HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-1-17, Page 277
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qy ryyy Mf EYP. ��M� l L�'y` � l�Lr�izlY �0
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_. _ : _. tura `vlien ready to Clzurn, rzz wintox,
._.m•,t4M"! .- ,,.-•.. - y�x�+ �+�^ T( (fir (�
4 W.. .._ _ 4, „ aro mo,�iAf k`LSt\1.' and aan azaora Cosily be 4xoLzgllt lathe
T Should thizz7r it muss be, suffinetrtly ! " only for lire SIR, of it,, there i 1�:L41 A .
r 1 y {( brought laAPoxe them Avery ,.unday," , Monts whorl I could, Irish wysalf U.e� pro er de roe by setting tba cream ro-
i said AErs, I%aziauazid trFunxll}a�zt1Y lay- axeath ilial e xd. `�lzo maossant wox'ry is o¢rtaclo to , a vessel pontainlnr • riot
�,) , OVERNIPI-assi
ii in 11ox tenth zn¢nc oA sock zn ilio bas- xnaz•s than 10= be az l t)�t, ' save lldiss 11 water, atzrrIQ c lion ao, as to azlause
i�� ,THI ` ' ^ "moa- near her Oh,, now, don't•isy all Says
, "'It Cost of firolving` whsat, even waxmth, IV lo'exporienced butter-
: • . Tile pariah Is all very Ivan, nil' d!a%r Deytatr: Pattm •• Ills arm .I, g pit • ICorrespondent asks if wheat aan be maker will'readily ascertain the fpr or
but the county ought to hear of it, aura will be Q, gx¢a success. this QouC A warmth, while ilio beginner 5volr dtyot-
• "`That will be never, declatcs Amy, , ci g'ht to lift, I insist upon the county knew, I fear it Will 1 grown at a profit on land wortix $1t) P¢r ter ,ruse a .dairy th, l."morhotor, and, t ins
" 1. r a," elle says; .p, lit• lulu a final masa t i alae axhausl4 d uGtiiiR its hands in its pockets" (To Ilo,ContLAnecl.) aero, aaCh ?oducizi tavenCy bushels and cavo Cam¢ and pa�souce, I s inmex,
Geed Uy, Cis les 3 g l p g
k donco desolating bar " 1''I- think you are alto right to In-
do sari Imploring o- Billy, 1V¢ lilzo Ilei° far tau' -mach, and q Selling at UO cants per bushel, The cont it cream is warzno}' than sixty agrees,
ialways,will, I kuoly, Usaayso.nothing an sial," said iflrs• Ttacttizond; pplacicllY; i A'STUAY IN ilgDITY, p reduce•it to that Goiuparaturs by plac.
vola¢, oaxtlx CouId in-ke�me afraid of her•1 U C haw ora ynu,gCIng Co de, I' d, ,:�_. per liustiel depends very an.uah. nn. the
' raw;" ro,lips C1aVissa 11 lar al GeaxgII I - lnlnnoPabt,ai,id>tlieuwafh ing it nz coldWatex; nrtlass otiioruxeans
Until to-mQz I At this, they a Let us ; ive a oaniarG."" said the p ndod in pul;Ging ext the crop. are at Band. The butter; will be solid
Y r t a cCY, tbQQfA In think, 'blas es .i Itt A i Izit oven t o v cal', at last bringing to the, light of , ertsutdryaii,el$e 1111iinb hnr hciUurua, 5vcxk oxo driven
l Fth an attempt a g y t she is not esa011y all s o i groat oat that Taira took ' The law price .ol Ivhoat leas in the warmest woatlrer if thismetlioil
° reality, the obild's mournful Eaoa is Op thou # ilia rthodox over . clay his 'sbpr j o , t Y
- ough� to be as an o B his wife's broach an•a , "Yes, a sou- Heredity is a conspicuous feature in farmers to curtail the expense of l Ind is,
Cute Alze butter ?with :talo ladle,; clo not,
pressing her, Then She toadies th C4 11 eel 11 bor sones of Ilio luslI- ext, to tivhlch the lvhota country shall Che thaoiy of ¢riuxinal azitlzxopologY preparation as 'muQlr as posalUla. - mash or Smear i,, thus breaking the
ponies' lightly, and diaappoars rip the orous, come and hoar znY^-uaY, Your-cshoir I`( hold by the school of which f ,0011)rosa stead as growing Et as a Crop for Pro glo ales, Wash In ?old rioter, and
road and Viluad the corner, with Bill, I Cissy, when ie your father's eon, aux Lass itself," j . and near two ounces
t t to cfPB asks Clarissa, pies dmond 5vas alruok .dumb by , is ilio loader and Loinbroso's Archlvic fit, mny grow it as a;Votatiug Sal at the roto of neo y
