HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-1-3, Page 3UN. 3, 1890 Town Directory. MiOLYILL'Ib. Qnuscir,safdabbath Servipe9 at 11 a in and 7x00'11. m, Sunday Sohool at 2;80 p m., Bev, Iobn Roth) B pastor, Sx, JOAN'S Osonou.- ,430beeth Servloso at 11 a in and 7 p m. Sunday School et 2:80 p. m. Rev. A. Ii , Griffin, inoti n bent, Mwenoonee Osnnoll.. Sabbath idervioee at 10:80 a m and 7;00 p M. Sunday School at 2:80 p m. Rev, G. IL Oobble- dioll, M A, 13 D, pastor, RotAN OAo'QLro Oumtort.—Sabbath Service bbd Sunday in every month, at. 10:80 a m. Bev Joseph Kennedy, priest, SALv3TroN Ausiv.,—.Service at 7 and li a m qnd 3 and B p m on Sunday and every evening in the week at 8 o'olook, at the barracks, Ono FNLLOwe' Lonon every Thursday evening, in Grahame block, Math= Looms 'Tueeday at or before full moon, in Garfield blook, A 0 V W Lorton on the 8rd Friday evening of eaoh month, in Btae. Bill's block. O 0 F Doman and and last Monday eyeninge of each month, in Blasbill's b]ooh, I 0 F, 2nd and last Friday in' Oda Fellows' Hall. L 0 L let Monday in every month in Orange Hail. Sons err SOQTLAND, let and 3rd Tues. days of each month, in Odd Fellows', Hall. K. 0. T. M. Lonna, 2nd and 4th Toes - days of each month, in Odd Fellow's Hall. Rosin CInohn, 2nd and 4th Friday even. ings in Blashill's Hall. Doer OFnron.—Office hours from 8 a. m, to 6:30 p. m. aberrance' Ieseirurn.—Library in Holmes' block, will be open from 6 to 8 o'clock p. m. Wednesdays and 3:30 to 5 and 6 to 8 Saturdays. Mise Minnie Mo Naughton, Librarian. Town Counort.—W. H. Kerr, Reeve ; W. H. MoOraoken, Roberti Graham, R. Leatherdale and B. Gerry, Councillors ; P. S. Scott, Clerk; Thomas Kelly, Treasurer ; D. Stewart, Assessor and J. T. Ross, Collector. Board meets the let Monday in paob month. Swoon Bosun.—Rev. Ross,'(ohairman,) Dr. McKelvey, Dr. Graham, A. Reid, A. Hunter and J. N. Kendall ; Seo. Teas., R. Rose. Meetings 2nd Friday evening in each month. Punic Scaoon TnAOnaas,—J. H. Cam. eros, Principal, Mies Braden, Miss Downey andalies Cooper. BOARD os Dzsman.-Reeve Kerr, Clerk Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and' J. N. Kendall. Dr. MoNaughton, Medical Health Oflioer. ONE GRIEVOUS SIN.. His plea was very earnest, but St. Peter shook his, head. "There is no room around here for a man like you," he said. "No doubt you have some virtues, but your record isn't clear, And much as I regret it, sir, we cannot keep you here." 'I've tried to prove my honesty," the ap plioant began; "There's none ten say I swindled or 'did up' my fellow man ; I always gage fair value, and I paid my . clerks well, too." St. Peter bowed approvingly and answer- ed, "That is true." "1 gave a lot in charity," the applicant declared ; "Relying on my promisee no mortal bad- ly fared, For I was ever truthful, as I think you ought to know." St, Peter bowed approvingly and answer- ed ,'That is so "Then why should yoarefuse me, sir f'' the applicant inquired. "If I've been fair and truthful, too, pray why should I be fired 7" St. Peter slowly answered, seeming dis- inclined to talk "I noticed in the Winter time you never deemed your walk." IlOSiE'S CHRISTMAS. Wo didn't -have wroth of a Christmas, My papa and Rosie and me ; For mamma had gone to the prison To see to the poor prisoner's brae. And Ethel, my big, grown-np sister, She was ddwn to bbe'sylum all day To help with the big turkey dinner And muke games for the children to play. She belongs to a clubof young ladies, With a beautiful object, they say, 'Tie to go among poor, lonesome children And make all their sad hearts more l And aunt e, you don't know my auntie, She's my own papa's half-sister Kate ; She is 'bilged to be round to the abase], Till sometimes its dreadfully late. Forshe pities the poor, worn,out curate, His burdens, she.eays, are so great, So she arranges the flowers and the; mueio, And he comes home round by our gate. I should think that way was the longest, But then I' suppose she known best, Aunt Kate says "he intones most splen- did,' And hie name is Vane Algeron Weet. My papa had bought a big tarlcey, And had it sent home Christmas lave, But bbere wasn't a sonl there to a0ok it, For Bridget had threatened to leave, If she couldn't go off with het cumin — He don't look like ber one bit— She Bays she belonge to a "Union,' And the "'Union" won't let her submit. 