HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-12-20, Page 6, .N0,,
gire )151,1%cel
further recommend plat tine Inspeotor be
empowered to letniall the following 0u2.
plies ; 1 light eloigb, I. 1qug, Qat Waage,
2 large tables fou ley retie, and rubber
hose ueeeneery forro retention Wed
•1 VT lti I liIDAX OBNING tartber abut tbo Inspector he greeted
power to hire euoh help as in ilia opialgn'
1s necoasitry,
"late Pest" Steam Publialtilla by Me, Kay, seconded by Mr.
TVONA191141 Sr„ RA11802144 ONF,
fin time for thelearly Plainlat
TUAai9 OF BIIRfieR1r'i'ra —QAa dollar a'
yoor,th advaoea. '1ho;dote to wlllo11 awry
outooriptfon la Valais denoted by the date
on, the address label.
Anv0nszaine Ames: ,—Tho following rates
will be charged to those Who 44Yez neo by
the year:—
;mama 1 . SSR. 0 010. I 01110
Hint Column $0000 080.00020,08
80.00 20,00 18.00 18.00'
iehthr '' I.. 10,.00 001 16001 0.00
rligut cents per line for first insertion, and
three cents per line ler eaob subsequent in,.
060010n. All advertisement( measured as
0oupare60-40 'ince to the inch,
Business Cards, eight linea and under, $0
per annum,
Advertisements without apeoifie diree•
tions, will be ineerted until forbid, and
charged accordingly.
instructions to change ordiscontinuean
advortlsere oat must be left at the .counting
roem of Tie Poem net later than Tuesday
of each week This is Imperative,.
Editor and Proprietor.
The council met in the Town Hall,
Clinton, on Deo. 5th, all the members
present except Mr.. Sanders, of Wroxet-
er, and Mr. Gunn, of Beaforth.
A letter wee received from the County
Solicitor in reference to the Morris and
Huron bridge arbitration, and referred to
the Special Committee, which recom-
mended that as the Solicitor had given
notice of appeal to the Divisional Court
from the judgment of Cbief Justice Mere-
dith, he proceed with such appeal, and
obtain the judgment of the Divisional
Court, A motion was introduced by Mr.
Kerr, seconded by Mr. 'Kirkby, that the
appeal be not proceeded with, but that
the difference between the offer of the
County Council, and the amount asked
by the Morris Council be evenly divided
LS a settlement. This was lost on a vote
by a majority of 1.
A eommnmcation wasreceived from
Perth Council, asking the oo-operation of
this council in securing amendments to
the Ditohes.and Water Courses Ad, but
no action was taken.
Communications were received from
Norfolk Council in reference to the pre-
tection of municipalities in cases of ac-
cidents on the public highways, and also
with reference to boundary line bridges,
but Council decided to take no action.
The statutory grant of 1.25 was made
to East Huron Teachers' Association.
The Huron Law Aesooiatioa was granted
the use of a room in the Court House for
a library, but the application for a grant
towards the purchase of library was not
entertained, Hensel" and Manchester
were created Police Villages for fire pro-
tection purposes. A. number of accounts
were ordered to be paid.—Concerning the
account of Mr. Neelin, of Seaforth, of
586.87, the sum of $50 was ordered to be
paid, the balance to stand over ; two co-
coants were submitted by Dr. Stanbury,
one of $2 for medical attendance on D.
Ballantine, and one of 519 for attendance
• on Jolm Bannerman, but the Finance
Committee declined to recommend their
payment ; Reeve Burns introduced a
resolution asking that they be paid, which
was defeated. A communication was re -
Waived from Sheriff Gibbons in reference
to the appointment of Mrs. Logie as
matron for the county jail, in place of
Mrs. Dickson, deceased, was ordered to
Robt. Bell, `
f Robt. 730 or dam-
ages to a steam engine, was referredto
the Reeve of Tuokersmith.
The Road and .Bridge Committee re.
commended that tenders be asked for
cedar bridges over Maitland river between
the townships of Howiek and Minto, and
have the same built as soon as possible
next Spring; providing Wellington coup.
cil is sabi.fied to pay half its cost. Also
that -tenders be asked for cedar bridge
, and abutments for Turner's bridge, over
the Bayfield river, and a bridge over a
creek on Bauble line, in Hay, and have
same built early next spring.
The Property Committee reported
certain repatre made to jail and court
house, and recommended that the order
for jail clothing, approved of by the
Sheriff; be granted, and that his report
respecting the jail be accepted, the com-
mittee not having an opportunity of in-
specting the jail at the present time.
