HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-1-17, Page 6-30 I'UAAImII0.—
(in title for tbeloarly mails) at
"11.14 1'4sW $tophi Pllllltshjng 1101180s
TUniaBkunx ST„ BEUssE0:s, ONT.
Tama! or SnhsarurT0oN,--Ono dollar 8
Year. is advance, '00181ate to whivh every
i ikeeriptien is paid is denoted b}' the ditto
onthe addroes label,
Ancon ono BaTots,—The following rates
will be charged to those who advertise by
the year ;^+
ereoE 1 2 xn. I 60.10, I_8 mo
Ono QolnnaIS 00000 380.00
gait " ( 06,00 2.0,00 13.00
Quarter " 20,00 12,00 8,00
Eighth 12.00 300 0.00
Eight Denteperficofor Mist insertion, and
three cents per line for melt aubseque0t in-
sertion, eta m00eared 00
section, A11 adv xtie me
Nonpareil -10 liminess Caof a, a to the molt.
Bueiuesa Cards, eight lines and under, 30
per annual,
Ad060010emeat0 withnnt epeeiflo direo•
tions, will be inserted until forbid, said
charged aeeordfngiy.
Instructions to change or discontinue an
advortieomeat roust be left at the wanting
room of Tan Poet. not later than Tuesday
of each week. This is imperative.
W. I. Ti:E"BR,
Natter and Proprietor,
Pdtcat )rti►.
Miss Millen, B. A„ has been appointed
on the teaching staff of Luoan High
At the last meeting of Court Sherwood
Forest, A. C. F. of Senforth, the follow.
ing offioere were duly ioetalled :•=(1. R.,
Arch. Barton ; 0. R„ Juo. Abell ; S. 0.
R., Geo. Smithere ; S. W., Jae. Hogg;
J. W., Sao. Bristow; B. lit E, Spears ;
3. B., Wm. Paterson ; Seo., Jno• Finch ;
Treas., P. Daly ; Physician, J. G. Scott,
M, D.
The members of the 88rd Batt. band
had their annual meeting on the 7th
inst., and elected the following officers for
the year 1886 :—President, Will. Mo-
Leod ; vies -president, Will Freeman ;
secretary and treasurer, Thos. Murray ;
alanaging committee, Dan. Campbell,
Will. Brodie, Fred. Crich ; whipper -in,
Dan. Campbell.
At the last regular meeting of "No
Surrenderr," L. C. L„ 1460, the follow-
ing officers were elected for the ensuing
year.:—Capt. E. Dawson, W. M. ; J.
Pinkney, D. M. ; Geo. Boyd, Chap. ;
Wm. Hunter Rec. See. ; Jobb Bronner,
Fin. Sec. ; W. Smith, Treas. ; Rich.
Smith, D. of 0. ; Joseph Noble, Lector.
er ; John Brintnell, Jas. Sanders, Rich.
Robinson, Samuel Hannah, Geo. Brown,
Gode rich.
Capt. A. E. McGregor iiae purchased
the eob000er Fanny Campbell from Mes-
ere. Kidd and Rielly, of Sarnia.
.Reeve Proudfoot has purchased the
residence corner Elgin and Wellington
streets, from the heirs of the late E.
Robb. A. Morton, well koow'n in con-
nection with the business ofise of the
Signal for Dame years pest, met with a
serious aocident by a fall in the compos.
ing room, by which he was knocked un-
conseious, his chin having Dome in con-
tact with the hardwood floor.
On the first of the year, Jonathan Mill-
er, formerly of the Albion Hotel, now
running a livery stable in Goderioh, took
possession of the stage line between this
town and Luoknow, having purchased
the outfit from Mr. Mullin, of Belfast,
who retires after an experience of over
thirty years on that route.
A tent of the Maccabees of the World
was organized fn Goderioh by George
Rogers, D. S. 0. of the Order. The fol-
lowing officers were installed :—R., W.
Logan, P. O. ; H. L. Watson, Com. ; J.
E. Davis, Lieu. -Com. ; T. H. Broph, R.
R.; Jas. MoMe.th, F. R. Alex. Taylor,
M. D., Phys. ; Frank A. Humber, 8ergt.;
Geo. W. McMillan, M. and A. ; John E.
Brydgee, lot M, of G.; B. H. Boone, 2nd
M. of G. ; Jae. Garrick, Sentinel ; John
Armstrong, Picket.
