HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-12-13, Page 3C. 1.3, 1.886
eie'ltr;..? t a eereor'*La:.r:' l«nr! tmer atom ,a me'r"r"^P ..:,: ^^;"��R „`.-'rte . eraitteraa mfr ., .,'r^r = Re.R , ^urr•^tt: ";^wee '.
TQ'' r ' . Db, 'octoi y.
Mvlevlr,4n Cnunon,-Sabbath ' Service
at 11 am.and 7:00p,tn. SundaySohoo
at 2100 p m. Rev, John floes, B 4
ST. 40148'14 Ouniten,•-Sabbath Servioee
Pt 11 am and 7 p M. Sunday School
at 2;80 p. m. Rev, A. It. Griffin, Meant.
Mailman' Cuonon.-Sabbath, $orvioes
at 10:80 a Al and 7:00 to m, Sunday
Sobool at 2:30 p m, Rev, G. H, Cobble -
dick, t1 A, B 0, pastor. •
Bonus CATn0Lr0 Chlunon,-+Sabbath
Service third Sunday in every month, at
10:30 v, M. Rey Joseph IGonnedy,
SALVATIOx Anar.-Service at 7 and 11
a m and 3 and 8 p m on Sunday and
every evening in the week at 8 o'olook, aG
the barraolis,
ODD FELLOWS' Uncle every Thursday
evening, in Gram's block.
MAsoxlo Tones Tuesday at or before
lull moon, Garfield block.
A 0 in W Lonon on the 8rd
Friday evening of each month, in Blue -
hill's block,
C 0 F Lonna 2nd and Last Monday
evenings of oath month, in Blashill'e
I 0 F, 2nd and last Friday in Odd
Fellows' Hall.
L 0 L 1st Monday in every month
In Orange Hall.'
Sons or Soo alum, let and 306 Tees.
days of each month, in Odd Fellows'
K. 0. T. M. Lonov, let and 8rd Thurs.
days of eaoh month, in Vanetone block.
Holm Osamu, 2nd and 4th Friday even-
ings in Blasbill's Hall,
Porti OFFIaE.-Office hours from 8 a.
m. to 6:30 p. m.
MEonenroe' IesTrxpre.,--Library in
,Holmea' block, will be open from 6 to 8
o'clock p. m. Wednesdays and 3:30 to 5
and 6 to 8 Saturdays. Miss Dolly Shaw,
ToTaintConNom.-W. E. Kerr, Reeve ;
W. i4. McCracken, Robert Graham, R.
Leatberdale and B. Gerry, Councillors ;
P. S. Scott, Clerk ; Thomas Kelly,
Treasurer ; Stewart, Assessor and J.
T. Rose, ()Wieder. Board meets the lst
Monday in eaoh month.
SonooL Boaun,-Rev. Rose, {chairman,)
Dr. McKelvey, Dr. Graham, A. Reid, A.
Hunter and 3. N. Kendall ; See..Treas.,
R. Ross. Meetings and Friday evening
in each month.
Punta BoaoBonenTzionElls.-J. H. Cer-
eron, Principal, Mise Braden, Miss
Downey andMise Cooper.
ETH.—Reeve —err, Cl el
Scott, A. Stewart,' T. Farrow and J. N.
Kendall.. Dr. McNaughton, Medical
ZVo book in recent years has scored
anon a success as San Maniere:es "Beside
the Bonnie Brier Buell," and assuredly
no book ever written has deserved a kind-
er reception. I think I will voice faith-
fully the eentiments of at least .every
Soottieh reader of the "Brier Bush" in
the following linea, whioh, thought not
90 the manor born," I venture to oast
in a Dorio mould :-
God's blessin' on ye'r 050010: pen,
"Maelaren," ye'r a prince o' moue-
WPBornbrae, ye moue be "far ben,"
To write like you
A bonnier book a' dinna ken -
God bless you, Jolla 1
A've read it sax times o'er, 8' swear,
An' ilka time a' lu'ed it mair,
Tho' whiles it made ma hert'richt saiir
An' gar'd me greet,
An' whiles a' Iauohed until a' fair
Row'd aff ma seat 1 •
A'` day, an' in ma dreams at nicht,
S.'m wanderin' wi' renewed delioht
An' feastin' on each bonnie sioht
In yon sweet glen ;
Conversin' aye wi' a' thee bright
Drdmtoohty men.