The House of Refuge special commit-
tee reported that during October a storm
had injured the wind mill, but the same
was repaired by •party who erected it,
wfthont met to the county. The com-
mittee has furnished the building as per
inetruotionsreceived last June. Arrange-
ments have been made with the Bell
Telephone Company for connection with
the House of Refuge, for a term of three
years, ata cost of $60. The committee
considered the advisability of laying down
some rule as to what clothing theininates
should be in paeseesionof when received
by the keeper into the house, and there.
fore instraoted the keeper to receive no
inmate uAless in possession of two suite
of underclothes, one pair of good boots or
shoes, and that every inmate should have
the privilege of bringing one trunk, is
bureau, one chair, andnothing else with-
out the recommendation of the Reeve of
the municipality which sends the inmate,
and all etch goods will be subject to the
approval' of the Keeper or Inspector.
Fowler ce Fowler, arotitects of the Rouse.
of Refuge, having reported to the com-
mittee that S. S. Cooper, contractor, had
completed tbo House of Refuge accord.
fug to the contract, and further reported
as to the amount of extra- work clone by
the ooutractor and the coat thereof, the
committee re00mrnonded the following
eettlement with the contractor : The
contract price as per tender being 90874 ;
amount 0f extras, 9795.27 ; amount here-
tofore paid, 98,700; balance still due
contractor, 91,009, The committee re-
commended that the above sum be pail.
to the contractor and the work taken as
completed. The committee also reported
that it had mode arrangements with the
Clinton Electric Light Co. to light the
building for a term of 5 years, and a con -
Wit was drawn up by the county solicit-
or, and duly executed by the Co. and
the warden of this county. The cOtnmit-
tee recommended that the Inspector and
Caretaker solea a burial ground on the
Industrial Farm, The 00mmlttee would the "ted Cross f02 gallantry.
Mooney that the Cou11ei1 would bo pleas.
ed to have u statement frena the Treas.
user, of the total aiileent of money ex.
pended in 80mlootiea with the fibrae of
Refuge.—Oareied, The teaming ie the
information asked for :—
Cost of land...,,, ..$2,009 00
Omit et building, ... ....9,674 09
Arohiteets bill and pians 481 30
Extras allowed' . , , .795 27
Bedsteads and ruga 002 80
Tinware 26 37'
;furniture ,.166 28
Crookei;y, dishes, eta .. 97 06
Hardware, eaves, oto .251 70
Bedding .............500 50
Mattresses 84 80
Windmill ,.,95 00
Well .. 99 85
Pumps 28 00
Earn 016 00
Pay list, special committee,
advertising, .2o 674 41
Estireat00, incidentals. 40820 00
Total 917,610 70
This is the total coot up to date, with-
out iuoluding the provisions, and as the
council originally counted on an =panda
hue of $13,000, it shows that the work
has been Isopt pretty near the estimate.
Shortly before the council adjonrnotl
Friday evening, Reeve Rata, of Stephen,
intimated that he had decided to retire
from municipal life, and in a few com-
plimentary words thanked the coattail -
lore fortheir fraternal relations during
the 10 years he had been a .member.
Reeve Cook, of Howiek, also Win -tailed'
his intention of retiring after a similar
term of service ; he had conscientiously
opposed the House of Refuge, but he
would frankly admit that he was how a
convert, and would henceforth do all he
could in its behalf, These two retiring
addresses brought Mr. Kirkby to hie feet
with the remark that "When the Rath
were leaving a ship, it was a sign of a
storm, but when the Cook was leaving
also, it was time for them all to leave."
Several other members jocularly stated
that they were not cure whether they
would retire or not ; if they got 'enough
votes in January, they would come to the
next meeting of the council, if they didn't
get enough, "they wouldn't come beak."'
Moved by W. H. Herr, seconded by Mr.
Watson, that this council express its re-
grets in parting with stalwart County
Councillors in the persons of Reeves
Rutz, of Stephen, and Cook, of Howiek,
in their decision to retire from municipal
life, and desire to place on record our
high esteem for these gentlemen, as we
have proved them to be faithful servants
to their respective municipalities, and
the county at Targe.—Carried.
Moved by Mr. McEwen, seconded by
Mr. Geiger, that the appropriation to the
County wards terminate on the 16th of
November, 1895—Carried.