The annual meeting of the Goderich
Horticultural Society was held on Wed-
nesday evening of last week, The audit.
ors'report ort showed y
that lost year there
was an increase of $90 in membership
fees, $6.04 in Government grant, and
83.08 in County grant. The report was
accepted as satiefaatory and a vote of
thanks tendered the auditor, 6. P. Halls.
The following were Bleated officers for
1896 :—President, A. MoD. Alliin ; Vioe.-
Pres., Jae. Stewart ; Sect.-Treas., Wm.
Lane ; Directors, Wm. Warnock, Thos.
Naftel, A. Bingham, 0. A. Wells, ,f.
Richards, J. E. Tom, k'. Jordan, John
Stewart and Dr. J. R. Shannon. Messrs.
Hall and Reynolds were appointed audit•
ore, and J. H. Williams, Sheriff Gibbons
and Peter Fox honorary direotore.
CJlin ton.
Miens Maggie Keine and Annie Mo.
0arvie have gone to Whitby Ladies' Col-
The machinery for Cooper's new plan-
ing mill has arrived aud is being put in
Two fresh.lmmales were added to the
House of Refuge last week. The total
number is now fifty-four.
.4. telephono 18 being supplied for the
towu Clerk, at the joint expense of the
town and county, as it will facilitate his
work as House of Refuge Inspector.
Jas. Churchill, who was a veterinary
surgeon here about 29 years ago, and is
now at Indian Head, has been appointed
Government Veterinary Inepoltor for the
district of Aesiniboia.
While T. 0. Doherty, of Clinton, and
E. Livingstone, of Balgrave, were driv-
ing to 131yth, they met Neil Taylor, of
Wawanosb, and although both attempted
to turn out, the shaft of Livingsbone's rig
entered the chest of Taylor's hares and
evidentaly severed the main artery, as it
bled to death in a few moments.
The annual meeting of Hallett Agri-
oultural Society was held last week.
The officare elected aro:—D, A,. Forrest-
er, President ; W. Weir, 1st Vice•Presi•
dent ; S. G, Plummer, 2nd Vioe•Preei-
dent, Direotors-•-M. Mon wan, W.
Grant, .7. Wigginton, 0. Hoare, W.
Snell, S. Reynolds, A. MacKenzie, J.
Wiseman, T. Cottle • Auditore—Dr.
Shaw, J, T. Marland ; poo., W. Coats,
It Was decided to hold the Fall Fair on
Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 20 and
E. Cgntelon, who hes 'need the Gerd.
ail 000000, Orengevllie, WWI pos000000)1
f taw , batting lied 138085 umwleal
of 40 years, being One pf cur MOO popu.
let business moil for over 16 years, a
Metilher of the 0000108 for five years Wad.
aooinm0roial traveller for eleven years
.Rot three of the leading Arms iu Wostera
At the first official meeting of the
Clinton Horticultural Society, the fol.
lowing officers were elootod '•--President,
Rev. J. W. Ford ; let Vioe.Pres., 3, 0,
Gilroy ; 2nd Vioe.Pres., H. k Deter ; Di.
rectors, T. MoKeneio, .1, Armstrong, T,
Holloway, G. D. 11IoTaggert, Pr, Turn-
bull, W. Brydone, EI. R. Walker, T. Opt,
tie, W. Coate. W. Coats was also elected
Seo..Treao. without salary.
W. Si. Been hoe geld out hie general
stere to Mooers. 3110130118 as Pergusela,
Thee, Edgar, of Tara, bas been spend-
fug a few days wfth his brothers, J
and Alex, Edgar, who live south oas.
The manual meeting of L. O. District
Lodge of the district of Howie;, was held
in the Orange Hall, Fordwioh, on Tina -
day, 1411 fest.
Mies Turner, who tea01160 in our second
department of the Publio School, has
been detained at her home, Clinton, on
account of the serious illness of her
father, Miss Robina Raine hoe been
teaching in her absence.
John 10a1n0 before leaving this locality
for Sault Ste. Marie, where he has a
school, was presented with a flattering ad.
drew, 'acoompanied by a gold watch
chain and charm, photo. album, ink
stand and pen ; pencil and Dards, by the
pupils of 8. 5, No. 4, Howiok.
At the Howiok Connell it was moved
by Messrs. Sotheran and Doig that the
claim made by J. Jacques for damages
be referred to arbitrators the council to
choose an arbitrator and Mr. Jacques one
snob arbitrators to have power to choose
the third arbitrator, the oounoil and Mr.
