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The Brussels Post, 1896-1-10, Page 1
Vol.: 28. N c1, 25. Munk/pal Legislators for 1896, The following are the „retinue from htst Monday's municipal battle field 1— ninesl9Le. .A. busy day was spent, owing to the many candidates and the large vote poi led domonstratee that electioneering was done up to the handle. The vote for Counoillors was ,nixed in a very peouliar way not a few plumper/3 being given for individual or perhaps two or three canal - dates, Thanks to the: ballot there was very little exoitement during the day and the Bumming up took ea long, owing to the municipal and school ballots, that many wont home without knowing the result. In the Trustee elevation the new candidates ran strong polling, the largest vote ever recorded in town. Tien, Po031 issued an extra Monday evening at 6:30 giving the following.parbioulars of the result of the day ;= 0OnnonmoR8.' nIV. N0.1. 'N0. 2 TOTAL Geo. Beaker, 74 57 111 B. Coalirane, 40 - 44 90 B. Gerry, 28 32 60 1$. Graham, 71 68 189 ?2. Leatherdale, 74 68 142 W. H. Mo0raoken, 60 54 114 B. G. Wilson, 75, 64 189 R. Williams, 17 30 47 . Ino. Wynn, •67 62 129 The Council will therefore be Reeve, W. H. Kerr, (apo.) ; C0nneillore, R. Lea. therdale,'R. G,abazn, R. G. Wilson end Geo. Baeker. 80110013TRVBTEE13, H. Dennis, 93 83 A. Hunter, 16 24 J. N. Kendall, 13 19 A. Koenig, 100 106 Dr, McKelvey, 72 70 D. O.11ose,. 109 103 176 39 32 206 142 212 The Board for 1896 will consist of Rev. J. Roes, A. Reid, Dr. Graham; D. C. Ross, A. Koenig and H, Dennis. mixture. Reeve Mooney elected by aoolamation. ForDepaty Reevetherewas 4, very close run between George Kirkby and Samuel ,Calbiek. The former was re•eleoted by 8. Messrs. Bowman, Code and Iabiater,last year's Counoilinen, were re•eleated. The e following is the vote recorded at each of the six polling :laces :— n3re00 nivismits NO. REEVE. 1 -2 8' 4 5' 6 TOTAL Oalbiok 27 19 33'39 49 82 —249 Birkby 49 70 37 28 30 82 —262 COVNCILLOne Isbister 31 40 46. 84 47 49-247 Bowman 85 50 34 52 48104-323 Code ,,,,72 49 41 20 36 68-290 Boller 6 46' 14 25 28 32-146 Petah 11 14 9 19 2 2— 57 Geddes 7 11 37 '12 36 26-128 GREY. The Reeve and Deputies, viz.: Thos. Streclean, A. Hislop and Jae. Turnbull, were elected by acclamation. In the con- test for Councillors Jae. Lindsay: and Wm. Brown were re-eleoted. Owing to the stormy weather and the bad roads the vote polled was not nearly as large as venal. The following are the returns :-- neve1 2 8 4 5 6 7 TO305I Brown 20 1 19 8 41 106 18-208 Lindsay 15 6 2 8 88 92 80 —281 . Livingston 4 3 15 5719 2 52-1,52 McNeil 7 21 49 19 2 1 67 —166 •.OLINTON. lleevd; D.11 Kennedy, apolamation, Deputy.'Reeve—S, 9. Cooper ...234 D. eautelon ..,....283 Majority for Cooper 1 A remount bas been demanded by Mr. Cantelon. OODEIt008. Reeve -W. Proudfoot, mal :.44 1Z, McLean, , , 86 Majority for Proudfoot ..... 8 0LYT6. Reeve—John Wilford...... N. H. Young, 99. Mr. Wilford elected by 20 Counoillors elected by acolamation. Waimea.. There was a lively run for the Reeve- ehip in this township between the late Deputy Reeve, Jae. Evans, and John Morrison. The result was as follows :--- Morrison. Evans. Div. No. 1 4 88 ,. 2 30 8 15 66 5...: 60 18 " 6. ...... .-58 7 .66 22, • 8 68 19 Majority for Morrison 39. • For Councillor in Ward 'No. 4, J. S. Brown and W. Archibald ran as follows Brown Archibald Div. No. 7 38 41 " 8....,.