Moved by V. Itatz, seconded by T. Kay,
that this council most highly approve of
the management and labors of the Rouse
of Refuge Committee, and we believe the
members of the said committee deserve
the highest praise for the way they bave
displayed their able management in con-
nection with the erection of the House of
Moved by W. H. Herr, eeconded by B.
S. Cook, that this council present Mr.
Either with the sum of $25, as a small
return for the arduous and energetic
services rendered during the present year
as Chairman of the . House of Refuge
Moved by H. Silber, and seconded by
Mr. Holt, that the Inspector of the House
of Refuge be empowered to receive in-
mates mates into the House who aro in it • posi-
tion to pay for maintenance, or have
friends or municipalities willing to pay
for them, at such weekly payments as
the Inspector may deem advisable, not
less than $2 per week, such persons,
nevertheless, shall only be accepted and
kept in the House so long as there is
ample room in the building ; the Inspect-
or to use proper safeguards in all cases of
this nature.—Carried.
Moved by Mr. 'Watson, seconded by
Mr. bfollean, that the hearty thanks of
the members of this council be tendered
to the Mayor, council and citizens of the
town of Clinton forr their exceedingly
kind and courteous treatment to this
council during the present session, in pro-
viding them a convenient place for trans•
acting their business, and entertaining
them to a 'complimentary concert and
banquet, the clerk to send a copy of this
resolution to the Mayor. --Carried.
This concluded the labors of the Coun.
oao3E1'e mane.
Gaoler Dickson reported as follows ;
—Herewith I submit for your consider,'
atfon, my report of the state of your
county gaol, also of prisoners at present.
in custody. The water °locate and drain:'
age as ordered at your January session
have been completed and so far have
given entire satisfaction. I may say that
I have bad a careful supervision over the
closets to see if there were any defects
and found none. The door on the east
side of the gaol and the gate leading to
the ontsr wood yard have both been satis-
factorilyrepairerl. We have at present
15 prisoners in custody, 14 males and one
female, the latter, May Gibson, is under
sentence for 80 days as a vagrant. •She
CMOS from Brussels. Three of the
males are insane. They have all been
examined and are awaiting removal to
the asylum. One man for absence from
the House of Refuge is uuder=aontenee
for 20 days, the remaining ton are all
cotnthittod as vagrants for terms from B
to (3 months with hard labor, as follows
—James Marshall, Blyth Hugh Mc-
Pherson,Dungannon ; Daniel Desmond,
Cornwall ; Thomas Clark, •London ;
Joseph Day, Niagara Fella ; Thos. Renal,
Chatham; George Wilson, Hamilton;
Wm, Roberts, Stratford ; Geo. Reynolds,
St. Marys ; Robb. Wallace, Tuokorsmith;
all committed from Goderith. All are
able bodied men except two, Jas. Marsh.
all, '71 years of age, who was sentenced
to gaol to be afterwards removed to the
House of Refuge,, and Daniel Desmond,
Cornwall, who is 1h bad health. A. re-
quisition for 6 suite of men's gaol cloth-
ing and cloth for two dozen shute was
certified to by the Sheriff,
Vial. Churchill and Barnes of the
British Army, have been deooreted with
WY A'e '►tk'A IIEW3 '9'Qlihlb THOMli
Battered fel 'Twenty entre ""row Mart
Tren*b10/i ACI$ A1oeter Said 08, Night
Rr0I1 WOO at. AUY ll0IUunt hill@
Hew He Otcreante Who TrIlable.
From the IsgereOIl Qhl'oefele,
That a squad mind in a sound body is
me of the hoer and greatest gifts of .a.
kind Providence np one will deny, Nara
kind in all ogee have equght to obtain the
elixir of life, have "tented fel` eome
means et prolonging health, vigor and
vitality --,hare in fact bopod that they
might And
"Bente blithe wine
Or bright olixlr peerless they could drink
Anh so become immortal."
But while man can hardly hope tq at-
tain that coveted prize this side of the
eternal world, yet it is evident to all wine
give the subject any consideration, that
modern science, skill and education in
the treatment of the ills that flesh ie heir
to, have worked wonders in restoring the
human body to. its original "form divine,"
and in relieving many sufferers from un-
told misery, bringing them back to health.
and happiness, and giving them a feeling
that life is indeed worth living. A case
in point, le oar own, town, having reach-
ed the ears of a reporter of the Chroeiole
the soribe determined to satisfy his curi-
osity by galling on the party who had
had such a happy experience and investi
"Btleily at Work."
