HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-12-20, Page 8Y, ONE QUARTER OFF pASIlTl3, (Seven Million Dollars) 67,000 000 JJI S POST 5.T:,N'D4„i1) .47V' -I. 0.' CtlaY'4.D4, HEAD .OFFiCE, - TORONTO, Vnless we gala se4,tre a larger to Wo purpose giving itp the Toy beeiness and we have dooided to 0011 this season our entire. sleek of Xmas Toys, oamprising A B G BlPok0,1?11410 Biooks,. Building Bleoks, Qut-up Pieturee, Ifeives, Forka and Symms, Toy, Engiuee and Care, Dogs 4hasing the Rabbit, Tree Banka, Moving Doge, Battles, Chimes, Tope, Rule Britania, Down Went McGinty, Toy Plat Irene, Toy Fur. niture,-Toy Watches, Trumpets, F1aTi Tasks, 1'unoli Dind,Tudy, ldorae8, Animals and everything alae in Toys at oduation of 26 per cont. It would be well on the part of our customers to some early while the stook is mare complete and to avoid the rush that we invariably have the day before Xmas. Qnr stook of 4hoioe goods suitable for Holi- day Gifts comprises' those in CELLULOID, PLUSH AND LEATHER. We have a One stools of Morroeco Poets Books, Bibles, Albums, &o, DEADMAN & McOALL, Druggists, Optioians, and Fancy Goode Dealers. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. ao0TBEBN EXTENSION W. 0. & p. Trains leave Bruesele Station, North and South, as follows: Goma SOTTTH, GOINGROnTH, Mail 6.50 am, Mixed 9;45 a.m, Maness 1159 a.m. Mail 8:16 p.m, wed ,....... 9:00 pm. Express .,,,, 9:48 p.m,. �oca,L :etvs A Chiel'e amang ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. MEao: Oaarssttas. RENEW your subscription: MUNICIPAL Nomination on Monday, 30th. WHEELED vehicles are once more to the front. HEAD the Cosgrove Co. on Friday evening. CsawTtlAS comes on: Wednesday of next week. Soa000 will close on 'Friday afternoon to re -open on Monday, Jan. 5th, 1896. Tan next monthly Horse Fair will be held in Brussels on Thursday, Jan. 2nd. P6RuaoN County Council minutes, oro wd• ed oat of last issue, may be found on Mage 6. A oenof Cattle was shipped from Bras.' sets last Monday by Mr. McLean, of Luoknow. LAST week a few bicycles were in use, rather an unusual occurrence in the mid, dle of December. A MONKEY wrench was found last week. The owner may have it by proving prop. erty and paying for this notice. LAST Saturday afternoon the Directors of East Baron Farmers' Institute met in town and arranged program for next meeting. THE Board of Health was to have met last Monday evening but the only mem- bers present were the Reeve, Clerk and J. N. Kendall. A. Census was in Southampton this week in connection with an auction sale of the Vanstone saw mill, held by the McIntosh & MoTaggart estate. 4 MEETate of the Pabiio Library Board will' be held on Friday afternoon, at 4:80. e'olook, to deal with matters of interest to the prosperity of the Library. OWNERS Of fast horses had some rare sport on the ice above the mill dam dur. ing the past week. A. half mile course was marked ont and the speeding enjoy- ed by both horses and drivers, Leer Saturday evening the Maitland Skating Risk was opened for the season. The ice was good and the 'attendance very large. Thos. Bloomfield is in corn. mand. His motto will be good skating, at a low prise. NExr Monday the grocery stook, bake- ry, plant and residence of Jao, Grewar will be offered for sale by publio auction,' at the Queen's Hotel, Brussels, by 1'. S. Scott, auctioneer, at 4 o'clock. The grocery stook amounts to about $425. Terms and conditions of sale may be ascertained by applioation to A. Consley, Assignee, or G. F. Blair, bis Solicitor. SOLD Ouv.—The hardware stock of A. Hunter bas been sold to Gerry Bros., and A. M. McKay Co., who took over the goods the forepart of this week, Mr. Hunter did a fairly. good business since starting but three hardware stores is Brussels were too many, and the above arrangement will count one out. 