HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-1-10, Page 510,
ist4rtCt vj t $.
1hf Glfiillop,
R. Pipe, who was seriously ill of in-
flammation of the hinge, is now COnval•
Tho parties who were malting the Wel,-
ton school house a target for rine practice
are warned ifn future to atm some other
direction ail they are known and will be
preaeouted if the samehappone again.
CaPatilab 'colic.
Schdol re -opened on Monday with a
Mrs. 0. Seel and Floosie are visiting
r nd
f at Crediton.
frier* e On
Stephen Krosaler is home on a vioit
from Sault Ste, Marie.
B. P. Cameron returned to the Queen's
City Tuesday to resume his studies,
A grand ball and supper will be given
in the Foresters' Hall on Friday evening,
Alf. Reymann and wife, of Detroit,
Miohigan, were visiting at A. Raymann'a
fora week,
George Baker, mason, has the -atte-
ntion for the stone work of 8 bathe ab
ready, to be built next eeueon..
A.. E. Scott is visiting hie brother, T,
W., at present.
New Year's day was observed as a gen.
eral holiday in town.
The 'past few days have been giving nil
lots of frost and snow.
John A. Tanner, of the Forest City,
was in town on Monday,
Mies Service, of Ingersoll, is visiting at
the Commercial at present,
A special meeting of the old Council
was held on Tuesday evening,
The Publics school was opened again
after Xmas and New Year's bolidaye.
On New Year's night the Cosgrove Co.
gave an entertainment in Industry Hall
under the auepioes of the Blyth Band.
The attendance was not large, but every
ono seemed to enjoy themselves.
After nomination day it was consider-
ed that there would be quitea contest for
Councillors for 1896, but those that were
supposed to have a run for Oonnoillors
resigned, leaving Messrs. McNally, Aeh-.
berry, Howe and Sims to go ihby ac-
W. 8. and Mrs" Bean are spending a
short time in our village.
Two of Mre. J. H. Taman's brothers
paid her a short visit this week.
flare, Nott, of Toronto, is visiting with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stevens.
Farmers' Institute meetings will be
held' in Corrie on Tuesday; January 28tb,
at 10 o'olook a. m.,,1 p. m., and 7:30p. m.
Wm. Doig, who has been confined to
bed with typhoid fever, is having a hard
experience from some of the results of Ibe
disease, but his recovery is still expeoted.
R. J. Niohol, the, senior member of the
new firm of general merahente, Nichol &
Ferguson, bas arrived, and stook taking
istheorder of the day in the "Montreal
The Municipal contest is over and Mr.
Dalmane will be Howiok's Reeve for
I896, and John Stewart 2nd Deputy.
The number of votes may be found in
another column.
The election of Trustees for the Polios
village of Gorda resulted as' follows:-
Wm. Dane, 64 ; Jas. Armstrong, 47;
Jas. TtfoLanghlln, 46 ; Jas. walker, 81 ;
R. Toung, 24. The three first. will form
the Board and are Gorrie'e first "oity
113elo rave.
Arthur Haines is on the sick List this
Albert Stein, of Fordyce, is visiting
Blends in Coltingwood nt present. •
Miss Julia Scott and Bartle Haines are
visiting friends in Toronto this week.
• The annual meeting of the E. W. Agri.
cultural Society took plane on Wednes-
Charles MoBurney has gone to Quebeo,
where he intends remaining for some
A large number of the. private hooses
have been getting the eleotrio light plac-
ed in them.
alias Mary Leishman, who was on a
two weeks visit to her uncle in Blyth,
returned home on Sunday.
Mise Maggie Stein, of Wingham, who
was visiting her sister, Mrs, Peter Ma-
rton, returned home on Saturday.
Walter J. Scott, who bas been with J.
L. Geddes for the past four years, starts
this week binolcemithing in Langside on
his own account. His many friends wish
him success.
Last week was a week of storms ; very
little traffic on the roads, which in many
places are completely blocked, making it
hard work for Municipal aspirants who
were making a personal' canvas.
The residence of James McGee, of the
10th con. of East Wawanosh, was the
scene of a very interesting event on Tues.
day, Deo. 31st, when his eldest daughter,
Adeline, was united in marriage to John
Beecroft, a prosperous young farmer of
.bhfe vioinity. The ceremony was per-
formed by Rev. Mr. Hall, of Belgrave.
We wish them happiness and euooese as
they launch out together with the new
VI titel.
Schoolreopened on Monday of this
William Whelptou, of Markham, is
visiting friends here.