`31 57 69 98 Majority for Archibald 29. The other Counoillors; are D. Manley, Joseph C. Morrison and Wm, MoGavin, °looted by acclamation. The Deputy Reeve will be chosen by the Council at its next meeting, on the 20111., Bylaw prohibiting all stook running at largo: Majority in 7 Divisions, 66, with ono place to hear from. 8EArOz,rti, Reeve -J. Beattie 228 33. B. Gunn 283 Majority for Gunn ..... , 5 Counoillors—North Ward. R. Winter 100 A. Wilson ., .. 07 J. C. Smith .. , 102 0. C. Wilson .. 86 East Ward— 60 T. Stephens ., 58 J, Darwin86 Jam. Turner 88 A. 13ays. , ..-61 3. G. Wilson .. 78 Sortie Ward— S. Gillespie 11'1 J. S. Roberts .. 79 R. Scott 128 S. Smith 80 11, J. Punohard 10 R. Willie 34 BRUSSELS ©NTARIQ FRI DAY, JANUARY 10, 1896 11'17530 39A14133330, F Reeve-MJatnoa Gibson :..,4226. Robor,'l. Loohart ..,•.,, 247 Majority for Loohart ... 22 Deputy Reeve— Bailio..,.,.... 14$ Medd,,,,,,..., 200 5013333800387 Majority far Medcd, 66, Oounoillors— Andereoh • 79 Thom ;Cameron .,.261 Webster lttoQuillian ..,,206 Young Plnukett 128 Counoillors elected- 0ameron, Mo. Quinlan, Webster. asmarLn, Reeve—Girv.;n , .. 498 Jamieson . ....... 121 Majority for Girvin ' 877 tat Deputy—Kiokley .. 866 Mallongh 230 187 181 Majority for Mickley 117 205 Deputy—Chambers .. 255 llfc7Lenzie 886 Majority for McKenzie • 81 Councillors— Dalton 274 Hunter 242 Parrish 289 Johnston......161 The Council for 1895 being again re. turned. Tn01nlnet1Tll. - Reeve, 1. Shepherd, by acclamation. Deputy— 1 2 8 4 Total McLean ...77' 29 67 62-225 McKay .' ..... , .89 21. 80 62-142 Majority for McLean 83 Counoillors- Aikenhead 10 10 26 14— 60 Cosens ,,,,82 84 58 65-224 Gemmill 69 28 86 60-193- MoCloy 60 23 66 79-227 Paterson ..... 35' 24 70 47-182 Counoillors—MoOlay, Coons and Gemmill. 1i5330n1E. Reeve—Sohn Delbridge 289 Jonathan Shier 159 Majority for Delbridge 80 S. East Ward Counoillor-- W. Delbridge - - J. F. Stinson Majority for Delbridge RowraIc. Reeve—Anson Dulmage........ 366 Sam]. W. Ferguson .. 315 Majority for Dulmage...... . 61 let Deputy, A, 0. Sotheran, ac0lama- tion. 2nd Deputy—John J. Gregg .... 808 John Stewart .... 358 Majority for Stewart 50 Oonnoillors—Andrew Doig and Wm. Finley by acclamation. Gannnro% Twp.—Reeve, Cos; Deputy Reeve, Churchill, Beern7LD.—Reeve, J •Berne ; council- lors, J F Owley, Dr. Stanbury, G Erwin, R Bailey. EAST Wale-mem—Reeve, Patterson Deputy Reeve, David Robertson ; Coun- cillors, Wm. Sutherland, Peter W. Scott and Jno. Coultas. CLivTox: Deputy -reeve, Cooper; conn- -oillors, Chidley, Walker,, Plummer, Searle. ExETEn.-Reeve, W Bawden ; deputy - reeve, T B Carling ; councillors, Wm Treble, 0 Snell, jr, nada' W Taylor. Gonnnrost.—Mayor, Dr J R Shannon ; reeve, Wm Proudfoot • deputy -reeve, P Holt ; councillors, R Thompson, W 0 Goode, J Caldwell, A Saunders, 0 A Nairn, J' Wilson, M Nicholson, E Camp ion, 31 Dunlop, J Craigie, . D Oaatelon, T Swartz. Lrsrowwr.—Mayor,,3 W Scott • reeve, J A Hocking '; deputy -reeve, 'apple; (ace) ; councillors, Foerch, They, Tre• main, Robinson, Peffon, Woods. Parommsrmr.—Mayor, Thos Best, SEAyonxeu—Mayor, Wm M Gray ; reeve, B B Gunn ; deputy -reeve, Jae Watson ; councillors, J G Wilson, John Turner, Noble, Olnff, J 0 Smith, A Wil- son, R Winter, H J Gillespie, R Scott, J 5 Roberts, Howiex,—Reeve, A. Dulmage' 1st deputy reeve, A. 0. Sotheran, (aoola- mation) ; second deputy -reeve, John Stewart ; councillors, Andrew Doig and Wm, Finlay, both by aoolamation, TonoatTo.—Ex-Mayor Fleming 68288685 AM. Shaw for Mayor by 1800. MANUS 0110 ACOLA,IIATION. 94 69 85 London -J. W. Little (re elected). Stratford—Wm. Davidson. St. Thomas—Wm. 21. Idsardi, Ottawa—Mayor Bosthwick (re elected). Port Hope—J. W. Quinlan. 