HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-12-27, Page 8TOYS ONE QUARTER
Tb d C" S 't�N' , , 1':7,. B4,7V""J OF ad
osim '.a.x x, l:Dixs aR ,
SSI S, t^ (Seven Mfllfon Deflate
' s7,aoo,q�o;
U8ST,ll1 QST
P TAL (A• ttioriSed) $210004)00,
Itusiness and we have decided to sell this season our entire stook of vtpeltcfeetn all principal lioants in Ontario, Quebeo,llfafeitoba;'shite'' States (b',Ntisland.
Unless We earl eeoure a larger store wp pnrpoao giving ftp the Toy
Xmas 52e
Ye, eanx 7• , 1's'
1, g B. p Blocks, Pnz,a10 Blogks Building Blot:Mb
Cutupp �'Ietttres, Emves, Perles and S�ppo�ons, Toy rugines and Care,
Doge Chaoing tlto Rabbit, Iron Banks, oving Data, Battles, Chimes
Tope, Rule Britania, Down Went McGinty, Toy Flat Irons, Toy Fur-
Attire,'1oy Watohes, Trumpets, Flap Jaolts, 1'unoli and Judy, Hemet),
Animals and everything else fn Toys at a
ecaotion of 25 per canto
It would he well on the part of our customers to (cineearly while
the stools ie mere 06mplete .and to avoid the rush that we 'invariably
have the before Xmae, Oar stook of ohoioe goods suitable for Holi-
day Gifts comprises those fu
We have. a Sue stook of Morrooco Poeta
Boake, Bibles, Albums, &o.
Druggists, Optioians, and Fancy Goods Dealere.
000T113BN ExTEN8100 W. e.. & E.
Trains leave Bruesele Station, North
and South, aefollowst
GOING B000u, GoxuG RoaTII.
Mail ... 6:50 a.m, Mixed 0:41 a.m.
x ,des ...,.115 a.m. I Mail ..... .3.18 p.m.
. 0.Op.rm.lExpreee - 0;41).al,
Q"n I stivs attars,
Aahiel's amang ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
Do you take Tun Posr 2
GEr ready to write 1896.
Hosea Fair next Thursday.
Soix000 will reopen on Monday, Jan.
COLLECT= Rose wants you to pay your
taxes forthwith.
PoTAToze are taking the "dry rot" in
some oellara, So report says,
Ox New Year's day the poet office will
be open from 9.45 to 10.15 e.. m. and from
5 to 6.30 p. m.
RRNEw your subsoription to Tan PosT.
See our clubbing rate before you sub.
scribe for your weekly paper for 1896.
Owmo to the heavy paseeuger traffic
during tlae holiday season the passenger
trains from the East have been greatly
83no "Huron" Battalion of Infantry,
Surgeon Wm. J. R. Holmes is granted
the rank of surgeon -major, from the 9th
Oot., 1894, after twenty years' service as
Tim three retiring trustees on Brussels
Publio School Board are Dr. McKelvey,
J. N. Kendall and A. Hunter. We have
not beard whetter they porpose seeking
re.eleation or not.•
S. T. Timor, blacksmith, moved to his
new quarters last week and may now be
found' nearly opposite the Queen's Hotel
stables ready to attend to the wants of
the-Publio in first-class style.
Tan Cosgrove Company presented their
unique musical program on Friday even-
ing to a fair sized audience in the Town
Hall. In addition to handling almost
innumerable instruments they gave a
number of vooal selections, the 6omio
part being well done by Mr. Harvey.
PRESENTATION.—On Christmas Eve the
members of N.B. Gerry's Sabbath school
class in the Methodist ohuroh waited up-
on him and after Alioe Kendall had read
a short address Jessie McMartin present-
ed a photo. of the Claes to the teacher. A
suitable acknowledgement was made by
the teaoher.
BnuaeEns School Board didawise thing
last Friday evening when the engagement
of H. James as caretaker was ratified.
He is to receive 912.00 per month and he
will devote the whole day to the school -
bowie and premises when necessary.
kir. James is a model for cleanliness and
any work be undertakes will be well done.
