HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-1-10, Page 44
New AdverIlsvrl
Verb—H, Dennie,;
Card --D, 0, Rose,
Card—A. Koenig.
000— 40, Poeeman,
Card—R. Deather0ale.
Painting- -W. J. 'Wake,
Rubber goode Jas.I'ox.
Card—alias. A.1lawisins,
Xeoeele--•A M AleHey et Co.
,annual nreeting-1 S. Scott.
Local—Po8T Poblisbinp, l:Tonee,
'Clearing echo -••-Smith 4 McLaren.
Cough Palm—Deadman McCall,
Does this interest.you—JnQ. 11R03ain.
Notice to contreotors—D. g• Moffatt,
$19.20 in Prices-17eaduian .G; Mogall.
C4t?i,rostio Most,
FRIDAY, JAN, 10, 1896,
Tun total number of business failures
in Canada during 1896 were 1,923, fifty
more than the previous year.
Binns in their little nests agree
And 'tie a ebatnefnl eight,
When M. P.'s down at Ottawa
•Fall ont and quarrel and fight.
Oa page 6 of this issue may be found
the particulars of the opening of the Do.
minion Parliament including the speeoh
from the Throne. The bill of fare is not
long but if the House is not dissolved a
lively wrestle is anticipated on the Rome •
dial Order.
Tia Dominion battle is on in West
Enron, with M. C. Cameron and D.
Weismiller as the respective oandidatee
on the Liberal and Conservative aides.
The former should win quite handily in
view of his being a resident of the Rid-
ing ; a tried man in the past ; in view.
of the badly rattled condition of the Gov,
consent ; and more particularly in the
upholding of a polioy of retrenchment
and legislation for the masses rather
than the classes. We expeot to see M.
O. Cameronreturned by a good majority.
Tau POST very heartily approves of the
good example set by the business men of
Clinton on the matter of early olosieg. on
Saturday evenings. By an agreement
entered into all stores and shops are ex.
peoted to be olosed on the ringing of the
town bell at 9 o'clock, Tbis is as it
ehonld.be as no good reasonoan be ad-
vanced why business should be dragged
oat until 11 o'clock or 'later ou the last
day of the week, We should like to see
the example of Clinton followed in Bone
eels and other villages and towns in the,
County as we feel assured the advantages
to accrue by this plan will far outweigh
the supposed profits realized by the late
hours. '
Wn congratulate the people of this
county on having pronounced definitely
in favor of the erection of a House of
Refuge. The returns are not complete,
bat the municipalities of Downie, Elms/,.
Ellice, Fullerton, Listowel, Hfitahell,
Milverton, Hibbert and North and South
Baethope have ail voted in its favor.
These munioipalitiee have 20 representa-
tives in the County Council, out of a
total membership of 28, and their repre-
sentatives will of course vote in conform •
ity with the local poputar vote. This ie
as far as heard from at time of writing,
bat no doubt some at least of the re•
maining maeicipalitiee of Blanchard,
Morningtoc, Logan and Wallace will also
be found to have voted yes. It would
not be surprising if active steps were
taken at the January session by unani-
mous vote, to pueh . the project through
with all reasonable speed. Again we
congratulate and commend the good peo-
ple of Perth County on their sensible,
overwhelming vote in favor of a needed
reform.—Stratford Herald.
Anconnnaa to report the Dominion Cab-
inet is anything but a happy family.
Messrs. Foster, Tupper, Dickey, Monta-
gue, Haggart, Ives and Wood tendered
their resignations as Ministers and they
were promptly accepted by Prouder
Bowell, who has temporarily filled the
vacancies. The bolters say they won't
play in Mr. Bowell's yard any longer..
Re construotion of the Cabinet is talked
of but the general opinion is that their
breech is too wide to heal, especially with
the fact staring the Premier in the face of
being backed np almost entirely by the
Lower Province members. It is not just
now that disaffection has arisen as mem.
ben of the Cabinet admit that the peace
and harmony necessary to carry on a
Government has not been known for
some time at Ottawa. An appeal to the
electors is the best way to ascertain what
the country thinks about the ability of
the present Administration to continue
longer in office. The Ottawa correspond-
ent of the Toronto Mail•Enipire, tele-
graphing Monday night, eve" 'Che go.
litical situation to is one of extra-
ordinary complication, To all outward
appearances the Government is in two
camps, between which a complete recon.
ciliation is absolutely impossible, while a
partial reetoration of harmony on the old
beak/ le, to eay theleast, at the present
juncture, extremely doubtful There aro
three elements at work. First, seven
Mfnistere, who are exercising the Pune
tions of Government ; secondly, seven
resigned Minietore, whose friends/ declare
poesese the ability of the Government ;
and, thirdly, the Opposition, under the
leadership of Mx. Lttutier."
