HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-1-3, Page 8TIE BRUJ$S L;d PosT
Coughs and golds,
Rave you a sough 2 If eo,
du not neglect it, Variooe troubles arise
tram neglecting what people call a "alight
cold," Aug Of the moat common dievaeee
brought on by molt a negleot is that dread
destroyer of baman life palled 0oneump•
tion. Therefore if you have a oold, take
our advice and procure at thee a bottle of
1 sadman's;Ooegh Bairn. We have it in
26o, and 50. bottles.
Or if you would prefer trying some.
thing else, we can supply you with any
of the following :—Dr. Lavastette'% Syrup
Of Turpentine 25e. or 60o, ; Kiokapoa
Lough. Oure, 50e, ; Victoria Compound
Syrup of l•fypophosphitss, at $1.00 ; Fel•
taw's Syrup of Elypophoaphitee, at 41,26 ;
Balsam of Life, 26e. ; Allen's Lung Bal.
sem, 25o„ 50o, or $1.00 ; Bagyard'e Pee.
toral Balsam, 25e. ; - Wileou'e °berry
Balsam, 25o, ; Shilow'e poneomptien
Cure, 25o. or 50e. ; Kemp's Balsam, 60o, ;
I3gshee'a German Syrup, 76e,
Deadman & McCall,
Druggists, &e.
Traina leave Brussels Station, North
and South, ae follows ;
Octan Selma, Gonne Nons'n.
-hall 8.00 a.m.Mixed 0:48 a•m.
A nress....,.U:00 a.m. l Mail 8:18p.m.
Waxed ....,,, 0:00 p.m. Exprees 0:40 p.m,
rand. getus 4i.ents.
A ohiel's among ye tekin' notes,
An' faith he'll prenti b.
Doter write 1895 any more.
Sermon re -opens in Brueeels next Mon•
dA TER blizzard on Tuesday was a k10011
Out to. business.
JNo. Reesman shipped a ear of fine
sheep on Thursday.
Buuesems Sobool Bard is advertising
for 70 cords of 2 foot hardwood.
Baenooes will now likely settle down to
its regular routine after the bustle of the
holiday season.
Tan first ear of pork for this season
was chipped from Brussels last week by
Metiers. Baeker & Vanetone.
NEw Yana's day passed by very quiet-
ly. The snow blockade proved a barrier
to many in pleasure driving.
Con congratulations are extended to A.
I. and Mre. McCall over their New Year
gift. "The babies in our block" have our
best wishes.
Tnune0Ar of next week the anneal
meeting of Gray Branch Agricultural So-
ciety will be held in the Council Chain.
ber, oommenoing at 1 o'olook p, m.
ALES. OUR, of Fordwioh, was fined 310.-
00 and costa for violation of the law in
keeping his hotel bar open after 11 o'-
clock p. m. Inspector Miller bad the
case in hand•
A lanais number of lettere have been
received from persons remittiug their
eubecriptiona to TER Pon containing en-
couraging words as to the welcome visite
of this journal
Tole annual meeting of Brussels cheese
factory will be held in the Council
Chamber ou Friday, 10th inst., at 1;30 p.
m. The annual report will be presented
and other business of interest to the pa-
trons transacted.
MAA, W. F. STEwenT fell at the resi-
dence of her eon•in•law, N. F. Gerry, last
Monday evening and broke several ribs,
we are sorry to hear, The fractures
were soon attended to by a physician and
she is improving as well as could be ex-
TIME will be four eclipses next year,
two of the sun and two of the moon. An
annular eclipse of the sun, Feb. 13th, ia•
visible in Canada ; a partial eclipse of
the moon, Feb. 28th, invisible in Canada ;
a total eolipse'of the sun, August 800, in-
visible in Canada ; a partial Wipes of
the moon, August 12011, visible in Can-
Oun Southern neighbor—the Huron
Expositor—has celebrated its 25th, or
silver anniversary and starts out for the
golden in good heart and spirits. We
wish its genial editor and proprietor, M.
Y, McLean, ae we always say about wed-
dings, health, wealth and prosperity in
the time to Come.
