HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-12-27, Page 6• glt
amplell''-*EV lRY FRIDAY '11tOltING
On tune for thelOarlY mane) at
;"The Post" Statue Vid IItl ing f[allaeo
TuuNnEuuvt Sx., Buosamrs, 0Air.
Twnaia civ 8uaeontRtioAt,—Qua dollar a
Your, in 0400000, d'hordate to rvhiolr every
eubeoription is Pald is denoted by the date
ou the a4dr00a label.
Anvnnmrs nei AA:no--The following xaboe
will be charged to those who e4ver lee by
the year,--
' ar4on 17,.xi8,. I 0 ma, 1' 8 mo
One Poliamn 89400 887.00 $20,00
Half 00Ae 10,00
00 8,00
Quarter„ 20.00 . 18..
Bight Dente per line for first insertion, and
three ciente Per line for each snbeequent In-
sertion. 411advertisements measured as
Nonpareil -18 lines be the inch,
0001nese Oarde, eight lines and under, e0
PA vertlmanmeats without specula dire°.
tions, willbeinserted until forbid, and
charged accordingly,
Instructions to ebange or discontinue an
advertleemOnt =Met he left. at the 00uutine
room of Tim Poem not later than Tuttat18t
of eaob. week This is imperative.
W. IE3 . I3;';C+ UIR8
Editor and Proprietor.
z"a IIC ;bas,
Mrs, S. A. Seaman bas gone to join her
husband in Unole Sam's domain's, where
he has secured a good situation as oper-
ator on a railway.
Wm. Doig, who bas been confined to
bed with typhoid fever during the past
three weeks is making slow progress in
improvement as yet.
Conductor Snider delivered his lecture,
"Queer People” in the town hall, under
the auspices of Court Gorrie, No. 07, 0.
0. F. The attendance wee not large.
Kira. Adam Lucas died at ber home
hereafter aweek'aillness from peritonitis.
Deceased was 40 years old and had
resided here for number of years.
Sew ior•tIa.
Wm. Bethune, is home for hia annual
winter vacation.
Robert Logan lass returned from his
trip to Manitoba.
Mayor Gray is away in Port Arthuron
on a business trip.
Dr. Soott has been appointed a eor0ner
for the County of: Huron.
A number of our citizens are down sick
at present there being a sort of influenza
or la grippe prevalent.
Lettere received here from John Weir,.
who is sojourning in Southern Colorado,
say that he likes the climate and is getting
along well.
Miss Helen Richardson, daughter of
Wm. Richardson, of Walkerton and niece
of D. D. Wilson and Mrs. John Thump.
eon, died recently.
At the election of officers of Court'
Flower of the Forest 0. 0. F., held Tues-
day, 17th, inst., the following were elect-
ed to fill the various offices for tbe en-
suing year :—Ohief Ranger, A.R. Samp-
son ; Vies 0. R.,Frank Freeman ; Chap.,
Rev. NeilShaw ; Rec. Sea., W. Hartry ;
Fin. Seo., Hugh Robb ; Treas., Geo.
Damian ; Woodwards, J. Wesley Beattie,
John Halliday ; Beadles, he. Edwards,
J. Twist.
James street Methodist church will be
re -opened next Sabbath.
The band boys were the invited guests
of Mr. and Mrs. J. Senior.
Tbos. Russell, of the Riverside farm,
Uaborne, was awarded second prize for
his fat steer at Guelph, fat stook show.
The annual meeting of the Exeter
branch and British and Foreign Bible
Society was held in the Trivitt Memor-
ial church, Sunday afternoon, with an
attendance of about 500. Rev. repre-
sentatives' of the Methodist, Presbyterian
and Anglican congregations spoke in its
advocacy and all seemed to enjoy the
An acoideut which might have resulted
in a serious oonfiagratioubappened at the
Central Hotel on Monday night of loot
week. It seems, a commercial traveller
was engaged in the sample room when a
friend d ro sd in and not takingar-
ticular notice sat down on a . droleaf
table on which rested two band lamps.
The table capsized and the 'two lamps
were broken to atoms, the oil igniting
and soon all was in a blaze, but luckily
after a hard fight and before mach dam-
age was done the flames were extinguish-
ed by aid of a large quilt that the travel-
ler happened to have in his samples.
Mrs. R. S. Williams is recovering.
