HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-1-17, Page 1111
Vol, 23. No. . 7.
W. H. KERR, Prop.
Death Of X..1'. 1V6.cDonald. :Brussels CouncilClICUCll t;litmEs. Miss Lizzie IZiohardaon, eld°et daugli- The other day Geo, A.. Cooper geld in
The Stratford 'Beacon %Lye ;= T. J. tar oP M. Riphardson, who has been Clinton three young Pinkeye, the total
y Che closing meeting of the Municipal ban/
d Presbytery will meat in Wing- dangeronbly ill for the peat two weeks, is weight being 46 pounds. '
McDonald died at his residon°e on Bir. Council • of last year woe held on Monday til 0x. Tu 0day^ improving. Ker many friends 1io o to The Amheratburg Loader conserve. Sago of Soptlend entertainment on
iiiiagham atxeet on friday afternoon at evening. .All the members warp in their Boy, >lfr,111eLogd will 51 agduoge5 into see her around 0000• live has suspended publication and the Friday evening of this week in Broesse10
about five o clock, He had been in an even hie new charge at Ripley next Monday. Florence, the 2-year.old. daughter of business is to be sold out, TOwu 14x11,
Week 0ioua condition £0r more than a Minutes of last 'regular and special The new Albert Ogllege, Belleville; wag Salem Armstrong, who with her mother Oil woo strupk in Yarmouth townehi A Ban Sxarnst,-"Ober a his up?'
Week and sank gradually away. Mr. meetings read and pased, 1 formally opened and dedicated on Friday, is visiting et IOW. Armstrong'o John near St, TUgmas, by a termer digging u How often do the marOhagt9 of our town
MoDanald a Petal illness commenced
Tile following aeconuta were present. It ,met 023,000, street, has been goite ill during this well. Test wells will be sunk: gR g Bear thio sentence as a customer slides
about two years ago; Since that time he ed : the annual Sabbath school eoctal in ,week but le getting all right again, Tames Smith, a Grimsby farmer, was eamB parcels into a baaket and goes out
menu -
has engaged in no busiuoss, It was not F. S. Scott, Florae Fair bills 6 Cunnoetion with Melville eh rah will be P. D. McKinnon, of Winnipeg, Wag in knocked from the mill deok of hie wind. again never expecting to a ? Wh
at first ao sgvsro as to confine him to the held on Fridayevening, 24th inst. town for a few days during the poet mill by the revolving arms and may d18.should we expect a merchant or mane
liouee, but it kept malting inroads on his Faire 0 3 50 Rev. Dr. unter ghas reel ned the week, It is about 16 ears 81000 "Dir. The river St. Lawrence lute frozen faoturer to
Ano eonsbitutian, until Some menthe ago W. Denbow, gravel . , • . , , ,, , , 1 5pog y give ae credit ? We pay cash
ib brought bine to bed. The naturae of Mrs. 17. Rogers, Wanes on fi g„ 1 gg diet
h, the Dominion Square of ill McKinnon want Wast and ro is greatly over at Montreal, This has been delay at the theatre and poetofuoa or at o ruer
Jas. Matti¢gravel d t o ucoh, Montreal, on amount of ill made up with the Prairie Province; ed to a later date than everbeforekgowq. way Mahon, Hien why not at the porner
the disease was not discovered until about • - 60 health, Rev. R, J. Mansell will summed We are sorry to hear °£ the ill health Toeiah Macdougall, who rpaegtl forced grocery, and the uptown dr coda
Pili weeks ago when a consultation of F, S. Scott, electiouoxpensas 220 17 him, of Mrs. i)ucker, of Winnipeg, but we Mrs, Larsh, of Wallaoeburg, to elope store? Creditfoaters extrava anon and
doctors was hold and internal cancer Jno, Wright, stylar 00 Monday afternoon the Diregtora of hope an improvement will soon be notice. with him bythreatening her 'nu p the etch se of code that g
discovered. l01e family thou realized for G0°' Edwards, repairs to Band Brussels Branch of the Upper Oaneda able, Mra. Dunker ie a delight= of 1148138.4d h a ev to 8 1 r d her be done without, g . t t could l easily
the first time that there waa no hoe for , soak &o 5 15 Bible Societymet and appointed collect, with r elver, will be tried at w t , and i$ reenoancial for
P Scott miseollan0ous 4 40 pp in Winnipeg
egmo a n Grey, and has been Chatham tor ey, the
more events that affects the financial and