Erbeat McGinn a former resident of
Grey township, is visiting Mende in
this village.
We oougratulate Counoillor Lindsay on
his re.eleotion. He is a serviceable mem•
bei of the Board. .
H. F. Honsberger ie giving up busi-
ness in this place. We have, not hoard
Who his successor will be.
J. Patterson and John Imlay have
rented the grist mill from Wm. Milne.
They take poaeeseion in March,
At the annual meeting of the patrons
of the cheese ,factory the auditors 'pre-
sented their report of the last year's.
work, There wero 1;188,000 pounds of
milk reoeived, making 108,548 Ilia of
cheese, wbioli realized $8,413.03. The
expenses amounted to $1,955.89, leaving
the patrons $0,462.14.
Hvttaurten.—Last Tuesday Ephraim
Oober and Mies Mary E., daughter of
•Robt. Lang, of Ethel, were united to-
gether in the holy estate of matrimony ab
the Presbyterian manse, Oranbroolr, by
Rev. D. $. MoRae. Mr. and Mrs, Cotter
art well known hero and many kind
wishes aro expressed for their future hap,
pihete and prosperity.
Ont --fire, Mary Milne, relict of the
late Jobn lXilno, passed away to her re-
ward on 1.'bursilay of lest week, at the
good old age of 71/ ysars and lj, months,
About two years ago Inst September de-
ceased removed from Ethel to Stirling
Falls, where she resided with her daugh-
ter. A stroke of paralysis was tate cavae
pf death. Mr•. Milne died about 20 years
ago, aged 00 years, There are 10 ohlld.
ren living, viz, •Peter, South diver,
Fairy Sound ; Jno„ 'Tars, Wallis, and
Mrs, S. Milne, of Stirling ;Falls ; Mrs.
W. Anderson, of Sandridge i Mre. H.
Howard, of Orange 11111 ; Wm, and
David, of Ethel ; Barbara, of Wroxotor ;
and Jas„ of Taormina One meter died
26 years ago. The body of Kis. Milne
WOO brought to Ethel en the afternoon
train last Saturday and the funeral took
plane from the residence of Wm. Milne
on Monday afternoon, interment being
mode at Wrexoter, wbere Mr, Milne was
buried. The subjeot of Ibis and
well known in this looality and' enjoyed
the reapedand esteem of all for her
kindliness of disposition and willingness
to prose a friend to all needing her aid,
Mrs, Wm. Weir left for Ireland on
Wednesday to pay a visit to the home f
her childhood.
W. E. Farrow, P. 5., of Blyth, has
purchased the vet, business of 11, H.
Fortune. He will take possession the
15th'of this month.
Despite the storm and cold of Monday
night the Belmore Methodist Sabbath
School entertainment came off as 0.11.nounoed and was a great smells, The
children did their part well, the singing
of the little ones being especially appreof-
At the annual meeting of the Metho-
dist Sabbath aohool W. 0- Hazlewood was
elected Sapeointendant, Mr. Hemphill re-
signing, The other, officers for the year c
are :—Mise Elvia Hazlewood; Seo. ; R. J, t
Rano, Treas. ; Miss Minnie Hemphill,
Organist. John Brethauer was added to 1
the "teaching staff.
Rev- Mr, Gflrny oonduoted the fourth
anniversary services of the Presbyterian
ohuroh•laet Sunday, His sermons were
strong, focoeful Scriptural expositions of g
divine truth. The anniversary tea on 0
Monday evening was well attended and n
proved a very pleasanttreat, intellectu-
ally and socially. a
Onn.—On Wednesday, Jan. let, the 0
spirit of John Leckie took its flight,
For about six years he has been a reef E
dent of our village and gained the respect . w
of all. He died peacefully in bis .59th
year. The funeral service was conduct• t
ed at the residence of his widow, Mill 8
street, on Friday afternoon and the in- s
termeub was made in the English Winyah
T}I�il 1$R11SSJ LS Pa'ST
ar, Two things are responsible for this ;
well Oiled ebooldngs have to be etnlat(adl
and preparations have Go be made for the.
family gathering. Sometime between 8
o'clock in the morning and 10 noon all
are assembled at the homestead, 0f
those present in the family besides "Mr.