'Mr. Hunter's time is (ally occupied in his of- fice so that be was unable to attend per- sonally to the store. It was in oharge of hie sou Lorne. A GREAT NATIONAL. WORK. The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal is quoted by the best jour- nals all over the world, and ie regarded as a high class authority on everything pertaining to dairying for profit, farming for profit, gardening for profit, or stook. raising for profit. The Family Herald and Weekly Star is certainly a magnifi' sent newspaper, great value for the sub- scription, and it is meeting with tre- mendous 80oaees. The Family Herald and Weakly Star is really one of the wonderful productions of the age. ' 1t is only,a dollar a year, and contains one hundred and twenty-eight oolumne a week, equal to one hundred goo') sized volumes a year. Tan Standard" Delineator has be- mired so familiar that it hardly seems neoeseary to do more than indicate the good things to be found in its pages, It celebrates the New Year by an unueually interesting number, The colored platen are a fine example of what can be done in lithography when directed by a real artist. Stories abound, and brightly written pages are dove .+d to Dancing, Fare, Facey -work, E. te.making, and New Year customs tee world over; chatty editorials amuse the readers of "Among Ourselves," and Floriculture is, as usual, treated by the master hand of .Oben Rexford. There' are pages of Fanny -Work for Little Fingers, and others for big once, including a farther number on Leather Work. Dainty cal- ondate are described end illustrated and is the pages on "How to be Beadtfful" the hygiene of the skin is dimmed. In addition there are some fifty pages of nes dee1gue for my lady's wardtobe, and excellent articles on Millinery and 'Cook. cry.. Tan New gives the news. A DAR of cheese for London, England, was shipped from Brussels this week. R. RoAon'e setter dog was poisoned daring the past week but pulled through. BEAD the advte. in T2E POST. Tt may mean the saving of many dollars to you in a year. IN the school report published last week the name of Nora Kendall, 288 marke, was omitted from the list by Mise Downey, the teaoher. THE young gentlemen who bave reach. ed their majority will feel inclined to sing "I would I were a boy again," .when they find Constable Wright after them for a dollar poll tax. MemioLM BLACK, teacher at S. S. No. 4, Morrie, gave his pupils a half holiday last Monday, when a sleigh ride to Brussels was indulged in. About 45 boys and girls came to town and put in abusy time eight eeeiug for an hour or more. 101 YEA= ons.—Last week Mr. Collie, near Blyth, brought a family heirloom to T. Fletoher, jeweller, for repairs, in the shape of - a gold ring 101 years old. Around the place usually 000npied by a atone is a chola of 40 pearls and within this was the motto, "Not loot but gone before," on white enamel, now obilterat. ed. The inscription inside of the ring is "Jane Shell, died January 19th, 1794." The keepsake is prized very highly. A. F. & A. M.—Tuesday evening the annual election of oMoere for the ensuing year in connection with St. John's Lodge, No. 284, A. 1''. & A. M., took place with the following. result :— H. James, (re.elected) W. M. ; S. Wilton, 8. W. ; Geo. Halliday, J. W. ; J. A. Creighton, Secy. ; Thos. Fletcher, Treas. ; P. J. Bishop, I. G. J. Y. S. Kirk, Tyler. The above will be installed and 'the. ad- ditional officers appointed on St. Johb'e night, Dee. 27th. Total membership, 55, with an average' attendance of 22 during 1885. The Lodge is in a healthy con- dition and well managed. R. W., D. D. G. M„ Jae. Walmeley,of Wiartou, is in charge of North Huron District. HousE os REraec,—It has been decid. ed that visitors day—that is for the gen- eral public—at the House of. Refuge, will be on Thursday afternoon of every week. Relatives of inmates only will be allowed to visit on Sunday. Obtuse 15 of the By law prohibits Sunday visiting by the general pnblie.—The telephone line ie now complete between the House and Clinton.