Jacques to enter into proper bonds to
abide by the decision of such arbitrators;
the motiod was deolared lost on a vote
Meyers. Sotheran and Doig voting for the
motion and Meagre. Gregg, Graham and
Cook voting against it.
Dropped on the Street.
Tills Wee What lhbppeded to a Well
Known dfesident;of Union,
Who Had Been i)eclining Health.
Prom the News, Unto n, B. O.
A little over a year ago the reporter of
the News, while etauding in front of the
office, before its removal to'Union, notic-
ed four men oarryiug J. P. Davis, the
well kuown florist and gardener, into the
Courtenay House. The reporter, ever on
the alert for a mews item, at once went
over to investigate the matter, and learn-
ed that Mr. Davis bad had a slight stroke
of paralyaie. A note of the circumstances
appeared in the News at the time and
nothing further was beard of it. Last
spring Mr. Davie was observed to be
fregnentiy in Union bringing flowers and
later vegetables for sale, and the reporter
meeting him one day the following con-
versation took plaoe :—"Glad to see you
looking so well, Mr. Davis," said the re-
porter, "the last time I saw you yon
seamed pretty badly broken up."
"Yes," said Mr. Davis, "I did have a
pretty tough time of it. I was troubled
with my heart, having frequent severe
spasms, and shortness of breath on slight
exertion. I had also a swelling of the
neck which was said to be goitre. ' Two
years ago I came up from Nannimo ,and
took the Harvey ranch hoping a change
IFell Down on the Street.
would do me good, but in this I was dis-
appointed, and seemed to he steadily
growing weaker. I had three doctors at
different tithes, but they appeared not
to understand my case. At last I got
down so low that one day I fell on the
street, end those who picked me up
thought I was dying. After that I was
urged to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,
and almost from the outset they helped
me and after the use of about half a
dozen boxes I was as well as ever." "Do
yon still take the Pink Pills 7" asked the
reporter. "We11,1 was the reply, "I still
keep them about me, and once in a while
when I think I require a tonic, I take a
few, but you clan see I don't look like a
man who requires to take medicine now."
On this point the reporter quite agrees
with Mr. Davis, as he looks as vigorous
and robust a matt as you could wish to
see. After parting with Mr. Davis the
reporter called at Pimbury .& Cols drug
store, where he Waw the manager, Van
Houton, who corroborated what Mr,
Davis had said regarding the ase of Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills, and further stated
that he believed Pink Pills to be the finest
tonic in the world, and gave the names of
several who had found remarkable bens -
fit from their use.
A depraved or watery condition of the
blood or ehattered nerves are the two
fruitful sources of, almost every disease
that s26iete humanity, and to all suffer-
ers Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are offered
with a confidence that they are the only
portent and,unfailing blood builderand
nerve restorer, and that where given a
fair trial disease and suffering meet
banish. Pink Pills aro sold by all deal-
ers or will be sent by mail an receipt of
50 cents a box or 6 boxee for $2.50 by
addressing the Dr. Williams' Medioine
Co„ Brockville, Ont., or Schenectady, N.
Y. Beware of imitations and trashy
enbetitutee alleged to. be "jest as good."
The sugar-coating, whfoh maltee Ayerte
Pills so easy to take, dissolves fanned.
slaty on reaching the etomaob, and so
permits the full etrength and benefit of
the medicine to be promptly communi-
cated. Ask your druggist for Ayer's
Almanac, just out,
EIS 1.0S
"J llta WQ,r14l o#t 7Lf ll01.
Utah bee 80 banits.,
Perls hoe 40,000 il.rlfst0.
;there are aluminum skates,
Great Britain rtlake0 no finger.
Leo 1331 has a 3100,000 pearl.
There are 109,000 JOsomotivee.
Reseia lams 80 0000330.ga 1,1002,
West Africa lute alio 9ailY paper,
Milwaukee bas a 32,000 pound bell.
Indianapolis has two woollen mills.
Indianapolis has the largest starch mill,
John Boll makes 12,000,000 silk hate
The White ]douse bag a 9x5,000 thine
They're just gutting wheat do n in
The Czar's coronation will cost 30,000,-
In Iceland podf101 beaten to it powder
are peed 00 bread.
The total mineral production of Mexico
fpr the last den] Year wap 973,201,000.
About one.thid of the butter
er import.
ed into Great Britain last year oame
from IAenmark.
It is stated that 1,852 trains' arrive at
and leave Chicago dully, about one-fourth
being freight trains.