5ravenhurst—John J. MONe1I. forest—Isaao Pickering., Owen Sound—Kennedy. Prescott—Joseph Steel. Pembroke—F. E. Fortin. St. Mary's—Wm. Dunseitb. Niagara—H. Pafford, Galt -Dr. Vardon. • Renfrew—James Clark, Brookville—John Culbert. Chatham—Mayor Campbell (re sleeted.) Goderioh—J. R. Shannon. - Arnpt4or—R, G. Moles. Wingharn—George McKenzie. Waterloo—Simon Snider. Parkhill -3, C. Lunees. Tileouburg-W, J. Wilkins, The centenary of Methodism in Belle- ville, Ont., was celebrated in all the obarobes of that denomination there lash Sunday. Henry Dyer, a well.to-do farmer, aged 65 years, living six miles west of Tustin, lliioh,, committed suicide Friday night by ousting hie throat. Ili health ie sap. posed to be the cause. He lives a widow. Leak of supervision and proper :in speotioit are the onset; assigned by the committee of investigation for the de. plorable condition of La Banque du Peuple. A total deficit of $388,108 18 r8. ported. HURON CO. COMM FOR 1990. The Couoty Council for 1890 will be compoved of the following members, those markedvzth a * were there hist year :- MONIozr.r,z0r, 830378, Demme. Ashfield, *Girvan 1*kfiekle . l * McKon cis Bayfield, 1133111th, Brussels, Clinton, *Burns Wilford *Kerr *Kennedy Ooopse Colborne, *Alex,'Young *And. Young Exeter, Baw dee *Carling Goderioh Tp. *Cox *Oh arab Goderioh, Proudfoot *Holt Grey,*Straohan *Turlbull. *Moiiwen *Turnbull *Geiger Dunnage *Sotheran g Stuart *McDonald *Brigham Morrison /elected by Connell *Mooney *Birkby *Gunn *Watson Hay, Howiols, Hallett, McKillop, Morris, Seaforth, Stanley, *Mallveen *Erratt Stephen,•*Silber. f 1:lio'erritt Tuokersmith, 'Shepherd McLean Turnberry, *McPherson *Cruickshank 'Osborne, *Delbrid"e elected by c Council E. Wawanosb, *Patterson 'Robertson W. Wawanoeh;-'Lnobart . Medd Wingham, .. *Sperling *Holmes 12 Reaves were elected by acclamation out of 24, and 14 Deputy -Reeves out Of 26. 34 of this year a Council had Beats in thie body in 1895 and at least 4 or 5 others were former 0o. Councillors, - POLI7YCAL, Premier Rowell is 72 years of age. • Election in West Huron for the Com - atone next Tuesday, Jan. 14t1i. The writ for Charlevoix has been is- sued. Nomination will take place on January 20th and polling on the 279h,, At the meeting of the Privy Cp ,noir R. S. Wbite was appointed Collector: of Customs in llfon6real. There were four appointments made to the Senate on Tuesday, though none have been as yet officially announced. These are :—Sir John Carling, Hoo. J. C. Aik• ens, 181. M. Adams and G. B. Baker. O. W. Bunting, general manager of the Mail and Empire, who has been seriously ill for some months, returning a week or two ago from the South, where he had gone for the benefit of hie health, is re- ported to be dying of Bright's disease. He may linger a few clays, but no hope is held out for his recovery.. Discussing the significance to the Gov- ernment of the bye -elections, the Toronto Evening Star says :—"North Ontario worried them. Cardwell spurned them. Montreal Centre and Jacques Cartier gave them notice to quit. They have yet to hear from West Huron and Oharle• vein. Worst of all, within a week, they must face Parliament, a deficit of over four millions of ,dollars, remedial legis- lation—and then the country." A meeting of the South Wentworth Reform Association was held in Hamilton on Saturday, Jan. 4813, to select a condi• date to fill the vacanoy caused by the resignation of N. A., Anrey, M. P. P., who is to be appointed registrar of Went. worth county. A Iarge number of dele- gates from all parts of the riding were present. J. T. Middleton, M. P. P., presided. The names of T. A. Walker, John Dickenson, 3. B. Calder, D. A. Hyslop, A. D. Foran, and A. 3. Bickley were submitted. The convention •finally decided o9. John Dickenson, of the town- ship of Glanford, and his nomination was made unanimous. Grey Bran ell Agricultural Society. The annual meeting of Grey Branch. Agrioultnral, Society was held in the Council Chamber on Thuredayafternoon, President, Amos Smith, in the chair. - The Auditor's report was presented as follows: - unarm es. To balance from last account ..,. ,$.74 37 Subscription reported to Depart- ment of Agriculture 57 00 Government Grant......:... 