Doc. Wanwxox and P. Scott are the
only two who have retired from the
Municipal contest for Counnillore, there-
fore the ballot next Monday will read :—
Barker, Oouhrane, Gerry, Grabens,
Leatherdale, MoOraulten, Wilson, Wil-
liams and Wynn, aocording to the alpha-
betical arrangement of names of °midi.
dates still in the field. The trustees
running are Messrs. Dennis, Bunter,
Kendall, Koenig, McKelvey and Rosa.
Q LAarENTADLE DEA'ra.—The Kincardine
Eeviecv, issued last Friday, says :,-".s
we go to press we learn that Mies Lucre-
tia Livingstone, a daughter of the highly
esteemed pastor of the Kincardine Metho-
dist church, died this morning after an
iliness of two weeks. She was seventeen
years of age and loved by all her friends."
She sincere sympathy of many Brussels
friends is extended to the bereaved
Aonxonrxannn SOCIETIES.—AOoording to
the aob of last session'
namely, the agri-
cultural and Arts Act, 58 Victoria, ohap.
11, notion 10, the annual meetings of
township agricultural societies are to be
held on the second Wednesday of Janu-
ary, at 1 o'olook,.and at least two weeks'
previous notice of all such meetings shall
be given by one or more ne wepapere pub.
lished in the municipality or municipal -
Mee to which the society belongs, and
also by printed plaoarde, or bills posted
in places of common resort,
Mouse or. REFOGE No'r se .—The oldest
person in the house ie .S.. Gardner, of
Stephen, who arrived reeuutly. He was
101 years old last May, and is pretty
active yet.—Mre. Henderson, wife of the
turnkey at Goderich jail, mune down and
gave the inmates a generous treat, in the
shape of a number of pies and cakes pre.
pared by herself. -04 Christmas day the
inmates enjoyed a germine Christmas
dinner of turkey, piens pudding, &a., pro.
sided by the citizens of Clinton, . a num-
ber of whom subscribed 25o each, to
Make up the necessary amount. The
Band drove oat and played for the in-
AT 10a01 28 anembera of last mei.
County Oeunell have been returned by
Tile Monthly ll;oree lair attracted
quite a ot'owd to Brueeels on Thurecitty.
Quite a number of horsee were sold,
ONLx a. parley bloom, - .and a very
email blossom ad that ; with a bit of wire
and a feather, 'twill make a evell Winter
Annulus debate is booked for the In.
dependent Order of Foresters on the
'question of Womonerighte. W. 13
17..F1rl ,A D4RD B4X4 O2' C4X4D4,
ASSETS,(Seven 14liilleu Dellarej . 07,000,000
0APITAII (Ant eriagd) , 02,000,009
Agouties ilk ail principal poiigta in (Maria, Queba0, Manitoba, United States eO.Atlpfatid.
dt"WSe'divg5° amem.
lllu0rnokeri and ld. Mooney pry thq A. General ,Ranking Business Tl'antaated• Farmers' Notes Discounted,
eaptaine. Drafts Issued and CglleOtioue made on all points.
NEXT Monday will be ele0ti1n day,
Poll open from 9it, m.to5p.in, at J. J„
(eilpin's ofl1ee and the Cosrisil Chamber,
with R. MoNaughton and Wm, Aldridge
as Dopety Returning officers. Every
ratepayer should oast hie or her ballot,
Tun horses, harness and rigs belonging
t0 the estate of the late Wrn. Roddick
were offered for sale by public. emotion on
Thursday afternoon of this week, The
balanoq of the Smillie grocery stook was
a)eo eo!d, 1. S. Scott was the solution -
I'r would be well for a few young men
who attend public. gatherings to under-
stand that an audience or a epeaker have
certain rights that must be recognized
and that unkind ieter'rnntions and person.
al remarlts are not the -beet evidence of
good manners,
Idusro. ne.—One day last week . Rod,
MoKey, Jas. Shaw and Jae, Burgess not
and split gordeof 29 inch wood out of a
maple tree, in 88 minutes. The two
former did the sawing and the latter
handled the axe. The work was done. on
Mr, Bargees' farm.