TEN YEARS IN BRussSLS.—D. Ewan, the
well known blaoksmith, tae completed a
ten year term of business life in Brussels
and thinks this is it fitting time to return
thanks to his many oustomere for their
generous support through these years.
His shop has three forges going regularly
and with the addition to the rear has
accommodation for 40 horses to stand for
shoeing. Encouraged by past 8naoe8e
Mr. Ewan purposes launching oat larger
than ever and in inviting new customers
to oall on him guarantees satisfaction in
every instance in all work done. At this
holiday season he wishes one and all A
Happy New Year with greater eucoees fn
1896 than they had in 1895. Keep•the
brick shop at the old stand in your mind.
THE January number of the Delineator
is called the Winter Holiday number.
The Fashion articles for the month are
timely and complete, covering the entire
field of styles for Ladies, Dlie8e8 and
Children, Millinedy, Lingerie, Dress
Goods and Trimmings. The rich boli.
day display in the shops is interestingly
described. Mrs. Roger A. Pryor'earticle
on the Sooiai Code relates to Society
Baha and Parties for Children, The
space devoted to Women's Work and
Advancement includes a thoughtful con-
versation between Edith M. Thomas and
Dr. 8. R. Elliott on Women jn Bosh:tea,
an interesting paper by Miss Margaret
MoNaugbton discussing Architecture as
a Profession for Women.. A graphic
deeoriptioa by Lucia H. Robbins of
Woman's Work at the Atlanta Exposi-
tion, Harriet Keith robes' directions for
Burnt Decorations on Cardboard, and
the continuation of Sarah Miller Kirby's
Kindergarten articles, The ilret of a
short 88rie8 of Papers on Care of The
Teeth, by a well known New York den-
tist, will be exceptionally valuable, Mre.
A B. Longstreet deeort'•es the Carving
of Meats, and in Seas, noble Oooltery
Impromptu Lunoheou Monne receive at-
tention. In Mrs. Wittlerspoon's Tea.
Table Goesip018 noted some new Home•
Made Holiday Gifts, The review of
'Holiday Publications in0lede8 mention
of many particulsrly intended for young
readers. The novelties in Knitting Tat•
ting, Crocheting and Lace -Making are
illu8trated and described, Subsoription
price of the Delineator $1.00 per year or
15o per single copy. Address The De.
liaeetor Publishing Co., of Toronto,
Limited, 88 ltiohtnood St. West, Toren.
to, Ont.
1896 i8 leapear.
NonrINAT10N day next Monday.
SATDRney was the ehdrteet.day of the
MoNTnnY Horse }Fair on Thursday of
next Week, .Jan. 2nd.
Illness. anise & Dome shipped a oar
of hogs Eastward on Monday of title
Tun Maitland river is overflowing its
banks in some places owing to the long
oontinued. rain,
J. WENN has had ten or twelve applioa.
tions for hie blacksmith shop recently
advertised in Tim reef.
Jee. Fox had an attractive snow r rifted
"Merry Christmas" sign planed on his
drug store window for the holiday season.
Jas. McAlpine had a somewhat similar
Mumps. BORER .& VANeTONE purehae•
ed 48 dressed hogs from Mr, Coolies,
Morrie. They were delivered on Mon-
day and Tuesday and averaged about 150
THURSDAY, 10th inst„ the anunal meet-
ing of the Grey Branch Agricultural
Society will be held in the Town Hall,
commencing at 1.30 p. in. The East
Huron meeting will be held the Wednee•
day afternoon following.
THE purchase of the Woollen Mill by
Howe & Co. was completed last Monday
when the $1400 remaining on the bargaie
was deposited in the Reeve's hands and
possession given. The factory will be
put in running condition at once and we
hope a bright future will be the portion
of all concerned.
