HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-1-17, Page 5JAL 17, 1S11(i 'Boor x: Aetvis, CUr4tiaakaroOk. Mre. Mitchell, sr„ has gene to Hallett to vleit .her daughter, who kiln. B lu eva,1ct. The annual meeting of the Blnevele 0heese and Butter ;Faotory Company, Bunted, will be held in the ltoreeteee' Hall, Bluevnle, oe Wednesday, 3enuary 22nd, at 1;00 p. M. /1,1101 431. Councillor Lindsay le on the siok list, John MoAllum moved this week to Wm, Milne'a term Beet of this village. Rev. W, J. Waddell will preach mis- sionary sermons on the Iondeshoro' Dir• ouit next Sabbath. Rey, Mr. Fair takes hie work. J. Keine, brother to Rev, 0. C. Keine, hap eaoepted the position of Prinoipal of the Sault Ste Marie Publio School. 1Ie is a first-class teacher. The Order of Sons of Temperance of this place intend holding an entertain• nient is their Hall on the evening of January 24th, A good program of ging- ing, recitations, &o., together with magic lantern views is to be given. Admission 10 Dante. At the last regular meeting of Curt Ethel 0. O. F., No. 261, the following officers were installed :-0. R., John W. Sanders ; V. 0. R., John Kellner ; Ohap., . M. Dobson ; R S„ Geo, Dobson ; F. S., Wm, Spence ; Treas,, L. Eokmier ; S. W. duo. Balmier ; J. W., Robt. Me - Donald ; 9, B., Joe. Hemsworth ; J. 13., Geo. Imlay. 13 a l,: rave. .'jae. Cunningham, Jae, Ferguson, John. Ilum D,Meiklem Mo0ajoh n and W , Wightman were ordained to the position of Elders in the Presbyterian church, Belgrave, on Sabbath last. Van Vannorman has disposed of hie blaakamith shop in Beigrave to • Walter Allison, a well known and induetrione young man of that village. Mr. Vannor- man has not yet decided where he . will locate. The returns from the recent •munici- pal election unici-palelection in this township were as fol. lows :—For Reeve, D. Patterson, 200 ; R. Currie, 156 ; majority for Patterson, 44 ; for Deputy -Reeve, D. Robertson, 248 ; T. Brown, 80 ; majority for Robert- son, 157. Le the day was very cold and stormy a large number of voters did not put in an appearance at the poll at all. Aoomanm.—While E. Livingstone, of Belgrave, Was driving on the West gravel road one night last week he failed to notice Mr. Taylor, of the 7th line of Mor- ris townehip, who was driving with his horse and natter in the opposite direc- tion. The result was a serious collision, the point of the shaft of Mr. Living - stone's natter so injuring *Mr. Taylor's horse that it died almost instantly. Gres. The roads are far from being good. Mrs. Jae. Cardiff Inde been on the sick list. ,. Council meeting neat Monday at the Township Hall, Ethel. Leuchlin McNeil, 16th oon., intends building a fine two story brink cottage next year. The Star sawmill started work -last Tuesday. Andrew Fowler is the fore- man. He gives good satisfaction. Wesley Pepper left on Monday for,his home in Ridgetown, after a month's visit with relatives and friends in this vicinity. Next Sabbath Rev. Hugh J. Pair, of Loudesboro', will preaoh at Bethel, Whitfield's and 'Eenfryn appointmente. James McCallum, South Bouodary,has been dangerously ill;,with inflammation of the bowels but is improving now quite nicely. Misses Annie, Emylene and Mary. Mo: Quarrie, of Detroit, are enjoying a holi- day visit with their parents end friends in this locality. Carl Engler, who taught in the Whit- field school, is attending Listowel High School with a view of securing a higher grade of certificate. Last Friday evening a sleigh load of young people from Wingham and Bel - grave drove over to the home of Thou. Pepper and spent a most enjoyable even. ing. Dunoan MoXay, 'who hag 'been in the Northwest Territory for the past 6 years, is here on a visit, It is rumoured that be may take one of the fair daughters of Grey township back with bim to share his joys and sorrows. Oarrievale is Mr. McKay'e