Bvon,nias Fon HIU88re.—W. S. Wake,
the partner of the late W. Roddick, has
decided to continue' the business under
hie owe name. He will attend to house,
Bien, oarriuge and ornamental painting
and decorating, ae formerly. We wish
Mr. Wake every success, as be is a tip-
top workman and a steady, industrious
young man who deserves to succeed, He
will retain the paint shop on King street.
Naw YEAR WEnDINes.—New Year wed-
dings were booming; In the number
were included Wm. J. Russell, of Duluth,
and Miss Mary Parker, eldest daughter of
Geo.ge Parker, Sunshine ; Jno. W.
Sanders, of Grey, and Mies Mary
Squiers, of Morntngton, Perth Co, ; and
John Oubb, of Grey, and Mies Jennie
Robinson, of Rewiok, May the year
1896 bring them many comforts and
0.0. F,—Tae following officers were
elooted at the last'begular meeting of
Court Princess Alexandria No, 24, 0.
0. R., Jas. Sherrie ;
V. 0., A. Crozier;
Rec.-Sec , W. Smitb ;
Fin. -Sec., A. Romig ;
Treasurer, Wm. Blashill ;
S. W., a. Wilbee;
J. W. II. Elliott ;
Chaplain, Jas. Blashill ;
S. B., Jus. Bowman ;
J. B., A. Livingston ;
Phvsioians, Drs. McKelvey and
Gunn St/mtgs.—The anniversary eery'.
oes in the Methodist church last Sabj
bath were grandly successful in every
respect. Rev. Mr. 0oobiedick preached
a fine discourse in the morning on "The
magueti3 power of the uplifted Christ."
The Misses Hall, of Guelph, Bang, with
their usnal acceptability, the dnett,
"There's Joy." Mies Hall took charge of
the fellowship service. In the evening
every foot of available apace was occu-
pied. Mies Hall gave a fine nddrees on
the duty of acknowledging God'e gifts
and making returns to Him by faithful
stewardship. Mies Annie Hall's address
was based on good resolutions for 1896,
dwelling on the necessity of exemplifying
greater kindliness to everybody. The
ladies sang, very sweetly, "When the roll
is called up yonder I'll be there." Ap-
propriate musioal selections were also
contributed by the choir. In response to
the anniversary plate offering about 3240
was contributed, which was a very gener-
ous amount considering the close times
for money. Nob a little credit for this
splendid collection is due to Rev. R. Paul,
for energetic work done by him in this
behalf. Miners Hall left for Guelph on
Monday and go to Acton for a series of
meetings next Saturday.
Miss May Kelly is home from Detroit,
Lincoln Hembly was visiting here this
Mise Powell is visiting Mrs. (Rev.)
Mise Nellie Campbell is home from
Mies Elsie Pelton is visiting at Mrs. R.
G. Wilson's.
George Anderson, of Atwood, wasin
town this week,
Tom. Monroe is renewing old acquaint-
ances in Bruesele.
Miss Maggie McMartin is home from
Chesley on a visit.
Jas. Pox, wife and son spent New
Years at Wroxeter.
Mrs. Constable, of Seaforth, is visiting
Mrs. Will. Ainley.
W. A. Maclean, of St. Marys, spent
New Years in town.
3. McGowan and wife spent New
Year's day at Mitchell.
Mies Hattie Rogers, milliner, is enjoy-
ing a holiday visit here.
Mise Mary McLaachlin is home from
ber situation at London.
Rev, I. B. Wallwin, B. A., of Luaknow,
was in town last Saturday.
Robt. Rose and wife, of Wroxeter, were
in town on New Year's day.'
Geo. Halliday was in Kincardine on
Monday on a business trip.
Miss Montgomery was visiting her
sister, Mrs. W. F. Vanetone.
Mrs. Whiteside, of Toronto, is the
guest of Mrs. D. McLennan.
Mise Whalen, of Durham, is visiting
her cousin, Miss Olive Norton.
M. MoHenzie, and wife, of Teeswater,
were visiting at George Crooke'.
E. 0. Lowry, Queen street, has been on
the sick list, but is improving now.