A'm fair in love wi' Margot Howe,
An' truly feel for puir Drumeheugh,
An' aye tem there at Whinnie Knowe
Ilk' eventide,
For there the Bonnie Brier Bosh grew,
An' Geordie died.
Pair Domaie 1 he's as real tae me
As ony leevin' man can be,
Whuppin' the thistle.heide in glee
While on his way
To tell o' Geordie's viotory
Yon glorious day 1
An' Bnrnbroe, elder o' the kirk,
An' Hillocks'' type o' honest work,
An' Soutar, wi' sarcastic quirk,
An' big Drnmsbeugh,
Who'd maybe haggle o'er a stick,
But aye wes true.
An' Donald Menzies, "mystio" ohiel
(A Ceit wee he frae beid tae heel),
Wha warstled awfu' wi' the Dell
For mony a day,
Wi' him a' canna help but feel,
An' groan an' pray.
An' Laohlan Campbell, who. wee oa'd"
"Censorious" ; wba rewarded God
A sovereign rulin' wi' a rod,
An' no' wi' grace,
An' who the very session awed
Wi' ghaist.likeface,
Him suffering sair make sweet an' mild
Ae shadows veil the Grampians wild,
Till, "like unto a little child"
Ho comes tae be,
An' o'er the erring and defiled
Bends tenderly.
W1' these an' mair, le godly fear,
We sit you Sabbath day au' hear
"His mither's sermon" brae the dear
Young preacher lad,
,An' wi' them shed a secret tear
That isna sad.
An' eri' them on anither day,
When kirk is cot (tiro' wi' dismay),
We join tae mak' a bold display
An' cheer Maolure,
Onar doetor, wba, wi' little pay
Serves rich an' poor,
Aye, dear.Maolurs 1 him motet o' a'
We Io'e, an' tiro' the driftd o' ens,'
1Tnmindfu' o' the north Wind raw,
We tear& Coma ;
Wi' a' the monrnin' glen we draw
Neer -harm his tomb,
An' barite there Per beide, we pray
That we may en live like daY
'That wiled wo como tae pass away
Frae P' tbinge hers,
Truth may the tribnto bee us' pay
0 love.wrung tear 1
Ay, "Ate," ye're'"8 lad o' palma,,'
An maieter o' P' winsome airts,
Ye'r bookie by its sin deserts
With live for aye ;
The benediction o' Dor Berta
Ye has the day 1
Litato wet.
The tenth and final Doli of 10 per Dent.
on the Piano faotory Wee made payable
Dee. 31et, next.
Richard Long, of Listowel, has pur.
chased the cemetery0arm, west of Pal-
merston, 00 mores, for l8,000,
It is proposed to give a oonoert by the
Andean of the town schools in whioh
over 200 pupils will take part, towards
the end of this month.
o (jCer.
F, V, Dlokeon baa gone,bo Bat Portage
Oil a business trip.
The Sunday schools 80811
re arina for
their Christmas entlertaiumante.
Thee, Hemphill has gone to Oshawa to
attend the funeral of his mother.
Geo. Paulin and Riohard Mifler have
scoured the skating rink for 1806.
Tboo. Evans line leased hie farm, a
short distance 1'7est of tine village, to
Thos. Walker and has returned to De-
Miss Lizzie Cowan, daughter of our
esteemed village clerk, made 2 1.8 yards
of Houston lace, which was recently pur-
chased by Queen Victoria at a high
The Presbyteriane intend holding a
tea.sleeting on New Year's night.
Wm, Doig, of our village, is not im-
proving in health asyet, bot we hope to
see him around again in a ebort time.
Gerrie C, 0.F. No. 57, have engaged
the far famed Qonduotor Snider to de-
liver his popular lecture entitled "Queer
People" in the Town Ttall, Gorrie, on
Monday evening, Dee. loch.
At the last regular meeting of Gerrie
L. 0. L. No. 767, held on Monday even-
ing, the following officers were sleeted
for the ensuing year :-W. M., B. Scott ;
D. W. M„ T. Nash ; R. S., W. J. Green ;
F. S W. Doig ; Chap., Henry Perkins ;
Treas., R. Ross ; D. of C., John Ardell ;
Lsot., Robt. Minch Committee, Jas.
