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The Brussels Post, 1895-12-13, Page 8
• BRTISSP4'141,i POS. YQU' ARE GOING) TO BUY A this year, read over the following list, It will prove Interesting and Profitable to you.. Tags. woy Boake, Dolle, Meath Organs, Woes & Baguet Molders, Toilet Sete, Mirrors, Xmas Cards and Booklets, Fanny Ohms., Work Boxes, 25 Dressing Oases, 1.75 (Celluloid, Oak or Pjueb) Photo, Al home, . 25 Travelling Companions, 1.00 Perfume Stands, 25 Jewel Oases, 60' Family Bibles, Pin and Pen Trays, • 10 Shaving Setts, 2.00. From 50 01 to $1.00 2 1.25 11.26 10 1.25 5 1.24 1.25 2,50 5 1.50 1 50 1,26 1.40 8.00 Cuff and Collar Boxer, 1.76 Bibles, 16 Solap & Autograph Albums, 10 Ink Stands, 10 Xmas Fane, 1.00 Writing Deeks, 76 Celluluid Whisk Holders, ., (With Whisks) Papetries, 2.00 (Celluloid, flush & Mormasio) Manicure Setts, 1.75 Fountain Pens, 25 The Poets, 50 7.00 (In Morocco yr Cloth) 8.75 Shopping Bago, 00 5.00 Hand Satobele, 60 1.25 fanny Caleodars, 10 6.00 Speotaole9, in Gold, Nickel, 1.50 Steel or Aluminum, 1.50 6.00 4.50 0.00 2,50 1.60 5,75 1.00 2,40 8.00 8.75 2,25 1.60 2.00 2ar 10.00 We have a' very full stook of the above and give l&e list as a. help to anyone who rinds it difficult to answer the question,"'What Shall I Buy ?" DEAD'MAN & MCCALL, Druggists, Opticians,' and Fancy Goode Dealers. 911AND TRUNK RAILWAY, SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. G. & D. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follo'se GOING SOUTH, GOING NOATl. tlafl 0:50 am, I Mixed 0:45 a,m. ©xprese 11:50 a.m. Mall 815 p m. • (Axed.......,. 0:00 p.m. Express ,,..,9:43 p.m, rural nelvs A ohiel's amang ye Lakin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. WAToa out for H. R. Brewer's new advt. next week, Bayss0ne Sobool Board will meet this (Friday) evening. MArrr.AND skating rink is being put in shape for opening. FouETa Division Court on Wednesday of next week, 28th inst. PumIa schools close for the Xmas holidays on Friday 20112. Miessne. OLEcm & DAMES shipped a car of live bogs Eastward last, Monday. INDIOATIONS point to Christmas wed- dings in various quarters hereabouts dur- ing the coming holidays. Naar Monday evening Brussels Coun- cil will meet to prepare the financial statement asked for by. statute. A WEDDING in town in the near future, but as Bob does not want many to !snow about it we're not going to give particu- lars. THE Horse Fair Thursday of last week was a successful Coe and was attended by a number of buyers who purchased quite a few equines. NEXT week we will give an • interesting eketoh of a trip to Scotland, as taken from notes recorded by Mrs. George Thomson in her visit of last Summer. Ammon sale of North lot 30, oml. 8, Morris, at the American Hotel, Brussele, Friday of next week, at 1 o'clock. F. S. Scott will be the auctioneer. A. Cousley is the representative of the Company in- terested. Mica has been said and written oon• earning the new sobool and its fittings and it will not be out of place to add that the various departments of wood work necessary were manufactured at Ament Bros. planing mill. They have had a busy season in this line and turn out first - Wass work. A WHEN from next Wednesday will be Christmas Day. Woon has been ruebed in at such a lively rate during the sleighing that the price has dropped to $1.25 per cord. Nnw subscribers continue to roll in to TILE Post. Are you on the list ? We give great value for $1.00 in advance. AN interesting sketch entitled "The Sun under a Cloud," referring to East Huron may be read on page 6 of this issue. WOREMEN are getting the neaeeeary al- terations iv shape at the building pur- chased by S. T. Plum, Thomas street, which he will utilize as a blacksmith shop. TENDER will be received up to 6 o'- clock Monday, 16th, for the use of the town soales for the year 1896. The 'low- est, or any tender not necessarily accept- ed. F. S. Scott, Clerk. LAST week the Olinton 'News-Reoord issued a. very -interesting edition 'oonlain- ing outs of the Boase of Refuge, staff, architect, contraotor and the Building Committee. Editor Todd received many commendations. DunlBo the Christmas holidays special reductions will be made on the railwaye. Single fare tickets good going Dee. 24 and 25 and returning Deo. 26. Other in• documents to travellers are offered in the G. T. R. advt. in this issue. ARAI BEOEEN.