HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-12-27, Page 4New Advertisemr nts. Tenderswanted ?$,Boss. Annual meeting Ti. Stewart.. Annual meeting -W• H 40". Too weals to wallsr «illiaite. . Chowlug teheono--Geo. 70, '' J 0i0ett.dl Son. !,i:.e 1150d$ gOst, FilIDA.Y, DEO. 27, 1896. 111n. STunna, the McQartbyite sande. date, was sleeted in Cardwell bye-eleotien 00 Tuesday by over 200 over the Con. sorvative candidate, It wee a three aoruered fight. Dominion byedalectdons take plicae. as follows :-Montreal Centro, Friday, Dee, 27th. Candidates-klingstou, eon. aervetivo; McShane, Liberal. Conserva- tive majority last eleotioe, 1,214. Jacques Cartier, Monday, Deo. 30th. Candidates -Conservative, Deeoarriee ; Charbon. Dean, Uberal. Conservative majority at last election, 208. West Huron, Thurs. day, Jan. 14th. Candidates-Coneerva- tine, Weismiller ; Liberal, Cameron. Conservative majority at last eleotion, 16, Charlevoix, date not yet ohasen. Tonouxo Ciby Council is going in for the recommendationnflegislation. They recommend that Aldermen hold office for two years instead of one ; that all candi- dates for the Mayor's chair must have 'served a year at the Board, within five years of seeking the civic chair ; than tenders and supplies be purchased by a select committee, chosen from the Coun- oil, rather than by the Board, The Queen's City Council handle e, large amount of business, part of which recent investigations say isnot .done in any too clean banded a manner. Nonan Oarrenro elected Mr.Mctxillivray Coneervetive,in a three cornered fight by a majority of over 700. The Liberal Tote was foolishly divided by the running of a Patron and a Liberal candidate with the above result. Had there been bat one there ie no doubt of the verdict. By the time a few such contests are mil- led off somebody will likely look into the situation and deoide on a concentration of forces in achieving a grand victory. In many of these- political contests the campaign speeches amount to little more than a bnllyragging bee. The electorate is not half so particular about the pedi. gree of the candidates or etumpers it is about the improvement of times and lopping of ruinous expenditure. PAEam1NT Ooaveeken has stirred up quite a bit of exoitement over his tbrewte regarding his proposed interference with British rights is Venesuela and hie Core grese has voted 5,50,000 to send a Com. mission to straighten out quirks. Great Britain is not disposed to yield her claim which was. recognized before President Cleveland was born and nye so in very plain words. The United States of Venezuela outs a huge semi.airanlar slice out of the north coast of South America.. Its greatest length from Bast to. West is about 1,000 miles, from North to South about 770. The population consists of a few thousand whites, a number of Indians and a large majority of half-breeds. The country ie exceedingly fertile in parte and rich in minerala. Colambue discovered Venezuela in 1498 and it remained in the possession of Spain till 1811. In that. year she revolted and declared herself independent end she has been in the fever of revolution, intermittently from that day to this. In 1864 some attempt was made at organization and a consti- tution was adopted modelled faithfully after the constitution- of the United States of America. With considerable amendment this terming to -day as the constitution of Venezuela. Tkz':l R'. palitiaalbediee to .direct the line of at, taeh if thio power ie aaeerbed, In for. Wilting the Chart by whish they ware ex. peoted bo sail the Patrons bane souttl,ed the /chip and the reaub will be sbfpwreok bo bheli party, The idea of businee0 advantegea in boloegiug bo the argani. zatfon pt:oved a delusion to thoueoxide, and many after being bitten once will not give an opportaiufty of a repetition oR atoll treatment, We