Rev. George Jewitt, of Warwick, is en.
joying a brief holiday visit here.
Miss Inman, of Guelph, and Mies Jsan
Wilson are visiting their mother.
Harold Creighton was home from
Guelph for a few days this week.
Mise Mary Linnell, of London, is
holidaying with Mise Lily Kendall.
Ad. Megaton and wife, of Seaforth,
were visiting in Brussels last week.
Mrs. (Rev.) Jewitt is renewing old
friendships in Brueeels and looality.
Wm..Rose and wife are away on a heli.
day visit with relatives and friends at
Guelph, Galt and Dundee.
Interest allowed op deposite of $1.00 and upwards from Oat of deposit to date of
withdrawal and compounded half yearly, •
every facility afforded Customers Rettig at a dietanee,
Mrs. Wm. Rose, of Fergus, is visiting
her parents, Wm. I{neolttel and wife,
Mees I3ossie and Minnie Moore spent
Cbrletnlae with relatives ab Clinton.
Wesley Beattie and wife,' of Seatoetb,
were visiting in Brussels last Sabbath.
Mise Martha Ingram, of Morrie, was
visiting her aunt, Mrs. Geo, 0. Lowry.
3. 0. Took was holidaying with rela-
tives in Shelburge during the past week,
Mrs, Jas. Irwin, who had tiro miefor,
bone to full and break her ribs, is im-
Thos. Ainley and wife, of Listowel,
were holidaying for a week in Brussels
and looality.
Mice Jennie Norton, of Listowel, will
take a sobool near Oolliigwood. We
wish her seems.
Mrs, Salem Armstrong and obildren, of
Leavenworth, U. S., are visiting at R.
Armstrong's, Brussels. -
Mrs. J. A, Stewart spent .the holiday
week in Toronto.' Mr. Stewart was in
the Queen city for Christmas.
I. Kingswood, wife and son, of St.
Thomas, were holidaying with relatives
in Brussels and Morris this week.
Mrs. Walter Smith has been danger -
misty ill during the past week but is
somewhat better now, we are pleased to
Rev. W. Ottewell, of Belwood, was a
caller on Pun Poem this week. He had
been at Walton anniversary tea -meeting
ou New Years.
A. Ferguson, of Chicago, and D. M.
and Mrs. Irergason, of Stratford, were
vial ing Mrs. Ferguson, Alexander street,
duel. ,,.,, hohdd.v mason.
Dr. l'Luc t r, of Aruleswortb, wbowas in
Bruesele for a' short time, ia:removing to
Port Perry, where he has formed a part.
nerehip with an established practitioner.
M. Farrow, of Bluevale, is visiting his
eon, Postmaster Farrow. Although the
old gentleman will soon be 91 years of
age he retains all his faculties to a mark-
ed degree.
Barrister Blair visited the circular
town for New Years. The amount of
courting ab the Go. Town takes up e,
good deal of time with some legal gentle..
men, but then it's business.
Dr. Ferris le visiting his sister, Mrs.
J. A. Stewart, this week. The Dr. hoe
held the position of physician on a C. P.
R. steamer running between Vancouver
and Yokohama for the past two years.
B. Pelton, of Chicago, was visiting his
sisters, Mrs. R. G. Wilson and Miss
Pelton. Mr. Pelton is taking a medical
missionary course in the above mention•
ed city, and along with his wife expecte
to go to India in the near future, under
the direction of the Mission Board of the
Baptist church.
Business Locals.
Gnocnnrma at MoAlpine's.
Mme for sale. Apply at thie oflioe.
O1toaoss and piano to rent. R.Leather-
IF you want robes or blankets call on
H. Dennis.
2 on 8 good second -band Organs for
sale cheap at R. Leatherdale's.
Lawn stock of light harness sold at low
prices. H. Dennis.
Omr horse collars are all warranted.
H. Dennis.
Boole and shoes cheap and good.
I. 0. Richards.
Farm hand crayon enlarging done np
A 1 et Brewer's gallery, Smith block.
SxNOLs harness cheap, and a good stook
always on band. I. 0. Riaharda,
P,oBRs, blankets and bells very cheap.