A Knoxville Tenn., Arm has received
an order for 500,000 pounds of dried ap.
plea for the German army.
A Minneapolis dentist has suooessfully
applied eleotricity to neck hemorrhage
after the extraction of teeth,
The 'United Statue now controls the
world's iron trade, produoing about 11,.
000,000 tons annually. England, the
former mistress of the trade, produces
only 6,709,000 tone.
In half a century the production of
paper has increased ten -fold. • In 1850
it was 221,000,000 kilogrammes, in 1894
it was 2,250,000,000 kilogrammes, or 4,-
972,000,000 pounds.
Fishing by means of electric lights has
been successfully tried at New Haven,
A lamp lowered into the sea brilliantly
illuminated the water ever a oirmmlar,
area twenty yards in diameter.
In England the telegraph system is
controlled and 'operated by the Postal
Department, and it is not paying expen-
ses—in fact is running behind at the rate
of a little over 81,000,000 annually.
Georgia is getting the gold fever again.
One or,two old gold mines are being re-
worked, and three boats are dredging the
sands of the Ohestatee River for the gold
they are supposed to contain.
Telegram post garde' have been sent for
Pomo years in Paris by pneutnatio tubes.
It is now proposed to use the pneumatic
tube system to convey lettere from the
postoffice to the railway elation The
plant will most $170,000.
A novel industry in London is that of
preserving eggs. ' 1'he eggs are shelled,
the white and'yolk mired together, and
the whole carefully packed in hermetical-
ly sealed tine. Eggs in tbie shape will
keep for a very long time and are: chiefly
used by pastry Cooks.
One-third of an aoregrows 80,000 jes-
samine plants, yielding 2,000 pounds of
flowers. Half an acre set with 8,500 rose
planta bears 2,500 pounds of petals,
which give from 200 to 250 pounds of
pomade. An acre and a quarter will
yield 2,000 pounds of violet flowers.
Norway is the best telephoned country
in the world, in spite of the fact that 70
per cent. of its area is uncultivatible, and
another 24 per cent. is forest. It has one
exchange for every 7,812 inhabitants, and
one telephone to each 40 inhabitants --
eight and a half times the number in the
-United States.
An expert tool juggler in one of the
greet English needle factories in a regent
test of skill performed one of the moat
delicate meohauioal teats imaginable.
Re took a common sewing needle of
medium size (length one and five eighths
inches) and drilled a hole through its
entire length from eye to point, the
opening being just large enough to admit
the passage of a very fine hair.
Wm. Cole, 80 years of age, was found
dead in his home at Strabane.
George E. Tackett, Mayor of Hamil-
ton, has reeigned'trona the directorate of
the Central Fair Association and the
Hamilton Jockey Club.
uoas.—All oases of organic or sympathetic
heart disease relieved in 30 minutes and
quickly cured, by Dr.,Agnew's Cure for
the Heart. One dose convinces. Sold
by G. A. Deadman.
One short puff of the breath through the
Blower, supplied with ecooh bottle ofDr.
Agnew's Oatarrah Powder, diffuses this
Powder over the surface of the nasal
passages. Painless and delightful to
use, it relieves instantly, and permanent-
ly cures Oatarrah, Hay Fever, Colds,
Headach 8, Sore Throat, Tonailitie and.
Deafness 60 cents at G. A. Deadman's.
"I was afflicted for eight years with Salt
ithecm. During Out thee,1 tried 0great
many n011110ines whi011 were highly roc.
ommended, but note We mo relief, 1
331.180 at last advisedto try A er's.Snrsa-
itnrllte. and before I brut finished the
fourth bottle, my hands were as
Free from Eruptions
an ever they were, my business, witch
is that of 11. cab -driver, requires me to
be out In cold and wet weather often
neverui etui nod.'-1T810161nat A.i Joints
Stratford, Ont.
Admitted at the World's Fair.
duct', kills Cleanse the Bowels.
A rovvnt d104e0er7 87 anold
p1n sielau, X0000,4'46 used:
tnvat/,ry Gu flsourandv p1
.Lsdtes. 1s the only perfectly
Wife and reliable Medicine War
covered, 1lowere of uilpriu01p1ed Animists who
offer inferior modielne0 In plaeo or 03814 A010108
Copies Colton 41oot Compound,faks aoaa1001'
fate, or inclose 31 and 0 gents la postage fa Jotter
and we wlllsend, 504104, by roturabeall, eulispaled
particulars lu plain envelope, to ladi00 only, 0.
