The Brussels Post, 1895-12-6, Page 8$; GAMES We think our stock in this department ie oomploto, The following to„a partial list of what We now have for sale xiost Heir •, . 25o, Fatnfliar Quotations • .. 200, Telegraph Messenger ,,,. 160. Butterflies 859. Frog ,Pond , Snap Dimon. ....... 20o, Parobeesi 26e. Halms 200. ll2innebah8 20o, The Old Mill 500. Hunt the Hare 40e, Hunting Match... • 200.. Runaway Sheep,., .. , , 20e, Oroltinole $1,25 Nations 250. Authors, ewe. 250, Our Orokiuoleat $1,25 wee made spec - tally for our trade, the table being made of oberey and oiled so that soretoheo, &o„ do not injure the board. We would be pleased to show you our games whether yon buy or not. Deadman & McCall; Druggists, Booksellers, &0. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. BOnTaEnli EBTBN0ION W. 9. & n. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows; Goma Sovma. Omen n Noxva.. Kane . 0 80 a,mt IMixed 9:41 a,m. Express ....•11:50 a.m. Mall 8:10 pm. tinted ...... 9:00 p.m. Express 9:43 P.m. and tetoA 4l tr4ivt A chiel'o amang ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prene it. D908018En. 25.1101E days in 1895. Huna4R 1 for the oath system, Hennes goods are to the front. Tat Reeve is attending County Conn. oil this week. Smoot Board will meet on Friday evening of next week. FovnTn Division Court will be held in Brneeels on Wednesday, 18th inst. Bnussera regular monthly Horse Lair wee held on Thursday of this week. LenoE quantities of dry wood are being hauled into town since the advent of sleighing. Axe interesting item of news is always welcomed by Tao POST. We have no use for spiteful personalities or insinu- ations. MDrameee nomination will take place on Monday, Deo. 30th, and election on January 6111, 1896. Ronald MoNanghton and Wm. Aldridge will be the Deputy Returning Officers for Brneeels. Heva you a friend to whom you would like to send Tao Pose 7 For $1 it will be sent to any address in the United States or Canada till Jan. 1897. . This would be a splendid Xmas gift: WE regret to bear that John Griever, an old and well known resident of Bruit eels, has found it necessary to make an assignment in connection with hie groo- ery and bakery business.A. Coueley ie the assignee. A meeting of the credit. ore, which are few, will be held on Friday afternoon of next week, at8 o'oloak, at A. Coneley's office. To ADOPT TAE Odea SYSTEM. -The uudereigeed wishes tointimateto the general public that after 28 years of credit business, be will, on December let adopt the strictly oath plan. Good farm produce will also be taken for goods, and he asks hie numerous onatemer0 to still_ continue to give him their patronage, feel. ing that he can do much better for them. and in the end all patties will be better satisfied. W. H. MoCEAOrEN. Fro Exam) Some -The Ronald Fire Engine tests proved so completely satis- factory to the people of Acton that they at once closed a bargain with Mr. Ron- ald, retaining the engine that had been sent there a short time ago and paying over the cash. Anton has made era lie. take in their purabaee and their tidy little town will now be well proteoted. 1 Mr, Ronald, Foreman Watt and Engineer Melsom were at Acton last Friday. RE90L'DTION OF CONDOLENCE. -To the Misses Raddiak: We, the members of. Western Star Lodge, No. 149, I. 0. 