HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-1-3, Page 4• llni�� New �++Gil/ehtl�� s 1,094lR•^-D..81wa11, Varna for sale --A., Adams, Native -*W. S, Mollercher,,. Winter go0(4-..4• MoGOwan 00. coughs and Colds -.-Deadman di Me. Call., aofdeeter-:'Ar, WII. limina, - Cheese I'aotorY meeting, -Harris lrla- Lanoline. 61,11 rusods past, 'RIDAY, J4N. 8 i$96 . CARD TO ELECTORS. LApn:s Ann GENTLEDnur,-- I am again iu the field for. re election as Councillor, I am allied to no political party and if eleoted my only object will be to aid in the progress of Brussels, Your vote and influence asked and I will endeavor to prove worthy of the trust reposed fu me if returned. -R. LEATHERDALE, CARD" TO ELECTORS. LaDIEs Alp GENTLe iEN,- I have been nominated as a Councillor for the Municipal Board of Brussels for 1896. If elected I will use my best efforts to advance the interests, of our village, Your vote and influence solicited. Wishing you the compliments of the season, I am, yours truly, R. G. WILSON. CARD TO ELECTORS. Lams man GENTLEMEN,- I have been nominated as Sobool Trustee for the ensuing term and am in the field as au independent candi- date. I solicit your vote and if returned will endeavor to promote the interests of Brussels Public School. Yours respectfully, A. KOENIG. To the Electors of Brussels. LIMES AA -i) GENTLE3EN,- Having been nominated as a candidate for Trustee of Brussels School I wish to state that I am in the field to do my duty to the town and not allied to either party at the Board as constituted last year. In reference to the proposed A, B R U S S?;l LS engaged in the nrantlfacture of oly 299,9421s charged to genital auooudb, o0:011+xiet'y butter, should Mill and all vie The repaints from these leads amounted With 040 anather.in leaving noblring un- to 2U17,809, In addition to thlfl the PQM done, so that the vary best article possible 'of $129,727 was. paid lent on 5500001 of may be produced, and Ontario stand consolidated fend. maltinga total expondi• head and shoulders -as oho may if elm tore en account of Dominion Lando of will -above auy other. country in the $229,000, while the total reoelpte amounba production of the finest butter, lve hope ed to $167,809, leaving a delioit et shout the patrons of Whitooburoh creamery will $02,009, This Was the Rind which ao, ens and all try to do hor and his part to cording to Sir Charles'Tupper was to Make the year 1600 more suocessfnl than realize from the sale of Janda to settlors o b sora m an of rsdeues learning from 6 t the stun f y p g he m o $69,000,000, atter paying all experience of the past and with all the the expenses of survey and management, energy, skull and brain.power with whiab It was Sir Leonard TIlley when Minister they are endowed resolve to do their part of h'inaace in 1882 predfoted that by 1800 in producing an A 1 artiele, "So mote it Canada's public debt would be reduced to be." The Treasurer of the oompany, IL $199,000,000 by the prooeeda of 7jeminion D. Henderson, paid out the 10% dividend lands. The amount of debt today is to each shareholder before the meeting 9259,900,000 and the Dominion land fund was convened, Tice popular President of oontinues to show an annual de(loib, the Diraators of the company, 811'. Henry, The liabilities of the Dominion, whioli opened, the meeting with a few pertinent were a year ago 9308,000,909, are set and wise remarks, after whiohRobb. Our- down now at $818,000,000. Slane last tie, sr„ was chosen ohairman of the year Mr. Foster has realized 910,950,000 meeting, The ohairman gave a short ad. an account of the loan of 1894, In other dress, when the Secretary, R. W. Situp• words. Mr. Foster is borrowing money to son, read the minutes of last annual pay his running expenses. meeting, which, 0u motion, were Sustain. Among the miscellaneous expenditure ed. The Auditors' report was then read for 1895 appear the following items, ex. by II. D. Henderson, from which we nooses for Alaska boundary commission, glean the following facts :--Total output 544,565 ; contribution to the Lady of the factory, 78483 lbs, ; price paid for Thompsn fund, 925,000 ; additional butter -milk, 9120 ; total receipts, 918,- payment for Oolonial Conference, 54,505; 408.58 ; amount paid patrons, 910,520.. funeral expenses of the late Sir Jelin 10 total expenditure, 1118,165.01; leaving Thompson, $28,881 ; dant for printing a balance of $242.02 to pay shareholders' bureau, 94,929 ; preparations of retinue dividend and needful supplies for coming to Parliament, $1,243 ; further payment season, Liabilities, none, Jas. Gaunt' to Royal Oommiseiononthe liquor traffio, and Malcolm Lamont, Auditors. A dis' 512,857. mission of some length was then indulged The