29 00 County Grant Subscription on Show day Admissions to Hall " 2nd day Booths sold 26 00 29.30 208 76 6 00 0458 43 EI.1'ENn1TIRE. East Huron Society $300 00 A. AL MBKay to Co., hardware and glass 6 18 Robt. Armstrong, work 6 25 2 gabs.keepers 2 50 J. &P, Amentelumbei r 4 90 Work cleaning and repairing .. 2 60 Printing account 2 25 Balance 129 90 $4'53 48 Officers were elected for the anrrent year as follows :—Amos Smith, Presi- dent ; Wm. Pollard,Vioe Prca. ; Di. rectors, Jas. Fergnedo, A. Gardiner, Jno, Brown, , W. H. Mo0racken, Jas. Speir, R, Grahain, P. Scotts Geo. Thomson and Abu MoKinnon. Auditors, F. 8. Scott and A. Straohan. W. R. Kerr was re- eieoted Secretary and D. Stewart, Treas- urer. It wee decided to offer the East Huron Agricultural Society $200 to hold their Pall Fair in Brussels for 1898. Afbet dlsauesing the questions of mem- berships and improvements to grounds the meeting adjourned. • The Ede County (N. 'Y.) Board of Supervisors bee sent te congratulatory resolution to Mr. Gladstone on hie 86111 birthday, wiiieh 000ured on Sunday. A nine.year-old boy named Lambotead was fatally burned at Burlington, Ont., on Christinas nigbt, by the e3plosionof a lamp, end diet: shortly afterwards, Drummondville, Quebec; suffered se. verely from fire iii riday. Owing to .the burning of the telegraph offioe it was im- possible to obtain partioulars. Cline Y.. Mise Lottie 23111 is vieibiag in Clinton, Molmeeville and Goderioh. Daniel Strachan has gone to Essex Co, where he will teach for thie year, Miss Ellen Turnbull hoe taken aeohool near Londesboro'' and is now at work in iG, Will. Capp, of Lebanon, Meryborougkt township, was visiting for a week at Mr. Ransom's, bine Aggro Douglas is home from To- routeniter a stay of three menthe in the Queen pity, iire. W, A,.Klllough was visiting rale. tithe and friends at Auburn and vloini6y during the past week. Mise Lizzie Straohan went to Gode. doh laet Tuesday, where she will attend the Oallegiate Institute. J, a1, and Mrs, Knight, who have been visiting here for the past two weeks, re, turned to their home in Petrolia last Tuesday afternoon. Rev, E, V. Smith, who has been visit•' fag at Brantford, returned to College at Montreal la.t Monday. W. A, goes on: Friday of ihis week. In S, 9, No. 2 James Harris woe op - painted trustee, sncoeeding Adam Doug. las, whose term had expired, M, Stewart was awarded the wood contract at 91,24 per cord. ' 0. Smith wan eieoted trustee in 9, 9, No. 8 at the recent school meeting, talc. ing the place of Jno..Smith, who retired. Mr. Smith also supplies the wood for the school. W. A. Turnbull, who line been tootling near Clinton during the past year, will, put in a session at the Ottawa Normal school. He is a bright ybung mac and will make his mark. Alex. Bremner, who has been visiting here for the past few months, leaves on Saturdayor Astoria, Oregon, where he has spent the, past 9 years. We wish him success. Mre.•Bremner will remain here until Spring. STEAYB».