0. P., Brussels, desire to express our deep sym- pathy with you in the demise of your beloved brother. We know something of the value of true friendship in sickness and in health as we have endeavored to do our duty to our brother Odd Fellows, bot we recognize the foot that the eon- eoionenese of having the presence of the "Friend that etioketh aloaer than a brother" will bring greater comfort to you. We mise our departed brother from oar Lodge room and the emblems of mourning remind ne that he will not return to oar midst, but we wish to as- sure you that we will always be pleased to be regarded ae brothere, ready to aid yoe in any way in our power, and by this All, in a small degree, the plane of our deosasedbrother. Signed on behalf of the Lodge, R. G. WIesoit, Noble Grand ; W. BBIGaT, Secretary. CoNdi1T,-Don't forget Mise O'Oon• nor'e concert in the Town Hall, Friday evening of this week. A fine program will be presented, in which one of the leading features will be a cantata entitled "Dream of Fairyland." The Maypole Dance, in which 8 little girls will take part, will be well worth seeing. 13y special request the comical "Shaking Quakers" will be reproduced, In addi- tion to the above there will be daetto, solos, quartettee add inetrumentale. Miss Smith, of Brntsele, and Mise Houghton, of Wingham, will be the ac• oOmpanidts. Opening 491009ton, the Band ; instrumental du,"t, Miesee Mo. Lauohlin and Sinclair ; c effete, "Dream of Fairyland," 20 eharaot ra ; eolo, Miss Amee ; instrumental duan, Miesee Thomeoo end seeker ; solo, "Gates of the Weet,' 'Mica Hill • dnett, "Doll 6999," May Sltene and Nellie Irwin ; meet', the Beni ; 'Shaking Quakers," 7 characters ; vocal duett, '•1'm go thy," Annie and Albert Potion/1 - 0010, Mies Ames; quartette, "The Fortune' Teller," Mimes Hill and lime and Messrs. Stra- ohan and Rote ; "May Pole Dance," 16 Mee girls ; inetruniental, Miami' Leath - mann ane Milliax, Plan of Hall at Fax's dreg store. H. L. JACKSON, PRESENTS Among the large and well asserted etoelr of Xmee Goode we have 180005805 thio year, we have 8e9ured a most hands:Wee and useful line of Gifts suitable for pred0ntatiOn t0 CKQCL TEACHEAS. For Lady or Gentleman, the beet value we 'lave ever had, the Nicest Goode, Priem Away Down. It will pay you to see them and make your selections.early. H. L. Jackson, JEWELER. OPP. AnnanxoAso Hower,. Waoorrxo Dough is worrying quite a number of ohildren in Brussels. Tan minutes of Gray and Morris town- ship Oounoile may be read on page 8 of this issue. MEsoRe, Boxer. & YANeTonn have had a window placed in the South aide of their office to afford a view in that quart- er without the necessity of going outside. To Common Roes informs ue that only about $800 have been paid yet in taxes. Every ratepayer ie expected to have hie or her receipt before the 15th of Deoember. Tan lower floor in the Town Hall has sagged about an inch under or alongside the hallway leading to the cells. The floor will be lifted and the joisting leaked up and properly seoured. 8:45 on 1 o'anoor.-Principal Cameron wishes to intimate to parents and pupils that the doors of the school house will not be open in the morning until 8:45 o'- olook, when the ilret bell is rung, and at 1 o'olook in the afternoon. Pupils going before the hours indicated will be unable to gain admittance. 9. T. Peva has purchased the shop situated Weet of Williams' livery from L. McNeil, of Grey township. The building will be converted into a black• smith shop,. it is said. It has been utilized ae a school room since` last March, owing to the burning of the school. FnteT CLASS WORK. -One point that was overlooked at the opening exercises of the new school Wednesday of last week, was calling attention to the fact that in almost every inetaooe the work was performed by local tradesmen. That D. A. Lowry and staff did a good job in the stone and brickwork and plastering is universally conceded, and competent judges say the same is true of R. G. Wilsmt'a wood -work ; the plumb. ing and galvanized iron work was oars. fully attended to by Messrs. 