HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-12-13, Page 77 zit 13, 1835 NEWS NUTSHaL. THE; VERY LATEST I 1 Q14 ALL THE WORLD OVER. interesting Items About Our Own Country, Great nr)t4fn, the United States, and Ail Parts of the Glebe, Condensed and Assorteed for Easy Reading. Two women were ernothered in a fire at St. Hyacinthe, Que, The , People'o , Heat b Light Com- pany is organizing an extensive plant in. Halifax. Mrs, Roger of Montreal, died with symptoms of poisoning after a Supper of oannea salmon, The Ottawd•Field Battery lathe win- ner of the Governor-Genera/Ai OUP for general efficiency. Mr. 0, H. Kitchen of Copetown, was thrown out of his waggon at Hamilton and very seriously injured. The Oliio tug Telephone, seized in Lake Erie by the Canadian auhori- ties for poaching, will be sold. The question of a public library will in all probability be submitted to the citizens of Ottawa at the municipal el- ections, A throe -year-old daughter of Mr. George F. Gibson of London fell ipto a pail of hot water' and was scalded to death . Miss Maggie Symington of Napanee ishas the first time this an degreee has been conferred on a woman, A young man named McTaggart, liv- ing in London South,, knocked. bis eye- ball out with a whip that ho was striking a horse with. Miss Sarah Sleetb, a well-connected young woman of St. John,, N. B., coin- mitred suicide by shooting herself through the heart. A. company is , being formed by the citizens of Leamington to establish a beet sugar factory, with a capacity. of 1,000 tons of beets per day. The city of Toronto has contracted for the winter coal supply with a Buf- falo firm at a much lower rate than that tendered by the local dealers. ommadetion of the 0m411 detaelimonts ban, ilolieinia, ,Ile waa Slatyyear§ f mounted peliee sent to the frontier, of 400, „ �� D•,F t Blandin, the rope w.afor thettblieation of tied et Landon. - en artiole in /ale paper. Sir, Charles Di1'ke is opposed to the Word has been received in Berlin a division oP Turkey, the death of Otto Ehlers the explorer, The Duk of Weata�liileter owoe Lon- and peroonal friend of Emperor' Wil* don' peeper'y worth mere than 400,000,- 1ntm in Brit1sh Guinea. 000, Rvor seventy, mon and women were Third-class dining care are to be tried killed il seddoby a. rear a aoaion the the If on the Great Northern railway between a being blown into atoms, The British Admiralty, is acid tohavo obtained cpm late soundings from Bri- tisk merebano vessels whieh have re - Wales and Prince Karl of Sweden will, It is reported that six thousand Span - a is understood, take place in London lards residing in Algeria have '''olune in June next, teered their services to the Government A London society paper nays that the for active duty wit'a the troops in Cuba, GREAT BRITAIN, i or08'or, of Menthe' baa been Oen- thawed Dr, to tlireo months imprSsonmOnt lker, was mar fol lase nia.lcsto o p 1..,ondon and Leeds, There is rospeat of a settlement of the Belfastp and Clyde shipbuilders trouble by arbitration, The marriage of Princess Mand of Max Bachmann of Montreal bas been arrested on a charge of burning two or three houses for the sake of the.in- surance money on his furniture. The judgment disqualifying, ex -Mayor„ Aubry of Hull from public office for life and fining him 5994 has been confirmed by the Court of Appeal in Montreal. ,Samuel Davis founder of the. great cigar -manufacturing firm'„ of S. Davis & Sons, of Montreal, died in that city on Saturday afternoon, in his six- ty-first year. Mr. Andrew Gregory, Hill, Police Magistrate of the Counties of Welland and Lincoln, died at his home in Ni- agara Falls, Ont., on Saturday night, aged sixty-one. It is understood that the Donaldson line will put_ on a steamer between St. John, N.B.,' and Glasgow, and will make runs during. he winter as frequently as traffic demands. William Smith, a carpenter, aged 50, fell from the roof of a two-storey frame house at Niagara Falls, Ont., twenty feet to the ground. He fell on bis head, and was instantly killed. Duchess of York is a very dutiful wife, and always .consults her husband on matters of dress. A purse was presented to Dr.Berner, do in ,Condon on Tuesday last, in recag- nition