—Last Saturday evening Mrs. Harris slipped on the sidewalk, near Jae. Ballantyne's store, and in attempt- ingto 'ave herself bad the misfortune to break the larger bane of her right arm near the wrist. She ie getting along as well as could be expected. A NEW subscriber who reoently remov ed to Manitoba, writes: -"Enclosed find $1.00 for subscription to THE Poem. We feel quite lost out here without its week. ly appearance." No more welcome Xmas box oould be made to absent rela- tives than a year's subscription to THE POST. Try it and see. POSTOIASTEI FARROW has received a let- ter from the Postmaster General, in which he declines to give us an additional mail on the noon train in themeantime, owing to the inoreaeed expense. We are glad to hear they have struck tbie eoono- mioal streak. What's the matter with a closed mail ? Surely we should be en- titled to the same advantages as Ethel and Atwood. As the last Wednesday in Deoeniber this year falls on Christmas Day, the annual and nomination meetings of Pub• fn and Separate schools in both urban nd rural districts will be held on the ay following—Thursday, Deo, 2691i. o towns and villages, where eleatione of ublio School Trustees take place, they will be held on Thursday, January 2nd, and of Separate School Tr1Otees on Wed- nesday, January let. ORANGE MASER.—This week a machine • known as Taylor's Rapid. Money Assort- er and Change Maker, was on exhibition at the -Amerman Hotel and proved very .interesting to a number of business men who examined it. This patented device, manufactured by a Hamilton firm, as- sorts all money deposited in it and on the manipulation of a set of keys, some- thing after the idea of a type writer, gives any change desired in a rapid and accurate manner. Rev. Mr. Handers, who is temporarily laid aside from the minietry through ill health, is the goner. al agent introduoing this novelty. The machine is neatly and conveniently got- ten up and sells at $75.00. It was exhi. bited for the first time at the Tor onto Fair last Fall. 1 JAS. WALEEe, carriage builder, sold his a ball bearing boggy to Dr. Graham. He d also sold buggies to Dr. Molielvey, of I town ; Dr. Armstrong, of Walton, and P Dr. Ferguson, of Blyth. Hs intends going into buggy building on a larger Beale than ever for next year, Mr. Walk- er turns out first class work. BRUSSELS inmates at the House of Refuge are getting along very well. Mrs. Wallace ie making herself very useful in the care of five dependent dwellers in the home, in the persons of Mrs. Williams, Mre, Hays, Mrs. McGuire and the Zim- mer sisters. Mrs. Lee hue reduced her claim on the corporation and now offers to accept 5500 in full of the slander suit. She pours the tea in the woman's dining room. The bell Says "Sarah Lee, come pour the tea." Onrr.—Last week we briefly referred to the death of a sister of R. G. Wilson's of Brussels. The deceased was the wife of John Beattie, Woodstock, and had been i11 for about two years, consumption be - ng the trouble. She was 41 years of age and passed away to her reward on Sat. arday, November 30th. The funeral took plane on the following Monday, Rev. Mr. MoXay, of whose church she was a consistent member, conducting the service. A husband, one eon and two daughters remain to mourn the decease of a faithful wife and true mother. ItIrss O'Ooontou's OoNozam.