88tl Kra. Elliot and their son Thomas,
with his wife and family, who has the
maned%amont of the farm, there wero
Robert McAllister, wife and ,family •,Wm, Fraser, wife and family ; Jae. El,
liob, wife and family ; 17, F. MvAllister,
Wife and family ; Alex, Robertson, wife
and farblly ; Jac. Elliot, wife and fano•
ily, Other present were Alex. Robertson,
sr., and wife, John Fraser, Mr, Frenoh,
79, G, McDonald, wife and family, and
Alla e Du
k , Mr, Elliot'a l e TamilY
numb e fifty, of whom forGybhree are
grandchildren, The round number sixty
now completes the family circle, In all,
eixty.seven wore served, at dinner. For
dinner in the language of one of the
youngsters, we had "geese and plum,
pudding' It is needless to say that
more than one grandchild heard :the
question from grandma, "Will you have
more pudding 7" and their without wait-
ing for an answer his di.h wag replenieb.
ed with pudding and sauce ; pudding
which the only Englishman' protonic
termed was the best he bad eaten out-
side of England. After' diviner oonver.
tuition drifted to current topioa, one of
whiob was the presont dispute between
Great Britain and the United States.
Uncle Graham was then called upon to
distribute, as usual, the candies andnute,.
supplied by H. F. McAllister, merchant,
Ethel.' A few years ago this was an easy
task but now since the grandchildren are
noreasing to much more numerically and
physically a great deal of precaution has
o be taken that all may be served alike.
To facilitate this Robb. MoAllieter was
appointed oonetable pro tem; and was
ommiseioned to admit the boys, one at a
hue, according to age. Mr. McAllister
had no trouble with the Lilliputians (the
ittle people) but two Brobdignatians
monstrous fellows) in the persons of Jno.
Elliot and Alex. Robertson, withoutsere•
mony set the constable aside and cooly
walked in and demanded a chars of the
°adios. However, .they only got a Lilli
!Alan's share. Finally the shades of
igbt closed in upon the gay throng and
many young hearts went home happy
nd wall content. And as was said of
Id Soroogie, that be knew how to keep
Xmas well, so it may be said of Old Mre.
Mot, she knows how to keep Christmas
ell too, it being an innate principle
with her that it is more blessed to give:'
hen to receive, there fulfilling in her own
Diet way the glad tidings of the angelic,
ong, "Peace on earth, good -will revere
Mr. Cameron, student at Knox College,,
Toronto, preached interesting and profit- B
able sermons both morning and evening
in the Presbyterian church.
Arrangements are being made by the c
management of the North Perth Farm- S
era' Institute to hold one or two eeseious s
in Atwood on Feb. 12th, 1896, in the q,
Town Hall, and in Millbank on the lltb
February next.
Mre. Nelson Kitchen, of Portage 1a t
Prairie, daughter of John Little, 12th
oon., Elmo., is seriously ill, we regret to. L
learn. Mrs. Little purposes leaving for p
the West to attend the bedside of her s
daughter as soon as possible.
Geo. Grubber, Jacob Klump, jr., and s
Louis Heibine were arraigned before p
Magistrate Terbune, of Listowel, on the.
charge of abusing the hostler of,Ooghlin's
hotel. The informations were • laid by
W. H. Cook, hostler for Oogblin for the f
past few years. Louis Heibine, who was h
hauling wood to Ooghlin'e, Jaoob Klump,
jr., and Geo. Grubber had blacked Oook's
face over a dozen times with burnt . char- p
coal. This lead to bad feelings, whiob w
resulted in a row between them,' and i
Cook was struck on the head with a mal,; t
let, thrown towards hith by Klump, and n
hit in the forehead by Grubber. Klnmp m
was fined $10 and costa, and Grubber $5
and ootts, and the case against Heibine to
withdrawnonpayment of costs. The to
Inspector laid an information against d
Ooghlin, for the sale of liquor on Sunday a
night, the 22nd inst., to which be pleaded w
guilty and was fined 820' and costs. rr
The annual District meeting of the an-
ted counties of Wellington, Huron and°
ruoe 0. Y. B. Lodge will be held in
FZarriston on Monday, Jan. 131h, 1896.
The following officers were elected in
onneotion with the Methodist church
• S. for the year 1896 :—Supt., Dr. A. M..
pence Aes't Supt., Jae. ltowe'• See.-
reae.W.A. Edwards; Lib. L. Mabood;
Organist, Mies L. Mahood.
Mort Howiok, No. 84, 0. 0. F., elected:
he following officers for the ensuing
ear :-0. R., Jas. Downey ; V. 0. R.,
ouie Becker ; knee. -Seo., John Donaghy ;
in. -Seo., Jae. Rowe ; Treas., Thos. Gib -
nn ; Chap., Jonas Hallman ; S. W., Jas.
oung ; . J. W., Jos. McMinn ; S. B.,
amuel Totted ; J. 13,. Ohris. Severt ; C.
hy., A.M. Spence, M. D.