130 we had bread andmilk for our dinner, And some redoing and candy and then Rosie and ale went down to the pantry To look at the turkey again. Oh 1 the day was SO long and so lone - Aria papa watt as lonesome es we ; And all the sweet roses, the tea and the ferns and carnations That had made our bay window so bright Hannald picked for the men at the prison To make their bad hearts pure and white. Papa woe going to talio us out riding, AO lie wee afraid that be didn't riuito ,dor lasled' adre,; eaot ht cold and was apagb' 1118, Tlrere waft dampuoes and ohiils in the ira Po we eat up oloso to the window, heels and me on my papa's We knees, And we watellod the dear little birdies That were hopping about in the trees. And' Rosie said "She'd like to he a brown sparrow," And I said "I'd sooner by far be a robin That flies away Winton Where the flowers and gay blossoms are," ,end papa said "He'd rather be a jail bird, 'Cause he thought they fared the best," But we all were real glad we weren't turkeys, 'Cause then we'd be killed with the rest. That night I pub into rey prayer "Dear God, we've been lonespme today For mamma, aunt, Ethel and Bridget livery one of them all went away ; Won't you platter; make a club or society, 'Fore it's time for next Christmas to be, To take oath of "Flenterplate families" Like papa and Rosie and me 1" Aud I think my papa's grown pioue, 'Cause he listened as still as a mouse, Till I got to "Amen," then he said it And it sounded all over the house. e Liea'to J. le. Code, of Trpwbridge, had a pair 02 new horse blankets stolen from hie 'horses' baoks while, they were left stand- ing in a hotel shed in town. Rev, J. Phillip, of Ridgetown, will preaoh Anniversary sermons in the Meth- odist church on Sunday, 6th Jan., and lecture on Monday evening, the 6th'. Owing to the numerous entertain.. menta coming off in town just ab present the Band have decided . to postpone the charity concert until some time in Jana- cry. A young man named Tallman was brought before Magistrate Terhune charged with the laroeny of an over -goat belonging to John Barber, eon of Geo. Barber. Bonnett t2 Bowyer have sold out their stove and tinware business to R. Brooks, late of the reetaurant, and T. A. Alex- ander, of New Hamburg, eon of Mrs. Wm. Alexander, of this town. A large steel smoke•staok has been erected at the Breithaupt Leather Co'e. tannery. The new stack is 88 inches in diameter, and with the brink foundation ie 100 feet high. A second 80 horse power.boiler has recently been put in. While the family were attending the Sohiverea meetings in the Methodist church, the residence of Mrs. Wm. Dixon, Inkerman street, was entered, and a gold watch and 810 in oast belonging to Mrs. Dixon, were stolen. Mr. Sebiverea, who was staying at airs. Dixon's also report- ed the loss of a geld chain and a small sum of money. Clinton. The wile of S. Castles slipped down the other day and broke her wrist. Mr, Stubbs, the successful oandidabe in Cardwell, is a brotberdn-law of Mr. Plummer. Mr. Todd, having declined the position of returning -officer for Wast Huron, Jos. Beek was appointed and accepted it. Saturday night, Jan. 4th. the town hell' will be rang at 9 o'olook, in order to facilitate the early closing movement, which will be inaugurated on that date. A Sabbath Sohool and EpworthLdague Convention for Goderioh district of the Methodist church will be held in Ontario street ohuroh, Clinton, on Wednesday and Thureday, Jan. 22 28. Dr. MoMurehie, of Smithville,and far- merly