Leech, Jas. Beewitheriok, W. H, Gregg,
Robb. Stinson, John Moore.
]li ortlwicla.
A. Orr has received a oar load of press•
ed hay and straw from Ohathain.
8. Leppard arrived home safe and
sound from 1118 sojourn in Manitoba•
The Presbyterian Sabbath school is
busy praotioing for their Xmas entertain-
J. Winter, who has carried on business
auocesefally in the butchering line here
during the past Summer, has moved
book to his farm on. the 0115 con.'
At the last regular meeting of L. 0. L.
No. 042, ib was decided to hold a Royal
Arch meeting on Friday evenicg, Deo.
20811, when several brethren will be initi-
ated into the mysteries of that Degree.
John Sotheran, whose Farm adjoins this
village, is having erected on his barn a
large power wind engine for the purpose
of doing barn work, such as grinding
grain, cutting straw, pulping roots, &o.
Gods rivh,
The Misses MaGlilieuddy have return.
ed from a visit to Toronto.
Rev. Joseph Edge was in Toronto at-
tending the Theological conference.
J.H. Worsen & Co„ the stove and fur•
nava mon, have removed to the large
double store on; the Square.
It is said. Mayor Butler will be the
Doming Conservative candidate in West
Huron for the Dominion Hoose.
It 15s stated that five Patron lodges have
collapsed in West Huron, and that those
whioh remain have been attacked with
Mr. Sinimonds, a former resident of
Goderich, but who for some years has
resided near Bayfield, has bought the
rseidenoe of the late Jas. Dickson and
will remove thereto shortly.
Little Bruce Anderson, eon of Rev. 3,
A. Anderson, met with an accident one
day reoently, at the Manse, by falling
over the bannister of the stairway, Al.
hough pretty badly hurt, we understand
he le doing nicely.
Viotcria-tt. Methodist ohuroh asked
for and received 3100 on Sunday as a
free-will offering. 386.45 was laid on the
plates, and Rev. Jos. Edge asked for .the
balance and received it in six or seven
rein u tea.
On Saturday evening some measles,
hoodlums had occasion to break one of
the large panes in Arthur Congram's
drug store window. At the same time a
valuable cup and saucer were' broken. Estimates Furnished for all
The London. Advertiser offered eleven kinds of Buildings. Workman.
prizes to those who could mess the near. ship and Material Guaranteed.
est to the solution of their mystery story,
"When the war was over." MiGs Sadie
Boyd, of Luoknow, won the live dollar
G, A. Siddall, banker, who spent the
past four months at the Battle. Creek,'
Michigan, sanitarium for stomaoh
trouble, arrived home looking a good deal
better, and 'feeling greatly improved in
Troop-No90 the Township of Artemain
for 20 years, In religion Mr. Annetroug
WAS 17, otanneh, old•time l0etbodieb, hold.
103 Pt the time of hie death poeltlons 1<e
loosl preeober, class leader, Reeordhlg
Steward and Superintendent of the Bab"
bath school. Be also took a deep interest
end held high offlooe in both the Mallonio
and Orange Bogie8les,
A. Q. Bobier will shill a carload of
poultry to the JIset Indies,
The Jamas Street ohuroh is nearing
completion. The floor is being laid
rapidly, the organ is being rebuilt and
the walls are plaebered,
0, B. Moreland read the lessons in the
Trivibt Memorial oberoh Sunday Morn-
ing and N, D. Burdon in the evening.
In the absence of the organist, the reotor
presided at the organ.
Word bas been received of the sad
death of Mfrs. A. M. Peterson, nee Miss
Carrie Templeton, of Brandon, Man.
litre. Peterson spent the
a r n s e realer part of
her girlhood days here and hemany
friends will be deeply grieved over her
unexpected demise. She leaves a bus.
band and three ebildreu to mourn her
The collections received at the opening
of the Main street Methodist ohuroh, not
including may eubseriptione, amounted to
over 3875. The building is of white
brick. The auditorium is of modern
amphitheatre oonstruotion, Beating at
least 550, The woodwork of the interior
is of oak and ash finished in oil. Com.
patent judges deolare the building to be
unsurpassed in Western Ontario. The
entire cost is estimated at 310,000, near.
ly all of whioh.in provided.