—No person who attended the concert in the Town Hall last' Friday evening was disappoint. ed, as the program was alive with at. tractive features and amusing seleatione. Every person taking part did well and did themselves credit. The instrument- al duette on the piano by Misses Ma. Tiaachlin and Sinolair ; Misses Thomson aid Baelcer ; and Misses Leatherdale and Zilliax were excellent, 00 were the num- bers by the town Band, Miss Amee in her two solos was most heartily and de- ee4vedly encored. The "Doll Song" by May Skene and Nellie Irwin was outely executed and loudly encored, and the dnett, "I'm so shy," by Annie and Al - hart Putland, was equally well rendered, 1lliseee Rill and Rose u d A. Strachan and A. Ross sang "The ,''ortune Teller" effectively and in good voice, and "The Little Shaking Quakers" was as comical as ever. The first part of the program was almost entirely taken upby the can. Lata"Dream of Fairyland," in which imam 20 boys and girls took part. It was well done. The "May Pole Dame" Wag. Dew to a Brussels audience, but was avi. deutly well received. Mies Smith, of Brussels, and Mims Boughton, of Wing. ham, offiaiated as pianists in a very cap- able manner. Mies O'Connor is to be Congratulated on the success of elle 'con• mirk. GONE Holme: Peacefully mime the close of life to Mrs. Donald Sinclair on Wed. nesday evening about 7 o'clock, when like a ripe sheaf of grain she went to her reward, at the age of 77 years and 8 months. Deceased, whose maiden name was Margaret Sloan Mo0allough, was born in Ayrshire, Scotland, and along with her parents Dame to St. Andrews, near Quebec, when 8 years of age. In March, 1837, she joined Donald Sinolair in matrimony, moving to Blanchard township about 8 years thereafter, They retired from farming and located in Brus. eels 19 years ago. Mr. Sinolair died on January 18111, 1887. Thirteen ohildren were born to them of whom Daniel, re. siding in Dakota ; James, of Fort Wran• go, North Dakota ; Robert, of Victoria, B. 0. ; M. H., of Log Angelos, Cal. ; W. M., of Brussels ; Mrs. Wm. Tufts and Mrs. $irk, of 'Victoria, B. 0. ; and Mrs, Tufte and Mre. Stewart, of this town, survive, Last Good Friday Mrs, Sin - Clair, who was not in robust health, had a stroke of paralyeis, rendering her quite helpless and this was followed a few months after by another that deprived deceased of the power of speech for about four months. During her long illness there was no word of complaint and her Christian spirit was clearly manifested in both health and sinknese. The subject of this notice was a most affectionate mother, a loving wife and a kind neigh. bor, and her many friends sympathise with the mourning relatives. The Tuner. al will lake place on Saturday :afternoon from the family residence, Queen street, at 2.30 o'clook. Service will be conduct-' ed at 2 by Rev. Ino. Roes) B.A., Of whose church deceased was a'faithful member. ST4r 4RD B4X,4" a4X4.7).4, M3P'="4-azz,41619ras 5•e'7M • . HEAP OFFICE, - TORONTO. A.SSETki,• (Seven Million Dollars) . 57,005,000 0APITAL (Authorized) • ^$2,000,000 49090408in ail prttleipal pinta in Ontario, Quebec, Jfanito¢a, United States dzEngle? REISW104449 IP ages. A General Banking Buelneee Transacted. Ear/mere' Notes Discounted, (')rafts Issued and Colleotione made on all pointe. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed on deposits of 51.00 and upwards from slat of depdsit to date of withdrawal and compounded half yearly. SPECIAL ATTENTION 0I0110 TO 250 COLLECTION Or FanMEne' SALE NOTES. Every faoility afforded Customers living at a dietanoe. J. A. STEWAIRT MANAGER. 1101101•11161111931. Is yon contemplate taking a tour abroad, do not ovarlook Anglesea, and remember that "Llanfairwllgwyngyllper- chwyrnbwilgogerohwyrnbwilllan disiflo, gogo gosh" is the first station past the Menai bridge. Brim Wonno.