L 0. Richards.
FARMERS call at D. Ewan's blaokemith
shop if you want a bargain in bobeleighs
Go to D. Ewan to buy your bobsleighs.
Best finished and cheapest sleighs in
Benue your rubbers, boots and shoes to
ns for repairs. We do them ahem) and
good. I. 0. Riobarde.
JAS. MOALPINE has put in a line of
Groceries. Everything new and fresh,
no stale goods.
You can gat Organs from 325 and up
and sewing machines at equally low
prices at R. Leatherdale'e.
TnET don't keep wash tube or sorub
brushes, but just what yon want in the
Grocery Hewitt MoAipine's.
ALL the choicest fruits of the season,
also a large assortment of Fancy China
and Glassware suitable for Xmas pree•
ante at Thomson's.
Saxaon's ogre is sold on a guarantee.
It three incipient consumption. It is
the best cough cure. Only one oent a
dose. 25 ote., 50 obs. and $1.00. Sold by
James Fox, Druggist, Brussels.
SAwemade 'to out fast and easy. Seo.
ond.hand saws bought and sold, Point-
ers given on saw filing and the Dare and
management of saws, on Queen street
East, by T. MoGregor, of Brneeele, Ont.,
Master of Sawe.
KARL'S Clover Root, the great Blood.
Purifier gives freshness and olearneae to
the complexion and puree o0netipation.
25 ate, 50 ate and $1.00. Sold by James
Fox, Druggist, Brussels.
Casetee K, & L. Plias Conn DrernretA,
—For the last eight years I have been
a sufferer from constipation and dyepep•
eia—I tried dozens of different medioines,
bat nothing gave me relief until I used
Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, which
cared one. James Heard, Woodville,
ebn•DioorNG AND DRIr,LIN0,—George
Birt has all the necessary machinery for
digging and drilling wells and 15 prepar-
ed to, attend to all work entrusted to him
in a way- that will insure satisfaction.
Welle cleaned out and put in proper
shape. Terme reasonable. Reerdenoe.
second door north of the bridge, west
side of Turnberry et., Bruesele. 34-01
Dar stovewood at MoOraolten'e.
GRAIN Baps, --Large size, full 10 oz„
only 01.90 per dozen, at Smith & MO,
ALL ]rinds . of . saws oleaned, gummed
hammered, jointed, set, filed andoiled
at Queen St„ East, by saw flier, T. Me.
Gregor. Brussels, Saws may be left and
arrangements made at McKay & Co's.
hardware store, Brussels, Ont.
Mits. T. S. HAwxxxs, Chattanooga,'
Tenn., says, "Shiloh's Titalizer "saved
my life." I consider it the beet remedy
for a debilitaed system I ever used."
For dyspepsia, liver or•kidney trouble it
excels. Price 75 ate. Sold by Jas. Fox,
Druggist, Bruesele,
Ir you are in need of anything in the
furniture, picture framing, window shade,
curtain pole, piano, organ or sewing
machine line coma and get my prices be,
fore you buy. It will save yon money.
No trouble to show goods. 0. Leather,
CotooxosorAL Tnensusixe.—Wm . Gold.
ing, oommeroial traveller, 130 Esther at.,
Toronto, Gaye :—For 15 years I suffer-
ed untold misery from -itching piles,
sometimes oalled pin worms. Many and
many weeks have I had to lay off the
road from this trouble, I tried eight
other pile ointments and so-called risme.
dies with no permanent relief go the in•
tonne itching and stinging, which irri-
tated by soratehing would bleed and
ulcerate. One box of .Chase's Ointment
cured me completely.
Several farmers near Cobourg, Ont.,
have been doing considerable ploughing
during the past week. The weather has
been very mild, with an abundance of
Mise Hannah Macey Maonab, sister of
the late Sir Allan Maonab; died onThure-
day evening, at the reeidenoe of her
niece, Mrs. J. 0. Harvey, Hamilton, at
the age of 94.
Ottawa —In Morrie, on Doo. 20th, 1896,
the wife of Mr. Robert Currie of a
MoLArroi i0.—In Grey, on Dec. 28th,
1895, the wife of Mr. Neil McLanoh-
lin of a daughter.
