HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-12-20, Page 5''ir 9 ilxstruf Sam (Iran 1rroolr. A big tutu put in expected at the con- cllbtiihssrFriday evening, ng• Chub.s I}ielop, Walton, was viait- ipg at A. MaNair's last ;week, Naas Amelia Watson, of Blyth, ie visit. Maher abater, Mrs, D. B. McRae. W. J, Smelldon bas opened out a shoe ;poking shop in the village. He ie a good tradesman and should receive a good Aare of patt'onage, Rey, Mr, Waddel proaobed an excellent eermou in RuoX ;hutch last Sunday from the text "Toon art Peter, and on this rook will I build my °hurah." 4..twood. J. Barr, V. s„ of Elmo, has located in Newton, with the intention of praetieing his profession. The Eime Reform Association will' hold its annual meeting oe Deo" 23rd, at 2 p, re. in the Agricultural Hall, Atwood. In the wood.eawin9 contest is connec- tion with the Kiokapoo oonoert, Sire. George Gorden was awarded the prize, which nonnisted of a silver butter cooler. Tbe Canadian Order of Foreetere will treat themselves and their friends to e Supper on the evening of Deo. 27th, ba- the Forester's Hall. There are no fliee on the 0, 0, F. Tbe children of the Methodist Sunday school are busy practicing for their Xmas entertainment on ,the 20rd, hist. The Presbyterian friends are likewiee praotioing for their entertainment on the 24th, inst. Metiil.lop. It is said Deputy -Reeve Evans will run for the Beevesbip. R. A. Bell has returned from Manitoba looking bale and hearty. F. Rockwell had a well attended bee hauling cordwood one day last week, Ernest Bennewiee is preparing materi- al for a brink residence next Summar. Jae. Martin and Thos. Davidson wore inGoderioh Met week, having been sum- moneed as jurymen. V. S. Gibbs, of Seafortb, was out one day last week and dehorned a large herd of cattle owned by Robt. Scarlett. An immense quantity of cordwood le beinghauled to Seaforth. The price of this article is lowerthan it has been for some years. Mfrs. Sperling, on the occasion of her second marriage, was given a noisy sere- nade, which was kept up the greater part of a bight or two. John Stimore fell down the stairs in hie horse stable one morning recently and hurt himself severely. We are pleas- ed to say he le reoovering. L,iertovvel. Duncan McKenzie was a member of the grand jury at the County Court held at Staatford last week. The names of upwards of 800 persona have been recorded as having been con- verted daring the revival meetings. The town Band have generously de- cided to give a oonoert for the benefit of the deserving poor on the evening of Deo. 23rd, inst. They will be assisted by the beet local talent. The municipal "pot" has not as yet 'commenced boiling very vigorously, and. although various rumors are abroad as to the probable candidates, none, so far as we have heard, have declared them- selves. Anniversary services were held in • Knox ;March on Sunday, Rev. J. R. M. Glaesford, of Chelmer's church, Guelph, preached the„anliiV"ersary sermons and onMonda33 dvedt e'saiva La leoture, thepabjeotof whioh was "The"Olid of of ethe Future.” A gas stove was placed iu the window of Hay. & Coghill's new store in the Mc- Donald block, to dry out the window. The heat expanded the heavy plate glass , near by unevenly and the result was a fan shaped fraoture extending about 8 inches from the bottom. Court 90, L 0. F.. elected omoere at their regular meeting as foliowe :—Court Deputy, A.139. George Hawkins ; Chief Ranger, 0. G. Berger ; Vice C. R., Rich- ard Stainton ; ' Poet C. It., Richard Forbes; Fin. and Cor. Secy., J. at ,Oar - thew ; Treasurer, Nicholas Kroti ; Sr. Woodward, Chas. Barber ; Jr. Wood. ward, Henry Maloney ; Sr. Beadle, W. 