as preternaturally gz^ave as usual, sit- cox to 71 rs. lZe it on � but finally giv- di Psichitria contains in a recent issue Protecting ere to get the land back to of salt is the pound Ttao amount of
i1 tl Uolt u Ti bt beside hex:' on1 p this, bold propos 1 y both articles shorrld be weighed and Por
ting P B I At once, I think. The o'ld a SCR iiig m, She consented to Coach the choir, I an article Lllustrating it. It is a story clever o rgra s, They have Sound that ease and accuracy `ovary bettor<makar
Tho nest morning 'IS soft and warm, is uneadux'able, I do hope_ it will be assiduously tw•ioa a wook, all the quaff- should be provided With acorea fol so
1 r for the time a success, as he has sot Ins, heart our, tettaa and trios uud solos Cho knav; by Ranieri di Rocchi oC three goner- ae good craps call Ua grown after corn
and; indeed, almost au t Y attic a now anon But it is hard to
white and getting While, trios ing, in dismal £ash• atioiia of an Italian ran, y, D, 5vhosa as Uy summer fallowing and 0 a5vmho dOUs ilio best •Of 441TY salt, and liiv
of year, Thin misty clouds,
make Poo to attend. They will Pay ion, that she knew the whole thin
the folds and barren pi but the Won t earns. a failure, and that the family since the early year s aC ilio s>x- less ¢xp¢nse, Nearly all t following ,d'uect,ons tU¢ result of a i
11 11 1 shadowy, enwrap i h for tboix t okels, y would be a dismal a , , t. nth century had produced only Som• grown in this section follows earn, In your labor will be, butter wholesome
ghost-like trees and SWOOP across the And, ,after all, what the- -the others ggreat oausa ;would lose by it.1XIM than ° and Sweet, that brings suggestions of
There Is a sound as of like, is to Sao the country.',it would gain, monplaco men and woman, married II, our estimates we Will give an amount of
diatamt hills, h "Got Dorian Bransoombe to help you, MairY da s, matey hours,. 'has ,Mr• work dono that will be above the aver- dewy meadows and fragrant• Clever,,Ul
mL rain, -a rushing and a rustling Quo refuges him n thing " sant arran in and dinar- 5vho�e ancestors, immediat¢ and remote, a e, IV ill estimate the land reutal ,merlin of amass of ill -tasting, butter.
coining Nobody yy had been brilliant mon and Ivomen,Ivith g e W smolliA_� stuff denominated butter.
in the naked woods. "A still wild tan, „\Vpa is Dorian BranseomUo'4" asks ang ng allpthe details oftheproposed Mark. wain alone could Sugg
d „ a though a storm is Georgia, indifferently, more from want concert, here and there a physical taint that t 0 per cont, of its value, which will est as a -
Sic is abroa , s t and of something to say than any actual
that shall Visa at nigh.. The idea is .in itself a 'p harry often took the Tarin of ophthalmia and be $2,10 per acre, and taws 60 cents Pax ei tlxru4vn oris the market of the
imPonding' desire to know. L'hought,"—far happier than any of Bur -
h ,and the more fiercely be- „ „ e oats Clarissa, as is himself but scan- of a degeneration affeeling the skin, acre, Ono loam will harrow eight acres or thofficanG butter -makers, There
Shake the l 1 this Dorin Z r pp nand's (so he tel ) + are 5vomen who possibly never heard of
f its enforced Silence al aur rased; and i hon, correcting herself cert, haWevex un rotontious, is a pro- while others lead exhibited psycho-ethi- per day, lapping one-half; making two
cause o i a separator and to whom awing
Willi a start, "I thought ovary one digious affair, acct not to lxi conducted cal anomalies. D was normal and un- Ivanmoa. a cost ati current rates 'ahurns" are unknown, but who never-
daI knew Dorian, But I forgot, you aro a
by half a dozen raw recruits, distinguished, like all his recent anaee making th 09 cants per theles maria a to reduce the is
But now, at no `stranger, He isa great friend aP by.