hjm, and all they could do wag t0 suets tors for this year. The work is expected in Winnt a for a number of Dare. E, A. Oawsey, the well-known builder, busfnese world than all oilier agenafea
thetnaelvee to making hie peeingawayHerald, printing , 4 75 p p g Y
to he a the oh. Major Joseph non, and
hotel David bas dnamhgr to moo t work in Gods. combined, It is certainly worth n triol
as painless as possible, which they o. Moved by B. Gerry, seconded by W. R. The ogmmittee of the Lord's Day Al., at Dungannon, and brother of David rich dressing atone for the erentjon of a to see if this math system could be
•fectionately did. MaOraoken that above aeoounts be paid, lianas have instructed their solicitors bo' Mallough, of Luoknow, dropped dead at handsome Roman Catholic church to be eradianted, ,
Mr. McDonald was born at Nairn, In- Carried. appeal from the deoioion of Justloe Rose ten o'°look on Wednesday evening, from built there next Spring. Tun REAnmmu Roou.-It is surprisingp
vernesehire, Scotland, in 1628, and when Moved by Be Graham, seconded by R. in the Sunday oar ease. The :thee will heart failure. Dsceaged was in hie 51st Wm. Holbrook, an inmate of the that more of our citizens and bb farmers
2 years old mune with his palmate to Can- Leatherdale that $1,000 of the amonnt re•. Come a at the March sittings of thea
ads, settling at Pioton, N. S, After a ceived from the sale of the of g year,iand was widelyya known and very bed to ail House of month
by was oeNmt, of this vilegesy do not d b advantage iof
Wooden fact. Court Appeal. highly respected a all. fois jail for one month iSquire named
the ary t Pbyfor Beading.Roo h
moved to the township of Tuolceremith, sinking fund and $500 placed to the occupy the pulpit of the Methodist meroial traveller, left last weak for St. Frank Hunkley, a mute. Holbrook is braryis well supplied with a large
m li-
Huron 0o. Mr. McDonald, then budding credit of the local account. The motion church in this place next Sabbath. Rev. Paul, Minn. Mr, McKenzie has secured 77 years of age. pp rge num-
g band useful leading
g and daily
paper room
into manhood, book a course at a nom. carried, Messrs. Corry and McCracken M. Cobblediok will preach Sabbath a two year's engagement with a large Geo. H. Smith stint his Pather•in-law contains the leading papers an
meroial college in Toronto, and after. voting Nay, as they wished to have whole eohool anniversary sermons in the wholesale boot and shoe firm and will dead at Ransomvilfe, over the Niagara periodioale. The small suof 1 en -
entered the employment of the amount put in sinking fund. The other County Town on that day. • have the State of Montana as his terri. border. A committee of citizens put• titles yon to membership for onoear,
firm of Glagow, McPherson & oo. at members of Council argued that it was Next Monday evening the young men tory. Be will be greatly missed, having sued the murderer and shot him down in and 110g
better investment for the money
Fingal, and remained theta seven years. always understood that $500 out of re. of the Epworth League purpose giving been prominent in athletic sports and a a farm house where he bad taken refuge• can be made. A whole year's reading
He was then transferred to Clinton to sults of sale should go back to local ac- an At Home" in the school room of the popular traveller. He was for a number The house of a resident of St. Pierre, for such a reasonable sum should ensur
manage another foundry owned by the count to repay money expended from Methodist church, The evening's enter- of years the representative of Whiteham Quebec, named Pierre Letourneau, a large inorease in the membershi
firm at that point. From here he came that account in law costo and also be. tainment will be provided by the male & Co., Montreal, and 0. 8. Hyman &Go., oeoght fire during his absence in the wbioh is much smaller than in many
with his brother Jae. and Geo. MOPher- cause the above sum was taken into an- sex, notwithstanding that it is leap year. London. woods. Madams Letourneau, aged about towns half the size. Show your appreoi.
