HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-1-10, Page 819.20 ill Prizes. To he oonapeted for by the Pupils of the 10 school to Brueeele and vlpinUy. For the eneouragenleot of the pupils in the various sohoule we offer tale follow• aug rewards at the cleat promotion eXanl• Inatieee :-The pupil wllo talose the high - get number of Mirka in Formation to part 2nd -a 2nd pati 1st book free ; the one w110 takes the 'higlleeb iu'promotion to 21V1 reader -a 2nd reader tree ; the pupil who takes the highest to promotion to 8rd reader -'a 3rd reader free ; and the one 4thoreader the, 4threader greadlfreeTo r0 tion be had lyy Dolling at our Drug and Beek Store with a note from their teacher authoriz- ing them to do Mi. We have selected re. wards ie the line of the needs of the pupfle but should any already have the reader mentioned, anything else of equal '.value earl be had instead. If the nem - petition proves eetiefactory we purpose Continuing .it, Deadman &. M1cOaII, Druggists, &a. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. sooraEAR exam:sit r w,. G. es n. Trains' leave Brnesele Station, North and South, as follows: Goitre Boma, GorNa album. IOail 6 50 a.m, Mixed 0:45 a.m. express 11:09 ao. Mail 800 p.m. {Ztr.ed...... ,,. 0,00 p.m. Express ,0:4 .m 5p fool geim Pius, A obiel's among ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. QOUNTN Couneil opens Tuesday, 28111. inst, Simeor, Board Friday evening of t'bie week, NEAT monthly Horse Pair will be held on Thursday, February 6th. New School Board will be sworn in on Wednesday of next week, 15th inst. A Loan of cattle was shipped Eastward on Thursday by Messrs. Clegg d1 Dames. Army was here this week hustling Rich- ards' Pure Soap, They are both hard to beat. TnE new town Council will assume office, as per statute, on Monday, 20th inst., at 12 o'clock. ' A rams herring man was doing the town on Wednesday. The fish were caught off Kincardine. Tae last meeting of the old Council will be held next Monday evening at 7:80 o'clock, to close lip the •business of the year. THE pitch boles on the gravel road are to be found in all their beauty neaeeeitat• log a slower rate of travel than is custom. ary at thie season. 48OOL111.tN0 every week in THE Posm. Tf you want the Local, District, Cara• dian and General news you will get it every week in THE Pon. That's oar busineee. • Ow Wednesday evening, 22nd inst., the annual meeting of Brussels Driving Park Association will be held at the American Hotel. The business will be to receive the annual report, elect Directors and at- tend to any other necessary work. Smoot opened last Monday morning with Principal Cameron, Miss Linton, Mies Downey and Miss Ritchie filling their respective positions.' Good work should be done this term as the surround- ings are much more advantageous than in former years. Tusono was nearly a serious fire at the Elethodist Parsonage last' Tuesday morn- ing caused by the floor over the furnace taking fire from the pipes. A pail or so of water promptly applied put an end to the threatened danger. The possibility of a re -occurrence of the same will be averted by a new brick funnel. NEW BANE1tY. J. H. Jones, of Sault Ste. Marie, has purchased the Bakery outfit formerly belonging to Jno. Grewar, from A. J. Lowry, and this week room. menced turning out the staff of life. He will also go in for the manufacturing of confectionery, with whioh branch of busi ness he is thoroughly acquainted. The business will be run at the grocery of Mr. ' Lowry. Maolsxaa1AL.-The schedule of cases tried by magistrates, issued by the Clerk of the Peaoe for the quarter ending Dee. 10th, shows 33 oases reported. Of these, 14 were tried by Seaforth's magistrates, 3 by Clinton's Mayor, 6 in Wingham and 7 in Blyth. Five were violations of the liquor act, 10 wore assaults and the re. mainder for various minor offences. The fines imposed aggregated $160. Sons or SOOTLAND.