the Countyy admixes the coup- use of team $2,60 per day; g
Southern side of the slant inane ; he lives near this, and You must ty, and would prefer seeing itself re- tors, and' was manifestly the inferior acre. One and a, Phalf hashers of seed toothaoma butter,uttor that >s ill -
1 13
I he souC . I like him." resented an the boards to, listening of his wife, She inherited the brilliancy per acre, 90 cents ; cost of drilling, Sl ways Bought and +,vhie can command
hails, w ss w
:4nd hills, the woods fence off tiro I "Every one likes him;' says Cissy, the warblings, Uo they never so of Her race, gathered Piaui box an in- Cents per acro. At a Touggh cry
BthiemIIBFhBL apfa m- ouse whore thewo-
northern blast, cordially „ he sweet, of an outsider. It is so Par mors Ceneetual society, and Sometimes wrote Place the interest on, ma`uthrharvat5 man was accomplished in the art oC
The season smiles, resigning all its rage, I Lucky he, soya„ Georgie, Ts delmious to laugh, behind one's fan a cants pox acre, ore - ng h
Of ,,May. .1'he our. laver, Clarissa f : the people in ones set than at those verse, Her letters to D were clever or, 9l1 Gents per acro ; shriking, 20 acnes s lar a ly tatted Such butter "eon
And has the warmth y y "Oh, no;'—with a soft blush, born Of p scarcely tasted since. It has Uoen auV
' .vault is, blue, d whito without a I the thought that if he is not the rose
outside the pal¢ of reoo nition. And, and-charmhtg, though.ilot Marked with er Here ; ata¢km , 50 conte per Cora' Ideal or the quality
WAbout a Cloud; an ! t it < He is an o£ canine, the county mus be humored. strong evidences of affection, D's chief tatilin ng from sack, cents Per more; tow and whish wo
speck, I he is very near o l3' The vicar grows strives ,yous ai animas- defect as a husband was a certain in hauling to marmot, 20 cents ger aria, have over tried p attain in all ,Our
The dazzling splendor Of the Scene bo -my; friend, and a nephew of Lord Sar ter$ this fact, and g y \Villi these estimates we have m tabni- butter -making experience.
low. toris." discover some among the upper ton who firmity of tamper, marked by occasion- ated from the following "- "
"So great as that? "-with a faint will come forward and help to Sweeten Per Wore.
I _ p al outbursts of angor. Landrent. $ s THE YEAR'S EVENTS.
The frost leas gone, fort io.tIme be ga ill hardly deign tomloak'at me?Rsa and gild the "great unwashed." Six children were born to this Pana `razes. ,..•.' .,
no snow foil rat right; scarcely k w y The duchess, unfortunately, is fromas
mg, -0 she Speaks she looks: at herself home; but Ladyy Mary and Lady Patti- fon son anis study, so that 110 PrOux- OoacoE eseed t.• i. ::...,.,..": .:,. .,. •aro
does the wind' blow. If, indeed, "'there I in an opposite mirror, and Smiles a cia are at the Castle, and Laity Mary- fondness, sl teuritir Tsar, Cre„ i uunnxen 1Qavo Taken
- vitb sounds," I small coquettish smile,. that is full of Ivheu she can bo heard, which, to do isod to make a name in the world: of terestoninaohinery................1..... ,la Knee, and Cantly n'r,inituea. sten Dave
is in souls a sympathy hex justice, is very seldom, even in a science or o£ letters, but he was early Cutting 'A
fear Georgie sandCthy and the children ' innocent childish satisfaction, as she ,o uteiL,
its marks the; fair vision which is given very small room -can sing nice little overtaken by blindness through the Shocicing ...... ••••'
must be counted utterly soulless, batik to her by this friendly glass. songs very nicely. Indeed, she is fond inherited taint, and he died at 60, un- .smoking 63 The sleepy continent of Asia has an
bear the subbing of the " I. hope be won't- look fit,.. you too of describing. her own voice ,as a -distinguished. The second n asxoso and /oe6tln i tom chines oniistack._...... •}e grossed an unusual share of the world's
Choy fail to lie {
in storm, but with gay voices and, for his own peace of mind, again
arveeb is
voice,;' and certainly all -told, in the language ev r rob [;
coming Cissy, at whish Clarissa laughs aQ , truth is embodied in the word "little.° his school, $¢ wa�•�laver, but utter- HauAngtomarmot........................_T_0-o interest during the year 189h. On ora
laughter come merrily over the {and then, ,the children gaffing unpa Then tlloro is Young Hicks; the aur- ly without application, Satiric oetu Cnati of t veaty bueheis.... • • • • • • • • • • • • $7•bs tde of the continent tlra year has wit
gayer p
ro d to Gorvran, Upon the warm sul- I tient they all go out to see the pigeons $eon's son, who boasts a good baritone, Ives his Passion• He took to drink Ito 7yd•eaty bushels at Uea .. • • • ;.'$1100 ceased the close of the war between tial
a g the p Y Yaluoofetrarv.... im
Ion air the Qhildian's tones ring like I and the gardens,; and stay lingering in and is addicted to Molloy and Adams , play, thus ex.ib1 in a13,eo China and Japan; portant territorial
sweet silver bells. the open air until afternoon tea is an axed all of their alas, and who positive-, ethieal.tafnt of his mother's family,and
f Gewran noune¢d. ly revels m Nanep bees, and such entre died at 60 £rem the result of overindul- ea,1 and other concessions by the conquered'
As they. enter the gates o , ___ i�eings as those to whom the Tar's. no iu the course of a too rapid life. NotproAllparnora ........ to the conquering power; attacks upon
the youngest child; Amy, rune to the I Farewell: may kis gently breathed; The fathers infirmity of temper took We have made this estimate on the mission stations in China; a fresh row-
CIiAPTER XIV. y sup enation that the corn has had clean
side of the, .new governess, and Clips Than there is the rang galvkY man 5yith this chile the form of marked im- p lution in Korea, and desultory fighting
her hand through her arm. " Where music dwells slaying . with the Bellows, who, can pulsivenesS. cultivation and that no mora work than .