of bis good work in founding homes for destitute children in London and Caned', From 'I'nt'ro eighty-nine brothers of the Order of St, Frame's de Sales, and twenty sisters, were sent out in Oeto- her as missionaries to South America, Jules Barthelemy -Saint -Hilaire, the well-known French classie scholar, was found dead in his study in Paris on Sunday evening he was ninety years Arthur Arnold, the well-known EnEK- of age , lisp traveller and writer, is dead. He Coataki, Anthoponlos Effendi, for- ted an extremely active life, bath as a marl Gverncr of the Island of Crete, klip Disoaso. ILO dlaaaso oscura moat frequently in childhood and.sarly youth, Its causes are often apparently very slight, local injuries and exposure to cold being among the more eommop, In children the prodispasing cause may be earefule, and among older persons rheumatism• Disease of the hip -joint is easily reeog- nized, Before the signs of actual hi' flammation can be distinguished, there le apparent a degree of stiffness of the joint. When the person 1108 00 his back the knee is bunt upward, and any at- tempt to straighten it only results in hollowing in the small of the book, be- cause the hip -bone mane with the leg. Wasting of the limb on the affected side, sometimes to a marked degree, i8 usually an early manifestation of trou- ble in the hip -joint. The pain, however, by a trick wbich the nerves sometimes play, is often referred to the inner side of the knee, 8o that the trouble seems to originate at that point. The pain is most severe when the disease begins in the bone instead of in the, jaoint, As the disease advances, ovidenc0 of an active disturbance is more plainly recog- nizable. Abscesses form, which may open at almost any Point on the surface of the thigh. The destructive process may go on until the entire upper end of the tbigb-bone is eaten away., Re- covery usually results in a stiffened joint, with the leg slightly flexed on the abdomen. It is difficult exactly: to forecast the outcome of hip disease, If taken` in band in its earliest stages, and if the natural resistance of the person is good, the disease may succumb to persistent treatment. Not many constitutions will stand the steady drain of a chronic bone politician and author. He was sixty-two has been appointed Turkish Ainbass years of age, dor to Great Britain, in succession to Mails by the steamer Fuerst Bie- the late Rustemi Pasha. marek landed at Plymouth were de -The Berlin Tageblatt asserts that livered in London six hours earlier I Germany, Russia, and France have con - than mails from the same boat landedeluded an alliance committing them at Southampton.to common action upon all questions It Is announced in London that instruc- concerning Turkey. tibns have been sent to the British Min- A history of the Armenian massacres Ester at Rio uestion to invite Brazil ofto Published lately shows that 13,150 lives submit the question of the ownership . ere sacrificed, and most of the sur - the Island of Trinidad to arbitration. vivors, whose property was looted, are Social London is very gay this season. in a starving condition, The drawing -rooms of the West end pp were and as wellugilled asofhamuae-- :saderare Sir toi1Turkey,1 has backedBritish down in now, and the many places mi meat are so many gold mines to the his demand, for :permission for a gun - happy managers who preside. boat to pass through the Bosphorus, and the Turkish palace party is very In receiving a Wesleyan deputation. Lord Salisbury said that he did not care triumphant. to conceal his strong animus in favor A special despatch froom St LniEai saysu O the Episcopal and Romansee Catholic that been destroyed by the natives of Churches m the matter of oh fai tation. This hes given much offence to the gunyboat thattiseusually station- the dissenting element, d those iters Joseph Creasman, tailor, of Leth- bridge. was sentenced to five years' im- prisonment for burning his store, and Miss Ruble Clifton, his accomplice, re- ceived a three-year sentence. A son of Mr. Napoleon Belanger of the Public Works Department at Otta- wa tb - wa was drowned while skating, the boy's brother and a companion were rescued by aid arriving