Vali Wheet ,..,.«.,., 02 03,
Spring Wheat «.$1•4 00 61
Darby:,,, . ... 80 02
P000 47 48
Date r • 21
Butter, 104 w
li ed Vwlle , 10
ilggs per deeen .,., 14
Flour per ilaerel,, . , 4 00 4 60
Potatnee(new) . 14 16
Hay per , 14 00 15 00
Hideetriinmed.,,....... 5 0
Hideo rough 2 2
Salt per bbl,, retail 1 00 Q
Sheep ekine,each ;,.,.• 40 60
Lamb skins each 15 40,
Apples per bue., ., 1 00
Hoge, Live8 00 3 25
Dreesed Hoge 4 00 4 26
Wool ... ...........r., 18 30
Loanoa, Jan. 7th,—Tho Mark Lane
Ex rens, in its weekly review of bite
British grain trade, says ;—English
and foreign wheats have not been in de.
'Mend, though, there have been sales of
California wheat at 20e 90. Corn lute
been steady, barley quiet and oats firm.
To -day English wheats were held for
60 advance, and foreign wheats had a
strong tone. Awoke/me were 00 dearer.
Flours were firm, and espeoially Amari•
eau, which has risen threepence. Corn
was weak and irregular, and nate were'
3d higher, grinding barley was firm and
beano dull,
BAST I3urreno, N. Y. Jan. 71h.—Cattle
(dosed firm ; all sold, ,'Hoge steady, but
the outlook is eaeier, with a fair supply.
Sheep and lambs grew strong and firm,
with all . sold. Late sales of handy
wethers, 38.78 to $4 ; good mixed sheep,
$3 to $3.60 four loads of Canada Iambs
sold at 06.20 to.$5.25 per cwt.
TOnoaTo Jan, 7th.—Receipts at the To-
ronto cattle market to -day were heavy
for this season, being 41 cars,' including
350 sheep and lambs and 400 hogs,
There was fair demand for butchers' cat-
tle, and the quality of offerings was much
better, but owing to the large receipts
prices were no better than last week.
One load of fine cattle averaging 1,010
pounds, sold at 8c per pound, free $10 on
the deal. Export cattle were slow ;
'leading shippers say there is now no de-
mand from England and not likely to be
till the end of the month. Sheep were
in good demand, and everything offered
sold at 21c to 30 per lb. Grain fed lambs
sold well at he to 4o per pound. Calves
were in good demand and steady, selling
at $4 to $6. MHOcows were in larger
supply and were quoted at $20 to $86.
Hogs were in active demand, and owing
to moderate offerings, advanced 10a per
cwt. Choice bacon hogs Bold at 33.70
per owt„ and thick fat and light are quot•.
ed. at $8.60.
Toll aao, Jan. 7th.—Market quiet.—
Wheat-Offerings moderate, and market
for Ontario wheat steady, at 660 for red
and 67o for white, north, and red quoted
at 66c west ; Manitoba, firmer ; oars No,
1 bard sold, grinding in transit, at 740,.
and 72o quoted, for No. 1 northern ; No.
1 hard quoted at 74c, North Bay, and No.
2 hard at 720. Flour—Straight roller,
quiet, preference given mostly to Mani-
toba grades; cars of the former were
quoted at $3, Toronto freights, but some
sellers are asking more ; Manitoba flour
in fair demand and steady, at $3.60 to 08.-
8:70 for patents, and 38.40 to 33.50 for
strong bakers. Millfeed quiet ; cars of
shorts' quoted at $12 to 312.50 and bran
at $11 west. Barley market steady ; No.,
1 quoted at 48e to 44o ; No..1 extra choice,
45c to 46c, and No. .2 at 890 to 40c, all
east ; oars of feed quoted on the north-
ern at 20o. Buobwheat steady at 32s for
care outside. Rye in good demand and
firm at 49c for cars outside. Corn—Of-
ferings moderate, and market steady at
33,eo for cars of yellow, west. Oats—Of-
ferings only fair, and demand rather
better oars of white sold on Northern at
23c and mixed quoted at 22:to ; oars of
white sold on track here at 253c. Peas—
No, 1 offering freely ; there is a better
demand, and the -market is about ;}o
firmer, with oars of No. 2 selling north
and west at 580.
Beni -vfl
DIED.—Last Sunday morning kers.
Hugh Docket passed away, at the ad•
vaooed age of 77 years. Dropsy and old
age was said to be the causeof death, she
having been ill for the past few months.
Mr. Dooket died about 23 years ago.
Their children are :—George and Wil-
liam, of Bruce peninsula ; Randall,
Washington Territory ; the deceased Mrs.
Hall ; •Mrs. Richardson, formerly of
Grey ; Mrs. W. G. Taylor and Mrs. T.
Hall. The subject of this notice made
her home with the latter for some time
past. Funeral took plaoe on Tuesday
afternoon to Brussels cemetery, where
Mr. Docket was buried.
The Cabinet has been considering the
petitions for clemency in the case of Val-
entine Shortie, under, sentence of death,
and granted a commutation to imprison•
me nt for life.