'Wilton & Turnbull ; the painting and glazing by Messrs. Roddick & Wake, done in first• class style ; and neat desks and comfort- able chairs for the teachers supplied by R. Leatherdale. A11 this goes to prove that the contractors and mechanics of this plaoe are competent men, able to cope, successfully, with the largest oon. tracts going. The work done by out- siders was also well done and was oredit- able to them. There is no "taffy" about the foregoing, bub a plain atatement'of feat, that may be verified any time by a personal inspection of the new building. OBIT. -An old resident of this locality peened away to her reward on Wednes- day evening of last week, at the borne of her eon Thomas, in the person of Ann, reliot of the late Joseph Gill. Deceased removed from Brussels about four months ago and although not in very robust health, owing to the after effeots of an attaok of la grippe, four years ago, which left her with occasional rheum• atioa, for a person of nearly 85 years she enjoyed fairly good health. A neighbor, Mrs. Norman, oalled to see the old lady on Wednesday afternoon, when she was asked to wash and dress her, as her time of departure was near. The, request was complied with and Mrs. Gill 'was 'then asked to lie down on the bed to rest and sleep. She died 15 minutes after, being conscious to the last. Heart failure was the cause of death, The eubjeot of 'this notice was born at Hametwate, York- shire, England, and was united in mar• tinge to Joseph Gill, in Leede, when 22 years of age. They came to Canada in 1847 and after living in Toronto town- ship moved to Hullett, from where they settled in Grey township in 1854. Mr. Gill died 11 years ago. Four sone and two daughters survive. The body of de.' ceased was brought to Bruesele on Fri. day's hoon train and the interment was made on Saturday afternoon, Rev. G. H. Cobblediok conducting the service. Thos. Gill, who is engaged in the grocery business in West Bay City, accompanied the remotes of his mother to Bruesele, returning to Michigan on Monday. No. 774, L. 0. L. -The annual meeting of Brunetti L. 0: L., No.. 774, was held. in the Lodge room on Monday evening, W. M. Plum iu the chair. The following . office bearers ware elected for the current year :- W. M., S. T, Plum ; D. M,, Joseph Bowman ; Secy., Mark M. Cardiff ; Chap, W. R. Mooney ; Trees„ George Cardiff ; Fin. Seoy., Jno. Wynn Dir, of OOr., David Smith ; Leotarer, Matthew Wilson; let Committee, Jas. Bowman 2nd " Jno. Ma0ntolieon ; 3rd " M. H. Moore, V. N. ; 4th " H. Mooney ; 5th . " F. MoCatcheon, jr, Caretakers of Hall, Geo. Cardiff and :no. Mooney. There are 46 members on the roll and the intention is to organize a fife and drum' Band, 15 strong, so as to be ready for work by July 12911, 1896 when it ie expected the annual Orange demon- stration will be held in Rruseole. The committee went to Blyth this week to arrange for the purchase of fifes and drams belonging to the Lodge in that village, and will report on Saturday evening, when the boys are to meet el the Orange Hall, Owing 80 Municipal election comiog on the let Monday in January, the next regular meeting of the Lodge, will be held on Tuesday, January 7th. County Lodge Will meet in Wing. ham en the let Ta tebay in February. E IT S UST S77.4.711'D4RD • i1.7o-c p. ' C4X HEAD OFFICE, , TORONTO. ASSETS, (Seven Difilllon Dollars) CAPITAL (Authorized) . ApenpiefMaidprianofPaipointsinOntario,gtsrbee,Afasitoba,United : iR'7(9sblaFYa15' i"'fi.s14'Qrije & Geuoral Banking Bieinese lTraneaoted. Fanners' Notes Dieoonnted, Drafts Tinned and Colleotiono made 0n all pointe, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed 0u deposits of $1,00 and upwards from dal of dopoeft to date of withdrawal and compounded half yearly. SI'OOIAL ATTENTION amen TO Tan QoLLEcmrog. OF FAnrsne SALE NOT189.. - Every facility afforded Customers living et a diebanoe. J. A. STEWART MMN4GIR. Asesires $7,000,000 92,000,000 les iG Enp&tnd Beelt Fnoni 05110400.