-The annual public gathering of Bruseels Sons of Scotland will be held in the Town Hall on Friday„ evening, 1711, inst. D. D. G. 0. MOOal- Irma, of Paisley, will give an address on 'The benefits of the Order." . Di. Camp. bell, of Seaforth, will give an oration on r"Tho songs of Bnrns." In addition longe, readings, &o., will be 000tribubed by the best Iona! talent, particulars of which will bo given later. The entertaie- meats held by the Sons of Scotland have 'been first oleos and this one promises to he no,exoeption to the rule. Pnowounorn° OoNTEeT.-Io.tbe contest in Brussels Public school for the prizes offered by Postmaster Farrow foe the highest marke in the correct prononnei- o,tiou of 50 words, 26 of them were Scriptural, the conditions of which ware, to secure let•prize, pupils had to obtain 70%; 2nd, 60%; and flrd, •50%, The following awards were made :-2nd and 3rd, Elsie Jaoksoo and Geo, Watt. $1.25 was received by each prize winner. The blret prize, $2,50 will be donated by Mr. Farrow to the two pupils taking the high- eatmarks in the Entrance examination next July. ToaOem MANY Cuarosoaig.-We thank you most heartily and I, noerely for the vast amount of patronage we have reoeiv. ad during the past year, and we trust by strict and' oarefal attention to business to merit a continuance of the same. Our •motto, ''A pleased customer will oall again." Parker's Dye Works, Toronto, aro' known to be the largest and most ex. tepeive cleaners and dyers of ladies' and and gantewearing apparel, in Canada and they will be pleased to receive any of ere of rate goods for oleaoing or dyeing, which be gl they will give their very best attentlen. hot s Orders maybe left with oar agent., J. come G. Strata general store, Brnesels. nativ • 00T*8gtiseriptien listnontlnuee tq Kroh. It was never larger bbau it in ROW, Fein Unsex Farmers' Instituto will be held in the Town kiall,I3resseis, on Moll. day li7th lost, I''Emirlitr on Agrioultgral Society will hold its annual !nesting in the Towq Hall next Wednesday at 1 p, m, kb5 ]deturdny 810401 runnere were placed under the whole of the Fire En• gine, ee .a0 to be prepared for a trip through the snow ebould duty demand it, 0ouNOlzLou Loa r&Elip,e n was in Wing - ham on Tuesday attending a meeting of orodlters in oonneoton with the estate of Mo itvish & Og., who owe, hint for, lulu - TRE well known Dry Goode store' D, Willi9mson& Co., of Guelph, w ' sbroyed by fire, on Saturday n Bruseelibes are 'interested' in this as Miss Edith Inman, of tele town, tin position of euleelady in the store Tut, beet thanks of many Brusselit tendered to Ali. Backer: for Iris kin and forethought in opening up the st with his snow plow last Sabbath mor thereby, enabling people bo get to oh quite conveniently and comfortably, deserves more than thanks, for the PAY Ui.-A large number of se mhave been sent out this week to euba era who are in arrears for TRE POST, this eeaeon of the year we have a grist of amounts to settle and the way we Dan do itis to collect from t who owe ue. A prompt response ie a from whoever this notice applies The money will be acknowledged the address label. Nuwei'Ajznnoat.-D. Oreigbton, of menu,menu, after an ownership of 38 y has disposed of the Owen Sound 7.' to las. H. Rutherford, who bas man the'poper for seven years.-Robt. El)i who has been Editor and Proprietor the Wingharn Times for the peat 8 ye has disposed of the plant and good to S. G. Brown, of Watford, who possession last week. Mr, Elliott purohassd the Ingersoll Chronicle has moved to that tows. He has m friends in this County who wish normsbetter health and greater norms in new home. Mr. Brown proposes to It the Times in line with'the Liberal oft FAEMERS' INsTITnTE.