A. 0. U. W.—Friday eveningn•
nual election of officers .in oa
with tjae Workmens' Orderels
took place, The new list i
the a
in Oonneoti
in Brussels
Master Workma
eraser ;
'oilman ;
e Watchman
ative to Gra
Public 6eho
sting inform
sanitary ao
following is
by Inspect
89 ; of thea
The ave
and,.tle aver-
age 'over five
state of
ring from
of a
and 18
ase reported
bust as th
years. O
ed as excel
s all t are
d with feu
The average
all an more
of one sore
ees is 1780
ntly have a
and all bull
similar con
Te. — Notwithstanding
to the front with their
folly up to that of former
Pollard, of MoI{illopp; which
de ; a 2 -year-old heifer
• Robb, Morris, dressed 500
)d heifer, fed by Rich.
eased 800 •hogs fed by
Grey ; s lamb fed by Jas.
sed 65 pohnde. There
headoheeee, bologna,
vergreenS, and flowers
Christmas seseason.—Wil.up•to•date with the
his display, the window
attractive, rendered So
meats were a 2 -year-old heifer and 6 hogs
fed by Geo. Jaakeon, Morrie ; another of
the same age from Geo. McCall, Morrie ;
1 hog from B. Lang; Grey ; a lanb from
03. Brewer, Morris ; and 12 turkeys pur.
chased from Mrs. John Slemmon, Grey,
There was also headobeeee, pickled tripe,
sausage, bologna, liver ani blood, stuffed
lard, oared hams and a little porker.
Flowers and other adornments set off the
exhibit, As THE P08T has often said on
similar 088681005 the residents of this
town have no reason to complain of the
very important part of the every day•bill
of fare provided by our butchers n8 their
Aare of the daily requirements of the
table. They are exoelted by no other'
R^bt. Armstrong, n
Geo. Birt, Foreman
Jno. Cunningham, Ov
W. H. Herr, Recorder
J. A. Creighton, Financier ;
A. Romig, Receiver;
Jno. Heists, Guide ;
Jno. Cardiff, Inside Wa
Watson Ainley, Outsid n
A. MoKelvey, Phyeioian;
A. Hunter, Represent Grand
Lodge ;
J. A. Creighton,
Sosoon So&xxsTms.-Theof
Education recently sent to of
Impeders circulars reque
ation a8 to the health of the and
penile ; also a report of the n.
dition of the rural school and
school sites etc. The fo a
synopsis of the report sent or
Robb, re the inspectorate of East Huron
—The number of teachers is e
60 are males and 29 females r.
age age is nearly 25 years,r.
age time of teaching a lit
years. The health of 58 is as
excellent, 28 good, and three inferior
only cue ease of siokness is as
chargeable to the unhealthythe
sohoolhonse. Of the pupils,re-
ported as weakly, 50 as suffe an
occasional headache, mostly nervous
nature, ten are near-sighted,are
of defective hearing ; of th
weakly, nearly all enjoy
health, and will be as ro e
others in the oouree of a few f
the sohooihocses, 19 are Claes
lent, 52 as good, 7 are inferior and 2 very
bad ; with three exception in
good sanitary locations, an r
exceptions eaoh has a well.
size of the school sites is h
though 16 have eaoh a site of
The total number of shade tr.
The eoboolbouses built recti
basement for a furnace andsoodetrnatur
al and effective ventilation, t
in the future will be of
the' unfavorable weather Brussels knights
of the cleaver were
annual display of Christmas meats and
the exhibit was
years. A5 A. Ourrie's shop we found
a tastefully arranged lot of very ohoioe
animals, including a 8•year-old heifer fed
by William Polls
dressed 600 pounds
fed by Jno. Rob
pounds ; a 2.year-o
Bewley, Morris, dr
J. MOFadden, Gre
Cardiff, Grey, dressed
tva9 also sausage,
white and blank puddings, lard, liver-
worsb, Swadama, bindworsb, turkeys,
geese and the never.
decorated with e
and all combining to what a man's ap-
petite even at
limn Mobil' was
arrangement of
being particularly
by Mesdames BI In the list of
filmrsowas J' eamao.
A General Banking Business Transacted, Fkrmers' Noted Discounted,
Drafts Issued and Collootione made on all points,
Intermit allowed ou deposits of $1,00 and upwards from 'dat of deposit' to date of
withdrawal and ootnpounded half yearly. ,
Sleterop ATTENTIONe)319N TO T71E 00LLm0TION /or Failin50' SALE Negate.