Dr. Wm. Porter, of Chicago, and form-
erly of Godericb, died in that city recent-
Rev. J. A. Anderaonwill remain as'
pastor of Knox ahuroh. His salary has
been raised 4200.
E. Seaton McOully, the operatingiartist
at the studio of R. R. Sallow', antici-
pates stording art glasses in town.
Now that disease is s0 prevalent it
would be well for every citizen who has
the interests of hie family and the town
at heart, to inspect the condition of bis
back premises.
The Liberal committee . rooms were
opened,Wedneeday evening of last week,
in the store formerly occupied by the late
P. O'Dea. Mr. Cameron was present
and addressed the meeting.
A very interesting series of cooking
lessons ware held at the store of C. A.
Nairn, and eonduoted by J. W. Green, a
profeseional baker, and were largely at-
tended by 0number of ladies.
The Sephine was loaded with lumber
ab the North Shore and was on her way
to Lake Erie with bar cargo, but could
not get through Lake St. Clair on ao-
count of the ice, so she had to go into
Winter quarters at Sarnia.
A meeting to promote an eleotrio rail-
way oonneoted with Kincardine on the
one hand and Forewater on the obhsr, to
run in oonoection with the Port Perry
and Walkerton road at present under
Promotion, was bold in the Council
Chamber Tuesday afternoon of last week,
The Mayor cooupied the chair and there
was a fair attendance. E. A. Pew, the
well know railway promoter, addrseeed
the meeting, but no definite motion was
taken—Wm. I'roadfoot, barrister, being
the only subscriber to the stook list.
A non of Dem. Meath slipped down the
other day laud dislooatod late ocher hone.
The stre°t 0Otnlnittae were instruotad:
to 00980000 a snow picly for nae of the
911,0008 when needed,
Miss Ido Boles loav9wl eltortly for the
Toronto Conservatory of Maato, whore
the expecte, to not in. 8 1&1'00 .mouth&
Will, Snell,, of the gravel road, 7iullett,
has a blaok•tborn walking tial whish
fOrMerly belonged tq his lather, and de -
wooded to him through generatione of
hie: great, groat, great grandfather,
B, Irwin and A, T. Ooopor appeared
before the Council as °;:delegation on be-
balf of the early closing movement, and
asked that the town bell be rang at 0
o'olook on Saturday evening during the
Month of January, in order that the
businoes men would have a uniform time
for closing. Mr. Welsh, ben.ringer,
kindly eoneeuted to attendto it,
Geo. Hoare provided all the Sunday
school scholars of town, male and female,
with a stick of candy each, on Christmue
morning, at the Town Hall, and the die
tribubion was made under the supervisi-
on pf the Mayor. He bought over 1,000
stinks of candy for the purpose. The
distribution took place at 9;80 otnlook.
For xefueing to comply with the pro-
visions of the Trusnoy Act, a resident of
town was summoned before the Mayor,
and on the party expressing bis willing.
noes to send his son to school, the infer•
minion was withdrawn- Constable
Wheatly also found it necessary to lay
information against one or two parties
for non-payment of poll tax, which was
then promptly paid.
The Collegiate Institute, through the
kindusse of Prinpipal Houston, is now
fitted with a system of sleotrio bells.
There is one in each room, all on one
circuit, and they are rang by a olook for
each lesson ; therefore punctuality is re.
doped to a science. Mr. Houston pays
for the belle and batteries and the Board
furnished the ofoak. The work was done
under the supervision of Science Master
i•$ eTiilloip.
The members of Miss Jennie Outhill's
Sabbath school class met her at her
home to bid her farewell. The evening
was quietly and pleasantly spent, and
before taking leave Robbie Grieve, on be-
half of the class, presented' her with a
silver sugar spoon and a photograph al-
bum. The boys feel very keenly the loss
of their loving, faitbtul teacher and
friend. Tbeyjoin with us in wishing her
muoh prosperity and happiness in her
new home.
The officers and teachers of; Cavan
church Sabbath sohool, Winthrop, met
at the residence of Mrs.. J. Wright and
presented Mrs. J. A. Patterson with a
bandsome,teaohera' Bible, accompanied
by an address expressive of their appreoi•
ation of ber services'ae a teacher in the
Sunday solace], as well as their regret at
her departure from them. The address
was read by Mr. Dodds and the, presen-
tation was made by Miss Annie Love.
