HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-12-20, Page 3Tho 20, 1895 ToW:i, Directory. eletvmee OnVnou.-Sab4ath $ervioee at 11 ep in and 7;00 p. re, Snnsley Sehool at 8:80 p w. Bev, Abe ]Bae, 'B A, peter. Be. 7ox1N'e CluelgeM-^Sabbath Servioee at 718 m and 7 p m, Sunday Sehgol at 2;30 p. m, Bev, t}. IL Griffin, inoum. bent:, MI%TgpAIB'r 01113nah.-Sitbbath Servioos gt10:80 a m and 7:00 p m, Sunday Saltool St 2;3011 en, Rev. G. 1L Cobble. dick, dT A, ^11 D, pastor, $OMAN Othiumeo Ceueon.--Sabbath Service third Sunday in every month, at 10,30 a m. -' Rev Jooeph Kennedy, priest. ... $ yethott Annex, -•..Service at 7 and 11 a m and 8 and $ p m on Sunday and every evening in the week at 8 o'olook, at the barracks.' Oen Funnowe' Lonen ovary Tliuraday evening, in Graham's blook. Moo= LoDon Toeedey u`t or before full moon, in GarOsld blook. A '0 T W Leann on the 3rd. Friday :evening of eaob month, in Blas• bill's block, 0 0 F Lenon 2nd end last�MoDday evenings of earth mouth, in laebil'i's Meek. I 0 F, 2nd and last Friday in Odd Fellows' hall, L 0 L 1st Monday in every month in Orange hall. Sorts on S000n.een, Ist and 8rdTeen. days of'ee,ob mouth, in Odd Fellows' Hall. K. 0. T. M, ]Union, let and Bed Thurs. days of thigh month, in Vapetone•block. Soto Clnor,In, 20d and 4th Friday even- ings in Blaehill's Hull. Pose OI'Szoe.-Office hours from 8 a. m. to 6:30 p. m. Mecuments'' :Ieterree ii. -Library in Holmes"block, will be open from 6 to 8 o'clock p. m. Wednesdays and 3:30 to 5 and 6 to 8 Saturdays. Mies Dolly Shaw, Librarian. Teem' Counts,=W. H. Kerr, Reeve ; W. H. MoCraekeo, Robert Graham; R. Leatherdale and 13. Gerry, Councillors ; F. S. Scott, Clerk'; Thome Kelly, Treasurer ; D. Stewart, AeBeeeOr and J. T. Rose, Collector. Board meets the lot Monday in each monbh; Balloon BOARD. -Bev, Rose, (chairman,) Dr. McKelvey, lir. Graham, A. Reid, A. Hunter and J. N. Kendall ; Sea.-Treas.,. K. Ross, Meetinga 2nd Friday evening in eaoh month. Punta Sonoon Tssonn se. -J. H. Cam- eron, Principal, Plies Braden, Mies Downey aniMies'Cooper. Boon or EceLrh.-Reeve Kerr, Olerk Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and J. N. Kendall. Ile. MoNaughton, Medical. Health Officer, THE, LOVED ONE GONE. Alight is from our household gone, A voice we loved is stilled,. Apace is vacant on the hearth Whioli never can be filled; A. gentle heart that throbbed but now Wibh tenderness and love, Has hushed its weary throbbings here To throb in blies above, Yes, to the home where angels are Her trusting soul hen fled, We bend above her watery tomb With tears, and call her dead ; We call her dead, bat ah 1 we know She dwells where living waters flow. We miss thee from our home, dear /one, We miss theefrom thy place - Oh 1 life w�,}�'•�+�e"eleCu eeterr eeevethout Th RFAauine of thy face"["• • e wait for thee at eve's sweet hour . When stars begin to burn, We linger in our oottagesporoh To look for thy return But vainly for thy coming step We list through all the hours - We only hear the wind's low voioe That murmurs through the flowers, And the dark river's solemn • bymn Sweeping among the woodlands dim. The birds we'loved are singing yet Above our oottagedoor, We sigh to hear them singing now Since heard by thee no more ; The eunehine and the trembling loaves, The bine, o'er arching sky-- The lty-The music of the wandering winds Teat float in whispers by - All speak in tenderness to me Of all life's parted hours and thee. I do not sae thee now, dear one, I do not see thee now ; But ever when the twilight breeze Steals o'er my lifted brow, I hear thy voice upon my ear In murmurs low and soft ; I hear thy words of tenderness That I have heard so oft',. And on my wounded spirit falls .6blear/Mg from; above, That whiepere though thy life is o'er We have not lost thy love. Ab no 1 thy beast in death grown cold Still loves us with a love untold. No need of Fame's proud voles for thee, Nor need of earthly fame; Thou art enshrined in our fond hearts And that le all the same; Ay 1 full of faith, and trust, and