to tell r about all the Lingering,, and wandering .on, as loth, . Salient from afar, and make music of THE THIRD CHILD, amount named will be required to pre= in Formosa.
Tam going y to die, his own that will probably,, nay, S oowu a daughter vas _ distinguished for ox- Pare the seed bed and that this hind is On ilio other aide oC the continent
pretty things as we go along; she says, Like thoughts -whose very sweetness go a long way toward brmgng txeme sensibility and sweetness of sufPieiently strong• to produce t5yenty ilio small measure of reform in .local
. ptronizingly, yet' halfl shyly, rubbing yyieldeth proof the house, as fax as the farmer class charaoter. She was affectionate, char- bushels per acre without comme'rou or administration enacted from theTurk-
har cheek against Miss Broughton's That they were born for immortality." is Concerned; and with him will Come itable, and self-sacrificing. She lost her other manures.
_Wordsworth. Miss Bellew, who can produce a very husband and daughter, however, with- ash government by urgent pressure
shoulder. She is a tall, slender child, respectable second in any duet, and who m a meath, and became a'mad hypooh- from England, Tirane and- Russia has
and to do this she has to stoop a little. I The parish church of Pullingbam is is safe to go anywhere with the long ondriac,' thus exhibiting the mental Butter -Making on the Farm caused fresh outbreaks of Mussulman
"you fairy, ' she goes on admiringly, i as naught in the eyes of the Parishion- gawky young man, If report speaks taint of the mother's famil Two o h
. are, is that it is devoid of n organ. No ruly. er daughters inherited the father's nor While it is possible that very many of foxy against the Armenians. SYIas
encouraged perhaps by the fact that sweet sounds can be produced from the . Mrs. McConkie, from the neighboring g provided with sacra has followed massacre at popu-
, She is nearly as tall as her instructress, awful and terrifying instrument that arisb, will lend a her Ing hand, bar mal character and apparently not his the farmers' Nivea are
"yon aro Fust like Hans Andersen s for years baa served to 0lectrif the pp p Iinfirmit of temper as they are des- 'most of the modern inventions for IOUs centres and in scattered villages,
y J y husband being a brother clergyman ; y,
` tales. I,don't know why:' Iears of thnso unfortunate enouggh to and there is, besides, Mv. Handley, who missed with a line. The sixth child.,a dao, work, still there is a large per- with scarcely a pretence of restraint by
"Amy I Miss Broughton won't like ' Possess sittings 'in tha church. IL• has plays the violin, and Mr. Johnson, who boy, inherited traits of both parents in y
a marked degree. He was warmly Of- centage:who follow in the footsteps of ilio Tur]riah authorities.
you to speak to her like that," says Cis I at.last failed. eau recite both comical and melncholy feetionat'o, and his normal sense Ives their £oremothers, dither:from choice or In Europe, Constantinople has been
syn coloring.; Ono memorable Sunday it groaned pieces with such success as to bring
But Georgia laughs. I aloud;—than squeaked mildly: or -r -r -k Coags Or laughter, as the case may lie,' highly developped, but, like the father, for lack of means to provide themselves the scene of sanguinary riots, dna to
"I don't mind a .bit," she says, giv- went something inside ;, there was a into the eyes of any one with half a, he Ivy b, ascilof, rest anrrermind at ml) t trifles. IV modern dairy utensils, A careful the name cause. The close of rho y¢ar
ing the child's hand a reassuring. pr 11 t rs acting in con
sure. I am accustomed to being' ca
ed- that, and; indeed, I rather like it
now. I suppose I am very small. :But" ,
(turning anxiously to Cissy, and speak- I
Ing, quite .as shyly as the child Amy
.... , : had spoken a - _ moment since) =_the xe I
i$ a oomr.orL 1 Lz is at., i — '•
.,,.e .,,y» „rima.. .You don't .leak a
, form- soul I . - to ex i x tons o g
than As nobody will sonless to anything He developed palpitationOft e heart and wise use of even the most common finds the Su gree _Powe
that less than a whole Soul, everybody in toward 80. The inherited Uterar,y bent of dairy implements will insure better cert ,to force the Turkish government
ivoix ft Pullingham laughs or cries immoderate- of the mother's family took in him the results than will ''be obtained by a to repress disorder andprotectLtsdhris-
maid" ly' whenever Aix'„ Johnson gives way to form of graphomania. He married an
s, and recitations. unusually sweet -natured woman, not of careless, slip -shod manner of conduct tion subjects.