-A.. I. McCall,' Of the firm of 1Deadmen & McCall, returned on Saturday evening from Ohipago, where he has bean attending lectures at the • 01190ago Ophthalmia College and Hospital, Mr, McCall wag euooeesfel et his examinations and ie now in possession of the College Diploma and degree of M. 0. (Master of Qptios ) Y, M. 0. C. -On Fuesdey evening of this week a number of our young ' men formed a CIO, known as the 'Young Men's Obrietian Club, the memberehip to be irreopeotive of ohuroh.' It objeote are to light sin in all its forme and do alt the gond "thee On. The following are the alone : President, Lorne Hunter.; Vioe•Presidont, Eegineld Fletcher ; Sea-Treas„ Ed. McNaughton 9 managing Com., Will. MoCraoken, Owen Phillips and Jno. McInnis, There are 17 members already and more to follow. Business Locals. GnooEixise at McAlpine's. DRY atovewood at McCracken's. Lome, clear bacon at MoOraoken'e. ORGANS and piano to rent. R.Leather- dale. PICTURE Frames for sale at Brewer's' studio. IF you want robes or blankets gall on H. Dennis. Ounis'IXAsgifts in the way of photo. gral•he.et Brewer's studio. 2 011.li g seeu,„1-hand Organs for sale cheap at R. Leatherdele's. Latest stook of light harness sold at low prides. H. Dennis. Oua•horse dollars are all warranted. H. Dennis. BOOTS and shoes cheap and good. I. C. Rioharde. FREE hand crayon enlarging done up A 1 at Brewer's gallery, Smith block. Salem harness cheap, and a good stook always on hand. I. 0. Richards. Rolm, blankets and belle very cheap. I. 0. Rioharde. GEAR; BAG$. -Large size, full 16 oz., only $1.90 per dozen, at Smith & Mo• Laren's. BRING your rubbers, boots and shoes to nu for repairs. We do them cheap and good. I. C. Richards. dos. MOALPINE has put in a line of Groceries. Everything new and fresh, n0 stale goods, YOU can get Organs from 925 and up and sewing machines at equally low prices at R. Leatherdele's. Tans don't keep wash tube or sarab brushes, but just what you want in the Grocery line at McAlpine's. A emente of second hand road carte in good condition for sale at low prices. Also a few buggies. Jae. Walker, Brute. eels. BRvsoELe C. 0. F. have •reduced the initiation rates to $8.00 for next three menthe. For information Ball on A. Reid, Wm•%Blaebill or A. Koenig. Kenn'e Olover Root, the great Blood. Purifier gives freshness and clearness to the oomplexion and mires constipation. 25 oto, 60 ote and $1.00. Sold. by James Fox, Druggist, Brussels. ,gaILOa'8 cure is sold on a guarantee. It oures incipient consumption. It ie the best cough cure. Only one cent a dose. 26 Me., 50 ole. and $1.00. Sold by James Fox, Druggist, Bruseele. SAWS made to out feet and easy. Sec. and hand saws bought and Bold, 'Point- ers given on saw filing and the care and management of saws, on Queen street East, by T. McGregor, of Brussels, Ont:, Master of Saws. Pouuras.-The undersigned will take any quantity of fowl for trade in gro0er- fee, crockery, &c. The highest prices paid. See bim before bringing them in, so he Dan advise you how and what days in the week to kill. W.H. Mdoneoxr,N. Mee, T. 8, Horses, Chattanooga, Tenn., says, "Shiloh's Vitalizer "saved my life." I consider it the beet remedy for a debilitaod syetem I ever need." For dyspepsia, liver or kidney trouble ie excels. Prioe 75 ate. Sold by Pas. Fax, Druggist, Bruesele. IF you are in need of anything in the furniture, picture framing, window shade, curtain pole, piano, 'organ or sewing machine line come and get my prices be. fore you boy. It will mate you money. No trouble to show geode. R. Leather - dale. RIND WORDS FROM TIME FRIM VICTOR MISSION Benin Cress. -0n behalf of the Fred Victor Mission Bible Olaes I wish to express our gratitude to you for the box of Chase's Ointment which you sup• plied in aid of our charitable work to the infant ohild of Mrs. Browning, 162 River street, Ten