-Meetinge of the met Huron Farmers' Institute, for the 'ecaasion of agricultural suhjeots, will be Id as follows :-At Brussels, on Mon - y, Jan. 27th.; Gerrie, Tuesday, Jan, th ; Bluevale, Wednesday, Jan. 29th. he Brussels meeting will be addressed the following well known authorities : H. Fortune, V. S., Wroxeter, "Tuber. losie" ; Alex. Gardner, Leadbury, reedinand Management of Pigs" ;' C. Carson, Clraighuret, Ont., "Beat rietiee of Orchard Fruits and How to ow them" ; Thos. McMillen, Cop - nee, "Fodder Corn • and the Silo" o Murdie, Seaforth, "Winte,iog Cattle d finishing them on grass for the itish Market" ; Simpson Rennie, Ileken, Ont., "Underdraining.". Gor• meeting :-Christopher Miohie, Sun - hie, "Growing Fodder Corn for Fall e • Dr. Armstrong, V. S., Gorrie, Dints of interest to took Breeders" ; ex. Gardner, Leadbury, "Management Piga" ; G. 0. °eaten, Oraighurst, est varieties of Small Fruits and Modes of Cultivation" ; Simpson nnie, Dlbllilten, "Destruction of ads" ; Thos, McMillan, Constance, odder Omand the Silo." Bluevale sting :-Alex, Gardner, Leadbury, reeding and Management of Piga" ; os. McMillan, Conetanoe, "Rotation Drops" ; Jae. Hinohley, Hullett, "Bee- ping" ; Christopher Michie, Sun- nis, "Growing Fodder Corn for Fall a ; G. O. Oaeton, Oraighuret, "The t varieties of Orchard Fruits and How Grow Them" ; Simppson Rennie, 191111• , "Buying and Feeding Cattle for the tieh Markets. The above meetings 1 oommenee at 10 o'clock a. m• and at 'Moth p. m, In the evening of each there will be an entertainment, oom- T tl L T ad 0 a lo be th Ili E d1 he da 28 T by B. Ott G. va Gr eta Ge an Br Mi rie sh IIs P Al of "B the Re We me B Th of kee obi 0e bee to ken Bri wil 10 day menoing at 7:80, at which addressee will be delivered by the day speakers and others, interspersed by musical seleetione. All are welcome, Reserved seats will be provided for the ladies at the evening meetings. POSH' x,7.1 4ti! .D4,f,f/•(..l' 234XI!":.... 01? C. Xil Dill, n's„e.44;. t4774glaa a.e7C4. HEAP OFFICE, - TORONTO. ASSETS, .(Seven Million Dollars). - 07,000,090 CAPITAL (Autboriued) ,, • Sa,09Q,090 [dodo ftt all principal paints 4u Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United Stater it Etjplatad, 'd0'I?13"si5iS Bork% T . A General Banking .Business Transacted, Farmers' Notes Dieoonnted. Drafts Issued and Collections made on all points. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on def'osite of $1,00 and upwards from dat of deposit to date of withdrawal and compounded half yearly, Sylmar. A.rnimiox GIVEN TO ME COMMOTION Or FARtigns' SALE WOES. .Every facility afforded Customers living ata distance, J, A. ST 0WAFT MANAGER. Fear HonoN Fell Fair will be held in Brussels en Thursday and Friday, Oot. let and 2nd, Tan probabilities are that the next Orauge celebration will be held in Bras. eels on July 12tb, 1896. RENTED, -John Wynn has leased the blaokemith ehop adjoining hie carriage works to George Trimble, who took pee, session this week and is now attending to bueineee. Mr, Trimble has bad years of experience in both Canadian and Ameri- can shops and guarantees satisfaction to the public both as to work and prises, He will move bis family to Brussels in the near future., Business Locals. Gnoonmss at MoAipine's. IF you wept robes or blankets call on H. Dennis. SECOND band beating stovee cheap at N, & N. Gerry's. Lunen stook of light harness Bold at low prioee. • H. Dennis. Ova horse cellars are all warranted. H. Dennis. BOOTS and shoes oheap and ,good. I. 0. Richards. 