—From bis father's house, con, 4, en or about Deo. Mb, a tall youth with heavy black hair, smiling face and white necktie. When last teen he was walking as fast es circumstances would permit along the road north from Cran• brook leading a large, bay, leg•weary steed laden with a sett of single harness and te goat hide. Any information lead- ing to 1365 recovery will be thankfully re- ceived by his anxious friends or parents. I'd r i R. Jas. Evans, Morris, is laid up with in. fiammatiop. Robert Laidlaw, 8th line, continues in poor health. El. Ramsay, of Guelph, is visiting old friends on the 1st con. D. Meiklejohn made a business trip to Molesworth last weak. The Oouaoil of 1895 will do business, in the old stand for 1896. J. Patten, of London, was visiting at Chas, Wheeler's this week. The electors did their duty on Monday by returning the old Council, Mies Minnie Sharp, who was home on a visit, returned to Detroit thie week. Tbos.,Burnell, sr., is suffering severely from inflammation of the ear at present. Thomas Russell, jr., spent New Year's With friends in Saginaw City, Michigan. James Messer intends raising his barn and having stone stabling- put under - Mrs. John Douglas, who has been seri- ously ill eri-ouslyill for some time past, is slowly. recovering. Those who seem to knows9.y: that the superfluous gas let off at the nomination caused the recent blizzard. Misses Annie and Maggie Agin,; who have baso working in a clothing hone° in Tilsonburg, are holidaying at home. Wellington, eldest eon of Robert Gib. son, 5th line, had a nail run into hie foot one day recently, •causing a painful wound. There was no school in "Buttton'o' school house last Monday, owing to the municipal election, the school house be- ing usedas a polling placer Some of the returning officershad great difficulty in getting the, ballot boxes from the ()Jerk's office, 033 account of the blooked oondition of the roads. On account of a .few wire pallors i6 cost the township in the neighborhood of: $60.00 tore•eleot the old Council, and WO wire pullers will likely be the fleet to grumble at increased expenditure, We are pleased to report that Miss Annie Maunders, who wag so sseribuely ill, is now about convalescent and has already taken a drive out. Her many friends will be pleased to see her about as usual Had Mr. Calbiok pat in an appearance on nomination day he would most cer- tainly have been elected to the Deputy Reeveehip, as the weather and oondition of the roads was greatly in bis favor. Rev. W. T. Hall, of Belgrave, received' as a Christmas box from the congrega• tion of Calvin Shumate, East Wewenosh, a hancleonee fur coat, driving mitts and soba. He will no doubt have had the pleasure of trying them on during the past week, The fact that Jae. Bowman heads the net the recent content for Council honors, goes to show that all other things' being equal, young men ape preferred for nubile positions, and although Mr. Bow. man may not attain to M. P. for some time yet he's heading that way. • Rev. A. L, Budge, a graduate of Knox College, Toronto, 000upied the pulpit of Knox ohuroh, Belgrave, last Sabbath.. He has recently been placed as pastor of a flourishing congregation in the County of Lambton. Mr. Budge is one of the many Huron boys who have Dome to the front and hie many friends in the vioin- ity of Belgrave, hie former home,: will be pleased to hear of his sucness: Peter Moffabtis asking for tendersfor a new briok residence on his farm. It will be a two story cottage with bay window, The main building will be 18 by 24 feet, with kitchen 13x34 and sum. mer kitchen and woodshed, 14x22.The walla will lis 20 feet bigb, solid brick. Tenders will be received up to Saturday, 25tb inst., work to be completed by Sept. 15th. Mr. Moffatt has a good share of the brick hauled now. T. H. KERR, Frog, weva.e timeMr,. McGill, 4t11 