promptly. Shortis, who is in the Beauharnois gaol under sentence of death for the Valleyfield murder, is as indifferent as ever. He eats and sleeps well, and never. says a: word to the guards about. bis fate. A delegation, representing the Ot- tawa and Georgian 13ay Canal, waited on the Government of Quebec to ask aid for the scheme. Premier Tallinn promised to give it early considera- tion. The directors of the Ottawa and Gati- neau railway want to lease every un- claimed lake between Wakefield and Desert, some forty in number, and to make the Gatineau district a sports- man's resort. A report on the inspection of foods, drugs, and fertilizers during the past fiscal year has been presented to the Controller of Inland Revenue by Com- missioner Miall, and will shortly be issued to the public. Cardinal Logue, Primate of Ireland, has issued a pastoral letter censuring the British Ambassador to Italy for. having raised the British flag over the Embassy in. Rome duringthe recent national celebrations, whicact the Car- dinal regards as an insult to the head of,the Church. UNITED STATES. A case of leprosy has been• discovered in. New York. A sale of 10,000 tons of Eng]is k steel rails has been made in New e in w . In the Italian Chamber of Deputies child is too young or too weak to be con- Si nor Sonnino, in presenting the bud- wild admit splint f some movement of be vewhichusted the body. o No of hip disease should remain at any time during its course out of the hands of a competent physician, who will be able to judge wben the patient is out of danger, or when the disease sore. At any rate the expectant form of treatment, as it is called, rest and gen- eral tonins, is conducive to the best re- sults, Absolute rest in bed is demanded in the first stages of the disease. If the kfl1Stetlen Of the Heart Degna , Palpitation of the heart to perhaps the mase (imago= synpt0m of Wert disoa n e w and le defined ee puleetiees that are per- valved the patient, It comae on in. pparoxysma, with intervals of more or less freedoin from attack, The heart may begin to beat violently' it may pound against the walla of the cheat; the veeeele may throb m the neck; the sloe become outlined, alta the bead ache; or on the other hand, the boart may be very rapid and very feeble, ao the pulse may cermet only of a eeriee of rapid and almost fmpai. peteewavee. Those suffering from palpitation or Out, tering of the heart should net delay treat• meat a single hour. Dr. ,Agnew's Cure for the Heart will always relieve this trouble within the first half hour and for this canon is regarded by phytoiana generally es the greatest known remedy for the heart. Sold by druggists,, There were 11,890 persons in penal ser- vitude in Great Britain and Australia in 1870 and only 4,840 in 1895. set, announced that the surplus won he 1,270,000 lire this year, and that be expected a surplus next year of 5,020,- 000 Alm without a new loan. A dertch from Shanghai says it is rep sorted there that no railway cences- siwis have been gran t oredtof g ment intends henceforth to keep railway bonding in its own hands. A despatch from Eeyrout confirms the a r nets 1 assumes a more serious aspect. M China, and that the Chinese Govern- Bishop Alexander W. Wayman of the report of the grave situation of affairs African M.E. Church dropped dead at existing in Syria and Palestine, Baltimore. wbich places are flooded with Turkish New York police commissioners have soldiers, bearing the significant green deoided to try the experiment of mount- flag of the Prophet, instead of the Turk- ing patrolmen on bicycles. ish flag. Mayor Swift . presented a black plc- The Berlin police the other morning ture of Chicago's municipal debts and raided the Louses of the Socialist difficulties at a reform meeting heltlin members of the Reichstag and :t that city. leaders of the Socialist• party,nd al The Rev. Peter. Trimble Rowe, who their letters and paperswere impound was educated at Toronto Universityy, ed and taken to the office of the Chief was consecrated in New York, on Sat- of Pollee. urday, Bishop of Alaska. Mr, E. 0. Benedict, a close friend of President Cleveland, says that he be- lieves Mr. Cleveland does not want the nomination