r vicar Ttallan blood and died at 40, leaving a Ing dairy work, even though supplied In Great Britain Lord Salisbury is
And hist, but nal least there is al- with the latest inventions. Prime Minister in place of Lord Rose -
concert Iva s Sarah Martin, the leader of the son and ,a -daughter of tender years.
raising Here' began the third generation. Whether the work connected with the bery, and a general election has given
i ago honer, and the 11 tipla feature
a new in it, whose strong if slightly ear-naero- The al gift ands a gu•i c rare Intel-
xrchaso ,soprano must prove hat worthy of lee' . gifts andamazilig confidence m dairy pl conducted on ancient or modern the Conservatives . en - ExanOVOINce has M
ugh to her own judgment, Premature old age principles, the first principle to be Ln- majority in parliament, France has a
musical anew organ. overtook her at 20. She, •too, Was a inculcated is. cleanliness. We mean a new President and a new ministry.
To the vicar's intense chagrin, Do- h aniac and before she was 25 t 't ' os- Monsieur Faure was .elected to succeed
1 a. very beau=
she assesses a'
to others her r,
; they _ axe
;;u" --1 ---- ------ advice upon the World, yet Bind them- ._
sole king of fores s all.'_ the
Every night the fairies have a ball selves unequal to the government of. At:
there," says Amy; in perfect good faith.} their own Households. But with the ever'
"In spring there is a regular wxeath : village choir all is different; here she Wom
of blue bells all around it,d and they I reigns supreme, and is made much of, is T
show where the 'good folk' tread:" 1 for Pullingham is decidedly musical, f
' How I should like to see them 1" and all its young men and all its young y e
says Gear $rawly., I . think, in bar I women either sing, or think they sing, own
Secret soul, she is impressed by the : er long atter singing. . they
child's solemnity, and would prefer to I Tenors, sopranos, and basses are to the tray
believe in the fairies rather than other- 1 eryy air met Nisi hick -th v th them. The corner -Pull- Ivild
Wise. r ferri
Well, you, ought to, know all about in will sing, whether they can I'm,
them," says Amyl with a transient but or not, with a go and a gusto that to d
meaning smile: you belong to hem, speaks well for their lungs, if a trifle Bi
don't your: • Well" dreamily), Per trqing to the listeners. vfoa:
o of Hand 1 Vocal music •being . the thing held tum
haps soiree night ,wa g highest in favor in the Methodist Ohappal,
w h them all
the them. to and danceI. I where Mr. Leatlwm,, the . Methods ' - godl
with them all rho way ie, fairyland•" arson, holds unorthodox services, man tion
bliss " BFoughtonf—chore -through , P h self
the trees l Do you see something � Iv¢re the seceders from the Paris and
gleaming white?" asks Ethel,: the elder church to join the choir in the white- an
oat the
Put Yes?" 'Well, there, ,wom at Ino Moody anashed d 1and Banks y just at theyom- Ol
spot, is a marble statue of a woman, mencement of this story. the
and underneath her is & spring, ago,
i Such secessions went higls:to Ureakingg his
went fry ever so . many years a o. Redmond s heart. The organ hail and
but when Claxissa'I ggroat agai I andher failed him; it had wheezed, indeed, valx- able
died the waters iiursG out again. and the
every one said the statue was crying Cully Co the last, as though determined Sl
for him, he was .so good and noble, an to die game ; ,but a day had come, as cent
well beloved." ; I said, when it breathed its last sigh ,alar
Salt,I think you might have let me tell and the, ancient bellows refused to pro- his
that story, 'ind' cantly., 'You knew' duce. another note. and
i8 What was to be done? The villagers
I wanted to tell liar that story." ,` deal
'•r eidn't." with canal indignation; should and would have music at any
,.... ----- ----" y-_ ___ in i
_" Well, at all a
"they were two 0
I everheard in m
which was the P:
i' Nolook at
Amy, Lrriedly,
her turn now, ai
shall cut it before
the Ssoon
d spent i
in that Ldentical
11Idat the IV is
' Now, I' SuRpm
at all events, dl
"mid I' shall just
Poor Ring. C1
With a laugh,
ail the stories we
inscombe is absent,—has, m- grap am cleanliness as near pe—ec as t is p
an up in town since the day Years old she had written many to- President Cas imir-1 orior on his unea-
On u in town
arrival, now maucea, for the most Part politico -re- sible. to attain, carried out in all the pected resignation in January, and a
;ht old: marc s. She wrote t rh no Nish for work, We want clean cows,- milk- Radical ministry, led by Monsieur Bour-
would have been such a .cam- fame, but merely to Out auto words her ors and clean stables.. W are Cruors ( goals, has recently displaced the Ribot
at that he sings, or Inlays, or opinions and conceptions of life. Slee nyinistry. Serious constitutional between