-Meetings of East Huron Farmers' Institute, for disouseion of agricultural sabjeots, wil held as follows :-At Bressels, on M as,, Jan. 27tH ; Gerrie, Tuesday, J $th ; Bluevule, Wednesday, Jan. 2 The Brussels meeting will be addres y the following well known authoriti 11, H. Fortune, V. S., Wroxeter,' "Tub oulosie" ; Alex. Gardner, Leadbu 'Breeding and Management of Pig G. O.Cabson, Oraighurot, Onb., "B arieties of O•obard Fruits and Mow Grote them" ; Thos. McMillan, 0 twice, "Fodder Corn and the Silo Geo. Wurdie, Seaforth, "Wintering Oat nd finishing them on grass for ritieh Market" Simpson Renn M il]eken, Ont., "Underdraining.". G is meeting Christopher Miobie, Su bine, "Growing Fodder Corn for I' se" ; Dr• Armstrong, V. S. Gorr Points of interest to Stook Breeders lex. Gardner,.Leadbury, "Manageme 1 Pigs" ; G. 0. Gaston, Craighur Best varieties. of Small Fruibe a the Modes of Cultivation"' ; Situps mania, )ll:illiken, • "Destruction malt" ; Thos. McMillan, Constano Fodder Corn and the Silo." Blueva eating :-Alex. Gardner, Leadbu Breeding and Management of Pigs" hos. McMillan, Constauoe,, "Rotati Crops" ; Jae, Hinohley, Mullett, "Be epmg" ; ChristopherMollie, Su Me, "Growing Fodder Corn for Fa se'; G. C. Caston, Oraighurst, "T t varieties of Orobard Fruits and So Grow Them" ; Simpson Reonje, Mill n, "Baying and Feeding Cattle for ritieh Markets." The above meetin 11 oommenoe at 10 o'clock a. m. and o'clock p. m. In the evening of ego y there will be entertainment, nom eluting at 7:30, at which addresses wi delivered by the day speakers an ers, interspersed by musical selections I are welcome. Reserved Beats will b ovided for the ladies at the eveni eetings. A Batmen Box IN AFAI.OA.-Tb ntreal Daily Star, of Saturday, Jana 4th, Bays :-J. D. Bickley,, of bbl y, has a gallant eon serving in 111 oyal Merino Artillery on board H. 111 St. George, on the Afrioau station . Blakley lately received from his son omas Blakley, a long letter, in which gives a graphic amount of the dgbtin which he was engaged with the Bras es up the Niger river. Major Den , R.M.I., and Lieut.~Frenoh, R.M.A, e in command of the force of Roya cines. 41 all told, landed from the ships. They wore supported by a y of native troops. The advance up river was made in boats, and a sharp k out had to be kept, ason both sides he river was a dense bush. At Saori• Island the Brass warriors made a d, but for only a short time, as the oxime guns, the three -pounders and oh loaders made havoc among them. ing the smallness of the British force, Brass warriors made a couple of bold t attacks, but were repulsed with vy loss. The British and native force wed up their advantage from here entered King Koko's coubtrz,captar- stockade after stockade until they ured the main stronghold, called bet, which took four hours to sub - All the Dram men fought with t bravery. The British loss was one al lieutenant (Taylor) and two blue eta killed, the native allies lost four d and five wounded. Admiral Sir 1'. edford, K.O.B., commander ih-ohief, Blakley, was also with the force' ed on the Ent coast at Mourbasea, feting of 500 blue jaokete, 100 ma• s and Sondaneee troops, with Ad - 1 R. H, Rawson, 0.13., commander. ler, with General Sir Loyd Mat- s, K,C.M.G., as second in command, command advanced to Newele ugh a dense bush. Here a sharp bot engagement took plane, the na. being well armed with breeoh•load• After • Meiling the stockade for some the marines and bine jackets were the order to fix swords, advance charge. With the true British cheer went at the strong stookade, and over it like monkeys, the natives ng at the eight of the cold steel, force after burning the stockades, nod to their warsbipe with only Moss to marines and blue jaokete, Blakley served in the Si$th Fueflf of J. as do- ight, event, bolds ee ie (Mess rote ping uroh He work. note orib- At good only hose eked to, upon To - ears, ivies aged Mt, of are, will took has and Roy him hes cep