for a third term. A penniless tramp named Maurice Barker, who slept m a Hamilton police station on Sunday night, Monday morn- ing received a, draft for fifteen bun dredsterlingfrom England, being his share of his father's estate. James. H. Ford, alias Wood, of Win- nipeg was sentenced to 23 months in jail. at Montreal for forging a C. P.R. passenger ticket. Ford deserted his wife and family at St. Phillippe and eloped with a young woman. A convict in the St. Vincent de Paul penitentiary bas notified the warden that he knows the man who killed Ma- dame Definers, at St. Henri, last June, for which crime Napoleon Demers, the wo- man's husband, will shortly be tried. A deputation from the Chamber of Commerce of Montreal asked the Gov- ernment to send a delegation of busi- ness men to France to ascertain upon' what basis trade could be encouraged and developed. Mr. Ives promisedto consider the request. The wife of Mr. Frederick Griffith, moulder, of London, Ont., gave birth to tripplets on Thursday, two boys and a girl. All are healthy and well formed. The couple have been married fifteen years, and have had eleven ohildren. On the first occasion Mrs. Griffith pre- stinted her husband with twins. The estimates of the hundred or more agents of the Bankers' Association,' stationed throughout Manitoba, regard- ing this year's crop, which are absolut- ely reliable, are as follows :—Wheat, total acreage, 1,140,2761 total yield, • 83,843,392 bushes. ar'rley—Acreage, 153,839: total yield, 5,993,5 ,17 bushels. Oats—Acreage, 482,858; total yield, . 25,855,080 bushels, James F. Eagan, the Irish political prisoner, was welcomed on arriving in New York by a large crowd of his fel- 1 t men FIFTEEN MINERS KILLED. A 11 lied Tons or nock Falls into the Tilly Foster Mine 'Where the sten `'fere at work.ow-cowry Virginia, negroes own $11,000,000 of A despatch from Brewster, N.Y., says: the 003,000,000 worth of real estate and —Nineteen years ago 50 tons of rock improveetsin the State reported by fell into the open pit at the Tilly Fos - the assessor for the. year. Iter iron mine here, killing six miners "Baltimore White," a burglar, who is and maiming three others for life. wanted in many towns along the Inter- colonial railway for bur lary, has been From that time until Friday the hang - THE OLD, MIDDLEADED, AND CIUI DREN are one and all Cured or Kidney Trouble by South. American Kidney Cure. Kidney troubles are not confined .to those of any age. The grey.haired suffer, and keenly sometimes. The mon in the vigour of life hashis happinees, marred by dia.' treesing,disease of these parts. Much of the trouble of children is due to disordered kidneys. South American Kidney Cure treats effectively thoae of any age. And: with all alike relief is seoured quickly. In the most distressing oases relief comes la not lase than six hours. It is a wonderful medicine for this one specific and import- ant purpose. Sold by druggists.. Vis. For Twenty-five Year Hints for the Table. Rapid eating is slow suicide. Plenty of time should be taken. Fish and oysters are easily digested. An hour or two of rest should be tak- en after the meal. Dfere gratification of the appetite is very likely to shorten life. Dinner should be of a lighter nature in summer than in winter. A quert of wheat contains more nutri- ment than a bushel of cucumbers. There is a happy mean between eat- ing everything and being squeamish. It is not good to dine when in a state of mental or physical weakness. Two pounds of potatoes contain as mirth nutriment as thirteen pounds of turnips. Light soups, light desserts and light meats should have the preference in warm weather. Abuse of the stomach at dinner will be isbmentt hataid ner or comes later to theythat glutton un captured in Boston and will be held ing walls which rise 400 feet above the. For Dyspeptics. " Never eat a meal when you are tired. Either sit dn owor lie down ten awaiting extradition proceedings. working level of the pit, Lave under- 1 or fifteen minutes to rest before eating, H. H. Holmes was sentenced to death gone daily inspection. If this inspee- at Philadelphia for the murder of Benj. Pietzel, the application foranety trial tion revealed any crevice