daye ago the child was awfully afflicted with scald head, the face being literally one eaab from forehead to chin, and in that brief time a complete euro bas been effected. Surely your gift was worth more than its Weight in gold. Marne Yuan, 265 Sherboarne St., Toronto. "To Mr Lxee's no,,. -Old age brings many Robes„ and paine which mint be looked after if health is t0 be maintain. ed. This depends more than anything else on the kidneys. "I am 85 years old" writes A, Dafen, farmer, Aulteville, Oat„. "and have had kidney trouble for ilve years. My eon advised Chaeo'a Kidney. Liver Pills, and I obtained inetant re. lief. I shall 8109 them to my life's end." You.wfll' find Chase's Pills equally ef. feotive for that lame back, soltx7: GRex.-Tn Blma, on Nov. 2199, the wife of12r, Robt. Grey, of"a son. LEoie,-le Illma, on Not. 10th, the wife of Mr, Chas, Leone, of it Bon. Denwz-G0BEn1,-On November, 30th, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. W. Kittlewell, Mr, John Drewo, of Paris, to Miss Annie` M., neoond daughter of Mr. J. Gilbert, South Dumfries. MoDoNALD-MCIow 818, -At the Baptist Parsonage; Frannie street, Wing. ham, on November 20111,° by the Rev, James Hamilton, Mr. James Thom• as MoDonald, of Turnberry, to Mies Agnes McIlwain,.ol Wingham, Clow--Ona,-At the Manse,' Wingham, on Nov. 20th, by Rev. D, Perris, Mr. David Clow, of East Wawanosh, to Mies Mary Orr, of Galt. Woe -Mete -0n December 4th, at Victoria Cottage, Brussels, by Rev. R. Paul, Mr. Wm. Ward, of Elma, to Mise Annie King, of Listowel. Gare.-xn Wingbam, on November 26th, Johu D. Sills, aged 44 yeare"and 10 months. RANEIN.-•In Wingham, on NOV. 28111, Wm. Rankin, aged 88 years and 4 mouths, Sonia. -In Town Plot, Turnberry, on Nov. 20th, Thomas Smith, aged 71 years and 4 menthe. MOFABLANE.-In Blum, on Friday, Nov. 22nd, Thomas MoFarlese, aged 57 years end 8 months. Gan, -In West Bay City, Mich.,' on Nov. 27th, Ann, reliot of Joseph Gill, aged 84 years and 9 months. . FRIDAY, Dea., .13th. -Farm stook, implements, &o. Lot 11, con. 18, Grey. Sale unreeerved at 1 o'olook, sharp. Jno. Coates Prop., F. 8. Scott, Auo. LIvnepooe, Deo. 2.-A sale of Canadian and American apples was held here to- day. Canadian Baldwins fetched 14e 6d to 17e 3d, and Greeninge, lie to 18a 9d per bbl. Boston Baldwins sold for 12s to 13e 6d per bbl, and New York Baldwins for 14o to 17e. nom BuwoALo, Deo. 2. -Cattle oloaed dull and weak, with 12 loads of .good heavy steers unsold The bulk of export steers sold late, at $5.25 to $4.40 ; a few extra at $4.60; only a few odd head above this. Hoge closed weak, with bulk of Bales at $3.60, and a number unsold.' Sheep and lambs closed lower ; Canada lambs, 10o to 20o lower with 80 loads on sale ; sales at 94.15 to $4.35 ; a few extra at $4.40 ; Canada sheep, 33.50 to $3.75 ; close steady for native stook, with bulk sold. ND. p5esLOs, in its weekly review of the British ON, Deo. 2.e -The Mark Lane Ex - grain trade says': -"English wheats have been quiet, but steady, while foreign wheats have been dull and have declined an average of 6d. Cargo sales of Califor- nia No. 1 have been made at 26e 95, and secondary at 26s. Fine Manitoba sold at 25e, and Duluth at 25s 3d. Corn' has been steady, American January ship - meats selling at 15s 6d. Oats and barley have been quiet, and beans and peas a shade dearer. To day English ;wheats were rather lower, but foreign were 3d higher. Corn "'declined 85. Grinding barley improved 2d. Oats were weak. Momenta, Dec. 2. -There were about 650 head of butchers' cattle, 50 calves and 1,600 sheep and Iambs offered for sale at the east end abbatoir to day. Trade in cattle continues rather demoralized. The best butchers maintain that there were no really good cattle on the market to -any, and it is probable that none of the sales