use, the the I be d an. 9th. sed es sr. ry, • est to on I- . tle the ie, or• n - all ie, ub et, nd on of e, ]e ry, ou e- n- 11 he w i-' go at h it ng e s 2 b B •r II 41A 0 R S7 m T of ke 911 II bes to ke B wi 1 da be oth Al pr m MO ary nit Il S. Mr Th he in• trio Hey ever Ma war bod the too of t floe Man M brae See the nigh hes folio and ing caps Nim due. grey nae jaok kills G. B Tom land cons rine mita in•oh he The thro and tires ere, time given and they were bolti The rotor eligh Tem this oily, and hie old comrades will ad to hear of bis safety out of some kirmiebee, and ready, it nude, to over to assist in the defence of hie e land, • X2J444'234X C OF C4X4•Dd, P'Z''.e.UZZ,x0iRr P HSAD OFFICE, ^^ TORONTO. ASSETH, • (Seven Million Dollars OA,PrTAI (Antborired) ? 52,000,000 • `• � 52,000,000 digenefef011 all prfaafpol poinnif in On'tali(), 92ye13c, ATanitplla, United Sttitoo 0Bnulond. A General llaolfing' Business Transacted, • Farmers' Notes D1's on peed, Drafts Maenad and (7olleo tione Made on all points, 0, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, ,filtered allowed on deposits of $1,00 and upwards from dot of deposit to date of withdrawal and compounded half yearly, SPEciAL ATT'ENT'ION GIVEN TO THE COLLECTION or FAgMEge' RALE ROM. .Gvory„faoility afforded Customers living at a distance. J. A. STEWART Menem, THE roads have been in a bad shape for public travel during the past 'week ovIing to the heavy drifts in many plaoee Oen FAaeune' INs0ITuyne,-As our an- nual Farmers' Institute is to be held on the 27th 28th and 29113 of January, a few words through the columns of Ton POST may help those who have net yet taken any interest in Institute work to .better understand the objects and aims of the Farmers' Institute, First, it is nota co- operative aes0ciatiou organized for the purpose of running a etore in ,opposition to the merobaots of our towns and vil- lages, neither is it a political or sectarian society, as discussions of a religious or political character are not allowed. The objects then are to become better ac- quainted with each other, and each other's individual mode of handling his or her work in snore one Or more of the many branches of agrioulture. Hence, by nmutual interobange of ideas and a comparison of the different experiments that have been made in the several lines of life's work, all will be better prepared to form a correct opinion of'what would, most likely, be the line for to follow in order to suooeed. We therefore, earnest. lyreq:uest the farmers of the East Rid- ing of our county to come out and bring their wives, eons and daughtere with them to the meetinge, and lead their as- sistance and help in the work of the In- stitute, by taking' part in the discussions on the papers introduced, and by giving their experienoe and mode of manage- ment in the several branobes. of farming in whirl, they are engaged. The meet- ings a o f' to all Pnd all are cordially invited^to attend and help make the meetings profitable and interesting. Business Locals. Gemstone ab McAlpine's. °amass and piano to rent. R, Leather. dale. Ive you want robes or blankets gall on H. Dennis. 2 on 3 good second-hand Organs for sale cheap at R. Leatherdale's. LARGE stook of light barnese sold at low prices. H. Dennis. , One horse °ellen; are all warranted. H. Dennis. Boors and oboes cheap and good. ,. I. C. Richards. Farm band crayonenlarging done up A. 1 at Brewer's gallery, Smith blook: SINGLE harness obeap, and a good stock always on hand. I. C. Richards. RAM -Anis in oross out saws and axes at A. M. McKay & Cos., Brussels,-.