son to Stratford, where they started the count inths financial statement of the Zion Methodist Ohara'', Oh the Mitchell 60, was unable to make her escape in ation of a deserving institution by your
manufacture of threshing maghfnes Deet year. road, four miles from St. Mary's, was de• •Wing,•hnm. time and perished in the flames. patronage. Membership tickets can be
under the firm name of McDonald, Me. Postmaster Farrow, Chairman of the 'stroyed by fir', Sunday afternoon. It ' Mr. Gordon, druggist, has in hie shop The Coroner's jury at Ingersoll re- obtained from the librarian.
pherson & Co. Mr. MoDAnald retired in Board of Health, presented his report, in was a good brick structure, only two a mammoth elephant plant measuring turned the following verdict 1 -That the TheFebruary
1886 and T. P. McDonald in 1892 to take which he reviewed he work of the Board yearn ere°ted. The. fire caught from he 5 feet in height. g to ie oalle tnumber of the: b e end demand, Irwsu n a dr, met be death r d the is field
number and
the. management of the N. American, forThe the past year and prospected for 1896. furnace. It was insured for .a small Wm. Plenty, of the Advance staff, has while engaged in a drunken squabble °overs the whole field of Seasonable
the hands Building p James M Donald the bneineps members of the eve rend ssed his thanks
dnforto the amount. in the r almanac companyle.nsbard township in. purchased Robb. Elliott's property on with the said Wain. McClure at the Mo. Fashions with its accustomed. thorough.
• Sh°ter street and will move into it. Murray House, on Jan. 1st, 1896, and nese. A very pretty ballad, far above
He was in his prime a very industrious assistance and courtesies during the past Her -Majesty Queen Victoria first g'ar.. The family of Robb. Elliott, late edi- that death was due to a shock or exoite• the ordinarymagazine 000brib ii n
clear beaded, business man and early in year, after which the Council adjourned, took of the Sacrament of the Lord's Sup-
- meat, end that no blame could- be at- u o be.
P for and proprietor of the Times; left on gins the number. Mrs. Roger A. Pryor
life secured a competence. He served c par in a Presbytarfan church in 1873 at. Thursday morning of last week for their lathed to the prisoner Wm. McClure. concludes her admirable series on the
the oityaa alderman in 1892, and was trruesyle School Hoard. 'Crathie, near Balmoral. During the new home in Ingersoll. - London and Listowel hockey teams Social Code with a discussion of the
one of the beet representatives Shakos- = communion service the Queen sat, along Voting on the by-laws resulted as fol- mat in the first championship match of vw
peace ward sent to the Council in recent The regular session of Brussels Public anioaeays of getting into Society. A
with the minister's wife, in the manse lows :-No, 262, to reduce the number of the season on the Listowel rink Friday v a ions n New York dentist has an
years. He was also prominent in Knox School Board met on Friday evening last pew, and received like any other man -
church affairs, having been a member of in the Council Chamber. muniaant, he sacred elements from one oonnoillore, 158 for and 38 against ; No. evening of last week, when the Listowel article at °nos edentate and
ular on
263, to provide for looal improvemeots, s0ven came off vietorions by a score of 5 the Care of the Teeth. Dr. Aims Sohro.
the management -committee for over Members present, Rev. J. Ross, Dr. of he elders. Every year since that Her 123 for and 31 against. to 1. The game was very exciting from
twelve years. In politics he was a Lib. Graham, A. Reid and A. Hunter. Majesty has partaken of the enurement in g eder brings personal experience to' bear
1 y p Archibald Fisher, one of the pioneers the start, standing one, one, at half time, in telling of the Facilities and Obstacles
eras, and though a manufacturer, a strong Minutes of last regular meeting read the same Presbyterian church. In her of Wingham, and brother of Post Master and was witnea$od by a large crowd, who before women', who set out to Stud and
advocate of a low tariff. He was a very and passed. journal she speaks of being deeply im• Fisher, hae been elected Reeve of Paisley were highly delighted at the result-
foroible political speaker, and rendered Accounts were read as follows :- pressed b the rand aim licit of rho y Practice Medicine. Sara Miller Kirby
good service to his arty on many a plat- R. Leatherdale; ma eland service. y g p y by a majority of 43 votes, after a sharp In Mitchell, on Thursday morning of explains the possibilities of Kindergarten
pp contest with Mr. Cowan, barrister; of last week that Mrs. T. J. Copfn.had been Work at home. A handsomely llnatrat. .