exceeded 200 per 1b., and very few exceed- ed 8c. Common dry cows and rough stook in general sold ab from 2c to 20o per lb., with Hard looking bulls and lean old cows at about leo per pound. The. calves were generally a poor lot and held at from $8 to 96 each for common Veale, and from $7 to $9 each for a few of the best. The supply of cheep is muohlargor than the demand and prime continue low. Sheep sell at from 2o to Zea par pound ; lambs sell l'n lots at from 30 to sic, per Ib. A few superior lambs at about 33o perlb, Fat hogs are plentiful, and sell at from 83c to 4o per lb. ToaoaTo, Deo. 2. -Market steady and gefet. Wheat dull. Cara of red quoted at 07c on Northern, and white at 68o, west ; care of red said to have Bold at 66e; Manitoba steady ; No. 1, hard, quoted at 680., and No.1 northern at 62o, grinding in transit, Sarnia ; No. 1 hard quoted at 65o, and No. 3. northern at 68e, on track, Midland elevator. Flour quiet. A bar of new wheat,. Manitoba patents, sold here at $8,75, but millers are asking 54 to 34.15 for old wheat patents; Cars of straight roller quoted at 58.10, Toronto freights, Barley in fair demand and steady ; 10,000 bushels of No. 2 red sold east for Canadian lnaletere at 42o, and' NO. 1 quoted at 45o, and extra at 46o, east. Buckwheat steady; cars sold east at 320. Rye steadier ; cars selling at 46o, and west at 480.Oats steady ; ears of white sold, middle freights, west on C. P. 11. at 24o; and east at 249. Peas Mandy, and offering north and west at 500. THE PEOPLE'S CDLIiNIN. 8) ROOMED COTTAGE ON Turneerr Street for sale or Apply to TH05.yBALLANTYNE, Brewsele. rent. OUSEKEE EER WANTED.- 1L1 tbor Work light any no family. For , particulars O applyy19, 0.. WATSON,,1 Lot 8, Con, 10, WaltonGrcy,'PrO, Y0.8 TOR SALE OR TO RENT.. .i.' Asood binokanrith ehor In 000 With a woodellop,. doing a good bueinoee 0and a'flrot-alas stand. Apply to BONN WYNN,.0rusoele, le le Th. (l, 1896 We are now very busy opening out our fine new stook of Xmas Goods, &o. Saturday of this week we will be in full swim for the Xmas season so come right along and see what we have, We have only spaoe to quote a few of 9111' prices, I G Beautiful Celluloid Albums from 500, to 33,00, Niro stock of Raphael Tucks, Emu and Nev Year Calde Dud Booltlots. Iinmenee stook of Bibles from 25o, to $5.00. Fine Papetrles in all the Newest) Tints. A11 the Newest Winter Games at Greatly Reduced Prices, for example wo quote Croldnolo Boards at 61,26 each, Then we have all the Latest Novelties in Plush and Celluloid Goods, And an immence stock of Toys of all kinds at 03800588 Queen's HOTEL. FOX'S DRUG STORE. AGIO LANTERN FOB Sart.-MoAllieter•'s make, New York, using the two gases, oxygen mid bydrogen, with lime light. About 250 vlewa,prinoipally 09 Manitoba and the Northwest, A bargain. Apply to 0. STUBBS, 1'11101, ' 21.2 SANTA CLAUS 'WOULD .IN- l'onnrhfenumerous friends and patrons that his headquartero is at the same old stand ae former years, viz,; DEADMAN & M0CALL'8, Druggist, bookseller &e, Saw Mill For $ate. A saw mill will be offered for sale by Pub. 11e Auction in SOUTHAMPTON,. Bruce Co., on Tuesday, December 17th, 1896, at3p.m, t7i1142x79feet;.engine 35and boil- er 60 horse p»ower.; phonier, edging and batt• tug eave0 ; shingle reaobine.and jointer ; good, running order; timber convenient ; yard on rail and river • big bargain. For particulars write G. F.11LAIR or W. H. KEIR19, Brussels, Ont. REAL ESTATE. FARMS FOR SALE. -THE UN- DERSIGNED ihas several good Parma for sale and to rent, easy terms, in Townships of Morrie and Grey. F S. S0OTT. Bruogels MANITOBA LAND FOR SALE. -160 .acres of good farm land at Springfield, miles from Winnipeg, is offer- ed for sale at a low prioe. The property is North East } Seo. 10,Twp. 11, Range 4, East.' There is a house oa the