-. BODES, blankets and balls very cheap. I. C. Richards. Enema lamps sold at a big reduction: at A. M. McKay & Cos., Brussels, r Monne Dash price pald for hides. sheep skins and furs at A. M. McKay & Cos. FANUE0S oall at D. S'wan's blacksmith shop if you want a bargain in bobsleighs Go to D. Ewan to buy your bobsleighs. Best fluished and oheapest sleighs in town. Gasnr Bags. -Large size. full 10 oz., only $1.90 per dozen, at Smith '& Mo• Laren's. BRING your rubbers, boots and shoes to ne`for repairs. We do them oheap and good. I. C. Richards. Jas.ItloALrmit has put in a line of Groceries. Everything new, and fresh, no stale geode. Yon can get Organs from $25 and up and sewing machines at equally lo', prices at R. Leatberdale's. THEN don't keep wash tubs or scrub brushes, but just what you want in the Grocery line at McAlpine's. ALL the choicest fruits of the season, also a largeaseorbment of Fancy China and Glassware sortable for . Xmas pres- ents at Thomson's. A anon working boy, 14 years of age, wants a place for Iwo or three months to do chorea and goto school or otherwise. Apply at THE POET. Suixon's Cure, the great cough and oroup (lure, is in great demand. Pocket size contains twenty-five doses ; only 25 Dente. Children love it. Sold by Jas. Fox, druggist, Brussels. Bous's Glover Root will purify your blood, clear your complexion, regulate yoar bowels our bead clear as a bell. 25 ots.,l00 ets. make yand $100. Sold by Jas. Fox, druggist, Brussels. A' PaotuNENT Lootnoo n.-01laeo's -Ointment is an invaluable remedy for Belling piles and in my own case I would pay $50 per box for it ifit could not be othorwieo had. John Peddieomb, London, Ont, CAPTAIN Sweeney, II. S. A., San Diego, Oal, says :-"Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine I have ever found that would do me any good." Price 50 Dents. Sold by Jae. Fox. druggiet, Brno. sale. • SAwe made to oat fast and easy. Sem ond•hand saws bdugbb and sold, Point- ere given on saw filing and the oars and management of saws, on Queen street East, by T, McGregor, of Brussels, Ont., Master of Saws. 400,000 SAMPLES GIynn AWAY rN EIGHT. Moxans,-Chase's Fidney-Liver Pills ale the only kidney pills .known with suf. /Went merit to guarantee the proprietors in giving away hundreds of thousands of sample packages free. Ask your drug- gist for a sample if your liver or kidneys are deranged. WELL.DreaING AND Dau Hie.• -George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drilling wells and isprepar.. ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure,'satlsfaetion. Wells cleaned out and ,put in proper shape,. Terms reaeonable, Residence second door north of rho bridge, west side of Tnrnberry st., Brussels. 4•tf DnY stovewood at MoQraokens. MILS for sale. Apply at this office. ALL hinds of saws gleaned, gummed hammered, jointed, esti, filed and oiled at Queen 8t„ East, by saw flier, T. ' Mc- Gregor. Brussels, Sawe may be left and arrangements made at McKay & Co's, hardware store, Bruesols, Ont. ITn yon are ,n need of ; anything in the furniture, piobure framing, window shade, curtain pole, piano,' organ or Sewing machine line come and get my prices be, foie you boy. It will save you money. No trouble to show goods. R. Leather dale. 'Building operations in Hamilton last year coot $279,070. Lieut. Col. Smith, of Chatham, who oommanded the forces at Windsor and 8herbroolce in 1806, is dead, aged 86 years: McLEon.-In MoKillop, on Jan. 511), the wife of Elr. John McLeod, of a son. FEnoueo0.-At Blyth, on. Jan. 3rd, the wife of Mr. W. S. Ferguson, M. D,, of a daughter. MoKINNEY.-On the Morris Boundary, on January 3rd, the wife of Mr. Joseph McKinney of a eon. Simmons. -In Grey, on January 5th, the wife of Mr. John Simmons of a son. sxa..Rmxr�a. B,eesEL-PARHEn.-At the residence of the bride's parents, Morris, on New Year's day, by Rev. E. A. Shaw, Bel- grave, Mr. Wm. Russell, of Duluth, to Miss Iblary, daty{hter of Mr. Geo. Parker. • Hororos-Fos: At the residence of the bride's father, Grey, on New Year's day, by Rev. A. K.' Griffin, Mr. 0. H. Holmes, of Newry, to Mies Clara, daughter of Mr. Michael Fox. C000-RonrneoN.