form. He was, in fact, a damn of the A. M. McKay & Co hardware.:- $ •
7, 27 LwIEs' Gmna,-At the annual meeting that town: taken suddenly ill during the nightwith ed article by M. C. Frederick is devoted
highest worth, one whom any place could Dan. MaNaaghton, labor 1 pp
ill afford to loos. of this organization in Connection with At the last regular meeting of Camp paralysis which proved fatal without a to Mexican Stamped Leather. A beauti.
Deadman & McCall, supplies2 79 Sb. John's church, Brusseels, he follow- Caledonia, No. 49, Sons of Scotland, the return of consciousness. Deceased came 4bil Silk Embroidered Fan with aromantic
dauHe leaves a widow, two sons and three G. A. Deadman; supplies • 3 59 ing'oflice bearers were chosen :-Mea. F. following officers were installed for the from the south of England, and spent history dating back to the Franc% Revco.Donald,ri s city Theeeditor ldest sof, he Times, Moved by A. Reid, seconded by Dr. 0. w Rogers,
. Mrs.danb I Airy ne oae . ensuing term :-Chief, John Murray ; the last 31 years of her life in Mitchell. lotion, is pictured and described. Eliza
Graham that the above a000ants be aid.Chieftain, Chas. Elliott Past Chief, T. Her remains were buried in the' Metbo• Haywood begius instructions for Ecclesi-
city,vand John has his rhomee inbDetroit. Carried.
rredfollowin tenders p slaty 18sireab; Mrs. ry Jameo. s, oeers,S Sec-
- M. Henderson ; Chap., R. A. Graham ; two sone tory.fiveShe leaves a bpsband, statical . Embroidery, and also explains
The daughters are Mrs. W. A. Rather. g were received tory ; ,Fire.. A. Mahan bion, TrScore• Rec.-8th., H. F. Gordon ; Fin.•Seo., daugbtera to mown the how to make the new and pretty Em.
supply of wood :- g Walter Taylor ; Treas., J. H. Beamer ; loss of a most devoted wife and m'bther. broidery Frames for Photographs. How
Ern -
ford, of Toronto, and Mise Laura who re-
Lova er. y The present membership is 13 and Shos, Standard Bearer, J. Davidson; Marshall, Rev. W. H. Greer, of Simooe, Ont., a House may be Artistically Furnished
sides at home. .4. more kind hearted and $1 40 per cord ; the have the ver resectable sum of Ca Carruthers hers ; Senior .Guard, Hugh was Sent to the Buffalo State Hospital for the Least Money is told by Edna
indulgent father no family ever had. J. M. Martin 1 49 : $335 to their credit in the Bank. It Hamilton ;.Junior Guard Aroh. am last week,' by order of the police surgeon; Weathers con. Mrs. L. B. Lon street
Besides his brother James in this city, W. Yuill 1 47 takes he ladies Eo do it• Uall. T•r ' Q P• on account of insanity. Greer was for
he has three others, one of whom 18 Dr. D. Errington 1 50 ' " several ears re°tor of an 11 i Co al de°oted d bbsal attention to Adslcerated
McDonald, M. P., of Wingham, and one Moved by Dr. Graham, seconded byA. The Kornberry Agricultural Society y p p Food and the Article on Seasonable0ook-
People We Talk About. met in n of In n's Hotel on Wednesday ohb eqroh at t a ppormt hfs,but family and it lila i meager Eimelysupplements
trations as to the nee of Can -
Fast sister, Mrs. Engle, of Henault.