Every faoility,afforded Customers living at a distance,
THE town Band turned out op OhOet-
mss afternoon and discoursed for about
an hour to the pleasure pf the large num,
bar of per8Pn8 enjoying the day.
A noel) ball match and a .bronoho 'rasa
were unusual attractions for Ohrietmas
considering that December is not sap.
posed to be a month devoted to Summer
T113 grocery stook of Ino. prewar was
sold on Monday to J. 0. Tuck e.t 81 cents
on the dollar and afterward disposed of
to Alfred Lowry at a slight increase. The
house and lot was bought by Mre, John
Grewar at 9658. Mr. Lowry'.s present
intention is to run the stook off.
OL08INe Exunore1s.—,Friday afternoon
of last week was devoted to a program of
mesio, recitation; addresses and presen-
tation at the Public school, the 1)uoi18
of the various departments with the visit-
ors, congregating in Miss Downey's room
where a very pleasant tiros was enjoyed.
Principal Cameron 000upied the (hair
and dexterbuely piloted the many little
literary and mudioal mariners over the
sea of timidity, Short addresses were
given by Rev. J. Rose, Chairman of the
Board, and Rev. G. H. Cobbledick, both
of whom spoke in eulogistic terms of the
school and the work done. A very;pleas-
ing part of the afternoon's exercises was
the presentation of a very fine ladies'
dressing ease to Mise Braden by Mabe]
Hayoroft after Albert Putland had read
an appropriate address. Miss Cooper
was also made the reoipient . of an orna-
mental vase and an oxide silver tray ao-
oompnnied by a kindly worded address
roan Ds Vary Hinder. Ruby Plum made
the presentation. Appropriatereplies
were given by the ladies who were sever-
ing their oonneotion with Brussels school.
Many of the boys - and girls very reluct-
antly parted with their instructors and
not a few there were shed on both sides. •
Both ladies leave many warm friends" in
Brussels who will be interested ha their
Christmas morning Rev. A. K. Griffin
preached a very appropriate discourse in
St. John's Church. His subjeot was
'"Immansel." •
Rev. H. D. Steele of'St. Marge', late
rector of Richton, hag been appointed by
Bishop Baldwin to the mission of Bis -
muck and Rodney, made vacant by the
death of Rev. Dr. Schulte.
S. B. Wilson, of Petrolea, briefly ad-
dressed' the Young Mens' meeting last
Sabbath evening in the Methodist church.
He is actively engaged in church, Bab.
bath school and Y. M. 0. A. work.
Next Sabbath will be the anniversary
of the Methodist church. The Mieee
Hall, of Guelph, will take part in the
services in both duetts and address
Their many friend)) here will be pleased
to weloome them book. A colleotion is
asked for to meet a liability of $350.
Rev. D. B. McRae arrived book from
Glengarry Presbytery last Saturday
where he was a Commissioner from
Huron congregation and Maitland Pres.
bytery in connection with the transla-
tion of Rev. Mr. McLeod. of Dunvegan
to Huron Congregation, Ripley. The
mission was 8 0 0008 8101 and Mr. McLeod
will be inducted into his new charge
about the middle of January. He was
most highly esteemed in Glengarry and
will be a decided gain to this Presbytery.
The Executive Committee of the
General Board of Missions of the Metho-
distohurch have decided not to appoint a
clergyman to fill the office of assistant.
secretary, held by the'atones. Dr. Shaw.
The work will hereafter be carried on
by Mr. Shannon, who for eight years has
been the society's accountant. Rev. Dr.
Macdonald has withdrawn his resignation,
and he will now continue to disoharge
the dntiee of secretary of the Japan mis.
Mon. A. deputation from the Woman's
Missionary Society laid before .the Dom.
mittee a proposition to aid in She estab-
lishment and support of a girl's school at
Monrovia, Liberia. A committee was
appointed to deal with this question.
A resolution expressing the great
loss the moiety felt in the death
of Dr. Shaw was paseed.