line, is very low again and lie is net expected to moverr this Councillor Bowman polled a big vote last Monday, viz. $23, ; At his own (Lvis- ion he nearly 5wep6 the board, receiving 104, Next Summer John Miller will have his barn raised, exbeoded and a stone stable pat under ft. MIs march of pro• geese' is very noticeable in this locality. Wile Deputy -Reeve Kirkby was re. turned by a narrow. majority 130 bad a comparatively easy viotory, as his sup• porters did not exert themeeleea in the same manner as did those for Mr, Cal. bink,, Owing to the unsettled weather the epeoial meetings have apt been opened at Browntown. If the weather proves to be again unfavorable we fear same of our young men will have to resort to the snow shoes of last Winter. GONE WITn 211E OLD TEAO.—On Tues. day morning, Deo. 8156, death entered the boom of 159.330 Formed, 3rd pen.,, and bore away his 51406 . eliild, Will., who wae just budding into young manhood, It was a severe and unexpeoted blow to his parents, as he had only being 19 yearn and 7mon takeniiieof mage. on Sundayevening, but as he bad always been subject to epileptic) fits those fell dee8royers claimed their victim at last. The funeral was held on Thursday after, noon, when a large nurober of vebioles followed the corpse to the Jewitt oeme• tery. Mr. and Mrs. Fernand and family have the deep sympathy of the whole commity, MATunnlnce riAL.—On New Year's evening a happy event took place at the residence of George Parker, it being the marriage of hie eldest daughter, Mary, to Wm. Russell of Duluth eldest eon of James Rue*ell, of Morris, The bride was be- comingly attired in navy blue serge with pale blue silk trimmings, and was attend. ed by her cousin, Miss Linda Clegg, who was gowned in fawn, trimmed with silk of the same shade, The groom was sup. ported by hie brother Robert, of Toronto. The ceremony was performed by Rev. E. A. Shaw, of Belgrave. While the con. •traoting parties were taking their places, the wedding march was ably rendered by. R. J. Clegg. A sumptooue repast was. duly appreciated by the guests. The. presents, which were of a useful and handsone nature, betokened the 11igh esteem in wbioh the bride is bald by her friends, who one and all joiped i0 wish- ing she young couple every happiness. As the wee sma' hoot; drew near the company dispersed, all expressing them- selves as having spent a very pleasant and enjoyable time. Wal tom Mr. McDonald, barber, of Toronto, is at present visiting at Wm. Shouldice'e. The seoond anniversary of the marriage of Wm. Sholdice will be celebrated on Friday, 10th inst. W. Kerr and T. Ryan, aspirants to the medical profession, have returned to their colleges In Toronto and London this week. We wish them every success. The funeral of the late . Mrs. H. Me, Leod took place here on Monday to the Brussels cemetery. In spite of the bad roads quite a large number of friends were in attendance. Therewill be a Christmas tree held in the English church here on Monday nighb, the 18th inst, . good program will be rendered and presents will be distribut • ed.. A good time is expected. Ex.Reeve Bennewiess, of MoKillop, was elected peeve of Logan township last Monday by a majority of 240 over his opponent, Woe. Smith. Mr. Benne. Wiese lives in Logan bub hag also property in McMillen, We oongratulabe him on his election. The Walton pupils returned to Sea• forth Collegiate .Institute on Tuesday where they have already distinguished themselves, At the Christmas examin- ation _'Mise Maggie McDonald took 'first place in her form. The others also book a very creditable stand. H. Plum+Leel, of Clinton, has sold to Bennett Bros., of Walton, at a good figure, his fine young Shorthorn bull. Major Booth -20201 -aired by Imported General : Booth out of Minnie Bruce. Major Booth is a very superior animal, and they will likely be very scooesstnl with him as a stook getter and also in the show ring. C. 0. P.