Hunter that the tender of S. Love be ac• afternoon of Inst weak for the transaction
canted. Carried. of business. The auditor's report was salary, so' he went to Buffalo. He had ned Goods. How a Brother and Sister,
Intron Agrioullurnl SCCiety. Moved by A, Reid, seconded by Dr. J. R. Smith bas been on the eiok list. p looked for work in vain for several weeks
Graham that the statutory meeting of Robb. Thomeoo is visiting in London, rend and adopted. Election cf officers organized and carried cut a Valentine
The annual meeting of the East Huron the Board be held at 8:45 p. m. on Wed. Mies May Turnbull is ,visiting at At. was as follows :-Prendent, Geo. Mof- and it is supposed that despondency Party is told by Henry 0. Wood, and
felt ; 1st Vice President, 0. W. Taylor ; brought on an attack of insanity, there are the urinal Agricultural Society was held in the nesday, 15th inst., instead of 7 o'clock D.
w°Od• Y pages devoted to the
Town Hall, Brussels, on Wednesday af. m. Carried: , Miss Thurso Gerry is visiting her aunt 2nd Viae President, W.F. Brookeoshire ; Another sad shooting affair °courted New Books, Tea•Table Chat, Knitting,
ternoon of lila week as per statute. Jas. Board then adjourned. at Exeter. Directors, John Gray, Wm. Oruikshanks,ks, in Brantford on Monday eight. Robt. Tatting, Oroohettiag, oto. Subscription
Ferguson, President, 'occupied the chair. " - James Fax was at Dashwood for a few Amos Tipling, Walter Vanatone, John Harrison, about 20 years of age, employ price of the Delineator $1.00 per year or
The Secret following
obb Treaeurrreport was presented by NEw BAan IN SESSION. days this week. Bcydpes, Mark HodgsonJohn
ed et deeballye elooteand Engine
instantly Works, killed his
13°. par single copy. Address all oom-
y Stewart :- The first meeting of the Public School o Miss
Boa BradenleftBrothels last Monday peter Trawler, jr., and Chae, Henderson. mother. Mre. Harrfeon teas "reading a ou Go, tLtd. ions to the elineaStreettor Publish.
We b,
nEaEisxs. Board for 1806 was held in the CouncilHiss The Baptist parsonage on Frannie paper at the time. The shotgun which Toronto, Ont.
Balance from last account 0 192 41 Chamber on Wednesday evening, accord. Sn Sunshine this Howe spent several days . at street was the nein of an unusually was hanging on the wall, was supposed to
Membership for 1895 88 00 fug to statute. All members present. be in full cook. In taking it down off CsaEEM FACTORY MEETnad.-Last Fri -
Naw members, D. 0. Rose, H. Dennis W M' Sinclair was in Toronto this jovial party Tuesday evening of last g daysell cheese
the anneal. old 10 of
Legislative grant .:........ . 428 00 week on legal business. •week. Nearly 100 members of the church the hook, he had the muzzle pointed to. g
Donation from Grey Branch800 00 and A. Koenig having taken the declare• Miss Lily Vanatone is visiting her and congregation marched in a body to wards his mother's head, when the gun Brussels
Halliusthis tlaaywas held in the
Entries for field roots 3 50 bion of office took their seats at the y the arsons e, and surprised the inmates went off. Moat of the shot went through p
Board. sfeter, Mrs. Adam Good. p g p report was presented, showing the follow-.
by undertaking the management of he the eye and came outlet the book of the
Total '$1011 91 Moved by A. Reid, seoonded by Dr. areMvisiting han Sea lbie and Lillian Ainley household for lbs evening. Mr. and head, blowing it nearly to pieces. The working of athetn factory tij at year the
Graham that Rev. Mr. Rose be re-elected Mrs. Re.' Paul visited in Blnevale Mrs. Hamilton gracefully surrendered E; arrisons live on the °anal bank. Amount of cheese made this season, 73,-
` Chairman. j the reins of government and for a time IG is stated on good authority that
ExrENnxxgni . Tuesday and Wednesday.Ma or•eleat Geo. E. Tucketh, has ur 990 lbs. ; milk received, 835,399 lbs. ;
Balance of prizes 1894Moved in amendment by Rev. T. Ross, lost their d well ity in the happy circle of chased the old post' office building, , p tug May cheese, 10050 lbs. sold at 700., $763.,
P $' 526 00 seconded by A. Kmniq that Dr. Graham Misses HanterbBrueaels.as visiting the friends and well wiehers. The pastor and p g 72 ;June(3 weeks 13,070 lbs. at '7 0.