at indeed, does anything ,in refused, indeed; to seek a publisher for that very many of our farmers' wives `Eerences which have arisen betrwen
o -r, beyond cajoling the entire her writings.: The brother, before and mothers are destitute of certain. Sweden and Norway are m process of
hood but that, as it happens, reaching the age of 16, had writton conditions that go toward makingsaah, `adjustment by,a int commission. Gen
is ce�e everything. To cajole, many romances, dramas, ?came, and a success of dairy work as they could II erel elections In �Cly,a and Greece; Cho
at, to compel the people to come sociological studies, lie, too, was a opening aP. Germ -rip's great canal con-
fill. rho empty litinones, is all. graphomanlac, and he published cath- Nish. With some the milk -room or col nectmgg the Baltic and the North Sea;
r .would require at his hands. mg. save a. few occasional poems.' Of larhasnot as good ventilation or drain- the celebration of the tiventy-fifth an-
orin Could u e this. ha one four others in the third generation one ago as It should have; consequently the niversaries of German and Italian un-
used him anything, .Both old ,was gifted, but he became a drunk im axe Cit enerated is communicated ity and the assassination of the Bulgar-
and Young women acknowledge A second showed no, marked anomaly, P g Lan statesmen, Stambuloff, are ind
it and give in to him, and hard and a third was 'unintelligent and ab- to the milk and cream, Ivhich ora prob- dents of the year in Europe.
:he worse because of their sub- normal. ably, the quickest of all known sub- Cuba is again struggling to throw
e, -he havinga little way of his Thus the marriaga of D• the scion of stances or flvids,to appropriate andin•• off the Spanish yyoke; l+rnc¢, by war,
it• makes them believe, when a normal and stupid race, with the bril- has compelled ittiadagasoar to accept a
ve been most ignominiously be- liant but. tainted U. gave to the world corporate any gases afloat, .into their protectorate, and the little to Ila of
oto 'sa ' yes" to one of his a strange succession of brilliant eecon- elements. Hawaii has suppressed a royallst rising.
d Tai C ural American re Lias have
propositions, he has been . con-
favor upon them, more or
tries, hypochondriacs, mattotds1 . an
. The milk -room should be a mils= -room
not a place'in which a miscellaneous as-
a en
begun forming a federation, inspired
the pressure oxerteiL upon
which he is just too generous
biologist, and
. distinguished Ass riolbgist, Literature
has lost Alexandre Dumas, the French
apartment of thins are kept, from soap-
�lii�ecaragilate a
Or -
Nicaragua by Great. Britain in tempor-
id thanks.
a invaluable ally is absent, The
the privacy of'liis own sane-
- -
Items of Interest
fat to onions, and should be clean, cool
and airy. in Summar, and in winter
arily occupying Carinta for the enforce -
mont of a claim. Tho long-pandin
boundary dispute between Mexico an
pare no one can wiliness the un-
id, -stamps his feet with vex&-
tells him-
The Princess of Wales. plays the or
and zither. :
warm enough to insure the rising of
the cream . the shortest time possible.
Guatemala Has been settled. In South
America peace generally Prevails, save
e thinks of this. and
s : unlucky to the last degree,
in Dorian
gala, harmonica, piano
applied as a Nash three
Warm mill., pp
•tf'tha milk is set in crocks they should
be as impurities, aro
that Venezuala is a stated by British
demands regarding the boundary , of.
lowledges a .worth
line' never learned before I
or four times a day, Ls a wonderful
beautifier of'the complexion.
t smooth and glazed,
apt to collect in unglazed ones. If cans
British Guiana. Not a few distinguish -
ed names are included in the nocrology,
n, is perfectly delighted with
e idea, and somewhat consoles
Tea was cultivated in China 2,100
the Christian era, and in
aroused, it is well to go over the seams
of the year. The United States mourn
the loss of Secretary Gresham of the
her ready offer of assistance,yyears
determination to step into the
that country it was first used as
occasionally with a Clean cloth and
some sharp implement as a table fork,
State Department and ex -Secretary Me-
Culloeh of the Treasury; Justice Jack-
orian's shoes and make love
Itry in his Stead.
rsists to calling it the "first
A ' bicycle that in five minutes can
taken' and packed in a valise
as we all know how prone seams are
to retain any stray substances that
Con and ex Justice Strong of ilia Su-
promo Court of the United States; Fre-
at the season," which rather
be apart
24x10 inches, has been invented by n
may be afloat. All milk utensils should
darick Douglas, the foremost represe t-
tative of the negro race; ex -President
he vicar, who is depressed by
's Proguesticatlons of failure,
but She
ingenious Frenchman.