poetoffloe. The 100 acre farm of Wm. Wilson, lot 17, con. 9, was sold to Edwaid Denyer, of Elmo, last week, for the sem of 08,- 900. Possession will be given next Spring. F. S. Scott, of Brussels, made the sate, Mr. Wilson moved to Oxford County last Spring, where he bas anoth- er farm, 1.3lorrifi. Township Council next Monday. James. Evans, 7th line, 11 on the sick list with pleurisy. Wm. Stevenson lost a valuable young horse last Sunday from indigestion. Misses Mabel and Maggie McCall, 7111 oon., are on the sick list with quinsy: Millard Cardiff was laid up with a dis- abled foot from an axe out, but is able to get about again. Mies Mary Halliday leaves this week for Parente, where she intends putting in six months at the Normal school. Ws. MoDougall, nee Mies Bella Wigbtman, of Manitoba, is visiting friends in this townobip at present. Mrs. A.. Halliday had the mtefortune to out her thumb ]while using the earviug knife ,one clay recently, and has been eomewhat single handed ever singe. Chris. Miohie is billed for the Farmers' Institute meetings at Gerrie and Blue - vale, on the 28th and 29th of January, respectively.- "Growing Fodder for Fall use" will bethe subject introduced by him. ''aunt Von Sun.—Lot 22, Otto line, may be bought for $3,200 on stagy terms. Goad grain and grazing term. Apply on the premises to Robert Scott, proprietor, or to F. S. Soott, Brussels, for further particulate. , Ooogsn IN MATit ntoNr.—A quiet, but very pretty wedding took place at the home of the brida'e parents at six o'. clock on New Year's evening in the pretty villa of "Gamosclougb," the reel - duce of Wm. Scott, Morrie townehip, when hie youngest daughter, Miss Belle, was united in marriage to Hugh Tucker, a highly teepeoted resident of Turnberry. Roe, A. McLean ofdoieted in the presence of the irmediate ralativee of tine oon• treating parties, the rooms being lteanti- fuliy drapbd Mr the occasion, The groom wee ably aupporled by 3, Mee - grove, while .lilies Belle Soott, of Auburn, ought of Ills brise, did bonore as brides - Maid. The bride lofted obarmleg in her handsome weddingg gown of oream val. goer, trimmed with lams and pearls, the veil being held by a wroath of orange bloeeome and ribbon, The bridesmaid was drained in pale green, The oere- moey finished and aotlgratuletione over, they all repaired to the large dining room, where everything woo in keeping with the event, presenting all the deifoaoies of the Beeson. After Me Divine blessing had been asked and the wants of the inner -man satisfied, they spent the even- ing with games and other amusements. Tire young oouple are well and favorably known and highly esteemed, They cer- tainly enter on their new venture with the eongratnlatione of hosts of Mende and well withers. Me'Fhf trop. The annual meeting of the lebsKillop Insurance Co. takes place at Seaforth on the 17th inst. Me.I3enneweie, the retiring Reeve of MoKillop, was presented on Monday evening, Deo. 80th, on behalf of the ratepayers of the township, with te heavy gold watch, valued at 0200. Mr, Benne- weis served McKillop as Reeve for six, years, two years as Deputy and as Coun- oillor, and this handsome presentation is a slight aoknowledgment of the high ap- preciation in which he is held by his old constituents. Few representatives were ever held in suoh high esteem by the ratepayers of a township, and MoKillop people feel regrets over • his withdrawal from the head of their municipal affairs. Vivoe a r. UK .LO Preebyterian service was withdrawn last Sabbath evening. Gibson Bros. sawmill lute been run. ning again this week. Mfae Ada Gallaher left Wednesday to reside for a. time in Toronto. Mrs. Paul, of Bluevale, wee the guest of Mre. John Leckie last week. 0Mre. W. 0. Hazlewood bas returned from a trip of several weeks down Eaet. She bas been oaring for hermutter who was seriously ill but ,is now somewhat improved.. The ladies of the Methodist church have arranged for a box eooial to be hold at the reeidenoe of Thos. Hemphill next Tuesday, San. 21st. A firat•otaes time is antioipated. Mies Moffatt, of Vesta, is on a visit to her brother and is the guest of Mrs. John Bray. Arohie and Matt. are participat- ing in the pleasure of a general ridding up of their beohelor quarters. Business ie booming tet the Greenlaw mills. A ear lend of flour and oat -meal woe shipped thi- week and only last week a new partner, worth we judge, $10;000, was received into the firm, He is hardly a silent partner either, especially at night,. and it ie expected be will call the senior partner of the firm "peps,".when he has acquired sufficient prolioienoy in the English language. A.tWob«. l ' Jas, A. Gray, of the Elms, Cheese Co.'s factory, was one of the speakers. at . the Western Dairymen's convention in Wood- stock. His subjeot was "The Dare of milk." Nab. Coghill', on behalf of one of his servant girls, laid complaint before Magistrate Merryfield, of Monkton, against his hostler, W H. Cook, for us- ing abusive and obscene language towards the girl. The magistrate fined Cook $10 1 and costs, or 024 altogether. Mrs. J. A. li.lump was pleasantly sur- prised by the members of Court Atwood, Ne. 782, I. O. F. At the close of the lodge meeting the members in a body met at the home of Mr. Plump and presented Mre. Klump with a handsome Oxford Bible and an oak rocker, accompanied by a kindly worded address, in grateful re- cognition of their kindness in throwing open.theirhouse to the Order 011 the oo• casion of their recent annual supper, and for Mre. grump's services in the prepara- tion of the bountiful spread. The ad- dress was read by C. N. Wynn, and the presentation was made by Jas. Morrison. Mrs. Klump acknowledged the beautiful gifts in suitable terms. Al the annual meeting of Elms, Agri- cultural Society the Auditors' report was submitted, which showed a very satisfao. tory statement of the Society's finances. The receipts for the year ending Doo. 81st, 1895, were 0752.20 ; expenditure, 0445.81 ; balance in hand, 0300.45. To- tal assets, $1,59745 ; liabilities, 017.50 ; aeseIs over liabilities, $1,579.95. The Hall and grounds are valued ab 01,200, which aro inclnded in the assets. There are at present 80 members on the roll. The, following officers were electedfor the ensuing year :—President, Jae. Duncan ; Vice -President, Young Coulter ; Seers- tery-Treasurer, John Morrison ; Direot- ore, Henry Ronnenberg, Jno. Oovvan, Joseph Horn, Geo. Lochhead, S. Peters, Robe. Ford, Andrew Stevenson, Ono. Graham, J. W. McBain ; Auditors, T. Fullerton and A. M. Sweeten. Annul, Mssmrvo•-Tho following vin- ous were elected at the annual meeting of the Elms, Cheese it Butter Manufac- turing Co,, held in the factory:—Presi- dant, gas. Donaldson, jr. ; Vim -Presi- dent, John L. 'Turnbull ; alesman, R. 9. Ballantyne Directors, Geo. Loch - head and Thos. Dickson. Wm. Loch - head was re-elected Seorebs,ryTreasurer for the onening year ab his old salary, 890, Robe. Parker and John A. Turnbull over% nominated but declined re.sloctiou, Both gentlemen have been honored,mem• hers of the directorate, the former MB President and the latter as director. Strange to say, the enbjeob of Winter dairying was not brought up for discus - Biel). There is a 'difference of opinion as to the feasibility and wisdom of the scheme, and while this variety of opinion exists nob much can be accomplished. From the anneal report of the year end. ing Deo. 81ab, 1895, we find that the total yeeeipte were 028,528.98, while the rem - pts of the year proving worn something over 485,000.00, or 07,000 in mouse of this season's. This falling off is duo to the Chop in the price, the average whole. sale :price being this you only 8,04a ; a year ago it averaged' a