0. Witter ; Jr, Beadle, Win. Spears Chap., John Allen. Ethel. The Municipal Council put through a lot of'bueineee last Monday. Mies Winnie Raynard will succeed',. Mise Stevenson as assistant teacher in our:publio sohool. David Dobson, of Fairfax, Manitoba, formerly of Ethel, writes that they are enjoying beautiful weather. No snow of any account. . Next Tuesday evening' the Methodist 'Sabbath school will give their uncial Ohrietmas entertainment. A, good pro. gram is being prepared. The annual meeting of the patrons of Ethel cheese factory will be held in the factory. on Friday, Deo, 27th, at 1 o'olook p m. . Patrons and all interested are cordially invited to attends A very enjoyable time was spent by the Canadian Order of Foreetere the other evening, when Organizer Garthung, E. F. Honsberger and arbors' gave in. tereobing addrestee. Ais oyster supper was provided, TM; Court is doing well here: The Presbyterian Sabbath eohool hold their annual gathering in the Town Hall Friday evening of this week. In the ab - settee of Rev. Mr, McRae his plane as Chairman will be occupied by Rev. Ir, Ballantyne, of Molesworth. Agood time ie expected. An OLD Reeinnla P:teenn Away.—An Old and highly reepeoted resident of file locality, in the person of Um. Wm. Sharp, died at the • residence of her daughter, Mrs. Woo Gill, on Tuesday evening of this week, in her Nth year. Deceased's maiden name was Elizabeth Hunter andher birthplace was the town - °hip of Oxford, Co, Grenville, Ontario, her parents ,being "O. 10. Loyalists. About 80 years ago ebo woo married to Mr, Sharp and they moved to this local. ity in 1854, taking Up lot 25, eon. 7, Grey, upon which they lived for many. years. Thirteen children were horn to them, nine of whom survive, es follows Andrew, of Ethel ; James, of Morris ; Peter and Mre. Hubert, St. Thomas ; .lno„North Stench, Mob. ; lt'Ire, Han. ley, St. Louie,112iob.; Dirs. Martin, Pratt,Wisconsin ; Arbil., Muskoka; Mre. Dil. worth,' Mrs, Henry and Mfrs. Gilt, of Ethel. Mr. Sharp died three yenta ago in hie 00th year. Ira, Sharp had a fall recently that no doubt haeteoed her death, although she had been lalling vary perooptibly all Foil, Abe retained ail her faotiltiee to a marked degree, especially her eight, hearing 'and memory, De- ceased belonged to a long lived family ao her brother, Jno. Renter, died et69yeare of age and Frank li'ltnter et about 60. Aire. Sharp woe buried on Thursday ef- tarpoon,the interment being .made .ab Vilna (loathe cemetery, Rev, 101r. Wad. dell oonduoted a enita110 eervioe. The pioneers of this section will goon hove passed away evrV hlise'B3elle Sin th'spent Suoday at At- wood. A former Greyite in the preen of Jas. Wets, is borne from Dakota. Wm. Holt, who was seriously injured by n fall from a horse, is improving gnite nicely, The Misses Smith took part in an entertainment et' Trowbridge one even- ing last week,' Nearly 611,000 have boon coliooted on this year's taxes. The total amount is about 015,000. Chas. Sitters has been re engaged an teacher at Turnbull's'ewheel for next year. Mr. Sailers io giving good, saris. faction in the enation. Dan. Straohan arrived home from the Goderioh Model School last .week. He has been engaged to teach in Tilbury, Kent County, for next year, Mr. Straoh• an is a good 06u1e09 andwill make a'sua- (easeful teacher. Mies E. A. McNeil will not 'take a school for next year at present, as she intends taking a rest to thoroughly re oruit her bselth. She ie at `.preeent teaching at Molesworrh, where she has done firebwhtss work, Mr. MoKoe will snowed Mer.:• A very enjoyable time was spent at the parlor social at the residence of J. Cunningham on Thursday evening, of last week. It