premises and some breaking done. For fall partioulars as to price, title, 00., write or apply' to G. F. BLAIR or W.11. KERIR, 50-85 • Brussels, Ont. r',,ARM FOR SALE. -THE UN - =maw= offers Me 100 acre Iarm, be- ing L0118, Con. 5, Grey, for sale. There are about 76 scree under cultivation, On the premises - are a log house, good barn and other necessary oat -buildings, also good or. chard. School house on owner of lot. Im- mediate possession. *acme of Fall wheat in. Also hay and straw on farm. Easy terms. For price oondltlons,l&o., app] to ALEX. BREMNER, Proprietor, Ethel P.O, Notice to Creditors. IN Tali HATTER OP Jorw GnEWAlt, Op TEE 15131.810E or BnuoosLo, IN Tit -Covers • or Homey= PROVINCE or ONTAEIO, BAKER AND•. Gnome, AN INSOLVENT DEBTOR. Notice le hereby given that the above deb• tor has_ made an assignment to pre is pur- suance of the Revised Statutes .66 Ontario, 1887, Ohen.124, and amending acts, of all his estate and effects. A meeting of Creditors for the appoint. went of inspectors and giving directions for the diepoeal of the estate will be hold In my aloe, over G. A. Deadman's Drug Store, in the Village of Brussels, on FRIDAY, DEO, 1199, A. 1).1805, at the hour of 8 o'clock in the afternoon. Creditors are requested to Ole their claims against the estate with me, duly verified with :affidavits, on or before the date of such meetiaaq A19DREW COUSLEY, Assignee, Brussels. Dated at 13 reseals, 90th Nov„ 1805. AU CTIQN SALE VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY IN THE TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS, The following property will be offered- for sale by Public Anetiou at the ,AMERICAN HOTEL in the VILLAGE OF.. BRUSSELS, on Friday, Beeember 20th, a.. D. 1895, 'at one o'clock in the afternoon under the power's of sale oorltaleod in a certain men - gage which will thou , e produeerL viz, ; the North hclf of Lot 80, Con, 8, s, ane111p of Morrie, containing about 100 sores, and wtloh maY lie known ae the George Hewitt farm and i0 orwoe lately occupied by one Ashton. On the premises are Bald- to be erected a good House and a fine new barn on stone foundation. TEnnte. Ton per contemn at time of ea1e. Liberal terve for payment of balance will be made known at time of sale. For further partioulare and - asoditione of Dale app ly to AFD12CW OOIIBLEY, -Esq., Brussels,or to ROBINSON, O'BRIEN & GIB - SON, Vendors' !Wieners, 74 Church 08,, To.re nte. Tenders for Supplies, 7896. The undersigned will receive teueere for supplies up to noon ou MONDAY, DEC. 9, 1896, Vox the supply of butchers' meat, butter, dairy and creamery, giviuk+rias for each, flour, oaten eel, potatoes, eordpwood, oto for the following institutions during the year 1808, vla.:- At,the Asylum for the Insane in Toronto, London, Kingston, Hamilton, Minder), Brook- ville and Orhlla ; the Oentral Prison and Mercier Reformatory, Toronto.' the Reform a- tortq for Boys, Pe0etanguiohene ; thelnati- tations for the Deaf and Dumb, Belleville, and the Blind at Brantford. Two ev0101008 enretiee Will be required for the due ,fullllmentof'each nontraot. &Maid- catiGns'end fonds of tender eon only be had by making application to the Ba5Oara of the reapeotive Institutions, N.10.-Toudero are not required for the sup- ply of meat 50 the.eeylume In Toronto, Lon- don, Klogaton, Hamilton and Walloo, nor to the Central Prisozl and Menet Reformatory, Toronto. Tho lowest 00 any ,tendernet necessarily !weeptod. 51, O3BIBTn9, • T. P. CHAMBERLAIN, JAMES NOXON, Importers of PHtooe acid Ptibile Cllarltlea, Parliament BUildingo, Toronto, Rev. 25th, 1905. 