Mrs. Wright replied in very feeling
terms, thanking them for their kindness
to her daughter. Mrs. Patterson has
been a teacher in the Sabbath school for
a number of years, and the lose of her
faithful and willing services w0.1 be
mush felt.
Marmstoaxen.—One of those rare events
which always oanee a ripple of excite-
ment among the young folks, took place
at the residence of Mrs. J. Wright; on
Wednesday, 11th inst. We refer to the
marriage of Miss Jennie W. Cuthill to
John A. Patterson, of Sheldon, North
Dakota, formerly of MoKiliop, and also
that of Mies Jessie H. Outhilt to Robert,
Smith, of this township.. Miss Jennie
was given away by het brother John, and
Miss Jessie by her brother Alexander.
The brides were elegantly and tastefully
attired in oream cashmere, with white
blossoms. At 3 p. m. the nuptial knots
were securely tied by Rev. P. Musgrave
in tbepreeence of a Iarge number of the
friends of the contracting parties. After
the oeremooy was performed the guests
sat down to a sumptuous repast, after
which a few hours were socially and
pleasantly spent. Early in the evening
about one hundred guests assembled, and
it was not far from daybreak when the
last dance was called off. The presents
consisted of silverware, china, fine linens,
oto.; and were quite' numerous, thus
ebowing the esteem in which the brides
are held. Mr. and Mrs. Smith have
settled down in our neighborhood.
Dino, to Housekeepers.
Use none but a silver spoon for your
sweet meats..
Borax water will remove stains from
the hands.
4. gargle of hot claret will often afford
relief in cases of ooute sore throat.
To render linen, ootton or muslin in-
combustible, dip it ina solution of sum-,
mon alum.
Year tablecloths will look much better
and last much longer if yon use au under
cloth of white, dovble-faced Canton flan-
nel, which
an-nel,which is sold for the purpose.
Vinegar and salt will clean the black
crust offsheet iron frying pans, but they
should be therongbly scoured afterward
with Baud soap or 0ny good 50000000 l
An ornamental table mat is made from
a piece of olive green felt eighteen inobss
square. The outer edge is out in the
shape of .maple leaves which must be
painted in autumnal tints. The center
sbould not be decorated.
To make boots waterproof, boil one
quart of linseed oil with a pound of
Venice turpentine. While the mixture is
eall warm, but not hot, paint the leather
until it will absorb no more.
Ieeing for o0kes may be prevented from
cracking when being out by adding one
teaspoonful of sweet cream to eaoh un.
beaten egg ; beat all together and add
sugar until as still as can be stitrod.
If you want your .oream to curdle in
your coffeeyon ono generally obtain the
wished for result by patting the cream
and sugar into the cup and tben pouring
the bot coffee in. no way to avoid hav-
ing it curdle is t0 pour the bream in -first
then the coffee and the sugar last of all.
George Augustus Sala, the journaliet, is
I$uoutiexleet Cuasu IN A DAY.—South
American Rheumatic Cure for Rheuma.
tiara and Neuralgia radically ranee in 1
to 8 days. Ite action upon the system
is remarkable and mysterione. 11 re.
=wee at once the cause and the disease
immediately disappears. The first dose
greatly benefits. 76 cents, warranted
by G. A, Deadman.
The Presbyter of Berth, pursuant to
agjournneent, lnetin Willie 9hurph, Olin.
ton, on'd'uoaday at 10.$0 a.m,,.rnaderatnr,
Idea, fl.. D, NeDouald At the obair,
Minutes of last mooting aa relative tO the
holding, of , tale seseiau, were read, in
which was contained a pall from Knox
church, Guelph, to the Rev, J, A. Ander•
eon, of Knox church, Godorigh, A vary
large and influential delegation from
Gaelph Proebytexy were present in sup-
port of the oall. They were De. Torrange,
1Roy, J. G. Smith, Messrs, MaQrae, Clow.
son and Millar. Aa eommieaionere they
supported the various reasons adduoed
with ability and foto° of argument why
the Rev, J. B. Anderaon should be trona.
lated to the oongregatioo of Iinox ahuroh
al pastor. After the Presbytery bad
heard then the moderator called neon
the oommiaaionere from Goderioli td give
reasons, if any, against the translation.