of town, (brother of the late A. Moltiurohie) died unexpectedly last week. He .has been troubled with the same ail- ment — diabetes— which parried his brotber off. He had also been reeve of that 'municipality for a number of years. A. Gorrell and wife, of town, celebrated their golden wedding the other evening with 'a few friends who had been invited to share their hospitality. The estimable coaple have resided, in the 000nty for over 40 years, a. number of which have been spent is town ; they have raised a family of six sons and two daughters, Some time ago the couaoil empowered Mr. Searle to see that all advertising matter in the shape of medicine signs Were removed .from telephone and tele- graph poles, and for several. days he has been superintending the work. The poles are certainly not so unsightly as they were, and an effort will now be made to keep them clean. Thos. McKenzie was working Late in his office, and he had, scarcely gotoutside on hie way home, wheel he was etruak on the head with a sandbag. Fortunately the blow only staggered him, and after some difficulty be made his way home ; the miscreant, who evidently expected to see bim felt in the street, and thus get an opportunity to rob him, was thus foiled in the effort. VPin: bairn. An effort is again being made to estab- lish a flax mill in Wingham. T. Drummond, butcher, has Closed his shop and gone to Walkerton to do busi- nese. R. C. Sperling was in Kant county last week. He lies throe inachinee pressing straw in that county. May, the seven year-old daughter of John. Davidson, lead her area broken as she was coming from school. The retiring wheel trustees this year are : Ward 1, Thos. Abraham ; Ward 2, Wm. Monro ; Ward 8, J. ' H. 'Hiscooks ; Ward 4, C. N. Griffin, We have nob heard of any opposition to thoir re-eleo. tion, and no doubt they will be re-aleotsd by acclamation. o A publlo meeting wee held in abs Town Hall, on Wednesday evening of lastweek, with Mayor Broaksushirs in the chair. Mr Pew, the promoter of an eleotrio road from Port Perry to Kincardine, with branches from Walkerton to Moaford and Owen Sound and Walkerton to Goderioh, Reaching Teeswater, Wingham and Look. now, gave his views on the projeot. The municipalities along the route are ex- pected to take stook iu the enterprise . to. theextent of 8500, to matte the prelimin- ary surveys, but that is all that will be asked from them. Miller Berea, of Now York, undertake to finance the scheme after the cheater is secured. The towns, people seemed to be favorably impressed with the sobeme, and no doubt the 55. quirsd stock will be subeeribed. THE Situs EIS POST liarsonsmOni A loafs number of invited gnoete as. sombled .at the residence of Peter Deane, Cin Monday evening of last week, to celebrate the 20811 auniversarly .of M'Ir, and Mrs. Deans' wedding day. tlhoeepresent: worn relatives, except Rev. and Mrs. D, Peale, and numbered about sixty, The following ollleers were duly. elected at the regular oouvooation of duly. Ohapter No. 84, G.13, O., et the Masonic hall, Wiugbam :—Comps, d, Mofatnire, Z. ' T, S. Smibh, H. ; Ib, Vanstone, J, T, L, Jobb, P. S. ; B. Willson, Treas. ; 7. A, Morton, S. IJ ; 1't. Mainprioe, 0, N, ; J. Floaty, Jan. Tile installation will take place on Tuesday, Jan, 21st, 1890, The election of officers in the Presby. terian Sabbath school resulted 08 follows : Superintendent, D. M, Gordon ; Maw, ant Superintendent, G. McIntyre ; Treasurer, Miss O'olixis ; Sooretary, N. A, Farquharson ; Organist, Mrs. Ward ; Loader of praise, Geo. Cline ; Librarians, T. J, McLean and Albert Morrow ; Eth- ers, N, A, Farquharson, R, 7, Gordon, D, Stewart and Alex. Ritchie. Harold Land, director of the Ladies' Military Band, of Creston, la„ bas been arrested on a charge of abduction. fie represented hiineelf as a widower, and has had living with him two young women, whom he introduced ae his cis tare, Mabel and Helena, 'Mayor Sourr, of