—The following ofiicere were elected in Court Walton, C. 0. F., at the last meeting :—C, It, A. Moouaig; V. C R., Jno. Smith ; F. S., W. 3. Smith ; R S., R. Campbell ; Treas., J. M. Arm. strong ;'Chap., J. Cumberland ; So. W.' Jno. McDonald ; Jr, W.,. Geo. Smith ;: Sr. B., R. Fraser ; Sr. 33., 3. Humphries. Besides the installation of these officers and other importantbusinoss, there will bo an interesting debate ab the next meet- ing so a full attendance is requested. Prince Alexander of Prussia, a general' in the German army, is dead. President Cleveland hassignedthe - proolamation making Utab a State. The body of Hayward, the Minneapolis murderer, was cremated at Chicago. Mgr. Satolli was formally invested with the rank of Cardiral at Baltimore, The Emperor of Germany and Prince Frederick Leopold have quarreled over Priooe Frederick's treatment of his wife. Secretary Carlisle has isauei oa11 for tenders for the pm:chase of 9109,000,000 4 per Dent. United States gold bonds re. payable in coin. , A large mass of rook caved into the shaft df the Anna Lea mine at Victor. Colorado, orushing two men who were in the oage, to death, and imprisoning eight others, for Whom very little bOpe is entertained. The Rev. Sohn Watson, (tan Maolaren)' author of "Beside the Bonnie Brier Bush" and "Auld Lang Syne," %molested a oontraot by cnbls for a lecture tour in the United States and Canada, beginning in October neat. Six dead bodice have been recovered from the ruins caused by the explosion at St, Louie. Only four pertains are net aacouate4 for, a number repotted missing having bean found nursing their injuries et the houses of their friends. V11UIWfl Ci114''d, Rev, Dr. Willoughby, elf 11Lietowel, has been invited to become pastor 91 Brae- sels 1Merhodiet ohuroh ler next year, no Northern Presbyterian is the title Of a new weekly paper published in Col - Lingwood, with Rev, D, L. Mo0ra5 Ph. D., as editor, 26 ie a bright, newsy ebeeb, The reverend Editor lea sop of John Afo0rae, of this plane, MlssIQNARX Mesrt i9.,—The Rev, I. 0. Stringer, a Canadian Missiouaty within the Aretle circle, gave an .address to 8t- John's Munch on Thursday evening, tell- ing of hie three years' work among the Eaquimaux and whalers. A .oulleetiO3 was taken for Missions. Next Sabbath Rev. G. 11, Co bblediole will preach in Listowel, Rev. R. Patti will occupy the Methodiet church pulpit here. The following Sabbath Rev. M. Cobblediok takes the Anniversary servi- ces in Goderioh, Bev. Z. B, Waliwin, M. A., of Luoknow, will preach here both morning and evening. �T • PERSONAL PARiiial A.911S, Jno, Robb is on the sick list. Perry Pomeroy is on tbs eiok list. E. 0. Dunfard was fu Chorea last daMies Possis Mitchell has Leen op the 5iok list. Miss Lizzie Ferguson was on the sick list this week. W. A. Rose, of Fergus, was visiting in Brussels this week. Mrs. D. Ferguson, of Teeswater, is visiting in Brueeels. jostle Wilbee bas been on the sink list bat is improving now. Phil. Hingeton is back from a visit to bis parents ins Mnanitoba. Jno. MoBaiand wife spent New Year's holidays with relatives at London. Mrs. Austin and daughters, of Lis. towel, were visiting relatives in Brunie. Mies Euphie Clark, of Elorsy is visit- ing Miss Myrtle Wilson for a few weeks. L. Beam, who was home for the holi- days, returned to Brantford last Monday. Paul