have no quarrel with the erigieal platform, ae in the ,main, it le indentioal with the Liberal policy, but the change of front causes warm euneertere to lone faith in the bright proapeets propbeeyed for the P. of 1. and deoide to hold fast to .Liberalism. COUNTY Houses of Refuge and Industry continue to increase in popular favor., The County Council of Lambton, after three days dispassion, decided to follow the example set by Heron County and purchased the 60 acre Lowrie farm near Sarnia, paying 84,000 for it. The plans of J. C. Robson, of Sarnia, had been. chosen from among a number of others' sent in by arohiteots and were on exhibi- tion. They provided for a substantial brick building 2 stories high, with atone basement, the dimensions to be 122 by. 36 feet, with a wing 24 feet by 36 feet. There will be a000mmodation for .85 in. mates, including hospital room for 8 patients, and necessary apartments for keeper and family. Corridors will run the full length of the building on each floor, and the sexes will be oompletely. isolated. The estimated cost, inolnding plumbing, is $10,000, no allowance . being, Roo. -Soo., Mies Jean Ritchie ; Treas., made for heating. $250 additional will Mies Annie Slemmon ; Look -out Com., W.M. Cameron, W. M. Ritchie, Misses Wr oxeEuler School closed Friday for Qhrietmae vaoation. John Bray, er., was in Harrieton on a bneineee trip lost week. Chrietreae was spent very quietly and yet enjoyably by our citizens generally, Me. W. C. Hazlewood was caped away /hie week to the bedside of her mother. Little hope is entertained of the old lady's recovery. The English church entertainment on Monday evening was a decided eucoees, the proceeds netting over $23. The ohildren'e exercises with the operetta and cantata were especially worthy of men. tion. The Presbyterians held a much ap- preciated entertainment in the pavilion on Friday evening. The "Ten Virgin's" and the "Village Ohoir" were among the best numbers on the program. Their school is richer by $1400. Miee Deightman has cloeed'a most sno- ceesful millinery semen at W. 0. Sante. wood's Store. She went home for boll - dale, but if not married before Spring she will bake oharge of the same depart- ment in Mr.11azlewood's store next. sea. son. Bev. Mr. Gilrey, of College St. Presby terian alined], Toronto, ie secured for the Presbyterian anniversary. Re is an. nounoed to preach ab 11. a, m. and 6:30 p. neon Sunday, San. .81l. and leoture on Monday the 6th on "The Holy Land." These services will be of very epeoial in- terest. A pleasing event of this festive season was the happy gathering at the residence of Thos. Musgrove on Tuesday afternoon. The interest centered in the marriage of Sties Charlotte Musgrove to 0. J. lZoatz, of Michigan. The ceremony was per- formed by Bev. W. E, herr. Mr, Koutz and bride leave this week for their home in the Wolverine State. Despite heavy rain, bad roads and it dark night, Salem Methodist church was well filled Tuesday evening, the occasion being the' anniversary entertainment of their Sunday school. .A first-class pro- gram was presented and a very enjoyable time spent. A pleasing feature of the ra 92 0 1 rn -0 friV+ r r tO 1 e lye! 7 N entertainment was the presentation of ity beautiful easy chair to Joseph Higgins, as 1 a recognition of his fidelity and eflicienoy in Superintending the Sunday school. Mr. Higgins replied to the warm expres- sions of appreciation in feeling terms. Salem school is in aflourishing condition. • Ceestirsuroole. Muddy roads.. Mies Margery 6traohan was visiting at A. Mohair's last week. J. M. Knight and wife, of Petrolea, are visibing'et L. McNeil's. Principal Wynn is spending his hbli- deys atlas home in Newry. J. J. Mitchell attended the funeral of his brother at Palmerston last week. W. J. Smalldon, shoemaker, is visiting for a week with friends at St. Thomas. R. F. Cameron wilt preach in the Presbyterian church at Atwood next Sun- day. John of Belleville College, is spending Xmas vacation under the par- ental roof. Geo. Raymann and Joseph Oster at. tended the Ohristmas tree at Ethel last Friday night. Tne flax mill has not been running daring the past week owing to the damp- ness of the weather. Billy Geltz, of Hensall, is spending a few days in the village this week. Billy: prefers Cranbrook to Hansen. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heymann and' Sas. Knight, of London, are spending the Ohrietmas holidays with relatives here. Angle McIntosh, of Hartford, Michigan is here on a visit to hie father, John Mo. Iutoeh, who has been so i11. We are pleased to hear that stir. McIntosh is im. proving in health. SoaooL sPORT.-The following ie the report of the junior department of Oran- brook Pablio School :-Jr. 3rd. -Lynn Mitchell, Russel Zimmer, Minerva Ennis, Willie Alderson, Roy.Srealldon. Sr 2od. -Minnie Cameron, Coverdale McDon- ald, Phillip ;Dames, Minoan McNichol, Annie Gramm. Sr. Pt. '211d. -Gar. field Long, Etta Smalldon, Willie For. rest, Mina McBee, Minnie Smalldon. Jr. Pt. 2nd.-Baseell Porter, Jas. Mc- Nichol, Lloyd Porber,Alfred 'Mitchell, Willie Long. Sr. let.. -Athol MoQuar- rie, Willie Brown, Willie Cameron. Jr. let -Tillie Zimmer, Maggie Love, Cleve- land McDonald, Arthur Love, Willie Love. Y. P. S. 0. E. -A, bueiness meeting of the Y. P. S. C. E. was held in Knox church on Monday evening and the fol. lowing officers and committeeswere elected' for the owning term :-Hon. Pres., Bev. D. B. McRae ; President, Jae. McLachlan • Vice -Pres., Miss Jennie McNair; ; Oor. See., Allan Oamerob ; be charged for a slate roof. The question iia live one he Sent and Essex OOunties, a proposition to erect a building to Cor. oommodate the poor oe the two mediae is under consideration. Ting organization known, es thePatrons of Industry' was brought into existence 80 a farmers' Order, whereby the rights el the tidier of the soil were to be timely guarded. Last week, at a mooting in To- xonto, the fence was thrown down and trade 02 profession 10 no longer it barrier and even the signs and passwords are abolished. An independent patty le the proposed role and under this new ban- der the free and independent aro invited to marob. In our opinion there is no necessity for stall a party as there is in- dependence enough in either of the great Bbte McNair, Annie McLauchlan, Jane McNair ; Prayer -meeting Com., Jae. Mo. Lachlan, Jae. Calder, Wm. Perrin ; Sooial Com., Wm. Ritchie, Misses An- nie McDougall, Etta McNeil', Jean Cald- er, Maggio Raymann ; Missionary Com., Jas. MoLaohlan, Rev, D. 33. IYIoB,ae, Mrs. Matthew Cameron, Misses Annie Mc- Lachlan and Jean Calder ; Sunday School Com., Jas. Calder, Allan Camer- on, Mies Ella McLachlan. Richard 1rlwarde fell into the cabal at /leaden and was drowned. sir Frank Smith was elected Provident of the Ontario Joehey Olub last week. R. W. Jameson was sleeted Mayor of Winnipeg by 689 majority over D. W. Bole. Iu the /Kiel of Mies Findlay for man- slaughter at Ottawa the jury, after stay- ing out several boars, could not dome to a decision. The prisoner ie out on bail for $2,000 Until the June Aeaizee, Is es co S :' O S 1;" r�. 00 FERGUSON&HALL1D4 ALWAYS TFTE CHTA.PEST. e We are the Handkerchief House. of Brussels and this Season we're going to more than sustain the reputation. SILK HANDKERCH !EFS 10 dos. Gent's large size Jap. Silk Handkerchiefs, wine hem, worth 65c, our pride for Xmas 40e. 15 aoz. Gent's fine white Jap. Silk Handkerchiefs, regular price 40c, our price 25e. 5 doz, Gent's Initial Silk Handkerchiefs, all letters, regular price 400, our price 25e. 2 doz. Gent's very fine quality, wide bora, Plain dap. Silk, hand embroidered, Initial, worth 65e, our Holiday price 490. 