or other sign being refused The date of the execs- of danger work below was abandoned tion will be fixed by the Governor, and peale been dislodged. The' extreme caution lecture ha Washington on. Saturday The ore is taken from an open pit- The d- itpr is obable that the case will be ap- tti until the threatening overhang had Prof. Marcus Baker, in a scientific exercised prevented many accidents, evening referring to the Alaskan beim opening at the surface is about 600 feet ary dispute, said the only arbitration in its admissible was thegreatest length and 400 in its arbitration of battle if the British claim should be insisted greatest width. Years ago the method Azarie Gauthier, the murderer of Cel- ina Consigny, confined in jail at Mont- real, has been handcuffed for the last two days, except at meals, and then two guards have to watch him, He is a terror to all the inmates in the in- fireary. He made a deliberate attempt to kill a guard, and would likely have succeeded had it not been for the watch- fulness of the other patients, Capt. A. E. Cuthbert, of the Canadian mounted police, who Ss at present in San Francisco, in an interview on the Alaskan boundary, said that Canada is not establishing posts on the frontier in connection with the dispute, but sim- ply to maintain order. The imaginary forts are simply barracks for the ac - on of mining was in the usual way by The Rev. Dr. Parkhurst, on Thanks- shafts • and drifts opening into rooms giving day, preached a sermon on taw- about 25 by 100 feet, and 75 feet high. k H id that the lessneea in New Yoe a said. The pillars left to sustain the roofs were Rome boy train -wreckers shouldbe tried of solid ore, and of about the same and convlctell within a week, and hang- mansions as rho rooms. When this di- ed within a mouth. He also referred method of mining had continued down scathingly to the evil wrought bi son- to he 400 -foot level it was decided to saThe Ree Dr. or son, Baptistts pf crime. lift to the surface the rich pillars and T , of Je ars n City, , a., haclergy- floors, which were formed entirely of tan, d Jefferson threeeMo., whoI re- ore, carrying not less then 62 ,per cent. turned from a - months' tour of of are iron. This work had progressed Turkey and the Holy Land, says thbe down to the 400 -foot level. Huge der - hanged. He MinisterdeclaresTerrell should edbe ricks with long booms supported the the gM�o. In nh that hehas aiding heavy cable with car attached, which ins Mohammedan Church, and is aiding was dropped to the working level, load - ns, matead fn and killing of Chris- ed and hoisted to the surtace. Friday tions, instead of protecting them_.. afternoon about 30 men were at work Reports of business in the United on the 400 -foot level breaking ore and States this week are not entirely. satis- loading the cars sent down by the factory ; general dulness is experienced, cable. • About 3.30 o'clock the entire prices are shrinking, stocks are usually northwest wall, containing they large and the demand weak, while die- 100 TONS OP ROC7iS, tribution . is delayed by unfavorable weather. The movement of orops is only fell into the pit, killing not less than fair, and wheat and cotton are being eleven men, and inflicting serious injury held beak in the hope of higher prices. upon nine others. William Aspell and Bides have s again declined, ase, a rule . four others ran they knew not whither, changeforrers are doing (hila, and no and escaped. Five Italians also got out change for r. better courses the probable until alive. The cable and its ear were not the Statesthas had adepressing es holidayff b, injured. Aspell and his companions, as the h ihas a d weather effect, soon as the boulders stopped rolling which mild and storm weather line m down the slope, looked over the wreck. ca et o incresase stooks near the buyers never TheY saw Patrick e g aMurtha triigg - the year also helps to explain the gen- anrrock.o g'1'hey assisted him. The cable oral slackness. GENERAL. • car brought clown three Italians, who DUNN'S BAKING OWDER THECOOKSBEST FRIEND LARtEST SALE' 1H CANADA. Mr, MJacob -Wilcox of St, Thomas, Ontario, is one of the best ]nfovtn leen in that vicinity. He is now, be ear, an old man, but Hood's Sarsaparilla has made him feel young again. "About it year ago I had a very severe %ttevk of the grip, which resulted -in niy not. having a well day for several months afterwards. i was completely run down sad my system was in a Terrible Condition. I lost flesh and became :depressed In spirits. Finally afrlend who had been benefited by Boodle Sarsaparilla advised me to try it and I did so. I continued take it until I used twelve bottles and today I can honestly say Hoods Sun- ni has restored me to my former health." JAOon •Wmoox, 51. Thomas, Ontario. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the Only True Blood Purifier Prominently In the public eye today. It cures when all other preparations fail, Hood's pies the altecatharticr-dinner . p1126a •1 ant family - • Homeopathie. Mowler—I see some philosopher says that the way to cure yourself of a love affair is to run away. Do you believe Cynics's-Certainly, if you run away, with the girl. if you have been walking or doing' any- thing of an exciting nature. Half of the cases of dyspepsia aro due to nerv- ous debility. Eggs, if eaten three times a day for any length of time, will pro- duce biliousness and often dyspepsia. Never go to bed with cold feet. Gentle exercise before retiring is conducive to sweet slumber and a healthy digestion. Exercise a little before breakfast and never eat oatmeal with sour cream. Avoid stimulants, for they only give .a false appetite and no relief. Do not swallow hastily ice water. Better not use ice water at all. Never eat in a hurry. Avoid quick lunches. Exercise moderately every day in the open air and healthy digestion will drive away dyspepsia. REV. MUNGO FRASER, D. D., Recent storms and floods fn Russia drowned 500 persons, 30 minutes later. Just as the rescuing The discovery of an effectual cure car started on the return trip more rook for leprosy is reported from Bogota., fell, and it is reported that one,of the Forty-six Armenian villages have three Italians mentioned above was been destroyed by the llemidieh cav- killed. The second downward . trip airy. brought Patrick H. Kelley and James Two English missionaries were re- McGinn. in thes They scoured organized the aminere cngtly murdered in Madagascar aur- gan to take out the bodies. Rocks be- ing a riot. wore i:hrown nff the bodies of Michael The `recent illness of the Pope was Gannon Thomas. Dennis, John Fagan, due to the lack of vitality, which condi- an Ans�rfan known as No. 234, and two tion is increasing. Italians, Nos. 310 and 304. All were It is reported from Havana that the dead •and horribly mangled. Mark Cuban insurgents are using dynamite Oritchlev, who seemed to be suffering in blowing up railway trains. Ifroni a traoture of the spine, probably Sir Herbert Mtti'rey, the new Goveral fatal, was taken home, as also was nor of Newfoundland, has arrived, and Patrick Burns, who will recover. Supt. received an enthusiastic welcome. Tompkins and Foreman Lynch received Thedeath is announced at Honiton of General Colborne, who first saw ser- vice in the Canadian rebellion of 1838, The name of Emperor William has been suggested as an arbitrator of the British -Venezuelan boundary dispute. The "on -man -one -vote" and •r4omen's suffrage measures Passed. a second reading rne i Le rendered further assistance. Murtha was placed' on the car, hoisted to the surface and taken home, where he died the odies upon the 9urfate, and sir Milted them to the view of Coroner Penny and a jury, Then undertakers cared for - hem as the relatives and friends directed. Darkness came. on rapidly, anti the falling rooks continued to threaten rescuing parties, when Mr. Tompkins ordered all hands to the surface. The bodies believed to ben the EX -MEM Or Hamilton. Out. this Well -Known rrrobytorlan 22101110, i'neter of Irons Church, llautilton, Ont.. hoe Used Dr. Agnew's Catae' rrhal. awder, 111111 Tel1e Its Virtues. Few ministers in the Presbyterian Chitral' of Canada are better known that the Rev. hiuugo Fraser, D. D., of Hamilton. Hie great talents have been over and over agei t recognized in the church courts. Aa a preacher he hae.few equals, and the people of Knox Church, one of the largest