Day stovewood at McCraoken'e,
GitsurBeos,^—Large size, full 10 oz„
only $1,90 per dozen, at Smith de M.
SHsoog's pure. is sold on a guarantee.
Tt cures incipient consumption. It is
the best (tough mire. Only one Dent 'a
dose, 25 oto,, 50 ate, and $1.00. sold by
James Fox, Druggist, Brussels.
SAws made to out fast and easy, . .Seo.
opd.band saws bought and sold. Point -
ere given on saw' Sting and the Care and
management of saws, on Queen street
East, by T. McGregor, of Brnseols, Ont.,
Master of Saws,
IiAn>'e Glover hoot, the great Blood,
Purifier gives freshness and clearness to
the complexion and cures 'constipation.
25 ote, 50 ole and 91,00. Sold by James
For, Druggist, Brussels,
ALL kinds of saws gleaned, gummed
hammered, jointed, set, filed and oiled
at Queen St., East, by saw filer, T. Mc-
Gregor. Brussels; Bawe may be left and
arrangements made at MoKay do Co').
hardware store, Brussels, Ont.
MRs, T. S. Hes, Chattanooga,
Tenn., says, "Shi'loh's Vitalizer "saved
my''life," I consider it the best remedy
for a debilitaed system I ever used."
For dyspepsia, liver or kidney trouble it
exoele. Prioe 75 ots. Sold by Jas. Fox,
Druggist, Brussels.
two years I was dosed, pilled and plaster-
ed for weak back, scalding urine, and
constipation, without benefit. One box
of Chase's Kidney -Liver pills 'relieved,
8 boxes cured. R. J. Smith, Toronto.
One pills dose, prioe 25. Dents;
IF you are in need of anything in the
furniture, picture framing, window shade,
curtain pole, piano, organ or sewing
machine line come and get my prices be..
fore you bay. It will save you money.
No trouble to ehow goods. R. Leather -
WEzi-Dxeelx0 slab Dur uxxr.—George
Birt baa all the necessary maohinery for
digging and drilling weI1s and is prepar-
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
in a way that will insure satisfaction.
Wells bleaned out and put in groper
shape. Terms reasonable. Residence
emend door north of the bridge, west
side of Turnberry et., Brussels. 34-11
CerARnn CURED' FOR 25 Came.—Neglect
cold in the head and you will surely have
catarrh. Neglect nasal catarrh and you
will as surely induce pulmonary disease,
or catarrh of the otomaoh, with its dis-
gusting attendants, foul breath, hawking,
spitting, blowing, etc. Stop it.by using
De. Chase'e Catarrh Onre, 25 Dents a box
onres. A perfect blower enclosed with
eaoh hex.
It oast a Mitchell citizen $7.75 last
week for stealing 13 stinks 01 wood.
C. P. R. employees at Montreal have
reoeived notice of an inorease of 15 per
oent in thier salaries, to begin with the
new year.
Robert Newman, who is now stage
manager of the "Jack Hathaway" Thea-
trical Company, has declared that be will
be a candidate in the West Huron bye-
election as an independent. Mr. New-
man was for some years stage carpenter
at the Toronto Opera House.
F. E. Brown, freight agent of the
Central Vermont Railway Go., for Mon-
treal, hie wife and servant were found
unoonsoious in their bedsat their reel
dance, Westnxount, a suburb of Montre-
al, on Friday, and it was several hours
before Mr. Brown was brought to. The
affair appears to be surrounded in mys-
tery, but the doctors think it is aoase of
morphine poisoning,
Business Locals.
GRoonaxxe at McAlpine's.
Mu,x for sale. Apply at this office.
Oit000e and piano to rent. It Leather.
Ir• yen want robes or blankets call on
H. Dennis.
2 on 3 good second-hand Organs for
sale cheap at R. Leatherdale's.
Lenon stook of light harneee sold at Sow
prices. H. Deonie.
dun horse collars are all warranted.
15. Dennis,
Boors and shoes ohoap and good.
I. 0, Richards,
FREE hand crayon enlarging done up
A.1 at Brewers gallery, Smith block,
Smarm harness cheap, -and 8 good stook
always on hand. I. 0. Richards,
Ronne, blankets and bells very cheap.