Mrs • Burt Johnson, of Franklin,
be for milk only, and not put to a
thousand and one" other uses,. and
Seelyo of Amberst and Professor Dana'.
of Yale; and among men associated
n4bing ruin ahead.
her intention of publishin it
Ind., is only fourteen years old yet she
has been two Sears a wife, and is now
actor being cleansed should be rinsed
in a solution of lime and water and
with literature and art, Professor Boy- .
exon, William W. Story and Eugene
ho; London papers, and offers
Le ilio Ivmter conservatories
rho ruother of & hvaly little daughter.
aft exposed to the action o£ the
ate the school -house, (where it
The slaughter of deer, just for their
th it of
sun and air.
See that all. vessels used for:,nilk set-
science has lost Huxley, the
ati t 'tin man fields of re -
tis, ,�_
its," saga Georgie, as the temple of Belfal in Ithe eyes of
is to be held), so that those accustomed horns, is s0 great m e vicm y
to the sight of its white and somewhat Micbigalume, Mich., that venison can ting are •perfectly dry before using;
two a not dripping with Wier as is the cast
or an assay s$ y,
search l Pasteur, the eminent French
Sir Henry RawLiterature
he prettiest stories their vicar.
life. I don't know ' It would take some time to pro ure.
funds for another and more satisfae cry
barren walls will fail to recognise it be bought theta for cents
tom of some dairy people. Do not wait
in its hew -born beauty, pound, for the milk to become Coagulated be
"Then, the 4th as the ,woman in Old Orch- g
biologist, and
. distinguished Ass riolbgist, Literature
has lost Alexandre Dumas, the French
t tree," breaks in organ. In the meantime, the whilom
ling it is honestly choir was"falling to pieces. The late
or Hist had acctpted a fresh andmore
shall we, name A middle-aged
daq 8 says the vicar, with some tragi- painter, She Ione skimming and upon making an ad-
datLon. 'poi Me., is a house dation to the oream already collected,
YIt is Cow the end of January, paints Houses, barns, fences, etc., for stir well so as to incor orate the fresh
the the p
dramatist', 3eeloy, the English' baster-
!an, and Blackie, the essayist. Ilrom
ublic life thero 'have been withdrawn
fearin lest Ethel
icing Charles lucrative posh thore was literally no
and he is allu.di to the first,week to a living, and gets same pay' as
the ensuing month. "I wish you could elementwith that of tate longerstand-
tradesman, If
,ord Randolph Churchill the brilliant. .
whole of one night head to keep the members together,
What was to be done 8
sing, Clari$ssaL T dare say you }would regular ing, so that all may ripen evenly.
The village of Meant Healthy the amount of oream necessary for
English Conservative, Monsieur de
a Glare, Russian MiniStcr of Public Af-
sit i In desperation the vicar asked him-
it," puts in Ethel, round
self this, while looking
help me-" ur ., Ohio, has just been into orated arrj1.
Indeed l acid; But Nat alias rp churning can Uo collected. at about the
it has converted the old: Free Ciiur H same time, the butter will bei of better
to And, all, is evidently
fairs, the French Marshal Canrobertof
Crimean fano, and Count Taafe, for- •
. • • for some one to help him; drag back
this to my ,story, his flock' from the vicious influence of
proved tinkm me.: after into a jail. The village flavor or quality, as too long standing
you want no one else. The choir, Ln preparing for cmor encies,
g cream injures the flavor of the but-
merry Austrian rums ith Euler. The
death of Alias Emily Fa has re -
i,res Amy; angrily,
1 it as I Ides." ;the "American songsters," as he most
lea l" says Georgia, irreverently termed Messrs, M• nd S.