0ASE forhides and sheep skins at,A. Ourrie'e butcher shop, Brussels. FREE band crayon enlarging done up A 1 at Brewer's gallery, Smith block. Yon oan get two machine needles of any kind for 50., at N. & N. Gerry's. g0Na08 harness cheap, and a good stook thee, n.. hand. I. 0. Rioharde, BAEO.Ixs in erose out saws and axes at A. M. McKay "& Cos., Brueeele. Roane, blankeba thud belle very cheap. I. C. Rioharde. Harlem lamps sold at a big reduction at A. N• McKay & Cos„ Brussels. ANAT./MUMS, axes, salve, carpet sweepers and skates. N. & N. Gerry. HIGHEST cash price pald for hides. sheep skins and furs at A. M. MoKay & Coe, Faint -Ens call at D. Ewan's blaokemith shop if you want a bargain in bobsleighs Go to D. Ewan to bay your bobsleighs. Bent finished and cheapest sleighs in. town. GRAM BACs. -Large size, full 16 oz., only $11.90 per dozen, at Smith & Mo Laren's. Bntxc your rubbers, boots and shoes to ue for repairs. We do them cheap and good. I. 0. Richards. JAB. MoAramez has put in a line of Groceries. Everything new and fresh, no stale goods. You can get Organs from 625 and up and sewing machines at equally lo'v prices at R. Leatherdale'e. THEY don't keep wash tube or scrub brushes, but just what yen want in the Grooery line at McAlpine's. ALL the choicest fruits of the season, a Aleo a large assortment of Fancy China nd Glassware suitable for Xmas pres- ets at Thomson's. A Goon working boy, 14 yeare of age, wants a plane for two or three months to o chores and go to school or otherwise. pply at TILE POST. Samoa's Cure, the great cough and roup care, is in great demand. Pocket ize contains twenty-five doses ; only 25 ante. Children love it. Sold by Jas. ox, druggist, Brussels. Ken's Clover Root will purify your blood, clear your complexion, regulate our bowels and make your head clear as bell, 25 ote., 50 pts. and $100. Sold y Jae, Fox, druggist, Brussels. CAPTAIN Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego, al., says ;-"Shiloh'e Catarrh Remedy the first medioine I have ever found hat would d0 me any good." Price 60 este. Sold by Jae. Fox. druggist, Brue. els. SAWS made to out. feet and easy. See. nd•band saws bonght and sold. Point - re given on saw filing and the care and anagement of saws, on Queen street ant, by T. McGregor, of Brussels, Ont., aster of Saws. BRING along your worn oat rubbers, verehoes, rags, scrap copper, brass, oast r wrought iron, furs, tallow, sheep ins, bides and calf skins, boree hides, we pay the highest prices. N. & N. a d 0 F y b C ie 0 E M 0 0 ek as G. O. D Alliston,arryOnt., was troubled for years onnelly, wholesale liquor dealer, with itching piles. He was persuaded by Jas. MoGarbey, Alliston, livery man, to use Chase's Ointment, which he did, was cured, has had no return of them and highly recommends this ointment as a sovereign cure for piles. WELL-DIcauxe AND DnmLINo.-George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drilling wells and is prepare ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure.satiefaotion. Wella cleaned out and put in proper shape. Terme reasonable, Beeidenoe second door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry et•, Brueeele. 84.tf Ittronrenr Nor'xon.-To the people of Brussels and the farming community in particular. An opportunity is again of- fered to you to have that sewing machine of yours put in firet•elase condition. H. S. Earl, the well known repairer, of To. ronto, is with 08 0000 more to do general repair work on all kinds and makes of sewing machines, Mr, Earl has been paying Brusaele a yearly cell and hle former work here epeake for itself, In hie repairs on one hundred and fifty- seven sewing meohinee there has been but one machine returned. Hie sewing maohine repairs are warranted fora specified time, Parts to all machines kept in stook, shuttles, springs, bobbins, &o. He will be ptt the Queen'e Hotel for 8 weeke only. • Give him a call. If the machine cannot be repaired be will tell you so. You have all to gain, nothing to lose, aw Dux etovewood at McCracken's. Blink for eale, Apply at this office. OuNrew4n0 and Hanging Lampe at re. duaed prices, N. eo N. Gerry. ALL kinds of saws gleaned, gummed hammered, jointed, set, filed and oiled at Queen St., least, by Saw filer, T. Mo. Gregor. Brnesels. Saws may be left and arrangements made at MoKay & Co's.. hardware store, Ilrnseels, Ont. 25 cents curetcatarrhal headache " insipient catarrh " liay fever " catarrhal deafness ' cold in the head in ten minutes. " foul breath 'caused by oaterrh. • 2e cents secures Chase's Catarrh Cure with perfect blower eneloeed in each box. Sold by all dealers. Eoxnnnsote.