Lithographed Bills be Chairman for 1896. Amendment oar• bis estimable wife were then made the aced opposite the Royal Hotel, Jamas ,
Prizes paid 1895 582 85 tied. w Mfseee Dinsey, of Hanover, were visit- balance June and �ul 17,686 lbs. at 7 c
Caretakers Fall Fair 8 75 ing Mise'Auianda MoOraoken, recipisnte of a kindly worded address, ex. street, Hamilton, from he Dominion $8807.29 ; August, 3,291' bob at The.,
Judging field roots 0 00 Moved by Rev. J. Roes, a000nded by A. W. F. Vanatone made a Uusl0005 trip preseive of hearty appreciation the af• Government
to for
loc,a10, andproposesto $g9G,82 ; September and October, 18,995 ,
Judges expenses 10 96 Reid that D. O. Rose; H. Dennie and A. to Southampton during the past week, dress na s regard and esteem ; the ad. p Young Women's lbs., at esaa $1889.93 & average lbs. milk
Miscellaneous Koenig be the Property Committee, and dress was read by Miss Smyth, after Christian Aseoo ation. The building is a to lb. °bases, 11.15 ; total value of cheese,
90 05 Rev. J. Ross, Dr. Graham and A, Reid Miss Robinson, of Blnevale, was the three story stone Structure, and the block
ex -
the Visiting Committee for the $ret half guest of Alias Ethel Creighton this week. which John Smith, in the name'of the rune Uaolc as far aa Hugheon street, 061107.86 ; cash and cheese to patrons,
Total $ 713 30g Mr. Little brothan. n -Jaw to Rev, Dr. ohnnil and congregation, presented Mr, where there is another valuajile structure,
$¢842'89 ; cost of making, $1654.77
Balance $ 298 61 qfbaugo plans for Ibe second halfeaf the :, a0 100 duCollingwood, died at Hamilton, Hamilton
with a with u beautiful r arockrer Ib is said 1 ab Mr. Tuokett .purposes average for each sale -May, and 1st .day.
About $30.00 doe yet do 1895 prizes. year. Carried, ereciiq a large building of August,
11.31 ; spbe and July, 11.10 ;
Mrs. T. R. Grunt, Miss Kay and Miss and banging lamp, and the Misses Ham- g g g on Hughson August, 11.19 ; September and October,
The apcounte were audited by A. Strata' Board then adjourned: lion with a'pretty piece of chinaware. Street, to be known as the Tuokett Music .10.58; amount paid to patrons per cwt:
than and A. Hunter. Tessio Grant arrived in Brussels on Mon. Hall, and will present it to he city. It
Moved by W. H. Kerr, seconded by W. day evening. will be used for large concerts, of milk, .5200. ; average price per lb.
H. McCracken that the report as read be POLITICAL.. George Crooks, jr., is on the sick list C7a,iastdian IA7ow�. g puUl10 cheese, .8�0. ; intermit in Standard Bank,
accepted and adopted: Carried. . this week, but we hope he will Soon be --
Oke cita y
is very 02.65. James Ferguson °copied the
A cord was received from Secretary A dispatch from Winnipeg says that all right again. Obatham bas named a bridge after time. y at the present chair. Messrs. ,Harris Aa MoL sesfuln,
Coats, Clinton, intimating that their Fall Hugh John Macdonald, . ex -M, P., ab- Station' Agent Kendall and wife were Lord Aberdeen. who managed the business suocessfull
Tna ace ofWellesley health inspector examined 0r 000- last year, have agreed to oat -do thein
Fair would take place on Sept. 29th and solutely refuses to re outer public life. renetving old aoquaiutoucea at Belgrave R. 0. 8rnndon will auafnaonteatNortb anihetell of liahealying nspecta Sue -
30th: Ontario Legislature is expected to meet on Wednesday. Ontario on a Patron ticket in the general pealed school well, in wbiah he .dfeoover- past record by making cheese in 1896, to.