MOOALL,—In Brussels, on Deo. 27th, the
wife of Mr. A. I. McCall, druggist, of
a eon.
STIMTTON.—In Morrie, on December 8th,
the wife of Mr. James Stratton, Ir.,
of a son.
MEnnITT—EIMNOTON.—At the residence
of the bride's parents, Morrie, on
Christmas Day, by Rev. J.W. Pring,
of the Nile, Mr. Jno. Merritt, of
Kincardine, to Mise Jennie, daughter
of Mr. David Errington,
YOVNO—SEAnr.E.-In Morris, on Christ.
mac Day, at the reeidenoe of the
bride's father, by Rev. W. M. Pom-
eroy, Mr, Henry Young, of Hnllett,
to Miss Mary A., daughter of Mr.
John Searle.
MOwa0—Gnoves, At the residence of
the lliride',e brother, Mr. E. W.
Groves, Toronto, on the 25th Deo.,
by the Rev. L. G. Wood, Mr. John
A. Mowat, of Wingham, to Miee
Kate Groves, daughter of Mr. Jae.
Groves, Wingham.
WrroansoN.—In Morrie, on Dee. 27th,.
1895, Margaret, beloved wife of
Charles Wilkinson, aged 82yearOand
5 months.
>31ZVSseemis MAR?aaTs.
Fall Wheat 01 52
Spring Wheat 01 82
Barley. 30 81
Peas 48
Oats 22
Batter, tube and rolls .., 13 14
Eggs per dozen 19
Flour per barrel.....,.., 4 00 4 50
Potatdos (new) 14 15
Hay per ton 14 00 15 00
Hides trimmed 5 0
Hides sough 2 2,j•
Salt per bbl., retail 1 00 00
Sheep skins, eaoh 40 50
Lamb skins each 15 40
Apples per hue.... 1 00
Hogs, Live 3 00
Dressed Hoge 4 00 4 25
Wool 18 20
Turnbeny Street 1er sale or to rent,
Apply to THOS.. BALLANTYNE,Bruited s.
First mortgage, farm security. Apply
at THE POST Pubilebing House, Brussels,
KJ xsae of the undersigned, in the mouth.
of June, three red yearlingheifers, Any in
Ybrnrabion leading to ther. recovery 17111 be
thankfully reoelved,.
2 4Newry P. 0,
kJ IsEe of the undersigned, Lot 17, Con. 4
eiooonbeo8syeetrd ilr. Thver iyear old
prove property, pay 00950800 and take him
away. L. MONEIL,
28.4 Craubrobk P.O.
CENT.—Wo have thudded to go out of
Toys Until we can secure a larger store. We
therefore offer a dieoount of 20 per cont, to
clear thorn out. See our advertisement in
left handcorner of tbie page,
Druggists, Bookteliers &e,
JAN, 3, 1696
Paste this in your blit and ]kola it for rel'orenoe,
:Beside the Bomlie Briar ]lush,
reduced to 01,00.
Bios Linen Picture Books, So, cavil.
Lovely Xmas and New Year Garde,
25c, per doz.
Beautifully Tinted Papotries,50e. each,
Celluloid Photo, Albums, 600, to 08 eaoll,
Gentlemen's Travelling Companions in
solid leather, 02.00 to $3.00 ciao!),
Moe Picture 130040, 10. each,
Moon Mirrors, 250. and 50e.
puff and Collar Sete, 01,20 eaoli,
Photo. Holders, 150, and 25e, each.
Toilet Cases, Celluloid, 01,50 each,
Bibles, 25o. to 05.00 oath.
Beautiful Cards, Booklets and Calendars,
all prices,
Celluloid Odor CMOS, 01.40 eagb.
Rios Line of the Poeta from 00e.. to
02,50 each.
Qu000's HOTEL,
Oroklnalo, ,,,.$1,26
Loci Heir, •, 100, & 26e.
Slabions, 29a,
Dominoes, 1Se, & 26o,
Bagatelle, , , .. 25e.
Flips, 10e, 4;
i 250.