Creston, received a cotter from Mrs. Gilmore Smith, of Wingham, Ont,, in which she asserts that the two women are daughters of hers, who disappeared from home over a year ago, and of whidh no trace nould be found. She charges that Land is an assumed name and that bis real name is Damian Sambas, and that he has a wife and children living in, Canada. The chief of police at once in. vestigated the matter, and the two young women confessed that the sbstementa in the letter were true. Lend was immedi. Maly taken into custody. ratadian Nowa. Some Burford farmereare agog saw. duet to bed their made. The Ontario Fruit Grower's Ase'n will. meet at Kingston next year. A cob of corn grown by J. Lee, of New. bury, has exactly 1,000 grains, C. W. Riley has about 88,000 worth of chases stored in Tilsouburg. Rev: James Whiting, pastor of the Forest Methodist Church, dropped dead at hie residence Thursday. British and German delegates will at.. tend the Bimetallic Congress to be held in Paris this week. Ool. John Pebere, of the London Field Battery, is about to retire from the corps, which hs has been connoted with for 30 yearn. It is stated that the lighthouse on Long Point will be kept open and show their lights all winter to gains the ooal'ferriere to Port Dover. The Girard family, of Belle River, con- sists of five members, whose combined ages totals 425 years. Joseph Girard is 99 ; Mrs. Defoir, 96 ; Rose Girard, 80 Honore Girard, 76, and Main, 74. A young Dorn of 25, named Winchester, of Marcors, Ont., altered a Gilmour order reading "eight,' making it read "eighteen." He was arrested, oonfessed, and has been committed for trial. Fred. Williams, a former post nice olerk,convicted .at Toronto on Saturday. of stealing five poet letters that passed through his hands, was sentenoed t0 four years and a half in the Kingston Peni. tentiary.l Dr. Shields, an eminent physician of Tennesee, says :—''I regard Ayer's Sarsa- parilla as the beet blood -medicine on earth, and I know of many wonderful cures' effected by its use." Physioians all over thelandhave made similar state- ments. The Patrons and Prohibitionsgto of Winnipeg have united for the elections, and will bring out joint candidates. They have published their platform, the main points of which are non-sectarian schools, equal suffrage, and prohibition of'the liquor traffic. A January thaw is always more pro- ductive of colds and coughs than a Jnnn• ary freeze. Then is the time Ayer's Cherry Peotoral is needed and proves so extremely efliasaious. Ask your drog- gisb for it, and also for Ayer's Almanac which is free to all. W. F. May, of Mitchell, formerly of Parkhill, has completed tan ,rare of ear. vice as Model School examiner in this county, will resign that position at the next meeting of the County Ootinnil, owing to hie removal from the bounds of Middlesex County. It is likely a teacher from the western end of the county will be appointed as his successor. IT GIVES' FRESH- NESS. /� �•'aR'•^ ANP C L E A R :a r. SKiN, CR}~S CONSTIPAT.t.ON iNDIGESTuON,DIZZINESS. '-RUCTIONS ON THE SKIN. BEAUTIFIES 54CO.MPLEXl , An Agreeable Laxative and Np8RVD TONIC. Sold by Druggists or sent by Mail. Ole., 50o., and 51.00 per package. Samples free. The Favorite TOOTH RINDS for the Teeth and Breath. 585. KO NO Sotll by JAS. R11S, Ilrasslst, if rias s15. SHNCLES 3 British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles D --- North Shore P1110 and Cedar FOR SALE AT Tun Brussels Planing bills Also Doors and Saab of all Pat terns on band or made to order at'Short Notion. Fatima/tee Furnished for all kinds of Sundtnge. Workman- ship and Material, Guaranteed, J. & P. A.MENT. 112cLEO1D'S System nenovator Ornan- TESTED REMEDIES. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia,Sleeplessness, Palpala• tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Near. algia, Lose of Memory, Bronchitis, Oen. sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dams, Female Irregularities and General De- bility. LABORATORY CODERJCH, ONT. J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufaoturer. Sold by JAMES FOX. Dru gist Brussels. TWE HOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY s FOR MAN OR BEAST. Certain in its elroats and never beaters. Head proofs below, KEB DALL'S SPAVIiI CORE. Dor e2 Carmen Henderson CO., ILL, Dr. H, S. Iixpoaa Co.o. Dear B)ra—Please send me one or your Horse Books and oblige. I baveused agrent deal of your Xaudall'a Spavin Duro with good success it le a wonderful medicine. I once Led a mare that had an Occultennvin and five bottles cured her. 1 keep a bottle on hand all the time. Youra truly, Cues. POWELL. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CORE. Dr. B. S.liaNa...r Co. CANTON, So., Apr. 8,'02, Dear Bera S have used several battles of your "Seddell's Spavin Core" with much success, r think it the best Llaimont I over used. Ham re- twmoved one Curb, one Blood Sowell, and killed o Bona Spavin,. Have recommended 11 to several of my friends who are much pleased with and k0eplt, Itespeotr.w - 5. R. lvi'ey, P.O. HaY819. For Sale by an Druggists, or address Dr. 18. T. $.EN1)4.LZ COliI,P.A.NY, ENOSBUROH FALLS, VT. AYER'S Hair VIGOR Restores natural color to the hair, and also prevents it falling out. =re. H. W. Fenwiok, of Digby, 80. S., Days: "A little more han two years ago my hair 'T 55i began to tuarn fir. t g and fall F out. At. ter the use of one bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor my hair was restored to its original color and ceased falling out. An occasional application bas since kept the hair in good condition." Sirs. H. F. FEz:wick, Digby, N. S. "I haus used Ayer's Hair Vigor for three years, anslit has restored hair, which was fast becoming grav, back to its natural color."— W. HA3ELIIorF, Paterson, N. J. AYER'S HAIR VIGOR PREPARED nY DR, J. C. APER & CO„ LOWELL, MASS., U .S. A. Ayer's rills cure Sick Headache., WESTERN ADVETlSE R 33rd Year e Mut c.0 S: oum,s• a® M-trax. . The best aud brightest Weekly Paper published in any of the eitios of Canada. Sixteen Pages Every Week NOW IS THII TIME TO SUBSCRIBI7.. . Only g1 '47 Jan. 1, '97 Special Rates to Clubs. Good;tnduooments to Canvassers. Address; all oommnaioations—. Western Advertiser, ,LONDON, ONT. IMEtweaVISMOWSOMMIONNII Featherbone Skirt Bone F011 GIVINGA light, pliable, olastle bone made from quills. It is soft and yielding, StStyle", A9 ,w �f a conforming readily to folds, yet giving yle and Shape proper shape to Skirt or Dross. J TO The only Skirt Bone that may be wet without injury. The Celebrated Eeatherbooe Cor- Ladies or- al L d e rerspp t ") Us sets are coaled with this ntateflal. 3,0-21. For sale by leading Dry Goods Dealers. 1 11 . and.. Winter. I. have a fine, ne w and well selected stock of Robes Morse Blankets, Light and Heavy Har- ness, Collars, &c. Trunks and Bags at Low Prices, H. DENNIS. P10081 Will mak iI v+roll man of YOU i 505051 yamar'005 Tao 00OCE .5050100 m 50001 W5000 P1Ootlr mires all Nervous Dlsoasex, Sleepless. nese, 15511155 tiemory, Nightly Emlesi000, Sperms - tongue.; Impotency, oto„ caused 57 pest abu,te8' giver vlgpr and s8A. m ehranl 00 ergo a ba,i quickly UUS sersIsy 0etnroO Lo5551 Omoaoa is old or Dong,y Uso 010051 apd 1'ou wnl grew stmng 0.0! 5ecurelyal ealed.trommobsgervation ready or ;5, Send 15 vest InOW: r5 0 5300050,ten sad letter. Address all letters m J. a, PDPP7IR„ ist, WOODSTOCK, DET„ Afiont. tor. the PO. minion of Canada HONE, TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 6.6 Pev Cent., Ycavly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. ay 0 and a Targe Stock of Toys A'T-- fiThe Post" lr ookstore. See Our Bibles, Albums, Shav- ing Sets, Comb & Brush Sets and Toy Boon. Beautiful Dolls, Dishes Irons for Girls. Drums, Trumpets, Har- monicas, &o., for Boys. Bicycles, Sleighs and a host of other articles, CALL IN POST Bookstore.