Presby, terian churches in Canada, believe he stands at the head of the lilt. He had antlered, as se many in his profession Buffer from oold in the head—a serious hindrance to those who have mental work to do. Dr, denew'e Catarrhal Powder was brought under his notice, and over hie own elgua. tura he has told of the great benefits it has conferred on him, as it does on all who use it. One short puff of the breath through the Blower, supplied with eaoh bottle of Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, diffuses this Powder over the surface of the nasal passages, Painless and delightful to use, it relieves in ten minutes. and permanently cures Catarrh, Hay Fever, Colds, Head- ache, Sore Throat, fonsilitis and Deafness, 60 cents. Sold by drdndiste. Sample bottle and blower sent on receipt of two 3 cent stamps. S. G. Detwion, 44 Church street, Toronto. Easy Enough. George (nervously) -I'd like the best in .the world, Kitty, to marry you, but I don't know how to propose. Kitty (promptly and practically)-- That's all right, George. You've fin- ished with me; now go to papa. Another Hamilton Citizen Cured of Rheumatism In Three Days. Mr. I. McFarlane, 246 Wellington street Hamilton : "For many weeks 1 have puttered intense pain from rheumatism ; was ee bad that I could not. attend' to business, I procured South American Rheumatic Cure on the recommendation of my druggist, and was oompletely oared thi Victoria Legislature. pit are those of James Fox, Jam0 es lark, in three or four days by the use of this e the Austrian states- a stranger, who began work on Nevem- remedy onh4 'It is the beet remedy I aver Count von ester ,i saw." Sold b druggists. man, dict( yesterday morning at Ellis- ober i8h, and four Italians, Nos, 19; b6, y Sg E PARLAML [ ETRUAX. Hon. Reuben 15. Truax, one of lJanada's ablest thiukers, and states- men, a man so highly esteemed by the people of his district that he WaB bonored with a seat in Parliament, kindly furnishes us for publication the following statement, which will be most welcome to the public, inaemnch as it is one in which all will place implicit confidence. Mr. Truax says: " I have been for about ten years very much troubled with Indigestion and Dyspepsia, have tried a great many oiflorent kinds of patent medicines, and have been treated by a number of physicians and found no benefit from them. I was recom- mended to try the Great South American Nervine Tonic. I obtained a bottle, and I must say I found very groat relief, and have since taken two more bottles, and now feel that I am entirely free from Indigestion, and. would strongly recommend all my fellow -sufferers from the disease to give South American Nervine an immediate trial, It will cure you. "REUBEN E. TRUAX,' " Walkerton, Ont," It has lately been discovered that certain Nerve Centres, located near the base of the brain, control and supply the sternal with the none - Gary nerve force to properly digest the food., 3Vhen these Nerve Oen- tree are in any way deranged th. supply of nerve force is at once diminished, and as a result the food taken into the stomach is only partially digested, and Chronic Indi- gestion and Dyspepsia soon make their appearance. South American Nervine is eat prepared that it acts directlyon the nerves. It will absolutely cure every case of Indigestion and Dyspepsia, and is an absolute specific for all nervous diseases and ailments. It usually gives relief in one day. Its powers to build up the whole system are wonderful in the extreme. It cures the old, the young, and the middle-aged. It is a'great friend to the aged and infirm, Do not neglect to ass this precious boon ; if you do, yon may neglect the only remedy which will restore you to health. South American Nervine is perfectly safe, and very pieasent to the taste. Delicate ladies, do not fail to use this great cure, because it will put the bloom of freshness and beauty upon your lips and in your cheeks, and quickly drive away your disabilities and weaknesses. Dr, W. Washburn, of New Richmond, Indiana, writes s "I have used South Amerioan Nervine in my family and prescribed it is my practice. Itis' a moat excellent remedy." A. ARAIINIAN Wholesale and Retail Agent for IlrussoIS