borranoe, MoKillo asked for on ThursdayFebruary llth. The date Ws are pleased to see that S. B. Smile elections. ad; among other unspeakable horrors, a gather with paying the hauling of milk
certain changes in the Dille list in the will somewhatdepend on the movements is able to get about again although still Ex•Mayor Stewart, of Hamilton, Rh- goose's wing, an old well-worn fur cap in and furuighmg all supplies, at 2ho, per
exhibit of hogs. Communication was at Ottawa. in a weakly condition, noungea that Ufa ublio and pound. They will also at in a steam
R. S. Preston, the Patron who was ut p political life au advanced stage of decay, as well as p
flied until revision of prize list, qp p, Mise Birdie Roberton, of Seaforth is ie a dad, file remains of toads, frogs and
elector so that all he whey will be steam.
Moved by D. Stewart, seconded by Jas, M against the Premier Greenway in visiting Miss Belle Irwin and other Hinohley & Lamb, of Seaforh, have rats -the well was adjacent to farm ed or scalded thereby assuring aeweetness
Davidson that the following be the MB. ountain, has withdrawn. Thismade young friends in town. diepaaed oP tlooir livery Uusfnese to Stval. premises -and yet 'the children were for 48 hours: An elevated bank will be
cors for 1896:- the ninth acclamation for ho Greenway 0, W Bunting,. Managing Director of bow &o Toi•ranoe, in use so that all complacently and unaonecfously going on milk battlers will have
Government. the Mail and Empire, died half an hour The Metropolitan of Canada will is. poisoning themeslves l 0f what use is it to do is to drive the cane under the tap.
President -Jae. Ferguson ; It is reported that Premier Bowen has after midnight Tuesday morning. sue an appeal to lite church for aid to the bo have a pure wrier supply C at home The managers should. be able to maks a
let Vioe.Prea.-A. Gardiner ; asked Mr. Smith, of South Ontario, to Miss Steele has gone to Rodney, where Armenians and prayers for their deliver. while he children are drinking :out of a better bargain with he haulers' in view.
'lad Vi°e•Pres:-Tna, R. Smith ; become Minister of Agriculture. 60 Mr. she will preside over the household affairs agueosespo°i at school 1 It is too late to rs- of his foot. Moms. Harrisarris 8c Moh
Sec: Treas.-D. Stewart. Smith is a farmer, the rumor ie too sur- of the Rectory. Har fatheris the in At Brantford Mrs, Henry Harrison move the cause .when the effect is alreadylin ars leaving nothing undone t° make
Directors -W. H. Kerr, D; Milne; J. prising to be believed without official oambentat Rodney. waa shot dood by tier sox Robert mho on us. Trustees; ha says, are awnrdiu . the factory first-class in every respect,
Shgrtreed, Goo, Johnston; Jae, Moditl. confirmation. We observe that George Begets, of this was handling a gun in the room where ly enjoined to attend to this at once as the last ,year's committee, oonsisbtog et
lam, Jas, Davidson, T. MaLattohliu, Jas. A correspondent ab Kintore states that town, has been auooessfui in organizing a she sat reading. an inspection will be made in the Siring Deputy Reeve Turnbull, Jamas Fergu•
Speir and Alex. Stewart. ab the request of the independent Con. Tent of the Macoabees in Godericti; with J. A, Girard, a widely known incur• and the condition reported to the Pro. son and John Oardiff,3 were reelected
Auditors -A. Strachan and A. H,nnter. servatives of East Middlesex, Dr. Towle, a good membership. anoe agent and appraiser of Montreal, vineiat Board of Health. and A. H. 0001irane will 110 the auditing.