The undersigned is prepared
to attend to all work intrusted'
to him in a prompt and work-
manlike manner in
Carriage Painting,
Sign Writing,
House Painting and
All work under my personal
supervision and satisfaction as-
Now is the time to get your
buggy or cart repainted for next
W. r
, . J. "If Y A K E,
Paint Shop on Bing et., Brussels,
1 R U S E
Zuftu Malttlgar or
Lt, d, tiooIu'nne's Brai)tl'e0Q Radio,
Abe Fifteen Xoitrs with
Fernier 11ros„ IIuNlytvn,
Would announce to the people of Brue•
eels and surrounding oountry that he
has opened a Studio in Stretton'e
3310011, over the Standard Bank,
where he is prepared to do the very
best Photographic work.
Photographs Copied and Enlarged in
Grayon, Water Colors or Pastel in
the highest etyle of the Art,
Finest Work and Satie•
faction Guaranteed.
A share of your Patronage is solicited.
Clomp early and have your Photo,
taken for Christmas,
W. DOWNS, Artist.
J. G. SERNE, wishes to remind the peo-
ple of Brussels and surrounding
oountry that his Fall and
Winter stook of
cc., &C.
By paying prompt cash for all goods
he can give bargains worthy of the name,
and asks a trial.
Every lady should see thenew ran-
ges of Dress Goods, Flannels and Tweeds.
Our Grocery Department takes no
second place for quality.
1A Specialty made of Teas.
Agent for Parker's Dye Works.
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What means those tumultuous
noises whioh we hear in close
proximity to the AMERICAN
HOTEL 7 It is the noise of
pattering feet ascending the long
narrow stair case leading up to
1, &TIC
PHoroolaa STUDIO,
Photos. taken in a style that captures
the eye of the most fastidious.
Always Weloome at the Old Reliable
Photograph Studio.. .
IFfas just Opened for Minas Tracie
a Beautiful
I w D'took of iih0i08
Ohina and Fanny Gopdsl
Suitable for either Xmas, Wed
ding or Birthday Presents..
We Always Keep
A. very Large Stook of GOLD, GOLD
all Makes and Grades, which we
Gueradtee to be the boot, and
a Full Line of :•—
Wedding Rings,
Getn Rings,
Engagement Ringo,
Bar Pins, e
Vest Chains,
Long Chains,
Cuff Buttons and Links,
Gold Speotaoles.
Large Assortment of
Butter Coolers,
Fruit Diehee,
Water Pitchers,`
Pickle Cruets,
Celery Dishes,
Spoon Holders,
Children's Mugs,
Carving Setts,
Cake Baskets,
Shaving Setts,
Gents' Smoking Setts,
Ladies' Comb and Brush Setts,
Manicure Setts,
Metal Picture Frames,
Onyx Tables,
Crumb Trays, &o.
Fancy Baskets,
Violins and
Violin Sundries.
Our Goods are New and up .to
date in Design, which we offer
/No Trouble to Show Goods.
Watches, Clocks and Jewellery
of all kinds carefully Repaired.
Thos. Pletcher,
Issuer of Marriage Licenses.
Oil Cale Meal
A quantity of first-class Oil
Cake Meal will be kept on hand
at the
Livingston Flax Hill.
The following low prices will be
given :— •
In. Ton Lots, - $18,00
Half Ton Lots, 9.25
100 Pounds, 1.00
3l 'The above prices are for cash.
W. Bright, 6. &J. Livingston,
Manager. Proprietor.
Having purchased 'a shop on
Thomas St.; opposite the Queen's
Hotel stables, I wish to notify my
old customers and as many new
ones as may favor me with their
patronage that 1 have removed
to my new stand.
Soliciting a share of business
from the public, guaranteeing
I remain,
S. T. Plum,
General Blacksmith & Horseshoer
• lel":k1��[` e .
d �l,
t r x
Pacific Coast
JAN, l0. 1890
Ja'unary C1eafln Sale!
'95 R' =gains Ott Dalrga&led.
The time of big, business
'has come and gone, but we
can't stand idle. Ifp rice:;
Cutting ever brought Cus-
tomers we will have a rush
to our store this Month.
We have made reductions
before- but not with such
recklessness as now.
You may expect Big Re-
ductions in Overcoats,
Suits, , and Wool Under.
clothing for Men & Boys,
Wool Blankets, Flannels,
Wool Hosiery, Gloves for
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Shawls, Winter Boots and
Shoes, Heavy Tweeds,
Wool Knitted & Fur Caps,
8 Ladies Fur Muffs at half
price.. We must clear the
stock of Winter Goods on
hand at what they will
bring before Stock -taking.
fI GI p V LA R L N.
oer i
In order to clear out what Fall and Win-
ter Goods we have in stock, we intend to.
So now is your Chance for a Snap`in
Ordered Clothing.
Suits that sold for $18.001 now $161001
We can make you up a First-class
all Wool Suit for $ 10,00.
Away Down in Price.
We do not intend to carry over
one yard of 'Winter Cloth if low prices will
sell thele. Call and see that we mean
just what we Advertise.
Jno. 1Vt chai .9