—Among other encourag- ing words rooeivod by Tan Posr, in refer- ence to bur issue concerning the opening of the new school building, was the fol- lowing, which speaks for itself 1— Education Department (Ontario) Toronto, Des, 3,'96. Mx DEAR 1150 XRUR,—I have reoeived a copy of THE POST of last week containing an excellent piastre of the now Public School, and what an old newspaper man would prouounge en admirable oonden- sation of my remarks both in the after- noon and evening. I not only enjoyed the hospitalityof the people of Brussels very much, but was delighted with the enthusiastic Interest wbioh they took in education, of which they had given such substantial proof in the school house which I had the pleasure of opening. I hope, as Reeve of the municipality, you will never regret having lent your assist. ance.to the Board in 'findingthe money they required for school purposes. Yours truly, G. W. Ross. Business Locals. GRocanrzs atMcAlpine's. Dar etovewood at Mo0raekeo's. 1 ovn. clear bacon at McOraoken's. ii.1:.i: i`.,,• sale. Apply at this office. Omuta a,;d piano to rent. R.Leather. dale. Io' you want robes or blankets oall on H, Dennis. 2 OR good second-hand Organs for sale cheap at R. Leatberdale's. Lama stock of light harness sold atlow prioee. H. Dennis. Ova horse collars are all warranted. H. Dennis. Boon and shoes cheap and good, 1. 0. Richard., FREE band orayon enlarging done up A 1 at Brewer's gallery, Smith blook, SINGLE Mainers cheap, and a good stook always on band. I. 0. Richards. Bonne, blankets and belle very cheap. I. C. Richards. GRAIN BAGS.—Large size, full 16 oz., only $1.90 per dozen, at Smith & Mc• Laren's. thtu your rubbers, boots and shoes to 0s for repairs. We do them obese and good. I. C. Richards. Jas. MOAL/I E has put in a line of Grooeries. 'Everything new+.` and fresh, no stale goods. Yon eau get Organs from $25 and up and sewing machines at equally low prices at R. Leatberdale's. Tam' don't keep wash tube or sorub brushes, but just what you want in the Grocery line at McAlpine's. ALL the-ohoioost fruits of the season, also a large aesartment of Fancy China and Glassware suitable for Xmas pres- ents at Thomson's. Raar'e Glover Root, the great Blood. Purifier gives freshness and clearness to the complexion and aures constipation. 25 ate, 50 ate and 51.00. Sold by James Fox, Druggist, Brussels. Samos's acre is sold on a guarantee. It cures incipient consumption. It is the best cough cure. Only one sent a dose. 25 ate., 50 ate, and 51.00. Sold by James Fox, Druggist, Brussels. SAWS made to outfast and easy. Seo. and baud saws bought and Bold. Point- ers given on saw Sling and the care and management of saws, on Queen street East, by T. McGregor, of Brussels, 'Oct., Master of Sawa Panariy.=The undersigned will take any quantity of fowl for trade in grocer• ies, crockery, &s. The highest prices paid. See him before bringing them in, so he can advise you how and what days in the week to kill. W.H. MollimucEN. Mas. T. S. Haman, Chattanooga, Tenn., says, "Sbiloh's Vitalizer "saved my life," I consider it the best remedy for a debilitaed system I ever used." For dyspepsia, liver or kidney trouble 19 excels. Price 75 ate. Sold by Jas. Fox, Druggist, Bruseels. Ir you are in need of anything in the furniture, picture framing, window shade, curtain pole, piano, organ or sewing machine line come and get my prioee be- fore you buy. It will save you money. No trouble to show goods. It. Leather. dale. COMPLETELY KNOCKED o02,—!'I WOS 90 much run down I bad to give up work, and I felt ea if life was not worth living," writes Wm. W. Thompson, Zephyr, Ont. "I, took Soott's Sarsaparilla and am now feeling as I did years ago," Soott's Sarsaparilla tones up the entire system, purifies the blood and eradicates rheuma- tic and sorofuloue poisons. Ask for Scott's and got it. Tan WnemaaR boil Oorne,—Thie is the time when colds are in the fashion—• everybody who is anybody bag one, if not himeelf there's one in the family. For no complaint under the sun are there more remedies than for a cold in the bead, but of the thousands Chase's Catarrh Cure is the best. "In twelve hours I was oared of a bad cold in the bead by Chaee'e Catarrh Cure," writee Miss Dwyer, Alliston, Ont. 25 cents a box of all druggists, with blower free.. :Ea01/m7- CLEGe.