-In Elma,on Jan. 8th, the wife of Mr. Peter Henderson of aeon. Fonnner•-In Atwood, ou Jan. 999, the wife of Mr. Samuel Forrest of a daughter, BLAcu.-In Wroxeter, on Wednesday,, Jen. 8t13, the wife of Mr. Robt. Blaok of a eon. MARR,TIE D, RooEa-HenthY,-At the home of the bride, on Tuesday, Jan.' 7th, 1898, by the Rev. A. Henderson, M. A., Mrs. Mary Harvey to Mr, John Roger, all of Atwood. the residence of the bride's father, East Wawanoeh, on December, 81st, by Rev. Mr. Hall, of Belgrave, Mr. John Bee croft, to Mise Adeline, eldest daugh• ter of Mr. James McGee. Paints-Mosnn.-At the residence of the bride's falher, Blyth, on New Year's day, by Rev. Mr. Beaker, Mr. John Paulin, from near Sebringville, to Mies Mary Moser,' eldest daughter of Mr. J. G. Moser. To0mme-S000w.-At tbe residents of the bride's parents, Morrie, on January' let, byelev. A. MoLean, Mr. Hugh ' Tucker, of Turnberry, to Mies Belle Scott, youngest daughter of Mr. Wm. Scott. MOEnre ,-In Bluevale, on January 6th, Eliza,beloved wife of Joseph McKinney, er., aged 72 yeare. PRIos.-In Turnberry, on January ,6th, William Prior, aged 58 years. O'GoNNELL.-In Seaforth, on Jan. 7th, Hanorah Hastings, wife of Peter O'Connell, aged 78 years. MAcnoxALn.-In Stratford, on Jan. 3rd, John P. Macdonald, formerly of Tuokeremith, aged 67 years. ..et.T.TCTION CA LS'IS. TUESDAY, Jeu..21at.-Farm stook. Lot 5, con. 8, Grey. Sale unreserved, at 1 o'olook. Wm. A. Hogg, Prop,, Geo. Kirkby, Ano. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. ROOMED COTTAGE ON 5 - Apply to Turnberry BAL Street TYNE, Brussels, rent. CARD OF THANKS. Wm, Roes wishes to thank the public for their generous support during his business career in Brussels. Bavieg now retired I would ask those who have book 'accounts with me to call and settle promptly. WM. BOSS, Brnesels, HURON COUNTY. COUNCIL The Connell of the Corporation of the County of Huron will Meet in the. Court Boom in the Town of Goderich on Tuesday, the 28th Day of the 'Present 'Month, at 8' O'clock P. N. W. LANE, Clerk. Dated January 10911, 1890. � /1R. WM. AINLEY, BRCS-, suns, authorizes us td say that Dead. mans Con eh Balm mired him of a cold with. which be was troubled nearly all one winter, and that be has, eoommendod it to dolens of others. Manufactured only by DEADMAN &.MoCALL, Druggists, Bookeellera &c, ANNUAL MEETING:. The Auvual Meeting of the Brussels Driv- ing park Aeeoniation'for the election of am - sere, the receiving of the report of the Dir- ectors for the past year and snob other busi- ness ae may be lawfully brought before the mooting, will bo held at the American Hotel on Wednesday evening, January 22nd, 1800, ate o'clock. F. 8, SCOTT, Seoretary. Notice to Contractors. TENDERS 2016 (DWELLING 110IIS1, Sealed tenders will be reeeived up to: the 26th day of January, 1800, for the ereetionof a brlak dwelling house on Lot. 40, Con. 1, Township. of .Turnberry. Separate tendert for brick andcarpenter work, Plans and sit eeittoatioue maybe Seen at D. H. Moffatt's, Lot 48, Con. 1, Turnberry, up to the above date. The lowest or any tender not times - sexily exempted. ,DAVID H. OIOFFATT' 20-8 Jamestown P. 0. NOTICE I Notice la hereby given that the -Annual Meeting of the Uo eviclr mutual Wire L,sit rhnue Company will be held at the, TOWNSHIP HALL, GO1RR 0E, on FRIDAY, JAN. 17th, 1806, at 1 o'clock p, m., for the purpose of receiving the report of - the Direetore for the peat year, the election of Directors and Mullion, and for Otherbustn069. By order of the Board,' ' VQ, 8, Mol9EROHER, Gorrle,Dee, 30, 'On, Seoretary... J4N, 17, 1.898 You're od That are Trifles They are not Trifles l But it you think 09, WO ore after your trifling trade. We'll just give you the same good treatment in your 0 iokle trade as yam dollar trade, and both Will be much appreeiat• ed. One thing we have learned ; That do. and 100. bits of silver ate worth more to ue than bats .of gold -that; we Oen't get, By the way we have just received tome very fine lines of Rub. ber Goode, including Ioe 73age, Hot Water Bottles, Fountain Syr - 10000, Enema Syringes, Rubber Baudagee, Rubber Tubing, Ato. 