Moved by Alex. Gardiner, seconded by of Ifiiitore, has consented to contest that G. F. Blair,.Barriebet, went to Gode. swallowed Paris green on Thursday J. Williamson & Co.'s well known The Committee was instructed to in -
Jae. Davidson that bhs membership fee riding at the coming Dominion elections. rich on Monday to poll his vote on Tnes- night, from the effegbg of wbioh he died drycods house on the corner of sure the theme for the coming season,
be 61,00 up to September and $1;50 after He nays that on the trade guestion he is day for M. 0. Cameron in the Dcminioo 3, H. Wherry, of Blyth, formerly of hattngand Ma°Donneli streets, Guelph,
With a favorable Summar a big run of
that date. Curried. in accord with the preaenb Government election in Want Huron. Clinton, has reliantly reoeived letters was almost completely gutted byfire business fs antioipoted and a large num-
The Gtey Branch offer of 0200 to hold but differs with them on other issues. Hugh McDonald, of Manitoba, has patent for an apparatus for sprain sweetly. The blaze gwoe dicove bar who were not patronizing the factory
the Fair in Brussels in 1896 was aooepted John Charlton, M, P., who has been been visiting relatives in Bruseele and fruit trees, vines, bugloss, eb°., and is now ed about 10,20 and it was six o'olook last year are expected to do go in 1806.
by the meeting on motion of Directors suffering for some weeks at North Tom, Grey township for the past week or so: on the road in the intereob thereof. next morning before the determined •
Gardiner and Shortreed, wanda, N. Y., from the effects of a grime- He purposes returning to the West short. The Bribieh Empire Exposition and' effcrte of the firemen gained the mastery, Rev. George Anderson one of heold-
by Jag. Spair, seconded by J. whatserious accident, is on the road to ly. international display of all nations will Moat of the stock is entire) y g
Sbortreed that we. hold the Fall Fair on recovery. Mr. Charlton's improvement Mrs. T. S, Bl00k, nee Mies Kate Cor• be held at Montreal from M t y destroyed, Ht ilton.t ministers in Ontario; died fn
Thursday and Friday, Oct. lot and 2nd. during the last few days bas been rapid, tnaok, of Chapleau, is visiting relatives in October 12th 188 May 24 h to and the balance D is badly damaged by Etre' Hamilton.
A meeting of the joint Boards of Dire°. and,: if all peg well, he will return bo his Brussels for a time, Mr. Black has been which �• arrangements far mate water, J. D. Williamsonb& Co, self, The steamer 1efiowpok missing for
tors will be held in.Britscols, on Saturday hotno;by the 20th hist, and will bo able to promoted to some Eastern point, we un- w ah are already well township
way. ' the damage to the stook230, divided
some time, late been spoken near the
afternoon, June let to revise and amend go to Ottawa the first or second week in deretand. p Jas. Clack, of rho township of Fuller. and haft insurance is $23,000, divided Hawaiian Islands.
Fall p g I'elirua ton, had the four fingers of his right hand among several companies, luoludigg the Tolbon, the Conservative nominee for
all Show uze bate toi;tha comm Fair. ry. Owing to the dangerous illness of Mies frozen while driving home .from Stmt. Waterloo Mutual, Lancashire, 0ommeroi• the Legislative Assembly in West Well.'.
+ E, Murdoch, of Godetioh, G. F. Blair ford on Friday night, Ord inst. The al and others. The building, owned by ington, has withdrawn.
The commutation of the Bantanoe of A party, of Canadian newspaper "men was °ailed to the donnty town on Thurs. night was Very cold and stormy and by the J. D. Williamson estate, is badlyThe newly -elected'
Bettie Shortie 18 oauaing a good deal of made a trip over the new Toronto, Ham. .day. The lady is an aunt Mr, Slate some means he lost hie way, the horse damaged, but to what extent oaa Reeve or -Wallace
°xoitement in the neighborhood of ilton & Buffalo Railroad in special sed has been ill for the past year from followinganother vehicle g ' • neat be ebvening
og o a common sones course ed b10
some distance leted. It is insured for 09 advance
The evening of his iei oteot a ordered $1e
Beauharhois and Valleyfield. There was coa6ltme from$amileon to Buffalo, and enlargement of the Ueart. She hae"made into Ellice township before the error firm nor its em lo'oea can advancm . no tb '
talk of another expedition of 503 men to were given a luncheon at the Tiffb House her home with Mn.sBlair for some years. was discovered. It is understood t the F J woo of a towni ins to be sent to ars
ha cry as to the .clues of the confirm.. fon the
the town instead of buying cigars
y young man; by effimale of the railway company, Mr. Blair will not return until Monday, four fingers will have to, be amputated. ration. for the boys.
Additional Local News.