—Religious service will be held every Sabbath afternoon at 3 o'clock. Mr. Laird, manager of the Waterloo HMO of Refuge, made' a visit to Clinton and inspected the House. He was ex. ceedingly well pleased at the equipment and furnishings and highly compliment- ed Mr. and Mrs. French on having so quickly, and without previous experience, mastered all details necessary to the care of the inmates. FAIR PLAY Is ALL HE. WANTS.—The Toronto Globe gives the following brief account of J. D. Ronald's defense of his Fire Engine in the Queen city :—The Pavilion was on Saturday evening the scene of a public meeting, called to pass jadgrnent upon the action of the Fire and Light Committee in throwing out the' Ronald tender. for the reco0tly purchased fire engine, 'eoause of an informality in the specifications and purchasing a Wateroue engine at a post of $300 more than the. Ronald. The speakers were M. Ronald, who, in. extremely vigorous fashion, denounced the action of "boss Meblurrioh and Chief Graham, his man Friday," and pointed out wherein be considered hie engine better than that accepted, J. T. Moore and E. A. Macdon- ald, who endorsed his remarks. A reso- lution was passed censuring the action of the committee and asking Council to call for new tenders and to teat all engines presented after fresh tenders are palled for against a Ronald, which the maker offers for immediate nee to the city. Ex - Mayor Clarke, who was not present, Captain Hood, J. T. Moore and Chair- man James Stewart, were appointed to present this resolution to Council on Monday. Sons 0r' Seoneor.—.The officers ,elected. for Camp lien Lomond, No, 81, for: 1898, are as follows :— Chief, Dr. Graham ; Chieftain, J. H. Cameron ; Chaplain, Rev. Jno. Rose, B. A. ; Recording•Seoretary, A. Straohan ; Financial -Secretary, D. 0. Roes ; Treasurer, A. Reid ; Marshall, Angus Lamont ; Standard Bearer, Geo, Robb ; Senior Guard, D. G. Hogg ; Junior Guard, Wm, Martin ; Pipers, D. Stewart and T. Ballae- tyne ; Examining physicians, Drs, and McNaughton ; Trustees, D. Stewart, J. and D. C. Roes, Graham McAlpine The annual concert will not be held this Beason, but a local entertainment sub- stituted, at which Lawyer MoOallum, of Paisley, D. D. H. C., will deliver an ad. drese en "The Benefits of the Order." Dr. Campbell, the enthusiastic Scot, of Seaforth, is invited to speak on "The Songs of Burne." Scotch songs and reel - Wiens will also be rendered by 'local talent, Friday, January 17th, ie the date selected, and the gathering will be held in the Town Hall. L 1 d 0 h B w p a w F a b g 61 R R tb w 68 th G te S is g1 lin w to co w re fr di it th po Re lik POTAL (Autllorized) 0 . 22,000,000 Agencies In all prfa*e'tpat )pinto in Ontario, Quabee,Nfanitoba, iVnited States (C. -Ragland, .4 G}eneritl Seeking Business Traneaoted.,, Farmers' Notes Discounted, Drifle Iesued and Gollegtlona made on all points. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, f08013et allowed on deposits of $1.00 and upwards from flat of deposit to date of withdrawal and oompoended half yearly, SPECIAL ATTENTION 60703 TO TEE -0001 COLLECTION or FenMEne' SALE NoTaa, Every facility afforded Oustomere livlug at dietanoo. J. A.,STEWART. MAltcoao. 11.111.6111112.119.90 4IM11.1.6116... Two car loads of horses were shipped by Mr. Parker on Wedneeday for Lon- don, England, He a000mppniod the shipment, Baerrra Bites. are still the owners of the mother of "Wanda",and they have aloe a.half slater to the latter from "Slander."' These with "Topsy" 9,115 "Letter B" keep them in the fast stock lief yet. Tai neoeseary outfit for the proposed fife and drum Band, in o0nneotion with Brdssele Orange Lodge, has been order. ed. The instrumentation will consist of 10 fifes, 1 flute, 1 piccolo, 1 triangle, 3 snare drums and a base drum, 17 in all. Prentice will be commenced at once, H. L. Jaokson being engaged as inetruotor. ,NEAT Wona.;—Coonoillor Leatherdale has finished a fanoy oheoker board that ooptains 1082 pieces of wood, The blocks in the centre are early maple and walnut and the border sherry, walnut and maple, lalaid. It is a very neat piece of work, He bas another board in course of eon• etraotion in which there will be 1300 pieces. Tan Cosonovae.