I. 0, Richards,
Banta your rubbers, borate and shoes to,
us for repairs. We do them obeap and.
good. I. C. Rioliarde.
JAS. Maw= has put in a line of
Groceries. Everything new and fresh,
no stale goods.
Yon can get Organs from $25 and up
and sewing maohinee at equally low
prime at R. Leatherdale's,
THEY don't keep wash tube or scrub
bruebee, but just what you 'want in the
Grocery line at MaAlpine'o.
ALF; the ohoioeet fruits of the season,
also a large assortment of Panoy China
and Glassware suitable for Xmas pres.
on at Thomeon's,
STBiss.-In Grey, on Deo. 5th, the wife. of
Mr. John Steles -of a daughter.
HATHEnLY. In Rites, On Deo. 141h, the
wife of Mr. John Hatherly of a
MILLS MOINTosn,—At the Methodist
church, Constance, on' the 17th inst.,
by Rev. H. J. Fair, Mr. John Mills,
to Miss Annie McIntosh, all of
BowitY—GILL,—At the residence of W.
D. Mitchell, on the 18th inst., by the
Bev. A. Henderson, .31, A., Mr. John
T. Bowoy, of Harrietsville, Oxford
Co., to Miss. Jane Gill, of Grey.
OAe1pBELL—WARtrxox,—At the Manse,
Wingham, on Tuesday, Deo. 17th, by
Rev. D. Perris, . Mr. Oharlee G.
Campbell, to Mies Winnifred War-
wick, daughter of Mr. Robert War-
wick; all of Morris.
WATTBas-liennxxo,--At the residence of
the bride's parents, on the 18th inst.,
by Rev. T. Wesley Cosene, Mr. Wil -
Bain Wafters Principal of the Public
school,' to Miss 'Charlotte I7„ 3rd
daughter of Mr. Robert Harding, all
of Fordwich,
822TTpGosimm M8isacos'l''F.i,
Fall Wheat 62
Spring Wheat...,.,.,..,, 62
Barley. $0
Peas 48
Oats . 22
Butter, tubs and rolls 13 14
Eggs per dozen 14
Flour per barrel....,4 00 4 50
Potatoes (new) 15 .
Hay per ton ..,. 73 00 14 00
Bidet) trimmed .. 5 6
Hides rough 2 2i
Salt per bbl., retail 1 00
Sheep eking, each ..... 40.
Lamb skins each 15
Apples per bile 1 00
Hogs, Live 3 00
Dressed Hogs 4 00
Wool 18
4a. 27,13961.
Paste this in your hatnt d lee it for reference,
x nee,
Beelde the Bennie Briar Bush,
redneed to 01,00,
Nioe Linen Picture Books, 50, %tell,
Lovely Xmas and New Year Cards,
20o. per 502,
BoantIfullY Tinted Papetrioe,60c. each,
Celluloid Photo. Albums, 500. to 93 eaob,
Gentlemen's Travelling :Companions in
mild leather, 92,00 to 53.00 each.
Nice Ploture Bootle, 1c. eaoh,
Moon Mirrors, 2So, and 500.
Guff and Collar Sets, $1.25 eaob,
Photo. Holders, 150, and 25o. each,
Toilet Oases, Celluloid, 81.50 eaoh,
Bibles, 26o, to 95,00 eaoh.
Beautiful Carrie, Booklets and Calendars
all prices,
Celluloid Odor Oases, $1.40 eaoh.
Bios Line of the Poets: from 69o. to
$2,50 each.
Crokinole, ,,01.25
Leet Heir, , 10o. 6c 25o.
Nations, 25o,
Dominoos, . 15o. .9 26e,
Bagatelle, 250.
Flips, 100, do 95e.
Frog Pond, , , , , 25o,
Telegraph Messenger ,, . , 150,
Fish Pond, - • •, 250,
Bean Bog, 25o.
Halma Improved 25o.
The Oman Rtioe,
L'ogomaoby, 25,.