was under the ansploes of the Epworth League of the Methodist church, Brussels. The proceeds amount. ed to over 610.00. Wroxeter. Tae. Thomson is back in town amain. Wm, McKereher is the proud father of a second eon. A few days more will finish the oar. penter work. on Thos. Hemphill!e' fine brick block. John Leckie is again confined to his bed and the physician pronounces his me a serious one. lire. W. C. Hazlewood has been in. Wingbam waiting on be sieter in-law, Mrs. McDonald, who is eeriouely 111. Thos. Sage out hie foot severely last week. The axe made a severe gash across the left foot severing the toe, cords. The Foresters' demonstration was held on-Thursday,1991, with Dr. U. M. Stanley, R. Elliott and John Neelande, all prominent men in the Order, as speakers, The Sunday Scheele of our village are eaob bolding anniversaries -the Presby- terians on Friday, 20th ; the Episcopal - lane on Monday, 23rd ; the Methodists on Ohristmas night. The Masonic Order gave an "At Home” to their friends in their Lodge room on Tuesday evening. There were. about 50 ladies and gentlemen in the company and all were enthusiastic in their apprecia tion:of the evening's entertainment. A manager's meeting was held in the basement of the Presbyterian church Monday evening. It was arranged to bold their anniversary servicee and tea on Sunday and Monday, Jan. 5111 and 6th, '00 A magnate from Toronto will be invited to conduct the services. A special meeting of the L. 0. L. was held in the Lodge room, Tneeday even- ing. The offioers are:—R. J. Kano, Master; G. Parks, D. M. ; Thos. Hemp- hill, Reo. Seo, ; Rebt. Uarles,. Treas. ; 0. Simmons, Obap. ; John Thomson, FM. Seo. ; Ed. Cowden, Director of 0eremoniee. The Epworth League held a most en. joyable annual business meeting Mon- day evening. It was decided by vote that the officers be elected forsix months only and that no one be eligible for re- election for one year. This involved a thorough re -arrangement of League of - dos bearers. The following 10 the result of the ballot :—Pres., Mies Elda Hazle- wood ; Vice: of Christian Endeavor work, Solomon Ringlet ; of Missionary work, Thos. Saunders ; Literary, Byron Sim- mons ; and of Social, Miss Maggie Wil. lie ; Mies Letitia Morrison, Secretary Mise Minnie Hemphill,' Treasurer ; Miss Lottie Hazlewood, organist. M-,orrl„a. George Parker has, gone to the Old Country on a business trip. Re left Brussels IsetWedneeday. The box sooial at Mr. Howlett's, on Wednesday evening, was a great success, notwithstanding 'the inclement weather, Frank A. Smith, of the 0911 line, bas purchased a gray Pendleton more, She is one of the moat rematkable horses of the line. We regret to bear of the serious Oblong of bliss Annie, Maunders, who was taken laateek with a severe attack w ry k of menfn. gitis. We hope she will soon be better. The annual Sabbath school entertain. ment will be held in Sunebine ohuroh on Monday evening of next week. A good program of musical and literary eeleo. Mons is expected,- also short addreeeee from D. 0, Hogg, G. F. Blair and W. H. Kerr, of Bruaeele. HvluanakL. —Last Tuesday Robt. Mill- et, of this township, and Mise Maggie Dennie, of ?oliillop, wets; joined in anat rimany at the Methodist parsonage, Walton, by Rev. W. M. Pomeroy. The happy nouplo proceeded to Michigan on a wedding trip to visit the bride's sleben May bheit future be happy and prosper, 005. Wm, Cook's horse tan away from But- ton's school house last Friday night. The animal and outber were found after at Wm. Jaakeon'a. On the same night' Russell Riohmond'e'horne took a tour away on its own account from the came school house and was oared for at John Dick's until morning. These little inoi• dente make it a little awkward of the time but no serious damage was done. E20nnrarvumi8T.