revenue of the Posb•Offiee Depart - in by some of the patrons in reference to ment amounted to 92,792,789 and the ex. "tests" and other matters in connection penditure to 98,593,547, a defioit of 9820,• with the successful running of the dream- 000, whioli is very much in excess of the ery, The Directors for the company for average deficit. The post.offioe revenue Me coming year were then chosen, was $17,000 less than the year before and when all the old members were re-eleoted the expenditure 970,000 more. The ex - unanimously to fill that position for 1890. penditure for the post -office was larger This speaks volumes for the way the Di- than is any previous year since oonfede• rectors have performed their onerous ration, The same is true in the Militia duties iu the past, and how well they Department. The same is also true as have pleased the shareholders and pa. applied to the Government of the North. frons of the institution. The following West and the penitentiaries. are the Direobors for 1898 :-Frank In 1890 it Dost 9873,000 to collect about Henry, John Gillespie, Richard Petty- 924,000,000 of Customs revenue, and in piece, William Martin and Gavin Wilson. 1895 it oost 9917,000 to oolleot $17,040,- Jas. Gaunt was chosen Auditor for the 000. company. A successful and harmonious The number of accounts opened with meeting was then brought to a close. the Post -Office Savings Bank was the smallest of any year during the last ten ears. PUBLIC ACCOUNTS. A statement is appended to thereport showing by departments the number of Anneal Report of the 7liuislot of officials employed in the inside and out. Finance for the Past Fiscal Year. nude service The coming under. las. superan. nuntionact, and their salaries. The totalnumber is 4,202, whose salaries ag- THHE, velum HEST - IXectEASSID. gregate83,609,113. The number credited. to the customs Department is 964, to the The annual report of the Minister of Poet Office Department, 1,507. Finance known as the Public Accounts Tired Breen, of Tweed, -was -drowned. for the .fiscal year, ending June. 30, 1895, is published. The T. H. & 13. line from Waterford The operations of the year resulted in to Welland is completed. an increase of 50,801,897, in the net pub- The Norwich broom works have recefv lia debt, which on June 30, stood at 9258,- ed three oars of broom oar from Illinois 074,927. The receipt from ordinary The convicts ab Kingston enjoyed a sources Failed to meet the ordinary a • 1,200 pound pudding on Chrietmae day c penditure by 94,153,875, This showing is A young man named McCaffrey was even worse than appeared by the state, lulled by a train on the Lake Erie road, ment of the year's finances published in Separate School trustees were elected by acclamation at Hamilton and London. A farmer named Picbe blew out the gas in his room at Montreal and died from suffocation. A. P. Martin, leader of the Opposition in the Manitoba Legislature. will run again in Mortice. The distribution of 3,200 Martini. Metford rifles and 600,000 rouuds of am. munition to the volunteer force has been completed at Kingston. Rev. R. Hobbs, of Brantford, has ac- cepted the pastorate of the Askin street Methodist church, London, subject to the approval of the Stationing Committee. Scriptural lessons I may state that I am the 'Canada Gazette' in October, both opposed to their introduction. Having the net debt and the deficit being larger served 0 years on the Board my record is than the amounts contained in that statement, The withdrawals from the savings banks amounted to $11,280,000 and the deposits to $11,224,000. There was thus (55,840 more withdrawn during the year than was deposited. The accrued interest on the various accounts amounted to 51,470,332. The actual debt ie even larger than 9253,000,000, because no acc0nntis taken of the three million dollars to which the Dominion is indebted to the Province of Quebec, and for which we became liable under a statute passed recently. It is a tion in our school, in fact make the Pub- direct liabil1iy which the Minister of lio School a training school for the Sun- FiThs apparently a perepudiates.ituou day Schools. Now, my position is that I The total fund was 938 8e 05 and of will oppose to my utmost any euoh move total receipatedts soo3 was ,129, showi ana the as I am satisfied with manner for- total z 94,152, $33,The dde showing a de. msrly followed and think it is satisfactory fiefs if Mackenzie left . The have sines Mr. to the majority. I may also state that I Rfackeuzia left office have baso as fol - to oppose the opening of a fifth room as before you and I solicit your vote and influence. H. DENNIS. CARD. FELLOW FUMES,- One of my opponents is ch:en- lating that on account