John 7!1. Swarts hes sotd a span of
ponies to W. J. Langford, of Clinton.
0. H. Bradwin, son of Jos. Brndwin, of
town, after a short visit at home, will go
to British Columbia to reside.' ,
Emerson Thompson fell from a lumber.
pile at the ohair faotory and out a great
gash in hie forehead.:, Three stitches
were put in it.
It is whispered: around town that Geo.
McKenzie will be 'a candidate for the
Mayoralty.. We have not learued whether
the present Mayor will be a candidate
for another term or not.
The following' were installed en. the
officers far the present term in the I. 0,
G. T. Lodge •-Ohief Templar, Bro.
Purdy Vice -Templar, Sister Dodd ;
Sec., Bro. Blaokwell ; Fin. -Sec., Bro.
Dodd ; Trees,, Sister orrison ; Mat.,
Bro. E. Blaolrwell Chap., Bro. Mo.'
Tavish ; Past Chief Templar, Bro. Park.
Wm. Watt, while working at a'carving
machine in John Watt's planing mill,
got the sleeve of a loose jacket he was
wearing naught in the maohine. His
area was brought in ooutaot with .the.
knives and the flesh scooped' off from the
wrieb nearly to the elbow. It is not
thought that his arm will be permanent-
ly disabled, but it will be some time be-
fore he will be able for work again.
Wm. Werk died at Suncor from an
overdose of'ahloral.
vices.—All oases of organic or sympathetic
heart disease relieved in 80 minutes and
quiokly oared, by Dr. Agnew's Cure for
the Heart. One dose convinces. Sold
by G. A. Deadman.
It is often a mystery how a cold has
been "caught,' The fact is,however,
that when the blood is poor and the sys-
tem depressed, one becomes peculiarly
liable to disease. When the appetite or
the strength fails, Ayer's Sarsaparilla
should be taken without delay.
R>hmuatATlset CURED INA MI. -South
American Rhonmatio Cure :for Rheuma.
tism and ,Neuralgia radically aures in 1
to 8 days. Its action upon the system
is remarkable and mysterious. It re-
moves at once the cause and thedisease
immediately disappears, The first dose
greatly benefits. 75 cents. Warranted
by G. A. Deadtnan.
British Columbia
Red Cedar Shingles
North Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing Ells
Also Doors and Sash of all Pat
.Berns on hand or made to order
at Short Notice.
At a meeting of the village Council it
was unanimously decided' to carry the
case of Mrs. Hunter vs. Luoknow, to the
Court of Appeal in Toronto. This ease`
has already, gone through three trials,
and' will prove an expensive case to what.
ever side loses at the Court of Appeal.
Many of his former aseooiatee will
learn with regret of the, death, on Nov.
28th, after a long and painful illness, of
John Wesley Armstrong, one of the old.
eat and most respected reaidante of Flesh
erten, County Grey. Mr, Armstrong left
Toronto 46 years agog making hie home
in Proton, Grey Comity; where he found
bis wife, Who, together ; with nine child.
ren (five sous and four daughters) sur.
vivo him. Among his children are Dr.
Geo, S. Armstrong, President Medical
Aseooiation and Secretary State Board of
Health, Olympia, Washington ; Mrs. J.
D. Clarke, wife of Mr. Clarke, editor
London Adverbieer ; Mrs, T. E, Aiken.
head, wife of Thos. E. Aikenhead, man.
ager for the Aikenhead Hardware Co.,
Toronto ; and /obit VV. Armstrong, jewel-
ler, Luoknow. Mr. Armstrong was Di.
vision Court Clerk for 40 years, resigning
through ill -health one year ago. He Wad
• 33rd Year
stn 0.10
0,0 f7vex. .
The best and brightest Weekly Paper
published in any of the cities
of Canada.
Sixteen Pages Every Week
Only $1 Jan. 1, '97.
Special Rates to Clubs,
Good xndlicements to Canvassers.
Address all oommuaioatione
Western Advertiser,
1ONbbN, oNT.
50 Otsl. an
One Gent a dose. CURE
It Inolpient Oeneertmump on nd is Ilan
beat Cough a{d Croup Cure.
sow by JAS. 5108, Drassist, lirnsaelg,
Certain in its effects and never blisters,
Read proofs belo8:
B0003 Carman Henderson Co, RL, Feb. 24, .81.