Authors, so. & 20o.
The Bioyole Rase, .... 25o.
Jack Straws, „ 25e. ',
China, China, 10o,
r`. .
Turuberry Street for sale or to rent,
Apply to THOS, BALLANTYNE, Bruseole,
First mortgage, farm security. .Apply
at,THE POST Publishing House, Brussels.
Ieneofthe undersigned, in the month
of Tune, three red yearling heifers. Any in-
formation leading totheir recovery will be
thankfully received,
Newry P.O.
Me . of the undersigned,, Lot 17, Con. 14,
Grey, on or about Nov. 1st,a 2 year-old Steer,
red, in color. The owner is requested to
prove property, pay exppene88 sad take him
away, L, MoNEIL,
20.4 _ Oranbrook P,O,
' 085113,—Wo have decided to go out of
Toys until we can secure a larger store. We
therefore offer a diseouot of 26 per cent, to
clear them out. See our advertisement in
left hand corner of this page.
Druggists, Sooksellere &c.
Tenderswillb e received until January 10,
1800,for the delivery of 70 cords of good,
sound green hard wood beech and maple,
all body wood, 24 inches long and not more
than 8 inches through, to be delivered at the
Bruesele Public School House before the let
Day of Murch, 1800,
Secretary Publio School Board.
Thq Annual Meeting of the Grey Branch
Agricultural Society will be held: lathe Town
Hall, Brussels, on THURSDAY, JAN. 0,1890,
ab 1,00 o'clock sharp, foe the purpose of re-
ceiving the Auditors' Report, electing ofli-
cerefor the ensuing year andtransacting
such other business as may come before the
President. Secretary.
The Annual Meeting of the East Huron Ag-
rdoultural Society will be held in the Town
Hall, Brussels,an WEDNESDAY,- San. 15111.
1890, at1.80 o'clock sharp, for the purpose of
receiving the Auditors' report, emoting offi-
cers for .the oneutng year and transacting
snob other business as may come before the
President, Secretary.
Amman= has Several good Farms for
sale and to rout. easy terms, in Townships
of Morris and Grey. F S. SC OTT. Brussels
—100 seise of good farm ]and at
Springfield, 8 milesfrom Winnipeg, is offer-
ed for sale atalow price. The property is
North East } Soc. 10, Twp.1l, Range 4, -East•
There donee For full particuars as to
price, title, &o., write 6r apply to
G,F.-BLAIR or W. li. XE1111,
20-tf Brussels, Ont.
rBnsm1E0 offers hie 100 sore farm., ba-
lag Lot la, Oon, 5, Grey, for sale. Tharp are
about 75 aeras under cultivation. Ou the
premises are a log house, good bars and
other heoeesary out -buildings, ;also good or-
obard.. School house on corner of lot. Im-
mediate pooeee9ion, 25 aoroe of Fall wheat
in. Also hay and . straw on farm, . Easy
terms, Par price conditions, &o., apply to
ALEX. BREMNER, Proprietor, Ethel P. O.
undersigned will keep for servioe on
Lot O, Con. 12, Grey, a there' bred Yorkshire
White boar. Pedigree may be esen on ap-
plication. Terme 81.00 to be paid at time of
service with privilege of returning if noes.
eery. ROB1i1RT 8H0NE,
21-2,n _• -Proprietor.
tIodersiguedwill troop for service on
Lot 20 :Con. 0, Morris, the thoro'. bred lm -
proved White Yorkshire Boar "Selected;'
bred from S.D. Brothour's sweepstakes sow
05 Chicago Fair. Terme, 81,00` to be paid
at the time of servlae withprivilege of re-
turning if mammary, Pedigree -maybe aeon
on application.