gate for himself. He called at the boob
and aloe shop of John Toull, ging street
west, and on entering the building the
reporter found "Father Toull" as he is
familiarly known in town, busily at work
on a pair of shoes for one of hie many
customers, at the same time bumming
over to himself the tune of a cherished
hymn, for by the way,, in his younger
days, Mr. Toull was considered a good
local' preacher among tbs Methodists of
tine section id frequently filled the
pulpits of our local churches in the
pastor'sabsenoe,and he still loves to eing,
preach or expostulate on some scripture
theme or favorite hymn. The reporter
was cordially received, and on making
known hie bnsines, the old man's 0000.
tenance brightened and his eyes sparkled
with delight. It wss interesting to -note
the fervency with which he volunteered
as he said for the sake of humanity, to
tell what he could of hie case, and we pill
let it be told in his own words.He said:
—"For 20 years I was subject to heart
trouble and could get no relief, although
I tried almost everything that kind
friends recommended to me. bfy family
phydfoian would sometimes give me some
medicine that would help me for a short
time, but without permanent benefit.
He told me I might drop dead at any
moment, and I tell you I expsoted to do
so on many occasions. I had beard . of
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills when they first
came out bub I had need so, many reme-
dies that I just about lost faith in every-
thing of that kind, and bad become re-
signed to my fate. However, I came in
contact with so man at bad used Pink
y that
Pills,and who
asan red me that they had
beeubenefbtbad by their use, that at last
I decided to give them 4 trial also, and
several years ago I commenced taking
them. I continued' their use until I had
taken 8 boxes, and I am now happy to li
say that I have haver had a symptom of
thedisease since, and am convinced that
by the blessing of God, Pink Pills tinted
me. I might also say that last fall .I
was attaoked with rheumatism, which
became so bad that 1 could scarcely walk
from my work to the house, and for a
long time I could not get out to churcb.
I tried a.nnmber of things recommended
to bat received no good from their
nee so I said to myself one day,
y Pink
Pills did me so much good before for my
heart trouble, I'll try them again, so I
gave them another fair trial, with the re-
sult that the rheumatism bas all gone out
of my bones, and I have nob been troubled
a bit with it since. Everyone, said the
old man, as he waxed warm over the
thought of his happy experience, who
knows old Father Tonle, knows that what
he tells le the truth." After thanking
Mr. Toull for, his kindness and courtesy,.
the reporter left the shop with the same
opinion as to the truth ofhis statements,
and impressad with the belief that from
hie rugged, hearty appearance and cheer-
ful disposition, the old gentleman is still
good for many years of a healthful, 000.
tented life.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are the great-
est blood•builder and nerve restorer
known to medical science, and mare when
all other remedies fail. If not kept by
your dealer they will be sent, post paid,
on receipt of 50 cents a box or 0 boxes for
92.50, by addreesing the Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont„ or Schen.
eotady, N. '7. Get the genuine ; imita.
tions are worthless—perhaps dangerous.
To Smokers
To meet the Mabee of their customers
The Geo. B. Tuokett Sc Son Co,, Ltd.,
Hamilton, Ont„ have placed upon the
A Combination Plug of
This supplies a long felt want, giving
the consumer one 20 cent plug, or a 10
tient piece or a 0 Dent piece of the famous
-rd& B"" brand of pure Virginia To-
The tie tag 601' & 11f1 is on every piece.
i MPQ Iltl
Arecoat dlseovvey by an old
pby loin Passe 4fnd3Yloot
040111134? by totituade.. Aj
.Lad as, Ie the only perfectly
rare mal re1lenlem8030105 dig•
covered. Beware of uoPrinolilod 00110000 who
i 3e n in se f this. 0 ..
1nY or 1 1 0 k 4r
r or mod ., e$ 4 19. As
29o410 gotton I{056 f:an t onq,h ta30 065,480 ;,•
3010, 00 Inclose 00 and 0 conte fu peitag0 la letter
nnd, wo willoond, coaled, ey return men. 7115%1011
pnrtiooIare in plain euvelope, to hallo only, ll.
stamps, Adams 'PLV 0000133 OompSny,
Windsor, out., Vannes.
Said In 1lrussels by
0, A, DE.Al1M.AN, Druggist,
Restores natural
color to the hair,
and also prevents
it falling ,out, Mrs.
8. W. Fenwick, of
Digby, N, S., says :
".a. little more
than two years ago
my liali'
to turn
and fy
Do you have your Clothes made by Me
J3ain ? If not, why not ? Other people
do and are always well suited, and why
shouldn't they be ? They are Stylish,
well made and the price is all right, To
do your worlc and to do it well and Cheap
is what we are here for.