fraction of 10n for ibo season. The severe'droublt of July and August, 1895, caused a heavy falling off in the make. Average lbs. milk per lb. of cheese for the season of 1895, 10,95; lbs, of milk delivered for the eight menthe, 3,721,950, Which male' 889,964 lbs. of choose. TE B1tUSS1 LS POST ]smanw,ite_FLWIMIllatliVenalleseteetirt4uxrrsasrlssee l[.rptri to W (t . V, Ieerger is ag win engaging in the tonsorial bueineeo in town, Dr, We Wen Ilan fully revovered from his regent illness and lo attending bo'his praotico agaln< Klee Vivien Clayton, daughter of W. R, Oleyto t, of obis town, bite passed oho school of Pedagogy, her ileus bsing among the sucoeeefol stedenbe. About three o'oloch Monday Iner111114 a frame stable owned and =opted by A. 3.'Vandriok, was totally destroyed by fire, 'together with all the contents, In. cured for $890 In the Oommeroiai Union, whioh will not cover loss, A little daughter of Mrs, Gillard, of Wail/iceberg, who is at present visiting ben sister, Mrs. Vaughan, of this town, Met with a painful accident, The little girl fell down the oellar stairs, striking her elhow, whioh was forced out of joint, and.breeking the arm just above'the Bibow and severely bruising the flesh. The offoere elected at the Young Poo- ple'e Seoisty of the Methodist ohurah were as follows :—Ervin Watson, Presi- dent; B; W, Vaughan, Vice -President; W. E. Clothier, Seorv•tery ; Mies Lulu Hutobison, Corresponding Secretary ; Mr, Sohadal, Treasurer, Conveners of Committees : R. Faiths, gentlemen's look- out ; MUBB Oriel', ladies' lookout ; C. A, Lee, gentlemen's social ; Mies Annie Mc- Dowell, ladies' sooiwl ; Miss Wherry, prayer meeting;Mies Dixon, magic ; Mise Mabel Huthison, missionary ; Mr. Ball, temperance ; Dr.' Watson, liters• Ours and lectures ; Arthur Carson, iibr• arian.. The Agrioultural 0ooiety held its an- nual meeting in the Town Hall. on Wed, nudity evening, 8th inst., in accordance with the Agricultural and Arts Act, Presi• dent A. W Featherstone in the chair. The Secretary read the annual report, whidt showed the total reoeipte from all sonroee to have been $788.40, and the total expenditure, 0500.68, leaving bal- ance on hand of 0227.77. This was oon eidered a very satisfactory statement, of the first year's business and the report was adopted. The election of offieere then took plane,with the following re- sult :—President, A. W, Featherstone, reelected ; iso Vice•Presldent, 13. Hems- worth ; 2nd Vice do., H. Goddard ; Di- rectors, G. V. Poole, Jos. Walker, jr,, Wallace ; Wm. Keith, A. Alexander, J. Tughan„Dims ; Amos Smith, Grey; d. W. Neyers, Tos. Male, Jae. Perrin, Listowel ; Auditors, A. 3. Dollies and J. Livingstone, jr. The direaturs subse- quently reappointed W, E. Sinning Sea: Treas., at a salary of $50, he to employ his MVO aseistants on show day. The revision of the By-laws etc., was left over until a future meeting. White • StaT Line. ROYAL MAIL STEAiMIS/11E'S. Between New York and Liverpool, via Queenstown,. every 'Wednesday. As the stoamere of this line carry only a strictly ]invited number in the mmsm and eEOONn anent accommodations, intending passengers are reminded that an early ap- plication for berths is necessary at this eea- son. For plans rates, eto.,applyto • W. H. Kerr, Agent, Brussels, CarU of Ttia��s I wish to acknowledge, with my best thanlis, the Liberal Pat- ronage received during 1895 from the people of Brussels and sur- founding country. I peed hard- ly say that we value your busi- ness and will endeavor to cater to your wants in this new year by placing first-class Dry Goods, Groceries, &c., before you at close prices. We are not given to blowing but guarantee satisfac- tion to our Customers. J. C. SKENE Agent for Parker's Dye Works. M DOWNS, 01' BUFFALO, N.Y. Phutograplier. Late Manager or 01,10, Cochrane's ttrmrtrorclStudio. . Also Velem Yearn