-•At the a, residence of Mr. John Robinson, Howlett, brother of the bride, on the let inst., by Rev. T. Wesley Cosens, Mr. John Celt, of Grey, to Miss Jennie Robineon. Goan-Ancnss.-At the residence of the bride's mother, Listowel, on Deo. 25th, 1895, by Rev. J. F. Durkee, Mr.. Herbert Trump Goad, Guelph, to Miss Martha Aikins, of Listowel. BunNET-SaanitEn.-At the residence of the bride's father, Elmo, on Deo. 25th, 1895, by Rev. Wm. Cooper, B. A., of Listowel, Mr. Thos. Burnet, of Poole, to Miss Aggie, eldest daugh- ter of Mr. John Shearer. OoBEE-LANs•-At the Manse, . Oran broTk, on January 7th,1896, by Rev. D. B. McRae,, Mr. Ephraim Cober, of Ethel, to Miss Mary Ellen Lang, of the same place. axes, MmeE.-In Stirling Palle, Muskoka, on Tbnrsday, Jan. 2nd, 1896, Mary, relict of the late John. Milne, aged 79 years and 11 menthe. Doomer.-In. Grey, on Jannary,5th, Mrs. Hugh Dooket, aged 77 years. - CARD TO THE ELECTORS. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN,- Accept my thanks for the generous support accorded me last Monday 1n placingme at the head of the Poll for School Trusee. Hoping that my actions will merit your continued son, Aflame. I am, yours truly, D. O. BO S8, CARD OF THANKS To the Ratepayers of - Brussels -Ladies and Gentlemen -I take this, the first opportun- ity afforded me of thanking the ratopayera for the large vote .given to yme, last Manley ley in my election as School Trustee. Yours faithfully, A. 1000NIG. CARD TO THE ELECTORS. LADnas AND GENTLEM- EN, -I hereby tender my best thanks to yon for the heart sup. port given me in my election to. the Public School Board last Monday. Wishing you the compliments of the seaeon, Yours truly,' H. DENNIS. • CARD TO THE ELECTORS. LADrae AND GENTLuMEN, I wish 1 return head of beat it laeb for plimo a the hard of tb Ly aim lash Monday as Councillor for 1808. A'ly aim wilt bete always work in your interesse. Yours, &c,, LDATHRRDALE. CARD OF THANKS. 4 CARD the Lrleotors of Morris Township,- ' stake this early .opportunity of ex- pressing my thanks for the splendid veto re- corded forme last Monday in my eandida- tura for a seat at the Connell Board, Hop- ing that m y notions will prove that - your confidence has not bean Luis -placed and wishing you the compliments of the season, I remain, Your Obedient Servant, JAMES, BOW MAN, THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN, 5 ROOMED COTTAGE ON Appy to THpTurnbeg BALLANTYNE, or t• PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN.- Pirstmorbgege, farm eocuriby, Apply at THE POST Publishing Bones, Brussels, Notice. to Contractors; TENIlER6 won DIVELLINU 110118E, Sealed tenders will be received tip to the 25th day of January, 1800, for the oreotion of a brick dwelling bones, on Lot 48, Com 1, 'rbwnship of Tnrnberry, Separate tenders for brink and carpenter work. Plane and specifications may be eoen at D. H, Mooren's, Let 48, Oen. 1, Turnbetry, up to the above. date. The lowest or any tender net ,,sees• eerily aonepted, 0 DAVID H. MOFFATT Jamestown is. 0. You: That Vicki . are 'r ` ® JAS, LOs 1,81 . ; They are not Trifles ! Ent if you Binet so, we arc after your trilling trade, We'll just givo you the eam0 good treatmept jp your niokle trade as your dollar trade, and both will be muob apreoiat.. ed. One thing we have learned,. le, spa 100, bits of silver ape worth more to us than bare of gold -that we tai's get.. Bybbe witty we have just re e"ve e berGoo0O,'in ! e 1 d ome very fine lines in Rub. a udiug log Bags, H'ot Watsr Bottles, Founinfn Syr. inges, Enema Syringes, Rubber Bandages, Rubber Tubing, Ate miters, &o., dm, at right prices. You Haase we guarantee our Syrup of WhitePin Coughs and Colds to give saris a h' a any Tat fd- ed. Try it give f 9ttou or money refund. AT----�q..r OPPOSITE,' ' FOX'S 7�-'�[ Qxro, HOTEL. :DRUG. STORE. . ►i l O i,E • STRAY7 D FROM THE PIIRI4I- of June, three red yearling heifers:. Any in- formation leading to their recovery will be thankfully received. 