A Choice stock of Cloth always on
hand to select from,
erne. McBain,
out. Af-
' ---- a ter the
use of
one bottle of Ayer's Flair Vigor my
hair was restored to its original
color and ceased falling out. An
occasional application has since kept
the hltirin good condition," -Iters.
H. P.13Eawrcio, Digby, N. S.
"7 have rtsed Ayer's Hair vigor
for tiu'eeears, and it has restored
hair, 'wh folie was fast becoming gray,
back to its' natural color,"—Ii. 1V.
IIeemnol0F, Paterson, N. J.
OR. i. C, AYI R & CO., LOWELL, MASS.; U,S. A.
Aped"s.P0105 carve Sing, lEfecuZcoei'le.
Now a prominent farmer quickly
lifted It.
A mortgage has been described as an
incentive to industry, a heavy mortgage,,
as a sure sign of ruin. The last 1s particu-
larly true, for if a mortgage is allowed to
run it will eat up the farm. In this con-
nection Mr. Henry Fowler, of Huron
writes : "From my boyhood scrofulahad
marked me for a'victim and it seemed as
if it bad a life mortgage on my blood. I
suffered fearfully with sores,, and'know-
ing my condition I have remained a single
man. Doctor after doctor prescribedfor
me, and finally a Toronto specialist told
me bluntly that my complaint was a
deep-seated, incurable, blood disease.
Sarsaparilla I knew was a good blood
medicine, and I. sent for a bottle of the
best. Mr. Todd, the druggist, sent me
Scott's Sarsaparilla, and I have stuck to
it! It has lifted my mortgage, for to -day
I am free from those horrible sores, my
eyesight is not blurred, my tongue is not
furry, and I have no irritation. I look
upon Scott's Sarsaparilla arilla as a marvellous
medicine when it will cure a life long
disease in so short a. time."
Scrofula pimples, running sores, rheu-
matism and all diseases generated by
poisonous humors in the blood are cured
y Scott's Sarsaparilla. The kind that
cures. Sold only in concentrated form
at $1 per bottle by your druggist. Dose
from Half to one teaspoonful.
Sixteen Pages, 96 Cobirns, of
Attractive Family Read-
ing Every Week.
DQTN PAPERS :0°L11,1, FOR $ l
The Wn ozzin FREEa Prase and
Farm Ain Honda, combined in one
issue, uniform in size and appear,
ante, is offered to subscribers from
now until the 81st December, 1806, for
The ]3ioow Purges is the Leading
Liberal -Conservative Journal of 'West,
ern Ontario. It contains each week'
a complete swannery of the neve
and comment of the times.
The Commercial' pages of the
WEESwLY FrbEIe Pangs are up to date,
and ample for the country merchant,
farmer and dairyman.
The FAloOf aro Roma contains each
'week able articles on Agricultural
subjects and Live Stock. Tho farmer'
and cattle and horse breeder will find
in its pages abundant topics of special
interest. '
A Serial Tale of absorbing interest
will be an interesting feature' of the
vrmatr r Pattie Prince.
Rotch Papers Combined for $t from
Now' Until Deoembor 81st, 1806.
Agents wanted everywhere. Address
all communications to the
3312a USSELS Srrov^ MMMT,
Are to the Front with a large stock of Stoves.
/laving, a thorough knowledge of what is required by the people
of Brussels and vicinity, we have selected our stock' with a great
Ileal of care, and are prepared to offer the best lines of Stoves man- •
ufactured in the Dominion.
We handle the superior line manufactured by the
Doherty Manufacturing Co., also Buck's Celebrated Cook and Par-
lor Stoves. The Garland line by Bowes, Jamieson & Co., always
in stock.
We have the Lyndon eater, by the new process,
manufactured by the"Doherty Manufacturing gompany,, called the
Ferris Steel. In Coal Stoves we have the well-known "Favorite."
9a''All our stook will be gold at Greatly Reduced Prices to suit the times.
Lamps and Lamp Goods in great variety.
having been advertising our fine line of
Stores alfa .111eztges
for some time, we now call your
attention to our fine assortment of
Hanging, Vase
AND Hand ■ ramps,
the best 'assortment ever shown
in town and at Prices that
everyone can afford.
We also keep a full line of
of every Description.
y of all
tel frill line of
Hardware and Tinware.
Pig Bargains.`
• C