of my connection with the Presbyterian church I am in favor of increasing the religious instruc• has s been urged by the same opponent and his Co. Trustee (although denied at nom. ination) for the past two years. In fact their big fight for the Binning plan was on account of the small class rooms in it, which if adopted would force the opening of a fifth room. I will not be an obstruc- tionist at the Board as he has been for the last year, but, if elected, will serve you to the best of my judgment in for- warding the best interests of our school and in doing so I feel certain you will elect me. I am, your servant, D. C, ROSS. Whitechurch C reamery. The annual meeting of the White- church Creamery Co. was held in the Foresters' Hall, on Saturday, the 21st Deo., at one o'clock in the afternoon. The hall was crowded with the share- holders end patrons of the Co., indicating the interest that is taken in the import- ant, luorative and steadily growing in. dustry, namely : Creamery butter. The company have had a very successful and prosperous year, notwithstanding the "hard times" and "tightness of money." The output of butter has been large, and the prices received have been exceptional- ly high, in fact, Whitoohurch creamery has sold their butter at a better price than any other creamery in the Province. This speaks wall for the quality of the article manufactured and for the tact and business ability of the wide awake sales. man in disposing of the butter at such 91,937,999 1880 1,643,227 1885 2,240,058 1886 5,834,571 1888 810,031 1894 1,210,832 1896 4,153,875 The deficits during Sir Richard Cart- wright's administration of the finances, amounted in three years to 94,489,000. The following are the items of expendi. ture on account of consolidated funds for 1895 :- Interest and charges on public debt a ...910,745,244 Sinking funds .... 2,002,311 Civil Government 1,422,227 Administration of Justice .. - 755,682 Dominion Police 21,943 Legislation 941,570 Penitentiaries 449,599 Arts, Agrionitureandstatistics 216,740 Immigration Quarantine Pensions Superannuation Militia 101,320 84,349 265 385 1,674,013 Mounted Polios.... „........ 846,125 Public Works 1,742,816 Railways and Canals 252,716 Mail subsidies and steamship subventions 618,268 Ocean and river service..,205,092 Marine Hospitals 88,689 Sboamboat inspection 26,386 Insoranoe inspection 10,017 Fisheries 443,832 Geological Survey 68;151 Scientific institutions 77,241 Subsidies to Provinces 4,260,674 good prices. The creamery butter in- Indians 955,404 dustry is, comparatively speaking, a new Northwest Government 303,626 thing in our progressive country, bat is Misuellaneous 217,210 one of great importance and one that is The collection of customs cost 5017,682 destined nom .tn tape a leading l a in the Pao and excise o sc 1 71 884. Tb $ o expenditure domsstic manufacturingproducts of Pair on Pmilitia was $300,000 in excess of the -pre- Canada. We have a country that is no. vious year and the expenditure on rail. surpassed for developing and fostering ways and canals on account of income in. and bringlugto the very highest state of oreasod by nearly 100 per cent. and the perfection this usefal and sysryday-neo• expenditure of Publfo works on, account weary of life -butter, namely, fertile of income was inoreased by 9800,000. meadows, pasturelands, and eland- Administration of justice was inoeeased once of good, pure water. These, with 510,000 and oivil government $20,000. the best maohmery that active brain and The expenditure on immigration decrees. skilful hands can construct for the mann, ed by $7,000. Maturing of creamery butter. Canada The expdhditure On capital amounted should take a leading place. The farm. to $3,081,000, distributed chiefly among ors of our counbryshould take an active four items, as follows :-St Lawrence interest in developing the butter industry, river, and canals, 91,787,592 ; Sault Ste, as it will pay thorn well for any trouble Marie canal, $460,151 • Interoolonial they take or any oatlay they make, A Railway, $327,004 ; Lachine canal, 9180,•: "gilt edged" article will always command 944, Lt addition bhe railway subsidies a good pride, and will be sought after by charged to capital account and paid dur- the consumer and never go a.bogging, anding the year aggregated $1,810,649. the patrons of our oreameries, and diose. Am OI1JSLEY, Real Estate 86 Loan Agent, - Brussels. Money to Loan on Farm Secur- ity at the Lowest 'late of Interest. Money Loaned on Notes and good Notes Discounted. Sale Notes a Specialty. Fire a Life Insurance Written. Special Attention given to CO NVEYANCING. Oita O O U S L 1, Office over Deadman & MoCall's Store, BRUSSELS. SAY What means those