2a 4 _ TH08. LINAGAM, Newry P. O. t•1TRAYED ON THE PRIM- LY_ of the undersigned, Lot 17 Con, 14, red in color. 11 babout u Noy, 1st, is year requested to prove property, pay expenses' ape take him away, •L, MoNEIL, 25.4. - Oranbrook P.0. R. WU. AINLRY, BRUS- arms, authorizes us to say that Dead - :notes Cough Balm mired bibr of it cold with which be was troubled nearly all ono. winter, and that he has resommende,l it to dozens of others. Manufactured only by DEADMAN.&:MoCALL, Druggists, Booksellers &e, ANNUAL MEETING. VMS of the undersigned, in the month The Annual Meeting of the Brussels -Driv- ing Park Association for theelection of offi- cers,the receiving of the report of the Div eaters for the past year and such other bust - noes as may be lawfully brought before the meeting,will be hold at American Hotel on Wsdssday evening,. January Mud, 1800, at 8 a'olook, P. 8. SCOTT;. Seoretary. TENDERS WANTED. Tenders will be received until January 10, 1808, for the delivery b1 70 'cords of good, sound, green hard wood beeph -find maple, all body wood, 24 inebes long and not more than 8 inches through to be delivered at tbe Brussels Public School House Irefore'bhe let Day of March, 1800• R, x008, Secretary _Public Scheel Board, ANNUAL- MEETING. The Annual Meeting of the East Huron Ag- ricultural Society will be hold in the Town 800 aBrussels, oolt. sharp, WEDNESDAY, ye ' Jan. 15th. purpose o- seoofving the mise ors' report, electing ma- sers Sol the ensuing year and tranencting such other business as may Dome before the meeting, JAA,FERGIIBON, 0.STEWART, President. Some nary. NOTICE 1 MNo eettiingog oie1 the hereby given that the Annual Rowiclt Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held at the TOWNSHIP HALL, BOBBIE, on FRIDAY, ,IAN. 171h, 1808, at 1 O'01ook p. m., for the purpose of receiving the report of the Directors for tbo peat year,. the election of Directere and Auditors, and for other businossr By order of the Board. Gorrie,Deo, 90,'05. S. DI°IiERO� o etary. REAL ESTATE., T1ARMS FOR SALE. -'PAR UN. 12 sale nd to rent easy ts erms in Towaeit for of Morris and,Grey. F S. 80UTT.Brueeols MANITOBA LAND FOR SALE. -160 acres of good .harm land at Springfield, 8 miles from Winnipeg, is offer- ed for sale at alum price. The property is North Bast i 800.10, Twp. 11, Range 4, East. Ttlereiea hoses 00 the premises .and soma breaking done. For full partioulare a0 to: price, title,&o., write or apply to G.P. GLAIR or W. H. HERR, 20-tf Brussels , Ont. 'LIAM FOR SALE -THE UN-- nianelONEn offers his valuable 50 acre farm tarsale, being lot 28, 5th lino, Morris, The rami le In good condition, with comfor- table house, barn, young orchard, fences, ie., and is only a half mile from Bruassls. Pos- seselongiven :on April 1st. Tbero are 41 soros of Fall wheat in. For price and terms apply to A. ADAMS, Proprietor, Brussels P. 0, BOAR FOR SERVIOE..—THE undersigned will keep for service on Lot 9, Oon.00, Gray, a thorn' bred Yorkshire White boar, Pedigree may be seen on ap- plication. Terms S1,OO to be paid at time of service with privilege of returning if n:eoea- sary. ROBERT SHINE,. 21.2m _Proprietor, lAir OAR FOR SERVICE. -..THE L2tSUndersigned wilt keep for -service on Com 6, Morrie, the thorn' bred im- proved White Yorkshire Boar "Releoted;' bred from J.1'7,'Brotbour's. OWeepstakessow at Obinagqo Fair, Terme $1.00 to be paid at the time of service) with -privilege of re- turning if neoeesary. Pedigree may be seen on application, ROBT, NICHOL.. TeMWORTH AND CHESTER WHITE BOARS FOR SERVICE,_ Tho undersigned will keep lar service on North Half Lot. 20, Con, 7, Morrie, a,tboro' bred Tamworth Boar, recently purchased from the well known breeder, Jno. Bell, Am- ber.. Also a cheater White Boar. Terme 81,00 to be paid attlme of 