TNorth undersigned 29,x000, 71 Mo iris, a there
bred Tamworth Boar, 'recently purchased.
from the Well known breeder, 3no.Bell, Am -
bar, Also a Chester White Boar. Terme,
51.00 to be petit at time Of serv108 with priv-
ilege of returning if necessary. •
80.51 S. WALKER , Proprietor,
00 undersign= Win keep for eorvlco On
60 bot se, Cion, 0, Mortis. the thote'.brod Large
English Berkshire Boar, Captain John,'
40 Pile mother is a full sister 59 the let prize
sow et the World's Fair, Pedigree will -be
8 25. vrodtced 00 appglication. Torras—$1.00 to
o 26 : roturhinbe Pahl at011 timede0008a01 servicry,e with privilege•. of
20 14 -Om '5AS, SPE014, Proprio tor,
• Solicitor and. Oonvoyanoer. Ool1eo-
tions made. Oilfoe—Vematone'e Black, Bruer
tie, &o• Solicitor, Conveyancer ,NotaryPub•
, Otsoe—Vanatone's Blook, 1 door
north of Central. note], Private: Funds to
(Formerly of Cameron, Holt $c
Cameron,) Barrister and Solicitor, Goderioh,
Ont. Cpioe-Hamilton St., Opposite- Col-
borne Hotel.
. Solicitor, &c. (late of 'Gamow do
Proudfoot'5 Office, Gaderidh,) 'Ghee oyer
Gillies & Smith's Bank, Brueeols,
Money to Loan. . 47
Honor Graduate Toronto Lrnivereity,
Licentiate Royal College Dental Surgoone.
Grown andBrldge work a specialty. Moder-
ate Feee. Satisfaction Assured. Office over
Barrett's barber shop, Turnberry St., Hrics..-
T D. WARWfOK, ..
eJ • Honor Gxadnate'Of. the Ontario
Veterinary College. is prepared to treat all
diseases of domeeticated•animale in ',a com-
petent manner. Part)oular attention paid
t0 veterinary dentistry. Calls promptly. at-
tended to. Olsee and Initrmary—Four doom
north of bridge 'parnberry et., Brussels.
O. M., L. R. 0.P., Edinburgh,', M. O. P.
8. Ont. Residence and oD9oe in Wilsons'
Block, corner of Mill and Ternberry Ste. •
ei • Physiolan, Surgeon, ,Acoonober,eto,
FtToronto University /Ste omber CoePhysicians
and Surgeons,. .
Ont. Orman—Next door to
McDonald & Go., Walton Ont.
IssurerofMarriageLleoueee, Office
at hie,Grooery, Turnborry streot, BI•nesele,
. Toesori SArtiet• Shop—Next door
south of A. M. Mo1lay & Co's hardware store.
Ladleb'and ohildrens hair nutting a epeolalty
. Savings Bank tabes Deposita from
81.00 to. 81,000 and allows 01
Interest. ser Dent.
87-8m T. FARROW,Postmaster.,
Issuer_ of Marriage. Licenses,
U 'No Witness Required.
T. FLETCHER, Bruesels:
Plano or her of instrumental mlude 00
day and Wednesday ole eaob week Rest•
dance on Princess Street, Brussels.
ennANOE Co. Established 1840, 0ri-
euranoos effected :o0 all' Town :and Farm.
Property at very -low 130008, -
1048m .1 A. 01t172GHTON,
Agent, Brilseelo.
.Lz Clerk of the. Fourth Division
Go. Huron. Oonvo Ooni
rsus5 gent, Pundit •
Land Loan and loan. C Agent, Pundit
favoejIn. and 'o loan. Oosectione made
Offioe'8r8mnla'eBlock, IIrueeole
• Organist in St, Solin's Church, Brum
0e18, and pupil, in the Art of Teaching, of A.
W. Thayer, Mutt :Doe„New York, will glye
lessons to pupils either on piano or organ
at hie parlor over A, R, Smith's store, Brea
Bele.. Vocal lessons also given. Terms tied. P
.J 'Lloenood'Anetionoer
on reasonable tering. Salus nferm
POWs anddfarm
kook s, spooialtv.-OrOexg loft, at Tam Poor
Puo , wIli l8ouse,Bruseola,orgent to Walton
P .,.Willreceivepromptattention,
• -EBR, Will sell for better prices, to..
bettor men in less limo and lase ehargoa
than any other Am:Sooner ih East Briton
or he
0025 ahvaye be e arranged at this billed
or by personal application,