'Mears, &a, &c„ at right prices. You know we guarantee our Syrup of White Pine and Tar for Coughs and Qolde to give satiefaotion or money cheerfully refund. ed. Try it, AT =- -•'w Orl'osooc 'tel '�T Quxoiuo's HOTEL. .L X 'S DRUG y �TOPE. JRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN.— A. First mortgage, farm security, Apply 09 21110 1'013P Publishing House, Brussels. REAL ESTATE. I'1ARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN. � nnnexoNEn baa eovnral good Farmsfar sale and to cont, easy terms, in Townships of Morris and'Grey. F S. SOOTT,Broesels MANITOBA LAND FOR SALE. -100 acres of good farm land at Spring/104,8 miles from Winnipeg, 10 offer- ed for sale at a low price, The property is North •Enol } Soo, 10, Twp. 11, Range 4, Emit. Therein a house on the premieesand some breaking done,leer full p articulare es to. prime, title, &o„ write or apply to G.F.BLAIR or W.H,HE11R, 20.9E 13russel% Ont. ril ARM FOR SALE -THEssel1. % Ont. ril ARM FOR SALvaluable 50 Imre farm for Sale, being lutas, Ebb' lino, Morrie. The farm is in good condition, with .momfor-. table house, barn, young orchard, fauces &o„ and is only a half mile from Brussels. Pdas• session given ,on April 1st. There are 9.1. agree of Fall wheelie. Tor price and mimeapply to A, ADAMS, Proprietor, 55.4 Brussels Y. 0. 'ROAR FOR SERVICE.—THE Lot 6, undersigned Grey a them' bred Yorhehire White boar. Pedigree may beseen on ap- plication. Terms 81,00 to be paid at time of service with privilege of returning 0f neces- 110B10RT SKIM, Bary: 21-20a Propietor.. BOAR FOR SERVICE;—THE Undersigned ]eeflor service reLot 20, Con. , s thui proved White Yorkshire Boar "Selected," bred from J. B. Brothour's sweepstakes sow at Chicago Fair. Torras, 81.00 to be paid at the time of service withprivilege of re. turning if necessary.. Pedigree may be seen on application. ROBT. NICHOL, BOAR FOR SERVICE.—TSE undersigned will keep for service on. Lot 80. Con. 6, Morrie, the thoro'-bred Large English Barkebire Boar, Captain John," His mother is a full sister to the. 1st prize sow at the World's Fair. Pedigree will be produced on application. . Terms -$1.00 to hepatd at time 01 service with privilege of returning df necessary, 14.5m - JAS, SPLIIR, Proprietor. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. IN Tim MATTER or TEE ESTATE OF Joss STEWART, LATE OF ran TOWNSHIP OF GRET, DI THE COUNTY OF HnnoN, GEN. TLEDIAN, DECEASED.. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0., 1887, chapter 110, that all creditors and all. other persona having any claim or demand against the estate of the said John Stewart, deceaeod, who' died on or about the. 17th day of November.1805, are required on or before the 81st DAY OF JANUARY, 1890 to send. by post prepaid, or to deliver to G. 1.. Blair, of the Village 00 Brussels, in the County of Btu - ran. Solicitor for Mary Stewart, the adminie tratrix of the estate of the said deceaeod, their names and addresses and 000upatioys with full pparticulars of their claims au statements of their ucneunta and the nature of the securities (if any) hold by them. And further notice is hereby given that after such last mentioned date,the said adminie trabrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the Betel deceased among the paueics en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given as aforesaid and the said adminlstratrix will not be liablefor the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been re- eetved by her at the time of mush distribu- tion as aforesaid, G.s', BLAIR, of Village of Brnesels. S elicitor for the Administrabrix Dated at Br easels, Jan, 9tb,1800. Executor's Sale BY PUBLIC Ailorl0 N of VALVABLB FARM PROSE I T IN THE TOWNSHIP Or GREY. Iithe estate of Thomas Smith,gentleme.n, deceased, there will be offered. by Public Auction, 00 BlIIDAY,' JANUARY 0111, 1896, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, by F. 8. Soots, auatfoneer, on the -premises, the following valuable farm property, namely;-' Lot 2, in the 1st son. of the Township of Grey and County of Huron containing 100 acres the greater part of which ie cleared,. well Tensed