The Telephone of last week says :—We
ieh to announce to the public' at large
that having leased the Arlington -House,
ormerly occupied by J. Duncan, and.
eying moved our printing plant into the
ams, we will beprepared to do all kinds
1 printing on the shortest notice and at.
rices to Butt the times. The Telephone
ill henueforth be printed here instead of
n Mrs. Strathy's block." We also wish
o anuounoe that we are prepared to fur-
ish accommodation for all. Refresh -
ants of all kinds will be kept on hand
by us, viz. ;-Hot meals at all hours and.
mperance drinks of all kinds and . oye-
re hot or cold. Ample stable a000mmo•
ation and an attentive hostler. Good
ocommodation for commercial travellers
ith a large and , well ' adapted sample
John Doig is alightly indisposed.
H. McKee is working in .the store
with W. Woods,
Mise Laura Larry is entertaining her m
friend, Mies Fitzgerald. d
Mrs. Armstrong has returned from
her visit to friends near Melton. p
W. T. McKee, of "Fernedale Cottage,"
spent the holidays in Strathroy.
A. Nephew and family of Kincardine,
are holidaying with friends here. o
T. Stuart, of North Eaebhope, is visit-
ing his many friends in this vicinity, 0s
Mrs, Steinbouse, of Manitoba, ie Home ni
on a trip to the her prents and friends.
Mise Linda Milne, "of Ethel, spent a la
few days with her sister, Mrs. A. P. Mo. to
Archie Orerar and family, of North G
Easthope, are' visiting his brother, P. p
The balance of Molesworth cheese,.
amounting to about 600 boxee, Was ship-
ped last week.
Mies Lizzie McKee has returned from
Toronto, where she has been working
for some time.
Wm Murray and family, of Pinkerton,
are spending their holidays in and
around our village.
John Elliottintendd renting bis farm
and in the spring going to Calgary
district with his family.
Andrew Doig, jr., intends going to
Caroms City shortly. If hei likes the
place he intends to remain.
Mine T. Elliott, who recently returned
from Manitoba, spent a few days with
her sister, Mra. A. M. Patterson.
The many young people of this vicinity
spent a pleasant time at the home of
'T. Cummings on New Year's eve, i'
A load of our young people went over.
to Trowbridge to spend the evening on
New Years. , The particulars of the home
trip are romatio in the extreme.
Fetnnv GAxuanr.rd,—In the language
of Dickens, "What's today my fine fel-
low 7" Why, Xmas day at Grandma
Elliot's 1 It has long been the angora
of the eons and daughters of Robt. Euler,
Grey, to meet at the old Homestead on
Christmas as an occasion for "Thanks-
giving" for all the blessings of the past
year. Xmas breakfast in the „various
bonnieboee conneoted herewith is of no :ao
count as there is a sort of "Xmas stir"
in the grandchildren similar to that of a
"pie -nit stir," Of which we are all familia
Rev. 5, Sellery, M. A.,'' B. D., of
Guelph, will preach the Anniversary ser -
ons in tboMethodist church, on Sun -
ay, January 12th.
Robb. Elliott, for the past eight years
ropriotor and editor of the Times, left
ingltam for his new home in Ingersoll,
here hehas purohased the Chronicle.
The. Union Furniture Co. received an
her large consignment . of machinery.
There now remains only 5 more 'maobin-
-2 Canadian and 3 Amerioan-to be
aced in before work begins.'
The following are the officers of Malt-
a. Lodge, I. 0.0. F., for the coming
rm —N. G., J. A. Iltowat V. G.,
Amos Tipling; R. S., J. T. :Groves, P.
. ; P. S., Wm. Robertson, P. G. ;
reasurer, W. F. Brockenebire, P. G.
The Ch2,eaest Cask Store in the County,
The edict has gone forth, and our immense stock of Winter Goods
'must march out at the Battle Cry of ours
Great Clearing Sale
During Januar.
The experience of the past goes to show that the coldest part of the
winter is yet to come, and we offer our entire stock at prices that cannot
be beaten. We have not room to quote prices, but suffice to say that we
will make this sale of Winter Goods so interesting to the people of Brus-
sels and the'surrounding country that it will be your loss if you don't avail
yourself of this opportunity to procure the goods you want at prices that
were never heard of before.
Be sure and call and see for yourself the
Great Bargains we are giving.