Some seventeen representatives were
present from Goderioh, amgng0t them
were Meows. Bugbannan, Strang, Thom,
MoD, Allen, M. 0. Comoro, Chown and
Hutohiospn, and with all the eloquence
and force of argument whioii they, us a
people who loved their pastor, could ad-
duce, pleaded with Ur. ,Anderaon and the
Presbytery to set amide the oall and allow
them to retainthe close relationship
whish now exists. The oall was then
replied t in in vhe ery feeling toands of nne that he bad
not given the Guelph people any en-
couragement in proceeding with the call ;
he would now ask the Presbytery to allow
him to remain in Goderioh. It was then
moved by the, Rev. P. Musgrave, emend-
ed by Rev. A. McLean that the oall be
set aside. Carried. Presbytery then
udjonrned. We may add to this that the
night before Presbytery met the people of
Knox oburoh, Goderioh, deoidecl to add
11200 to Mr. Anderson's salary, but he
knew nothing whatever about it until
after his decision. We aro sure the
people of Hpron will feel pleased that
Mr. Anderson is to remain in their midst.
"You keep rings here, don't you 7" he
asked, in a Woodward avenue jewellery
"Certainly," replied the clerk, "some-
thing for yourself ?"
'No; I'm thinkin' of getting ,some'
thing for my girl. Gob anything for
about two; dollars ?"
"Yee, I oan give you a plain ring at
that .price. Hera is something very
`I guess that would fit her all right.
Iain Ibave runthiu' engraved on to it?"
"0f course—what is it ?"
"Wall, I want you to put on it : "From
Thomas J. to Helen H., who ie not only,
the best lookin' bat the smartest girl in
the State of Michigan. My love will
never, never grow sold, and should death
overtake me, my last thought will be of
you. Be good and you will be happy,
And please accept this as a token of love."
That's what I want you to pat on.".'
"Good gtaoions, but you can't get all
that on a ring 1" exclaimed the olerk.
"Meet have it on or I don't want a
ring I" was the firm reply._
But the usual way is simply to en.
grave "T. to 13." with the date after it.
"The usual way may be all right with,
some girls, but it won't work with mine.
What she wants is sentiment—heaps of
sentiment. So you oan't get it on 2"
"Oanldn'tpossibly do it. You'd want
0 surface as large as your hand to get
that on."
"Say 1" exclaimed the young man, af-
ter a moment of reflection—"I have it 1
I'll bay her a sliver belt-bnokle instead of
a ring, and I'll have 'em put on an I said
and add to it : "You are never absent
from my.thoughts, and a vision of your
dear face rises up before me a thousand
times a day. Be true—be true 1 Virtue
is it's own reward and your mother kiti
live with us after we are married. No
more at present—good-bye 1"
IKEA= DIemAen Barney -an nx 80 MIN•
uzus: All oases of organio or sympathetic)
heart disease relieved in 80 minutes and
quickly cured, by Dr. Agnew's Cure for
the Heart, One dose convinces. Sold
by G. A. Deadman.
RELIES IN Srx Houes.-Distressing kid.
nay and bladder diseases relieved in six
honra by the "Great Soutb American
Kidney Cure." . This new remedy is a
great surprise and delight on account of
its exceeding promptness in relieving'
pain in the bladder, kidneys, book and
every part of the urinary passages in
male or female. It relieves retention of
water and painin passingit almost im-
mediately. If you want gniek relief and
eine this is your remedy. Sold by G. A.
Deadman, druggist.
Mrs. .2!¢t, ✓9h,
"X have taken Ayer's Pills for many
years and always dor ved the hast re,
aultsfromtheir .use,
For Stomach and Liver
troubles and for the euro of headache
eattsed by these derangements, Ayer's
Flits cannot be equaled. They are easy
to take, and
Are the Best
all-round family medicine X have ever
IcliOWn,"-Mrs. MAY SOLOMON, 066 Rider
Ave., New York City.
Highest Awards at World's Fair.
Aucr'o Sareaparittoforthhe 51004.
anulloR 10
Six ,fackayea tharaafee4 f0
p1'9414tl3,1 end par;0ttneatiy
OM ell X90481 of 110891 a
lrealeteee, i'ettocieesi}Dara;•
44ploerrak1 ea, Mlsi°t9at0vFy adcacaiei ,f
litetai Mom 050008lca 0ge
.7? q?'e ftncl i5 er. 01.4aeco, 0ntuneer 1011'
0 fante,retrfafr800trlotuSEPJtfn
11000141. le8a0rtly, donaueeiteet ane irtt cora/orate.