tumultuous noises which we hear in close proximity to the AMERICAN HOTEL 8 It is the noise of pattering feet ascending the long narrow stair case leading up to H. P. �iP�HCI'S PENMAN ME, Photos: taken in a style that oaptures the oyo of the most fastidious, Always Welcome at the Old Reliable Photograph Studio. H. R BREWER SMITH BI,OCX, The management of Dominion lands, MAIN ST. ,. ee BRUSSELS. POST LETCHER >tl 1f IT.YM Q.M41rt p ,'v,, M ..M mill}" '_ ill• Fr, w og Has just opened for Xmas Trade El a Beautiful s4 a ^ M NOW of;t001{ ChOIco C jam{ r„ M, m Ghana and Fane hods, 0 i• Y o ad 8 Suitable for either Xmas, Wed- a ' cling or Birthday Presents. We Always Keep A very Large Stook of GOLD, GOLD FILLED and SILVER WATOH3IS, all Makes and Grades, which we Guarantee to be the best, and a Pull Line of :- Wedding Rings, Gem Rings, Eugagomenb Rings, Bar Pins, Broaches, Vest Chains, Long Chains, Cuff Buttons and :Links, Bracelets, Gold Spectacles. t Large Assortment of SILVERWARE. Spooner' Knives, Forks, Bunter Coolers, Fruit' Dishes, Water Pitchers, Pickle Oruets, Celery Dishes, SpH Childoonren's Mugolders,s, Carving Setts, Cake Baskets, Shaving Setts, Gents' Smoking Setts, Ladies' Comb and Brush Setts, Manicure Setts, Metal Picture Frames, Onyx Tables, Crumb Trays, &e. Fancy Baskets, Violins and Violin Sundries. Our Goods are New and up to date in Design, which we offer AT LOW PRICES r'No Trouble to Show Goods. jf 0 • Watches, Clocks and Jewellery py y of all kinds carefully Repaired. e s Y Thos. Pletcher, z Issuer of Marriage Licenses. 11'9 Oil Cake Meal FOR SALE. A quantity of first-class 0i1 Cake Meal will be kept on hand at the Livingston Flax Mill. The following low prices will be given In Ton Lots, - $18.00 Half Ton Lots, 9.25 100 Pounds, 1.00 2 'The above prices are for cash. W, Bright, 7. & J. L1)111231014 Manager. Proprietor. NOTICE OF REM OVAL Having purchased a shop on Thomas St., opposite the Queen's Hotel stables, I wish to notify my old customers and as many new ones as may favor me with their patronage that I have removed to my new stand. Soliciting a share of business from ' the public, guaranteeing satisfaction, I remain, S. D8r ■ Pl Generall3laeksmith tC Horseshoer A LA E (BY 15 MINUTES) WEEKLY TOURIST OAR TO THE Pacific Coast LEAVES__ T0110bTTCO AT FRIDAY NOON. T. FARROW, AGENT, BRUSSELS. r 1 m rcr 2, va n r 3, a � H 80 m,,-0 0. Nuf 8 pad r• eser cp O 1-3 CD Ft 0 n' d On y m tlq W o el 01 m co 6,m n e,c`gbc m H >✓ eq 0 ... jAN 3; 1890 WM. OOWNS, , OF BUI'I+ALO, Plioteuapller, Lake iti,ytilger of U, d, 4csWvule's Itrantford. Studio, Algia 9'afleeu Years with 1Sirnie4 11rey„ Hcmilltun Would announce to the people of Brim!. cele and snarounding country that he .has opened a Studio in Stratton's Blook, over the Standard Bank, where he le prepared to do the very best Photographic work, Photographs Copied and Enlarged in Crayon, Water Colors or Pastel in the highest style of the Art. , t 'PRILlES REASONABLE. Finest Work and Sale. faction Guaranteed, A share of your Patronage is soliofted, Oomo early and have your Photo. taken for Christmas, W. DOWNS, Artist. .. `l . L Trade J. G. SEION ID, wishes to remind the peo- ple of Brussels and surrounding country that hie Fall and Wintertstook of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, de., de. IS NOW COMPLETE. By paying prompt clash for all goods he can give bargains worthy of the name, and asks a trial Every Indy should see the new ran- ges of Drees Goods, Flannels and Tweeds. Our Grocery Department takes no second place for quality. to Specialty oracle of Teas. JSCSSKEE Agent for Parker's Dye Works. 1 Soon the Christmas and New Year Holidays will be upon us. Below we give a. list of a few .f&rtieies that zvou.Zcl make zzsef uZ Xmas Presents : Handkerchiefs --Silk, Lin- Caps for I3oys. Caps for Men, Cabs for Girls and Wo- men. en, Cotton and Lawn, from 2c to $1.50. We now have the largest assortment of Gentlemen's Ties we have ever shown. Gloves all, kinds for Men and Women, Men's Underclothing from 40c to $3.50 per suit. We have Boots, Rubbers and Overshoes that Will fit Father, Mother, Sister or Brother. All sizes in Wool. and Cash- mere Hose. Overcoats for Boys, aged:4 to 16 years. All sizes in Men's Over- coats from $3,50 to $12 00. Eitra value in Tweeds, Worsteds, Pantings & Over - coatings for Clothing made to order. Chenille Curtains & Table Covers. Odd Pants fur Boys and Men. Special line in Men's Collars, 2, 21, 2k & 21 inches- all sizes for 12'io We have reduced the prices of all Winter Suits . and Overcoats. It will pay you to get our prices before buying a dollar's worth of Clothing. We wish all our Friends and Customers a MerryXmas and a Nappy New Year. 1fi ;� 1 McL'"EN