Itself, is very efficient; and it you must Lo
cell tor' nut -door relief,' why, you have At Poore, in India, recently a Sikh for produced, Should , cream become
Lady Xary, and the others. That fearful shot down twu native soldiers and Lieut. mouldy as it is certain to if )oft in
moved an earnest and useful phLlan-
Ire are to lioheve And it was then, when be was t his
at, half his lifeti m' wits'and, that Agra. Redmond unexpeotr
young maid at Bellow is a fortune in Riddell, of the Fourth Bombay Infantry, warm or damp rooms, bettor throw It
liimsolf ;and Mr. Johnson makes every- and then blew out his own brains, to the pigs than use it even if the
int ' u a tree."' silly came to the rescue: it was the
ins be lairs th¢ front first and last time in her life she ever
body or. and it is so pica to Cry:' mold be ever aO carefully removed';
Y- „ ----- it 'is full of disoaao germs, and is in
Yos,-Yes,-1 say, says the
To prevent Insomnia.
from Ivakeful-
it stands Clarissa, rose to the occassion; but this on¢ soli-
xt, seeing them, she Lary time sho did it, perfectly, and corn-
Lng boldly to the front, Carried all be-
is the first stagas of putrefaction, In
Poor vicar, who is somewbat distrait, Unique 1)eeornUer• i airy situations mold seldom forms lin-
and, to say the truth, a little miserable less It stands too long, Churning
The Consent suffoier
nes should make a study of herself
e a and advances
P foto her,
about the whole undertaking, '"Noi Probably not many people. are aware
thOre Is Saxah I41art'm, Do you think. should never Ire postponed whenaream
different from
and endeavor to ascertain what set of
is most likely to pro-
sho would undartako a singingg.
6YS• ' Ilow late you aha ,would arrange, and i;each,
faith- Class • g
she will pull through Z On her I build that last December Ives a repo, until the last minute. Ara he
but inward. doubt any, other Sines the 'bo inning of the ar. butter -maker Will know just gibe
woke insomnia, Thinkers and students I
i had proved:
niinK at all." and keep together a choir that should
Iv hall 1" says Gear- reduce to Insignificance the poor pre-
like Leatham t
all iffy .hopes; some
Christian ora• 17aCemhber, 1805, edi- right degree of acidity required and
about liar oppresses me. Willie Beal i .owed the mini ue px%vile a of Having t5vo when that degree . is reaehod, will
mall has a oap},tat tenor; but he and I •1. • tttI qq
lih Is a that
are often unable to sloop if the have
Y i
wort parked steadil y. just before root ring
t¢tisions of a man
stopping in a child The vicar, dazzled by all this Unlocked-
Sarah don't speak, -she rafusad him, I , moons, which Pli¢nomonon churn tlxen,
has occux-ed in any in 1Ve'oare not what kind of churn is
while abrisk walk in the pen '
non to gaze round His consent her
for anergy, gave
theoro ; scheme, and Hovey after re tented it,
the drawn$ ,o for in three short months slips had re-
think, -and so tray won't sing their not ,December
cruet• together, Then hero is Lizzie l'S96 years, , The ,coincidence' of the, used, Ivhetbar the old-fashioned dash,
, g but last event of this kind ; happenin ,in or the osoilettidg of modern days, It
.Bealman, she might stand tome, 1
the same year as the birth of Mist' i is not the kind So much that wo insist
hour's relaxation over a novel Or
a paper, will dispose them to Slumber, , ,
There are' those who find a hot bat8
mom m the d shed a sin in -class that;
msable Amp, who is $crated an Cos g FS
un outs one! Lts McGho distical
she rosea her voice when nervous, and
has a most uncomfortaUlo trick of gig- was not Widely Acted, however, or it upon as proper, management of those,
would probably been looked upon used. If China is of no moment, then
at Uodtitno exciting, while it soothes
others. "Che same may be said of Cal -
who Navin secured
�rorou hl elite riva]s,
t g y p And d;han coma tUe uestion 'oE the
filing whoa in rho least 0x01' " i ,have
'POI; her Ln the hi ,it round," says by many as significant, The occurrence dash chrun will be used. HoWaver
a purely astronomical one. we all discussion. as to the merits
istheniCs or an form of bodily oxer••
y re stepping i nto is bedil
a in her alms, and new organ,
x unweleome kisses. „ We have some money, int not
Clarissa. "sho is of no use, except 1n,I was, sive
&chorus, - - - Of t a old-fashioned churn. Both have
'Choy heard that said their adherents, who sturdily contend
Lualeron just bot
often' eneenra g0 'draWam¢aB,
o whole house, pros- enough money, said the vicar one even-
la to Georgie, in ingop, to ilio partYtsr of leis joys { "and
for g
"Her PeoplO wouldn't stand Lt, She -"I have you
lock upon liar aS a rising prima donna, I tvasr fond Of the sound of in ; win for their favorites,
admrrted cream should be brought
to The New York Police Commissioners
hold in reserve tin should be done to bring ilio
Iran hava driven you want of an organ before ilia public,"
I assure you, toy dear Clarisga;" says voice. •-;,1Vall, you have .PUS
Cho vicar, furtively wiping fits brag, that you like musdo. about ,sixty-four degrees of tempers-
, have just appointed a bicycle squad.