Dnunp0, Address The pool; cornuaur,
Imager, Out., meads,
Sold In 113000816 by
(0. el, 0E.tl)A[AN, Itrugglst.
26 ots.,
sbate.aad'ter•t'J ■o r ®
One o podia.
d V E
One owns dodo.
It i6 sold on n guarantee by all dra80lete.
It auras Inoipleat. Consumption and is the
beet Cough and Croup Cure.
geld by JAS, EOOX, Drusllst, Brussels..
Know What You Chew
is free from the injurious coloring.
The more you use of it the getter
you like it.
For a Matter of Some Forty Years or
Joseph Gardner, stove dealer, of Bath.
Ontario, is a great believer in Dr.
Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills for indiges-
tion, constipation, dyspepsia, Bright's
disease, rheumatism, and kidney, liver
and stomach troubles generally.
" 1 was trowbled for over forty years
with indigestion and constipation," lie
writes. "At intervals I suffered from
severe headache. I spent dollars and
dollars without result until Mr. Bally
our druggist, advised ono to try Chase's
Kidney -Liver Pills. 1 did so, and must
say that they are the only remedy that
gave me relief. I would not be with-
out them for anything."
Many people suffer from rheumatism.
Bad blood and 630060ed kidneysbring'
it on. Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills
'will remedy all this and cure rheuma- ,
tiem, sciatica and all kindred complaints. I
Horel is a sample case :
" My boy was all crippled up and
slrlfered awfully with rheumatism,"
writes Mrs. H. Wills, of Chesley, Ont
" He also had a touch of diabetes. The
doctors could do him no good, but Dr.
Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills completely
cared him."
Sold by all dealers and. i;dmanson,
Bates & Co., Toronto. 25e.
When ell other remedies fail Dr. Chase's
Linseed and 1lurpentine will cure the
worst a tron.n cold. 25 cents.
Sixteen Pages, 96 Columns, of
Attractive Family Read-
ing Every Week.
DOTH pill fRs ala9ser 1oR $1
The WErxLY PR'UE Pnn06 and
FARM Alen HOME, combined in one ,
issue, uniform in size and appear.
once, is offered to subscribers from
now until the 31st December, 1800, for
The Farm Plums is the Leading
Liberal-Conservativejournal of West.
ern Ontario. It contains each week
a complete summary of the news
and comment of the gimes.
The Commercial pages of the
W3ErtiY Palm P1Ess are up to date,
and ample for the country Inorchant,.
farmer and dairyman.
The FAltax AND 0003110 contains each
week able .articles on Agricultural
subjects and Live Stock. The farmer
and cattle and horse breeder will find
in its pages abundant topics of special
.4. Serial Tale of absorbing interest
will be an interesting feature of the
Warmer Irnee 1 P301060.
Doth Papers Combined for $1 froth.
Now Mntn December Slott, 1898.
..genic wanted everywhere, Address
all conlrnunications to the
JAN, L I89i
Life, of Toronto,
Established 187L
The Policy Contract issued by this Association
It leaves }nothing further to be desired. Batas and full infor-
mation furnished on application.
CD p
339, K'. Tri
oK rQfe.
o 0
0 0
is perfection itself,
W. 11. ICE1111, Agent, Brussels.
BR LTt71` I_IS Sr.I'O-ST. MM -LT,
Are to the Front with a large stock of Stoves.
Having a thorough knowledge of what is required by the people
of Zrussels and vicinity, we have selected our stook with a great
deal of care, and are prepared to offer the best lines of Stoves man-
ufactured in the Dominion.
We handle the superior line manufactured by the
Doherty Manufacturing Co., also Buck's Celebrated Cook and Par-
lor Stoves. The Garland line by Bowes, Jamieson & Co., always
1n stock.
We have the Lyndon Heater, by the new process,
manufactured by the Doherty Manufacturing Company, called the
Ferris Steel. In Coal Stoves we have the well-known "Favorite."
0 '.&11 our stock will be sold at. Greatly Reduced Prices to suit the times.
Lamps and Lamp Goods in great variety.
Having been advertising our fine line of
Staves and Itanges
for sometime, we now call your
attention to our fine assortment of
Hanging, Vase
AND Hand Lamps,
the best assortment ever shown
in town and at Prices that
everyone can afford.
We also keep, a full line of
cf every Description.,
of all kinds and a
full line of
Hardware and Tinware.
Big Bargains.