In order to make room for Spring Stock.
willpBring along your Butter, Eggs, Poultry,and Dried Apples and we
giveyou the high
highest prices Forthem, tine salt you the goods year want
the same as cash
The by law which it was proposed' to
submit to a vote of the town ratepayers
to empower the Council to raise the
liquor licensee, has beenwithdrawn by
Mayor Featherstone, owing to a doubt
existing as to its legality.
The Baptist aburub will hold its , an
anal anniversary on Sunday, Jan. 12th,
when the Bev. Mr. Hartley, of the First.
Baptist church,.' Guelph, will preach,
morning, at 11 o'olook, afternoon et 9
and evening at 7 o'clook.
W. P. Maloney, 9'Dancourt," the well-
known trotting horse driver, and pro.
prietor of the St. Nicholas Hotel, Jolliett,
Ill., was in town Saturday to arrange for
the training and campaigning of Lord
Ferguson, 2:19a next season. •
The following offioere were installed in
Bernard Lodge, No. 225, A. F. & A. M.,
G. R. O., H. B. Morphy, W. M. ; B. F.
Brook, I. P. M. ; Wm. Irwin, S. W. ;
F. Rogers, J.' W, ; Rev. J. A. Morison,
Chap ; 3. J. Foster, Secy. • J Happier,
Tress. ;. F. R. Blewett, S• D. ; Ghat.
Wynn, J. D. ; A. G. Bastedo, I. G.
W. J. Yaeger'
S. S. T. J. Ballantyne,
J. S. ; B. B.`Sarvis, D, of 0.; J. Se -
burger, Tyler.
M. G. Richardson
Is prepared to do all kinds of
work in his line.
Good Workmanship and
Good FitsGuaranteed.
' At the last regular meetin
g of Corut
Maitland, No. 25, 0. 0. F ,.the following Suits made for $4 and upwards.
officers were eleoted for the ensuing
term :—John Noalands, P. 0. R. ; Thoe, l "8hop oyer NeSowan's store.
J. McLean, C. R ; W. G. Gray, V: 0:
R. H B Llliobb R 'S. ; D 110. Gordgp,
F. S. S Greaoy, 'Teas. • W.J. Nell,
Chap R B, Ferguson, B W. ; Ezra
Hart, J. W, ; John Helm, B. B. ; F. 11.
Rodorus, J. B.
Tho Wingham Fire Brigade has been
oroughly re -organized with blip follow-
ing officers and members :=Ohiof, Thos.,
Manuel ; See., Thos, McLean ; Treas.,
Thos, B. McAndrew ; 1st Foreman, Thos,
J. Elliott ; 2nd Foreman, Geo.' Newton ;
Branolh men, 0. Stewart, N. McGregor,
T. J. Motean and J, Linitlater ; Hydrant
men, A. Britboia G. Newton ; Axe men,
W. Ellaoobb, S. Piper ; Hoeemen, Thos.
MoAndrew, -Jos. Gray, Elijah Manuel
and John F. Groves.
L.iiu d;o tv a 1.
T. Ballantyne & Sons ebipped six oars
of oheeee from Listowel station, being
the balance of Molesworth, Ord line Wal-
lace, and Trowbridge faotorioe. The
total value was between $12,000 and $15,•
000. It went to Stratford for storage.
W. G. Hay left ou Tuesday morning
for Guelph, where he intends undergoing
a second opal:Mien at the halide of Dr.
Mowat at rho hospital. Mr, Hay hail
not been web since he had been down
before, bot there is good hope he may
obtain relief oh this Occasion. Ho will
be absent for two or three weeks.
Real Estate 86 Loan
Agent, Brussels.
Money to Loan on Farm Secur-
ity et the Lowest Rate
of Interest.
Money . Loaned on Notes• and
good Notes Discounted. Sale
Notes a Specialty.
Fire ci Life Insurance Written.
Special Attention gii'en to
Office over Doadman & MoOall's Store,
It is to do Business
on a Cash Basis.
It is money in the pockets of those
.who adopt this system and
fully carry it out.
Our Customers for the
kind encouragement,rso
far given us in making the change from a Credit to
a Cash System of doing business, and fully antici-
pate that in one year all will be more than pleased
with the result.
iiced Prices dor Cash I
See our Suits and Overcoats for Men, Boys and
Children at Prices that cannot foil to please,
O 0 ®'
.A. full stock of Boots and Shoos at reduced' prices.
.A. fine line of Groceries at the Lowest Prices.
JANUARY' Standard Fashion Sheets to hand, On.lI
and get one FREE. Also Patterns in stock and sold at
Reduced Prices.