hope, We tread life's troubled sea, Till the last throbbing wave of time Sh811 bear our souls to thee - To thee 1 Oh, it will be so sweet With ail our eine fergiven, To mingle with our loved and lost In our sweet home in Ifeaven ; To spend, with all the blest above, An'ondlees life of perfect love. lint= DInoAen RoLIDVaD IN 30 MIN - Meta -All oases of orgamn or synlpatbebio bout disease relieved in 30 minutes and qtiekly pored, by Dr. Agnew's •Cure for the Heist. One dose ,convinces. Sold by G, A. Deadman. A genuine ghost•story has yet to be at- tested ; but not so a genuine blood puri. der. Over and over again it has been proved that Ayer's Sareaparillte ebande alone among medicines as the most re- liable teele e-liable.teele Alterative in pharmacy. It stood alone at the World's Fair. CATAnntn immure IN lO TOGO t1INUTne,- One abort puff of the breath through the Blower, supplied with eaoh bottle of Dr. Agnew's Catarrah Powder, diffaeee this Powder over the purfaoo' of the 'nasal passages, painless and delightful to nee, it relieves instantly, and peemanent- iyy puree Catarrah, Hay Fever,: colds, Headed; e, Sore Throat, 'roneilitie,and Deafness 60 cents at G. A. Deadman'e. LETTER nom CHINA, Tho fells/wing letter wap wrltben by Bev. Donald Maegilliveay, of, China, formerly .oJ Goderieh, to the Presbyterian Mission, Band, Oederich;-- I am now 8b8ying at this oily where the Ilord gave es a lino plane to live In last' year. ,Before this we were llvlurI 111 8 village Itboot thirty miles fr•olli here - just ae if we had moved from 1llauobester to Godeeieh, Whittle is a bigger Mace and ar ie 11 i a. d e; m h a 0 0 n 9. • d t 1 e t • mush nicer to live in,,and ever So mot te better to preaolr in, so this plaie belt than Ohu Wang, our former 01800, Ph pity hoe a very high wall all around How would you like it if Goderich had big wall all around it? It would' poet let of money to build ouch a wall, an would, besiges being Very confining, be o eo use to Goderieb. Bete, sometime the people break out in rebellion and kirm and rob poor faers, and if they coal they would go into the rioh city and d the same. Bob the high walls keep the out, Now, the formers around G4oderie and the people of Huron and Capad generally do not require high walls, 1 0.04000 were enclosed by a wall, 1 would enclose about half the Saone be tween these walls, but the bathes are al so close togethen that there must be to times es many people in thiefthiefpity as'i Goderinh. The dwelling houses are a close together eo the stores in a block o the Square and the streets are narrow Ib would take four of them to make on street as wide ae that street in front o Knox ohuroh. You wouldn't get mush fresh air if you lived in thin oily. Non of the schools have afoot of ground for a plaYground, and the boys are not allows to play ; it would not be proper and there are no girls going to school a all, I know none of you would 'like to live here in this city. You think Gode• rich is far better, and so it is. You wil be glad, too, to know that I don't live inside those high wake. I live outsid and can see them from the door. There is a little village near by, witlynioe green fields stretching in all directions. jus now, though the crops are off, excepting vegetables like turnips and cabbages Little boys and girls are busy every day gathering np the etubblee for fuel. Wood and coal are both dear, pad so they burn the dried grass and stubble whioh they serape off the fields. The farmers around Goderich have plenty of wood to burn and do not serape up the stubble. In Palestine the people had the same way of burning grass in the stoves, as oar Saviour says in Matt. vi, 80, "Tho grass which to -day is, and to -morrow is oast into the oven" (or stove. But the oily walls are not the only high things I tan see from the door. I tan see lofty mountains. Bot these are not near, they are BOMB 20 miles away. In theee tnountaine rises the little river whioh flows by here. Once not long ago we were reminded that wolves live in these mountains, for one, driven by hunger, wandered down this far and oar- ried off a little child. flow end 1 This mother loved him just as much as your mother loves you, and not only so, but all the mothers in the villages took fright lest the wolf should emery off their little ones, and so they fell to praying. To whom, do you suppose ? Not to the God who alone can keep ns from harm, and to whom, I trust, you all pray night and morning. These poor mothers did not know the true God and ao they prayed to the false. 