0ervioe with priv- ilege df reburning if ceco50ary. 80.10 8, WALI[ER,Preprlator. BOAR FOR — ill]Rp for service THE. under 5, gMor} viii keep !ae reLon Lot80,Oon. kshlieie, thet"Co tai John," English mother 30a fin Boar, "Captain John," Hle mother ie a full sister to. the 1st prize sow at the World's Fair. Pedigree pill be produced on application, Tonne -81.00 to be paid at time of servios withprivilege of retureingif necessary. - - 14.801 JAB. sriolit, 'Proprietor, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. L. TAYLOR, BARRISTERJt., • Solite tor land. Conveyancer, Ooll - tigne made. Office-Vanotope"y,Bloes, Brae- eeie. o.., ' XT 111. SINOLAI;R, r) • Loan. $of loi'hr coorlio, &g. Ofils-1aomes Block, ] door north of Osnhaal 0052, Private Funds to M• G: CAMERON • (Formerly of cowmen. Halt &.. Cameron,) Barrister' and. Solicitor, Goderich, Ont, Office -Hamilton St„ sOpposite Col- borne Hotel. • GF. BLAIR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor, &o. (late of Garrow & Proudfoot's Office, Goderleh.) Office over Gillies et Smith's Bank, Brussels. • Mosey to Loan, 47 DENTAL. DR• DAVIDSON, Honor Graduate Toronto University, Licentiate Royal College Dental' Surgeons. Crown and Bridge work a specialty. Mader - ate Fees. Satisfaction Assured. OlBoe over Barrett's barber shop, Turoberry St., Bras - sale. VETERINARY. JD. WARWICK, • Honor Graduate of the Veterinary College, is prepared to Ontario diseases of domesticated animals in a° com- petent manner. Particular attention paid. to veterinary dentistry. - Calls promptly at- tended to.. Office and Infirmary -Four doors north of bridge •Purnberry et., Brueeele. .MEDICAL CARDS. T A. MoNAUGHT0N, M. D. • 0. as., JA E. U.P., Edinburgh, M. C. P, B. Ont. Residence and MOO n Wilson's Block, corner of ALM and Turnberry Ste. T M. ARMSTRONG, M. D. Physiolah, Surgeon, Aceoueher, eta. Graduate of Toronto University Medical Faculty. Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons Ont. OPcr1o0-Next door to McDonald & Go.., Walton .Ont. BUSINESS CARDS. H. MaaRAaKEN, Isourer of Marriage Licenses. Office at his Grocery,'Ournber'ry, street, Brussels. R N. BARRETT, -a. V • Tonsorial Artist• Shop -Noxi door south of A. Ili. McKay di Co's hardware store. Ladise'and ohildrenn hair cutting a specialty B RUSSELS POST OFFICE Savings. Bank takes`Depoeita from 81.00 to 51,000.and allows se per cont. interest, T. FARROW, 87.5m Postmaster. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM- FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. T. FLETCHER, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, °MME AT JEwoLns STOEE. fa -No Witneee Required. T. FL77TOHER, Brussels. MISS O'CONNOR, R. T., Teacher of instrumental musio en Piano sdlohikesday andWdneeayf ea weeRi- denceonPrincesoStreet,Brussels. - WELLINGTON MUTUAL IN- T r euaAxon Co, hletab]iehed 1840, In- euranees efetted on all Town and Farm Property at very, low ,rates. lG 9,n J. A. CREIGHTON, Agent, Brussels. ALEX. _HUNTER, Clerk of the Fourth. Division Cour Co, Huron. Oonveyangpr, Notary Public Land, Loan and Insuranoe-Agent. Funds invested and to loan, Co13bsbWns. made Office in.Smalo's Block, Braseols THOS. A. HAWKINS, Organist g in St, John's pija either Br0s:,' pein wail rivolessons to. ,pupils hesBron blocko, or nee%rgan, ;at cal patter lathe. give h bWenlastyeons ex Vocal ]oesous also ilvan. moo years experience in teaching. Term e" moderate, AUCTIONEERS. FORGE KIRKBY, ado n LicensedAadtioneor, Sales conduct roaeonable tering. Farina and farm stooks ermentlbq. Orders left at THE POST PubllehingEfouse,Bruseele, or eentto Walton P.O., will receive prompt attention,' r .( S. SCOTT AS AN; AUCTION- •. mel will .sell far aer less charges bettor. moo other Asn time and lees olrargon oraaho4 any Carrgeetanythingg. E DateeHilton and orders eau alwayo be arranged at this aloe or by personal applieation,