Dr. 10.
1.$soma 130..
Dear S,rs-Plenea send. me one of yyour Horse
800)008050810)70. Ihaveu,0d a groat dol of csur
wonderful Curs one {;oodeueoose• It 16 a'
8 Oeonit medicine. rv,, live bottice cured Lee.1
keeps bottle on hand all the time,
Youretruly, CPUs. POwroL.
Ra51.1.1. 00. CANTON, DID, Apr, s, 't3,
Dear Strs—I have used several bnttles of your
th$nk It til a 008 LiWlamt I evernuea 1, .U0000 10-
moved ono Curb, ono /Mood Spew, and A-iflcce
t,ro none Spavl„,. Have recommended it to
bo: oral of my nlouds who are much gleaned Wllh
and keep it. Respectfully,
8. R. RAY, P.O.Bor31S,
For Salo by all Druggists, or address
Dr. D. J. ICENDALL crozo.'42vI;
% c,9 C Sorsa-
& .s ,ii. 2 6 pa
"1 pnnvnited:doctors who prescribed for
the. not to no purpose. I suaored.in agony
scvoo long years. l iultlly, I began tatthhi
Ayes Sarsaparilla. in a week or two €
n tirrd a decided improvement. Enoour-
a rd by tots result, 1 persevered, until in a
n iiuor so the 5010 began to Iheal, and,
n t using the Sarsaparilla for els months,
the lost tries of the cancer disappearod."-
J.-.a1:s E.1110800508, 1i ioreuceville, N. E.
,II.•O [� fq��a�/Wi1� ,, (���pr t(c✓��� ilDt� r1
L1 • t)IJna7 Sa.Osapar lla
Admitted at the World's Fair. _
HYD -0)0)10 i'LLLS Eopurn)o tko Bowels.
When you want a Stove, Tin
or Granite -Ware. or Hard-
ware, Paints & Oils,
—tlALL Al
Hardware Store
Where sou will, from
this date, get a
Offal] Cash Purchases.
Tine Roman, Artists' Can.
vas in Stock.
Featherbone Skirt Bone
FORGIVING A light, pliable, elastio bone made
from quills, It is soft and yielding,
conforming readily to folds, Yat giving
1 proper h
Style a�,d Shape I i ie I s spa to Skirt or Dress.
TO The only Skirt' Bone that may be
web without injury,
Ladies Dresses,
7'he Celebrated Featherbone Col,
sets aro corded with this material.
10-21 For sale by leading Dry Goods Dealers.
I have a fine, ne 0.v and
Well selected stock of
Horse Blankets,
Light and. Heavy Har-
ness, Collars, &o.
Trunks and Bags
at Low Prices,
Will make
a wen roan
of YOU 1
010051000038e5e Tae 0000
20080870800010 W85115.
080055 emus all Nervosa nl,awtae alceploo,-
sem, Failing Memory, Nighty i1oL,slonse,. apmr•na-
torrhooe. Imp:donor, eta., 080005 by pn41 acuses •
gives vigor and 0174 to 511ra n:en orrem4 5001
quickly but enrajl0rostoreo LUST MANACon fu old y{{
or 7y5.588, L'ao COli0 nnd'la0 5117: 0038 strata
nod happy seqas, ed . frO 0,0.11 la 107008 woowprr
cad 9Ua1'ely 05018 ham s, OP a pec Eaaep
for bend 170801. Pries, a, a as .c0. 5181
tar 35.. Bond 10000» in::Heel en,m r9 o oRietsr-
odiotmr. hddro,s ell :este:. 10 S.'3' PL.',�.80'rri„
Drugggist. Woau000000 6x1.. Arsat f0. toe y:P
mmioo of Canada.
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
6 & 6i Per Cent., Yearly.;
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required..
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brussels;
and a Large Stock of Toys
See Our Bibles, Albums, Shav-
ing Sets, Comb & Brush
Sets and Toy Books.
Beautiful Dolls, Dishes &
Irons for Girls.
Drums, Trumpets, Har-
monicas, &o., for Boys.
Bicycles, Sleighs and a
host of other articles.
POT Bookstores,