20'2 LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. -t' { . L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER,. •' Solicitor and Conveyancer. Oolleo tions made. Olfloo-Vanotone'o Block, Bros.. eels, 21.3m ,. M. SINOLAIR, • Solicitor, Conveyancer ,Notary Pub- lio, &a. oillae-Vanetono'e Block 1 door north of Central Hotel,Private Funds to Loan. A/I. G. CAMERON, ivy • (Formerly of Cameron, Holt & Cameron,) Barrister and Solicitor, Goderich, Ont,. ODloe-Hamilton St.,. opposite Col- borne Hotel. G. F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, Solicitor, &a. (late of Garrow & Proudfoot'e Office, Goderioh,) Oflioo over Gillies& Smith's Bank, Bru0eal0. Money to Loan. 47 DENTAL. AVID S 0N, Honor Graduate Toronto 'University, Lleentiute Royal Oollege Dental Surgeons. Crown and Bridge work a epeolaltyp Moder- ate Fees. Satisfaction Assured. O*oe- over Barrett's barber abop, Turnberry St., Brus- sels. - VETERINARY. T - 'D. WARWICK, CP • Efonor Graduate of the Ontario veterinary College, is prepared to treat all diseases of dcmestioated.animals in a com- petentmanner,'Particular attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Calls promptly at- tended to. °Mee and Infirmary -Four doors north of bridge Turnberry et., Bruges's. MEDICAL CARDS. 71A. 111oNAUGHTON M, P:. • O.M., L. R. O.P., Edinburgh, M. C. P S. Ont. Residence and office in Wilson's Block, corner of Mill and Turnberry Ste. T- M. ARMSTRONG, M. D.' rJ • Phyoiolan,- Surgeon, Accouober, etc. Graduate of Toronto University Medical Faculty. Member of College of, Phys)olane and Burgeons, Out, Oppiog-Ne,xb door to McDonald &.00„ Walton Out. BUSINESS CARDS. WH. MoCRAOKEN, • Iosnrer of Marriage Lfoenooe. Omen at. hit Grocery, Turnberry street, Bruesele. N. BARRETT, • Tonsorial Artist. :Shop Next door south of A. M. McKay 85 Oo's hardware store. Ladies'and ohildren hair butting a specialty ROBERT CUNNINGHAM- IN011R5e09,.. FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. T. FLETCHER. Issuer of Marriage Li0ense8, OFFICE AT JEWELRY STORE. ta'No Witness. Required. T.FLETOHER, Brussels.. ELLINGTON MUTUAL IN. e01Anen Co. E0tabliahed 1040. In• auraneee affected on all Town and Farm Property at very low tette d. A. 01REIGHTON, ir„Sm Agent, Brussels. A LEX. HUNTBB, 1 Clerk of 'the -Fourth'Division Oonr. Co. Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public Land Loan and Ineuranoe Agbnt. Fonda invested and to loan. Oollootiane made Odleo jn Smalo's Block, Brneeels -- T. A. HAWKINS, MM , C. S. .' t. Olin BJohn's Choral, olTpupi,.neArt ofTeaching, of Mae.Coo.,Now York, will-g(ye os nd lessonsto pupils either on piano or Organ at his parlor over A.R. Smith's store, Brus eels. Vocal le00one also given. Terms mod - orate. • Notice to Creditors, IN TEE BgnI1o0ATE Counr or 31115 0008NTY OF HURON, IN THE 100381810 010 WILLIAM' RODDI011, 011 TIMVILLAGEor 116303111.0, PAINTER, Dreams/in. Notice le hereby given pursuant to Chap, 110,R. 8.0„ and amending acts, • that all ore. ditore and others baying leiaime against the estate of the abeve named WUliam Roddlo, demeaned. who, died on or about the Fifth day of November, A. D, 1895,are required to deliver or send by poet prepaid to G.F. Blair, Brussels, Solleitor for Robert G. Wilson, Ad. mimetratar of the estate of the deceased, on or before the pith. Day of December, A, b, .1895, a statement in writing containing their names, addroosog and descriptions end' full partioulare 01 their claims and the notate. of their murales (if any) hold by them; and in default thereof, and as noon' after the Enid Mb. day of D o00mber de the same earl con- veniently be done. ,the said Admnietrater win proceed to dl0tribntethe Asada of the decanted among the parties entitled thereto, having iu 1 then have had nutlet§ arriid bow will of bo liable floe the assets of said oetato or say part thereof in distributed, to lany person of whose claim 1,6 bite not bad notice at the time Minion dietributien. G, F.IILAIR, solicitor for Adminletrator, Dated at Brussels, NO, 27,1846, v