Milloy, of Detroit, formerly of Brussels, has entered the army of Bene - diets. Miss Dora Nott, who was visiting with her aunt at Fergus, arrived home last week. Douglas Cobblediok returned bo Rock- wood with Miss Easton last Monday for another visit, 'Mise Liston, suooessor to Mies Braden in Brussels Publie school, arrived here from Whitby on Friday. -. Anson Dulmage, of Lakelet, formerly of Brussels, was elected Reeve of Howick township last Monday. Mies Braden leaves this week for the East, where she purposes enjoying a holiday with relatives and friends. . - Thos. Watson, of Belleville, a well known former Brasselite, was renewing old friendships in this looality daring the past week. - Miss Alice Campbell returned to Lon- don on Tuesday. -A pleasant evening was enjoyed by a number of her friends on Monday. The wife of Bev. W. Smyth, Petrolia, formerly of Brussels, was seriously ill, bat her old friends here willbe pleased to know that she is now better.. George Heapy is temporarily laid aside from active work owing to a trouble with his eyes, for which he is undergoing treatment, which we hope will prove effi- 0&0ione. Architect Powell, of Stratford, was in town on Tuesday, in enunciation ,with business aoncerniog.the final olosing up of the contract between the School Board and R. G. Wilson, Jno. R., Mrs. Grant, Miss: N. May and Miss Jessie Grant, of Winnipeg, are visiting in Stratford and will be in Brus- sels in a few days. They expect to spend the Winter in Ontario. - We are sorry, to bear that Miss Jeanet Bright, sister to Wm. Bright, of Brus- sole, fell on the ice' -wbile skating at Arthur the other evening and broke one of her arms near the wrist. Eph. Dowaine has.talseu a position on the staff of the Wallaoeburg News, which paper is ran by G. F. Oolwell, brother in- law to Mrs. Jno. Gnawer, of Brussels. Mr. Downing commenced work. on Mon - Misses Whalen, of Darbam, and Wil• son, of Marmora, T. Kneohtel, of Lamb• SOD Mii1e, and Jae. Moore, of Barrie, re• turned to their respective. schools last week, after enjoying a holiday visit in Brussels and locality.. - A Windsor despatoh gives the fo'kowing partioulare of a very sad bereavement, whioh bas au interest for our readers from the fent that the " deceased young lady was a niece of Dr. and Mrs. Holmes, of Goderioh :-There is a sad- story in oonneotion with the death of Miss Edyth Carney, whioh took place twodays ago. She had been assisting her mother in nursing Charles Kent, her fiance,, when he was lying ill with typhoid fever at his hotel. The loving ministrations of the two ladies undoubtedly saved the young man's life. When Miss Carney fell ill Mr. Kent was moved to Hotel Dieu, as Mrs. Carney wag needed at her dough. tor's bedside. 110 wee kept iii ignoeanoe of the serious nature of her illness until - a dayor two before she died, when she became oousoioue, and asked to see him. - Ho was brought to ,the house, but the exertion of being moved exhausted bim, and it was some time before he recover- ed. Mies Carney then booms al uonsoi. one again, and she remained eo until she died. Mr. Kent is still at Dr. Carney's house, and hie condition is improving. The funeral of Mies Carney took plane at 2 o'clock this afternoon. The services were held in All Saints' ohuroh. North' Chicago Street Railway share- holders divided shout $3,000,000 ;'n bonuses and rights. T. Sbewman, of Winnipeg, reeeised a bequest of 956,000 under the will of en alma who died at Adotphnstown, An Buff & b Obmmieeion firm has en- goged to supply four o2 the largest 'bus and oab companies'in London with 6,000 borses, to be shipped during the year 1896. ij