Frog Pond, ..., 200,
Telegraph Messenger , , , , 150,
Ji'ieh Poad, 26o,
Bean lag, ,.,, 26o,
Halms Improved ., ., 25o.
Parehoosi, • .... 250,
The Ocean Ra0e, . .. 25o,
Ismlly, 250. •
Authorsog0ao, 60, & 20u.
The Bioyole Raee, 250,
3aels Straws, , 200,
China, China, . , , , 100,
'lenders will be received with Salivary 10,
1820, for the delivery of 70 cords of good,
Bound, green hard wood beech and maple,
all body wood, 24. limbos long and not more
than 8 inches through to be delivered at the
Brussels Dubito Selma Moues before the 1st
Day of March, 1800,
Seeretary Public. Eehool Board,
The AnnualMeotlag of the Grey Dranolr
Agricultural Society will be hold in the Town
Hall, Brussels, on THURSDAY, JAN, 0, 1890,
at 1.20 o'clock sharp, for the purpose of re -
miring tiro Auditors' Report, electing offi-
cers for the unsling year and transacting
8uoh other business ae may come before the
Preeident, . Secretary.
The Annual Meeting of the East Huron Ag-
ricultural Society will be held in the Town
Hall. Brussels, on WEDNESDAY, Jan. Seth,
1890, at 1,00 o'clock sharp, for the purpose of
receiving the Auditor's' report, electing of -
eon for the ensuing year and traneaeting
such other business as may come before the
President. Secretary,
Cheese Factory. Meeting.
atrnilbelofeboieoFcoywlLd lothe
1wnHall, On
FRIDAY, JAN, lOth, at 1.80 p, m. The an•
Boal report will boresented and other bus-
iness 0)0101 rest to the patrons...'. Intending
patrons and others interested aekod to at.
Notice is hereby given that the Annual
Mooting of the
iiowielr Mutual: Fire Insurance Company
will be held at the TOWNtSHIP HALL,
GOBRIE, on FRIDAY, JAN. 17th, 1890, at 1
o'oleek p. m., for the purpose of receiving the
report of the Directors for the past year,
the election of Directors bad Auditors, and
for other business. By order of the Board.
Gorrie,Deo. 20,'05. Secretary.
DEIta1ORED has several good Farms for
sale and t0 rent, easy -terms, in Townships.
of Morris and Grey. F S. SOOTT,Brneaels
1KL —100 acres of good farm land ab
Springfield, 8 miles from. Winnipeg, is offer-
ed for sale at ,slow price. The property is
North East t 550.10, Twp. 11, Range 4, East.
There is a house ou the premises and some
breaking done. For full particulars as to
price, title. &o., write or apply to:
20.81 Brussels, Ont.
farm for sale, be g lot08, 8111 line, OMorrie
The farm
table h usbarn, young orchard,
and is only a half mile' from Bruesele• Poe.
session given loin April lat. There are 49
soros of Fail wheat in. For price and, terms
apply to A, ADAMS," Proprietor,
22-4 Brussels P. 0.
3E116xe2410) offers his 100 acre farm, be-
ing Let 10, 000. 0, Grey, for sale. Thereare
about 78 acres under cultivation. On the
premises raroa log house, good barn and
other necessary outbuildings, :also good or-
chard, Sobool house on corner of tat, Im-
mediate possession, 29 amen of Foil wheat
iu, Also hay and straw on farm. ltaey
terms. For prise ooaditfone, &a., agony to
ALES. BREMNER, Proprietor, Ethel P.O.
Lot 0, C'undersigned
n 12, Grey, will
there' bred Yorkshire
White boar. Pedigree may be seen on ap-
plication. Terme 01,00 to be paid at time of
service with privilege of returningif 682019.
21.2m Proprietor.
Undersigned: will keep for'servlee on
ap{pproved White' Yorkshire Boar 'Selected,,.
bred from J, 10.,Bo'bthour's eweopstakee Sow
at Obieago.Fair. Terme $1,00 to be paid
at the te of service with privilege of re-
turning if necessary. Pedigree may be seen
on applloation. - -
_ ROBT, N1000L.