—Friday evening of this week the Cosgrove Company give one of their unique and attractive programs in the Town Hall, ander the auspices of the Odd Fellows of Bruesels. They are well known here and should draw a good house, as the musical bill of fare promis- ed is one that will be sure to please. Their musical glass trio ; mandolin, guitar and banjo quintele ie said to be extra goad. A roxpNanutr social was bald in the sol o i r'u"m of the Methodist church last Tuesday evening, for the Junior Epworth League. After refreshments an interest - ng program was given, the musical and iterary part of whioh was as follows :- Address by Rev. G. H. Oobblediok ; solo, Nora Kendall ; reoitation, Herbert Mitchell ; duett, Lizzie Downing and Thnrea Gerry ; recitation, Myrtle Nott ; nett, Nora and Alice Kendall. The onnnzrams and "gold digging" provoked good deal of amusement. Miss M. Moore is the Superintendent, PUBLIC) LIBRARY,—This week Post- master Farrow and Councillor Gerry. ave canvassed the business portion of russele West of ' Turnberry street for embers to the fine library in connection ith the Public Library and we are leased to bear they did well. Jae. Fox nd W. H. Kerr have similar work to do n. Brussels East and will be glad to meet ith the same hearty reception accorded he other gee�tlemen. The Library and ree Reading Room speak for themselves nd afford a suppiy of the best books and apere to its patrons, for a whole year, for the smell sum of one dollar. Amem. erebip ticket would be a nice Xmas ift. A WHOPPED —"Tea BRUSSELS POST says bat Dr. Campbell, of this town, has re. geed hie physiciaasbip of the House of efuge and that Dr. Shaw has been ap. ointed in his plane. The editor, being eeve of Brussels, and having attended e late meetieg of the County Council, ught to know differently. Oar readers ill be astonished to hear that the story made out of whole;cloth. Evidently e editor of Tan POST is not a disciple of eorge Washington to an alarming ex- nt." The above aide splitting funny. m is from the oolumne of the Seaforth un and shows how badly a man can ve himself . away when he does not ow what he is talking about. Here is hat Tan POST said, and we will leave it a discerning public to draw their own o°elusions as to, the "whopper" teller, all at the same .. time we advise the riter of the Sun paragraph to eat a bar - 1 of Coleman's salt, as he is slightly eeh :—Dr. Campbell, of Seaforth, has eposed of his practice and will remove, is said, to Brooklyn, N. Y. Owing to is the County Connell will have to ap- int a new physician for the House of Page. Dr. J. W. Shaw, of Olintoo, is ely to receive the. appointment. • Business .Locals, GRooERIEe at McAlpine''e. DRY etovewood at McCracken's. Mmit for Bale. Apply at this office. 01105155 and piano to rent. R, Leather. dale. Iv you want robes or blankets call on H. Dennis. 2 on 3 good second -band Organs for sale cheap at R. Leatherdale'e. LARGE stook of light harness sold at low prices. H. Dennis. Oen horse collars are all warranted. H. Dennis. Boors and shoes oheap and good. I. C. Richards, FREE band crayon enlarging done ap A 1 at Brewer's gallery, Smith block. SINOIR harness cheap, and a good stook. always on hand. L 0. Richards. BORES, blankets and bells very cheap. T. 0. Riobarde. Num your rubbers, boots and shoes to us for repairs. We do them oheap and good. I. C. Rioharde. Jas. MCALPINE bait put in a line of Groeeriee. Everything new and fresh, no stale goods. You oat get Organs from $25 and up and sewing machines at elually low prides at R. Leatberdale'e. TO don't keep wash tube or scrub Mansholt, but just what you Want in the Grooery line at McAlpine's. ALL the choicest fruits of the 8e00oe, also large aesortment of Fancy China and Glassware suitable for Xmas press' ante at Thomson'e, 8/motet; Cure, the great Dough and oroup Mire, i5 in great demand: Docket size containt twenty-five doses ; only 26 dente. Children love it. Sold by Jas. FGF, druggist, Brussels. Gaeta Beee.