—The school Miler. taiument at Button's school benne last Friday evening was largely attended. A program of vocal and inetrumental music, reaitatlons, dialeguo8, ,no. was given, It vane amusing, ver"ted and long, the midnight Maur °Mining before the (nese, Deputy Reeve Kirkby 000upied the chair very agreeably, The proceeds amounted t01322.75. THE US$J:S F.OST Soicoon EXaatt oa'rro (.--A Very ea0eeee" fel and enjoyable time was spent at liar. x114'8 f1011001 Met 33'ridey afternoon, Idioe IHalliday, tcaobot', woe aebiebed by Miro McLachlan, Mies 101, Halliday, Al. Wools and 3, llneeell. After a very therougl and oab iafaotorY oxaminatiou 'was aver the following exoelient pregnant was pro seated, Mthe pleasure_ of . rho 60 vfeltore in attendance ;—Obairtnan'e address, I1, Mooney; inetrumentet13, Frank and Wil-. lie Oloakoy ; teeitation, "The b'roge," Ohara Moenay ; chorus by 1110 boys i reoitation,',The Runaway Engine," Ida Mooney ; instrumental, Millard Cardiff ;Morns, "Sahib Nicholas," by little girlo recitation, "Tbe Runaway Boy " 011ie Welker; song, "`Phe Dying Soldier," Mead Haggard ; recitation, "The Moth. et'o Fool," Ettie Davis ; icetrnmantel, Frank and Willie Oloel;y ; reoitation, J 13Reason eason Why," Minnie ' MooneY chorus,"Ring the bell, Watahrgao" ; re- oitation, "The Wasp and the Bee," Mary 18ornegban ; song, "The Cloak ' Bogie Manning; instrumental, Millard Card - if ; ohorue, "The Telephone', i techs tion, "The Curfew must not ring to. night," Norah Maunders ; "God Save the Queen," Addressee were also given by Messrs, Currie, Black, Russell, Bernard, S. Walker, Oloakey and Forsyth. S k,v tit. Mrs. MaGregor'e youngest child is ly- ing seriously ill with inflammation of the lunge. Trinity cherub S. S. intend having a oonoert under their auspices on the even. ing of the 20th inst. The membere of the 0. 0. F, are mak ing preparetione for a concert under their auepioes in the near future. Regular meeting of the' members of L. 0. L. No. 963, was held in the Orange Ball, when the eleation•of officers for the next year took place. It. Howard & Son who have opened out in the butchering business, have a neat and bright looking stand and report hav- ing done well for a start. On Monday the regular sitting of the 12th Division Court was to have been held in Industry Hall, but His Honor Judge Doyle was not present. Oa Monday afternoon W. Bell met with an accident while driving his 'bus into hie livery baro. He came in pentad with the top of the door, somewhat in - jilting his book. It may not prove of a serious nature. He was taken to hie residence, where at physician was called in to attend to his inj uriee. John Soafe, a prisoner in jail at Chat- ham, managed to lock the turnkey in the corridor, and then tried to break out. The turnkey's shouts brought assistance and Seale gave up the job. Oil Cake Meal FOR SALE. A quantity of first-class Oil Cake Meal will be kept on hand at Abe' Livingston Flax MUIL The following low prices will be given ; - In Ton Lots, - $18.00 Half Ton Lots, 9.25 100 Pounds, 1.00 1 "The above prices aro fox cash. W. Bright, J. & J. Livingston, Manager. Proprietor. EARLIER (BY 15 MINUTES) WEEKLY TOURIST CAR - To THE Pacific Cbast LEAYI7SSTORONTO AT 12sO5) FRIDAY NOON. T. FARROW, AGENT, BRUSSELS. What means those tuluultnous noises which we hear in clone proximity to the AMERICAN HOTEL ? It 18 the noise of pattering feat ascending the long narrow stair caee leading nit() Brewer's PHOTOGRAPH STUDIO, • Photos. taken 10 a style that captures the eye of the most fastidi&ne. Always Welcome at the OM Reliable Photograph 'Studio. H. R. BREWER SMITH BLOCK, MAIN ST. .. BRUSSELS. 