'There is a little temple, aboub as big as big box, on the corner of our lot, and inside there is an idol made of earth, just as mud pies are made, that is, with the fingers. This god is called Toodee, the god of the earth. So these mothers prayed to him, expecting that as the wolf has a hole in the earth for his lair, the earth -god must be very near him, and oan coax him nob to..:eteairany more little boys. Poor mothers, who do not know how to pray to the true God for their little ones, only bowing down to a mad god 1 Will not some of you girls comp out to China Borne day to teach these mothers ? When anyone dies, they say his soul goes there first, and paper mustbe burnt .before the idol. The paper, they say ' becomes money for the nae of the idol. The other day I mat a number of great folk -"big bugs," we used to pall them in Canada. They all seemed to be going in the same direction. They evidently held high of. Goes in the city. I asked where they were going, and found out that they were going to the grave of Judge so.and.so's eon to burn paper money I They paid their respects to the Big Man in thie way. So the big bugs and the echelon are just as foolish as the poor country women who are afraid of the wolf. In my last letter ] Said something about a little boy named Wheat. I was at his place not long ago. Hie breath emelt of wheat because he had been eat- ing cracked wheat for his dinner.' Be fore the harvest not a grain of wheat could the poor people get ; they had to get along on some other kind of food, but now it was pati wheat harvest and the raw grain was boiled and eaten. I asked him to repeat some of Malthew,'s Gospel and he repeated quite a bit, His mother is very ill. He 'helpe his father's daily toil at trimming mill stones, These stones are for grinding wheat and other grains, and all well-to-do. people have their own. So they go up and down the villages repairing these stones. May they thus spread the knowledge of one mighty to save. As I was writing this I was called to the door to see a woman with the ague. She had been parried on a bed' for -theme enilee from her home on purpose to get some of our.enddiome. I was glad to see her husband and eon take so tnuoh pains for her. We were pleased to give her a supply of medioino tIthich we hope will cure her, I have a friend near London, Lagland, and I sent him the piobare of the Mie. Edon Band which appeared iu the Globe, go you have travelled ahnoet all the Way round the earth, firth from Goderiotl across. the Pacing to Asia, then South of Asia to Europe. If you only bragged the Atlantic/ you would be all the way round. I do want some miseioearies from Knox ohurolt. Ariz I to be the only one ? I hope nob, :With kind wishes end preyome, I am your friend, Donee/ 1tiACOILLrNItAY, Bust ifeenont Cumin end DAO. -South American Rheumatfo•Cure for Bbouma• ties and Neuralgia radically mores in I to 8 days. Its motion upon the eyetem is remarkable and myeterioue. It re. motes at once the oaueeand the dleease immediately diottppeara. The first dose greatly beneffte, 75 Dents. Warranted by G• A. Deadman, 01-iffiS MA$Iortiouonrs Fon sonnoWJN. HA-A.F'ro. - rte• -m.:. Irl runny demes the merry'tnakiug and festivity of the holiday Wentoutltee whit a ,of Ineptetlinge mill vibrating. With the keen pain of meet and heavy bereavement. There are those whose eyes are hoist wibb Mere, whims/ hear be are ewolling with sad, sweet memories es they tontemplate the veoent Sent itt the fireside and the table And liotcn vaiuly Lor thanheery, loving