—Largs size, full 16 oz., only $1,90 per dozen, at Smith & Mo• Laren's. , KARLts Clover Root will purify your blood, olear your complexion, regulate your bowels and make your head clear as a bell. 25 ate., 00 ata. and '$100. Sold by Jae. Fox, druggiet, Braseele, Sews made to cat feet and easy, Seo. ond•hand saws bought and sold. Point- ers given on saw filing and the care and management of saws, on Queen street East, by T. McGregor, of Brussels, Ont., Master of Sawe. °enTAIN Sweeney, D. S. A., San Diego, Cal,, says ;—"Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine I have ever found that would do me any good," Price 50 Dente. Sold by Jae. Fox, druggist, Bras. eels. ALL kinds of saws 'cleaned, gummed hammered, jointed, set, filed and oiled at Queen St., East, by saw filer, T. Me. Gregor. Bruesele. Sawe may be left and arrangements made at McKay & Cole. hardware store, Brussels, Ont. D you are in need of anything in the furniture, picture framing, window shade, curtain pole, piano, organ or sewing machine line oome and get my prices be. fore you buy; It will save you money. No trouble to show goods. R. Leather. dale. Omuta or CHRONIC) CATAIt,g,-A wonder- ful eure.—J. W. Jennings, Gilford, spent between $200 and $300 ooneuiting doctors ; tried Dixons and all other treetmente but got no benefit. One box of Chase's Catarrh Ogre : did me more good than all other remedies. In fast I consider my,- self cured and with a 26'oentbox at that. MILLER—Dainas. At the Methodist par eonage, Walton, on Tuesday, Dec. 17th, by Rev. W. M. Pomeroy, Mr. Robt. Miller, of Morrie, to Mise Maggie Dennis, of MoKillop. Nroao eoN—JaNRn,s.—On the llth of December at the re9idenoe of the bride's father, Daisy Bank Farm, Turnberry, by the Rev. W. H. Moos, assisted by Rev. I. B. Waliwin, B. A., Mies Mary Grace, second daughter of Mr. Thomas Jenkins, to Mr. William Nicholson, of Toronto. Ozena. -In Morrie, on Deo. 12th, the in- fastClerk: son of Wm: Clark, township SHARP,—In Ethel, on Deo. 17111, Eliza- beth, relict of the late William Sharp, aged 85 years, 5 months and ' 9 days. TOYS DOLLS DEC, 20, 1895 4,. Paste this 311 your hat Mild, keep it for refs+ e)1ce Beside the Bonnie Briar Bush, redeced t0 31.00. Nine Linen Picture Books, 5o. eaelf. Lovely Zama and New ')fear Garde, 25o, per doz. BeautCelluloidlPhoto. Tinted i:e tISOo.to 63 eaoh. Gentlemen's Trevollipg Companions in eolid leather, 32.00 to $8,03 each. Nice Picture Books, 10, each, Moon Mirrors, 25o. and 60e, Guff and Collar Sete, $1;23 08021. Photo, Holders, 15c. and 25o. each. Toilet Oases, Celluloid, 31,00 eaph, Eibleo, 26p. to 35.00 eaoh. Beautiful Garde, Booklets and Calendars all prim, Celluloid Odor Cases, $1.40 each, Nloe Lino of the ,Poets from 60e, to $2.50 eaob. Crokieole, ,.,$1.25. I.,oat Heir, ,... IOo, ,b 25o. Nations, Dominoes, Bagatelle, Flipe, 168, et 25o. 25a, 10o, & 25o, Frog Pond,. .,. 268. Telegraph Messenger.... Tho. Fell Peed, ... 25o, Bean. Bag, ,,. 260, Halma Improved ,... 26e. Paroheosi, , 258. The Ooean Noe, Forte Logomaohy, Authore, 5o. & 20o. ,The Bicycle Race, ," 25o, Jaok'Strawo,' . 25o. China, China,: 10o.. GrrasiTEEN'S HOTEL, FOX,' S DRUG ST OR,E. Q17 F0B SALE OR TO RENT.- with: woodehop blacksmith a go ai business and a flrat•claes stand. Apply to ,I0AN WYNN, Broesela, QTRAYED FROM THE PREM. fq Junes, thr ethe red yearling heitore heAnyy in- formation leading to their recovery will be thankfully received, • 29 4 .. TIHOS..LINEHAM,' Newry P. 0. 