The undersigned will peep for seevloe ou
North Half bot 29, Con, 7, Morrie, a there'
bred Tamworth Boar, reeently purchased
from the well known breeder, Jno, Bell, Am-
ber. 0 to be paid at timee of ser7White Bioe with prig:
liege of retueningif ne0oesary.
00-bf S. WALKER, Proprietor,
uudereigned will keep for service on
Lot go, Oen, 0, Morrie, the thore'•bred Large
English Berkshire Boar, 'Captain John,"
His mother i8 a f1111 sister to the hit prize
Sow at the World's Fair, Pedigree will bo
Produced on applloatlon. Torme—$1..00 to
be pall at time of service with privilege of
returning if neee0eary.
14.Om JAS. 8Pb,2R, Proprietor.
. ®..
t BARRISTER, Solioitor suet Co g. made. Olpoe—Vanatone'sBl, Bon.ee1e, 21.010
Ito, &o. 80ffioe—'8 on t pewee Block 1y do r
north of Central Hotel, Prtyate Runde to
• (Formerly of Cameron, Holt &
Cameron,) Barrister and Solicitor, Godo ch,
Ont. 01106—Hamilton St,, Opposite Col-
borne Hotel. •
• Solicitor, leo. (late of Garxow &
Proudfoot'a OMlloe, Goda1ioh.) Office over
Gillies & Smith's Bank, Br'uesole.
Money to Loan, ,17
Honor Graduate Toronto University,
Licentiate Royal College Dental Surgeons.
Crown and Bridge work a specialty.Moder-
Barrett a bars. ber shop, T0n rnberry t.t.,
t • Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all
dieeasea of domeetIoated animals in it oom-'
patent manner. Particular attention paid
to veterinary dentistry. Calls promptly at-
tended to. Office and Infirmary Pour doors
north of bridge ')'urnberry et., Bruesele.
ea. • A. MCNAUGHTON, M. D.
0.M., L. c. P., Edinburgh, M. C. p.
S. Ont. Residence and office in Wilson's
Bleak, corner of Mill and Turnberry Ste,
. Phyeielan, Surgeon, Acconoher,eta.
Faculty e Mem, Toronto ollages ii Ph Medical
and Someone, Ont. Oman—Next door to
McDonald & Co„ Walton Ont.
at his Grocery, J,'nrnbOrrygstreet, Brussels.
. Tonsorial Artist. Shop—Next doo
south CIA. M. MalayOo'e hardware store.
Ladies'and ohldrena hair cutting a specialty.
Savings Bank takes Deposita from
81,00 to 01400 aid allows 29 per cont.
interest. T. 5'ARitow,-
97.8rn Postmaster.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
01,31011 AT JEwnLnr STORE.
1M"No Witness Required.
T. FLETCHpR, Enamels.
Teacher of instrumental mueio on
Flans or Organ.. hill visit Wiugiram Tues-
day and Wednesday of enol, week..Resi-
denoe on Princess Street, Bruoeele•
s00ct0oEstablished suranceeffected on nt Farrm
P1.Olperty at very low fates.
18.2p1 AS0n0, Brussels,
Clerk Of the Fourth phaeton Cour
Go. Huron, donveyaoeer, Notary Public
Land, Loan and. Insurance Agent. Funds
invested and to loan. Collections made
()glee in. Smale'sBlook,Brues0le
fr A. HAWKINS, M. 0. 8, M.
• Organist in St. John's Church, Brus
eels and pupil, in the Art of Toaehieg of A.
W. Thayer, Mee, 1)oe„New York, will glye
'moue to Unpile either on piano or organ
at Ma parlor over A. It. Smith's store, Brus
able, Veda' lessons also given. Terms mod.
Licensed Auotloneer. Sales conduct
edon reasonable terms. Farms and farm
steely a specialty. Orders loft at Tan Poem.
Publishing lion so,Bru oriels, or sentt0 Walton
P. 0„ will receive prompt attention,
• nun, will cell for better prloee,to
better men in loos time and lees charges
than any other Auctioneer in East Huron
Cordon eau acharge
w yp be anything, at thlte office
or by personal appifeabtoft.