groebing of a dear, Swett voioe which never before failed t9. add to the Christmas oheer, And then again there aomee the bitter pain and anguish that we can never atone to our departed for the meagre affootion whish wu rendered to thein, and ought net the feelings that we have just referred to be an incentive to a renewed and more ar. dent devotion to thole who still linger with ue upon the shores of time, Bub it ie not our object to probe bleeding hearte, hearts still dripping over departed joys, earthly joys that have forever flown. Our message to mirth is the eine which etille our own grieving aid ebamss re. bellious thoughts -the blessed assurance that those deur ones Wiiq no longer walk with ue the paths of earth will this preod.. pus Cbristmte•bide be partakers of joy illimitable; wilt Have part in the grand Allsluj8h ohorus with which the angels celebrate the nativity. Their veins will swell with a fullness of harmony and rapture never dreamed of on earth. The oars, grief and pain which ferever put minor strains and ugwilling discords in. to the highest anthema of praise whioh the children of earth can afford,- mar not the event voices of those "who walk in white" singing the "new song" of "bless- ing and honor and glory and power unto Him that eitteth upon the throne and unto the Lord forever and ever." Shall we not allow this symphony of beaven to fled a true rhythmic response in our hearts, sorely wounded though they be ? Shall we not at least be happy, knowiug:that they are happy? And further, shall not the ooneoiouenees that at some future day; we too with them shall be "forever with the Lord" soothe oar hearte like the balm from Gilead ? He who has exalted our dear ones to be with Him and hag thus made them "moat blessed forever," has not left us comfort- less, if we but open our hearte to the true eouroe of oomfort, while with one hands we take np the "next thing" of love and duty. Six ti■. Robt. Howard ei Son intend embarking into the butchering briefness in one of the stores in Howard's brick block. We are pleased to bear that our towns• man, Mr. Shaw, is getting along epiendid• ly sins he had one of his lege amputated. The members of the 0. 0. F. No. 89, have received an invitation to be present at demonstration to be held in Wrox- eter on the lith inst. Ib was reported that burglars were about to pay us a visit. They might ae well stay away, astoedekine are pretty Boaroe at present, so the'natives say.,. Mr. Chown has disposed of his butober- ing business in this town to a person from Palmerston. The new proprietor takes possession on let January, 1896. We are sorry to lose Mr. Chown, as he makes a rood oitizsn. MAso0r0.-Tbe following are the officers elected for Blyth Lodge, 170. 308, A. F. and A. M., for the ramming year :-P, Master, J. B. Tierney ; W. Master, W. L. Ouimette : S. Warden, J. M. Ross; J. Warden, P. W, Scott ; Secretary, J, A. Anderson ; Treasurer, J. G. Emigh Chaplain, J. McMillen ; Tyler, James Barr. These with the appointed officers will be installed on the 27th inst. Reeler no Six Hooes.-Distressing kid- ney and bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the "Great South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a' great surprise and delight on account of itrs exceeding promptneee in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary passages in male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost im- mediately. If you want gniok relief and sure this is your remedy. Sold by G. A. Deadman, druggist. SHINOLES British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles AND -- North Shore Pine and Cedar FOR SALE AT TH10 Brussels Planing Ells Also Doors and Saab of all Pat terns on handor made to order at Short Notice. Estimates Furnished for all kinds of Buildings. Workman- ship and Material Guaranteed. • J. 8c P. AMENT McLEO D'S System Bo ,ovator ---,alit OTHER --- TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC' AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpata- tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neer. algia, Loss of ltfemoey, Bronchitis, Con- sumption, Gall Stones, Janndioe, Kidney and: Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Darvon, Female Irregularities and General De, bility, LABORATORY GODERIGIIE ONT. X. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. Sold by JAMES FOX, Dre gist Bruesele. m r1j E'.C..ONSTIPAT!ON INDI6E5 O:50VH5. eRUPT1,ONS oN THg, EsK ' •BEAUTIFIES." COMRLEXION. n bgreeable Laxative and NIIRVII TON TO. SAold by Druggists or sent by Mail. 280.,500., and 01.00 per package, Samples fres. (0 No The Favorlte 100TH P081013 DD]�IIN fomite Tenth and Breath 0001 by .680, Ei1t4, 0)i'iltelst, Itl9,emele, r �- TC MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY FOR MAN OR BEAST. Certain in Its eReotr and .never blisters. Rued proofs beloww, KENDALL'S SPAVIN OUSE. Bos5r,0armin hendorson Co., Dl., F+eb.21,'11. D . a. 2 loonneen bo. Dew' bbo-Please have used ono of your Boron Doo0e and obllao. Cure with n groat cess otXenYour wonderful mCerewftb oodsuccess • 11 is o lvoaderiul medicb,e, I once 1lodnmarothat .bad kOnaSn 1Adiave ebto,tms cured her. 1 Tours truly, 050,. i'owcrr,. KENDDLL'S SPAVIN CURE. Dr. B. T. ZEsnAnL Co. OAt,T08, Mo., Apr.1,'12. Deor8tre-i nave Rsed sovw•a1 botffies or your 'Zeedall apavla pure" with rued .00000. I 115,501,11 tbo befit Idnimeut I ever 000,1. Zieve ,-o- I1i1 I two 0000 Oanb, one Slaver eporm and killed two 0,000 yfriena. Have recommended pin ata it to andloroft, Mende who are mina pleased with aadkcop 11, Respectfully, R. liter, 9• R. liAY, 0. 0. Box US, For Sale by an Druggists, or address Dr. 20. ,T. FL.E21DeiLL CO 2'daVF,.� ENOSBUROH FALLS, 00. .Dr. a'. SFarri1r, No Other illedicine SO THOROUGH AS lj 1 9 .V SEMI., ?t'S L ej elo Y pad iia Statement of a Well Known Doctor "No other blood medicine, that I have ever used and 1 hays tried then, all, is so thorough in Its notion, and acres eo many permanent cures as Ayer's Sarsapurllla."- Dr. 73. 10. Minima., Augusto, Mu. flyer's.' Sarsaparilla Admitted at the World's Var, Ager'S Pins for diver and L•oaonrs. When you want a Stove, Tin or Granite -ware, or Hard- ware, Paints & Oils, —CALL HUNTER'S Hardware Store Where you will, from ' this date, got a NEXT of rIVE POR 'CNNT, Offal) Cash Purchases. Fine Roulon, Artiste Can- vas in Stock. A. HUNTER. Yomminamoimansuaswonza. ."`.ncampoa rwr..v oaaaapratimmorima Featherbone Skirt Bone FOB GIVINGlight,pliable, elastic bonemadefrom quills. It is soft and yielding, conforming readily to folds, yet giving proper shape to Skirt or Dress. The only Skirt Bone that may be wet without injury. 'Pito Celebrated Featherbone Cur - Bets are 5098edl rvitil Ode mate/ ill. 10-21 For sale liy leading Dry Goods Dealers. tyle ani. Sha o TO Ladies' Dresses. ressest Fall and dL Winte Ihave afine, neaand well selected stock of Robes EIorse Blankets, Light and Heavy Hair Hess, Collars, &o. Trunks and Bags at Low Prices, H. DEI8. Pi 0081 irV ill make a well marl of TQ,LT 1 011000 eiwovo50000 ABOVE 00500L're IN 8005 001IEe. 0 905y0 ,arae slll0rv0ne !Moses, e10op1ova- nosn Fatary; alma sp. IOUs,'Smtesicce, Bumps. mrr6oao„ rmpetano , etc., caused by peat abases' gives vigor and silo to enrunl:ea erred%, an4 nit OUCr.' Uebe02008 08010IA n 000 010000 a0 happy agabl. neat by 001110 wish 1r0Apper sad aoeurelp melea.from observationn.. &anay rsrtled la vont pocket. Prism, 01 a peerage, sin areae. eond 000000 in 00Lb O0004ib0A OI• Itl MMMOh ea lottor. Address all 1alb0ro o0 0. '0002110.000, Dr=Rgint, W000001010, ©5T., A.r00t 100 the Do- mtoton 000 Canada. IONE/ TO LOA.N. Any Amount of Money to Loam on Parm or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 6i Per Cent., Ysrayly.. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. and a Large Stook of Toys -AT hlr6" 3 Pose Bookstore. Nee Our Bibles, Albums, Shav- ing Sets, Comb 8c Brush Sets dn.d Toy Booi s. Beautiful Dolls, Dishes & Irons for Girls. Drums, , Trumpets, Har- monicas, &c., for Boys. Bicycles, Sleighs and a host of other articles, CALL 'OST Bookstore.