with F owner Wee.,Utuutiton, Would amnounee to the people of Brno - eels and surrounding country that he has opened a Studio in Sbretton's Blook, over the Standard Bank, where he is prepared to do the very best Photographic work. Photographs Copied and Enlarged in Crayon, Water Colors or Pastel in tho highest style of the Art, t'PRI0BS REASONABLE. Finest' Work and Satin. faction Guaranteed. A share of your Patronage is solicited. Como early and have your Photo. taken dor Cbi'isbmae. W. DOWNS, Artist. Notice TOTHg. Public The undersigned wishes to intimate to the public generelly that bo has leased the L1ac1smaith Shop rrm tit in°. Wynn, 8ruaalof and ie now prepared to attend to Bleck smith work in all its branches in a Workmanlike manner.. First -cross Horse Shoer Having worked in a number of large shops in both the 'United States and Canada. The Public Invited to give me a call. Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices to suit the times. George Trimble, BLAOKSMITH, – BRUSSELS. AINTING !i The undersigned is prepared to attend to all work intrusted to him in a pronlpt and work- manlike manner ih Carriage Painting, Sign .Writing, House Painting and Decorating. All work under my personal supervision and satisfaction as- sured. Now is the time to get your buggy or cart repainted for nest Spring. PRICES MODERATE. W. J. WAKE, Paint Shop on Bing at., Brussels. BR U L •_-•,.. ► F a I The Brussels Roller Mill, having recently been greatly improved by repairs and additions to the equip- went, we are now manufacturing a Superior Grade of Family � �. 57' FIUU,r Which we are offering for sale or in Exchange for Good Wheat., • • •' IN THE CHOPPING LINE We are in a position to do work promptly and its the 'Very Best manner at Popular Prices. MILL FEED Of all kinds for sale and delivered to any part of the town Free of Charge. We solicit a trial Order or Grist and.' Guarantee Satisfaction in every particular. ROSS & CLIMIE IoIILL STREET, BRUSSELS - Cas a usiness uccess WE find it very satisfactory and thank our numerous friends for their support in assisting us to carry it on. Cash Tolls Every Time ! We have still a large stook of Winter Goods to dispose of, and dur- ing January, will cut prices away down beyond reach of com- petition. During this month we will snake a GRAND CLEAR- ING SALE in all lines of Dry Goods, Furs, Overcoats, Mantle Goods, &e., Boots and Shoes, from 10 to 25 per cent. less than usual prices. A full line of Groceries, Fresh and Clean. Try our 25c. Tea—No better in the market for 350. We ask an inspection of our stock, We can make it to your inter- est to buy from us. We handle large quantities of Produce for which we pay the highest market price in exchange for Goods, or for Cash. Agent for the Standard Patterns and Publications. FEBRUARY Fashion Sheets to hand—Call and get one FREE. A. TR CHAN. The Cheapest Cash Store in the County. War has been Declared, The edict has gone forth, and our immense stock of Winter Goode must march out at the Battle Cry of our Great Clearing Sale During January The experience of the past goes to show that the coldest part of the winter is yet to come, and we offer our entire stook at prices that cannot be beaten. We have not room to quote prices, but suffice to say that we will make this sale of Winter Goods so interesting to the people of Brus- sels and the surrounding country that it will be your loss if you don't avail yourself of this opportunity to procure the goods you want at prices that were never heard of before. Be sure and call and see for yourself the Great Bargains we are giving, THESE GOODS MUST 0 OUT In order to make room for Spring Stock, Bring along your Butter, Eggs, Poultry and Dried Apples and we will give you the highest prices for them, and sell you the goods you want the same as cash. rdc owan & GARFiELD BLOCK. _ BRUSSELS.