—In Gorrie, on Sunday, let inst., the wife of Mr. Richard Clegg of a son. Martino.—In Wroxeter, on Thursday, Nov. 28th, the wife of Mr, A. Mento of a daughter. OLAng,—In Morrie, on Deo. 10911, the wife of Mr, Wm, Clark of a son. Mooray.—Ab Indian Head, N. W. T., on Nov. lst, 1855, the wife of Mr, Win. T. Mooney, of a eon. Saeltr-0ALD9ELL.—At the residence of the bride's parents, on Deo. 491i, by Itev. Mr. Thompson, Mr. Alexander Sharp to Mies Maud Caldwell, all of Detroit. ansa. Snyonam,—In Brussels, on. Deo; llth, 1895, Margaret Sloan, reliot of the . late Donald Sinclair, aged 77 years and 8 months, AVCTSCST 0.21•77m0.� • FRIDAY, Dee. 13th.—Farm stook, implements, &a. Lot 11, con. 13, Grey. Sale unreserved at 1 o'olook, sharp. Jno. Coates Prop., F. S. Saott, Aua. aaFVSS1-7]_,S aQAR2coanae, Fall Wheat..:....... 62 Spring Wheat 60 62 Barley... ..... 80 32 Peas 48 Oats 22 23 Batter, tube and rolls 14'.. 15 Eggs per dozen 15 Flour per barrel. 4 00 ` 4 50 Potatoes (new) „ 12 15 Hay per ton..,13 CO 14 00 Rides trimmed 5 6. Hides rough 2 Salt per bbl., .retail1 00 Sheep skins, each 40 Lamb skins eaob 15 Apples per bur1 00 Hogs, Live 8 00 Dressed Hoge 4 00 Wool 18 00 50 40 8 26 4 30 20 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. 11OUSEXEEPER WANTED.- Work light and no family. Fox fur- ther particulars apply to PETER WATSON, Lot 8, Con, 10, Grey, Walton P. 0, 10.3 VOR SALE OR TO RENT.— A goodblaokemith shop in connection with a Woodabop, doing a good business: and a first-class stand. Apply to JOBN WYNN, Brussels. 1 TRAYED FROM THE PREM. 1008 of the undersigned, in the month. of June, three red yearlingheifers. Any in- formation leading to ther recovery will bo thankfully received. THOS. LINEHAM, 22.4 Newry P. 0. TOYS .DOLLS ! BOOKS AND 8, 1896 Waste this in your hat and keep it fo reference. Beside the Bonnie Briar $uelll reduced to 51,00, Nice Linen Picture Books, 50, each. Lovely Xmas and New Year Cards, 25o, per doz, Beautifully Tinted J?apetries,500, each, Celluloid Photo. Albums, 50o. to 53 each, Gentlemen's Travelling Companions in eolld leather, 22.00 to $3.00 eaob. Nice Picture Books, 10. each. Moon Mirrors, 250, and 50o, Cuff and Collar Sots, $1,25 each, Photo. Molders, 15e, and 25a. eaob. Toilet Oases, Celluloid, 51,50 each, Bibles, 26o, to $5,00 saoh. Beautiful Garde, Booklets and Calendars all prices. Celluloid Odor Cases, 51,40 each, Nloe Line of the Poets from 60o. to 52,00 each, Orokinolei Lost Heir, Nations, Dominoes, Bagatelle, Flips, Frog Pond, Tolegrapb Messenger Fish Fond, Bean Bnglms Improved ,,,, PHaarabeeoi,, The Ocean Raue, ,,,, Fort, Logomaohy, Authors, The Bioycle Raoe, lack Straws, China, China, ,$1,25 .. 100, & 250. 250, 150. & 250. • 260. 100, & 250, 250, 160. 25e, 250. 250. 250, 25a. 76o.. 260. 65. ea 200. 25o, 250. 10o. DrraQerTEN'S MOTEL. FOX'S DRUG STORE. OL"E 5 ROOMED COTTAGE ON Turnberry Street for Bale or to rent. Apply to 'THOS. BALLANTYNE, BI'ueeels, MAGIC LANTERN FOR SALE,—MoAllieter's make, New York, using the two gases, oxygen and hydrogen, with lime light. About 200 vlews,priuoipally of Manitoba and the Northwest, A bargain, Apply to 0. STUBBS, Ethel, 21.2 SANTA CLAUS WOULD I — pont his numerous frfoude andatr ns that his boadguartore is at the same old stand as farmer years, via,; DSIADMAN & MOOALL's, Druggist, Bookseller &o, Saw Mill. For Sale. A sawmill will be offered for sale by Pub- lic AetioaiuSOUTHAMPTON, Bruno Co., on Tuesday, December 