and in a good state of cultiva- tion, Uponthe premises there is a good' frame.. barn 40x110 ; cow stable laade; and horse stable 19x40, all in a fair state of repair. The soil is a good clay loam well suttee' for. The ffaalm 1Beeituated 41 gmiles Bh fawning. te Vil- lage of Bru9 019 with a good gravel road nearly all tubs: way. There pill be sold at the same time and place a quantity of hemlock and other 1nm- ber uovv on the premises... TEntts; Teu per oeit. of the purchase money to be paid to the Vendor's 'Solicitor on day of tale and wallas in 80 days there- after. Possession will be given at (mooon March, eubf sot to 10 lease right of t1 6 present beuantato bon180tnand e his sheepuntil let May, 1800. Further information May bo had on sp.. plication to 0'. 0, BOOTT Auctioneer, Ores• eels, or to 0,F. BLAIR Solicitor for ' Tnoatee sloth, } Execut •rs. JAttEe 109 Dated at Brueeele, Jan.labii, 189J, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor Died Conveyancer. Colleo. Mose made, Oillco-Vanetourro Block, Brea- sale.21.8m M. SINCLAIR, • solicitor, Ubnveyanner ,Notary Pub. lie, &a: Ogioe-Vauatone'e Block, 1 door north of Central Hobel, Private Funds to Loan. MG, CAMERON, • (Formerly of Cameron Cameron,) Barrister and Solicitor, 'C} dnlrioh, Ont. Offioe-Hamilton St„ Opposite Col- borne Hotel, CL F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, Solicitor, &s. (late of Garrow & Proudfoot's Goderiok,) OHioo over Office, Gil11es & Smith's Bank„ Brussels. Money to Loan. 47 DENTAL., nR. DAVIDSON, Honor Graduate Toronto University, Licentiate Royal College Dental Surgeons, Crown and Bridge work a apeaialt Moder- ate Assured. eels.Bae's barberSatisfaction Turnbery 8t, Brno - VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, eJ • Honor Graduate of the. Ontario. Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all diseases of domeetioated-animals In a oom- patent aryebattention veterinary Oallspmplytended to. OStoe and Infirmary -Four doors north of bridge 'Turnberry at., Brussels. INEDICAL CARDS. TA. MoNAUGI11TON, M. D. 8, Onto. Residence and Edinburgh, 10 Wit on e Block, corner of Mill and Turnberry Ste. . ARMSTRONG, M. D. J• bi• Physician, Surgeon Acaouaher, etc, Graduate of Toronto University Medical Faculty, - Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont. OPFxoE-Next door to McDonald & Co„ Walton Ont, BUSINESS CARDS. VY H. MoORAOKEN, Issur ofMarriageLleenses, Office at his Gerocery. Turnberry street, Brussels. R N. BARRETT, southTonsorial Artist* Shop -Next door of A. M. McKay & Co's hardware store. X,adiee'and ohildronsBair cutting a specialty BRUSSELS POST OFFICE Savings Bank takes FARR"Depoeita from. 11,95 to 51,000. and allows 8i per cent. i merest. UW,. 57•Sm Postmaster. ROBERT CUNN•INGHAM• INSMIAN05, FIRE AND. MARINE. GUELPH. T. „FLETCHER. 1881.181' of Marriage Licenses, OFFIOE ex JEWELRY STORE. f No Witnees Required. T. FLETCHER, Brussels. MISS O'CONNOR, R. T. Piano or Orghan of isityWinghamsTues Tues- day and Wednesdayof each week. Resi- dence on Princess Street, Br'nsaole. y' TELLINGTON MUTUAL IN 6IIRANOE Oo. 10etablished 1840, in. euranoes effected on all Town and Farm Property at very low rates. J. A. CREIGHTON, 16.8m Agent, Brusaele. ALEX. HUNTER, Clerk of the Fourth Division Cour Co, Huron, Conveyancer, Notary Publio Land Loan and Insurance Agent. Vendainvested and to loan. Collections made OtljoeinSmalo'sBlook,Brueeels • moos. 4. HAIWINS, Organist in St. John's Church, Brute Se10, will give lessons to pupils either o piano or organ, at nig parlor In the Smit h bleak, Brussels. Vocal lagoons ales given. Ten years expetlona° in teaching, Terme moderato.. - - AUCTIONEERS. 1 EORGE KIRKBY, Licensed Auctioneer. Beebe eohdoot 01010 reaeooable terms. Farms and farm stook a specialty. Order's left at THE Post PubliehingHouse,Bruseelo,or sentio Walton P. 0., will receive prompt attention, F• S. SCOTT AS A1' AUCTION- -A- EEn, will Bell for bettor polaea,to bettor mei n lose time and 1ess obarged than any other Auctioneer In Emit Huron orders can always be arranged a9 his 00and e or by paxonal appitaatibn.