APS been Prescribed over 86 piers in thousande of
eases; 10 the only it0itattu a,rd gpneef ,0leafa0;e
karma. Mkdrugsl0tfor Wood's Phoaphoalne;it
poogere(come worthless modi01n0 fn place of 014
fnelose price In letter, and we will Send by return,
than. Price, one 9aokag0, $I; sire, 89. Pao WWRM
promo, etin iarc,'lire' Peeei hWood Pletefrepeotoan
Wladsor, cat., Oonsle.
8010 15 Tirussgla by
(l, A, UT1ADr1AN, Druggist,
NI, G. R•
Is prepared to do all kinds of
work in his lino.
Good .Workmanship and
Good Fits Guaranteed.
Suits•mado for $.4 'and uirwgrds.
tEeSlNlp O'er nlellc'SaYtilr's Store,
Know What You Chew
Is free from the injurious coloring.
The more you use o4 it the better
you like it.
Weak, Nervous Women.
One to whom a night's rest was
Strength and good health restored.
I was subject to frequent attacks of
nervousness that seemed to sap all my
vitality and left me in a state of weak-
ness and misery. I could not relish food
and such a thing as a good night's rest
was unknown. Incapable of any exer-
tion and with an ever present tired and
despondent feeling. Medicines that I
took did not do any good; it was a case
of gradually becoming weaker and weak-
er. Hearing of Scott's Sarsaparilla and
its success with similar cases to mine, I
used it, and from the first few doses
began to get better, appetite returned, got
natural and ;refreshing sleep. I grew
stronger, in fact life seemed to befanned
into activity.—Lottie Graham, 174 Craw-
ford Street, Toronto.
For any weakness of the nerves, pale
and sallow complexion, loss of appetite
use the best blood and nerve remedy ex-
tant, Scott's Sarsaparilla. Insist on get-
ting Scott's—imitations do not cure.
Sixteen Pages, . 6 Oolm ins, of
Attractive Family Read-
ing Every Week.
DOTH PAP[R5 pQi696ef FOR $1
FARM Alan laonf0, combined in one
issue, uniform in size and appear-
ance, is offered to subscribers from
now until the Slat December, I806, for
Tho FAARA PREss is the Leading
Liberal-Contervative Journal of West-
ern Ontario. It cpatains each week
a complete summary of the hews
and comment of lee times.
The Commercial pages of the
Won x.Y FREE PRESS aro up to dote,
and ample for the country merchant,
farmer and dairyman.
Tho FAIiM Arlo Holm contains each
week able articles on A ricultural
subjects and Live Stock. The farmer
and cattle an4 horse breeder will . find
in its pages abundant topics of special
A Serial Tale of absorbing interest
will be an interesting feature of the
Both Papers combined for $i from
Now until December Mot, /896.
Agents wanted everywhere. Address
all communications to the
Do you have your Clothes made by MO -
Bain ? If not, why riot ? Other people
do and are always well suited, and why
shouldu't'they be ? They aro Stylish,
well made and the price is all right, To
do your work and to do it well and Cheap
is what we are here for,
A Choice stook of Cloth always on
hand to select from.
ono,. cBalxl, -
Are to the Front with a large stock of Stoves.
Having a thorough knowledge of what is required by the people
of Brussels and vicinity, we have selected our stock with a great
deal of care, and are prepared to offer the best lines' of Stoves man-
ufactured in the Dominion.
We handle the superior line manufactured by the
Doherty MViauufacturing Co., also Buck's Celebrated Cook and Par-
lor Stoves. The Garland line by Bowes, Jamieson & Co., always
in. stock.
We have the Lyndon Heater, by the new process,
manufactured by the Doherty Manufacturing 'Company, called the
Ferris Steel In Coal Stoves we have the well-known `Favorite."'
;"'All our stook will be sold at. Greatly Reduced Prices to suit the times.
Lamps and Lamp Goods in great variety.
Having been advertising our fine line of
Stoves and Itaugos
for some time, we now call your
attention to our fine assortment of
Hanging, Vase
AND Hand Lamps,
the best assortment ever shown
in town and at Prices that
everyone can afford.
We also keep a full line of
cf every Description.
of all kinds and a
awzfull line 'of
Big Bargains.
Hardware and Tinware.
�R-USs I s.