1714, 189a, at 3 p,m, Mill 42x72 feet ; engine 85 and boil- er 50 horse power ; elroular, edging and butt- ing saws ; shingle machine and jointer ; good running order ; timber convenient ; yard on rail and river ; big bargain. For partloulars write 4. P. 628210 or W, X IIDRR, Brussels, Ont. REAL ESTATE. FARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN- .sale anDd too rent, leasseveraleteerme in Farms ow ships of Morris and Grey. F 3• SOOTT.Bruseele. MANITOBA LAND FOR SALE. —100 acres of good farm land at Springdeld, 8 miles from Winnipeg, ie offer- ed for Bale at slow pride. The property is North Dash 1 Seo, 10, Twp. 11, Range 0, hast. There is a house on the promisee and some breaking done. For full partioulare as to prion, title„&c., write or apply to G. F. BLAIR or W. H. BERR, 20-tt. Brussels, Ont. FARM FOR PALE. -THE UN— nERSIONEn offers his 103 acre farm, be- ing Lot 10,Con. 5,Grey, for sale. . There are about 75 acres under cultivation. On the premises are a log house, good barn and other neoeseary out•buildings, also good or- chard, School house on corner of lot. Im- mediate possession. 2i sores of Fall wheat iu. Also hay and straw on farm, Easy terms. For price conditions, l&o., apply to ALEX. DREAMER. Proprietor, II tbel 2, 0, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING, RL, TAYLOR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor and donveyaneer. Collo°. tions made. 01000—Vanstone's Block, Brae. eels. 21.11m AT•M. SINCLAIR, • Solicitor Conveyancer ,NotaryPub. lio, &o. O0Boe—'pauetope'e Block 1 door north of Central Rotel, Private .Funds to Loan. Tvr G. CAMERON, • Basterf SHolt & Oameron,)rriand o iieltor t derloh, - Ont. Office -Hamilton St„ Opposite Sol - borne Hotel. G• F. BLAIR, BARRISTER,. Solicitor, &o. (late of Garrow & Prondfcot's Office, Goderloh.) Office over Gilllee & Smith's Bank, Brussels. Money to Loan. • 47 DENTAL. DR. DAVIDSON, Graduate Toronto University, Licentiate Royal College Dental Surgeons. Orown and Bridge work a specialty. Moder- ate Fees. Satisfaction Assured. Oflloe over Barrett's barber shop, Turnberry St.,.Brus- sels, VETERINARY, T. D. WARWICK, Cr • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary 0ollege, is prepared to treat all diseases of dnmestloated animals in a com- petent mannr. Particular attention paid to veterinary dontietryy. Calls promptly at- tended to. north of bridge Purnl e and Infirmary—Four t, Bry Brussels. doors MEDICAL CARDS. J M. ARMSTRONG, M. D.• vlootg:esituoeiOraduto oTrnoUnivrYYMdcal Faculty, Member of College of 5hysiclane and Surgeons, Ont, OsrroE—Next door to McDonald & Go,, Walton Ont. GDI G•LDIGOLDI • WE INVITE YOU TO CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELF THAT •,� H. L J'aeksoii Jeweler, HAS TEE LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS SUITABLE FOR In Brussels, Consisting of WATCHES. • Ladies' and Gents' Solid Gold Watches. Silver, Silverine and Gold Filled Watches. A11 makes and designs, Our stock of Watches being very large we are offering them at Rock Bottom Prices. JEWELLERY ! Gold Rings, Brooches, Stick Pixie, Sword Pins, Bracelets, Lockets ff Buttons, Watch Chains, Tie Pins, Necklets, Society Pins, &c. &c. A c ' , ompleto aCharmsassorted rted stock of all lines in Jewellery. Something to suit all in Design and Price. CELLULOID GOODS ! Photo. Boxes, Dressing Cases, Neck Tie Boxes, Work Boxes Travelling v Jewel Cases, and a host of other novelties CHEAP I OHEAP.I ' >lvolliug Cases, MUSICAL INSTRUMENT ! Mouth Organs, Violins, Guitars, Autoharps, Mandolins, Banjos Ae r J co deans,.&c. Do not miss seeing my Display. Everyperson welcome onot to inspect' the foods whether they wish to buy or H. L.J.:_ AI� �pO N, Jeweler.. tP. S.—We make a Specialty of Watch and Jewellery Repairing. forget the place, opposite the American Hotel, Brussels. All work guaranteed. Do not