'AILORINC! G . Richardson Is prepared to do all kinds o work in bis line, Good Workmanship and Good Fits Guaranteed. LATEST STYLES. Suits made ;for $4 and upwards. t ' S1iop over ;lleOowali'a Store. NOTICEOF REMOVAL Having purchased a shop on Thomas St., opposite the Queen's Hotel stables, I wish to notify my old customers and as many new ones as may favor me with their patronage that I will be found at the new stand as soon as the necessary alterations are made. Soliciting a share of business from the public, guaranteeing satisfaction, - I remain, S. T. Plum., General & Horseshoer G els oer TruC'°'n ILAILWAY. K FOR Christmas 8& New Year HOLIDAYS wmL OOAxr SPECIAL RATES. FOR ALL. Single First Class Fare Going Deo. 24 & 25, Returning Deo. 26,'95 Going Deo. 31 & Jan. 1, Returning Jaa. 2nd, '90. Single First Class Fare and One-third Going' Deo. 21 to 25 Returning Going Deo. 28 to Jan. 11 until Jan.7,'96 SPECIAL RATES FOR STITDEYTS ASD TEACHERS. Single First Class Fare and One.third Going Deo. 13 to 24, Returning until Jan. lath, 1898. E. N. KENDALL, G. T. R. Agent, Brussels. ROW AND t 1 ti f Itis to do Business on a Cash Basis. It is money in the pockets, of those whd adopt this system and fully carry it out. �e titan%, Our Customers fox the kind encouragement."so far given us in malting the change from a Credit:to a Cash System of doing business, and fully antici- pate that in one year all will be more than pleased with the result. Reduced Prices lor Cash! See our Suits and Overcoats for Men, Boys and Children at Prices that cannot fail to please, • - • • A full stock of Boots and Shoes at reduced prices. • • • A fine line of Groceries at the Lowest Prices. JANUARY Standard Fashion Sheets to hand. Call and get one FREE. Also . Patterns in stock and sold at Reduced Prices A CALL SOLICITED. A. STRACHAN. The Cheapest Cash Store in the County. 0 On Saturday, December 14th, we will start a Great Clearing Sale of Latlies' l�autles and News Overcoats. We have an immense range of Mantles and Overcoats. All new goods bought this season and for this season's trade, not for next year's. We do not believe in carrying goods over from season to season as old fossils do. Everything has to go in its season and in order to clear these lines out we have -decided to mark them at prices that will put all competitors far in the distance. We start this sale now in order to give you the benefit of the Bargains when you want the Goods. This Great Slaughter of Mantles and Overcoats will continue all this month. Come early and get your pick before the numbers are broken, All Mantles and Coats marked in red Ink and Plain Figures. LALEMJE1 ' NEAT TL S. that were $5.75 Sale Price $4.00 Mantles that were $ 7.00 Sale Price $5.75 t, 6.00 et 4.50 - " t= 10.00 7.00 Mantles t3 it 6.50 4.75 " tt 12.00 " 8.00 These Mantles were extremely Cheap at Winer prices but we have put the knife into the quick and lost sight of profits in order to clear the line out. Men's Meter and Dress Overcoats. Huivclreds to loo to the Slaughter in this Sale. Men's Ulster Coats that were $ 5.00 Sale Price $4.00 7.50 " 5.98 8.50 " 6.89 0.00 et 7.99 12.00 " 9,19 tt tt 14 tt /t " Men's Dress Overcoats vercoats in Melton and Beaver. 44 tt 41 Coats that were $ 6.50 Sale Price. $5.24 tt " 8.50 "t 7.12i t` ' tt 10.00 " 8.24 Every Coat we offer is the very Newest Style—Finish and Workmanship the very best. Remember this ,Sale starts Saturday, December 14th, and continues this month. See the line of Man's All Wool Pants we are selling for $1.00, worth at least 81.75. A. McGawan BRUSSELS. „. We Always Pay Highest Price for Farm Produce,