1 TRAYED ON THE PREM zone of the undersigned' Lot 17, Con. 14, Grey, on or about Nov. let, a h year old steer, rod In color. The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take him away. L. MoNEIL, .28.4 Oranbrook P.O.. AREDUol'ION OF 25 PER oBNT—We have decided too out of Toys untirwo'eau secure' a larger store. We therefore offer a discount of 25 per cent, to clear them out. See our advertisement in left hand soros+ of this page. DEADMAN & MoCALL, Druggists, Booksellers &a. REAL ESTATE. FARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN. sale and to rent easy terms fed Tow snips of Morris and Grey. F S. S$IOTT,Brussele �ANITOBA LAND FOR SALE. —100 acres of good Iarm land at Springfield, 8 miles from .Winnipeg, is offer- ed for sale at alow price. The property is North East 3 Sse.10,Twp.11,Range 4,:East, There is a hoose on the premises and some breaking done. h'or full particularsas to price, title &o,, write or apply to G, F. BLAIR or W. H. KEltR, 20-81 -. Brussels, Ont. FARM FOR SALE,—THE UN— nEs=CNBn offers his 100 acre farm, be- ing Lot 10, Oon. 5, Grey, for sale. There are about 75' acres under cultivation. On the premises are a log house, good barn and other nauseam, outbuildings, - also good or- chard. School house on corner- of lot. Ina - mediate possession. 23 aore0of Fall wheat In. .Also hay and straw on farm. Easy terms. For price- conditions, I&c., apply to ALEX. BREMNER. Proprietor, Ethel P. 0. LEGAL MH CONVEYANCING. L. TAYLOR BARRISTER, • Sol. Of 11 and Conveyancer. Callao - tions sole,ode. OJfloe—Vanetono'sBlo8m Bras- sela. 9i -am 7'M. SINCLAIR, • Soliottor,Coaveyaneer,No tar Ho, &o. Of6oe-Vanetone'e Bleak, 1y do r north. of Central Hotel, . Private Funds to Loan. 1UF G. CAMERON, ,ILL • (Formerly of Cameron, Holt Cameron,) Barrister and. Solicitor, Goderioh, Ont. O18ee—Hamilton at., Oppoaito. Col- borne Hotel. G F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor, &o. pate of Carrow & Proudfoo Ba Office, Goderich.) OMoe over Gillies & Smith's Bank, Bruesele. Money to Loan, ' 47 DENTAL. DB. DAVIDSON Honor RaCeeDel University, Crown and Bridge work a epeofaltyy, Moder- ate Fees. Satisfaction Assured. Oltee over Barrett's barber shop, Turnberry 8t„ Brue- sele. - - VETERINARY. D. WARWICK, ty • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. is prepared to treat all diseases of aomeetioated animals.. in a com- petent manner. Partioalar attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Calls promptly at- tended to. OMoe and Infirmary—Four doors north of bridge •Puraberryst„ Brunets. MEDICAL CARDS. JM. ARMSTRONG, M. D. . Physician Surgeon, University Me, eta. Graduate of Toronto )lege 01 Fy Medical and Member of College N Phdto and Surgeons,& Co..Ont. ton nt. door W McDonald & GWalton Ont. LD! GOLDV +o-wr+r tm■ ■ WE INVITE YOU TO CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELF THAT H. L. Jacksonc, Jeweler. HAS THE LARGEST AND ' BEST SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS SUITABLE FOR In Brussels, ' Oonsisting a WATCHES. Ladies' and Gents' Solid Gold Watches. Silver, Silverine and Gold Filled Watches.' All makes and designs. Our stock of Watches being very large we are offering them at Rock Bottom Prices:' JEWELLERY Gold Rings, Brooches, Stick Pins, Sword Pins, Bracelets, Lockets, Charms Cuff Buttons, Watch Chains, Tie Pins, Necklets, Society Pins, Sac., &c. A complete assorted stock of all lines in Jewellery. Something to suit all in Design and Price. CELLULOID GOODS Photo. Boxes, Dressing Cases, Neck Tie J3oxes, Work Boxes, Travelling Oases, Jewel Cases, and a- host' of other novelties CHEAP! CHEAP l MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ! Mouth Organs, Violins, Guitars, Autoharps, Mandolins, Banjos, Aocordeons, &c. Do not miss seeing my Display. whether they wish tEvery person welcome to inspect the goods o buy or not:. H. L. JACKSON Jeweler. � e.1. . tP, S,—We make a Specialty of Watch and Jewellery .Repairing. All work guaranteed. Do not forget the place, opposite the American Hotel, Brussels.