5 doz. Gents' large size Twill Silk Handkerchiefs, the kind you pay 75c for -•a very desirable- present for a gentleman -our Christmas price 42c. 2 doz. Gents' fancy colored Silk Handkerchiefs, the Hind sold at 40c, Holiday price 25e. 8 doz, Gents' White Brocaded Silk handkerchiefs, very fine and large, usually sold at 75a; oar Christmas price 45e. 10 doz. Boys' Colored Border Cambric Handkerchiefs, the kind always sold at 5c, our Christmas price 2 for 5c. 10 doz. Men's large sire Cambric Handkerchiefs, worth anywhere. 7e, our,Xmas price 6 for 25e, Ladies' Silk Handkerchiefs it Less than Half Price. At 5c-15 doz. Embroidered Silk handkerchiefs, real value 10o. • At 10c-20 doz. Embroidered and Drawn Borders, real value 15o and. 20c each. Embroidered At 120-5 doz. .and Drawn Borders, real value 25e each. At 150- 5 doz. Fine Hand Embroidered dap; Silk, the kind you have paid 25e and 800 for. At 20c--5 dos. Cream and Colors, Embroidered and Hand Drawn Work, real value 40e. At lc -40 doz. Children's Cambric Handkerchiefs with Fancy Border, real value 80. At 8e each or 2 for 5c-10 doz. Children's Fancy Picture Handkerchiefs, the kind you pay 5c for. At 5c-10 doz. Ladies' Hem Stitch; Fancy Border Cambric Handkerchiefs, the hind usually sold at 8e. At •5c-10 doz. Fancy Embroidered Ladies' Lawn Handkerchiefs, the kind you pay 100 for. Holiday Kid. Gloves-. some to our Glove Department for the most reliable makes. Don't be That ever popular and desirable gift. It you intend giving Kid Gloves afraid about the size, they can be exchanged anytime. Mantles. Now. is the time to get.a Cheap.111antle for Christmas. We are clearing them L all at cost. ' Dress goods. We have made Great Preparations for the many Customers who buy a choice Dress for Mother, Sister or Friend. We have many lines which we are clearing out. T9 6 W ,�, able Napkins. special attention to the price and quality.- We extend you are showing. au immense range and we would call your an invitation to visit our Linen Department as you will find many useful articles suitable for Christmas Presents. , -" We extend to all an invitation to come and see our assortment and you will be astonished in the prices. ?:t izt t seal at xxAL 1.,%�e '�z + ea Soon the`Christmas and New Year Holidays will be upon us. Below we give a list of a few articles that zvou,ZcZ make useful ,macs Presents : - Handkerchiefs -Silk, Lin- en, Cotton and Lawn, from 2c to $1.50. We now have the largest assortment of Gentlemen's Ties we have ever shown. Gloves all, kinds for Men and Women. Men's, Underclothing from 40o to $3,50 per suit. We have Boots, Rubbers and Overshoes that will :fit Father, Mother,. - Sister or Brother. • All sizes in Wool and Cash- mere dose. Caps for Boys.' Caps for Men, Caps for Girls and Wo- men. Overcoats for Boys, aged 4 to..16 years. All sizes in Men's Over- coats from $3,50 to $12.00. Extra value in Tweeds, Worsteds, Pantings & Over - coatings for Clothing made to order. Chenille Curtains & Table Clovers, Odd Pants for Boys and Men. Special lune in Men's Collars, 2, 2., 2 & 22 inches- all sizes for 12k -c. We have reduced the prices of all Winter Suits and i Overcoats. It will pay you to get our prices before buying a dollar's worth of Clothing. We wish all our Friends and Customers a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year, SMITH& McLAR EN • Is. offering Special Value in The Choicest Fruits of the Season. • Oranges, Lemons, Cranberries, Apples, Raisins, Currants, Orange, Lemon and. Citron. Feel. Evaporated Apricots, Peaches and Apples. Nuts and Dandies of all Kinds. A LAROE VARIETY Of Plain and Fancy China and Glassware, Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets, also a complete stock of Groceries: CREAM BREAD and BUNS MADE DAILY. Wishing our many Customers the Compliments of the Season,,' Geo. Thomson